Introductory Course on FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS Introductory Course on FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS M V Tretyakov University of Nottingham, UK Published by Imperial College Press 57 Shelton Street Covent Garden London WC2H 9HE Distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library INTRODUCTORY COURSE ON FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS Copyright © 2013 by Imperial College Press All rights reserved This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher ISBN 978-1-908977-38-0 Printed in Singapore Preface This book is based on a one-semester course, for undergraduate and postgraduate students, which was taught at the University of Leicester (UK) in 2004–2011 It was also the basis for a course for the MSc in Actuarial Science, which covers about one half of the CT8 ‘Financial Economics’ syllabus and a part of CT1 ‘Financial Mathematics’ syllabus of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK) professional exams The course is an elementary introduction to the basic ideas of Financial Mathematics and it mainly concentrates on discrete models This course has almost no prerequisites except a basic knowledge of Probability, Real Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Linear Algebra and some common sense Elementary Probability is essentially, although briefly, revised within the course Financial Mathematics is an application of advanced mathematical and statistical methods to financial markets and financial management Its aim is to quantify and hedge risks in the financial world Having a knowledge of Financial Mathematics requires overcoming two hurdles: Stochastic Analysis (which is the main mathematical tool in Financial Mathematics) and Financial terminology, logic, theory and context It is always difficult to jump two hurdles at once Therefore, the book starts with a low level of mathematics (a school-sized hurdle) with some financial terminology and logic thrown in Necessary facts from Probability and Stochastics are introduced when they are required and when they can be illustrated by financial applications The mathematical content is limited to what is actually needed to explain financial models considered in this course Several books and research articles were used in preparing this course They are included in the references together with sources for further reading In the text we usually not indicate which books or articles were used for a particular section The course’s development was influenced most by Baxter and Rennie (1996); Shiryaev (1996); Kolb (2003); Cox and Rubinstein (1985); Filipovic (2009) and Shreve (2003) In a short course it is not possible to touch on all aspects of the vast area of Financial Mathematics and the book mainly deals with simple but widely used financial derivatives for managing market risks The length of the course is 30–35 lectures (50 minutes each) It consists of three parts The first part (about eight to nine lectures long) introduces one of the main principles in Finance (and hence in Financial Mathematics) – no arbitrage pricing It also introduces the main financial instruments such as forward and futures contracts, bonds and swaps, and options This part is not mathematical The second part (about 12–14 lectures long) of the course deals with pricing and hedging of European-type and American-type options in the discrete-time setting Also, the concept of complete and incomplete markets is discussed Mathematics-wise, elementary Probability is briefly revised and then discrete-time discrete-space stochastic processes used in this part for financial modelling are considered The third part (about ten lectures long) starts with some basic modelling considerations including the efficient market hypothesis The main result of this final part of the course is the famous Black–Scholes formula for pricing European options It is derived in two ways First, it is obtained as the limit of the discrete Black–Scholes formula from Part II via application of the central limit theorem Secondly, it is derived by starting from a continuous-time price model (geometric Brownian motion), after the reader’s knowledge of Stochastic Analysis is enhanced and, in particular, the Wiener process, Ito integral and stochastic differential equations are introduced Some guidance for further study of this exciting and rapidly changing subject is given in the last chapter I would like to thank Chris Smerdon and Steve Upton, who typed the initial version of my lecture notes in 2005 I am grateful to Grigori N Milstein and Maria Krivko for their support, discussions and advice My special thanks are given to Yulia who drew most of the illustrations and helped with proofreading This book would never be published without the strong encouragement of Alexander N Gorban I am grateful to the Imperial College Press editorial team, in particular to Tasha D’Cruz, for their help with completing this project I also thank several generations of students in my financial mathematics classes, for their comments, corrections, enthusiasm and patience Nottingham, June 2013 Michael V Tretyakov Contents Preface Historical Remarks Part I: Financial Instruments and Arbitrage Preliminary Examples 2.1 Lesson ‘The Expected Worth of Something is not a Good Guide to its Price’ 2.2 Lesson ‘Time Value of Money’ 2.3 Further Terminology Forwards, Futures and Arbitrage 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Bonds and Swaps 4.1 4.2 4.3 Simple Stock Model Forward Contract Arbitrage Futures Contract (Futures) Zero-Coupon Bonds and Interest Rates Coupon Bonds Interest-Rate Swaps European Options 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Moneyness Reading Option Prices Profit and Loss Why Buy Options? 5.5 5.6 Put–Call Parity Basic Properties of European Calls and Puts Problems for Part I Part II: Discrete-Time Stochastic Modelling and Option Pricing Binary Model of Price Evolution 7.1 7.2 The Mathematical Problems for European Options The One-Step (Single-Period) Binomial Model Elements of Probability Theory 8.1 Finite Probability Spaces or Probabilistic Models with Finite Numbers of Outcomes 8.2 Random Variables: Definition and Expectation 8.3 Random Variables: Independence and Conditional Expectation 8.4 Properties of Conditional Expectations Discrete-Time Stochastic Processes 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Conditional Expectation of a Random Variable Given Information Martingales Change of Measure and (Discrete) Radon–Nikodym Derivative Application of Martingales and First Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing 9.5 Uniqueness of Arbitrage Price and Replicating Strategy 10 Multiperiod Binary Tree Model 10.1 Backward Induction and the Existence of Hedging Strategy 10.2 Algorithm for the Writer 10.3 Remark about ‘Fair Price’ 11 Complete and Incomplete Markets 12 American Options 12.1 Stopping Times 12.2 Pricing and Hedging American Options on the Binary Tree 12.3 When the Values of European and American Options Coincide 13 Problems for Part II Part III: Continuous-Time Stochastic Modelling and the Black– Scholes Formula 14 Connection to ‘Reality’ 14.1 Efficient Market Hypothesis 14.2 Market Data and Model Assumptions 15 Probabilistic Model for an Experiment with Infinitely Many Outcomes 15.1 Probabilistic Model 15.2 Random Variables: Revisited 16 Limit of the Discrete-Price Model and Price of a European Option in the Continuous-Time Case 16.1 Central Limit Theorem and its Application 16.2 Continuous Black–Scholes Formula 16.3 Estimation vs Calibration and Implied Volatility 17 Brownian Motion (Wiener Process) 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Symmetric Random Walk Wiener Process Properties of the Wiener process Geometric Brownian Motion Basics of Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes 18 Simplistic Introduction to Ito Calculus 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Ito Integral and Stochastic Differential Equation Ito Formula The Black–Scholes Equation Sensitivities or Greeks (c) Because in the Black–Scholes world prices are positive and the exponent is always positive, V > (d) The positiveness of the vega means that, assuming that all the other parameters are kept the same, plain vanilla calls have a higher value when volatility of the underlying is larger Economically, we can understand this as follows The higher the volatility, the more risky the underlying is and it is more risky to write an option on this underlying Consequently, the writer charges a higher premium for options on an underlier with larger volatility 25 (a) Answer: (b) Obviously, Δ is always negative (c) The negativeness of the delta means that, assuming that all the other parameters are kept the same, plain vanilla puts have a lower value when price of the underlying stock is larger Economically, we can understand this as follows The larger price of the underlier, the less attractive the put is (recall that a put’s payoff is (K − s)+) Consequently, the premium of a put on an underlier with a larger price is smaller The other implication is that in the Black–Scholes world hedging of a put always requires borrowing of the underlier 26 Hint Use the put–call parity 27 Answer: Γ → ∞ as T − t → for an ATM call or put 28 Analogous to Example 18.11 1You can read about day count conventions, e.g., in Hull (2003) and Filipovic (2009) Bibliography Andersen, L and Piterbarg, V (2010) Interest Rate Modeling Volumes 1, and (Atlantic Financial Press, London, UK) Applebaum, D 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discrete, 113, 173 Bond, 25 coupon, 34 default-free zero-coupon discount, 25 face value, 25 principal, 25 Borel sigma-algebra, 161 British Banker’s Association (BBA), 35 Brownian motion, 179, 182 Bull spread, 60 Bulls, 50 Butterfly spread, 60 Calibration, 175 Central limit theorem, 170 Chooser option, 61 Clearing house, 23 Close-of-trading price, 155 Complete market, 120 Concave function, 148 Consensus market prices, 211 Continuation value, 133 Convex function, 137 Delta, 112, 206 Delta hedging, 112, 207 Density, 164 Derivatives, 15 Discount curve, 26 Discounted price process, 96, 102 Distribution function, 80, 163, 164 joint, 165 Drift, 156 Efficient market hypothesis, 154 Elementary probabilities, 77 Equivalent martingale measure, 102 Equivalent probability measures, 101 European option, 43 Exotic options, 107, 145 Expectation, 80, 165 conditional, 84, 91 Face value, 25 Fair price, 117 Feynman–Kac formula, 201 Filtered probability space, 90, 189 Filtration, 89, 188 natural, 90, 188 Financial market, 14 First fundamental theorem of asset pricing, 105 Floating rate note, 35 Forward contract, 16 Forward curve, 30 Forward price, 20 Forward rate continuously compounded, 29 instanteneous, 30 simple, 28 Forward rate agreement (FRA), 27 Forward swap rate, 38 Frictionless market, 26 Futures, 22 Gearing, 50 Geometric Brownian motion, 187 Greeks, 207 Hedge, 23 Hedging delta, 112, 207 gamma, 209 Hedging strategy, 112, 206, 209 American option, 134 European option, 112 Holder, 43 Implied interest rates, 27, 30 Implied probability, 8, 82 Implied volatility, 175 In–the-money (ITM), 46 Incomplete market, 120 Independence of random variables, 165 Independent identically distributed (i.i.d.), 147 Interest rate, 10 compound, 10 continuously compounded, 12 implied, 27, 30 simple, 10 Interest rate swap, 37 Intrinsic value, 132 Ito formula, 198, 199 Ito integral, 195 Jensen’s inequality, 138 Joint density, 166 Lebesgue measure, 163 Leverage, 50 Log-normal distribution, 15, 157 Long position, 19 London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR), 35 Margin, 23 Mark-to-market, 59, 210 Market, 14 arbitrage-free, 20 complete, 120 incomplete, 120 Market price of risk, 206 Markov process, 154 Markov time, 130 Martingale, 95 Maturity, 26, 43 Measurable space, 161 Measure martingale, 95 risk-adjusted, 82 risk-free, 82 risk-neutral, 82 Moment generating function, 214 Money-market account, 31 Moneyness, 45 Monte Carlo technique, 201 Optimal exercise boundary, 135 Option, 43 American, 125 Asian, 107 Bermudian, 136 binary asset-or-nothing call, 72 call, 43 chooser, 61 European, 43 lookback, 145 path-dependent, 107, 113 plain vanilla, 43 put, 43 Russian, 145 Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, 215 Out-of-the-money (OTM), 46 Over the counter (OTC), 22 Partial differential equation (PDE) probabilistic representations, 200 Payoff function European call, 45 European put, 44 forward, 17 Plain vanilla options, 43 Portfolio, 14 delta neutral, 208 neutral with respect to a Greek, 208 self-financing, 73, 203 Premium, 46 Principal, 25 Probabilistic model, 77, 162 Probability, 162 implied, 8, 82 Probability distribution, 164 Probability measure, 162 Probability space, 77, 162 Process geometric Brownian motion, 187 Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, 215 symmetric random walk, 147, 179 Wiener, 182 Process with independent increments, 180, 183 Put–call parity, 53 Quadratic variation, 180 Radon–Nikodym derivative, 101, 111 Random function, 89 Random process, 89 Random variable absolutely continuous, 164 continuous, 164 discrete, 79, 164 Recombinant tree, 68 Replicating strategy, 106 Return daily, 155 log, 156 normalised, 155 Risk, 14 Risk-neutral measure, 82 Second fundamental theorem of asset pricing, 121 Short position, 19 Sigma-algebra, 161 Snell envelope, 136 Spot rate continuously compounded, 29 instanteneous, 30 simple, 29 Stochastic differential equation (SDE), 193, 197 Stochastic process, 89 adapted, 90, 189 Stock, underlying, 15 Stopping time, 130 Strategy admissible, 103 replicating, 106 Strike price, 43 Strong law of large numbers, Submartingale, 136 Supermartingale, 100, 136 Symmetric random walk, 147, 179 Term structure, 26 Time value of money, 12 Trading price, 46 Trajectory, 89 Tree binary, 68, 109 binomial, 68 recombinant, 68 trinomial, 148 Trinomial tree, 148 Underlying stock, 15 Vega, 207 Volatility, 54, 157 historical, 175 implied, 175 smile, 176 Wiener process, 182 Writer, 43 Yield, 29 curve, 29 Zero-coupon bond, 25 .. .Introductory Course on FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS Introductory Course on FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS M V Tretyakov University of Nottingham, UK Published by Imperial College Press 57 Shelton Street... Definition and Expectation 8.3 Random Variables: Independence and Conditional Expectation 8.4 Properties of Conditional Expectations Discrete-Time Stochastic Processes 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Conditional... 4.0%, respectively 4.2 Coupon Bonds On fixed-income markets, the amount of zero-coupon bonds is relatively small and bonds usually have coupons We distinguish coupon bonds, in which periodic payments