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Test bank for becoming america a history for the 21st century 1st edition by henkin

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Page of This chapter has 57 questions Scroll down to see and select individual questions or narrow the list using the checkboxes below questions at random and keep in order  Multiple Choice Questions - (50) Odd Numbered - (29) Essay Questions - (7) Even Numbered - (28) Gaining knowledge of the peoples of the distant past in North America is more difficult than with some other cultures due to the fact that → rulers did not keep written records many of the cities were destroyed by the conquistadores artifacts and bones were not well preserved in the indigenous soil their cultures were much simpler Multiple Choice Question The peoples living in North America prior to Columbus's arrival in 1492 were descendants of migrants from Europe South America → Asia the Caribbean Multiple Choice Question Beringia refers to a culture of North American nomadic tribespeople the original migrants to North America a mythical city of gold sought by explorers → a region that included a land bridge between two continents Multiple Choice Question Distant descendants of Siberian migrants lived in various regions and developed → distinct languages and religions a common language but distinct religions distinct languages but common religions a common language and religion Multiple Choice Question The crop that became the foundation of the agricultural societies of Mexico and Central America was rice wheat → maize beans Multiple Choice Question In North America, moundbuilding appeared first in what is now Texas → Louisiana Florida Alabama Multiple Choice Question Three sisters refers to → beans, squash, and corn beans, squash, and rice squash, corn, and rice rice, beans, and corn Multiple Choice Question The North Atlantic Warm Period from about 900 to 1300 led to flooding and challenges to agricultural advancement harsh warmer climates that reduced populations denser living patterns that focused on hunting and gathering → new variants of crops and more substantial building projects Multiple Choice Question The Four Corners region was gifted with several navigable rivers → was arid and required large-scale irrigation became wetter with increased rains in the middle of the twelfth century saw dramatic population increases during the twelfth century Multiple Choice Question Page of 10 Cahokia → was the site of the first moundbuilding culture refers to the Chaco Canyon civilization grew into a metropolitan center was located in the Four Corners region Multiple Choice Question 11 Scholars have been intrigued by the coincidence of the redevelopment of Cahokia and the → appearance of a supernova demise of Chaco Canyon beginning of the agricultural revolution first cultivation of maize Multiple Choice Question 12 The powerful city-states of Mississippian civilization have which of the following in common? striking social inequality organized and sustained warfare monumental architecture → All these answers are correct Multiple Choice Question 13 Compared to their ancestors in the Archaic era, Indians of the Mississippian era were more likely to have lived longer lives → died violently suffered from malnutrition been a member of an egalitarian community Multiple Choice Question 14 The demise of Cahokia in the 1300s was largely due to the warming climate is generally blamed on the failure of three-crop agricultural practices has been conclusively determined to have been precipitated by a major earthquake → was not only a local phenomenon Multiple Choice Question 15 Most of the Indian nations that Europeans encountered were established during the apex of Cahokia characterized by the enslavement of females → creations of the post-Mississippian dispersal centralized around villages that had sustained their existence over hundreds of years Multiple Choice Question 16 The Crow Creek Massacre represents an anomaly of violence that puzzles scholars → is evidence of the violence common among post-Cahokia villages is distinguished by the selective slaughter of children in an attempt to wipe out a future generation is a sign of a reverse in the trend of relatively peaceful Cahokia coexistence Multiple Choice Question 17 At the time of Columbus's arrival, which region was the most densely populated? → Pacific Coast Utah/Nevada Mississippi Basin the Southwest Multiple Choice Question 18 The backbone of the Pacific coast economy was maize rice livestock → fish Multiple Choice Question 19 Californians → enjoyed a more nutritious diet than the peoples in the eastern half of the continent produced impressive monumental architecture achieved a society with relatively little social stratification developed large chiefdoms Page of Multiple Choice Question 20 When Western Europe experienced rising temperatures associated with the North Atlantic Warm Period, agricultural production was not significantly affected it had the opposite effect on agricultural production to that experienced in North America a rise in productivity by not in population occurred → a rise in productivity and population occurred Multiple Choice Question 21 Compared to North America, the colder temperatures of the Little Ice Age had effect on Europe → a more devastating a milder a similar None of these answers is correct Multiple Choice Question 22 Instability in England and France during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries led to political fragmentation triggered a crisis in religious practice and belief dispersed people from urban centers to smaller villages → drew people to the cities Multiple Choice Question 23 The Crusades were in part designed to eliminate Islam from the earth → wrest control of Jerusalem from Muslims clear a path for commerce between the east and west rescue captive Christians in the Middle East Multiple Choice Question 24 The Reconquista was the crusaders' attempt to regain Jerusalem campaign of the Catholic Church to eliminate Jews from Western Europe → retaking of the Iberian Peninsula from Muslims papal domination of Latin Christendom Multiple Choice Question 25 Adelantados were men used by the Spanish kingdom of Castile to spread the Christian faith throughout regions controlled by Spain reclaim the Holy Lands for the Catholic Church → organize and fund raids on the Canary Islands and elsewhere drive the Muslims out of the city of Ceuta Multiple Choice Question 26 In his seafaring projects, Prince Henry the Navigator's motivation was mainly → religious economic political social Multiple Choice Question 27 Most of the islands taken by Portugal were Muslim → uninhabited populated by indigenous peoples already Christianized Multiple Choice Question 28 The colony of Saö Tome represented one of the few settlements in which Christians and Muslims lived peacefully together a haven for Jewish settlers Portugal's most lucrative trading outpost → the real beginning of large-scale African slavery Multiple Choice Question 29 Bartolomeu Dias established the colony of Principe → sailed around the Cape of Good Hope Page of sailed to India led the reconquest of the Canary Islands Multiple Choice Question 30 The kingdom of Ghana controlled a significant empire until the fifth century → from the eighth century onward in the thirteenth century from the fifteenth century onward Multiple Choice Question 31 The Malian city of Timbuktu became the heart of the kingdom of Ghana the site of the Portuguese Elmina Castle → a significant center of Islamic learning the site of a well-known Christian university Multiple Choice Question 32 The year 1492 is significant because Columbus was appointed to sail for the Spanish Crown the Muslims were driven out of Granada the Jews were expelled from Spain → All these answers are correct Multiple Choice Question 33 Columbus's greatest advantage lay in → his seafaring experience the accuracy of his geographic calculations his crucial understanding of the location of Japan his success in wooing financial support from European monarchs Multiple Choice Question 34 The most valuable resource that Columbus brought back to Spain was represented by parrots colorful masks gold → seven Taino men Multiple Choice Question 35 On his return to Hispaniola, Columbus found that the Tainos had subjected his men to forced labor → the soldiers he had left behind had been killed the local population welcomed him back with great expectation disease had ravaged the men who had stayed behind Multiple Choice Question 36 The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 authorized Spanish explorers to claim new lands in the name of the pope gave Spain rights to all new colonial claims → divided the western Atlantic domains between Spain and Portugal defined the share of produce to be allotted to the indigenous people Multiple Choice Question 37 Pedro Ýlvars Cabral stumbled on what would later be understood to be Venezuela Puerto Rico → Brazil Cuba Multiple Choice Question 38 The explorer who crossed the Isthmus of Panama and sent back reports of a large sea on the other side was → Vasco Nú–ez de Balboa Ferdinand Magellan Christopher Columbus Bartolomeu Dias Multiple Choice Question 39 Francisco Pizarro is best known for Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Page of → the invasion and destruction of Tenochtitlán the creation of the encomienda system the defeat of the Incas authoring the Requerimiento Multiple Choice Question 40 The town of Potos' was known for its silver and also for its → very large population uncharacteristically lenient treatment of Indian laborers indigenous artisans and their exquisite hand crafts fierce resistance to Spanish attacks Multiple Choice Question 41 The most striking demographic change that accompanied the Columbian exchange was the → mass death from disease influx of Spanish newcomers new mestizo population growth of the Indian populations Multiple Choice Question 42 The two products that held religious and social importance among the Aztecs and also developed special significance to Europeans on the other side of the Atlantic were sugar and cacao tobacco and for cacao → Test Bank Becoming America A History for the 21st Century 1st Edition by Henkin silver and gold gold tobacco Fullandfile at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Multiple Choice Question 43 The Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazano was hired by Spain England Portugal → France Multiple Choice Question 44 During the first half of the sixteenth century, France and England found that the most gain across the Atlantic could be had by exploiting the fisheries in Canada establishing colonies in North America → attacking Spanish ships engaging in slave trade Multiple Choice Question 45 The Protestant Reformation → rejected centuries of accumulated religious tradition united the northern and southern countries of Western Europe began as a controversy over Spanish domination of the Americas was resisted in England Multiple Choice Question 46 During the later sixteenth century, the English defended their piracy as → an assault against Catholicism revenge for their naval defeat in 1588 an honorable crusade against Muslim warships an attempt to gain a foothold in the New World Multiple Choice Question 47 The English viewed the Irish as enemies, but they saw them differently than they saw the Spanish, in that they believed that Ireland's indigenous population was Protestant → uncivilized an economic competitor heathen Multiple Choice Question 48 The first to build colonies in what would later become the United States were the Huguenots, who were Protestants from England Catholics from France Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Page of → Protestants from France Catholics from England Multiple Choice Question 49 The settlement of Roanoke incited the Spanish to colonize Florida established the first English stronghold in North America → ended in failure, with all the colonists dead encouraged the French to begin colonial efforts in Canada Multiple Choice Question 50 Missionaries in North America noticed that Indians who spent time with them tended to reject Christianity gradually warm to the Christian faith rapidly adopt European customs → die Multiple Choice Question 51 Describe the causes and effects of the agricultural revolution that occurred around the tenth century CE Explanation: Answers will vary Test Bank for Becoming America A History for the 21st Century 1st Edition by Henkin Essay Question Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ 52 Compare and contrast the cultures of the Four Corners Region with those of the Mississippian civilization Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 53 The Little Ice Age significantly affected the history of people on both sides of the Atlantic How did the effects of this period of climate change differ between North America and Europe? Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 54 What were the motivations for European colonization of the New World? Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 55 Describe the advance and character of Islam in West Africa Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 56 Explain the Spanish approach to conquest and colonization Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question 57 How did the Columbian exchange forever change both Europe and the New World? Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Page of Explanation: Answers will vary Essay Question Test Bank for Becoming America A History for the 21st Century 1st Edition by Henkin Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ ... Europeans on the other side of the Atlantic were sugar and cacao tobacco and for cacao → Test Bank Becoming America A History for the 21st Century 1st Edition by Henkin silver and gold gold tobacco... Describe the causes and effects of the agricultural revolution that occurred around the tenth century CE Explanation: Answers will vary Test Bank for Becoming America A History for the 21st Century 1st. .. vary Essay Question Test Bank for Becoming America A History for the 21st Century 1st Edition by Henkin Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/ Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/

Ngày đăng: 24/08/2020, 09:28

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