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ongThanCong.com Randomized Algorithms Rajeev Motwani Prabhakar Raghavan Stanford University IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center :i CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CuuDuongThanCong.com Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia © Cambridge University Press 1995 First published 1995 Printed in United States of America Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Motwani, Rajeev Randomized 'algorithms / Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ~.SBN 0-521-47465-5 Stochastic processes-Data processing Algorithms I Raghavan, Prabhakar II Title QA274.M68 1995 004'.01'5192-dc20 94-44271 A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-521-47465-5 hardback TAG CuuDuongThanCong.com Randomized Algorithms CuuDuongThanCong.com The Stanford-Cambridge Program is an innovative publishing venture resulting from the collaboration between Cambridge University Press and Stanford University and its Press The Program provides a new international imprint for the teaching and communication of pure and applied sciences Drawing on Stanford's eminent faculty and associated institutions, books within the Program reflect the high quality of teaching and research at Stanford University The Program includes textbooks at undergraduate level, and research monographs, across a broad range of the sciences Cambridge University Press publishes and distributes books in the StanfordCambridge Program throughout the world CuuDuongThanCong.com Contents Preface I IX Tools and Techniques Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 A Min-Cut Algorithm Las Vegas and Monte Carlo Binary Planar Partitions A Probabilistic Recurrence Computation Model and Complexity Classes Notes Problems 2.1 2.2 2.3 Game Tree Evaluation The Minimax Principle Randomness and Non-uniformity Notes Problems 10 15 16 23 25 28 31 38 40 41 43 Moments and Deviations 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Occupancy Problems The Markov and Chebyshev Inequalities Randomized Selection Two-Point Sampling The Stable Marriage Problem The Coupon Collector's Problem Notes Problems 43 45 47 51 53 57 63 64 67 Tail Inequalities 67 The Chernoff Bound v CuuDuongThanCong.com 28 Game-Theoretic Techniques 4.1 CONTENTS 4.2 4.3 4.4 74 79 83 96 97 Routing in a Parallel Computer A Wiring Problem Martingales Notes Problems 101 The Probabilistic Method 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Overview of the Method Maximum Satisfiability Expanding Graphs Oblivious Routing Revisited The Lovasz Local Lemma The Method of Conditional Probabilities Notes Problems Markov Chains and Random Walks 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 A 2-SAT Example Markov Chains Random Walks on Graphs Electrical Networks Cover Times Graph Connectivity Expanders and Rapidly Mixing Random Walks Probability Amplification by Random Walks on Expanders Notes Problems Algebraic Techniques 101 104 108 112 115 120 122 124 127 128 129 132 135 137 139 143 151 155 156 161 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Fingerprinting and Freivalds' Technique Verifying Polynomial Identities Perfect Matchings in Graphs Verifying Equality of Strings A Comparison of Fingerprinting Techniques Pattern Matching Interactive Proof Systems PCP and Efficient Proof Verification Notes Problems 162 163 167 168 169 170 172 180 186 188 II Applications 195 I>ata Structures 197 8.1 The Fundamental Data-structuring Problem vi CuuDuongThanCong.com 197 CONTENTS 8.2 Random Treaps 8.3 Skip Lists 8.4 Hash Tables 8.5 Hashing with O( 1) Search Time Notes Problems Geometric Algorithms and Linear Programming 9.1 Randomized Incremental Construction 9.2 Convex Hulls in the Plane 9.3 Duality 9.4 Half-space Intersections 9.5 Delaunay Triangulations 9.6 Trapezoidal Decompositions 9.7 Binary Space Partitions 9.8 The Diameter of a Point Set 9.9 Random Sampling 9.10 Linear Programming Notes Problems 209 213 221 228 229 234 234 236 239 241 245 248 252 256 258 262 273 275 278 10 Graph Algorithms 278 289 296 302 10.1 All-pairs Shortest Paths 10.2 The Min-Cut Problem 10.3 Minimum Spanning Trees Notes Problems 304 306 11 Approximate Counting 11.1 Randomized Approximation Schemes 11.2 The DNF Counting Problem 11.3 Approximating the Permanent 11.4 Volume Estimation Notes Problems 12 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 12.1 The PRAM Model 12.2 Sorting on a PRAM 12.3 Maximal Independent Sets 12.4 Perfect Matchings 12.5 The Choice Coordination Problem 12.6 Byzantine Agreement Notes Problems vii CuuDuongThanCong.com 201 308 310 315 329 331 333 335 335 337 341 347 355 358 361 363 CONTENTS 13 Online Algorithms 368 13.1 The Online Paging Problem 13.2 Adversary Models 13.3 Paging against an Oblivious Adversary 13.4 Relating the Adversaries 13.5 The Adaptive Online Adversary 13.6 The k-Server Problem Notes Problems 14 Number Theory and Algebra 369 372 374 377 381 384 387 389 392 14.1 Preliminaries 14.2 Groups and Fields 14.3 Quadratic Residues 14.4 The RSA Cryptosystem 14.5 Polynomial Roots and Factors 14.6 Primality Testing Notes Problems 392 395 402 410 412 417 426 427 Appendix A Notational Index Appendix B Mathematical Background Appendix C Basic Probability Theory 429 433 438 References Index 447 467 viii CuuDuongThanCong.com Preface THE last decade has witnessed a tremendous growth in the area of randomized algorithms During this period, randomized algorithms went from being a tool in computational number theory to finding widespread application in many types of algorithms Two benefits of randomization have spearheaded this growth: simplicity and speed For many applications, a randomized algorithm is the simplest algorithm available, or the fastest, or both This book presents the basic concepts in the design and analysis of randomized algorithms at a level accessible to advanced undergraduates and to graduate students We expect it will also prove to be a reference to professionals wishing to implement such algorithms and to researchers seeking to establish new results in the area Organization and Course Information We assume that the reader has had undergraduate courses in Algorithms and Complexity, and in Probability Theory The book is organized into two parts The first part, consisting of seven chapters, presents basic tools from probability theory and probabilistic analysis that are recurrent in algorithmic applications Applications are given along with each tool to illustrate the tool in concrete settings The second part of the book also contains seven chapters, each focusing on one area of application of randomized algorithms The seven areas of application we have selected are: data structures, graph algorithms, geometric algorithms, number theoretic algorithms, counting algorithms, parallel and distributed algorithms, and online algorithms Naturally, some of the algorithms used for illustration in Part I fall into one of these seven categories The book is not meant to be a compendium of every randomized algorithm that has been devised, but rather a comprehensive and representative selection The Appendices review basic material on probability theory and the analysis of algorithms ix CuuDuongThanCong.com REFERENCES [323] V Pan Fast and efficient algorithms for the exact in~ersion of integer matrices In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on th~ Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science Springer-Verlag LNCS 206, 1985 [324] C.H Papadimitriou Games against nature Journal pf Computer and System Sciences, 31 :288-301, 1985 [325] c.H Papadimitriou On selecting a satisfying truth asstgnment In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 163-169, 1991 [326] C.H Papadimitriou Complexity Theory Addison-Wesleyp Reading, MA, 1994 [327] c.H Papadimitriou and M Yanakakis Shortest paths wiithout a map Theoretical Computer Science, 84:127-150, 1991 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Albers, S., 389 Aldous, DJ., 64, 155, 332 Aleliunas, R, 96, 155 Alford, W.R, 426 all-pairs shortest paths, 278-288, 302 Alon, N., 97, 122, 123, 156, 160,302,361 Alt, H., 24 AlthOfer, 1.,41 amortization, 200 amplification of randomness, see probability amplification Anderson, RJ., 362 Angluin, D., 66,426 Ankney, N.C., 426 APD, 279-288, 302 APD algorithm, 282-284, 287, 288 approximation hardness results, 188 APSP algorithm, 288 Aragon, C.R, 229, 230 arithmetization, 177 Arora, S., 122, 188, 192 arrangement of line segments, 255 arrangement of lines, 259, 274 Arthur-Merlin games, 187 Aspnes, J., 97 ASYNCH-CCP algorithm, 358, 367 autopartition, 13, 14, 102,253,255,273 Azar, Y., 63 Azuma's inequality, 92, 97 Azuma, K., 97 Babai, L., 24, 187, 188, 361 Bach, E., 426 backwards analysis, 235, 274 convex hull algorithm, 238 half-space intersection, 243 trapezoidal decomposition, 250 Bar-Noy, A, 389 Barany, I., 332 basis linear programming, 263 BasisLP algorithm, 270, 272, 274,277 Bayes' rule, 440 Beaver, D., 188 Beck, J., 123 Belady, LA., 387 Bellare, M., 122 Ben-David, S., 387 Ben-Or, M., 188, 426 Bent, S.w., 63 Berger, B., 123, 361, 362 Berkowitz, SJ., 362 Berlekamp, E.R., 23, 426 Bernoulli distribution, 44S Bernoulli trial, 67 Bernstein, S.N., 63, 96 Bertrand's Postulate, 220 Bertsimas, D., 96 Bien, F., 123, 155 Biggs, N., 155 Billingsley, P., 97,438 binary partition, 252, 273 467 CuuDuongThanCong.com INDEX dimensions, 254-256 planar, 11-14, 102 binary tree endogenous, 198 full, 198 binomial coefficients, 434 binomial distribution, 59, 67, 44S birthday problem, 45 Blum, A, 388 Blum, M., 63, 156, 186, 188, 189, 193, 232 Bollobas, B., 97 Boole-Bonferroni inequalities, 44, 440 Boolean circuit family, 38 Boolean decision diagram, 187 Boppana, R.B., 24, 41, 187 Borodin, A, 96, 155, 362, 387 Boruvka's algorithm, 297-298, 303 Bovet, D.P., 25 BoxSort algorithm, 339-341, 361, 363 Boyer, R.S., 187 BPP, 22, 151, 309, 337,423 BPWM algorithm, 28Cr-288, 302, 304 Brebner, G.J., 96 Broder, AZ., 63, 123, 155, 332 Buffon, G., 24 Byzantine agreement problem, 358-361, 363 ByzGen algorithm, 360, 361, 363, 367 Carmichael number, 419, 420, 423, 426-428 Carmichael, R.D., 426 Carter, J.L., 229, 232, 233 Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, 436 Chandra, AK., 155, 186, 189 characteristic equation, 437 characteristic vector, 160 Chazelle, B., 123, 273, 274 Chebyshev bound, 47, 63 Chebyshev, P.L., 63 Chebyshev-Cantelli bound, 64 Chernoff bound, 67-79 global wiring, 79 oblivious routing, 77 occupancy problem, 73 sum of geometric variables, 98 Chernoff, H., 63, 96 Chew, L.P., 274 Chinese Remainder Theorem, 396, 408, 422, 423 Chistiakov, V.P., 63, 97 Chistov, AL., 362 choice coordination problem, 355-358, 363 Chor, B., 63, 363 Chrobak, M., 387, 388 chromatic number, 93, 97 Chung, F.R.K., 160 Chvatal, V., 274 Clarkson, K.L., 273, 274 clique number, 91 CNF,18 co-BPP, 27 Cohen, A, 123, 156 co-lP, 192 Cole, R., 361 commute time, see random walk, commute time competitive analysis, 368 Marker algorithm, 376 Reciprocal algorithm, 382 competitiveness, 370 complexity classes, 18-23 composite ness, 417 concave function, 107, 124 conditional probability, 121,440 conductance, see Markov chain connected component, 139 co-NP, 20, 143, 173, 177,417 Contract algorithm, 290 292, 294, 303, 305 contraction, 290, 297 convex function, 98 convex hull, 236, 239 dimensions, 241 planar, 23Cr-239 Cook, S.A, 155, 361 co-PP, 27 Coppersmith, D., 187, 193, 302, 388 co-PSPACE, 20 Cormen, T., 302 co-RP, 21, 191,423,426 coupon collector's problem, 57-63 sharp threshold, 61-63 Courant-Fisher equalities, 147, 159 cover time, see random walk, cover time Crescenzi, P., 25 cryptography, 187 Csanky, L., 362 Cvetkovic, D.M., 155 Dagum, P., 332 Dantzig, G.B., 275 data structures, 197-233 DELETE operation, 197 FIND operation, 197 INS operation, 197 JOIN operation, 197 MAKESET operation, 197 PASTE operation, 197 468 CuuDuongThanCong.com INDEX operation, 197 Davenport, H., 426 Delaunay triangulation, 245-247 of a convex polygon, 248 de Leeuw, K., 23 De Millo, R.A, 187 de randomization, 39,63, 120, 121,274, 302, 303, 346, 364 determinant, see matrix diameter graph, 281 point set, 25Cr-258 polytope, 275 dictionary problem dynamic, 214, 218 static, 213 Dietzfelbinger, M., 229 Dijkstra, E.W., 302, 303 Dinwoodie,I.H., 156 discrete log problem, 402 disjunctive normal form, see DNF distributed algorithms, 97 distributional complexity, 34 Dixon, B., 303 DNF,307 DNF counting problem, 310 315 Donath, W., 156 Doob, J L, 97 Doob, M., 155 doubly stochastic matrix, see matrix Doyle, P.G., 155, 388 duality, see geometric duality Dubins, L.E., 97 Dwork, C., 363 Dyer, M.E., 332 Dymond, P.w., 155 SPLIT Edelsbrunner, H., 273, 274 edge coloring, 389 Edmonds matrix, 167 Edmonds' Theorem, 167 Edmonds, J., 167, 187, 190 effective resistance, 135 Short-cut Principle, 138 triangle inequality, 138 eigenvalue, 437 eigenvector, 437 electrical networks, 135-137 Short-cut Principle, 138 Elias, P., 302 Erdos, P., 122, 123 ERH, 405, 425, 426 Euclid's algorithm, 393, 394,414 extended version, 395, 427 Euler totient function, 397 Euler's Criterion, 404, 413 Euler's Theorem, 399 EXP, 20 expanders, 108-112, 123, 143, 145, 152 application to probability amplification, 110 112, 151-155 existence proof, 109-110 explicit construction, 110 Gabber-Galil, 145 magnifiers, 156 rapid mixing property, 144 relation to e~genvalues, 144-151 super-concentrators, 156 extended Euclidean algorithm, 395, 427 Extended Riemann Hypothesis, see ERH factoring, 399,401,403,409-412,417,426 Fasteut algorithm, 294, 303 Feder, T., 187,302 Feige, U., 188 Feigenbaum, J., 188 Feinstein, A, 302 Feller, w., 63, 97, 438 Fermat congruence, 418 Fermat's Theorem, 399,418 Fermi, E., 24 Fiat, A, 387, 388 Fibonacci number, 191, 435 Fich, F.E., 41 FIFO, see paging problem, FIFO algorithm Find algorithm, 15, 24, 26 fingerprint, 161, 168, 190, 214 Fischer, M.J., 363 Floyd, R.W., 63, 302 Ford, L.R., 302 Fortnow, L., 18,8, 192 FPAS, see fully polynomial approximation scheme FPRAS, see fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme Fredman, M.L., 229, 233, 303 free Boolean graphs, 186 Freivalds' technique, 162 Freivalds, R., 186 Friedman, J., 123,274 Frieze, AM., 123, 332 Fulkerson, D.R., 302 fully polynomial approximation scheme, 308 fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme, 309 function 469 CuuDuongThanCong.com INDEX linear, 185 nearly linear, 185 Fiiredi, Z., 332 Gartner, B., 275 Gabber, 0., 123, 156 Gabow, H., 303 Gale, D., 63 Galil, Z., 123, 156,302,303,362 game theory, 31-34 game tree evaluation, 28-30, 102· Gartner, B., 275 Gathen, J von zur, see von zur Gathen, J Gecsei, J., 387 Gemmell, P., 188 geometric algorithms, 234-277 geometric distribution, 10, 57, 300,446 geometric duality, 239-241 Gill, J., 23, 41, 155 Gillman, D., 156 global wiring, 79-83 Gobel, E, 155 Goemans, M.x., 96, 122 Goldberg A, 303, 362 Goldberg, M., 361 golden ratio, 435 Goldreich, 0., 63, 187, 188 Goldwasser, M., 275 Goldwasser, S., 187, 188,426 Gomory, RE., 302 Graham, RL., 229, 303, 433 Granville, A, 426 graph algorithms, 278-305 graph isomorphism, 173, 187 graph non-isomorphism, 173, 187 Greedy MIS algorithm, 342 Greene, D.H., 433 Grigoriev, D., 362 Grimmett, G.R., 97, 438 Grove, E., 388 Guibas, LJ., 24, 274 Gusfield, D., 63 Hagerup, T., 96 half-plane intersection, 239 half-space intersection, 241-245 Hall, A, 24 Hall, P., 97 Hao, J., 302 Hardy, G.H., 426, 433 Harmonic algorithm, see k-server problem, Harmonic algorithm Harmonic numbers, 204, 435 hash functions, 21 S nearly-2-universal, 233 perfect, 215, 222, 223 strongly k-univell'sal, 221 strongly universal, 221 universal, 213-221,232 hash table, 215 hashing, 213-221 Hastad, J.T., 123, 187 Haussler, D., 274 Hayward, R, 97 heaps, 97, 201 Hell, P., 303 Herstein, LN., 426 Heyde, C.C, 97 Hirschfeld, R., 24 hitting time, see random walk, hitting time Hoare, CAR, 24 Hoeffding's bound, 98 Hoeffding, W., 96 98 Hoffman, AJ., 156 Hopcroft, J.E., 25, 96, 187, 189,302, 362 Hu, T.C, 302 Hua, L.K., 426 Huang, AM-D., 426 hypercube, 75, 112 Ibaraki, T., 303 Impagliazzo, R, 156 Inclusion Exclusion Principle, 440 indicator variable, 441 interactive proof systems, 175, 172-180, 187 zero-knowledge, 187 IP, 176, 188, 191 Irani, S.S., 389, 391 Irving R.W., 63 isolating lemma, 284, 349-350, 362, 365-367 isomorphism, 173 Israeli, A, 362 Itai, A., 361 iterative reweighting, 266 lterSampLP algorithm, 267 Jacobi symbol, 420.428 Jagers, AA, 155 Jila, J., 361 Janson, S., 96 Jerrum, M.R., 332, ~34 Joffe, A, 63 John, J.W., 63 Johnson, D.B., 302 Johnson, D.S., 24, 122, 187, 188,426 Johnson, N.L., 63, 97 470 CuuDuongThanCong.com INDEX k-CNF,117 k-point sampling 53 k-SAT,117 k-server conjecture, 385 k-server problem, 384-387 Harmonic algorithm, 388 greedy algorithm, 385 lower bound, 385, 387 kth moment method, 53 kth central moment, 53 kth moment, 443 k-wise independence, 221, 441 Kahn, J.D., 158 Kaklamanis, C, 96 Kalai, G., 274, 275 Kamath, A, 97, 100 Kannan, R, 332 Kannan, S., 186, 189,232 Karger, D.R., 24, 65, 96, 126,302,303,305, 361,364 Karlin, AR, 63, 155,229,387,388,390 Karloff, HJ., 188, 362, 365, 387, 388 Karmarkar, N., 332 Karp, RM., xi, 24, 41, 42, 66, 123, 155, 156, 187, 190, 191, 331-333, 361, 362, 366, 387,390 Karpinski, M., 362 Karzanov,AY., 302 Kemeny, J.G., 155 Kilian, J., 188, 426 Kimbrel, T., 186 King V., 303 Kirchhoff's Law, 135 Kirchhoff, G., 331 Klee-Minty cube, 275 Klein, P., 303 Kleitman, OJ., 275 Knapp, AW., 155 Knuth, D.E., 24, 25, 64, 187, 229, 274, 426, 433 Ko, K-I., 27 Kolchin, V.E, 63, 97 Kolmogorov, AN., 63 Kolmogorov-Doob inequality, 92 Komlos, J., 156, 160,229, 233, 303, 361 Kotz, S., 63, 97 Koutsoupias, E., 388 Krizanc, D., 96 Kruskal, J.B., 303 Lamport, L., 363 Larmore, L.L., 388 Las Vegas algorithm, 9, 22, 24 lower bounds, 34, 35 lattice approxinlation problem, 99 LazySelect algprithm, 48, 50, 63, 125 Leeuw, K de, see de Leeuw, K Legendre symbol, 404, 420 Lehmer, E., 426 Leighton, ET., 123, 361 Leiserson, CE., 302 Lenstra, AK., 426 Lenstra, H.W, 426 Lev, A, 362 LeVeque, MJ., 426 Levin, L., 188 LFU, see paging problem, LFU algorithm linear functioq, 185 linear programming 262-272 linearity of expectation, 4, 10, 443 Linial, N., 158, 387 Lipschitz condition, 93 Lipton, RJ., 4[, 155, 187-189, 332 list update problem, 389 Littlewood, J.E., 433 log

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2020, 22:40

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