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Algebraic groups and class fields, jean pierre serre

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Graduate Texts in Mathematics S Axler Editorial Board F.W Gehring Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 117 P.R Halmos Graduate Texts in Mathematics 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TAKEUTulJuuNG.Introductionto Axiomatic Set Theory 2nd ed OXTOBY Measure and Category 2nd ed SCHAEFER Topological Vector Spaces HILTON/STAMMBACH A Course in Homological Algebra 2nd ed MAC LANE Categories for the Working Mathematician HUGHES/PiPER Projective Planes SERRE A Course in Arithmetic TAKEuWZARING Axiomatic Set Theory HUMPHREYS Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory COHEN A Course in Simple Homotopy Theory CONWAY Functions of One Complex Variable I 2nd ed BEALS Advanced Mathematical Analysis ANDERSON/FuLLER Rings and Categories of Modules 2nd ed GOLUBITSKy/GUILLEMIN Stable Mappings and Their Singularities BERBERIAN Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory WINTER The Structure of Fields ROSENBLATT Random Processes 2nd ed HALMOS Measure Theory HALMOS A Hilbert Space Problem Book 2nd ed HUSEMOLLER Fibre Bundles 3rd ed HUMPHREYS Linear Algebraic Groups BARNES/MACK An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic GREUB Linear Algebra 4th ed HOLMES Geometric Functional Analysis and Its Applications HEWITT/STROMBERG Real and Abstract Analysis MANEs Algebraic Theories KELLEy General Topology ZARISKUSAMUEL Commutative Algebra Vo1.1 ZARISKUSAMUEL Commutative Algebra Vo1.U JACOBSON Lectures in Abstract Algebra I Basic Concepts JACOBSON Lectures in Abstract Algebra II Linear Algebra JACOBSON Lectures in Abstract Algebra Ill Theory of Fields and Galois Theory 33 HIRSCH Differential Topology 34 SPI1ZER Principles of Random Walk 2nd ed 35 WERMER Banach Algebras and Several Complex Variables 2nd ed 36 KELLEY/NAMIOKA et al Linear Topological Spaces 37 MONK Mathematical Logic 38 GRAUERT/FRfIZSCHE Several Complex Variables 39 ARVESON An Invitation to C*-Algebras 40 KEMENy/SNELIlKNAPP Denumerable Markov Chains 2nd ed 41 APOSTOL Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory 2nd ed 42 SERRE Linear Representations of Finite Groups 43 GILLMAN/JERISON Rings of Continuous Functions 44 KENDIG Elementary Algebraic Geometry 45 LoEVE Probability Theory I 4th ed 46 LoEVE Probability Theory II 4th ed 47 MOISE Geometric Topology in Dimensions and 48 SACHslWu General Relativity for Mathematicians 49 GRUENBERGIWEIR Linear Geometry 2nd ed 50 EDWARDS Fermat's Last Theorem 51 KLINGENBERG A Course in Differential Geometry 52 HARTSHORNE Algebraic Geometry 53 MANIN A Course in Mathematical Logic 54 GRAVER/WATKINS Combinatorics with Emphasis on the Theory of Graphs 55 BROWN/PEARCY Introduction to Operator Theory I: Elements of Functional Analysis 56 MASSEY Algebraic Topology: An Introduction 57 CRoWEwFox Introduction to Knot Theory 58 KOBLITZ p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions 2nd ed 59 LANG Cyclotomic Fields 60 ARNOLD Mathematical Methods in Classical Mechanics 2nd ed continued after index lean-Pierre Serre Algebraic Groups and Class Fields Translation of the French Edition i Springer Jcan- Pierrc Scrre Professor of Algebra and Geometry College de Francc 751~ Paris Cedex 05 Francc Editorial Board S Axler F.W Gehring P.R Halmos Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA Department of Mathematics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA Department of Mathematics, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA AMS Classifications: IlG45 llR37 LCCN X7-31121 This book is a translation of the French edition: Groupes algehri'lues el corps de classes Paris: Hermann 1975 © 198X by Springer Seienee+Business Media New York Originally published by Springer-Verlag New York Ine in 198k Softeover reprint ofthe hardeover 1st edition 198:-; AII rights reserved This work Illay not be translated Of copied in whole or in part without the written perlllission of the publisher Springer Seience+Business Media, LLC except for brief exeerpts in conncction with revicws or scholarly analysis Use in eonneetion with any form of information storage and retrieval electronic adaptation computer software, or by ,imi Iar or dissimilar methodology now known Of hereafter developed is forbidden The use of general descriptive names trade names, trademarks etc in this publication even il' the forlller arc not especially idcntified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act may aecordingly be used freely by anyonc Text preparcd in camera-ready form using T EX, 98765432 (Corrected second printing, 1997) ISBN 978-1-4612-6993-9 ISBN 978-1-4612-1035-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-1035-1 Contents CHAPTER I Summary of Main Results l Generalized J acobians Abelian coverings Other results Bibliographic note CHAPTER II Algebraic Curves l 10 11 12 13 Algebraic curves Local rings Divisors, linear equivalence, linear series The Riemann-Roch theorem (first form) Classes of repartitions Dual of the space of classes of repartitions Differentials, residues Duality theorem The Riemann-Roch theorem (definitive form) Remarks on the duality theorem Proof of the invariance of the residue Proof of the residue formula Proof of lemma Bibliographic note 6 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 21 23 25 Vi Contents CHAPTER III Maps From a Curve to a Commutative Group §1 Local symbols Definitions First properties of local symbols Example of a local symbol: additive group case Example of a local symbol: multiplicative group case §2 Proof of theorem First reduction Proof in characteristic Proof in characteristic p> 0: reduction of the problem Proof in characteristic p> 0: case a) Proof in characteristic p > 0: reduction of case b) to the unipotent case 10 End of the proof: case where G is a unipotent group §3 Auxiliary results 11 Invariant differential forms on an algebraic group 12 Quotient of a variety by a finite group of automorphisms 13 Some formulas related to coverings 14 Symmetric products 15 Symmetric products and coverings Bibliographic note CHAPTER IV Singular Algebraic Curves §1 Structure of a singular curve Normalization of an algebraic variety Case of an algebraic curve Construction of a singular curve from its normalization Singular curve defined by a modulus §2 Riemann-Roch theorems Notations The Riemann-Roch theorem (first form) Application to the computation of the genus of an algebraic curve Genus of a curve on a surface §3 Differentials on a singular curve Regular differentials on X' 10 Duality theorem 11 The equality nq = 26q 12 Complements Bibliographic note 27 27 27 30 33 34 37 37 38 40 41 42 43 45 45 48 51 53 54 56 58 58 58 59 60 61 62 62 63 64 65 68 68 70 71 72 73 Contents Vll CHAPTER V Generalized Jacobians 74 §1 Construction of generalized J acobians Divisors rational over a field Equivalence relation defined by a modulus Preliminary lemmas Composition law on the symmetric product X("') Passage from a birational group to an algebraic group Construction of the Jacobian J m 74 74 76 77 79 80 81 §2 Universal character of generalized Jacobians A homomorphism from the group of divisors of X to J m The canonical map from X to J m The universal property of the Jacobians J m 10 Invariant differential forms on J m 82 82 84 87 89 §3 Structure of the Jacobians J m 11 The usual Jacobian 12 Relations between Jacobians J m 13 Relation between J m and J 14 Algebraic structure on the local groups U ju(n) 15 Structure of the group V(n) in characteristic zero 16 Structure of the group V(n) in characteristic p> 17 Relation between J m and J: determination of the algebraic structure of the group Lm 18 Local symbols 19 Complex case 90 90 91 91 92 94 94 §4 Construction of generalized Jacobians: case of an arbitrary base field 20 Descent of the base field 21 Principal homogeneous spaces 22 Construction of the Jacobian J m over a perfect field 23 Case of an arbitrary base field Bibliographic note 96 98 99 102 102 104 105 107 108 CHAPTER VI Class Field Theory §1 The isogeny x -+ x q - x Algebraic varieties defined over a finite field Extension and descent of the base field Tori over a finite field Quadratic forms over a finite field The isogeny x -+ x q - x: commutative case 109 109 109 110 111 114 115 Vlll Contents §2 Coverings and isogenies Review of definitions about isogenies Construction of coverings as pull-backs of isogenies Special cases 10 Case of an unramified covering 11 Case of curves 12 Case of curves: conductor 117 117 118 119 120 121 122 §3 Projective system attached to a variety 13 Maximal maps 14 Some properties of maximal maps 15 Maximal maps defined over k 124 124 127 129 §4 Class field theory 16 Statement of the theorem 17 Construction of the extensions Ea 18 End of the proof of theorem 1: first method 19 End of the proof of theorem 1: second method 20 Absolute class fields 21 Complement: the trace map 130 130 132 134 135 137 138 §5 The reciprocity map 22 The Frobenius substitution 23 Geometric interpretation of the Frobenius substitution 24 Determination of the Frobenius substitution in an extension of type a 25 The reciprocity map: statement of results 26 Proof of theorems 3, 3', and 3" starting from the case of curves 27 Kernel of the reciprocity map 139 139 140 §6 Case of curves 28 Comparison of the divisor class group and generalized Jacobians 29 The idele class group 30 Explicit reciprocity laws §7 Cohomology 31 A criterion for class formations 32 Some properties of the cohomology class UFj E 33 Proof of theorem 34 Map to the cycle class group Bibliographic note CHAPTER VII Group Extension and Cohomology §l Extensions of groups 141 142 144 145 146 146 149 150 152 152 155 156 157 159 161 161 Contents IX The groups Ext(A, B) The first exact sequence of Ext Other exact sequences Factor systems The principal fiber space defined by an extension The case of linear groups §2 Structure of (commutative) connected unipotent groups The group Ext(G a , G a ) Witt groups Lemmas 10 Isogenies with a product of Witt groups 11 Structure of connected unipotent groups: particular cases 12 Other results 13 Comparison with generalized J acobians §3 Extensions of Abelian varieties 14 Primitive cohomology classes 15 Comparison between Ext(A, B) and Hl(A, SA) 16 The case B = G m 17 The case B Ga 18 Case where B is unipotent §4 Cohomology of Abelian varieties 19 Cohomology of Jacobians 20 Polar part of the maps If'm 21 Cohomology of Abelian varieties 22 Absence of homological torsion on Abelian varieties 23 Application to the functor Ext(A, B) Bibliographic note = 161 164 165 166 168 169 171 171 171 173 175 177 178 179 180 180 181 183 184 186 187 187 190 190 192 195 196 Bibliography 198 Supplementary Bibliography 204 Index 206 195 §4 Cohomology of A belian varieties 23 Application to the functor Ext(A, B) Theorem 12 If A is an Abelian variety, the functor Ext(A, B) is an exact functor on the category of (commutative) linear groups PROOF Put T(B) = Ext(A, B) We are going to show that, if we have a strictly exact sequence of linear groups o -+ B' -+ B -+ B" -+ 0, the corresponding sequence 0-+ T(B') -+ T(B) -+ T(B") -+ is exact In view of proposition 3, it suffices to prove that T(B) is surjective First we are going to treat several particular cases: -+ T(B") a) B is a finite group One knows (Weil [89], p 128) that, for every integer n, the map x -+ nx is an isogeny of A to itself Choosing n to be a multiple ofthe order ofG, we easily deduce that T(G) = Ext(A, G) is identified with Hom(nA, G), denoting by nA the subgroup of A formed by elements x such that nx O After decomposing G into a direct sum, we can also suppose that n is a power of a prime number The group nA is then a direct sum of a certain number of cyclic groups of order n (Weil, loco cit.), and the homomorphism Hom(nA, B) -+ Hom(nA, B") is indeed surjective = b) B" is a finite group Let B& be the connected component of the identity element of B' If the characteristic of k is zero, the group B is the product of Bb by the finite group B / Bb, and we are reduced to a) If the characteristic of k is non-zero, we begin by removing the factors of type G m from Bti (they are direct factors in B) Having done this, the group B is of finite period, and, lifting to B generators of B", we see that there exists a finite subgroup C of B projecting onto B"; we then apply a) to C -+ B" c) B is a torus The same is then true of B"; thus B = (Gmt and B' = (G m )· The homomorphism 'P : B -+ B" is defined by a matrix cI> with integral coefficients As 'P is surjective, there exists a matrix \)! with integral coefficients such that cI> \}! = N, where N is a non-zero integer We have T(B) Ext(A, Gmt P(At, denoting by peA) the dual variety of A (cf no 16); similarly, T(B") = P(A)' The matrices cI> and \}! define homomorphisms P(cI» and Pc\}!) satisfying P(cI».P(\}!) = N From the fact that peA) is an Abelian variety, multiplication by N is surjective and the same is true of P( cI», which proves the desired result = = d) B is unipotent and connected According to theorem 8, Hl (A, B A) = T(B) and lemma shows that T(B) -+ T(B") is surjective e) B is connected One decomposes Band B" into a product of a torus and a unipotent group and applies c) and d) 196 VII Group Extensions and Cohomology Now we pass to the general case Let B~ be the connected component of the identity in B" and let Bo be its inverse image in B Let b" E T(B") and let x~ be the image of b" in T(B"IB~) = T(BIBo) Applying b) to B -+ BIBo, we see that x~ is the image of an element of T(B); by subtraction, we are reduced to the case where x~ = O The element b" then comes from an element b~ E T(B~) If BI denotes the connected component of the identity element in B, we can apply e) to BI -+ B~ and there exists bl E T(Bd having image b~ As T(BI) maps to T(B), we finally get an element of T( B) with image b", which finishes the proof D One can give other cases where the functor Ext(A, B) is exact We limit ourselves to the following: Theorem 13 Let C be an extension of an A be/illn 1Jariety by a (commutative) connected linear group L If G is a finite group, there is an exact sequence 0-+ Ext(A, G) -+ Ext(C,G) -+ Ext(L, G) -+ O PROOF In view of proposition it suffices to show that Ext( C, G) -+ Ext(L, G) is surjective, that is to say that every isogeny of L "extends" to C Thus let LI E Ext(L, G) According to theorem 12, the homomorphism Ext(A, L') -+ Ext(A, L) is surjective; there thus exists C' E Ext(A, L') having image C E Ext(A, L) The group C' contains L' as a subgroup, which contains G; the group C f IG is identified with C One can thus consider C' as an element of Ext( C, G) and it is clear that this element has image L' in Ext(L,G), as was to be shown D Example We take for C a generalized Jacobian J m , the Abelian variety A then being the usual Jacobian and the group L being the local group Lm (chap V, §3) We know (chap VI, no 12) that the group Ext(Jm, G) is identified with the group of classes of coverings of the curve having Galois group G and whose conductor is S m; similarly, the group Ext(J, G) is identified with the subgroup of classes of unramified coverings Theorem 13 then shows that the quotient group is identified with Ext(Lm,G), a group whose definition is purely local Bibliographic note Extensions of an Abelian variety A by the group G a or the group G m appeared for the first time in a short note of Weil [90] This note contains the fact that Ext(A, G m ) is isomorphic to the group of classes of divisors X on A such that X == O This result is recovered by Barsotti [4], who systematically takes the point of view of "factor systems" Barsotti also determines the dimension of Ext(A, G a ), thanks to the classification of purely inseparable isogenies §4 Cohomology of Abelian varieties 197 The relation Hl(A,OA) = Ext(A, G a ) is proved by Rosenlicht [68] (see also Barsotti [6], as well as [78]), and he obtains the dimension of Hl (A, A) by means of generalized J acobians It is his proof that we have given, with a few variations Recently Cartier has obtained a result more precise than this simple dimension computation: he has established a "functorial" isomorphism between Hl(A, OA) and the tangent space tAo of the dual variety A* of A, and from this he deduces the "biduality theorem" A** = A, cf [13], [107] Finally, the fact that every connected commutative unipotent group is isogenous to a product of Witt groups was proved by Chevalley and Chow (non-published), as well as Barsotti [7] According to Dieudonne [23], an analogous result holds in "formal" geometry See Cartier [108] and Demazure-Gabriel [112] Bibliography E Artin and H Hasse, Die beiden Ergiinzungssiitze zum Reziprozitiitsgesetz del' In-ten Poienzreste im Karpel' del' In-ten Einheitswurzeln, Hamb Abh (1928), 146-162 R Baer, Erweiterungen von Gruppen und ihren /somorphismen, Math Zeit 38 (1934), 375-416 I Barsotti, A note on abelian varieties, Rend Cir Palermo (1954), 1-22 I Barsotti, Structure theorems for group varieties, Annali di Mat 38 (1955),77-119 I Barsotti, Abelian varieties over fields of positive characteristic, Rend Cir Palermo (1956), 1-25 I Barsotti, Repariitions on abelian varieties, Illinois J of Maths (1958), 43-70 I Barsotti, On Witt vectors and periodic group-varieties, Illinois J of Maths (1958),99-110 and 608-610 A Borel, Sur la cohomologie des espaces fibres principaux et des espaces homogenes de groupes de Lie compacts, Ann ofMaths 57 (1953), 115-207 A Borel, Groupes lineaires algebriques, Ann of Maths 64 (1956), 20-82 10 H Cartan and S Eilenberg, "Homological algebra," Princeton Math Ser., no 19 11 H Cartan and C Chevalley, Geometrie algebrique, Seminaire E.N.S (1955-1956) 12 P Cartier, Une nouvelle operation sur les formes differentielle.,s, Comptes Rendus 244 (1957), 426-428 Bibliography 199 13 P Cartier, DualiU des varieUs abeliennes, Seminaire Bourbaki (May, 1958) 14 C Chatelet, Variations sur un theme de H Poincare, Annales E.N.S 61 (1944), 249-300 15 C 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de la theorie des corps algebriques-corps de classes et lois de reciprocite," Mem des Sc Maths., no 75, Paris, 1936 200 Bibliography 34 H Hironaka, On the arithmetic genera and the effective genera of algebraic curves, Mem Kyoto 30 (1957), 177-195 35 F Hirzebruch, "Neue topologische Methoden in der algebraischen Geometrie," Ergeb der Math., no 9, Springer, 1956 36 G Hochschild and T Nakayama, Cohomology in class field theory, Ann of Maths 55 (1952), 348-366 37 J Igusa, On some problems in abstract algebraic geometry, Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 41 (1955), 964-967 38 J Igusa, Fibre systems of Jacobian varieties, Amer J of Maths 78 (1956), 171-199 39 J Igusa, Fibre systems of Jacobian varieties, II, Amer J of Maths 78 (1956),745-760 40 Y Kawada, Class formations, I, Duke Math J 22 (1955), 165-178 41 Y Kawada, Class formations, III, J Math Soc Japan (1955), 453-490 42 Y Kawada, Class formations, IV, J Math Soc Japan (1957), 395-405 43 Y Kawada and I Satake, Class formations, II, J Fac Sci., Tokyo (1955), 353-389 44 K Kodaira, On compact complex analytic surfaces I, (mimeographed notes) Princeton (1955) 45 K Kodaira, The theorem of Riemann-Roch on compact analytic surfaces, Amer J Maths 73 (1951), 813-875 46 E Kolchin, On certain concepts in the theory of algebraic matrix groups, Ann of Maths 49 (1948), 774-789 47 A Krazer and W Wirtinger, Abelsche Funktionen und allgemeine Thetafunktionen, Enc Math Wis., II B-7 (1920) 48 S Lang, Algebraic groups over finite fields, Amer J of Maths 78 (1956), 555-563 49 S Lang, Unramified class field theory over function fields in several variables, Ann of Maths 64 (1956), 285-325 50 S Lang, Sur les series L d'une varieU algebrique, Bull Soc Math de France 84 (1956), 385-407 51 S Lang, "Introduction to algebraic geometry," Interscience Tracts no 5, New York, 1958 52 S Lang, "Abelian varieties," Interscience Tracts no 7, New York, 1959 53 S Lang and J -P Serre, Sur les revetements non ramifies des varieUs algebriques, Amer J of Maths 79 (1957), 319-330 54 S Lang and J Tate, Galois cohomology and principal homogeneous spaces, Amer J of Maths 80 (1958), 659-684 55 M Lazard, Sur les groupes de Lie formels a un parametre, Bull Soc Math de France 83 (1955),251-274 56 T Matsusaka, The theorem of Bertini on linear systems in modular fields, Kyoto Math Mem 26 (1950), 51-62 Bibliography 201 57 H Morikawa, Generalized Jacobian varieties and separable abelian extensions of function fields, Nagoya Math J 12 (l957), 231-254 58 M Nagata, On the embedding problem of abstract varieties in projective varieties, Mem Kyoto 30 (1956), 71-82 59 D Northcott, The neighborhoods of a local ring, Journ London Math Soc 30 (1955), 360-375 60 D Northcott, A note on the genus formula for plane curves, Journ London Math Soc 30 (1955), 376-382 61 D Northcott, A general theory of one-dimensional local rings, Proc Glasgow Math Ass (1956), 159-169 62 I Reiner, Integral representations of cyclic groups of prime orders, Proc Amer Math Soc (1957), 142-146 63 M Rosenlicht, Equivalence relations on algebraic curves, Ann of Math 56 (1952), 169-191 64 M Rosenlicht, Generalized Jacobian varieties, Ann of Math 59 (1954), 505-530 65 M Rosenlicht, A universal mapping property of generalized Jacobian varieties, Ann of Maths 66 (1957), 80-88 66 M Rosenlicht, Some basic theorems on algebraic groups, Amer J of Maths 78 (1956), 401-443 67 M Rosenlicht, A note on derivations and differentials on algebraic varieties, Port Math 16 (1957), 43-55 68 M Rosenlicht, Extensions of vector groups by abelian varieties, Amer J of Maths 80 (1958), 685-714 69 P Samuel, SingulariUs des varieUs algebriques, Bull Soc Math de France 79 (1951), 121-129 70 P Samuel, "Algebre locale," Mem Sci Math., no 123, Paris, 1953 71 P Samuel, "Methodes d'algebre abstraite en geometrie algebrique," Ergeb der Math., no 4, Springer, 1955 72 H L Schmid, fiber das Reziprozitiitsgesetz in relativ-zyklischen algebraischen Funktionenkorpern mit endlichem Konstantenkorper, Math Zeit 40 (1936), 94-109 73 J -P Serre, Faisceaux algebriques coMrents, Ann of Maths 61 (1955), 197-278 74 J -P Serre, Cohomologie et geometrie algebrique, Int Congo Amsterdam (1954, vol III), 515-520 75 J -P Serre, Geometrie algebrique et geometrie analytique, Annales Inst Fourier (1955-56), 1-42 76 J -P Serre, Sur la cohomologie des varieUs algebriques, J de Maths pures et appl 36 (1957), 1-16 77 J -P Serre, Sur la topologie des varieUs algebriques en caracUristique p, Symposium de topologie algebrique, Mexico (1956), 24-53 78 J -P Serre, Quelques proprietes des varieUs abeliennes en caracteristique p, Amer J of Maths 80 (1958), 715-739 202 Bibliography 79 F Severi, "Vorlesungen liber algebraische Geometrie," Teubner, Leipzig, 1921 80 F Severi, "Serie, sistemi d'equivalenza e corrispondenze algebriche sulle varieta algebriche," Rome, 1942 81 F Severi, "Funzioni quasi abeliane," Vatican, 1947 82 G Shimura and Y Taniyama, Complex multiplication of abelian varieties and its applications to number theory, J Math Soc Japan 10 (1958) 83 J Tate, The higher dimensional cohomology groups of class field theory, Ann of Maths 56 (1952), 294-297 84 J Tate, WC-groups over p-adic fields, Seminaire Bourbaki, Dec., 1957 85 A Weil, Zur algebraischen Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen, J Crelle 179 (1938), 129-133 86 A Wei I, Sur les fonctions algebriques a corps de constantes finis, Comptes Rendus 210 (1940), 592-594 87 A Weil, "Foundations of algebraic geometry," ColI no 29, New York, 1946 88 A Weil, "Sur les courbes algebriques et les varietes qui s'en deduisent," Hermann, Paris, 1948 89 A Weil, "Varietes abeliennes et courbes algebriques," Hermann, Paris, 1948 90 A Weil, "Varietes abeliennes," Colloque d'algebre et theorie des nomhres, Paris, 1949, pp 125-128 91 A Weil, Sur la thiorie du corps de classes, J Math Soc Japan (1951), 1-35 92 A Weil, Abstract versus classical algebraic geometry, Int Congo Amsterdam, 1954, vol III, 550-558 93 A Weil, On algebraic groups of transformations, Amer J of Maths 77 (1955), 355-391 94 A Weil, On algebraic groups and homogeneous spaces, Amer J of Maths 77 (1955), 493-512 95 A Weil, The field of definition of a variety, Amer J of Maths 78 (1956), 509-524 96 A Weil, "Introduction a l'etude des varietes kiihleriennes," Hermann, Paris, 1958 97 H Weyl, "Die Idee der Riemannschen Flache," Teubner, Leipzig, 1923 98 G Whaples, Local theory of residues, Duke Math J 18 (1951), 683-688 99 E Witt, Zyklische Korper und Algebren der Charakteristik p vom Grade pn, J Crelle 176 (1936), 126-140 100 N Yoneda, On the homology theory of modules, J Fac Sci Tokyo (1954), 193-227 101 O Zariski, Pencils on an algebraic variety and a new proof of a theorem of Bertini, Trans Amer Math Soc 50 (1941), 48-70 Bibliography 203 102 O Zariski, Complete linear systems on normal varieties and a generalization 0/ a lemma 0/ Enriques-Severi, Ann of Maths 55 (1952), 552-592 103 O Zariski, Scientific report on the second summer institute Part III Algebraic shea/theory., Bull Amer Math Soc 62 (1956),117-141 104 H Zassenhaus, "The theory of groups," Chelsea, New York, 1949 Supplementary Bibliography - It concerns the following questions: Class field theory: Artin-Tate [106]; Cassels-Frohlich [109]; Lang [116]; Weil [125] Foundations of algebraic geometry: Grothendieck [113], [114] Duality, differential forms, residues: Altman-Kleiman [105]; Hartshorne [115]; Tate [124] Abelian varieties: Cartier [107]; Mumford [118]; Neron [119] Picard variety: Chevalley [110], [111]; Grothendieck [114]; Mumford [117]; Raynaud [121]; Generalized Jacobians: Oort [120] Unipotent algebraic groups: Cartier [108], Demazure-Gabriel [112]; [122] Proalgebraic groups and applications to class field theory: [122], [123]; Hazewinkel [112] 105 A Altman and S Kleiman, "Introduction to Grothendieck Duality Theory," Lect Notes in Math no 146, Springer, 1970 106 E Artin and J Tate, "Class Field Theory," Benjamin, New York, 1967 107 P Cartier, Isogenies and duality of abelian varieties, Ann of Math 71 (1960), 315-35l 108 P Cartier, Groupes algebriques et groupes formels, Colloque sur la theorie des groupes algebriques, Bruxelles (1962), 87-11l 109 J Cassels and A Frohlich (eds.), "Algebraic Number Theory," Academic Press, New York, 1967 110 C Chevalley, Sur la thiorie de la varieti de Picard, Amer J of Mat.h 82 (1960),435-490 Supplementary Bibliography 205 111 C Chevalley, VarieUs de Picard, Seminaire E.N.S., 1958-1959 112 M Demazure et P Gabriel, "Groupes Algebriques I (with an appendix "Corps de classes local" by M Hazewinkel)," Masson et North-Holland, Paris, 1970 113 A Grothendieck, Eliments de Geometrie Aigebrique (rediges avec la collaboration de J Dieudonne) Chap a IV, Publ Math I.H.E.S 4, 8, 11, 17, 20, 24, 28, 32 (1960-1967) 114 A Grothendieck, Fondements de la Geometrie Aigebrique, (extraits du Seminaire Bourbaki) (1962), Secr Math., rue P.-Curie, Paris 115 R Hartshorne, "Residues and Duality," Lect Notes in Math no 20, Springer, 1966 116 S Lang, "Algebraic Number Theory," Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1970 117 D Mumford, "Lectures on Curves on an Algebraic Surface," Ann of Math Studies, no 59, Princeton, 1966 118 D Mumford, "Abelian Varieties," Oxford, 1970 119 A Neron, Mode/es minimaux des varieUs abeliennes sur les corps 10caux et globaux, Publ Math I.H.E.S 21 (1964), 3-128 120 F Oort, A construction of generalized Jacobian varieties by group extensions, Math Ann 147 (1962), 277-286 121 M Raynaud, Specialisation du foncteur de Picard, Publ Math.I.H.E.S 38 (1970),27-76 122 J -P Serre, Groupes proalgebriques, Publ Math I.H.E.S (1960), 339-403 123 J -P Serre, Sur les corps locaux a corps residuel algebriquement c/os, Bull Soc Math de France 89 (1961), 105-154 124 J Tate, Residues of differentials on curves, Ann Sci E.N S (4) (1968), 149-159 125 A Weil, "Basic Number Theory (3rd edition)," Springer, New York, 1974 Index arithmetic genus, IV Artin-Hasse exponential, V.16 Artin-Schreier theory, 1.2, VI.9 canonical class, II.9, IV.8 class field theory, VI.16 class fonnation, VI.31 class of divisors, 11.3 - of rE!partitions, II.S conductor (of a singular curve), IV.1 - (of a covering), VI.12 cusp, IV.4 cycle class group, VI.16 decomposable cohomology class, VII.14 decomposed prime cycle, VI.22 descent of the base field, V.20 double point, IV.4 duality theorem, II.10 - on a non-singular curve, II.8 - on a singular curve, IV 10 explicit reciprocity law, VI.30 extensions of algebraic groups, VII.1 factor systems, VII.4 Frobenius substitution, VI.22 genus of a non-singular curve, II.4 - , arithmetic, IV homogeneous space, V.21 homological torsion, VII.22 ideIe, III.1 - classes, VI.29 kernel (of a morphism), VI.13 Kummer theory, 1.2, VI.9 K iinneth fonnula, VII linear series, II.3 local symbol, III.1 m-equivalent, V.2 maximal map, VI.13 modulus (on a curve), 1.1, III.1 morphism (of a principal homogeneous space), VI.13 period (of a commutative group), VIl.lO Plucker fonnula, IV prime cycle, VI.22 207 Index primitive cohomology class, VII.14 principal homogeneous space, V.2l projective system (attached to a variety), VI.13 purely inseparable map, V.lO quadric, IV.8 quotient of a variety by a finite group, 111.12 rational point over a field, V.l - divisor over a field, V.l reciprocity map, VI.25 regular differential (on a singular curve), IV.9 repartition, II.5 residue (of a differential on a curve), 11.7 - (of a differential on a surface), IV.8 Riemann-Roch theorem (on a non-singular curve), 11.4, II.9 - (on a singular curve), 1\'.6, IV.ll - (on a surface), IV.8 Segre formula, IV.8 separable map, V.lO sky-scraper sheaf, 11.5 strictly exact sequence, VII support of a modulus, IV.4 surjective (generically), V.lO symmetric product, 111.14 trace (of a differential), 11.12 - (of a map to a group), 111.2 - (of cycle classes), VI.21 type a, extension of, VI.19 uniformiser, local, 11.12 unipotent group, 111.7 unra.mified covering, VI Witt group, 1.2, VII.8 zeta function, VI.3 Graduate Texts in Mathematics continued from page ii 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 WIflTEHEAD Elements of Homotopy Theory KARGAPOLOV/MERLZIAKOV Fundamentals of the Theory of Groups BOLLOBAs Graph Theory EDWARDS Fourier Series Vol I 2nd ed WELLS Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds 2nd ed WATERHOUSE Introduction to Affine Group Schemes SERRE Local Fields WEIDMANN Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces LANG Cyclotomic Fields II MASSEY Singular Homology Theory FARKAslKRA Riemann Surfaces 2nd ed STILLWELL Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory 2nd ed HUNGERFORD Algebra DAVENPORT Multiplicative Number Theory 2nd ed HOCHSCHILD Basic Theory of Algebraic Groups and Lie Algebras IITAKA Algebraic Geometry HEeKE Lectures on the Theory of Algebraic Numbers BURRIslSANKAPPANAVAR A Course in Universal Algebra WALTERS An Introduction to Ergodic Theory ROBINSON A Course in the Theory of Groups 2nd ed FORSTER Lectures on Riemann Surfaces Borr/Tu Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology WASHINGTON Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields 2nd ed IRELANDIRoSEN A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 2nd ed EDWARDS Fourier Series Vol II 2nd ed VAN LINT Introduction to Coding Theory 2nd ed BROWN Cohomology of Groups PIERCE Associative Algebras LANG Introduction to Algebraic and Abelian Functions 2nd ed BR0NDSTED An Introduction to Convex Polytopes BEARDON On the Geometry of Discrete Groups 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 DIESTEL Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces DUBROVIN/FoMENKoINovllwv Modern Geometry-Methods and Applications Part I 2nd ed WARNER Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups SHIRYAEV Probability 2nd ed CONWAY A Course in Functional Analysis 2nd ed KOBLITZ Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms 2nd ed BROCKER/ToM DIECK Representations of Compact Lie Groups GRovE/BENSON Finite Reflection Groups 2nd ed BERG/CHRISTENSEN/REssEL Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups: Theory of Positive Definite and Related Functions EDWARDS Galois Theory V ARADARAJAN Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Their Representations LANG Complex Analysis 3rd ed DUBROVIN/FoMENKoINoVIKov Modern Geometry-Methods and Applications Part II LANG SL2(R) SILVERMAN The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves OLVER Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations 2nd ed RANGE Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables LEHTO Univalent Functions and Teichmiiller Spaces LANG Algebraic Number Theory HUSEMOLLER Elliptic Curves LANG Elliptic Functions KARAnAslSHREVE Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus 2nd ed KOBLITZ A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography 2nd ed BERGER/GoSTIAUX Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces KELLEy/SRINIVASAN Measure and Integral Vol I SERRE Algebraic Groups and Class Fields PEDERSEN Analysis Now 119 ROTMAN An Introduction to Algebraic Topology 120 ZIEMER Weakly Differentiable Functions: Sobolev Spaces and Functions of Bounded Variation 121 LANG Cyclotomic Fields I and II Combined 2nd ed 122 REMMERT Theory of Complex Functions Readings in Mathemntics 123 EBBINGHAUS/HERMES et al Numbers Readings in Mathemntics 124 DUBROVIN/FoMENKO/NoVIKOV Modern Geometry-Methods and Applications Part III 125 BERENSTEIN/GAY Complex Variables: An Introduction 126 BOREL Linear Algebraic Groups 127 MASSEY A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology 128 RAUCH Partial Differential Equations 129 FULTON/HARRIS Representation Theory: A First Course Readings in Mathemntics 130 DODSON/POSTON Tensor Geometry 131 LAM A First Course in Noncommutative Rings 132 BEARDON Iteration of Rational Functions 133 HARRIS Algebraic Geometry: A First Course 134 ROMAN Coding and Information Theory 135 ROMAN Advanced Linear Algebra 136 ADKINS/WEINTRAUB Algebra: An Approach via Module Theory 137 AXLERIBouRDON/RAMEY Harmonic Function Theory 138 COHEN A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory 139 BREDON Topology and Geometry 140 AUBIN Optima and Equilibria An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis 141 BECKERIWEISPFENNING/KREDEL Griibner Bases A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra 142 LANG Real and Functional Analysis 3rd ed 143 DOOB Measure Theory 144 DENNIS/FARB N oncommutative Algebra 145 VICK Homology Theory An Introduction to Algebraic Topology 2nd ed 146 BRIDGES Computability: A Mathematical Sketchbook 147 ROSENBERG Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications 148 ROTMAN An Introduction to the Theory of Groups 4th ed 149 RATCLIFFE Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds 150 EISENBUD Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry 151 SILVERMAN Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 152 ZIEGLER Lectures on Polytopes 153 FULTON Algebraic Topology: A First Course 154 BROWN/PEARCY An Introduction to Analysis 155 KASSEL Quantum Groups 156 KECHRIS Classical Descriptive Set Theory 157 MALLIA VIN Integration and Probability 158 ROMAN Field Theory 159 CONWAY Functions of One Complex Variable II 160 LANG Differential and Riemannian Manifolds 161 BORWEIN/ERDELYI Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities 162 ALPERIN/BELL Groups and Representations 163 DIXON/MoRTIMER Permutation Groups 164 NATHANSON Additive Number Theory: The Classical Bases 165 NATHANSON Additive Number Theory: Inverse Problems and the Geometry of Sumsets 166 SHARPE Differential Geometry: Cartan's Generalization of Klein's Erlangen Program 167 MORANDI Field and Galois Theory 168 EWALD Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry 169 BHATIA Matrix Analysis 170 BREDON Sheaf Theory 2nd ed 171 PETERSEN Riemannian Geometry 172 REMMERT Classical Topics in Complex Function Theory 173 DIES TEL Graph Theory 174 BRIDGES Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis 175 LICKORISH An Introduction to Knot Theory 176 LEE Riemannian Manifolds ... in Classical Mechanics 2nd ed continued after index lean -Pierre Serre Algebraic Groups and Class Fields Translation of the French Edition i Springer Jcan- Pierrc Scrre Professor of Algebra and. .. of its Zariski topology and its local rings, cf no 2; moreover, one knows that the knowlJ.-P Serre, Algebraic Groups and Class Fie © Springer-Verlag New York Inc 1988 II Algebraic Curves edge of... linear groups §2 Structure of (commutative) connected unipotent groups The group Ext(G a , G a ) Witt groups Lemmas 10 Isogenies with a product of Witt groups 11 Structure of connected unipotent groups:

Ngày đăng: 15/09/2020, 13:14

