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Giaoandethitienganh.info PART Sorry I’m late, but I feed my little son before leaving home A needed B must C had to D was to Smith writes very quickly He’s finished his essay A already B been C for D yet What are you going to do? - I don’t know I haven’t made my mind yet A on B at C in D up I’ve to Paris I went there in March A been B gone C just D yet This is the first I’ve ever lived far from home A already B since C that D time What did the girl say ? A at you B for you C you D to you? Phong rang his friend in Nha Trang yesterday, and he said it raining there A was B is C should be D to be The last time I saw Khang, he looked very relaxed He explained that he’d been on holiday the week A earlier B following C next D previous We wonder the tickets are on sales yet A what B when C whether D where 10 When I rang Oanh some time last week, she said she was busy .day A this B that C then D the 11 Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? A just B sun C put D bucket 12 Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? A instead B head C heap D dead 13 Which word has a different stress in the group? A amount B inventor C garbage D resource 14 This film must be new We’ve seen it before A ever B never C since D yet 15 He hates .to something by others A to be asked B asking C being asked D to ask 16 Let’s go camping in the mountain, ? A we B can we C will we D shall we 17 After a month, Hoa got used to ……………… in her new school A study B studying C studied D is studying 18 She told me ……… up too late A don’t stay B not to stay C not stay D to not stay 19 Her son was absent from school …………… of his illness last Tuesday A because B instead C though D but 20 That child ……… to go at once Giaoandethitienganh.info A will B had better C has D have 21 The front yard is ………… to play soccer in A small too B so small C too small D very small 22 My brother feels …………… again after his operation A strongly B strength C strong D enough strong 23 He doesn’t enjoy …………… basketball A to play B plays C played D playing 24 This form must have the …………… of the writer A to sign B signature C signing D sign 25 Jane and Jack stood in front of the mirror and looked at A herself B himself C.theirselves D themselves 26 Susan is the of the three girls A prettier B prettiest C pretty D prettily 27 the beginning of the day called morning or evening? A Is B Are C Does D.Can 28 Nam familiar with getting up early in winter two years ago A was B were C is D has been 29.The school yard was with students A crowd B crowds C crowded D crowding 30 These are new born .of our farm A calf B calves C calfes D calfs 31 My father always drives He is a driver A carefully –careful B carefully–carefully C carefully-care D careful – carefully 32 Unless you work hard, you……… fail the exams A won’t fail B will fail C don’t fail D didn’t fail 33 Mr Minh used to ………… alot when he was young A smoke B smoking C smoked D.be smoking 34 Minh drew that picture………… No one helped him A himself B heself C hisself D Minh’s self 35 Why are you turning on the TV ? I ……… the news A will watch B am going to watch C watch D watched 36 Hung is ………… to ride motobike to school A not old enough B old not enough C enough old not D enough not old 37 We have learned English ……… nearly three years A since B for C in D in 38 Tom failed the exam …………… his laziness A so B because C because of D instead of 39 I told him ………… so much candy A not to eat B don’t eat C to not eat D to eat not 40 Nam dosen’t watch T.V often as his brother A so B like C such D too Giaoandethitienganh.info 41.Nhung is with being a famous star A boring B boredom C bored D to bore 42 The show last night was so that we saw it through A fascinating B fascinated C boring D excited 43 Their family had a few rest after a long trip A hours B hour’s C hours’ D hour 44 Either I or Tom ………….beef A doesn’t like B don’t like C like D likes 45 When I called her, she………… a bath A had B was having C has D is having 46 I am looking forward to ………… you A see B seeing C be seeing D be seen 47 What…………when I called you? A were you doing B did you C are you doing D you 48 I’d rather you……… at home tonight A stay B stayed C to stay D staying 49 It was raining………we cancelled the trip to Halong Bay last Sunday A although B because C so D but 50 She spends fifteen minutes……… to school A to walk B walking C.walk D walked 51 She hasn’t written to me……… A already B never C no longer D yet 52 It’s lovely…………….you again a to meet b meet c meeting d met 53 My bother ………… in 1993 a born b was born c is born d bears 54 It’s started …….two hours ago? a rain b rains c raining d rained 55 She sings very…… a beauty b beautiful c bad d beautifully 56 We ………… swimming a lot when we were young children a used to go b didn’t used to go c are used to go d don’t use to go 57 I have been waiting for her …… a long time a for b since c on d at 58 Her characters are ……………her sister’s a as b different to c different from d different with 59 They advised us ………… a bus to get there a take b taking c to take d took 60 He is the………….boy in my class a most happy b happier c happiest d more happy 61.We must be there _ 7.30 and 10.30 A after B before C at D between 62.Banks in the USA often _ at 9.00 Giaoandethitienganh.info A opening B open C opens D is opening 63.My little brother enjoys _ pictures very much A drew B draw C to draw D drawing 64.The step – mother was very _ the little poor A cruel B cruel to C cruel with D cruel of 65.His parents are always proud _ him A with B of C about D on 66.When I was a child, I _ follow my mum to the market A usually B like C used to D get used to 67.Nam can’t reach the top shelf He isn’t _ to reach it A too tall B very tall C tall enough D enough tall 68.He always _ for a walk in the evening A going B goes C to go D go 69.Many learners not try to learn all the new words they _ A go across B come across C come cross D go cross 70.She asked her children _ A stopping to play B stop to play C to stop playing D stop playing 71.We don’t need help We’ll it _ A myself B ourselves C ourself D themselves 72.Did you go there _foot or _ car? A.on/by B on/on C by/by D by/on 73.She said to him “ Can you work on Sunday?” A She wanted him work on Sunday B She told him work on Sunday C She asked him to work on Sunday D She invited him to work on Sunday 74. _ the right side of the room, there is a window A by B on C in D at 75.Ba often makes people laugh with his funny stories They like his sense of _ A humor B telling C talking D working 76.However he had problems with Spanish _, because some of Spanish sounds are really hard A spelling B pronunciation C grammar D vocabulary 77 She advises me _ late A not be B not to be C not being D not 78.She _ the dustbin twice a day then A threw B emptied C cleaned D fell 79.“May I help you?” ~ A Yes That’s very kind of you B I’m afraid I’m busy now C How can I help you? D What can I for you? 80.Mr Hao should _ the roof A repaired B repair C repairing D to repair 81.If you need any _ information, please contact our head office A far B further C father D furthest 82.My brother _ in this car factory since 1999 Giaoandethitienganh.info A has worked B works C had worked D worked 83.I _ her since she was a child A have known B knew C know D had known 84.Life in the _ is definitely change for the best The living conditions in the country are getting better A urban B rural C district D provinces 85.Are there any foreign language centers in this _ A place B site C area D space 86 This street is …than that one a the narrower b narrower c more narrow d more narrower 87 What are you going to do? - I don’t know I haven’t made my mind yet A on B at C in D up 88 It's very kind _ you to help me A for B at C of D with 89 I hate to something by others A being to ask B asking C being asked D to ask 90 Let’s go camping in the mountain, ? A we B can we C will we D shall we 91 Deaf-mutes can speak hear A both and B neither nor C not only but also D either or 92 Did you succeed the problem? A to solve B on solving C in solving D solving 93 He failed his exam he was lazy A although B because C so D but 94 The man by the window is my father A standing B stands C stand D stood 95 My teacher told me what _when I visited Hoi An A doing B to C D done 96 My family has decided Ha Long in the summer A to visit B visit C visited D visits 97 He isn’t to drive a car A enough old B old enough C too young D young enough 98 Please answer the phone when it _ A is ringing B ringing C rang D rings 99 The Prime Minister on TV tonight A will speak B is speaking C speaks D speaking 100 Don’t worry about us We can ourselves A look B look for C look after D look at ... for you? 80 .Mr Hao should _ the roof A repaired B repair C repairing D to repair 81 .If you need any _ information, please contact our head office A far B further C father D furthest 82 .My brother... factory since 1999 Giaoandethitienganh.info A has worked B works C had worked D worked 83 .I _ her since she was a child A have known B knew C know D had known 84 .Life in the _ is definitely change... provinces 85 .Are there any foreign language centers in this _ A place B site C area D space 86 This street is …than that one a the narrower b narrower c more narrow d more narrower 87 What are

Ngày đăng: 24/08/2020, 09:32

