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Improving the ground service quality of vietnam airlines at noibai international airport

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN THỊ TUYẾT IMPROVING THE GROUND SERVICE QUALITY OF VIETNAM AIRLINES AT NOIBAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH VỤ MẶT ĐẤT CỦA VIETNAM AIRLINES TẠI SÂN BAY QUỐC TẾ NỘI BÀI LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2019 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN THỊ TUYẾT IMPROVING THE GROUND SERVICE QUALITY OF VIETNAM AIRLINES AT NOIBAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH VỤ MẶT ĐẤT CỦA VIETNAM AIRLINES TẠI SÂN BAY QUỐC TẾ NỘI BÀI Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC TS HOÀNG ANH TUẤN HÀ NỘI - 2019 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research outcome in the thesis is the result of author‟s independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other‟s research and article The other‟s research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula and other document) used in the thesis are cited properly and the permission (if required) is given The author is responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for above-mentioned declaration June 01, 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A completed study would not be done without any assistance Therefore, the author who conducted this research gratefully gives acknowledgement to their support and motivation during the time of doing this research as a requirement of completing First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and deep gratefulness to Dr Hoang Anh Tuan for his dedication to help and guide me to carry out my research Without his motivation and instructions, the thesis would have been impossible to be done effectively I also would like to express sincere gratefulness to the teachers who have provided me with useful knowledge in the past school years My special thanks approve to the leadership board of Noibai Operation Center - where I am working, facilitating us during the learning process At last, my deeply thanks come to my family, friends who have always encouraged me in the process of implementing my research thesis Despite my efforts, due to limited knowledge and research time, the thesis is inevitable The author hopes to receive valuable comments from teachers, friends and colleagues for the thesis to be completer and more practical TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATION i LIST OF TABLES ii LIST OF FIGURES iii THE OPENING CHAPTER .1 CHAPTER THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ON THE AIRLINE‟S GROUND SERVICE QUALITY AT THE AIRPORT 1.1 Airline‟s ground service quality at the airport .7 1.1.1 Definition 1.1.2 The role of ground services of airlines at airports 1.1.3 Characteristics of airline’s ground services at airports 1.1.4 Airline’s ground service classification 13 1.2 Ground service quality of an airline at the airport 15 1.2.1 Definition of ground service quality of an airline at the airport 15 1.2.2 Some models of service quality assessment 17 1.2.3 Selecting models to evaluate the quality of ground services of airlines at airports 21 1.2.4 Criteria for evaluating the quality of ground services of airlines at airports according to model SERVPERF 22 1.2.5 Factors affecting the quality of ground services of airlines at airports 27 CHAPTER EVALUATING THE GROUND SERVICE QUALITY OF VIETNAM AIRLINES AT NOIBAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 34 2.1 Introduction to Vietnam National Airlines 34 2.1.1 The process of formation and development of Vietnam Airlines 34 2.1.2 Business Fields .35 2.1.3 Vienam Airlines’organizational structure 37 2.1.4 Business results of Vietnam Airlines in the period 2016-2018 38 2.2 Status of ground service quality of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai International Airport .39 2.2.1 The importance of factors constituting the quality of ground services of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai International Airport 39 2.2.2 Reliablity .41 2.2.3 Responsiveness .44 2.2.4 Service capacity 47 2.2.5 Empathy 51 2.2.6 Tangible means .54 2.3 Evaluation of ground service quality of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai International Airport .59 2.3.1 Strength of ground service quality of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai .59 2.3.2 Weaknesses in ground service quality of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai International Airport .60 2.3.3 Causes of the weaknessess 61 CHAPTER SOME SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF GROUND SERVICES OF VIETNAM AIRLINES AT NOIBAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 68 3.1 Development strategy and the direction of ground services development of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai International Airport until 2023 68 3.1.1 Basis for business and production plans for the period 2019-2023 68 3.1.2 Vietnam Airlines’ strategic objectives for the period 2019-2023 .68 3.1.3 Orientation for ground services development of Vietnam Airlines at 69 3.2 Some solutions to improve ground service quality of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai International Airport 70 3.2.1 Solution to improve reliability .70 3.2.2 Solution to improve Responsiveness 73 3.2.3 Solution to improve service capacity 74 3.2.4 Solution to improve empathy 75 3.2.5 Solution to improve tangible means .75 3.2.6 Other solutions .77 3.3 Some recommendations 83 CONCLUSION 86 REFERENCES 87 ABBREVIATION VNA: Vietnam Airlines NOC: Noibai Operation Centre VIAGS: Vietnam airport ground services company limited NASCO: Northern airport services company Party: Vietnamese Communist Party i LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Table of classification according to service nature 15 Table 1.2: Criteria to evaluate the reliability of VNA's ground services at Noibai airport 22 Table 1.3: Criteria for evaluating the Responsiveness of VNA's ground services at Noibai airport 24 Table 1.4 Criteria to evaluate VNA's ground service capacity in Noibai 25 Table 1.5: Criteria for evaluating the empathy of ground services of VNA in Noibai 26 Table 1.6: Criteria for evaluating the tangible means of ground services of VNA in Noibai 27 Table 2.1 Passenger transport indicators for the period 2016-2018 39 Table 2.2 Results of production and business activities in the period of 2016-2018 .39 Table 2.3: Model Summary .40 Table 2.4: Responsiveness of ground services of VNA at Noibai airport 45 Table 2.5 Satisfaction level of passengers with tangible means of VNA check-in service in Noibai .54 Table 2.6: Customer satisfaction level with tangible means of business lounge service in Noibai .56 ii LIST OF FIGURES Chart 2.1 The trust level of customers with VNA's ground service in Noibai 41 Chart 2.2 Customer satisfaction level about Staff's communication skills, professional knowledge 49 Chart 2.3 Customer satisfaction level about Staff's politeness and frendliness - 50 Chart 2.4 Customer satisfaction level about Staff's language proficiency - 51 iii system to continuously improve customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements The resources here include human resources, infrastructure Units must identify and manage the work environment needed to achieve compliance with service requirements; VNA ground service providers in Noibai need to plan, conduct production and supply services under controlled conditions including the availability of information describing service characteristics, work instructions, the use of appropriate equipment, monitoring and measurement facilities; Finally, the units need to plan and implement the necessary monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes to demonstrate the suitability of the service, the suitability of the system  Enhancing the promotion to customers of VNA's service standards in general and the ground services at the airport in particular  Service recovery In the process of serving passengers at the airport, the occurrence of service errors is inevitable Correction of service errors is called service recovery The effective mend of service failures will restore customer trust and it is also an opportunity to strengthen customer loyalty if the repair is prepared and performed well VNA representative in Noibai is the person that directly receives and resolves complaints of passengers about VNA's ground services in Noibai The team responsible for feedback management should ensure that they are always ready to respond and assist thoughtful attention to customers Conducting research on customer complaints, feedback from staffs to improve the service process accurately and effectively Responsible staff members need specialized training and are empowered to solve the problems and complaints 3.2.2 Solution to improve Responsiveness On the basis of service standards implemented by the Passenger Service Department, the Resource Organization Committee should closely coordinate with 73 the ground service units in Noibai to redefine labor norms with each job position , taking into account the situation of serving unusual flights Based on the daily service plan, the companies proactively arrange manpower to serve at the positions, ensuring full compliance with commitments Improving the work instructions of employees at all positions, adding standards to specify employees' proactive attitude in the process of serving passengers Completing coordination mechanism between VNA ground service units in Noibai to ensure the flight information is provided to customers fully and promptly 3.2.3 Solution to improve service capacity Service capacity is expressed through communication skills, professional knowledge, polite, friendly attitude and foreign language skills of employees In order to improve the service capacity of VNA ground service staff in Noibai, the author proposes some solutions: Completing the system of professional training curriculum for each position, ensuring that the curriculum must be regularly updated in accordance with the current policies and regulations of the Aviation Law, Firms and related organizations Periodically checking the professional knowledge of all employees in the unit, taking the test results is one of the bases to determine the level of work completion in the month of the employees Strengthening communication and training standards of passenger services to employees through various forms: organizing communication groups, acting, competitions Organizing free foreign language training classes for employees Periodically organizing examinations of free foreign language certificates and compulsory requirements 100% of employees at all positions must attend and publicize the test results in the entire unit At the same time, building a reward and punishment mechanism for each grade level to motivate employees to improve their own foreign language skills 74 3.2.4 Solution to improve empathy Empathy is the factor that has the strongest impact on customer satisfaction with the ground service quality of VNA in Noibai Therefore, improving the dedication of VNA's ground service staff in Noibai to each customer will significantly contribute to improving service quality and customer satisfaction Some proposed solutions include: VNA's ground service companies in Noibai need to improve and further specify the handling manual of staffs at the welcome positions such as check-in staff, coordinators, receptionists, customer service staff to assure customer-oriented Ensuring personalization of services to each passenger by calling the name of the passenger at least once during the communication process at all stages of service The Passenger Services Department coordinates with related companies/departments to complete and synchronize the database system of passengers to ensure that ground service staff can understand the habits and interests of passengers on seat preference, special customer services requested when buying tickets, passengers' birthdays to ensure good preparation before the flight's opening time Building and completing the culture of customer-oriented organization Organizational culture is the core values shared by most of the members of the organization and it guides the behavior of the employees Building a suitable organizational culture will make employees work productivity and from that managers in units can respond promptly to market changes in the airline's ground service, arousing and linking the enthusiasm of all employees to fulfill its common goals 3.2.5 Solution to improve tangible means  Facilities for check-in, arrival, transfer and boarding services Working with SABRE to identify the causes of arising errors related to SSCI system (check-in system) and timely take corrective measures Based on the seasonal flight schedule to determine the number of VNA check-in counters in Noibai and then negotiate with Noibai Airport Corporation on the 75 number and location of suitable counters, ensure the distinctness and prominence of the check-in counter area of Vietnam National Airlines at Noibai airport Separating the counter area for priority passenger (Business class, Platinum, Elite Plus) and the remaining passengers; Enhancing facilities for business class passengers in this area such as enhancing the quality of carpets, candy trays and scents for this area Adding more self-luggage counters together with enhancing the self-check-in counters area This will also partly help passengers at the normal check-in counter area to reduce the waiting time Redesigning the signpost at the check-in counter area, ensuring that passengers can identify the check-in area easily and the marine system is unobstructed when the passengers are crowded, queuing long at the counters Surveying and proposing Noibai International Airport Corporation to complete and upgrade the system of signposts, FID screens to guide passengers at the terminal Reviewing the system of equipment and facilities for boarding and post flight services Some of them are old such as ladder cars and passenger buses, wheelchairs ; Replacing old and unqualified equipment; Enhancing the frequency of maintenance of existing equipment Checking the air conditioning system of passenger buses and have timely maintenance and repair plans  Facilities in Business class lounge Working with Noibai International Airport corporation to early deploy the expansion of domestic business class lounges Redesigning seat and chair layout in this area to meet passengers‟ demand: group of 2, seats, group of seats or seat, equipping with massage chairs and benches for passengers who have long waiting time Hiring a specialist who is a chef at a 5-star hotel to redesign the menu of food, drinks and ways of presenting food and drinks in the lounges Redesigning the space in the working area with tables and chairs of appropriate sizes, increasing the number and types of sockets for passengers to use the laptops 76 Increasing the quantity and category of newspapers and magazines in destination languages, adding literary books with many language options Equipment in the bathroom and toilet area of the lounges has not reached the expectations of passengers Passengers want to use high-end brands of soaps, moisturizers, towels, brushes, razors, bathroom equipment 3.2.6 Other solutions Solutions to improve management capacity: In order to improve the quality of ground services of Vietnam Airlines on the whole network in general and at Noibai International Airport in particular, in addition to solutions on human resources and infrastructure, the indispensable solution is improving management capacity with the following specific proposals: A prerequisite for achieving all plans and objectives is to have the leadership's determination in implementing, creating a favorable environment, providing resources for improving the quality of ground services of VNA in Noibai; The Passenger Service Department shall assume the prime responsibility for formulating a set of ground service standards suitable to each specific criterion for VNA's ground service to maintain stars, aiming for stars based on the analysis of customer demand from inflight surveys, online surveys and from Skytrax, SkyTeam's information sources; On the basis of this set of standards, conducting amendments and supplements to passenger service regulations and related regulations such as regulations on calculating prices and issuing ticket documents, labor norm regulation Simultaneously deploying to serve uniformly throughout the network, ensuring uniformity in service quality; On the basis of basic document system – Passenger Handling Manual (PHM), Operation centers, ground service companies, domestic and foreign branch offices of VNA adjusting the process and instructions of each unit, conducting training for all employees to understand and implement; The representative centers or offices of VNA will adjust the quality commitment set every year with service providers according to the new set of standards; 77 Building a process of quality control of ground services of VNA in Noibai includs: 1) determination of control objectives and contents; 2) developing control standards based on quality commitment with providers; 3) monitoring and measuring the performance of providers according to standards; 4) evaluating and adjusting the differences between standards and plans; Improving skills for managers and key employees of the company Solutions for quality of human resources The results of the assessment of ground service quality status of Vietnam Airlines at Noibai International Airport have shown that empathy is the most influential factor for customer satisfaction Besides, the factors of service capacity, the staff's response also has an impact on the quality of the ground service To improve the quality of the ground services of VNA in Noibai, VNA needs to apply measures to improve the quality of human resources including: 1) Planning human resources for service providers in Noibai; 2) Recruitment and use policies; 3) Training and development policy; 4) Remuneration policy; 5) Creating a professional and effective working environment (1) Planning human resources for service providers in Noibai Human resource strategy planning is the process of reviewing the overall resource needs of the companies to map out appropriate human resource plans to ensure the goal of using the right people, right jobs and adequate assurance and ensuring enough manpower to serve at all times An appropriate human resource strategy needs to be developed based on the results of demand forecasting and the analysis of the situation of human resources at the company Activities should be done as follows: The Organization and Human Resource Development Department develops and completes job description at all job positions to ensure consistency across the network Title descriptions should clearly define functions, tasks with a measure of the functions and tasks for each title This description also needs to be adjusted in time when VNA improves service standards; Leaders of the ground service companies in Noibai perform a review and re78 evaluate the actual situation of human resources at the companies according to the labor norms and job description of VNA, forecast the demand for human resources in the next period and recommend to adjust the norms accordingly; Assessing the capacity of each employee to screen, develop a rotation plan, training, recruiting new personnel in accordance with the actual needs of each company in Noibai in particular and human resources of VNA in general; Developing a comprehensive human resource development plan; Evaluating the performance and responsibilities of each employee at all positions according to each job title The work efficiency assessment system needs to ensure objectivity, fairness and transparency based on the combined results of many information sources Leadership assessment and recognition of working capacity is also a method of motivating employees; Preparing a financial plan for training and retraining existing human resources of VNA's ground service companies in Noibai from the training budget of VNA; Reviewing, amending and supplementing the regulation on income, welfare, ensuring the life of staff, implement salary regulation in accordance with capacity and work efficiency (2) Recruitment and use policies Based on the labor norms of the company, leaders of the ground service companies of VNA in Noibai actively conduct personnel recruitment activities at their respective companies The recruitment process must ensure the principle of selecting the best candidates in a suitable position based on the candidates' abilities, attitudes and experiences without distinguishing beliefs, races, religion, gender Information on the selection process, standards, working conditions and remuneration regime must ensure transparency and transparency The companies actively build appropriate recruitment process and set up recruitment teams with the components of company leaders, teachers related to the profession of the candidate position, officers in charge of recruitment Using the right people in the right positions helps improve work efficiency, 79 motivate employees to promote their own dedicated and whole-hearted work On the contrary, unreasonable use of labor will make employees feel depressed, work formally and easily lead to employees not working for the company for a long time The final consequence of this problem is the lack of manpower at the service positions, the cost of training and recruiting and at the same time does not guarantee the uniformity of the quality of ground services of VNA in Noibai (3) Training and development policy Aviation is one of the industries that require specialized training In order to ensure the quality of services provided by the staffs to the customers, the companies need to actively build training and re-training programs with each position according to job title and needs including theoretical and practical training The curriculum should be updated regularly to ensure compliance with changes in service standards, the system of legal documents on aviation, immigration policies and customs of the authorities; Hire the counselors at a 5-star hotel to train staffs in business lounge about business lounge services; Strengthening customer service training for all employees in direct contact with both theory and practice on the basis of typical situations; Training staffs foreign languages other than English such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, German, Russian; Making progress to standardize service staffs at all positions; Developing programs to improve customer service skills for employees in unusual situations Organizing competitions, seminars to promote the learning and training movement for staffs in this field; Due to the need for periodic retraining, companies need to actively build annual training plans, focusing on training in the low period, limiting the shortage of manpower to serve the flight due to inappropriate training plan (4) Remuneration policy The remuneration policy is the overall policies on salaries, bonuses, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, compulsory health insurance, subsidies from 80 welfare fund, reserve funds, articles working conditions, promotion opportunities of each ground servicing company in Noibai in particular and of Vietnam Airlines in general In order to improve the quality of the ground services of VNA in Noibai, the leaders of the companies need to redesign the system of suitable salaries and benefits to ensure that they meet both the needs of the employees and the balance of the fund of VNA A good remuneration will make employees stick with their work and best promote their ability to the growth of the company To create motivation for employees, leaders of VNA need to improve and effectively use the following motivational tools:  Completing salary system Currently, the salary regime of VNA is divided into categories: basic salary and evaluation salary Basic salary is paid based on the work day and salary level of each employee Salary is paid based on the evaluation of the completion of the job Basic salary is built on the basis of calculating the characteristics of the aviation industry environment and not separating the public beyond the working time However, this policy has partly led to ineffective use of labor to motivate employees to overtime when flights arise irregularities To improve the salary system towards the goal of equity in payroll and as a lever to stimulate labor productivity, the author proposes some specific solutions as follows: Firstly, applying the new time management system to ensure proper recording of the actual working time, effectively manage the excess of employees and have a reasonable overtime pay policy Secondly, rebuilding the payroll regulation in the direction of evaluating employees based on the results of actual work completion, ensuring competitiveness, ensuring living standards and creating motivation for employees as advanced the minimum wage for each position, shortening the difference between the salary of employees, experts and officials at all levels, adjusting the principle of wage ranking, etc Thirdly, rebuilding the mechanism of evaluating labor results with each job 81 title in a complete and comprehensive manner, ensuring fairness and transparency in the assessment Finally, the salary policy should consider the fluctuation of the price index in the market, may consider adjusting according to the annual inflation index  Completing the extraordinary reward and periodic rewarding policy for individuals and divisions with outstanding achievements in VNA's flight services The current reward system does not apply to divisions and those serving VNA flights in the apron area The rewarding process is still cumbersome and prolonged, leading to the inadequate encouragement to employees The author proposes some solutions to complete this policy is as follows: Reward objects: All individuals and divisions have excellent achievements in the services of VNA flights; Forms of reward: air tickets or cash; Reward decision maker: The director of the operation center, the director of the regional office and the head of the VNA branch in foreign countries have the right to flexibly decide the form of rewarding and rewarding decisions  Continuing to maintain the policy of priority airfare for VNA’s employees (5) Creating a professional and effective working environment In addition to reasonable remuneration, a professional and effective working environment is also an important factor to keep employees working with the company The things that companies need to to create a professional and effective working environment are: Developing a code of conduct and a consistent corporate culture; Communication organization for all officials and employees to follow this code of conduct to create a unique culture named Vietnam Airlines; Completing the uniform system of employees at all positions throughout VNA's network; - Completing the regulations on functions and tasks and job descriptions for each title; - Managers need to be exemplary in their work and collective activities, dare 82 to take responsibility, evaluate the performance of employees' work fairly, promptly recognize the achievements and contributions of employees, encourage employees to work hard, promote self-control, creativity and work-related suggestions of employees; - Promoting independence in problem solving, strengthening cooperation and help among colleagues, nurturing the spirit of hard work and awareness of improving the level of employees 3.3 Some recommendations For The Government, State The State needs to perfect and synchronize the legal system and documents guiding the implementation of aviation services At the same time, it is necessary to have forms of propagation and modification in accordance with these regulations and policies to the people This is to improve the understanding of the people, and also contribute to improving the quality of airline services In addition, when people understand the regulations of aviation will also limit the negative reactions when arising abnormalities in the operation of airlines For the problem that the infrastructure is not responsive to the development of aviation infrastructure, the government / parliament should have a national policy on civil aviation This situation needs private participation in aviation development, and the publicprivate partnership model is the most potential model for Vietnam's aviation development in the future For Noibai international airport authority Reviewing and creating the best possible conditions for VNA to locate the check-in counter, the location of boarding gate, the business lounge position to enhance the image and position of Vietnam Airlines at the hub airport Enhancing periodic maintenance with the system of equipment at the terminals such as computers, boarding pass printers, conveyors, air conditioners, elevators, etc to ensure the equipment is in good working condition Improving the system of signs and signboards in all areas such as check-in area, lounge, arrival area and especially transfer area to make it easy for customers to access and move to other areas in the terminals 83 Enhancing overall sanitation in all areas to ensure the terminal is always in a clean state, adding toilets for children and people with disabilities Improving the quality of the announcement system in the common lounge as well as in the business-class lounge of VNA Adding more carts at the terminals especially in arrival terminals, enhancing trolley maintenance and promptly replacing carts that not meet quality standards Reviewing and arranging to separate the check-in area from the taking-off area, avoiding the mess in the check-in area, increasing the effectiveness of the coordination of queuing customers, reducing the waiting time of customers, while ensuring the safety of this area; Besides, continuing to implement the plan to limit taking-off customers‟family into the termial For Noibai border police department Continuing to coordinate with VNA in Noibai to open check counters with priority lanes for C / VIP / CIP, SkyPriority passengers Coordinating with VNA Representative in Noibai to complete the process of coordinating to serve passengers in unusual situations to ensure quick services Periodically training for VNA Representative in Noibai and staffs to carry out procedures for identification of fake identification documents and unauthorized entry and exit procedures of passengers Considering the arrangement of manpower to ensure enough counters to clear customers during peak hours, limiting congestion or visitors must wait in long queues at the police area For Noibai Customs Department Coordinating with VNA Representative in Noibai to complete the process of coordinating to serve passengers in unusual situations to ensure quick services Improving quality and transparency in customs inspection with passengers and luggages For Other Airlines In order to provide the best services to passengers, airlines need to cooperate and coordinate flexibly and strictly in accepting each other's passengers when an airline has 84 trouble in operating In addition, airlines also need to have a consistent manner, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations This is to minimize the damage caused to passengers and affect the image of the aviation industry in general 85 CONCLUSION The strong development of the aviation industry in the world together with the increasingly fierce competition among airlines is a big challenge but also creates many favorable opportunities for Vietnam Airlines to expand, claiming to become a famous airlines in the region and in over the world Therefore, the issue of improving the quality of ground services is one of the important and vital issues for airlines especially in the context of Vietnam's economy is in the integration stage, increasingly must be close to international practices if they want to survive and develop sustainably On the basis of applying research methods, sticking to the research objectives and scope, the thesis has completed the following tasks: - Determining the theoretical framework of the quality of ground services, building a scale to assess the quality of ground services of airlines at airports - On the basis of synthesizing information from customer surveys, in-depth interviews, secondary information systems, the author analyzed and clarified the status of Vietnam Airlines' ground service quality at Noibai international airports with specific services Through the SPSS software tool, the author also pointed out empathy and tangible means are two factors that have the strongest influence on customer satisfaction with Vietnam Airlines' ground services at Noibai international airport At the same time, the thesis has found strengths, weaknesses and causes of weaknesses of this service quality - Proposing some solutions to improve the quality of Vietnam Airlines' ground services at Noibai international airport including solutions to improve reliability, responsiveness, service capacity and tangible means and some solutions to improve the quality of human resources as well as management capacity - The thesis also gives some recommendations to Noibai International Airport, Noibai border police department and Noibai Customs Branch With the current development trend, improving the quality of transport services in general and ground services in particular will be researched, developed and completed suitable for socio-economic development by airlines, scientists and professionals 86 REFERENCES 1) Development Magazine 9, No 10 -2006 Page 69 Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice 2) 3) Doyle, Robert E (1992), Essential Skills and strategies in the helping process D ng Cao Th i Nguy n, Ho ng Minh Ch nh, Chu Ho ng H (2010 , i o tr nh qu n tr h ng kh ng, Nh xu t b n th gi i 4) D ng Cao Th i Nguy n, Nguyễn H i Quang, Chu Ho ng H , Trần Quang Minh (2010), 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Ngày đăng: 06/09/2020, 18:27



