Giới thiệu về Kinh doanh bao gồm phạm vi và trình tự của hầu hết các khóa học kinh doanh nhập môn. Cuốn sách cung cấp các giải thích chi tiết trong bối cảnh của các chủ đề cốt lõi như sự hài lòng của khách hàng, đạo đức, tinh thần kinh doanh, kinh doanh toàn cầu và quản lý sự thay đổi. Giới thiệu về Doanh nghiệp bao gồm hàng trăm ví dụ kinh doanh hiện tại từ nhiều ngành và vị trí địa lý, có nhiều cá nhân khác nhau. Kết quả là một cách tiếp cận cân bằng đối với lý thuyết và ứng dụng của các khái niệm kinh doanh, chú ý đến kiến thức và kỹ năng cần thiết cho sự thành công của sinh viên trong khóa học này và hơn thế nữa.
Introduction to Business SENIOR CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS LAWRENCE J GITMAN, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY - EMERITUS CARL MCDANIEL, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, ARLINGTON AMIT SHAH, FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY MONIQUE REECE LINDA KOFFEL, HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE BETHANN TALSMA, DAVENPORT UNIVERSITY AND GRAND RAPIDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE JAMES C HYATT, UNIVERSITY OF THE CUMBERLANDS OpenStax Rice University 6100 Main Street MS-375 Houston, Texas 77005 To learn more about OpenStax, visit Individual print copies and bulk orders can be purchased through our website ©2018 Rice University Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) Under this license, any user of this textbook or the textbook contents herein must provide proper attribution as follows: - - - - If you redistribute this textbook in a digital format (including but not limited to PDF and HTML), then you must retain on every page the following attribution: “Download for free at” If you redistribute this textbook in a print format, then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: “Download for free at” If you redistribute part of this textbook, then you must retain in every digital format page view (including but not limited to PDF and HTML) and on every physical printed page the following attribution: “Download for free at” If you use this textbook as a bibliographic reference, please include in your citation For questions regarding this licensing, please contact Trademarks The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, OpenStax CNX logo, OpenStax Tutor name, Openstax Tutor logo, Connexions name, Connexions logo, Rice University name, and Rice University logo are not subject to the license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written consent of Rice University PRINT BOOK ISBN-10 PRINT BOOK ISBN-13 PDF VERSION ISBN-10 PDF VERSION ISBN-13 Revision Number Original Publication Year 1-947172-54-9 978-1-947172-54-8 1-947172-55-7 978-1-947172-55-5 IB-2018-000(09/18)-BKB 2018 OPENSTAX OpenStax provides free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks for introductory college and Advanced Placement® courses and low-cost, personalized courseware that helps students learn A nonprofit ed tech initiative based at Rice University, we’re committed to helping students access the tools they need to complete their courses and meet their educational goals RICE UNIVERSITY OpenStax, OpenStax CNX, and OpenStax Tutor are initiatives of Rice University As a leading research university with a distinctive commitment to undergraduate education, Rice University aspires to path-breaking research, unsurpassed teaching, and contributions to the betterment of our world It seeks to fulfill this mission by cultivating a diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders across the spectrum of human endeavor PHILANTHROPIC SUPPORT OpenStax is grateful for our generous philanthropic partners, who support our vision to improve educational opportunities for all learners Laura and John Arnold Foundation The Maxfield Foundation Arthur and Carlyse Ciocca Charitable Foundation Burt and Deedee McMurtry Ann and John Doerr Michelson 20MM Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation National Science Foundation Girard Foundation The Open Society Foundations Google Inc Jumee Yhu and David E Park III The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Brian D Patterson USA-International Foundation Rusty and John Jaggers The Bill and Stephanie Sick Fund The Calvin K Kazanjian Economics Foundation Robin and Sandy Stuart Foundation Charles Koch Foundation The Stuart Family Foundation Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc Tammy and Guillermo Treviño Our textbook’s new web version works with you to help you study Whether you’re an expert color-coder or first-time notetaker, our new web view makes it easy to highlight and annotate your book online! And, we’ve created a detailed study guide to help you prepare for tests and remember what you’ve read Our books are free and flexible, forever Get started at introduction-business Access The future of education TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Understanding Economic Systems and Business 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Understanding Business Ethics 61 How Organizations Influence Ethical Conduct 64 Managing a Socially Responsible Business 69 Responsibilities to Stakeholders 73 Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Competing in the Global Marketplace 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 The Nature of Business 12 Understanding the Business Environment 17 How Business and Economics Work 21 Macroeconomics: The Big Picture 28 Achieving Macroeconomic Goals 33 Microeconomics: Zeroing in on Businesses and Consumers Competing in a Free Market 43 Trends in the Business Environment and Competition 46 37 Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 87 Global Trade in the United States 89 Why Nations Trade 93 Barriers to Trade 95 Fostering Global Trade 97 International Economic Communities 100 Participating in the Global Marketplace 105 Threats and Opportunities in the Global Marketplace The Impact of Multinational Corporations 114 Trends in Global Competition 118 Forms of Business Ownership 129 Going It Alone: Sole Proprietorships 131 Partnerships: Sharing the Load 134 Corporations: Limiting Your Liability 137 Specialized Forms of Business Organization Franchising: A Popular Trend 147 Mergers and Acquisitions 155 Trends in Business Ownership 158 78 145 110 59 Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 247 Building Organizational Structures 249 Contemporary Structures 255 Using Teams to Enhance Motivation and Performance 258 Authority—Establishing Organizational Relationships 262 Degree of Centralization 264 Organizational Design Considerations 265 The Informal Organization 270 Trends in Organizational Structure 272 Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations 285 8.1 Achieving High Performance through Human Resources Management 8.2 Employee Recruitment 292 8.3 Employee Selection 294 8.4 Employee Training and Development 298 8.5 Performance Planning and Evaluation 302 8.6 Employee Compensation and Benefits 304 8.7 The Labor Relations Process 308 8.8 Managing Grievances and Conflicts 314 8.9 Legal Environment of Human Resources and Labor Relations 317 8.10 Trends in Human Resource Management and Labor Relations 321 209 The Role of Management 211 Planning 213 Organizing 219 Leading, Guiding, and Motivating Others 220 Controlling 227 Managerial Roles 228 Managerial Skills 231 Trends in Management and Leadership 233 Designing Organizational Structures 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 199 Management and Leadership in Today's Organizations 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Entrepreneurship Today 171 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs 177 Small Business: Driving America's Growth 181 Ready, Set, Start Your Own Business 184 Managing a Small Business 193 Small Business, Large Impact 196 The Small Business Administration 197 Trends in Entrepreneurship and Small-Business Ownership Motivating Employees 335 This OpenStax book is available for free at 287 169 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 10 Early Theories of Motivation 337 The Hawthorne Studies 339 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 340 McGregor's Theories X and Y 342 Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory 345 Contemporary Views on Motivation 347 From Motivation Theory to Application 351 Trends in Employee Motivation 355 Achieving World-Class Operations Management 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 11 Production and Operations Management—An Overview 371 The Production Process: How Do We Make It? 375 Location, Location, Location: Where Do We Make It? 378 Pulling It Together: Resource Planning 382 Production and Operations Control 389 Looking for a Better Way: Improving Production and Operations Transforming the Factory Floor with Technology 394 Trends in Production and Operations Management 398 392 Creating Products and Pricing Strategies to Meet Customers' Needs 11.1 The Marketing Concept 412 11.2 Creating a Marketing Strategy 415 11.3 Developing a Marketing Mix 419 11.4 Buyer Behavior 423 11.5 Market Segmentation 427 11.6 What Is a Product? 433 11.7 Creating Products That Deliver Value 437 11.8 The Product Life Cycle 441 11.9 Pricing Strategies and Future Trends 444 11.10 Trends in Developing Products and Pricing 12 369 411 448 Distributing and Promoting Products and Services 459 12.1 The Nature and Functions of Distribution (Place) 461 12.2 Wholesaling 466 12.3 The Competitive World of Retailing 468 12.4 Using Supply Chain Management to Increase Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction 12.5 Promotion Strategy 474 12.6 The Huge Impact of Advertising 478 12.7 The Importance of Personal Selling 480 12.8 Sales Promotion 483 12.9 Public Relations Helps Build Goodwill 488 12.10 Trends in Social Media 489 12.11 Trends in E-Commerce 491 473 13 Using Technology to Manage Information 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 14 Accounting: More than Numbers 541 The Accounting Profession 546 Basic Accounting Procedures 549 The Balance Sheet 554 The Income Statement 557 The Statement of Cash Flows 560 Analyzing Financial Statements 562 Trends in Accounting 567 581 Show Me the Money 583 The Federal Reserve System 587 U:S: Financial Institutions 592 Insuring Bank Deposits 601 International Banking 603 Trends in Financial Institutions 604 Understanding Financial Management and Securities Markets 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 17 539 Understanding Money and Financial Institutions 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 16 502 Using Financial Information and Accounting 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 15 Transforming Businesses through Information Linking Up: Computer Networks 507 Management Information Systems 514 Technology Management and Planning 519 Protecting Computers and Information 521 Trends in Information Technology 527 501 The Role of Finance and the Financial Manager 617 How Organizations Use Funds 619 Obtaining Short-Term Financing 622 Raising Long-Term Financing 624 Equity Financing 626 Securities Markets 630 Buying and Selling at Securities Exchanges 636 Trends in Financial Management and Securities Markets Your Career in Business 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 643 655 Learn the Basics of Business 656 Developing Interpersonal Skills Is Key to Your Success 657 Make Your Future Happen: Learn to Plan 661 Going to College Is an Opportunity of a Lifetime—Never Drop Out Get Your Career Off on the Right Track 671 Self-Test Scoring Guidelines 681 This OpenStax book is available for free at 664 615 718 References “NYSE 2016 Year in Review,”, accessed October 11, 2017 19 “Non-U.S Issuers Data,”, accessed October 11, 2017 20 John D’Antona, “The Reg NMS Debate Goes On and On,”, June 23, 2017 21 “NASDAQ 2017/2016 Monthly Volumes,”, accessed October 11, 2017 22 “NASDAQ’s Story,”, accessed October 12, 2017 23 “NASDAQ’s Listing Markets,”, accessed October 12, 2017 24 Jeff Desjardins, “Here Are the 20 Biggest Stock Exchanges in the World,” Business Insider,, April 11, 2017; Jeff Desjardins, “All of the World’s Stock Exchanges by Size,” Visual Capitalist,, February 16, 2016 25 “Indian Sensex Stock Market Index” and “Indian GDP Annual Growth Rate,”, accessed October 12, 2017 26 Zack Guzman and Mark Koba, “When Do Circuit Breakers Kick In? CNBC Explains,” CNBC,, January 8, 2016 Trends in Financial Management and Securities Markets 27 “The CFO’s Evolving Role,”, August 1, 2017; John Maxfield, “The Dodd-Frank Act Explained,” USA Today,, February 3, 2017 28 Frank Chaparro, “A Merger Between Stock Exchange Behemoths Makes a Lot of Sense,” Business Insider,, April 12, 2017 Developing Interpersonal Skills Is Key to Your Success Kristine Tucker, “The Importance of Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace,” Career Trend,, July 5, 2017 Christina DesMarais, “How to Think on Your Feet Under Pressure: Tips,” Inc.,, accessed November 14, 2017 The Persuasion self-test was created by the authors and from the following sources: Persuade Others to Follow Your Way of Thinking,; Six Unique Ways to Persuade Others,; Strategies of Influence and Persuasion, Kendrick Cleveland,; Power Persuasion—How to Persuade People,; How to Persuade and Influence People, Wolf J Rinke, Ph.D., CSP, #554 Innovative Leader, Volume 11, Number 6, June 2002, The Office Politics scale was developed by the authors and from the following sources: Don’t Sabotage Your Success!—Make Office Politics Work, Karen Ginsburg Wood,; Play the Office Politics Game, Cynthia A Broderick,; The Fairness of Office Politics Integrity and Political Motivation! Edward B Toupin,; Fly Under the Radar to Absorb Delicate Office Politics, Peter Vogt, MonsterTRAK Career Coach,; The New Office Politics: We’ve Seen the Enemy at Work, and Sometimes It’s Us, Audrey Edwards, Essence, March 2005, articles/mi_ml264/is_11_35/ai_n11830673; Assessment—Office Politics, First Edition, downloads/courseilt/e-assessments/0619254394.pdf; and Play Office Politics and Keep Your Soul, Alison Davis, “15 Questions You Should Ask Every Time You Start a Project,” Inc.,, accessed November 19, 2017; Brett Harned, “10 Important Questions to Ask Your Client Before Your Project Starts,”, May 7, 2015 Make Your Future Happen: Learn to Plan The section on planning is adapted from: Investing in Your Future (Thomson South-Western, a part of The Thomson Corporation, 2007), pp 1–10 Going to College Is an Opportunity of a Lifetime—Never Drop Out The material on Going to College is adapted from Abby Marks-Beale, Success Skills: Strategies for Study and Lifelong Learning (Thomson South-Western, a part of The Thomson Corporation, 2007) The Time Management scale was created by the authors and from the following sources: Time Management Quiz,; Manage Your Time in Ten Steps,,1120,1-263,00.html; Time Management Quiz, This OpenStax book is available for free at References 719; Stress Management, Better Health Channel, Stress Management Quiz,; Time Management,; and Time Management: Importance of Good Practice, The Ability to Manage Money scale was created by your authors from the following sources: Quiz – Can You Manage Money?,; Your Money, 03can_you_manage_your_own_month?mode=PF; Psychology of Money Management, counsel/pubs/Money.htm; Managing Your Money,; The Importance of Managing Money,; and How Do You Rate as a Money Manager?, 10 The self-quiz on How to Study was prepared by the authors and from the following sources: EDinformatics – Education for the Information Age, education/howtostudy.htm; The Manila Times, March 20, 2004, mar/20/yehey/life/20040320lif2.html; Ten Traps of Studying—Improving Your Studying Skills—CAPS—UNC—Chapel Hill,; and Language Study Skills, Get Your Career Off on the Right Track 11 Peter Jones, “5 Ways to Make Your Career Dreams Come True,” The Job Network,, accessed November 19, 2017; Julie Griffin Levitt Your Career: How to Make It Happen, 5th edition (Thomson South-Western, a part of The Thomson Corporation, 2006), pp 2–4 12 The Assertiveness test was prepared by the authors and from the following sources: Test Your Assertive Level,; Assertive Action Plan, assertplan.html; Assertiveness,; Perception of Assertiveness as a Function of Tag Questions,; and Assertion Training, 13 Brian Tracy, “Top Qualities Employers Are Looking For in Candidates,” Undercover Recruiter,, accessed November 19, 2017; Liz Ryan, “12 Qualities Employers Look for When They’re Hiring,” Forbes,, March 2, 2016 14 “25 Best Cities for Jobs 2017,” Glassdoor,, accessed November 19, 2017; Tony Merevick, “Here Are the 25 Best Cities in America to Find a Job This Year,” Thrillist,, September 15, 2017 15 “Entry Level Resume Information,”, accessed November 19, 2017 16 “How We Hire,”, accessed November 19, 2017 17 “Top 15 Most Popular Job Websites: July 2017,” eBiz/MBA Guide,, accessed November 19, 2017 18 Mary Brandel, “Tech Resume Makeover: How to Add Multimedia,” CIO,, accessed November 19, 2017 19 Alison Doyle, “Resume Keywords and Tips for Using Them,” The Balance,, August 4, 2017 20 Ibid 21 Katharine Hansen, “College Students: You Simply Must Do an Internship (Better yet: Multiple Internships)!” Live Career,, accessed November 19, 2017 22 “17 Clever Ways to Interview Like a Pro,” Undercover Recruiter,, accessed November 19, 2017; Alison Doyle, “Most Common Interview Mistakes,” The Balance,, October 9, 2017 23 The Are You a Good Listener scale was created by the authors and from the following sources: American Management Association – Self-Test: Are You a Good Listener, arc_center/archive/quiz_aug2003.htm; How To Be an Active Listener, 5102-10878-5054191.html; Are You a Good Listener?,; Are You a Good Listener?,; Productivity – Are You a Good Listener?,; Are You 720 References a Good Listener?—Listen and Profit, Mike Kelly,; Joan Lloyd at Work,; and Humanities 2000—Listening Skills, Understanding the Legal Environment Lesley Fair, “Court Orders $280 Million from Dish Network, Largest Ever Do Not Call Penalty,”, accessed June 23, 2017 This OpenStax book is available for free at Index Index Symbols 1996 Telecommunications Act, 45 5Ps, 460, 493 A Abbott, 76 Abercrombie, 214 Absolut, 118 absolute advantage, 93, 122 Accenture, 66 account payable, 623 Accounting, 542 accounting, 571 accounts payable, 645 Accounts receivable, 620 accounts receivable, 645 Ace Hardware, 146, 146 acid-test (quick) ratio, 563, 571 acquisition, 155, 161 Activity ratios, 566 activity ratios, 571 Acuity, 74 Adelphia, 541 administrative law, 685 ADT, 156 advertising, 475, 493 advertising media, 478, 493 Aetna, 529, 529 affirmative action programs, 321, 325 agency shop, 312, 325 Agents, 461 agents, 493 AICPA Auditing Standards Board, 548 AIG, 591 Airbus, 99, 217, 218, 218, 218, 218 Airbus Industries, 45 Aite Group, 604 Albertson’s, 120, 120, 121 Alcoa, 76, 316 Alcon Labs, 288 Alibaba, 505, 156 Allegheny Ludlum, 437 Alphabet, 137, 139 Altria Group, 156, 629 Altria Group, Inc., 66 721 Amazon, 11, 15, 18, 157, 157, 157, 173, 175, 221, 275, 323, 323, 352, 416, 448, 449, 491, 511, 513, 530, 530, 627, 639 Amazon Music, 416 American Airlines, 296, 414 American Bar Association, 139 American Building Restoration Products, 106 American Cancer Society, 13, 490 American Eagle, 214 American Express, 65, 76, 76, 450, 527, 529, 529 American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organization, 309 American Heart Association, 423 American Institute of CPAs, 546 American Leather, 375 American Red Cross, 12, 76, 423 American Stock Exchange, 635, 637 Americans with Disabilities Act, 319 Angel investors, 190 angel investors, 203 annual report, 545, 571 antitrust regulation, 692 Aon Hewitt, 322 Apollo Global Management, 156 appellate courts (courts of appeals), 686 Apple, 11, 13, 18, 45, 62, 89, 91, 105, 106, 137, 139, 139, 139, 258, 258, 258, 416, 416, 416, 416, 416, 434, 490, 511, 629, 629, 639 Application service providers (ASP), 513 application service providers (ASP), 532 apprenticeship, 300, 325 Arbitration, 315 arbitration, 325, 687 Arbitron, 432 Ariel, 118 Arthur Andersen, 541 assembly process, 376, 401 assembly-line, 382 Assets, 549 assets, 571 Associa, 355 AT&T, 45, 66, 94, 105, 155, 155, 160, 321, 508, 637 Audi, 511 audience selectivity, 480, 493 Auditing, 546 auditing, 571 Authority, 263 authority, 277 Autocratic leaders, 221 autocratic leaders, 239 Autodesk, 217, 217 Avon, 413 Axia Home Loans, 358, 358 AzkoNobel NV, 111 B B Corps, 74 B Lab, 74 balance of payments, 91, 122 balance of trade, 91, 122 balance sheet, 554, 571 bank charter, 594, 608 Bank of America, 300 Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 631 Bank of New York, 119 Bankruptcy, 691 barriers to entry, 44, 50 BASF, 115, 115 batch processing, 516, 532 Bayer, 76 Bear Stearns, 591, 591 Beecham, 115 Bell Labs, 418, 418 Ben & Jerry’s, 65, 65, 74 Benefit segmentation, 431 benefit segmentation, 451 Berkshire Hathaway, 139, 139 Best Buy, 291, 291 Bethlehem Steel, 338 Bezos, 173, 175, 175, 175, 221, 221 big data, 449, 451 bill of material, 383, 401 Bissell, 118 Black & Decker, 437 blockchain technology, 388, 401 Bloomberg, 627 Bloomberg Businessweek, 475 Blue Apron, 627, 630 Blue Diamond, 146 722 BMW, 380, 418, 511 BNSF Railway, 292, 296 board of directors, 141, 161 Boeing, 45, 99, 99, 110, 119, 137, 217, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 292, 530, 625, 625 Bolthouse Farms, 67 bond ratings, 634, 645 Bonds, 626 bonds, 645 Bosch, 118 BP, 48 brainstorming, 440, 451 breach of contract, 689 breaking bulk, 465, 493 Brexit, 604 Brin, 15 Bristol Tennessee Essential Services, 393 Bristol-Meyers Squibb, 520 Bristol-Myers Squibb, 520 Broadcom, 528, 528 broker market, 636 broker markets, 645 brokers, 461, 493 Brookfield Asset Management, 157 Brookfield Business Partners, 157 Brown-Forman, 114 Bundling, 447 bundling, 451 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 29, 320, 360, 546 business, 12, 50 business cycles, 29, 50 Business law, 686 business plan, 186, 187, 203 Business Process Management, 399 business process management (BPM), 401 buy-national regulations, 97, 122 Buyer behavior, 423 buyer behavior, 451 buyer cooperative, 161 Buyer cooperatives, 146 C C corporation, 143, 161 Cabela’s, 471, 471, 471 Cabot Creamery Co-op, 74 Index Cacharel, 107 CAD/CAM systems, 395, 401 Calavo, 146 California Pizza Kitchen, 430 CAMI Automotive, 107 Campbell Soup, 437 Campbell Soup Company, 65, 66, 67 Campbell’s soups, 475 capital, 15, 50 capital budgeting, 622, 645 capital expenditures, 622, 645 Capital products, 436 capital products, 451 Capitalism, 24 capitalism, 50 Carbone Smolan Agency, 294 Cardianove, 395, 395 CareerBuilder, 360 Cargill, 627 Carnival Cruise Lines, 421 Carrier, 94, 94 cash flows, 617, 645 cash management, 620, 645 Caterpillar, 106, 265, 418 CBS, 322, 478 Cellular manufacturing, 382 cellular manufacturing, 401 Centralization, 264 centralization, 277 certified management accountant (CMA), 546, 571 certified public accountant, 194 certified public accountant (CPA), 546, 571 chain of command, 262, 277 Chamber of Commerce, 488 Charles Schwab, 631 Cheney University, 463 Chevron, 48, 637 chief information officer (CIO), 505, 532 Chili’s, 153 Choice Homes, 306 Chrysler, 474 CHS, 146 circuit breakers, 642, 645 circular flow, 27, 50 Cisco Systems, 66, 91, 119, 273, 293 This OpenStax book is available for free at Citibank, 603 Citicorp, 450 Citigroup, 119, 631 Civil Rights Act, 320 Clairol, 221 Clinique, 422 cloud computing, 530, 532 CNN, 28 Coca-Cola, 105, 111, 114, 486, 637 code of ethics, 66, 80 Coercive power, 221 coercive power, 239 Coke, 105, 430 collective bargaining, 308, 325 Comcast, 628, 639 Comet Skateboards, 74 commercial bank, 594 commercial banks, 608 Commercial paper, 620 commercial paper, 645 committee structure, 257, 277 Common law, 685 Common stock, 627 common stock, 645 communism, 25, 50 competitive advantage, 322, 325, 418, 451 computer network, 508, 532 computer virus, 523, 532 computer-aided design (CAD), 395, 401 Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 395 computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 401 Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), 397 computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), 401 Conceptual skills, 233 conceptual skills, 239 conciliation, 321, 325 conglomerate merger, 156, 161 Congressional Research Service Report, 160 Consensual leaders, 224 consensual leaders, 239 Consultative leaders, 224 consultative leaders, 239 consumer price index (CPI), 32, 50 Index Consumerism, 693 contingency plans, 217, 239 contingent worker, 291, 325 continuous improvement, 392, 401 continuous process, 377, 401 contract, 688 contract manufacturing, 107, 122 contractionary policy, 34, 50 controlling, 227, 239 Convenience products, 435 convenience products, 451 cooperative, 146, 161 copyright, 690 Corning, 618, 619, 619 corporate culture, 226, 239 Corporate philanthropy, 76 corporate philanthropy, 80 corporate social responsibility (CSR), 69, 80 corporation, 137, 161 cost competitive advantage, 418, 451 cost of goods sold, 571 cost per thousand (CPM), 479, 493 Cost-push inflation, 32 cost-push inflation, 50 Costco, 66, 75, 291, 448, 629, 639 Costs, 12 costs, 50 Coty, 422 countertrade, 110, 122 Cover Girl, 422 CPA, 194 credit union, 596 credit unions, 608 Crest, 431, 431 critical path, 390, 401 critical path method (CPM), 390, 401 cross-functional team, 260, 277 crowding out, 36, 50 CT Corporation, 159 Culture, 425 culture, 451 Currency, 586 currency, 608 Current assets, 555 current assets, 571 Current liabilities, 556 723 current liabilities, 571 current ratio, 563, 571 Customer departmentalization, 253 customer departmentalization, 277 Customer satisfaction, 414 customer satisfaction, 451 Customer value, 413 customer value, 451 Customization, 375 customization, 401 Cyclical unemployment, 30 cyclical unemployment, 50 Cypress, 322, 322 D DaimlerChrysler, 511 data mart, 532 data marts, 517 data mining, 526, 532 data warehouse, 517, 532 database, 507, 532 dealer markets, 638, 645 DeBeers Consolidated Mines Ltd., 44 debt, 190, 203 Debt ratios, 567 debt ratios, 571 debt-to-equity ratio, 567, 571 Decentralization, 264 decentralization, 277 decision support system (DSS), 517, 532 decisional role, 228 decisional roles, 239 Deepwater Horizon, 17 delegation of authority, 263, 277 Dell, 76, 94, 105, 399, 399, 399, 399, 473, 473, 473, 473, 530 Deloitte, 70, 274, 293, 546 Delphi, 101, 101 Delta, 212 Demand, 38 demand, 50 demand curve, 38, 50 Demand deposits, 586 demand deposits, 608 Demand-pull inflation, 32 demand-pull inflation, 50 Deming, 392, 392 Democratic leaders, 224 democratic leaders, 239 Demographic segmentation, 429 demographic segmentation, 451 Demography, 19 demography, 50 deontology, 63, 80 Department of Commerce, 196 Department of Labor, 32, 33, 199, 320 departmentalization, 251, 277 Depreciation, 556 depreciation, 571 deregulation, 696 devaluation, 92, 122 differential competitive advantage, 418, 451 direct foreign investment, 108, 122 discount rate, 589, 608 Disney, 76, 253, 296, 413, 413, 490 Disneyland, 159 Distribution, 461 distribution (logistics), 493 distribution channel, 461, 493 distribution strategy, 451 Dividends, 628 dividends, 645 division of labor, 250, 277 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 591 Dollar Tree, 470 Domino's, 87, 87, 88, 88 Domino’s, 87, 87, 87, 88, 88, 89, 89, 475, 475 double-entry bookkeeping, 550, 571 Dow, 437 Dow Chemical, 116, 300, 300, 300 Dropbox, 486 Drucker, 70 Dumping, 97 dumping, 122 Dunkin’ Donuts, 153 DuPont, 319 dynamic pricing, 446, 451 Dyson, 118 E E*Trade, 631 E-commerce, 491 e-commerce, 493 724 E-procurement, 388 e-procurement, 401 Eagle Global Logistics, 180 Earnings per share (EPS), 566 earnings per share (EPS), 571 eBay, 222, 222, 449 Ecolab, 66 economic growth, 29, 50 economic system, 22, 50 Economics, 22 economics, 50 Edward Jones, 74 effectiveness, 212, 239 Efficiency, 212 efficiency, 239 electronic communications networks (ECNs), 640, 645 electronic data interchange (EDI), 388, 401 embargo, 96, 122 Empowerment, 225 empowerment, 239 Enron, 527, 541, 541, 541 enterprise portal, 511, 532 Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 413 enterprise resource planning (ERP), 384, 401 Entrepreneur, 152, 152, 155, 159 Entrepreneurs, 15 entrepreneurs, 50, 173, 203 Entrepreneur’s, 147 environmental scanning, 416, 451 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 320 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 325 Equal Pay Act, 318 equilibrium, 40, 50 equity, 190, 203 equity theory, 348, 363 Ernst & Young, 546 Estée Lauder, 422 Ethan Allen, 251, 463 ethical issue, 61, 80 Ethics, 61 ethics, 80 Ethics Resource Center, 65 Etsy, 74 European integration, 103, 122 European Union, 122, 604 Index European Union (EU), 102 exchange, 413, 451 Exchange controls, 97 exchange controls, 122 exchange traded fund (ETF), 645 exchange-traded fund (ETF), 635 Excise taxes, 697 executive information system (EIS), 518, 532 expansionary policy, 34, 50 expectancy theory, 347, 363 Expense items, 436 expense items, 451 expenses, 571 experiment, 432, 451 Expert power, 221 expert power, 239 expert system, 518, 532 Export Assistance Centers, 106 Export Working Capital Program, 106 exporting, 106, 122 Exports, 91 exports, 122 Exxon, 114 Exxon Mobil, 89 ExxonMobil, 48, 108, 265, 629 EY, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 48, 546 F Facebook, 15, 18, 68, 422, 438 factoring, 623, 645 factors of production, 14, 50 Fair Labor Standards Act, 317, 320 Family and Medical Leave Act, 319 FedBid, 388 federal budget deficit, 36, 50 Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 528 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 601, 608 Federal Express, 418 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 321 Federal Open Market Committee, 588 Federal Reserve, 586 Federal Reserve Board, 22, 586 Federal Reserve System, 587 Federal Reserve System (Fed), 608 This OpenStax book is available for free at Federal Reserve System (the Fed), 34, 50 Federal Trade Commission, 155 federation, 309, 325 FedEx, 150, 300, 349, 511 Fidelity, 631 Fidelity Investments, 322, 475 Financial accounting, 543 financial accounting, 571 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 543, 571 financial intermediation, 608 financial intermediation,, 593 Financial management, 617 financial management, 645 financial risk, 625, 645 fiscal policy, 35, 50 Fischer, 15, 16, 16 Fishpeople Seafood, 74, 75 Five Ps, 415 five Ps, 451 Fixed assets, 556 fixed assets, 571 fixed-position layout, 382, 401 flexible manufacturing system (FMS), 395, 401 floating exchange rates, 92, 122 focus group, 439, 451 Food and Drug Administration, 18, 19, 288 Forbes, 16, 139, 159, 479 Ford, 13, 91, 105, 265, 265, 375, 375, 430, 430, 450, 485, 637 Ford Motor Company, 30, 321 formal organization, 271, 277 Fortune, 139, 341, 541 Fortune 500, 146 Fortune’, 341 franchise agreement, 150, 161 Franchise Business Review, 147 Franchise Gator, 147, 152, 152 franchisee, 150, 161 Franchising, 150 franchising, 161 Franchising World, 155 franchisor, 150, 161 Free trade, 93 free trade, 122 free-rein, 224 Index free-rein (laissez-faire) leadership, 239 free-trade zone, 100, 122 Frequency, 479 frequency, 493 Frictional unemployment, 30 frictional unemployment, 50 Friedman, 505 Fruit of the Loom, 106 full employment, 29, 51 Functional departmentalization, 251 functional departmentalization, 277 Futures contracts, 635 futures contracts, 645 G G20, 95, 122 Gaggenau, 118 Gallo, 446 Gantt charts, 390, 401 Gap, 214, 471 Gap, Inc., 79 Garden Fresh Gourmet, 67 Gartner, 236 Gates, 15, 120, 173 Gazprom Neft, 253 Geeks On Call, 147, 147, 147 Geeks on Call, 152 Genencor, 343, 343 Genentech, 74, 74 General Electric, 19, 89, 105, 110, 137, 221, 265, 393, 485 General Foods, 156 General Mills, 485 General Motors, 22, 26, 91, 105, 106, 107, 108, 108, 110, 119, 308, 316, 316, 386, 395, 437, 478, 490 general partners, 134, 161 general partnership, 134, 161 General Services Administration, 388 generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 543, 571 Geographic departmentalization, 254 geographic departmentalization, 277 Geographic segmentation, 430 geographic segmentation, 451 725 Gillette, 114, 221 Glassdoor, 293, 305 global management skills, 237, 239 global vision, 89, 122 Goal-setting theory, 349 goal-setting theory, 363 Goldman Sachs, 631 Goods, 12 goods, 51 Google, 11, 15, 18, 45, 74, 104, 119, 137, 156, 156, 226, 226, 226, 226, 355, 355, 355, 416, 449, 511, 530, 627 Gore-Tex, 39 grievance, 314, 325 gross domestic product (GDP), 29, 51 gross profit, 571 gross sales, 571 Group cohesiveness, 258 group cohesiveness, 277 Guangzhou Automobile Group, 147 Gucci, 217, 420, 435 H H&R Block, 20, 20, 20, 20 H-E-B, 20 Habitat for Humanity, 13 Haier, 117, 117 Hallmark, 432, 432 Harley-Davidson, 376, 383, 395, 431 Harry’s Shave Club, 49 Hasbro, 59, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 61, 61, 66 Hawthorne, 339, 339 Hawthorne effect, 339, 363 Herzberg, 345, 345, 346, 346, 346 Hewlett Packard, 222 Hewlett-Packard, 119, 416 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, 530 Home Depot, 107, 146, 427 Home Instead Senior Care, 158, 158, 158 Honda, 13, 90, 115, 119, 430, 511 Hondas, 105 Hoover, 118 horizontal merger, 156, 161 Hormel Foods, 66 Human relations skills, 232 human relations skills, 239 Human resource (HR) management, 287 human resource (HR) management, 325 Human resource planning, 288 human resource planning, 325 Hurricane Katrina, 17, 42, 61, 76 Hygiene factors, 345 hygiene factors, 363 Hyundai, 117, 147, 380 I IAMS, 221 IBM, 94, 105, 108, 137, 176, 323, 323, 513, 530, 637 IDC, 522 Ikea, 118 Ilwaco Landing Fishermen, 75 import quota, 96, 122 Imports, 91 imports, 122 In-N-Out Burger, 20 Inc., 155 incentive pay, 305, 325 income statement, 572 Income taxes, 697 Indeed, 293 Industrial distributors, 461 industrial distributors, 493 inflation, 31, 51 informal organization, 270, 277 Information technology (IT), 502 information technology (IT), 532 informational role, 228 informational roles, 239 Infrastructure, 112 infrastructure, 122 Inglenook, 446 insider trading, 641, 645 Insignia, 445 Institutional investors, 630 institutional investors, 645 Intangible assets, 556 intangible assets, 572 integrated marketing communications (IMC), 476, 493 Intel, 66, 76, 176, 353, 353, 353, 353, 388, 388, 388, 437, 475 interest, 626, 645 726 intermittent process, 377, 401 International Co-operative Alliance, 146 International Franchise Association, 155 International Monetary Fund, 94, 604 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 100, 122 International Organization for Standardization, 393 International Paper Company, 15 interpersonal roles, 228, 239 Interspar, 108 intranet, 532 intranets, 510 intrapreneurs, 176, 203 inventory, 383, 402 Inventory management, 383 inventory management, 402 inventory turnover ratio, 566, 572 Investment bankers, 630 investment bankers, 645 ISO 14000, 393, 402 ISO 9000, 393, 402 ITT, 253 J J M Smucker, 343 J.Crew, 214, 214, 216, 216, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217 Jacobs Engineering Group, 322 Jamba Juice, 150 Jana Brands, 153, 154 JetBlue, 322, 322, 639 Jiffy Lube, 147, 150 job analysis, 289, 325 job description, 289, 325 job enlargement, 352, 363 Job enrichment, 352 job enrichment, 363 job fair, 293, 325 Job rotation, 300 job rotation, 325, 352, 363 Job sharing, 353 job sharing, 363 job shop, 376, 402 job specification, 289, 325 Johnson Controls, 155 joint venture, 107, 122, 147, 161 JP Morgan, 591, 631 Index JP Morgan Chase, 43 JPMorgan Chase, 139 judiciary, 686 just-in-time (JIT), 394, 402 justice, 63, 80 K Kaiser Permanente, 20 Kauffman Foundation, 182, 182, 182, 200, 200 Kellogg, 105, 114 Kelon, 117 KFC, 107, 153 Kimberly Clark, 120, 450 Kimberly-Clark, 485 Knowledge, 16 knowledge, 51 knowledge management (KM), 520, 532 knowledge worker, 532 knowledge workers, 16, 51, 505 Kodak, 44, 44 KPMG International, 546 Kraft, 440, 450 Kraft Foods, 156 Kraft Heinz, 474 Kroger, 75 L Labatt Brewing Company, 106 labor union, 308, 325 laissez-faire, 224 Land O’Lakes, 146 laws, 685 layout, 382 leader pricing, 446, 451 leadership, 224, 239 leadership style, 221, 239 Lean manufacturing, 394 lean manufacturing, 402 LEAP Organics, 74 Legitimate power, 221 legitimate power, 239 Lehman Brothers, 591 Lending Club, 64 leveraged buyout (LBO), 156, 161 Levi Strauss, 62, 65, 107 LG, 117 Li Ning, 117 Liabilities, 549 liabilities, 572 Licensing, 106 This OpenStax book is available for free at licensing, 123 limited liability company (LLC), 144, 161 limited partners, 134, 161 limited partnership, 134, 161 line extension, 438, 452 line of credit, 623, 645 line organization, 255, 277 line positions, 255, 277 line-and-staff organization, 255, 277 LinkedIn, 275 liquidity, 554, 572 Liquidity ratios, 563 liquidity ratios, 572 local area network (LAN), 508, 532 local union, 308, 325 Lockheed Martin, 66, 322, 399 Long-term liabilities, 556 long-term liabilities, 572 loss leader, 446, 452 Lowe’s, 146 Lyft, 275 M M1, 586, 608 M2, 586, 608 Ma, 505 Macroeconomics, 27 macroeconomics, 51 Macy’s, 468, 468 Madoff, 64, 541 make-or-buy decision, 383, 402 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 393, 402 Managed service providers (MSP), 514 managed service providers (MSP), 532 Management, 211 management, 239 management information system (MIS), 532 management information systems, 507 management rights clause, 313, 325 management support system (MSS), 532 Management support systems (MSS), 517 Index managerial accounting, 543, 572 Managerial hierarchy, 262 managerial hierarchy, 277 manufacturer, 493 Manufacturers’ representatives, 467 manufacturers’ representatives, 493 Manufacturing resource planning II (MRPII), 384 manufacturing resource planning II (MRPII), 402 market segmentation, 427, 452 market structure, 43, 51 marketable securities, 620, 645 marketing, 412, 452 marketing concept, 413, 452 marketing database, 449, 452 marketing intermediaries, 461, 493 marketing mix, 419, 452 Marketing research, 432 marketing research, 452 Marriott, 217, 217, 217, 217, 233, 417, 475, 475 Mars, 427, 627 Mars Corp, 29 Maslow, 340, 340, 340, 340, 341, 341, 341, 341, 342, 342, 342 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 340, 363 mass customization, 375, 402 Mass production, 375 mass production, 402 Materials requirement planning (MRP), 384 materials requirement planning (MRP), 402 matrix structure, 256 matrix structure (project management), 277 Mayo, 339, 339 Maytag, 117 McDonald’s, 12, 12, 89, 90, 107, 147, 147, 153, 153, 233, 319, 420, 420, 422 McGregor, 342 MCI, 45 McKinsey, 437 727 mechanistic organization, 266, 277 mediation, 321, 325 Mediation, 687 Mentoring, 300 mentoring, 325 merchant wholesaler, 467, 493 Merck, 527 Mercosur, 102, 123 merger, 155, 161 Merrill Lynch, 300 Method, 74 microeconomics, 27, 51 Microsoft, 12, 13, 13, 15, 18, 26, 66, 89, 105, 105, 137, 139, 267, 267, 275, 296, 323, 323, 416, 416, 449, 490, 513, 639 middle management, 220, 239 Miller Brewing Company, 156 MillerCoors Brewing, 305 Minolta, 437 mission, 216, 239 mission statement, 216, 239 mixed economies, 26, 51 Model Business Corporation Act, 139 Monetary policy, 34 monetary policy, 51 Money, 583 money, 608 monopolistic competition, 45, 51, 293 Morgan Stanley, 631 Morris Financial Concepts, 359 mortgage loan, 626, 645 motivating factors, 345, 363 Motivation, 337 motivation, 363 Motley Fool, 354 Motorola, 321 multinational corporations, 114, 123 Municipal bonds, 633 municipal bonds, 646 Museum of Science and Industry, 423 Music Row Private Bank, 419, 419, 419 Musk, 355, 355 mutual fund, 634, 646 MyPillow, 71, 72 N Nabisco, 156 Nadella, 267, 267 NAICS, 181 Nasdaq, 549 National Association of Manufacturers, 398, 399 National Association of Manufacturers Skills Gap Report, 398 National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) system, 646 National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system, 639 national debt, 36, 51 National Equal Pay Day, 318 National Federation of Independent Businesses, 196 National Institute of Standards and Technologies, 393 National Labor Relations Board, 309 Nationalism, 110 nationalism, 123 need, 337, 363 Neiman Marcus, 418, 468 Neiman-Marcus, 435 Nescafe, 114 Nestlé, 119, 119, 379 net loss, 572 net profit (net income), 572 net profit margin, 565, 572 net sales, 572 Net working capital, 565 net working capital, 572 Netflix, 137, 354, 426, 426, 426 Network Capital Funding Corporation, 20 New Belgium Brewing Company, 74 New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership, 389 New York Stock Exchange, 549 Niagara Purified Drinking Water, 379 niche competitive advantage, 419, 452 728 Nike, 45, 49, 62, 117, 119, 226, 485 Nissan, 90, 478 NLRB, 321 Nokia, 267, 322 nonprogrammed decisions, 230, 240 Nordstrom, 265, 470 Norfolk Southern, 230 Norfolk Southern Railroad, 225 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 100, 123 North American Industry Classification System, 181 North Face, 41, 41, 41 not-for-profit organization, 13, 51 Novartis, 257 Novartis Seeds, 450 O OAO Gazprom, 48 Observation research, 432 observation research, 452 Occupational Safety and Health Act, 319 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 320 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 325 Ocean Spray, 146 odd-even (psychological) pricing, 452 Odd-even pricing, 447 Office of International Trade, 196 Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union, 309 oligopoly, 45, 51 Olive Garden, 432 One-to-one marketing, 449 one-to-one marketing, 452 online, 516 online (real-time) processing, 533 Open market operations, 588 open market operations, 608 open shop, 312, 325 operating expenses, 572 Operational planning, 217 operational planning, 240 operations management, 371, 402 Options, 636 options, 646 Oracle, 156, 530 Index Oracle/PeopleSoft, 322 OrangeTheory Fitness, 152, 152 Oreck, 230, 230, 230, 230 organic organization, 266, 277 organization, 250, 278 organization chart, 251, 278 organizing, 219, 240 orientation, 299, 325 Orkin Pest Control, 64 Otis Elevator, 118 Ouchi, 343 outsourcing, 94, 123, 383, 402 over-the-counter (OTC) market, 646 over-the-counter (OTC) markets, 640 Overnite, 156, 449 Owners’ equity, 549 owners’ equity, 572 P Pacific Gas & Electric Company, 15 Page, 15 Pampers, 114 Panasonic, 441 Pandora, 416 Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy International Union, 309 participative leaders, 222, 240 partnership, 161 partnerships, 134 Patagonia, 74 patent, 690 PayPal, 605 payroll taxes, 697 Pearl Paradise, 131 penetration pricing, 445, 452 pension funds, 600, 608 Pension Reform Act, 318 Pepsi, 105, 110, 114, 430 perfect (pure) competition, 43, 51 performance appraisal, 302, 325 perpetual inventory, 384, 402 Personal selling, 480 personal selling, 493 Personality, 426 personality, 452 Peugeot, 105, 486 Pew Research, 159 This OpenStax book is available for free at Pfizer, 19, 19, 19, 89, 275, 275, 275 Pharmacia, 275, 275 Philip Morris, 114, 156 Piggly Wiggly, 358, 358 Piggly Wiggly Carolina, 358 Pinterest, 422 Pizza Hut, 152, 430 Place (distribution) strategy, 421 Planning, 213 planning, 240 Plum Organics, 67, 74 PNC Financial Services Group, 253 Polaroid, 44, 44 Porsche, 435 Port Authority of New York, 64 power, 221, 240 PPG, 111 Prada, 217 preferential tariff, 100, 123 preferred stock, 629, 646 prestige pricing, 448, 452 price skimming, 445, 452 PricewaterhouseCoopers, 546 Pricing strategy, 421 pricing strategy, 452 primary market, 630, 646 principal, 626, 646 principle of comparative advantage, 93, 123 private accountants, 546, 572 Problem-solving teams, 259 problem-solving teams, 278 Process departmentalization, 253 process departmentalization, 278 process layout, 382, 402 process manufacturing, 376, 402 processing, 516 Procter & Gamble, 91, 221, 254, 441, 441, 445, 478, 483, 637 producer price index (PPI), 33, 51 product, 382, 433, 452 product (or assembly-line) layout, 402 Product departmentalization, 253 product departmentalization, 278 Product liability, 691 product life cycle, 441, 452 product manager, 441, 452 product strategy, 420, 452 Production, 371 Index production, 402 production planning, 373, 402 production process, 375, 402 Productivity, 21 productivity, 51 profit, 13, 51 Profitability Ratios, 564 profitability ratios, 572 program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 391, 402 Programmed decisions, 228 programmed decisions, 240 programmed instruction, 302, 325 Promotion, 474 promotion, 493 Promotion strategy, 422 promotion strategy, 452 promotional mix, 475, 493 Property taxes, 697 prospecting, 481, 493 protected class, 321 protected classes, 325 protectionism, 93, 123 Protective tariffs, 96 protective tariffs, 123 Psychographic segmentation, 431 psychographic segmentation, 452 psychological pricing, 447 public accountants, 546, 572 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, 548 Public relations, 488 public relations, 493 publicity, 488, 493 Publix Super Markets, 627 punishment, 350, 363 Purchasing, 383 purchasing, 402 purchasing power, 31, 51 pure monopoly, 44, 51 PwC, 546 Q Quaker Oats, 417 Qualcomm, 639 Qualifying questions, 481 qualifying questions, 493 Quality, 392 quality, 402 Quality control, 392 quality control, 403 729 Quality Imaging Products, 180 Quality of life, 12 quality of life, 51 Quicken Loans, 74 Quiznos, 147 R Rader Awning & Upholstery, 389 Ralph Lauren, 420 Ratio analysis, 563 ratio analysis, 572 Reach, 479 reach, 494 real-time, 516 recession, 29, 51 Recruitment, 292 recruitment, 326 Recruitment branding, 294 recruitment branding, 326 Red Bull, 118 Redken, 422 reengineering, 272, 278 reference groups, 425, 452 Referent power, 221 referent power, 240 Regions Bank, 419, 419 REI, 73 Reinforcement theory, 350 reinforcement theory, 363 relationship management, 49, 51 Relationship marketing, 415 relationship marketing, 452 Renault, 105 Republic of Tea, 445 reserve requirement, 589, 608 Retailers, 461 retailers, 494 Retained earnings, 557, 628 retained earnings, 572, 646 return, 619, 646 return on equity (ROE), 566, 572 Revenue, 12 revenue, 51 revenues, 572 Revlon, 422 revolving credit agreement, 623, 646 reward, 350, 363 Reward power, 221 reward power, 240 right-to-work law, 312, 326 Risk, 12 risk, 51, 619, 646 risk-return trade-off, 619, 646 Ritz-Carlton, 292, 293, 322, 322, 322 Robotics, 395 robotics, 403 Rolex, 97, 97 Routing, 389 routing, 403 RxUSA, 159 S S corporation, 143, 162 Saab, 511 Saks, 470 sales promotion, 494 Sales promotions, 483 sales prospects, 481, 494 Sales taxes, 697 Salesforce, 70, 74, 530, 176, 293, 513, 530 Samsung, 117, 416, 437 Sam’s Club, 448 San Luis Valley REC, 146 Sandoz and Alcon, 257 SAP, 306, 322 Sarah Adult Day Services, 159 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 548, 572 SAS Institute, 343 savings bonds, 37, 51 SBA, 106 SC Johnson, 627 Scheduling, 389 scheduling, 403 scientific management, 338, 363 Screen Actors Guild, 309 Sears, 321 seasonal unemployment, 30, 51 secondary market, 630, 646 Secured loans, 623 secured loans, 646 Securities, 630 securities, 646 Securities and Exchange Commission, 19, 548 Selection, 294 selection, 326 selection interview, 295, 326 selective credit controls, 589, 608 selective strike strategy, 316, 326 730 self-managed work teams, 259, 278 seller cooperative, 162 Seller cooperatives, 146 Semco, 353, 353 Service Employees International Union, 323 servicemark, 690 Services, 12 services, 51 Sharp, 441 Shell, 48 Shell Oil, 108 Shkreli, 61 shop steward, 308, 326 Shopify, 449 shopping products, 435, 452 Siebel Systems, 156 Siemens, 120 simulation, 302, 326 situational leadership, 225, 240 Six Flags, 293 Six Sigma, 393, 403 Skechers, 212, 212 small business, 173, 203 Small Business Administration, 106, 173, 181 Small Business Administration (SBA), 198, 203 Small Business Association, 196 Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs), 198 Small Business Investment Company (SBIC), 203 SmithKline, 115 social investing, 77, 80 Social media, 489 social media, 494 Socialism, 26 socialism, 51 sole proprietorship, 131, 162 Sony, 13, 343, 343, 343, 441, 442, 486 Southcentral Foundation, 393 Southwest, 212, 477 Southwest Airlines, 258, 296, 322, 414, 415, 475, 477 Spalding Company, 106 span of control, 263, 278 specialization, 251, 278 Index Specialty products, 435 specialty products, 453 Spotify, 416 Sprint, 45, 475, 508 staff positions, 255, 278 Stakeholders, 73 stakeholders, 80 standard of living, 12, 51 Starbucks, 66, 70, 89, 89, 343, 639 StarKist, 475 StartupNation, 176 Startups, 155 StartWire, 293 statement of cash flows, 560, 572 Statutory law, 685 Sterling Commerce, 400 StickerGiant, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 Stock dividends, 628 stock dividends, 646 stockbroker, 631, 646 Stockholders (or shareholders), 141 stockholders (or shareholders), 162 Stouffer’s, 430 strategic alliance, 51 strategic alliances, 49 strategic giving, 78, 80 Strategic planning, 214 strategic planning, 240 strict liability, 691 Structural unemployment, 30 structural unemployment, 52 Stryker, 437 Subway, 107, 152, 152, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153, 154, 154, 154 Success, 155 succession planning, 291, 326 Sun Microsystems, 530 Sunkist, 146 supervisory (first-line) management, 220, 240 supply, 39, 52 supply chain, 384, 403 supply curve, 39, 52 Supply-chain management, 385 supply-chain management, 403 survey research, 432, 453 Suzuki, 107, 108, 421 This OpenStax book is available for free at T Taco Bell, 12 Tactical planning, 216 tactical planning, 240 Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, 312 Target, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 468, 468, 470, 527 target market, 417, 453 tariff, 96, 123 Taylor, 338, 338, 338, 338 Taylor California Cellars, 446 TD Ameritrade, 631 Team Rubicon, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 Teamsters, 309 technical skills, 232, 240 Technology, 21 technology, 52 Telecommunications Act of 1996, 19 term loan, 626, 646 Tesla, 355, 430 test marketing, 453 Test-marketing, 440 Texas Health Resources, 296 Texas Instruments, 176, 445 The Economist, 14 The Federal Trade Commission, 19 The Morning Star Company, 262 The NonProfit Times, 11 The Wall Street Journal, 475, 475, 479 The World Is Flat, 505 Theory X, 342, 342, 343, 363 Theory Y, 342, 343, 343, 343, 343, 343, 363 Theory Z, 343, 343, 343, 343, 363 thrift institution, 595 thrift institutions, 608 Time deposits, 586 time deposits, 608 Time Warner, 155, 155, 160 top management, 219, 240 tort, 690 Toshiba, 157 Total Quality Management (TQM), 392, 403 Tower Paddle Boards, 353 Index 731 Toyota, 75, 90, 92, 92, 92, 111, 322, 380, 439, 511 Toyotas, 105 trade credit, 623, 646 trade deficit, 91, 123 trade surplus, 91, 123 trademark, 690 Training and development, 298 training and development, 326 transaction processing system (TPS), 515, 533 Treasury’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 586 trial courts, 686 TripAdvisor, 217 Trump, 94, 96 Turing Pharmaceuticals, 61 Twitter, 68, 216, 422 Tyco, 541, 541 Tyco International, 155 Tylenol, 45 Union Pacific Railroad, 302 union shop, 312, 326 United Airlines, 64 United Auto Workers, 32, 308, 316 United Nations, 266 United Nations Sustainability Development Goals, 120 United Papermakers International Union, 309 United States Postal Service, 322 United Way, 13, 488 Unsecured loans, 623 unsecured loans, 646 Unsought products, 434 unsought products, 453 UPS, 76, 150, 156, 339, 349, 349, 349, 511 Urban Outfitters, 350, 350 Urchin Software, 156 Uruguay Round, 98, 123 utilitarianism, 63, 80 U.S Army, 266, 388 U.S Census Bureau, 19, 47, 173, 429 U.S Chamber of Commerce, 159, 305 U.S Commerce Department, 110 U.S Constitution, 64 U.S Department of Commerce, 393 U.S Department of Labor, 30, 305, 398, 675 U.S Navy, 437 U.S Postal Service, 45, 296, 349 Uber, 275 underwriting, 630, 646 Unemployment compensation, 306 unemployment compensation, 326 Unemployment Compensation Commission, 306 unemployment rate, 30, 52 Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), 686 Uniform Franchise Offering Circular, 154 Unilever, 120, 262, 262 Union Pacific, 517 value-stream mapping, 389, 403 Venture capital, 191 venture capital, 203 Verité, 79 Verizon, 155, 155, 275, 508 vertical merger, 156, 162 Veterans Administration Hospital, 509 VF Corporation, 173 Virgin, 118 virtual corporation, 273, 278 virtual private networks, 512 virtual private networks (VPN), 533 Volkswagen, 511 volume segmentation, 431, 453 U V W W L Gore, 260, 260, 268 W.L Gore, 295 W.S Badger Company, 74 Wagner Act, 321 Wagner and Taft-Hartley Acts, 320 Walgreens, 76 Walmart, 75, 76, 108, 108, 108, 108, 108, 108, 111, 114, 139, 292, 300, 397, 399, 468, 468, 491, 527 want, 337, 363 Warby Parker, 74 Wegmans, 341, 341, 341, 342, 342, 342, 342, 342, 342, 342, 342, 343 Wegmans Food Markets, 74 Welch, 221 Wella AG, 221 Wells Fargo, 64 Wendy’s, 420, 420, 439 Wertkauf, 108 Westinghouse, 105, 157 Whirlpool, 117, 434, 530 Whitman, 222, 222 Whole Food, 275 Whole Foods, 75 Whole Foods Market, 157, 343 Wholesalers, 461 wholesalers, 494 Wicks ’n’ Sticks, 150 wide area network (WAN), 508, 533 Williams Sonoma, 417 Wing Zone, 159, 159 Work groups, 259 work groups, 278 Work teams, 259 work teams, 278 Worker’s compensation, 306 worker’s compensation, 326 Workforce Solutions, 322 World Bank, 94, 99, 123 World Economic Forum, 139 World Oceans Day, 120 World Trade Organization, 94, 98 World Trade Organization (WTO), 123 World Wildlife Fund, 13 WorldCom, 541, 541 X Xerox, 118, 118, 118, 176 Y Yahoo, 155, 155, 156, 275 Yankee Candle Company, 295 Z Zappos, 259 Zillow, 359, 359 Zuckerberg, 15 732 This OpenStax book is available for free at Index