Inverse Problems in Vibration SOLID MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume 119 Series Editor: G.M.L GLADWELL Department of Civil Engineering University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3GI Aims and Scope of the Series The fundamental questions arising in mechanics are: Why?, How?, and How m The aim of this series is to provide lucid accounts written by authoritative res giving vision and insight in answering these questions on the subject of mecha relates to solids The scope of the series covers the entire spectrum of solid mechanics Thus it the foundation of mechanics; variational formulations; computational me statics, kinematics and dynamics of rigid and elastic bodies: vibrations of so structures; dynamical systems and chaos; the theories of elasticity, plasti viscoelasticity; composite materials; rods, beams, shells and membranes; s control and stability; soils, rocks and geomechanics; fracture; tribology; expe mechanics; biomechanics and machine design The median level of presentation is the first year graduate student Some texts ar graphs defining the current state of the field; others are accessible to final yea graduates; but essentially the emphasis is on readability and clarity For a list of related mechanics titles, see final pages Inverse Problems in Vibration Second Edition by Graham M.L Gladwell University of Waterloo, Department of Civil Engineering, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS NEW YORK, BOSTON, DORDRECHT, LONDON, MOSCOW eBook ISBN: Print ISBN: 1-4020-2721-4 1-4020-2670-6 ©2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc Print ©2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht All rights reserved No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the Publisher Created in the United States of America Visit Springer's eBookstore at: and the Springer Global Website Online at: All appearance indicates neither a total exclusion nor a manifest presence of divinity, but the presence of a God who hides himself Everything bears this character Pascal’s Pensées, 555 Contents Matrix Analysis 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Basic definitions and notation 1.3 Matrix inversion and determinants 1.4 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 1 13 Vibrations of Discrete Systems 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Vibration of some simple systems 2.3 Transverse vibration of a beam 2.4 Generalised coordinates and Lagrange’s equations: the rod 2.5 Vibration of a membrane and an acoustic cavity 2.6 Natural frequencies and normal modes 2.7 Principal coordinates and receptances 2.8 Rayleigh’s Principle 2.9 Vibration under constraint 2.10 Iterative and independent definitions of eigenvalues 19 19 19 24 26 30 35 38 40 43 46 Jacobi Matrices 3.1 Sturm sequences 3.2 Orthogonal polynomials 3.3 Eigenvectors of Jacobi matrices 3.4 Generalised eigenvalue problems 49 49 52 57 61 Inverse Problems for Jacobi Systems 4.1 Introduction 4.2 An inverse problem for a Jacobi matrix 4.3 Variants of the inverse problem for a Jacobi matrix 4.4 Reconstructing a spring-mass system; by end constraint 4.5 Reconstruction by using modification 4.6 Persymmetric systems 4.7 Inverse generalised eigenvalue problems 4.8 Interior point reconstruction 63 63 65 68 74 81 84 86 87 vii viii Contents Inverse Problems for Some More General Systems 5.1 Introduction: graph theory 5.2 Matrix transformations 5.3 The star and the path 5.4 Periodic Jacobi matrices 5.5 The block Lanczos algorithm 5.6 Inverse problems for pentadiagonal matrices 5.7 Inverse eigenvalue problems for a tree 93 93 98 102 103 105 108 110 Positivity 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Minors 6.3 A general representation of a symmetric matrix 6.4 Quadratic forms 6.5 Perron’s theorem 6.6 Totally non-negative matrices 6.7 Oscillatory matrices 6.8 Totally positive matrices 6.9 Oscillatory systems of vectors 6.10 Eigenproperties of TN matrices 6.11 u-line analysis 118 118 119 125 126 130 133 138 143 145 148 151 Isospectral Systems 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Isospectral flow 7.3 Isospectral Jacobi systems 7.4 Isospectral oscillatory systems 7.5 Isospectral beams 7.6 Isospectral finite-element models 7.7 Isospectral flow, continued 153 153 154 160 166 171 175 180 Discrete Vibrating Beam Introduction The eigenanalysis of the cantilever beam The forced response of the beam The spectra of the beam Conditions on the data for inversion Inversion by using orthogonality A numerical procedure for the inverse problem 185 185 186 189 190 193 196 199 Discrete Modes and Nodes 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The inverse mode problem for a Jacobi matrix 9.3 The inverse problem for a single mode of a spring-mass system 9.4 The reconstruction of a spring-mass system from two modes 9.5 The inverse mode problem for the vibrating beam 202 202 203 206 209 211 The 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Contents 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 ix Courant’s nodal line theorem Some properties of FEM eigenvectors Strong sign graphs Weak sign graphs Generalisation to M> K problems 214 217 222 228 229 10 Green’s Functions and Integral Equations 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Green’s functions 10.3 Some functional analysis 10.4 The Green’s function integral equation 10.5 Oscillatory properties of Green’s functions 10.6 Oscillatory systems of functions 10.7 Perron’s Theorem and compound kernels 10.8 The interlacing of eigenvalues 10.9 Asymptotic behaviour of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions 10.10 Impulse responses 231 231 237 240 251 255 259 266 271 276 284 11 Inversion of Continuous Second-Order Systems 11.1 A historical review 11.2 Transformation operators 11.3 The hyperbolic equation for N({> |) 11.4 Uniqueness of solution of an inverse problem 11.5 The Gel’fand-Levitan integral equation 11.6 Reconstruction of the Sturm-Liouville system 11.7 An inverse problem for the vibrating rod 11.8 An inverse problem for the taut string 11.9 Some non-classical methods 11.10 Some other uniqueness theorems 11.11 Reconstruction from the impulse response 289 289 294 296 303 305 312 315 319 321 326 331 12 A Miscellany of Inverse Problems 12.1 Constructing a piecewise uniform rod from two spectra 12.2 Isospectral rods and the Darboux transformation 12.3 The double Darboux transformation 12.4 Gottlieb’s research 12.5 Explicit formulae for potentials 12.6 The research of Y.M Ram et al 335 335 344 351 355 361 364 13 The 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 368 368 373 381 383 386 391 Euler-Bernoulli Beam Introduction Oscillatory properties of the Green’s function Nodes and zeros for the cantilever beam The fundamental conditions on the data The spectra of the beam Statement of the inverse problem x Contents 13.7 13.8 The reconstruction procedure 393 The total positivity of matrix P is su!cient 399 14 Continuous Modes and Nodes 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Sturm’s Theorems 14.3 Applications of Sturm’s Theorems 14.4 The research of Hald and McLaughlin 402 402 403 407 411 15 Damage Identification 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Damage identification in rods 15.3 Damage identification in beams 417 417 419 422 Index 426 Bibliography 432 Preface The last thing one settles in writing a book is what one should put in first Pascal’s Pensées, 19 In 1902 Jacques Hadamard introduced the term well-posed problem His definition, an abstraction from the known properties of the classical problems of mathematical physics, had three elements: Existence: the problem has a solution Uniqueness: the problem has only one solution Continuity: the solution is a continuous function of the data Much of the research into theoretical physics and engineering before and after 1902 has concentrated on formulating problems, with properly chosen initial and/or boundary conditions, so that their solutions have these characteristics: the problems are well posed Over the years it began to be recognized that there were important and apparently sensible questions that could be asked that did not fall into the category of well-posed problems They were eventually called ill-posed problems Many of these problems looked like a classical problem except that the roles of known and unknown quantitites had been reversed: the data, the known, were related to the outcome, the solution of a classical problem; while the unknowns were related to the data for the classical problem: they were thus called inverse problems, in contrast to the direct classical problems (Later reflection suggested that the choice of which to be called direct and which to be called inverse was partly a historical accident.) For completeness, one should add that not all such inverse problems are ill-posed, and not all ill-posed problems are inverse problems! This book is about inverse problems in vibration, and many of these problems are ill-posed because they fail to satisfy one or more of Hadamard’s criteria: they may not have a solution at all, unless the data are properly chosen; they may have many solutions; the solution may not be a continuous function of the data, in particular, as the data are varied by small amounts, it can leave the feasible region in which there is one or more solutions, and enter the region where there is no solution xi Bibliography 433 [13] Ashlock, D.A., Driessel, K.R and Hentzel, I.R (1997) On matrix structures invariant under Toda-like isospectral flows [57], 254, 29-48 180 [14] Barcilon, V (1974a) Iterative solution of the inverse Sturm-Liouville equation [42], 15, 429-436 293 [15] Barcilon, V (1974b) On the uniqueness of inverse eigenvalue problems [24], 38, 287-298 391 [16] Barcilon, V (1974c) On the solution of inverse eigenvalue problems of high orders [24], 39, 143-154 291, 391 [17] Barcilon, V (1974d) A note on a formula of Gel’fand and Levitan [41], 48, 43-50 362 [18] Barcilon, V (1976) Inverse problems for a vibrating beam [36], 27, 346358 185, 392 [19] Barcilon, V (1978) Discrete analog of an iterative method for inverse eigenvalue problems for Jacobi matrices [42], 29, 295-300 71 [20] Barcilon, V (1979) On the multiplicity of solutions of the inverse problem for a vibrating beam [82], 37, 605-613 185 [21] Barcilon, V (1982) Inverse problems for the vibrating beam in the freeclamped configuration [69], 304, 211-252 185, 391, 392 [22] Barcilon, V (1983) Explicit solution of the inverse problem for a vibrating string [41], 93, 222-234 294, 362 [23] Barcilon, V and Turchetti, G (1980) Extremal solutions of inverse eigenvalue problems with finite spectral data [90], 2, 139-148 65 [24] Barcilon, V (1990) Two-dimensional inverse eigenvalue problem [29], 6, 11-20 [25] Bellman, R (1970) Introduction to Matrix Analysis New York: McGrawHill 131 [26] Benade, A.H (1976) Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics London: Oxford University Press 345 [27] Berman, A (1984) System identification of structural dynamic models theoretical and practical bounds [5], 84-0929, 123-129 364 [28] Biegler-König, F.W (1980) Inverse Eigenwertprobleme Dissertation, Bielefeld 108 [29] Biegler-König, F.W (1981a) A Newton iteration process for inverse eigenvalue problems [68], 37, 349-354 108 434 Bibliography [30] Biegler-König, F.W (1981b) Construction of band matrices from spectral data [57], 40, 79-84 108 [31] Biegler-König, F.W (1981c) Su!cient conditions for the solvability of inverse eigenvalue problems [57], 40, 89-100 108 [32] Biscontin, G., Morassi, A and Wendel, P (1998) Asymptotic separation of the spectrum in notched rods [53], 4, 237-251 420 [33] Bishop, R.E.D., Gladwell, G.M.L and Michaelson, S (1965) The Matrix Analysis of Vibration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 12, 17, 19, 101 [34] Bishop, R.E.D and Johnson, D.C (1960) The Mechanics of Vibration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 19, 40, 84, 190, 389, 390, 392, 419 [35] Boley, D and Golub, G.H (1984) A modified method for reconstructing periodic Jacobi matrices [60], 42, 143-150 103, 105 [36] Boley, D and Golub, G.H (1987) A survey of matrix inverse eigenvalue problems [29], 3, 595-622 103, 105, 106, 108, 108 [37] Bụcher, M (1917) Leỗons sur les mộthodes de Sturm dans la théorie des équations dierentielles linéares et leurs dévelopements modernes Paris 403 [38] Boltezar, M., Strancar, B and Kuhelj, A (1998) Identification of transverse crack locations in flexural vibrations of free-free beams [47], 211, 729-734 423 [39] Borg (1946) Eine Umkehrung der Sturm-Liouvilleschen Eigenwertaufgabe [1], 78, 1-96 290, 359 [40] Braun, S.G and Ram Y.M (1991) Predicting the eect of structural modificiation: Upper and lower bounds due to modal truncation [27], 6, 199-211 365 [41] Brown, B.M., Samko, V.S., Knowles, I.W and Marletta, M (2003) Inverse spectral problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation [29], 19, 235-252 325 [42] Bruckstein, A.M and Kailath, T (1987) Inverse scattering for discrete transmission-line models [87], 29, 359-389 334, 335, 343 [43] Bube, K.P and Burridge, R (1983) The one-dimensional inverse problem of reflection seismology [86], 25, 497-559 334, 335 [44] Burak, S and Ram, Y.M (2001) The construction of physical parameters from spectral data [63], 15, 3-10 367 Bibliography 435 [45] Burridge, R (1980) The Gel’fand-Levitan, the Marchenko, and the Gopinath-Sondhi integral equations of inverse scattering theory, regarded in the context of inverse impulse-response problems [90], 2, 305-323 293, 334 [46] Busacker, R.G and Saaty, T.L (1965) Finite Graphs and Networks: an Introduction with Applications New York: McGraw Hill 218 [47] Cabib, E., Freddi, L., Morassi, A and Percivale, D (2001) Thin notched beams [39], 64, 157-178 419 [48] Capecchi, D and Vestroni, F (1999) Monitoring of structural systems by using frequency data [23], 28, 447-461 422 [49] Carrier, G.F., Krook, M and Pearson, C.E (1966) Functions of a Complex Variable New York: McGraw-Hill 389 [50] Cawley, P and Adams, R.D (1979) The location of defects in structures from measurements of natural frequencies [48], 14, 49-57 419, 422, 422 [51] Cerri, M.N and Vestroni, F (2000) Detection of damage in beams subjected to diused cracking [47], 234, 259-276 422 [52] Chadan, K and Sabatier, P.C (1989) Inverse Problems in Quantum Scattering 2nd Ed New York: Springer-Verlag 334 [53] Cheng, S.Y (1976) Eigenfunctions and nodal sets [13], 51, 43-55 215 [54] Christides, S and Barr, A.D.S (1984) One-dimensional theory of cracked Euler-Bernoulli beams [28], 26, 639-648 422 [55] Chondros, T.G and Dimarogonas, A.D (1980) Identification of cracks in welded joints of complex structures [47], 69, 531-538 422, 423 [56] Chondros, T.G., Dimarogonas, A.D and Yao, J (1998) A continuous cracked beam vibration theory [47], 215, 17-34 423 [57] Chu, M.T (1984) The generalized Toda flow, the QR algorithm and the center manifold theory [81], 5, 187-201 159 [58] Chu, M.T (1998) Inverse eigenvalue problems [86], 40, 1-39 108, 117 [59] Chu, M.T and Golub, G.H (2002) Structured inverse eigenvalue problems, [2], 11, 1-71 117 [60] Chu, M.T and Norris, L.K (1988) Isospectral flows and abstract matrix factorizations [85], 25, 1383-1391 159 [61] Coleman, C.F (1989) Inverse Spectral Problem with a Rough Coe!cient Ph.D Thesis Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y 319 436 Bibliography [62] Coleman, C.F and McLaughlin, J.R (1993a) Solution of the inverse spectral problem for an impedance with integrable derivative I [8], 46, 145-184 305, 319, 346 [63] Coleman, C.F and McLaughlin, J.R (1993b) Solution of the inverse spectral problem for an impedance with an integrable derivative II [8], 46, 185-212 305, 319, 346 [64] Courant, R and Hilbert, D (1953) Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol 1, New York: Interscience 48, 214, 240 [65] Crum, M.M (1955) Associated Sturm-Liouville systems [76], 6, 121-127 350 [66] Cryer, C.W (1973) The LU-factorization of totally positive matrices [57], 7, 83-92 168, 176 [67] Cryer, C.W (1976) Some properties of totally positive matrices [57], 15, 1-25 168 [68] Dahlberg, B.E.J and Trubowitz, E (1984) The inverse Sturm-Liouville problem III [16], 37, 255-267 346 [69] Darboux, G (1882) Sur la représentation sphérique des surfaces [17], 94, 1343-1345 347 [70] Darboux, G (1915) Leỗons sur le Thộorie Générale des Surfaces et les Applications Géométrique du Calcul Infinitesimal Vo II Paris: Gauthier Villars 347 [71] Davies, E.B., Gladwell, G.M.L., Leydold, J and Stadler, P.F (2001) Discrete nodal domain theorems [57], 336, 51-60 223, 224 [72] Davini, C., Gatti, F and Morassi, A (1993) A damage analysis of steel beams [62], 28, 27-37 422 [73] Davini, C., Morassi, A and Rovere, N (1995) Modal analysis of notched bars: tests and comments on the sensitivity of an identification technique [47], 179, 513-527 [74] Davini, C (1996) Note on a parameter lumping in the vibrations of uniform beams [79], 28, 83-99 37 [75] de Boor, C and Golub, G.H (1978) The numerically stable reconstruction of a Jacobi matrix from spectral data [57], 21, 245-260 69 [76] de Boor, C and Sa, E.B (1986) Finite sequences of orthogonal polynomials connected by a Jacobi matrix [57], 75, 43-55 68, 70 [77] Deift, P., Nanda, T., and Tomei, C (1983) Ordinary dierential equations and the symmetric eigenvalue problem [85], 20, 1-22 159 Bibliography 437 [78] Dilena, M (2003) On damage identification in vibrating beams from changes in node positions, in Davini, C and Viola, E (Eds) Problems in Structural Identification and Diagnostics: General Aspects and Applications New York: Springer 424 [79] Dilena, M and Morassi, A (2002) Identification of crack location in vibrating beams from changes in node positions [47], 255, 915-930 424 [80] Dilena, M and Morassi, A (2002) The use of antiresonances for crack detection in beams [47] 424, 424, 424 [81] Duarte, A.L (1989) Construction of 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Translation by U.S Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C A revised edition was published in (2002) by AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, listing the first author as Gantmacher, not Gantmakher 49, 63, 80, 118, 133, 133, 236 [99] Gasca, M and Peña, J.M (1992) Total positivity and Neville elimination [57], 165, 25-44 138 [100] Gel’fand, I.M and Levitan, B.M (1951) On the determination of a dierential equation from its spectral function (In Russian) [31], 15, 309-360 (In English) [54], 1, 253-304 293 [101] Gel’fand, I.M and Levitan, B.M (1953) On a simple identity for the characteristic values of a dierential operator of the second order (in Russian) [21], 88, 593-596 362 [102] Gilbarg, D and Trudinger, N.S (1977) Elliptic Partial Dierential Equations of Second Order Berlin, Springer 337 [103] Gladwell, G.M.L (1962) The approximation of uniform beams in transverse vibration by sets of masses elastically connected Proceedings of the 4th U.S Congress of Applied Mechanics, 169-176, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers 38 [104] Gladwell, G.M.L (1984) The inverse problem for the vibrating beam [74], 393, 277-295 185 [105] Gladwell, G.M.L (1985) Qualitative properties of vibrating systems [74], 401, 299-315 192 [106] Gladwell, G.M.L and Gbadeyan, J (1985) On the inverse problem of the vibrating string and rod [77], 38, 169-174 84 [107] Gladwell, G.M.L (1986a) Inverse problems in vibration [79], 39, 10131018 116 [108] Gladwell, G.M.L (1986b) Inverse Problems in Vibration Dordrecht: Martinus Nijho Publishers 133, 133 Bibliography 439 [109] Gladwell, G.M.L (1986c) The inverse mode problem for lumped-mass systems, [77], 39, 297-307 203, 209, 211 [110] Gladwell, G.M.L (1986d) The inverse problem for the Euler-Bernoulli beam [74], 407, 199-218 392 [111] Gladwell, G.M.L and Dods, S.R.A (1987) Examples of reconstruction of vibrating rods from spectral data [47], 119, 267-276 319 [112] Gladwell, G.M.L., England, A.H and Wang, D (1987) Examples of reconstruction of 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[77], 42, 303-316 211, 212, 213, 214, 365 [116] Gladwell, G.M.L (1991a) Qualitative properties of finite element models I: Sturm-Liouville systems [77], 44, 249-265 185 [117] Gladwell, G.M.L (1991b) Qualitative properties of finite-element models II: the Euler Bernoulli beam [77], 44, 267-284 185, 192 [118] Gladwell, G.M.L (1991c) The application of Schur’s algorithm to an inverse eigenvalue problem [29], 7, 557-565 335 [119] Gladwell, G.M.L (1991d) On the scattering of waves in a non-uniform Euler-Bernoulli beam [72], 205, 31-34 61, 393 [120] Gladwell, G.M.L (1993) Inverse Problems in Scattering Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 334, 335 [121] Gladwell, G.M.L (1995) On isospectral spring-mass systems [29], 11, 591602 160 [122] Gladwell, G.M.L and Morassi, A (1995) On isospectral rods, horns and strings [29], 11, 533-544 347 [123] Gladwell, G.M.L and Movahhedy, M (1995) Reconstruction of a massspring system from spectral data I: Theory [30], 1, 179-189 84 [124] Gladwell, G.M.L (1996) Inverse problems in vibration-II [9], 49, 525-534 116 440 Bibliography [125] Gladwell, G.M.L (1997) Inverse vibration problems for finite element models [29], 13, 311-322 176 [126] Gladwell, G.M.L (1998) Total positivity and the QR algorithm [57], 271, 257-272 138, 167, 167, 175 [127] Gladwell, G.M.L (1999) Inverse finite element vibration problems [47], 211, 309-324 86, 87, 175 [128] Gladwell, G.M.L and Morassi, A (1999) Estimating damage in a rod from changes in node positions [30], 7, 215-233 409, 411, 421, 424 [129] Gladwell, G.M.L (2002a) Total positivity and Toda flow [57], 350, 279284 182 [130] Gladwell, G.M.L (2002b) Isospectral vibrating beams [74], 458, 26912703 175 [131] Gladwell, G.M.L and Zhu, H.M (2002) Courant’s nodal line theorem and its discrete counterparts [77], 55, 1-15 34, 224 [132] Golub, G.H (1973) Some uses of the Lanczos algorithm in numerical linear algebra, in J.H.H Miller (Ed) Topics in Numerical Analysis, New York: Academic Press 67 [133] Golub, G.H and Boley, D (1977) Inverse eigenvalue problems for band matrices, in G.A Watson (Ed.) 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