Preface Open Source Software Table of Contents SIPROTEC Fault Recorder 7KE85 V7.50 and higher Introduction Basic Structure of the Function System Functions Applications Power-System Data Manual Function-Group Types Fault Recorder Supervision Functions Measured and Energy Values Functional Tests Technical Data Appendix Glossary Index C53000-G5040-C018-5 10 11 A i NOTE For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available Disclaimer of Liability Copyright This document has been subjected to rigorous technical review before being published It is revised at regular intervals, and any modifications and amendments are included in the subsequent issues The content of this document has been compiled for information purposes only Although Siemens AG has made best efforts to keep the document as precise and up-to-date as possible, Siemens AG shall not assume any liability for defects and damage which result through use of the information contained herein This content does not form part of a contract or of business relations; nor does it change these All obligations of Siemens AG are stated in the relevant contractual agreements Siemens AG reserves the right to revise this document from time to time Document version: C53000-G5040-C018-5.03 Edition: 11.2017 Version of the product described: V7.50 and higher Copyright © Siemens AG 2017 All rights reserved The disclosure, duplication, distribution and editing of this document, or utilization and communication of the content are not permitted, unless authorized in writing All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or a design, are reserved Registered Trademarks SIPROTEC®, DIGSI®, SIGUARD®, SIMEAS®, and SICAM® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG Any unauthorized use is illegal All other designations in this document can be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes can infringe the rights of the owner Preface Purpose of the Manual This manual describes the functions of the fault recorder 7KE85 Target Audience System configurers, commissioning engineers, and persons entrusted with the setting, testing and maintenance of fault recorder equipment, and operational crew in electrical installations and power plants Scope This manual applies to the SIPROTEC device family Further Documentation [dwprefdm-221012-01.tif, 3, en_US] • Device manuals Each Device manual describes the functions and applications of a specific SIPROTEC device The printed manual and the online help for the device have the same informational structure • Hardware manual The Hardware manual describes the hardware building blocks and device combinations of the SIPROTEC device family • Operating manual The Operating manual describes the basic principles and procedures for operating and assembling the devices of the SIPROTEC range SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Preface • Communication protocol manual The Communication protocol manual contains a description of the protocols for communication within the SIPROTEC device family and to higher-level network control centers • Product information The Product information includes general information about device installation, technical data, limiting values for input and output modules, and conditions when preparing for operation This document is provided with each SIPROTEC device • Engineering Guide The Engineering Guide describes the essential steps when engineering with DIGSI In addition, the Engineering Guide shows you how to load a planned configuration to a SIPROTEC device and update the functionality of the SIPROTEC device • DIGSI online help The DIGSI online help contains a help package for DIGSI and CFC The help package for DIGSI includes a description of the basic operation of software, the DIGSI principles and editors The help package for CFC includes an introduction to CFC programming, basic examples of working with CFC, and a reference chapter with all the CFC blocks available for the SIPROTEC range • SIPROTEC 5/DIGSI Tutorial The tutorial on the DVD contains brief information about important product features, more detailed information about the individual technical areas, as well as operating sequences with tasks based on practical operation and a brief explanation • SIPROTEC catalog The SIPROTEC catalog describes the system features and the devices of SIPROTEC • Selection guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle The selection guide offers an overview of the device series of the Siemens protection devices, and a device selection table Indication of Conformity This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive 2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU) This conformity has been proved by tests performed according to the Council Directive in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 (for EMC directive) and with the product standard EN 60255-27 (for Low Voltage Directive) by Siemens AG The device is designed and manufactured for application in an industrial environment The product conforms with the international standards of IEC 60255 and the German standard VDE 0435 Other Standards IEEE Std C 37.90 The technical data of the product is approved in accordance with UL For more information about the UL database, see Select Online Certifications Directory and enter E194016 as UL File Number IND CONT EQ 69CA [ul_listed_c_us, 1, _ ] SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Preface Additional Support For questions about the system, please contact your Siemens sales partner Support Our Customer Support Center provides a 24-hour service Phone: Fax: E-Mail: +49 (180) 524-7000 +49 (180) 524-2471 Training Courses Inquiries regarding individual training courses should be addressed to our Training Center: Siemens AG Siemens Power Academy TD Humboldtstraße 59 90459 Nürnberg Germany Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Internet: +49 (911) 433-7415 +49 (911) 433-7929 Notes on Safety This document is not a complete index of all safety measures required for operation of the equipment (module or device) However, it comprises important information that must be followed for personal safety, as well as to avoid material damage Information is highlighted and illustrated as follows according to the degree of danger: ! DANGER DANGER means that death or severe injury will result if the measures specified are not taken ² ! Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid death or severe injuries WARNING WARNING means that death or severe injury may result if the measures specified are not taken ² ! Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid death or severe injuries CAUTION CAUTION means that medium-severe or slight injuries can occur if the specified measures are not taken ² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid moderate or minor injuries SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Preface NOTICE NOTICE means that property damage can result if the measures specified are not taken ² i Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid property damage NOTE Important information about the product, product handling or a certain section of the documentation which must be given particular attention Qualified Electrical Engineering Personnel Only qualified electrical engineering personnel may commission and operate the equipment (module, device) described in this document Qualified electrical engineering personnel in the sense of this manual are people who can demonstrate technical qualifications as electrical technicians These persons may commission, isolate, ground and label devices, systems and circuits according to the standards of safety engineering Proper Use The equipment (device, module) may be used only for such applications as set out in the catalogs and the technical description, and only in combination with third-party equipment recommended and approved by Siemens Problem-free and safe operation of the product depends on the following: • Proper transport • • Proper storage, setup and installation Proper operation and maintenance When electrical equipment is operated, hazardous voltages are inevitably present in certain parts If proper action is not taken, death, severe injury or property damage can result: • The equipment must be grounded at the grounding terminal before any connections are made • • All circuit components connected to the power supply may be subject to dangerous voltage • Operation of equipment with exposed current-transformer circuits is prohibited Before disconnecting the equipment, ensure that the current-transformer circuits are short-circuited • The limiting values stated in the document must not be exceeded This must also be considered during testing and commissioning Hazardous voltages may be present in equipment even after the supply voltage has been disconnected (capacitors can still be charged) SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Open Source Software The product contains, among other things, Open Source Software developed by third parties The Open Source Software used in the product and the license agreements concerning this software can be found in the Readme_OSS These Open Source Software files are protected by copyright Your compliance with those license conditions will entitle you to use the Open Source Software as foreseen in the relevant license In the event of conflicts between Siemens license conditions and the Open Source Software license conditions, the Open Source Software conditions shall prevail with respect to the Open Source Software portions of the software The Open Source Software is licensed royalty-free Insofar as the applicable Open Source Software License Conditions provide for it you can order the source code of the Open Source Software from your Siemens sales contact - against payment of the shipping and handling charges - for a period of at least years since purchase of the Product We are liable for the Product including the Open Source Software contained in it pursuant to the license conditions applicable to the Product Any liability for the Open Source Software beyond the program flow intended for the Product is explicitly excluded Furthermore any liability for defects resulting from modifications to the Open Source Software by you or third parties is excluded We not provide any technical support for the Product if it has been modified When using DIGSI in online mode, you are provided with the option to go to the main menu Show open source software information and read and display the Readme_OSS file containing the original license text and copyright information To this, the following steps are necessary: • Switch to online mode • • • i Select the device Select Online in the menu bar Click Show open source software information NOTE To read the Readme_OSS file, a PDF viewer must be installed on the computer In order to operate SIPROTEC devices, a valid DIGSI license is required SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Table of Contents Preface Open Source Software Introduction 19 1.1 General 20 1.2 Properties of SIPROTEC 21 1.3 Properties of the Fault Recorder .23 1.4 Parameterization and Analysis Software 25 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 DIGSI 25 SICAM PQS/SICAM PQ Analyzer 25 Scope of Functions 28 Basic Structure of the Function 31 2.1 Function Embedding in the Device 32 2.2 Adjustment of Application Templates/Functional Scope 35 2.3 Function Control 37 2.4 Text Structure and Reference Number for Parameter and Indications 39 System Functions 41 3.1 Indications 42 3.1.1 General 42 3.1.2 Reading Indications on the On-Site Operation Panel 42 3.1.3 Reading Indications from the PC with DIGSI 44 3.1.4 Display of Indications 45 3.1.5 Logs 46 General 46 Operational Log 47 User-Defined Log 49 Sequence of Events Log 52 3.1.6 Setting-History Log 54 3.1.7 Communication Log 56 3.1.8 Security Log 57 3.1.9 Device-Diagnosis Log 59 3.1.10 Saving and Deleting the Log 60 3.1.11 Stored Indications in the SIPROTEC Device 62 3.1.12 Test Mode and Influence of Indications on Substation Automation Technology 64 3.2 Measured-Value Acquisition 65 3.3 Processing Quality Attributes 67 3.3.1 Overview 67 3.3.2 Quality Processing/Affected by the User for Received GOOSE Values 69 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Table of Contents 3.3.3 Quality Processing/Affected by the User in CFC Charts 74 3.3.4 Quality Processing/Affected by the User in Internal Device Functions 78 3.4 3.4.1 Overview of Functions 82 3.4.2 Structure of the Function 82 3.4.3 Function Description 82 3.4.4 Settings .85 3.4.5 Information List 86 3.5 Overview 87 3.5.2 Basic Data Types 88 3.5.3 Energy Metered Values 91 3.5.4 Additional Data Types 91 3.5.5 External Signals 91 3.6.1 3.7 Other Functions 92 Indication Filtering and Chatter Blocking for Input Signals 92 General Notes for Setting the Threshold Value of Trigger Functions 95 3.7.1 Overview 95 3.7.2 Modifying the Transformer Ratios in DIGSI 95 3.7.3 Changing the Transformation Ratios of the Transformer on the Device 102 Applications 103 4.1 Overview 104 4.2 Application Template and Functional Scope for the Fault Recorder 105 Power-System Data 109 5.1 Overview 110 5.2 Structure of the Power-System Data 111 5.3 Application and Setting Notes – General Settings 112 5.4 Application and Setting Notes for Measuring Point Current 3-Phase (I-3ph) 113 5.5 Application and Setting Notes for Measuring Point Current 1-Phase (I-1ph) 116 5.6 Application and Setting Notes for Measuring Point Voltage 3-Phase (V-3ph) 118 5.7 Application and Setting Notes for Measuring Point Voltage 1-Phase (V-1ph) 122 5.8 Settings 124 5.9 Information List 131 Function-Group Types 135 6.1 Function-Group Type Voltage 3-Phase 136 6.1.1 Overview 136 6.1.2 Structure of the Function Group 136 6.1.3 Application and Setting Notes 138 6.1.4 Settings 138 6.1.5 Information List 139 6.2 10 User-Defined Objects 87 3.5.1 3.6 Date and Time Synchronization 82 Function-Group Type Voltage/current 1-Phase 140 6.2.1 Overview of Functions 140 6.2.2 Structure of the Function Group 140 6.2.3 Application and Setting Notes 143 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Glossary Continuous Recorder The continuous recorder is not a triggered recorder, runs constantly and has large averaging times The continuous recorder saves the arithmetic average value of the process quantities (power, frequency, RMS values of the fundamental component of currents, voltages and symmetric components) The continuous recorder is organized as a ring buffer When the memory is filled completely, the oldest data are overwritten automatically CRC Cyclic redundancy check Data type The data type is a value set of a data object, together with the operations allowed on this value set A data type contains a classification of a data element, such as the determination whether it consists of integers, letters, or similar Data unit Information item with a joint transmission source Abbreviation: DU = Data Unit Data window The right area of the project window visualizes the content of the area selected in the navigation window The data window contains for example, indications or measured values of the information lists or the function selection for parameterization of the device DB See Double Command DC Double Command – See Double Command DCF77 The precise official time is determined in Germany by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB in Brunswick The atomic clock unit of the PTB transmits this time via the long-wave time signal transmitter in Mainflingen near Frankfurt/Main The emitted time signal can be received within a radius of approx 1500 km from Frankfurt/Main DCP See Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol DEL Phase-to-phase related measurements of a 3-phase system DIGSI Configuration software for SIPROTEC Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol The DCP protocol is used to detect devices without IP addresses and to assign addresses to these devices DM See Double-point indication 476 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Glossary Double command Double commands (DC) are process outputs, which the on and off command can give separated on different binary outputs Double-point indication Double-point indications (DI) are process indications which visualize process states at inputs: defined states (for example, On/Off and disturbed position) and undefined state (00) DP See Double-point indication DPC IEC 61850 data type: Double point control DPS IEC 61850 data type: Double-point status Drag and drop Copying, moving and linking function, used in graphic user interfaces The mouse is used to highlight and hold objects and then move them from one data area to another DU See Data Unit Electromagnetic Compatibility Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) means that an item of electrical equipment functions without error in a specified environment The environment is not influenced in any impermissible way here ENC Enumerated Status Controllable ENS Enumerated Status Fast-Scan Recorder A fast-scan recorder records individual current and voltage sampled values with a sampling rate that is high enough for the display of network events and transients Recording starts once the value of an analog quantity exceeds or drops below a specified limit High-speed fault recording is used for acquiring brief transient events of 1-2 seconds FG See Function Group Fleeting Indication Fleeting indications are single-point indications present for a very short time, in which only the coming of the process signal is logged and further processed time-correctly Floating Floating means that a free potential not connected to ground is generated Therefore, no current flows through the body to ground in the event of touching SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 477 Glossary Folder This object type helps when structuring a project hierarchically Function block A block that can perform one specific task or function Function group Functions are brought together into function groups (FG) The assignment of functions to current and/or voltage transformers (assignment of functions to measuring points), the information exchange between the function groups via interfaces as well as the generation of group indications are important for this bringing together General interrogation The state of all process inputs, of the status and of the error image are scanned on system startup This information is used to update the system-side process image Likewise, the current process state can be interrogated after data loss with a general interrogation (GA) Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event GOOSE Protocol of IEC 61850 for communication between bay units GI See General Interrogation Global Positioning System Satellites with atomic clocks orbit the earth twice a day at a height of about 20 000 km They emit signals which contain the GPS universal time with other data The GPS receiver determines its own position from the signals received It can derive the propagation runtime of a satellite's signal from this position and hence correct the emitted GPS universal time GOOSE See Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event GPS See Global Positioning System Ground The conductive ground whose electric potential can be set equal to at every point In the area of grounding conductors, the ground can have a potential diverging from The term reference ground is also used for this situation Grounding The grounding is the entirety of all means and measuring for grounding Hierarchy level In a structure with superordinate and subordinate objects, a hierarchy level is a level of equal-ranking objects HSR protocol Like PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol), HSR (High Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol) is specified in IEC 62439-3 Both protocols offer redundancy without switching time The principal function can be found in the definition of PRP With PRP, the same message is sent via separated networks In contrast to this, in the 478 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Glossary case of HSR the message is sent twice in the directions of the ring The recipient receives it correspondingly via paths in the ring, takes the 1st message and discards the 2nd (see PRP) IEC See International Electrotechnical Commission Input Data/Input Direction Data is sent from the protocol slave to the protocol master International Electrotechnical Commission See IEC Internet protocol The Internet protocol (IP) enables the connection of participants which are positioned in different networks Inter-Range Instrumentation Group B See IRIG B IP See Internet protocol IRIG B The IRIG time code is an abbreviation of Inter-Range Instrumentation Group time code and is a set of a group of time codes used primarily in the military area for video recording, telemetry and other data recording purposes The Inter-Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) is an organization of the United States Air Force located at White Sands Missile Range and defines various standards for the testing of missiles, among other purposes The IRIG time code is divided into the following subgroups: IRIG A (1000 second pulses), IRIG B (100 second pulses), IRIG D (1 pulse per minute), IRIG E (10 second pulses), IRIG G (10 000 second pulses), IRIG H (1 second pulse) The subgroups are differentiated by the number of synchronization pulses per second, the data formats and the modulation techniques used Link Address The link address indicates the address of a SIPROTEC device Metered value Metered values are a processing function, used to determine the total number of discrete similar events (counter pulses), for example, as integral over a time span In the power supply utility field, electrical energy is often recorded as a metered value (energy import/delivery, energy transport) Navigation window Left area of the project window, which visualizes the names and symbols of all containers of a project in the form of a hierarchical tree structure Object Each element of a project structure is designated as an object in DIGSI Offline If there is no communication connection between a PC program (for example, configuration program) and a runtime application (for example, a PC application), the PC program is offline The PC program executes in Offline mode SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 479 Glossary Online If there is a communication connection between a PC program (for example, configuration program) and a runtime application (for example, a PC application), the PC program is online The PC program executes in Online mode Order Configurator One or more appropriate modules are suggested in the order configurator corresponding to the desired protocol on a module You will also find the available standard variants in the order configurator OSM See Optical Switch Module Output data/output direction Data is sent from the protocol master to the protocol slave Output Indication Indications can be information provided by the device on events and states The events and states are provided via binary outputs, for example, startup of the processor system (event) or fault in a device function (state) These are designated as output indications Parameterization Comprehensive term for all setting work on the device You can parameterize the protection functions with DIGSI or sometimes also directly on the device Parameter set The parameter set is the entirety of all parameters that can be set for a SIPROTEC device Participant In an inter-device communication group, up to 16 SIPROTEC devices suitable for this can communicate with one another The individually involved devices are referred to as participants Participant Address A participant address consists of the name of the participant, the international dialing code, the local dialing code and the participant-specific telephone number PDC See Phasor-Data Concentrator Phasor-Data Concentrator PDC This component collects the information of the PMU devices and makes it available to both other components Phasor Measurement Unit The Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) is a measuring device for power systems It is capable of taking phasor measurements of voltages and currents in large, widely distributed networks Pinst (Perceptibility, instantaneous) Perceptibility sensitivity as per flicker measurement according to IEC 61000-4-15 480 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Glossary PLC See Programmable Logic Controller Plt (Perceptibility, long-term) Long-term flicker strength according to IEC 61000-4-15 PMU See Phasor Measurement Unit PQDIF PQDIF is a binary file format in the IEEE Standard 1159.3-2003 that is used to exchange the measured values of current, voltage, power, energy between software applications PQDIF means Power Quality Data Interchange Format Product code Compilation of product features in readable form PROFIBUS PROcess Feld BUS, German Process and Fieldbus standard (EN 50170) The standard specifies the functional, electrical and mechanical characteristics for a bit-serial fieldbus PROFIBUS Address A unique PROFIBUS address must be assigned to each SIPROTEC device within a PROFIBUS network A total of 254 PROFIBUS addresses per PROFIBUS network are available Programmable Logic The programmable logic is a function in Siemens devices or station controllers, enabling user-specific functionality in the form of a program This logic component can be programmed by various methods: CFC (= Continuous Function Chart) is one of these SFC (Sequential Function Chart) and ST (Structured Text) are others Programmable Logic Controller Programmable logic controllers (PLC) are electronic controllers whose function is saved as a program in the control unit The construction and wiring of the device not therefore depend on the function of the control The programmable logic controller has the structure of a computer; it consists of CPU with memory, installation/extension groups (for example, DI, AI, CO, CR), power supply (PS) and rack (with bus system) The peripherals and programming language are oriented towards the circumstances of the control system Project In terms of content, a project is the replication of a real energy supply system In graphic terms, a project is represented as a number of objects which are incorporated in a hierarchical structure Physically, a project consists of a series of directories and files containing project data Protection Device A protection device detects fault states in distribution networks, taking into account various criteria, such as fault distance, fault direction or fault duration, triggering a disconnection of the defective network section PRP PRP is a redundancy protocol for Ethernet networks that is specified in IEC 62439-3 Unlike conventional redundancy procedures, such as RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol, IEEE 802.1D-2004) PRP offers uninterruptible switching, which avoids any down time in the event of a fault, and thus the highest availability SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 481 Glossary Pst (Perceptibility, short-term) Short-term flicker strength according to IEC 61000-4-15 Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is a standardized redundancy process with a short response time In the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP protocol), structuring times in the multidigit second range apply in the case of a reorganization of the network structure These times are reduced to several 100 milliseconds for RSTP Real Time Real time Reorganize The frequent addition and deletion of objects results in memory areas which are no longer used The reorganization of projects allows these memory areas to be freed up again The reorganization also leads to VD addresses being reassigned This results in all SIPROTEC devices having to be reinitialized RSTP See Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol Sampling rate The sampling rate describes the number of samples taken per period For protection applications, typical sampling rates are between 16 and 80 A widely used value is 20 samples per period For power quality applications, the sampling rate must be considerably higher because of the evaluation of harmonics A typical value is 256 If sampling-frequency tracking is used, a constant sampling rate per current power frequency period can always be assumed regardless of the current power frequency SBO Select before operate SC See Single Command SC See Single Command SCD See Substation Configuration Description SDHC Secure Digital High Capacity Standard for SD memory cards with up to 32 GB capacitance Service Interface Device interface for interfacing DIGSI (for example, through a modem) SI See Single-Point Indication 482 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Glossary SICAM PAS Power Automation System – Substation automation system, modular in design and based on the Substation Controller SICAM SC and the HMI system SICAM WinCC SICAM PQ Analyzer The SICAM PQ Analyzer is used for the following purposes: - Displaying data measured by a PQ device - Assessment of these data according to power quality criteria by the SICAM PQS System ( ) The various views of the SICAM PQ Analyzer provide the means for evaluation of archived PQ measured data and system incidents - Incident explorer - PQ Inspector - PQ Explorer - Report browser - Grid code viewer SICAM PQS With SICAM PQS, all fault records and power quality data in a system can be analyzed SICAM SCC The HMI system SICAM SCC (serial communications channel) graphically displays the state of your network SICAM SCC visualizes alarms and messages, archives the network data, provides the option of intervening manually in the process and manages the system rights of the individual employees SIGRA The SIGRA component supports you in analyzing failures in your power system It graphically conditions information recorded during the failure and calculates additional supplemental quantities such as impedances or RMS values, from the supplied measured values making evaluation of the fault record easier for you The quantities can be shown as desired in the diagrams of the following views: time signals, phasor diagrams, locus diagrams and harmonic components In addition, you may add more fault records to the failure evaluation, for example, from the opposite end of a line, and synchronize these SIGRA is also suited to evaluate fault records of devices from other manufacturers SIGUARD PDP SIGUARD PDP (Phasor Data Processing) is software for monitoring the status of power transmission in extensive power systems When critical states are approached (frequency stability, voltage stability, transmission stability, and power swing), this is detected early and displayed The threshold at which a critical state is reached and requires intervention can be defined and subsequently changed at any time In addition, SIGUARD PDP supports you in the analysis of the power system Weak points and fault sources can be identified and eliminated early on SIGUARD PDP works together with PMUs (phasor measurement units) These measuring devices are installed in the power distribution systems and connected to the current and voltage transformers Time synchronization via GPS having an accuracy of < μs enables the PMUs to acquire the measured values with amplitude and phase as phasors (indicator values) with high precision and to transmit them via the communication interface These time-synchronized measured values from regionally widely distributed measuring points can be collected and evaluated using SIGUARD PDP SIMEAS R SIMEAS R is a digital fault recorder (like the 7KE85) used primarily in power plants, transformer substations, medium-voltage systems, high-voltage systems, systems for very high voltages and in industrial complexes for quality assurance and for monitoring secondary and primary facilities It measures and documents indicators defined in international standards (EN 50160) Weak points can be reliably and quickly identified due to its high degree of functionality In the event of a fault, all relevant signals are recorded with pre-event history, SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 483 Glossary defect trend and post-event behavior and transmitted for valuation and archiving – via Ethernet or a remote data transmission system This makes quick decisions possible and errors can be remedied in a timely manner SIMEAS R-PMU SIMEAS R-PMU is a device that contains triggered fault recorders and continuous recorders as well as an integrated Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) The PMU measures phasors and makes them available in a database This is a high-precision measurement of the vector quantities of voltage and current in terms of amplitude, phase angle, and time synchronization Simple Network Management Protocol The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet standard protocol and serves for the administration of nodes in an IP network Simple Network Time Protocol The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is a protocol for the synchronization of clocks via the Internet With SNTP, client computers can synchronize their clocks via the Internet with a time server Single command Single commands (EB) are process outputs which visualize process states (for example, On/Off) at an output Single-point indication Single-point indications (SI) are process indications which visualize process states (for example, On/Off) at an input SIPROTEC The registered trademark SIPROTEC designates the product family of protection devices and fault recorders SIPROTEC device This object type represents a real SIPROTEC device with all the contained setting values and process data SIPROTEC variant This object type represents a variant of an object of the SIPROTEC device type The device data of this variant can differ from the device data of the original object However, all variants derived from the original object have its VD addresses Therefore they always correspond to the same real SIPROTEC device as the original object In order to document different working states during parameterization of a SIPROTEC device, you can use objects of the type SIPROTEC variant, for example Slave Device A slave may only exchange data with a master after its has been requested to so by this master SIPROTEC devices work as slaves A master computer controls a slave computer A master computer can also control a peripheral device Slow-Scan Recorder The Slow-scan recorder is, just like the Fast-scan recorder, a triggered recorder It records measured values with the set averaging time SPS indications can still be recorded Longer record times are possible using the Slow-scan recorder SNMP See Simple Network Management Protocol 484 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Glossary SNTP See Simple Network Time Protocol SOE See Sequence of Events SP See Single-Point Indication SPC IEC 61850 data type: Single Point Control SPS IEC 61850 data type: Single point status SST See System Interface Station Description A station description is an IEC 61850-compliant file for data exchange between the system configurator and the IED configurator The station description contains information on the network structure of a substation The station description contains for example, information on the assignment of the devices to the primary equipment, as well as on the station-internal communication System Interface Device interface for linking to the control and protection system via various communication protocols TC Tap-position command – see Transformer Tap Position Command TCP See Transmission Control Protocol Time jump A step change in the device clock due to user action (setting the time) or automatically (GPS time synchronization unit) A time jump may occur, for example, in the event of a failure when changing the time synchronization source Time stamp A time stamp is a value in a defined format The time stamp assigns a point in time to an event, for example, in a log file Time stamps ensure that events can be found again Topological view The Topological View is oriented to the objects of a system (for example, switchgear) and their relation to one another The Topological View describes the structured layout of the system in hierarchical form Transmission Control Protocol The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a transmission protocol for transport services in the Internet TCP is based on IP and ensures connection of the participants during the data transmission TCP ensures the correctness of the data and the correct sequence of the data packets SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 485 Glossary Tree view The left area of the project window visualizes the names and symbols of all containers of a project in the form of a hierarchical tree structure This area is referred to as a tree view Trend recorder Trend recorders are used for long-term recording and monitoring of the process of voltage change within settable tolerance ranges The flicker measurement can also be determined and stored in the trend recorder UDP See User Datagram Protocol Unbuffered Report Control Block Unbuffered Report Control Block (URCB) is a form of report controlling Internal events trigger the immediate sending of reports based on best effort If no association exists or if the transport data flow is not fast enough, events can be lost User Datagram Protocol (UDP) UDP is a protocol The protocol is based on IP as TCP In contrast to this, however, UDP works without a connection and does not have any safety mechanisms The advantage of UDP in comparison to IP is the higher transmission rate UTC Universal Time Coordinated Value Indication Value indications are single-point indications in which a further value is transferred in addition to the actual indication (example: Fault locator : Here, the distance to the fault location is also indicated in addition to the fault statement Yes/No.) Virtual Bay Device A virtual bay device comprises all communication objects, as well as their properties and states, which a communication user can utilize in the form of services Virtual Device A VD (virtual device) comprises all communication objects, as well as their properties and states, which a communication user can utilize in the form of services A VD can be a physical device, a module of a device or a software module 486 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Index A ACD 90 ACT 90 Application Examples 468 Application Templates Function Key 105 Averaging Time 244, 248, 252 DPS 89 E ENC 91 F B Battery fault 404 Binary Signals: 439 Broken-wire detection Application and setting notes 383 Broken wire suspected 381 Broken-wire check 382 Function structure 380 Overview of functions 380 Protection blocking 382 Busbar 471 C Channel-name length 221 Communication Log 56 COMTRADE 221 COMTRADE format 225, 230 Continuous recorder 247 Control functions User-defined objects 87 D Deleting Recorders 238, 244, 249, 252 Device driver 214 Device-Diagnosis Log 59 Dimensions 432, 435 Disconnection and Recovery of Supply Voltage 238, 243, 248, 251 DNP 228 DPC 90 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Fast-Scan Recorder 236 Fault record 231 Recordings 225 SICAM PQS 228 SIGRA 227 Fault recorder Continuous recorder 247 Fault Recorder Fast-Scan Recorder 236 Slow-scan Recorder 241 Trend Recorder 250 Fault recording 244 FG Analog Transformers Application and Setting Notes for the 20-mA Unit Serial 180 Overview 20-mA Unit Serial 180 FG Analog units 20-mA Unit Ether 175 Application and setting notes for the RTD unit serial 203 Application and setting notes for the RTD-Unit Ether 198 Application and setting notes MT fast input 190 Communication with 20-mA Unit Ether 174 Communication with an RTD unit 197 Function-group structure 171 Measuring transducer with fast inputs 188 Overview 171 Overview 20-mA Unit Ether 173 Overview of RTD Unit Ether 196 Overview RTD unit serial 203 Temperature sensor 199 Flash Memory Capacity 244 Flash-Memory Capacity 249 Flash-Memory Size 238 Flicker 348 487 Index Function group Recorder Application and setting notes – general settings 234 Function group VI 1-phase Overview 140 Structure of the function group 140 Function group VI 3-phase Overview 145 Function Group VI 3-phase Structure of the Function Group 146 Function key 267 Function Key 107 Function-Group Connections 221 I IEC 60529 433 IEC 61850 228 INC 90 Indications 42 Displays 45 Reading 42 INS 89, 90 Instantiate Function Group 219 Introduction to DIGSI Creating a new project 214 Recorder Interaction 224 Routing 217 IO212 188, 190 O Online access 266 Operation Mode 222 Operational log 47 Operational measured values 349, 414 Order configurator 454 Ordering Individual components 454 Other Functions Acquisition blocking 92 Chatter blocking 92 Manual updating 92 Persistent command 92 Saved outputs 92 P Post-trigger Time 238, 244 PQ 10/12 cycles 348 PQ trend 348 PQDIF 221 PQDIF Format 228 Pre-trigger Time 238, 244 Protective-conductor carrier rail 471 Protective-conductor terminal 471 Q L LiYCY 471 Log Delete 60 Save 60 Logs 46 Administering 46 Configuring 46 M Manual Record Time 238, 244 Maximum record time 238 Maximum Record Time 244 Measurands 348, 348 Measured Values 439 Memory capacity 238, 244, 248, 252 Memory size 252 Mode 37 MV 90 488 Quality processing for GOOSE Later Binding 69 R Record Time 238, 244 Recorder routing 348, 354, 356, 357 Recorder Routing 225 Indications 353 Recorder routing VI 353, 356, 357 Retrigger Blocking Time 238, 244 Ring Buffer 247, 250 Route Measuring Points 218 Routing the Signals 225 S Sampled values (SAV) 348 Sampled Values (SAV) 236 Sampling Frequency 238, 244 SAV 90 SDHC memory card Correction of defects 474 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 Index Data 434 Replacement 472 Secure Digital High Capacity 472 Security Log 57 Select the Application Template 216 SEQ 91 Sequence of events 52 Sequence of Events 253 Setting the Threshold Value 95 Setting-history Log 54 Shield Terminal 471, 471 Shielding Shielded lines 471 SIPROTEC device Embedding of functions 32 Function control 37 Reference number for parameters and indications 39 SIPROTEC Device Adjustment application templates/functional scope 35 Slow-scan Recorder 241 SPC 89, 90 Special characters 221 SPS 88 SPS unsaved 88 State control 37 State Control 222 Stored Indications 62 Synchronization 82 SPS messages 269 Troubleshooting 474 U Umlauts 221 User-defined log 49 UTC 248 T T103 228 T104 228 Test flag 262 Time jump 235 Tolerance rrend 357 Tolerance trend 356 Tolerance Trend 354 Transformer Ratios 95 Trend Recorder 250 Trigger 263 Binary trigger 265 CFC Chart 269 Current trigger 277, 312 External Trigger 268 Fault record sequence control 253 Fault Record Sequence Control 254, 255 Frequency trigger 285, 331 GOOSE Trigger 268 Gradient trigger 264 Level trigger 264 Manual trigger 265 Power trigger 289, 335 Voltage trigger 271, 297 Triggers on Indications SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 489 490 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040-C018-5, Edition 11.2017 ... SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040 -C018- 5, Edition 11.2017 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040 -C018- 5, Edition 11.2017 Table of Contents Preface Open Source... 4 75 Index .487 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040 -C018- 5, Edition 11.2017 17 18 SIPROTEC 5, Fault Recorder, Manual C53000-G5040 -C018- 5, Edition 11.2017... Notes - Frequency Trigger 333 Settings 334 Information List 3 35 7 .5. 4 7 .5. 4.1 7 .5. 4.2 7 .5. 4.3 7 .5. 4.4 7 .5. 4 .5 7 .5. 4.6 7 .5. 4.7 7 .5. 4.8 7 .5. 4.9 7 .5. 4.10 Power Trigger