FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN Fundamentals of Switching Theory and Logic Design A Hands on Approach by JAAKKO T ASTOLA Institute of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland and RADOMIR S STANKOVI Ć Dept of Computer Science, Faculty of Electronics, Niš, Serbia A C.I.P Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN-10 ISBN-13 ISBN-10 ISBN-13 0-387-28593-8 (HB) 978-0-387-28593-1 (HB) 0-387-30311-1 (e-book) 978-0-387-30311-6 (e-book) Published by Springer, P.O Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 2006 Springer No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work Printed in the Netherlands Contents Preface Acronyms xi xiii SETS, RELATIONS, LOGIC FUNCTIONS Sets Relations Functions Representations of Logic Functions 4.1 SOP and POS expressions 4.2 Positional Cube Notation Factored Expressions Exercises and Problems 1 13 16 17 19 ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES FOR LOGIC DESIGN Algebraic Structure Finite Groups Finite Rings Finite Fields Homomorphisms Matrices Vector spaces Algebra Boolean Algebra 9.1 Boolean expressions 10 Graphs 11 Exercises and Problems 21 21 21 24 25 27 30 33 37 38 40 42 44 vi FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSIONS FOR SWITCHING FUNCTIONS 10 11 12 13 14 15 Shannon Expansion Rule Reed-Muller Expansion Rules Fast Algorithms for Calculation of RM-expressions Negative Davio Expression Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller Expressions Algebraic Structures for Reed-Muller Expressions Interpretation of Reed-Muller Expressions Kronecker Expressions 8.1 Generalized bit-level expressions Word-Level Expressions 9.1 Arithmetic expressions 9.2 Calculation of Arithmetic Spectrum 9.3 Applications of ARs Walsh Expressions Walsh Functions and Switching Variables Walsh Series Relationships Among Expressions Generalizations to Multiple-Valued Functions Exercises and Problems DECISION DIAGRAMS FOR REPRESENTATION OF SWITCHING FUNCTIONS 10 11 Decision Diagrams Decision Diagrams over Groups Construction of Decision Diagrams Shared Decision Diagrams Multi-terminal binary decision diagrams Functional Decision Diagrams Kronecker decision diagrams Pseudo-Kronecker decision diagrams Spectral Interpretation of Decision Diagrams 9.1 Spectral transform decision diagrams 9.2 Arithmetic spectral transform decision diagrams 9.3 Walsh decision diagrams Reduction of Decision Diagrams Exercises and Problems 47 50 51 56 57 59 62 63 64 67 68 70 73 74 77 80 80 82 85 87 89 89 97 99 102 103 103 108 110 112 112 114 115 119 122 vii Contents CLASSIFICATION OF SWITCHING FUNCTIONS NPN-classification SD-Classification LP-classification Universal Logic Modules Exercises and Problems 125 126 129 133 137 145 SYNTHESIS WITH MULTIPLEXERS Synthesis with Multiplexers 1.1 Optimization of Multiplexer Networks 1.2 Networks with Different Assignments of Inputs 1.3 Multiplexer Networks from BDD Applications of Multiplexers Demultiplexers Synthesis with Demultiplexers Applications of Demultiplexers Exercises and Problems 147 149 151 153 154 157 162 162 166 168 REALIZATIONS WITH ROM Realizations with ROM Two-level Addressing in ROM Realizations Characteristics of Realizations with ROM Exercises and Problems 171 171 176 180 181 REALIZATIONS WITH PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC ARRAYS 183 Realizations with PLA The optimization of PLA Two-level Addressing of PLA Folding of PLA Minimization of PLA by Characteristic Functions Exercises and Problems UNIVERSAL CELLULAR ARRAYS Features of Universal Cellular Arrays Realizations with Universal Cellular Arrays Synthesis with Macro Cells Exercises and Problems 184 186 189 191 194 196 199 199 201 205 208 viii FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN 10 FIELD PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC ARRAYS Synthesis with FPGAs Synthesis with Antifuse-Based FPGAs Synthesis with LUT-FPGAs 3.1 Design procedure Exercises and Problems 211 221 222 224 225 233 11 BOOLEAN DIFFERENCE AND APPLICATIONS IN TESTING LOGIC NETWORKS 235 Boolean difference Properties of the Boolean Difference Calculation of the Boolean Difference Boolean Difference in Testing Logic Networks 4.1 Errors in combinatorial logic networks 4.2 Boolean difference in generation of test sequences Easily Testable Logic Networks 5.1 Features of Easily Testable Networks Easily Testable Realizations from PPRM-expressions Easily Testable Realizations from GRM-expressions 7.1 Related Work, Extensions, and Generalizations Exercises and Problems 236 237 238 242 242 246 250 251 251 257 263 265 12 SEQUENTIAL NETWORKS Basic Sequential Machines State Tables Conversion of Sequential Machines Minimization of States Incompletely Specified Machines State Assignment Decomposition of Sequential Machines 7.1 Serial Decomposition of Sequential Machines 7.2 Parallel Decomposition of Sequential Machines Exercises and Problems 269 271 274 277 278 281 283 287 287 290 294 13 REALIZATION OF SEQUENTIAL NETWORKS Memory Elements Synthesis of Sequential Networks Realization of Binary Sequential Machines 297 298 302 304 ix Contents Realization of Synchronous Sequential Machines Pulse Mode Sequential Networks Asynchronous Sequential Networks Races and Hazards 7.1 Race 7.2 Hazards Exercises and Problems 306 309 313 318 319 320 322 Reference s 325 Index 339 Preface Information Science and Digital Technology form an immensely complex and wide subject that extends from social implications of technological development to deep mathematical foundations of the techniques that make this development possible This puts very high demands on the education of computer science and engineering To be an efficient engineer working either on basic research problems or immediate applications, one needs to have, in addition to social skills, a solid understanding of the foundations of information and computer technology A difficult dilemma in designing courses or in education in general is to balance the level of abstraction with concrete case studies and practical examples In the education of mathematical methods, it is possible to start with abstract concepts and often quite quickly develop the general theory to such a level that a large number of techniques that are needed in practical applications emerge as simple ” special cases However, in practice, this is seldom a good way to train an engineer or researcher because often the knowledge obtained in this way is fairly useless when one tries to solve concrete problems The reason, in our understanding, is that without the drill of working with concrete examples, the human mind does not develop the feeling” or intuitive understanding of the theory that is necessary for solving deeper problems where no recipe type solutions are available In this book, we have aimed at finding a good balance between the economy of top-down approach and the benefits of bottom-up approach From our teaching experience, we know that the best balance varies from student to student and the construction of the book should allow a selection of ways to balance between abstraction and concrete examples Switching theory is a branch of applied mathematics providing mathematical foundations for logic design, which can be considered as the part ” ” xii FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN Group theory Switching theory Fourier analysis Fourier analysis on groups Group-theoretic Approach to Logic Design Figure Switching theory and Fourier analysis of digital system design concerning realizations of systems whose inputs and outputs are described by logic functions Thus, switching theory can be viewed as a part of Systems Theory and it is closely related to Signal Processing The basic concepts are first introduced in the classical way with Boolean expressions to provide the students with a concrete understanding of the basic ideas The higher level of abstraction that is essential in the study of more advanced concepts is provided by using algebraic structures, such as groups and vector spaces, to present, in a unified way, the functional expressions of logic functions Then, from spectral (Fourier-like) interpretation of polynomial, and graphic (decision diagrams) representations of logic functions, we go to a group-theoretic approach and to optimization problems in switching theory and logic design Fig 0.1 illustrates the relationships between the switching theory and Fourier analysis on groups A large number of examples provides intuitive understanding of the interconnections between these viewpoints Consequently, this book discusses the fundamentals of switching theory and logic design from a slightly alternative point of view and also presents links between switching theory and related areas of signal processing and system theory In addition, we have paid attention to cover the core topics as recommended in IEEE/ACM curricula for teaching and study in this area Further, we provide several elective lectures discussing topics for further research work in this area ´ Jaakko T Astola, Radomir S Stankovic 328 FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN [41] Edwards, C.R., “The Gibbs dyadic differentiator and its relationship to the Boolean difference,” Comput and Elect Engng., Vol 5, 1978, 335-344 ” [42] Egan, J.R., Liu, C.L., Bipartite foldign and partitioning of a PLA”, IEEE Trans Computer-Aided Design, Vol CAD-3, 1982, 1982, 191-199 ” [43] Ercolani, S., De Micheli, G., Technology mapping for electrically programmable gate arrays”, Proc 28th Design Automation Conf., San Francisco, CA, USA, June 7-11, 1991, 234-239 ” [44] Falkowski, B.J., A note on the polynomial form of Boolean functions 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diagram, 96 Binary decision diagrams reduction rules, 96 Binary decision tree, 93 Binary moment diagrams, 115 Binary relation, Bit-level expressions, 68 Blocks, Boolean algebras, 38 Boolean derivative, 236 Boolean difference, 236 Boolean expression, 40 Boolean functions, Boolean ring, 24 C Canonical conjunctive form, 15 Canonical disjunctive form, 15 Canonical POS, 15 Canonical SOP, 14 Cardinal number, Cardinality, Cartesian product, Cell-based design, 206 Chains, Characteristic, 29 Circuit in a graph, 42 Classification rules, 125 Clock pulse skew, 309 Clocked networks, 298 Closed cover, 281 Cluster function, 222 Coarse-grain FPGA, 212 Cofactors, 93 Collapse of errors, 245 Compatibility class, 281 Compatible states, 281 Complete test, 245 Conjunction, 15 Conjunctive matrix, 54 Connected graph, 43 Continuum, Coordinates, 34 Countable sets, Covering, 281 Critical race, 319 Cubes, 10 Custom design, 206 Cycle, 319 D De Morgan theorem, 15 339 340 FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN Decision diagrams, 89 Decision Type List, 109 Degree of a vertex, 43 Demultiplexer, 162 Derivative, 235 Deterministic testing, 264 Device Under Testing, 244 Dimension of vector space, 34 Direct product, Directed graph, 42 Digraph, 42 Discrete function, Discrete Walsh functions, 77 Disjunction, 15 Don’t cares, 10 Double rail array, 200 Duality, 41 Dyadic convolution, 62 Dyadic group, 24 Dynamic redundancy, 251 E Easilly testable circuits, 251 Easilly testable network, 251 Edge-triggered, 300 Edge-valued binary decision diagrams, 114 Elementary automata, 298 Elementary products, 54 Elements of a set, Empty letter, 270 Empty word, 270 Equivalence class, Equivalence relation, Equivalent errors, 244 Equivalent states, 277 Equivalent sequential machines, 277 Essential hazard, 322 Excitation table, 307 Excitation variables, 314 EXOR sum-of-products expressions, 67 Extended Decision Type List, 110 F Factor machine, 282 Factored EVBDDs, 115 Factored expressions, 16 Field, 26 Field programmable, 206 Field Programmable Logic Arrays, 211 Fine-grain FPGA, 212 Finite automaton, 269 Finite fields, 27 Finite machine, 269 Finite-state machine, 269 Fixed-Polarity Arithmetic Expressions (FPARs), 72 Flip-flops, 298 Flow table, 314 FPGA, 211 FPRM polarity matrix, 60 Function, Functional cells, 207 Functional decision diagrams, 103 Fundamental mode, 298 G General Boolean algebra, 38 Generalized Reed-Muller expressions, 67 Generators of modules, 207 Graph, 42 Greedy algorithm, 229 Group, 22 Group homomorphism, 27 H Hard errors, 243 Hard programmable FPGA, 213 Hazard, 318 Hazard free, 321 Homomorphism, 27 I i-ary operation, 21 Identity matrix, 30 Improper subset, Incompletely specified function, 10 Incompletely specified sequential machine, 275 Initial state, 270 Injective mapping, Input alphabet, 269 Input states, 313 Input symbols, 270 Inputs of sequential machine, 270 Internal variables, 314 Intersection, Inverse function, Inverse matrix, 31 Isomorphic, Isomorphism, 29 Iterative cellular arrays, 200 Iterative functions, 203 J K Karnaugh map, 11 Kronecker decision diagrams, 108 Kronecker expression, 64 Kronecker product, 31 L Latches, 298 Length of word, 270 l-equivalence, 278 Letters, 270 Library binding, 207 Linear combination, 34 Linearly dependent, 34 Linearly independent, 34 Literals, 13 Look-up tables, 213 LP -classification, 133 Index M Macro-cells, 207 Mask programmable, 206 Master-slave, 300 Matrix, 30 Maxterm, 13 Maxterm expression, 15 Mealy sequential machine, 271 Minterm, 13 Minterm expression, 15 Module function, 223 Moore sequential machine, 271 MPGA, 206 Multi-level logic network, 16 Multi-output function, Multiple Boolean difference, 236 Multiple errors, 245 Multi-rail arrays, 201 Multi-terminal binary decision diagrams, 103 Mutiplexers, 147 N Negative arithmetic (nAR) expansion, 72 Negative Davio (nD) expansion, 57 Newton-Leibniz derivative, 235 Non-Abelian group, 22 Non-critical race, 319 NPN-classification, 126 O 1-hot code, 285 Order of the Boolean difference, 238 Order relation, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, 92 Ordered set, Orthogonal matrix, 30 Output alphabet, 270 Output function, 269 P Pair, Partial Boolean difference, 237 Partial order relation, Partialy ordered set, Partition, Path, 42 Personalization of FPGA, 222 PLA folding, 191 Polarity vector, 59 Polynomial expressions, 51 POS-expressions, 13 Posets, Positive Davio (pD) expansion, 52 Positive Polarity Reed-Muller (PPRM) expression, 52 Power set, PPRM-network, 251 Predifused, 206 341 Prewired, 206 Primary products, 67 Primary variables, 313 Product, 13 Product term, 13 Programmable Logic Arrays, 183 Proper subset, Pseudo-Kronecker decision diagrams, 110 Pulse mode sequential machine, 298 Q Quasi-stable state, 314 R Race, 318 Raceless flip-flops, 300 Random pattern testability, 264 Reduced flow table, 317 Redundant errors, 245 Reed Only Memory, 171 Reed-Muller (RM) coefficients, 52 Reed-Muller (RM) expression, 52 Reed-Muller functions, 54 Reed-Muller matrix, 53 Relation, Representative function, 125 Ring, 24 Ring homomorphism, 29 S Secondary variables, 314 Self-dual (SD) classification, 129 Self-dual functions, 129 Self-inverse matrix, 31 Semicustom design, 205 Sequential machine, 269 Set, Shannon expansion, 50 Shared BDDs, 102 Simple flow table, 316 Single stuck-at 0/1 errors, 243 Single-rail, 201 Sites, 206 Soft errors, 243 Soft programmable FPGA, 213 SOP-expressions, 13 Spectral transform decision tree, 112 Stable state, 314 Standard cells, 206 State alphabet, 270 State assignment, 283 State diagram, 269 State encoding, 284 State function, 269 State machine, 269 State of sequential machine, 269 State (transition) diagrams, 269 State (transition) tables, 269 State table, 269 Static 0-hazard, 321 342 FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN Static 1-hazard, 320 Static hazard, 320 Static redundancy, 251 Steady state, 320 Subset, Sum term, 13 Surjective mapping, Switching function, Symmetric matrix, 31 Synchronous sequential machine, 298 T Taggle flip-flop, 301 Technology mapping, 207 Test, 247 Total order relation, Total state, 313 Transient essential hazard, 322 Transposed matrix, 30 Trigger flip-flop, 301 Two variable function generator (TVFG), 140 Two-element Boolean algebra, 38 U Undetectable error, 245 Unilateral array, 200 Union, Universal cellular arrays, 201 Universal logic modules (ULMs), 137 Unstable state, 314 V Valid assignment, 320 Vector space, 33 Veitch diagram, 11 Virtual library, 207 W Walk in a grpah, 42 Walsh decision diagrams, 115 Walsh expansion (decomposition) rule, 81 Walsh expressions, 77 Walsh functions, 77 Walsh matrix, 77 Word-level expressions, 68 X Y Z ZBDD reduction rules, 107 Zero-suppressed BDD, 107 ˇ Z ˇ Zegalkin polynomial —052 ... , (x1 ∧ (x1 → x2 )) → x2 , (( (x1 → x2 ) → x1 ) → x1 ), - Pierce law, (x1 → x2 ) ∨ (x2 → x1 ), (x1 → x2 ) ∧ (x3 → x4 ) → (( x1 ∨ x3 ) → (x2 ∨ x4 )), where ∧ and ∨ are the logic AN D and OR, and. .. xii FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN Group theory Switching theory Fourier analysis Fourier analysis on groups Group-theoretic Approach to Logic Design Figure Switching theory and. .. following switching functions are equal to the constant function (x1 ∨ x2 )x1 ∧ x2 , (x1 → (x1 → x2 )), (x1 → x2 ) ∧ (x1 ∧ x2 ), (x1 → (x1 ∨ x2 )) 20 FUNDAMENTALS OF SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN