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Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 MỤC LỤC Chuyên đề : Reading & Cloze test…………………… … Unit 1: Home Life………………………………….……… Unit 2: Cultural Diversity………………………….….… Unit 3: Ways of Socialising………………………… … Unit 4: School Education System…………………… … Unit 5: Higher Education…………………………….… Unit 6: Future Jobs……………………………….……… Unit 8: Life In the Future………………………….… … Unit 10: Endangered Species……………………… …… Unit 11: Books……………………………………….….… Unit 12: Water Sports…………………………………… Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games……………………….…… Unit 14: International Organizations…………………… Unit 15: Women in society……………………………… Unit 16: The Association Of Southeast Asian Nations… More Topics……………………………………………… Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 CHUYÊN ĐỀ : READING AND CLOZE TEST (ĐỌC HIỂU VÀ ĐIỀN TỪ) PHƯƠNG PHÁP LÀM BÀI ĐỌC HIỂU TRẮC NGHIỆM VỚI NHIỀU CÂU HỎI Phần thi đọc hiểu phần thi nhiều thời gian thí sinh Đây phần thi chiếm nhiều điểm phần lại đề tuyển sinh, em phải đầu tư thật nhiều cho phần thi Đề làm thi đọc hiểu có nhiều câu hỏi câu trả lời gợi ý dạng trắc nghiệm, em nên áp dụng phương pháp sau đây: I KHÁI QUÁT: Trước làm đọc hiểu dạng này, em nên ý điểm sau: a) Về mặt câu hỏi: Có 10 dạng sau: 1) Tìm ý đọc (Main idea) 2) Xác định mục đích (Purpose) 3) Tìm thơng tin hỗ trợ cho câu hỏi (Support question) 4) Nhận diện cách tổ chức ý tưởng bố cục chung (General organization) 5) Xác định câu cụm từ đồng nghĩa (Restatement) 6) Suy luận/ tìm hàm ý (Inference) 7) Tìm từ đồng nghĩa/ trái nghĩa (Vocabulary) 8) Xác định thông tin không đề cập đến (Except/ Not) 9) Tìm từ cụm từ nói đến/ quy chiếu đến (Reference) 10) Xác định ý nghĩa định nghĩa từ/ cụm từ nêu đọc (Definition) b) Về trình tự trả lời câu hỏi: Trong dạng câu hỏi nêu trên, câu hỏi 1-4 câu hỏi thông tin chung, câu hỏi 5- 10 câu hỏi thông tin cụ thể đọc Việc phân loại câu hỏi giúp em có hướng tiếp cận khác loại câu hỏi, trước hết có trình tự làm sau: Dạng câu hỏi – 10 (Specific questions) -> làm trước, câu hỏi dạng 1- (General questions) -> làm sau c) Trật tự câu hỏi: Thường xếp theo trật tự thông tin đọc (tức thông tin để trả lời câu hỏi theo thứ tự từ đầu đến cuối bài) Đơi có đảo vị trí không nhiều Việc xác định giúp em dễ tìm thơng tin cần thiết để trả lời câu hỏi II TECHNIQUES FOR DOING A READING TEST Some steps to a Reading test (Một số bước làm thi đọc hiểu) Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 - Đọc câu hỏi trước: Đọc câu hỏi trước Đừng làm ngược lại (đọc câu trả lời trước) Một em biết phải trả lời loại câu hỏi việc chon câu trả lời dẽ dàng - Đọc lướt đoạn văn: Đừng đọc từ Đọc lướt để tìm ý cấu trúc đoạn - Nếu cần tìm chi tiết liên hệ lại đọc để tìm chi tiết trả lời câu hỏi Chỉ đọc phần có chứa chi tiết liên quan thơi - Giải câu khó sau - Đốn khơng biết câu trả lời: Khi em đoán, dùng phương pháp loại trừ câu trả lời sai Các câu trắc nghiệm thường theo nguyên tắc: câu đúng, câu gần câu sai cách rõ ràng Vì xác định loại bỏ bẫy sai cách rõ ràng - Nếu không xác định câu câu gần phải đốn dựa cảm tính - Nếu cảm tính khơng giúp ích cho em, chọn ký tự ngẫu nhiên chọn ký tự cho tất câu chọn ngẫu nhiên xác suất cao - Trả lời tất câu hỏi: Đừng bỏ trống Some common questions in Reading Comprehension (Một số câu hỏi thông dụng phần đọc hiểu) Main idea / Topic Questions (Các câu hỏi xác định ý chính/chủ đề) - Mỗi đọc có ý ý phụ, quan trọng Ý mang tính khái quát ý phụ chi tiết đọc Thơng thường ý nằm câu đoạn văn, điều Đơi ý lại đoạn văn cuối đoạn văn - Chủ đề lúc nằm câu đọc Nó bố trí gần cuối - Khi chủ đề không xuất rõ ràng, đoạn có ý riêng biệt em tổng hợp ý lại để tìm chủ đề toàn - Các em phải chắn câu trả lời chủ đề phải bao quát đọc không đoạn - Các câu trả lời sai thường có dạng: Chỉ tập trung vào đoạn (quá hẹp) Quá tổng quát vượt phạm vi đề cập (quá rộng) Lạc đề (sai hoàn toàn) Reference and Vocabulary Questions (Các câu hỏi xác định liên hệ câu hỏi từ vựng) - Các từ liên hệ thường đại từ ‘it’, ‘them’, ‘they’ ‘this’,…và câu hỏi yêu cầu bạn xác định từ điều gì/vật người đọc - Từ liên hệ đại diện cho từ hay cụm danh từ tạo thành nhiều từ riêng lẻ Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 - Nếu không chắn cho câu trả lời mình, em thử thay lựa chọn cho sẵn vào vị trí từ liên hệ định xem lựa chọn tốt - Đối với câu hỏi xác định nghĩa từ, em lưu ý từ tiếng Anh có nhiều nghĩa, nên em phải xác định nghĩa từ dùng đọc - Các em tìm gợi ý nghĩa từ đọc: gần từ bạn tìm thấy từ đồng nghĩa cụm từ giải thích, có em đốn nghĩa từ sau đọc trọn đọc Detail questions (Câu hỏi tìm chi tiết) - Để trả lời câu hỏi này, em phải ý từ cụm từ mấu chốt câu hỏi Sau tìm nhanh thơng tin cần thiết đọc tên, ngày tháng son số, kiện,… - Em không cần thiết đọc mà cần xác định vị trí từ cụm từ mấu chốt Khi tìm thấy từ cụm từ đó, em cần đọc vài câu theo sau trước để biết chắn em có thơng tin mà em cần * Lưu ý: - Câu trả lời cho câu hỏi chi tiết thường không lập lại xác từ đọc Người ta thường dùng từ đồng nghĩa cấu trúc khác để diễn tả ý câu nguyên gốc - Các câu hỏi chi tiết thường nêu theo trình tự thông tin giới thiệu đọc Điều có nghĩa câu trả lời cho câu hỏi thứ gần phần mở đầu câu phần Detail questions about What is NOT in the passage (Câu hỏi chi tiết dạng “What is NOT in the passgage?”) - Loại câu hỏi yêu cầu em xác định chi tiết khơng có đọc khơng vào thông tin cho đọc Những câu hỏi loại thường có dạng sau: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT - Phần trả lời có câu câu sai – câu khơng có thơng tin đọc Các em tìm nhanh câu dùng phương pháp loại trừ để xác định câu sai câu khơng có đọc Inference Questions ( Các câu hỏi suy đốn) - Đây dạng câu hỏi khó Câu trả lời cho câu hỏi thường hiểu ngầm, không nêu trực tiếp từ đọc Câu hỏi loại thường có dạng sau: Which of the following can be inferred about…? From the passage, it can be inferred that…? The author implies that… The passage suggests that… Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 - Để trả lời câu hỏi loại bạn phải tìm xem từ kiện nêu bạn rút kết luận Đây ý mà tác giả cho không trực tiếp đề cập đọc - UNIT 1: HOME LIFE Reading 1: Read the passage and choose the best answer The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, a father and their children, may be more an American ideal than an American reality Of course, the so-called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class and religious customs among different American groups The most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fit the traditional mould and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or have none still living at home Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of American households are single people, usually women over sixty-five years of age A small percentage, about percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; and the rest, about percent, are single, usually divorced parents, with at least one child Today, these varied family types are typical, and therefore, normal Apparently, many Americans are achieving supportive relationships in family forms other than the traditional one With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? A The traditional American family B The nuclear family C The current American family D The ideal family The author implies that …………… A there has always been a variety of family arrangements in the US B racial, ethnic and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure C the ideal American family is the best structure D fewer married couples are having children Who generally constitutes a one-person household? A A single in his twenties B An elderly man C A single woman in her late sixties D A divorced woman The underlined word “single” in the passage refers to A people who are unmarried B either men or women who get divorced C women over sixty-five years of age D All are correct According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no children represent…………… A percent of households B percent of households C 20 percent of households D 33 percent of households Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 PARENTS’ DREAMS Parents often have dreams for their children’s future They hope their children will have a better life than they had They dream that their children will things that they couldn’t Parents who come to the U S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here They think their children will have more career choices and more successful lives They make many sacrifices so that their children will have more opportunities They think their children will remain close to them because of this Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their parents However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans Parents often dream of ) _ A their children’s making a lot of money in the future B one day seeing their children become famous people C one day living on their children’s money D a bright future for their children Parents who come to the U S from foreign countries hope that _ A their children will have a lot of careers B their children become successful directors C their children will have more opportunities for good education D their children will make a lot of sacrifices Parents think their children will remain close to them because _ A they give their children a lot of money B of the sacrifices C they know their children will be successful in the future D they are living in a foreign country The word career in line is closest in meaning to _ A education B travel C subject D profession The word close in line is closest in meaning to _ A dear B friendly C helpful D kind Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Jean spent her first few years in Hooper and her family moved to Otsego early in her life She was only ten when her father died unexpectedly, leaving her mother to raise and support their family alone Her mother soon went to work outside the home to provide for the family, and Jean, being one of the oldest, had to help care for her younger siblings Although she had much responsibility at home, Jean thoroughly enjoyed school and was an excellent student She went on to graduate 10th in her class at Otsego High School in 1953 While still in high school, Jean met a young man named Charles "Chuck" Holly, at a dance in Alamo; and they were quite taken with each other Over the next few years, their love for each other blossomed and they were married on February 24, 1953, while Jean was still in school At the time, Chuck was serving his country in the military, and had come Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 home on leave to marry his sweetheart Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, he was sent overseas to serve in Korea for the next fifteen months Upon his discharge, the couple settled into married life together in the Plainwell, Otsego area To help make ends meet, Jean went to work at the collection bureau in Kalamazoo for a while, before taking a job at the cheese company in Otsego In 1964, Chuck and Jean were overjoyed with the birth of their son, Chuck, who brought great joy into their lives Jean remembered how her mother was always gone so much working after her father died and she did not want that for her son, so she left her job to devote herself to the role of a mother [be taken with sb/sth: find sb/sth attractive or interesting; on leave: absent with permission; blossom: develop; make (both) ends meet: earn enough money to live without getting into debt] After Jean's father passed away, her mother used to _ A work outside the home B be a housewife C support the family alone D work as a secretary Which is not referred to Jean? A She was a responsible girl B She never helped her mother with household chores C She often did well at school D She went to high school Jean's husband was a _ A teacher B dancer C soldier D servant Jean _ A served in the military B lived in Korea for fifteen months C had a daughter D got married when she was a student Which is not TRUE about Jean? A She disliked staying at home and taking care of her child B She worked outside the home before she had a child C She was very happy when she got a baby D She quit her job to look after her baby CLOZE TEST My Mom is a (33) _ because she is too weak (34) _ for any company However, Mom is very (35) _ at housework She prepares good meals for us such as bread, sweet meat, cheese, liquor, and particularly, home-brewed beer (36) _ Mom’s labour and organization , we have a small backyard garden which (37) _ us with enough home-grown organic vegetables My Dad often invites his friends and (38) _ to enjoy my Mom home-made (39) _ During our parties, Dad usually (40) _ Mom as the best housekeeper that he has ever seen in the world Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 A household A work A interested A Because of A prepares A associate A produce A praise B housework B to work B happy B Due to B gives B associations B production B praises Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 C homesick C working C good C In spite C provides C associating C products C has praised D housewife D worked D fond D Thanks to D shares D associates D producer D is praising CLOZE TEST In my family, my wife, Catherine, is the first person (1) _ up in the morning She’s great! Normally I like to get up early too I hate going to bed, but I’m a good sleeper _(2) _ , my daughter and my dog often keep me awake _(3) _ nights They’re full of energy and every day is full of new opportunities Just seeing them makes me smile I don’t (4) _ housework I don’t cook When I’m hungry I just want to eatthe idea of planning a meal is not something I’m good at I a bit of vacuuming now and again and I’m capable of cleaning the bath I wish I had more time to ironing _(5) I find that really calming A- get A- However A - during A- many A- because B- to get B- Moreover B- in B- much B- although C- getting C- Addition C- between C- a lot C- if D- got D- In case D- at D- lots D- unless CLOZE TEST In the home a dad is very important He is the (1) who provides us with money to feed and clothe ourselves He can decorate your bedroom, mend your radio, make cages for your pets, repair a puncture in your bicycle tyre and help you with maths homework A dad can be very useful for (2) you in the car to and from parties, music and dancing lessons A dad is the person whom you ask for pocket money He is the one who (3) about the time you spend talking on the phone, as he has to pay for the bills Dad is someone who will support you in a(n) (4) , if he believes you to be right He is someone who reads your school (5) and treats if it is good A dad likes to come into a nice happy home evening, and settle back in his chair with a newspaper A man B someone C person D anyone A bringing B taking C picking D carrying A explains B shouts C complains D groans A talk B discussion C disagreement D argument A report B result C record D review Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 - UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Traditions, saying, beliefs, language, and values are just a few things that make up our culture Culture is the framework in which families are structured It shapes our expectations and ideals Culture plays a part in the meaning of marriage and our roles as husbands, wives, children and parents Understanding cultural differences and similarities related to marriage is important Culture affects the roles that spouses take within marriages, the age at marriage and number of children a couple have, the meaning of divorce, cohabitation and non-marital childbearing, and the way parents raise children Understanding how relationships and marriages vary across cultural contexts, and how they are similar, we will be able to identify the unique ways that marriages and family life affect people of various cultures As a result, we will be able to help families and sustain happy marriages A cross cultural marriage or similar love relationship can be extremely exciting The cultural background, visits to the other country, the language of the country and learning to speak it, the different habits and ways of doing and saying things that people from other cultures have, are all very exciting indeed What of the disadvantages of a cross cultural marriage or love relationship with someone from another country or cultural background? No matter how much you love your husband or wife, no matter how high your level of cross cultural awareness, cross cultural communication and respect for differences Misunderstanding seems to be unavoidable The passage is about _ A the effects of cultures on love and marriage B the definition of culture C the role of spouses in the family D cultural differences The word It refers to _ A culture B family C framework D structure According to the writer, cross-cultural marriage _ A does not have advantages B does not have disadvantages C have both advantages and disadvantages D does not exist through time According to the passage, which of the following is not affected by culture? A The age to get married B Child-raising C How much spouses love each other D The roles of spouses In cross-cultural marriage, _ may happen A divorce B quarrel C misunderstanding D separation CLOZE TEST Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 I have been traveling to different parts of my country, and I (1) _ a lot about interesting lifestyles and customs Once, I (2) _ to the Northwestern places of the country In many ethnic villages I (3) _ to, I was impressed by some of their beautiful traditional customs For instance, most of the villagers (4) _ in extended families, and they held a close relationship among family members In addition, young people always (5) _ their respect for their ancestors and for their elderly people People (6) _ also willing to give a hand when someone was in need Members of the family helped one another with household chores as well as with farm work While men (7) _ on the fields, women (8) _ the household chores While we were staying there, the villagers always (9) _ us a helping hand and invited us to have dinner with their families on special occasions In short, I highly (10) _ the close ties in human relationship shown in the villagers’ ways of living 10 A learn A had gone A went A have lived A showed A are A have worked A are doing A gave A value B have learnt B have gone B will go B live B will show B were B will work B did B give B will value C am learning C go C am going C lived C have shown C have been C worked C were doing C will give C valued D will learn D went D had gone D were living D are showing D will be D were working D had done D had given D am valuing CLOZE TEST WEDDING IN VIETNAM Tourist: Tourist guide: Tourist: Tourist guide: Tourist: Tourist guide: Can you tell me something about (1) _ ceremonies in Vietnam? Well, wedding is very important to the Vietnamese, (2) _ to the couple involved, but also for both families What does the groom’s family usually on the wedding day? On the wedding day, the groom’s family and relatives go to the bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped in red paper The people who hold the trays of the gifts are also (3) _ chosen Do you have someone in charge of the ceremony? And what does he during the wedding ceremony? Yes, we have a (4) _ who introduces the groom, the bride, the parents, the relatives and the guests of the two families The wedding ceremony starts in front of the altar The bride and the groom would pray, asking their ancestors’ permission (5) _ married The Master of Ceremonies gives the wedding couple advice on starting new family The groom and the bride (6) _ their 10 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 In developing countries, 90 percent of the people use wood for cooking and heating They cut down trees for firewood But trees are important They cool the land under them and keep the sun off the smaller plants When leaves fall from a tree, they make the land richer When the trees are gone, the smaller plants die, and there is nothing but sand Yet people must use firewood, raise animals, and grow crops in order to live Humans can make deserts, but humans can also prevent their growth Algeria planted a green wall of trees across the edge of the Sahara to stop the desert sand from spreading Mauritania planted a similar wall around Nouakchott, the capital Iran puts a thin covering of petroleum on sandy areas and plants trees The oil keeps the water and small in the land, and men on motorcycles keep the sheep and goats away Other countries build long canals to bring water to desert areas Yet land that will probably become desert in the future equals the size of Australia, the United States, and the former Soviet Union together Can people stop the growth of the world's deserts and save the land that is so essential to life? Most people in developing countries _ A planted trees on the edge of the deserts B cook on wood fires C put oil on sandy areas D raise sheep and goats We can infer that men on motorcycles keep the sheep and goats away so that _ A they won't eat the small trees B they won't destroy the covering of oil C they won't drink water in the canals D they won't blow the sand away When all the trees in an area are cut down, _ A their leaves make the land richer B the smaller plants can grow better C they cool the land under their leaves D there is nothing left but sand The word frightening speed in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A awful B extremely fast C powerful D wonderful According to the passage, which of the following is the most important cause of desertification? A The change of climate B The spread of deserts C Human activities D Cattle destroying trees Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Humans have struggled against weeds since the beginning of agriculture The global need for weed control has been answered mainly by the chemical industry Its herbicides are effective and sometimes necessary, but some pose serious problems, particularly if misused Toxic compounds threaten animals and public health when they are present in food plant, ground water, and drinking water They also harm workers who apply them In recent years the chemical industry has introduced several herbicides that are more ecologically sound Yet new chemicals alone cannot solve the world’s weed problems Therefore, scientists are exploring the innate weed-killing powers of living organisms, primarily insects and microorganisms 58 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 The biological agents now in use are harmless to humans, environmentally friendly, and offer the benefit of specificity They can be chosen for their ability to attack selected targets and leave crops and other plants untouched In contrast, some of the most effective chemicals kill almost all the plants they come in contact with, sparing only those that are naturally resistant to those that have been genetically modified for resistance Furthermore, a number of biological agents can be administered only once, after that no added applications are needed Chemicals, typically, must be used several times per growing season What is the passage primarily about? A The importance of the chemical industry B The dangers of toxic chemicals C Advantages of biological agents over chemical ones D A suggestion to ban the use of all herbicides According to the passage, the use of chemical agents …………… A has become more dangerous in recent years B is occasionally required C is perfectly safe D should be increased According to the passage, biological agents usually consist of …………… A insects and micro organisms B food plants C various types of mammals D weeds Which of the following is NOT given as an advantage of using biological agents over chemical herbicides? A They are less likely to destroy desirable plants B They are safer for workers C They are more easily available D They not have to be used as often The word ‘toxic’ in line means …………… A useful B useless C poisonous D harmless Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Most of us are interested in one kind of sport or another, even if we don’t go in for it actively Lots of people take up a particular sport at an early age, for example tennis, skiing, or ice-skating If they get up to a suitably high standard, they may go in for local competitions or even championships But special training is hard work and most young people don’t keep it up Many of them opt out when they come up against tough competition To become a professional in any sport, you have to go through with a strict training schedule And it’s not easy! It means doing without some of life’s little pleasures, too For example, to build up your physical strength you may have to stick to a special diet and give up some of your favorite foods Smoking and alcohol are out, and to keep fit you have to work out regularly every day 59 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 Sometimes it all pays off, but the road to success is long and there are no guarantees No wonder that countless young talents decide to settle for a regular job instead, and, as far as professional sport is concerned, for looking on as spectators The term of “go in for” in line means …… A give up B participate in C begin D like According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about special training? A It is not easy work B It hardly works C Most young people try to work out regularly D Most young people strictly follows a special diet To become professional in any sports, your strict training schedule would probably involve …………… A enjoying all life’s pleasures B eating all kinds of foods C sticking to a special diet D smoking and drinking alcohol According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A Few people take up a particular sport at an early age B The road to success in sports is long but there are guarantees C All of the people who play some sports can go in for local competitions or even championships D There are many young talents who decide to settle for a regular job Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Today I’d like to begin a discussion on the problem of the heating up of the earth First, we’ll touch on the relationship between fluorocarbons and the ozone layer You probably remember that the ozone layer is the protective shield around the earth It is important to all life, because it filters out harmful ultraviolet light from the sun Ozone itself, a form of oxygen, is regularly destroyed by natural chemical processes The problem now is that too much of the ozone layer is being destroyed Scientists suspect that certain chemicals, such as fluorocarbons, are contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer And how we use fluorocarbons? The most common uses are in spay cans and cooling systems The chemical pollution from these fluorocarbons can account for some of the ozone losses that have been reported There are, however, new studies linking the sun itself to the depletion of the ozone layer We’ll go into that new study more next time Who is the most likely speaker? A A doctor B A mechanic C A professor D A chemist What is the speaker’s main topic? A Ultraviolet light B The use of spray cans C Air-conditioning systems D Fluorocarbons and the ozone layer What is the most important purpose of the ozone layer? 60 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 A Providing fluorocarbons B Protecting the earth C Shielding the sun D Destroying chemicals What is the ozone layer made of? A Fluorocarbons B Shields C Oxygen D Ultraviolet light What will the speaker probably discuss next? A How to make air conditioners with fluorocarbons B Harmful effects of ultraviolet light C The make-up of the ozone layer D The sun as a cause of ozone layer depletion Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Air pollution occurs when wastes dirty the air People reduce most of the wastes that cause air pollution Such wastes can be in the form of gases or particles of solid matter These substances result chiefly from burning fuel to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings Industrial processes and the burning of garbage also contribute to air pollution Besides, there are other polluting substances that exist naturally in the air They include dust, pollen, soil particles, and naturally occurring gases The rapid growth of pollution and industry and the increasing use of automobiles and sir planes have made air pollution a serious problem The air we breathe has become so filled with pollutants that it can cause health problems It also harms plants, animals, building materials, and fabrics When does air pollution happen? A when wastes are in the form of gases B when people produce wastes C when people reduce wastes D when wastes dirty the air What does Not contribute to air pollution? A Industrial processes B The burning of garbage C the natural existence of oxygen in the air D Motor vehicles What are natural pollutants? A pollen B vehicles C garbage D industrial processes What has made air pollution a serious problem? A the rapid growth of population B the increasing use of automobiles C the rapid growth of industry D All are correct What does the word “it” in the last sentence refer to? A the polluted air B the burning material C the health problem D the plant & the animal Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer 61 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 Mrs Sand was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor about it However the doctor could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the local hospital for some tests The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests direct to Mrs Sand’s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble Mrs Sand carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a ladies' meeting When she got back home a couple of hours later, she found her husband waiting for her He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said, "Hello, sweetheart I have done all your shopping for you " "Done all my shopping?" she asked in surprise "But how did you know what I wanted?" "Well, when I got home I found your shopping list beside the telephone," answered her husband, "so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down " Of course, Mrs Sand had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor did not allow her to eat! The story is mainly about A Mrs Sand's skin trouble B Mrs Sand's husband’s care for her C her husband's carelessness D her husband's misunderstanding Her doctor sent her to the local hospital because A she was not his patient B the medical tests there would tell him exactly what her problem was C the hospital would take good care of her thanks to the tests D hers was a very serious case The ladies' meeting lasted A the whole morning B exactly two hours C less than two hours D more than two hours Perhaps when Mrs Sand left for the meeting, her husband A was working in the garden B was in the bathroom C was somewhere in the house D was out at work Mrs Sand's husband bought all the things on the list because A he wanted to help his wife with the shopping B he wanted to buy what she was not allowed to eat C he had nothing to when he got home D he himself liked them very much Reading Read the passage and choose the best answer Every year students in many countries learn English Some of these students are young children Others are teenagers Many are adults Some learn at school, others study by themselves A few learn English just by hearing the language in film, on television in the 62 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 office, or among their friends But not many are lucky enough to that Most people must work hard to learn another language Learning another language! Learning English! Why all these people want to learn English? It is not difficult to answer that question Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects They study their own language, and Math and English (In England, or America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language which is English, and Math, and another language perhaps French, or German, or Spanish.) Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work Teenagers often learn English for their studies, because some of their books are in English at the college or university Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English According to the writer, A only adults learn English B no children like learning English C English is only useful to teenagers D English is popular in much of the world Many people learn English by A watching videos only B hearing the language in the office C talking with the film stars D working hard on their lessons Many boys and girls learn English because A English can give them a job B it is included in their study course C their parents make them D they have to study their own language In America or Australia many schoolchildren study A English as a foreign language B English and Math only C such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish D their own language and no foreign language Many adults learn English because A their work is useful B they want to go abroad C most of their books are in English D it helps them in their work Reading 10 Read the passage and choose the best answer In many modern countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children But this is not the only kind of the family group In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members This kind of large family is called an “extended family” or a “joint family” The joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother’s or the father’s side of the family It is made up of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and cousins They live together in a large house or in huts built close together Early people probably lived in joint families They had to be part of a large group in order to survive The members of the group helped each other hunt They worked together to protect themselves from dangerous animals and other enemies 63 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 In China, people lived in joint families When a son married, he and his wife lived at his parent’s home Unmarried daughters remained at home until they married Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents Younger members of the joint families always took care of the old ones In India and Africa, some people still live in joint families The members of a joint family share their earnings and property If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck, the others help the person As in the past, the members of the joint family offer each other help and protection This passage as a whole tells us about _ A all types of family B families in China C joint families D families found in India and Africa Long time ago, members of joint families A did not live together B helped each other catch animals C lived separately in order to survive D found it difficult to live together The phrase “is made up of” in paragraph could be best replaced by A includes B forms C consists D compensates According to the passage, people who live in joint families often A take care of one another B share their good or bad luck C remain at home until they married D feel very loyal to their parents Which of the following is NOT true? A A joint family is a large family B Chinese children always took care of their parents C The members of the joint family used to be very helpful and protective D The joint family is not popular nowadays CLOZE TEST I have to get up every day at about seven because work really (1) about an hour before surgery when the phone calls start (2) in My wife helps me with that because she usually answers the phone and that (3) me time to have breakfast and read newspaper We open waiting – room about 8.30 and there (4) a dozen people there when I start surgery at nine I usually try (5) back home for lunch by 1.30 On a good day, I have a couple (6) hours before surgery begins again at four Evening surgery usually (7) till about eight, but often goes on much longer I belong to a group of five doctors in the area who (8) night duty between us That means we are on call once a week between As a result, my wife and I normally have dinner about nine and at that time we have opportunities (9) with our two small children We sometimes read short stories (10) …… our children or watch TV with them but rarely 64 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 10 A begin A to come A to give A is A to get A on A goes A share A to talk A to B begins B come B give B are B get B in B lasts B shares B talk B of Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 C beginning C comes C gives C was C getting C of C keeps C sharing C talking C on D began D came D giving D were D got D with D holds D shared D talked D for CLOZE TEST Another side effect of the human population explosion will be the conversion of more land to food production or cities This habitat (1) will cause progressive extinction of many more species Globally, 45 species of birds and 40 species of mammals went (2) between 1650 and 1969, more have disappeared since then, and many more are in endangered species list It has been estimated that half of all the species on Earth reside in the Amazon rain forest, (3) most of them in Brazil Brazil's plans to colonize and cut down the rain forests and similar changes in Congo and Indonesia may very well (4) a major episode of extinction Recent efforts to estimate the projected rate of extinction suggest (5) half of all the species of mammals and birds will become extinct within the next 200 to 300 years A variety A exhausted A as with A influence A that B extinction B exhaust B with B result from B this C endanger C extinction C as to C lead to C those D destruction D extinct D as for D cause to D these CLOZE TEST Everyone wants to reduces pollution but the pollution … (1) is as complicated as it is serious It is complicated … (2) much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For example, … (3) from automobiles causes a large percentage of air pollution But the automobile … (4) transportation for millions of people Factories (5) many of materials that pollute the air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people Thus, to end … (6) greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that … (7) them Most of the people not want to that, of course But pollution can be (8) reduced in several ways Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause Governments can pass and enforce laws that … (9) businesses and … (10) to stop, or cut down on certain polluting activities 65 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 10 A work A because A exhaust A carries A offer A to A benefit A little A require A commercials Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 B problem B so B fire B takes B bring B or B harm B gradually B forbid B surrounding C accident C that C gas C affords C discharge C so C motivate C so C prevent C individuals D event D while D liquid D provides D cause D that D encourage D that D request D traffic CLOZE TEST The United States has many different types of families While most American families are traditional, (1) _ a father, a mother and one or more children, 22 percent of all American families in 1998 were headed by one parent, usually a woman In a few families in the United States, there are no children These (2) _ couples may believe that they would not make good parents; they may want freedom from responsibilities of childbearing; or, perhaps they (3) _ physically able to have children Other families in the United States have one adult (4) _ a stepparent A stepmother or stepfather is a person who joins a family by marrying a father or a mother Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families In the United States people have right to privacy and Americans not believe in telling other Americans what type of family group they must belong to They respect each other’s choices regarding family groups Families are very important (5) _ Americans A consist of A childish A are not A who is A for B consisting of B childlike B can’t B is B of C consisting C childless C couldn’t C which is C in D including of D childhood D weren’t D which has D to CLOZE TEST One evening Dr Peterson was at a party A woman came up to him and began to talk about her back "Its very painful (1) _ I've worked for a long time in my garden", the woman said "You've hurt it by bending for too long", Dr Peterson replied He than showed her (2) _ to some exercises However, (3) _ the woman left he felt very angry He went up to a friend of his who was a lawyer He told him about (4) _ the woman and asked him for his advice "Do you think I (5) _ to send her a bill?" he asked The lawyer thought for a moment and nodded "How much should I charge (6) _ giving all that advice?" Dr Peterson asked "Change her your usual fee" they lawyer said The next day Dr Peterson sent the woman a bill (7) _ a few days later 66 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 he was surprised (8) _ letter from the lawyer (9) _ he opened the letter, he saw the following brief note: "Please find a bill for $50 for the advice (10) _" A because A what A when A meet A should A by A However A by receiving A Because 10 A gave you B for B why B because B meeting B had better B because of B In addition B to receive B When B What I gave you C by C when C if C to meet C ought C owing to C Therefore C for receiving C Until C when I gave you D as soon as D how D for D he met D must D for D Alternatively D receive D For D I gave you CLOZE TEST On December 10, 2006, I was going through some hard time The landlady did not want to release the house any more so I had to (1) _ and only had one month to find a place Because Christmas was coming and it was difficult for me to (2) _ a suitable accommodation I had only some money (3) _ I could not buy a Christmas tree and some presents for my three boys, (4) _ I had to use the money to find a place to live Tome, it broke my heart as I could not prepare the Christmas for my three boys I have been their only parent since my husband (5) _ away two years ago I was so sad and everything was getting on my nerves Although I managed to solve the problem myself I could not help (6) _ my sons about the things When I suddenly woke up at midnight, I found my eldest son was sitting (7) _me He kissed me and said, "Don't worry, Mum We love you very much and always stand by you (8) happens." At the moment I started weeping, grabbed him and kissed him His words and love made me (9) _ all about what I was stressing about In fact ever since that moment, I have realized that I can overcome any problems thanks to my sons' love The most important thing of my life is that my boys are safe and healthy, and they bring me joy all the time The memory (10) _ me that nothing really matters, when I have the love of my children A transfer A notice A leave A because A passes A tell A by A whenever A forget B convert B watch B to leave B although B passed B to tell B next B whatever B to forget C move C find C leaving C as though C has passed C told C over C whoever C forgot D change D see D left D if D was passing D telling D up D however D forgetting 67 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 10 A remembers B minds Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 C reminds D misses CLOZE TEST MY HOBBY I (1) _ learning the guitar when I (2) _ ten years old My first guitar was a present from my uncle It was very old and needed repairing, but I loved it and used to play it until my fingers hurt On my twelfth birthday, my father (3) _ me a new brand one, and I (4) _ going on with private guitar lessons My teacher teaches classical guitar, which I like, but I really want to play rock music Sometimes I (5) _ an electric guitar It is very loud and my mother always (6) _ it Unfortunately it is not mine, it is my friend’s My ambition (7) _ to play in a rock band and make records; I would like to travel around the world, playing in different countries My friend is a good singer, so we are going to form a band together All we need to is finding a drummer and a bass player I (8) _ some songs in the future And then, we (9) _ in my bedroom I’m sure my mother (10) _ A started A am A buys A will start A am playing A hates A is being A write A has practised 10 A won’t mind B start B was B had bought B start B play B hate B was B will write B practised B doesn’t mind C has started C will be C bought C has started C has played C will hate C is C has written C practise C aren’t minding D had started D had been D will buy D started D had played D hated D had been D had written D will practise D hadn’t minded CLOZE TEST Computers have become (1) _ of our daily lives We visit shops, offices and places of scenic (2) _ with the help of computers We pay bills prepared (3) _ computers We read newspapers and magazines (4) _ contents have been produced on computers We receive letters from and send letters to (5) _ every part of the world with the help (6) _ computers In addition, we can (7) _ learn foreign languages on computers What makes computers (8) _ a miraculous device? Each time you turn a computer on, with (9) _ hardware and software, it is (10) _ of doing almost anything you ask it (11) _ It is considered a (12) _ machine that speeds up calculations (13) _ it can add, subtract, multiply, and (14) _ with lightning speed and perfect (15) _ A computers is also an electronic (16) _ device which can manage large collections of (17) _ What is more, it is a (18) _ typewriter which allows us (19) _ and print any kind of document (20) _ all, it is a 68 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 personal communicator which helps us to interact with each other very quickly and effectively A part A beauties A with A who A almost A on A even A so A unsuitable 10 A capable 11 A doing 12 A calculated 13 A due to 14 A divide 15 A accurate 16 A storage 17 A data 18 A magical 19 A to input 20 A under B a part B beautiful B by B whom B most B by B rarely B that B appropriate B improbable B to doing B calculate B because B dilate B accreted B stored B datum B magnified B inputting B among C parts C beauty C for C whose C almost all C at C event C such C different C incapable C for doing C calculating C thanks to C dignify C acutance C stores C data C magic C to input C over D apart D beautified D in D which D the most D of C nearly D then D various D probable D to D calculator D because of D diffuse D accuracy D store D datum D magnetic D input D above CLOZE TEST The relationship between students and teachers is (1) _formal in the USA than in many other countries, especially at the college level American college students not stand up when their teacher enters the room Students are generally encouraged to ask questions in class, to stop in the professor's of lice for extra help, and to phone if they are absent and need a(n) (2) _ Most teachers allow students to enter class late or leave early, if necessary Despite the lack of formality, students are still expected to be polite to their teacher and fellow classmates When students want to ask questions, they usually (3) a hand and wait to be called on When the teacher or a student is speaking to the class, it is rude to begin whispering (4) _another classmate When a test is being given, talking to' a classmate is not only rude but also risky Most American teachers consider that students who are talking to each other (5) _a test are cheating A much A assignment A raise B most B homework B hold C a little C information C hang D less D housework D rise 69 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 A with A at B for B during Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 C to C by D at D for CLOZE TEST 10 Manuel Gonzalez comes from Spain He usually lives in Madrid and works (1) a journalist for a Spanish newspaper, but two years ago he decided to take a year (2) work to live in different countries in Europe and write a book about Europeans He spent the first two months in Scandinavia (3) information and then moved to Germany for a month At present he is staying in Paris, where he is renting a flat for five weeks Four years ago he wrote a (4) travel guide to Spain and now he is working hard to have the same (5) with his book about Europeans A in A off A collected A best-sell A succeed B for B to B to collect B best-sold B success C by C away C collecting C best-selling C successful D as D from D collection D best-to- sell D successfully CLOZE TEST 11 We can (1) other people in many different ways We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces There is also the phone (including the mobile!), the fax, and e-mail Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas Animals have ways of (2) information, too Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food Elephants make sounds that humans can’t hear Whales sing songs Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love But this is nothing (3) to what people can We have language – about 6,000 languages, in fact We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies And we have a sense of past and future, not just present Radio, film, and television (4) a huge influence on society in the last hundred years And now we have the Internet, which is infinite But what is this doing to this? We can give and get a lot of information very quickly But there is (5) information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn’t Modern media is changing our world every minute of every day A talk to A changing A compare A have A so much B talk with B transferring B comparing B have had B such much C communicate to C exchanging C is compared C are having C so many D communicate with D giving D compared D had D too much CLOZE TEST 12 70 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test 12 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 Environmental pollution is a term that (1) ………….to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (2) …………… the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with (3) …………….many fertilizers and pesticides Man also pollutes his surroundings (4) …………… various other ways (5) ……………, people ruin natural beauty by (6) …………….garbage and waste products on the land and in the water They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with (7) ……………noise Badly polluted air can cause illness, and ( 8) ………………death Polluted water kills fish and other (9) …………… life Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is (10) ……………… for growing food 10 A refers B attends A poisons B pours A extreme B too A for B with A Besides B As instance A scattering (disposing) B filling A embarrassing B disturbing A therefore B consequently A water B marine A able B capable C directs C puts C such C in C Therefore C using C confusing C even C hydro C probable D aims D surrounds D all D through D For example D making D dismissing D including D coastal D available CHÚC CÁC EM HỌC TỐT NHÉ ! GOOD LUCK TO YOU ! 71 Tài liệu Tiếng Anh Khối 11 Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987.194.125 72 ... does not approve of reading process B advises us to read as little as possible Teacher: Duong Nguyen Minh Chau – 0987194125 C prefers watching TV to reading D appreciates reading Reading Read the... good friends and reading is an active mental process Unlike TV, books make you use your brain By reading, you think more and become smarter Reading improves concentration and focus Reading books... watching TV than reading books B more and more people enjoy reading C most babysitters prefer watching TV D most children spend less than hours a day watching TV 34 Tài liệu Reading & Cloze test

Ngày đăng: 06/09/2020, 23:39

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