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Using dictogloss to improve listening skill

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USING DICTOGLOSS TO IMPROVE LISTENING SKILL Lao Cai, 2/2019 Page | TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………….…… 1.1.2 Problems…………………………………………………………………….….…… 1.1.3 The feasibility of using dictogloss approach to improving students' listening skills…………………………………………………………………………………….…… 1.2 Aims of the paper 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Summary of the paper CHAPTER II DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Literature review 2.1.1 Definition of listening 2.1.2 The importance of listening 2.1.3 Types of listening activities 2.1.4 Listening problems 2.1.5 General concept of dictogloss A Definition of dictogloss B Dictogloss procedures C Advantages of dictogloss method 2.2.Methodology 2.2.1.Data collection 2.2.2 Administering pre-test to experimental and control groups 2.2.3 Administering pre-test to experimental and control groups 2.2.4 Administering post-test 2.2.5 Interviewing 2.2.6 Detailed lesson plans and teachers’ notes………………………………………… 2.2.7 Students' notes……………… ……………………………………………………… CHAPTER III FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Overview of the process 3.2 The result of pretest of experimental group and control group 3.3 The result of experimental group’s posttest Page | 3.4 The result of control group’s posttest 3.5 The results of the interview CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION 4.1 Major findings 4.2 Implications 4.3 Limitations of the study 4.4 Suggestions for further study REFERENCES APPENDIXES Page | CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.1.1 Background Founded in 2003, Lao Cai Gifted High School is situated in the center of the city It normally ranks between 40th and 50th among over 2000 high schools throughout Vietnam The total number of teachers is 83 ( teachers of English) The total number of students is about over 900 including 350 10th graders in which girls and students of minor ethnic groups take up about 60% and 15% respectively Students come from various family backgrounds from all over the province, but mainly from the urban areas In Lao Cai Gifted High School Development Project ( 2016-2020), the learning and teaching of English is given priority to increase opportunities for students to get overseas scholarship and better preparation for their future Many school teachers of science subjects are now encouraged to deploy English as the language of instruction in classrooms Therefore, all the teachers of English are aware of the responsibilities inspired by school, students, parents, their colleagues and society They are dynamic and enthusiastic in teaching to supply students with the best of them 1.1.2 Problems Grade 10 students displayed diverse backgrounds of the target language through the Entrance examinations However, students in science classes illustrated better English language competence According to school policy, for the first three semesters students are expected to mainly develop English language speaking and listening skills and most of the students have been worried about their listening ability In real teaching practices, the teachers realised that learners had difficulty recognizing English sounds in academic listening recordings and real communications, which limits their understanding of the speech They have been familiar with standardised tests, therefore they can better understand the written language However, learners have problems recognising familiar vocabulary items in spoken forms Besides, the ability to remember the information while listening is another factor that hinders their improvement in listening skills Some students tend to immediately forget the content of the previous sentence when they move to the next sentences, which leads to the failure of understanding the gists 1.1.3 The feasibility of dictogloss approach to improving listening skills Page | Dictogloss approach emphasizes on students’ ability to recognise English sounds and to enhance long-term memory through repeated listening to reconstruct a short text or conversation (Vasiljevic, 2010; Prince, 2013) Students are required to listen and take notes of the key words, which functions as the base of later reconstruction Students can benefit from other students’ shared ideas to build up their own understanding of the recording given after three times listening The accumulated pieces of information and the repetition of listening to the same audio track help scaffold learners’ understanding and gradually improve their listening skills All of the above reasons urge the teachers to conduct a study on the topic: “Using Dictogloss to imrpove students’ listening skills” In this paper, the author investigates the effectiveness of using dictogloss in improving listening skills Conducting the research seems necessary since using dictogloss offers considerable benefits to students Detailed lesson plans, teachers; notes, students’ handouts and prettest and posttest will hope to demonstrate the effect of dictogloss on the listening skills and partly contribute to the field 1.2 Aims of the paper The aims of the study are: - First, to assess the real difficulties in teaching and learning listening - Second, to investigate the possibility of using dictogloss in developing 10th graders’ listening skills 1.3 Scope of the study Within the scope of the study, emphasis is laid on the teaching and learning listening session The study also focuses on listening for general information and specific details which involve understanding the task and emphasizing on catching certain information The population of the study is limited to 10th graders of Lao Cai high school for gifted students in the academic year of 2018-2019 Students in class 10 Maths and 10 Chemistry are selected as control group and experimental group respectively based on the results of the pre-test to maximize the relibility and validity of the research 1.4 Summary of the paper This paper is divided into five main chapters as follows: Chapter I: Introduction Page | This chapter provides the basic information of the paper including the background of the study, the aims, scope and a brief summary Chapter II: Development This chapter presents the theoretical background relevant to the research, details how to collect data and analyzes the collected data to evaluate the real situation of teaching, and learning listening of 10th graders in Lao Cai high school for gifted students and their perception of using dictogloss method to improve listening skill Chapter III: Findings and Discussion This session analyzes the collected data to evaluate the real situation of teaching and learning listening of 10th graders in Lao Cai high school for gifted students and their perception of using dictogloss method to improve listening skill Chapter III: Conclusion This chapter summarizes the content of the paper, acknowledges the limitations and suggestions for further research Page | CHAPTER II: DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Literature review 2.1.1 Definition of listening Listening is an essential skill that ESL learners have to develop There are several distinct definitions of listening, and each definition represents a different perspective of listening According to Johnson (1951, p.58), listening is the ability to understand and respond effectively to oral communication Moreover, McErlain (1999) states that listening can be defined as the ability to receive and decode oral communication by processing a language sample In addition, Myers and Myers (1999, p.143) point outs that listening is not only hearing, but also including the added dimensions of understanding, paying attention, analyzing, and evaluating the spoken messages, and possibly acting on the basis of what has been heard Rost (1994, p2) states that listening involves both social and cognitive processes In psychological terms, attention is an excitation of nerve pathways, the brain, to organize incoming stimuli in an effective way Besides, Myers and Myers (1999, p.143) state that listening is not only hearing, but also including the added dimensions of understanding, paying attention, analyzing, and evaluating the spoken messages, and possibly acting on the basis of what has been heard Wolvin and Coakley (1985) define listening as “the process of receiving, attending to and assigning meaning to aural stimuli” This definition suggests that listening is a complex, problem-solving skill The task of listening is more than the perception of sound; although perception is the foundation, it also requires comprehension of meaning On the other hand, Underwood (1997, p.1) defines listening as the activity of paying attention to and trying to get meaning from something we hear She explains that to listen successfully to spoken language, a listener needs to be able to work out what speakers mean when they use particular words in particular ways on particular occasions, and not simply to understand the words themselves Therefore, it is not enough to just understand the words themselves to understand the message from spoken language The incoming sound needs to be processed involving any available cues like background noises, the speakers, and the setting to construct meaning Page | Listening requires an active participation of the listeners in order to achieve the message that the speaker means Buck (2001, p.31) considers listening an active process of constructing meaning by applying knowledge to the incoming sound in which a number of different types of knowledge, both linguistic and non-linguistic, are involved Listening is also highlighted as a vital receptive mean to gather information and its importance lies on the fact that it is used more often than any other language skill Listening is one of the most important sources of input that a human brain has (Widiasmara, 2012) Besides, Rivers (1981) states that in an ordinary day, the listening skill is exercised almost twice as much as the speaking skill, and around four to five times as the reading and writing skills 2.1.2 The importance of listening The significance listening is undeniable as it is the precondition to acquiring the language According to Krashen (1985), language acquisition is dominantly achieved by receiving understandable input, and listening ability is the critical component in achieving the understandable the language input Listening is emphasized to make contribution to the language development of the students since it provides input for the students Rost (1994) puts great emphasis on the importance of listening He points out that if students cannot understand input at the right level, learning cannot begin This is supported by Widiasmara(2012) that listening is considered one of the most important sources of input that a human brain has According to second language acquisition theory, language input is the most essential condition of language acquisition Therefore, as an input skill, “listening is the key language It has a vital role in language acquisition process” Brett (1997, p.39) As a matter of fact, people use listening more than any other language skills Rivers (1981) points out that in an ordinary day, the listening skill is exercised almost twice as much as the speaking skill, and around four to five times as the reading and writing skills Mendelsohn (1994, p.9) share the same viewpoint with Rivers He states that among the time spent on communication, listening takes the top position at 40-50 %; 25-30% is spent on speaking, followed by the 11-16% spent on reading At the bottom position is writing, which accounts for only 9% Those factors above show the importance of listening in language acquisition and academic achievement in general, which should be taken into careful consideration when designing teaching and learning materials and classroom activities Page | 2.1.3 Types of listening activities There is no fixed set of conditions to classify the listening types As each classification shows dissimilar features of listening, this section is devoted to presenting some considerable ones According to Simonds and Cooper (2011), there are five types of listening The first type is informative listening In such kind of listening, the listeners’ main goal is to understand what has been said The listeners are said to listen successful only when their interpretation of the message is as closer as possible to the speaker’ intention Another type is relation listening, which aims either to assist a person or to intensify a relationship The next type is appreciative listening with the purpose of entertainment, for example, listening to music Next, critical listening is to check the authenticity and the validity of what is being said such as listening to advocates and politicians Finally, discriminative listening seems to be the most crucial type since it is the base for all the mentioned types above The listeners must observe the changes happened in speakers’ utterances such as rate, volume, pitch and so on to detect the slightest differences in meaning In addition, Hellenes and Brown (1994, p xii) state that there are three types of listening activities, as follows: The first type is listening skill for understanding the general meaning It is listening skill for purpose of understanding the general meaning The listeners in this type expect to catch the general meaning of what they hear The second one is listening for the specific information or listening for detail It involves understanding the task and more importantly, focusing to catch certain information Listening between the lines or understanding inferences is the third type Understanding inferences is not only related to imagining meanings, but also thinking about meaning that is given In this listening activity, the listeners are expected to draw the inference of the story 2.1.4 Listening problems In order to develop listening skills for students, it is necessary to identify the learning problems that students are experiencing Ur (1996, p 111-112) identifies the students’ problems and the solution as follows: a Sound problems: Most students depend mostly on the context to comprehend Besides, they are often themselves unaware sound perception Page | b Having to understand every word: Some students are worried and stressed when they miss some words of the text Therefore, the students need practice in selective ignoring of heard information as they naturally in their mother tongue The teacher should explain this point to the students, and more importantly, set them occasional tasks that ask them to scan a relatively long task for one or two limited items of information c Difficulty in understanding fast, naturally native speaker: The students can only understand when the teacher talks slowly and clearly The students cannot understand fast, natural native-sounding speech The solution for this problem is that the teacher has to expose the students to as much spontaneous-informal talk as possible; as a result, they can understand the native speech In additionally, the teacher should choose the sorts of discourse at the right level for the students d Necessity to hear the text more than once: The students need to hear the text more than once to understand it To overcome this problem, the teacher can try to use texts that include “redundant” passage and within which the essential information is presented more than once and not too intensively They can also give the students the opportunity to request clarification or repetition while listening e Finding it difficult to keep up: The students feel overloaded with incoming information In this case, the students should be encouraged to relax, stop trying to understand everything, and learn to pick out what is essential f Getting tired: If the discourse is too long, the students can become tired and bored to listen Furthermore, it is difficult for them to attention The solution of this problem is similar with the third problem According to Rost (1994, p.119), there are four the listeners’ problems, including acuity of hearing, discrimination and auditory perception, attention and concentration, comprehension a Acuity of hearing: Page | 10 12 – Diane went to London yesterday Your answer: 13- Diane went to London by Your answer: 14 – Diane and her friends ate Your answer: 15 – Diane says the restaurant was Your answer: 16 – After the meal, Diane and her friends Your answer: 17 – During Dian’s trip to London Your answer: A) morning B) afternoon C) evening A) car B) bus C) evening A) Mexican food B) Chinese food C) Spanish food A) full B) expensive C) quite A) sat and talked B) saw a film C) walked by the water A) it rained B) it snowed C) it was wind Page | 36 Part Questions 18-23 Instructions: You will hear Susanna leaving a phone message for her mother Listen and complete the questions given Circle the letter of the correct answer Message 1818 - From: A) Susanna B) Mom C) Daveys 1919 - Buy: A white A) shirt B) T-Shirt C) skirt B) DAVEYS C) DAVIYS B) high school C) cinema B) medium C) large B) 899 C) 8099 2020 - Name of shop: A) DAVEY’S 2121 - In High Street, next to: A) supermarket 2222 - Size: A) small 2323 - Price: A) 8.99 Retrieved World Wide Web, http://www.englishaula.com/en/ket-exam-listening-cambridge-Key-english-test-videolessons-practice-tests-exercises.php Page | 55 Appendix 2: Post-test Name: Class: Part 1: Questions 1-5 Instruction: There are questions in this part, for each question there are pictures and a short recording Choose the correct picture Write CAPITAL LETTERS A, B or C in the answer box Example: Where is the girl’s hat? Your answer (A, B or C): B Which dish did Mark cook in the competition? Your answer (A, B or C): Where is the girl’s book now? Your answer (A, B or C): Who lives with Josh in his house? Page | 56 Your answer (A, B or C): What will the girl take with her on holiday? Your answer (A, B or C): What time will the train to Manchester leave? Your answer (A, B or C): Part Questions: 6-11 Instructions: Listen to some people talking about the activities they tried What they say about each person? For each person, write the corresponding letter in the answer box Activities they tried People - Jim: A) Boats B) Sheriff - Sam: C) Archery - Molly: D) Pony ride Page | 57 - Rachel: 10 - Dad: E) Dragon F) Shotgun G) Acrobats 11 - John: H) Rodeo Part Questions: 12-17 Instructions: Listen to Anna talking to a veterinarian about her pet Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space, write the corresponding letter in the answer box 12 - The speaker's pet which is ill is Your answer: 13 - The animal is Your answer: 14 - The animal felt bad on Your answer: 15 - The animal has been eating Your answer: 16 - The speaker is expecting A) his cat B) his parrot C) his dog A) years old B) years old C) years old A) Sunday B) Monday C) Saturday A) biscuits B) chocolate C) tuna Your answer: A) puppies B) puppy C) puppies 17 - The speaker knows the veterinarian’s A) telephone number Your answer: B) new address C) sister's address Page | 58 Part Questions 18-23 Instructions: You will hear Diana talking about the video she watched Listen and complete the questions given Circle the letter of the correct answer VIDEO 1818 - Actor: B) Smith B) Daniel C) David 1919 – For people A) more than 14 B) more than 16 C) more than 18 B) PLUG C) BLAB B) Green street C) Gold street B) office C) cinema B) 485 C) 4085 2020 - Name of film A) BLUE 2121 –Video shop in B) Golden street 2222 - Opposite: B) kindergarten 2323 - Price: A) 4.85 Page | 59 Appendix 3: Interview questions Do you think using dictogloss in learning listening is useful? After finishing the treatment, your listening skill improve? Do your other skills (reading, writing, and speaking) get improved? What you think could be the biggest advantage of using dictogloss in learning listening? What you think could be the biggest advantage of using dictogloss in learning listening? Could you give some advice to make it better? Would you continue using dictogloss in the next semester? Appendix 4: Detailed lesson plans SAMPLE 1: UNIT 3: MUSIC Further Practice – Listening (Appendix – Text 1) A Objectives: Educational aim: Students listen to a recording about BTS, a famous Korean band Knowledge General knowledge: Students understand more about BTS, a famous Korean band Language: Vocabulary related to music Skills: Listening for specific information B Methods: Dictation C Teacher and Students’ preparations: Teacher’s preparation: recording, transcription, laptop, loudspeakers, document camera Students’ preparation: notebook D Procedure: I Class organization: Divide the class into groups of students II New lesson Activity 1: Preparation 5’ Aim: To help students understand some new concepts mentioned in the recording, and start sharing and collecting information Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Ask students some questions relating to the - answer the questions content of the recording they are going to listen - add as much information as possible to Questions: Do you like K-pop? Why Which K-pop bands are popular these days? Page | 60 Are you fans of BTS? Can you name the members and some successful products? Activity 2: Dictation 10’ Aim: To help students hear and note down the key words and main ideas in the recording Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Play the recording for the first time and ask students to pay attention to the key words and main ideas - Call on one students to report the key words they can hear or the main ideas they can remember - Call on other students to add more information - Ask students to reconstruct their notes for the first time - Listen and start taking note for the first time, try to get the main content of the recording - share the key words or ideas they can recall after the first time listening - add their friends’ ideas to individual’ note Activity 3: Reconstruction 15’ Aim: To help students used the collected information to build up each single sentence Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents - Play the recording and ask students to take note - Listen and take note individually for the second time - Show one note to the whole class - Call on one student to show his/her note via the - Add information document camera - Reconstruct individual’s note for the - Call on other students to add the information second time until no idea left - Ask students to reconstruct their notes using the information shared by their classmates Activity 4: Analysis and correction 10’ Aim: To help students to keep on adding information until they can reconstruct the whole text Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents - Play the recording and ask students to take - Listen and take note individually note for the third time - Show one note to the whole class - Call on one student to show his/her note via - Add information the document camera - Reconstruct individual’s note for the last - Call on other students to add the information time until no idea left - Ask students to reconstruct their notes using the information shared by their classmates V References Page | 61 Text for dictation shown in the appendix VI Remark SAMPLE 2: UNIT 4: FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY Further Practice – Listening (Appendix – text 2) A Objectives: Educational aim: Students listen to a recording about students worldwide going on strike for having to learn too much Knowledge General knowledge: Students understand about the strikes by students all over the world because they have to learn too much Language: Vocabulary related to students’ strike Skills: Listening for specific information B Methods: Dictation C Teacher and Students’ preparations: Teacher’s preparation: recording, transcription, laptop, loudspeakers, document camera Students’ preparation: notebook D Procedure: I Class organization: Divide the class into groups of students II New lesson Activity 1: Preparation 5’ Aim: To help students understand some new concepts mentioned in the recording, and start sharing and collecting information Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - shows the list of new concepts on the screen - discuss together and collect information to and ask students to discuss and list out some make the lists example for these concepts - share their lists to the whole class - Call on representatives of each group to explain and add up their ideas about the given concepts Students’ possible example: - Introduce the new lesson Social media site: sanhac.com, List of new concepts: webtretho.com, tinhte.vn… Social media site Music smart phone apps: iKara, Music smart phone apps tiktok… Global platform Global platform: Facebook, Skype… Activity 2: Dictation 10’ Aim: To help students hear and note down the key words and main ideas in the recording Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Page | 62 - Play the recording for the first time and ask students to pay attention to the key words and main ideas - Call on one students to report the key words they can hear or the main ideas they can remember - Call on other students to add more information - Ask students to reconstruct their notes for the first time - Listen and start taking note for the first time, try to get the main content of the recording - share the key words or ideas they can recall after the first time listening - add their friends’ ideas to individual’ note Activity 3: Reconstruction 15’ Aim: To help students used the collected information to build up each single sentence Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents - Play the recording and ask students to take note - Listen and take note individually for the second time - Show one note to the whole class - Call on one student to show his/her note via the - Add information document camera - Reconstruct individual’s note for the - Call on other students to add the information second time until no idea left - Ask students to reconstruct their notes using the information shared by their classmates Activity 4: Analysis and correction 10’ Aim: To help students to keep on adding information until they can reconstruct the whole text Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents - Play the recording and ask students to take note - Listen and take note individually for the third time - Show one note to the whole class - Call on one student to show his/her note via the - Add information document camera - Reconstruct individual’s note for the last - Call on other students to add the information time until no idea left - Ask students to reconstruct their notes using the information shared by their classmates V References Text for dictation shown in the appendix VI Remark SAMPLE 3: UNIT 5: INVENTIONS Further Practice – Listening (Appendix – Text 3) A Objectives: Educational aim: Page | 63 Students listen to a recording about a smart phone device to test human’s eyes Knowledge General knowledge: Students understand about a device connected to smart phone which helps people to test their eyes and use the result to order glasses online Language: Vocabulary related to eye testing device Skills: Listening for specific information B Methods: Dictation C Teacher and Students’ preparations: Teacher’s preparation: recording, transcription, laptop, loudspeakers, document camera Students’ preparation: notebook D Procedure: I Class organization: Divide the class into groups of students II New lesson Activity 1: Preparation 5’ Aim: To help students understand some new concepts mentioned in the recording, and start sharing and collecting information Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - shows the list of new concepts on the screen - discuss together and collect information to and ask students to discuss and list out some make the lists example for these concepts - share their lists to the whole class - Call on representatives of each group to explain and add up their ideas about the given concepts Students’ possible example: - Introduce the new lesson Social media site: sanhac.com, List of new concepts: webtretho.com, tinhte.vn… Social media site Music smart phone apps: iKara, Music smart phone apps tiktok… Global platform Global platform: Facebook, Skype… Activity 2: Dictation 10’ Aim: To help students hear and note down the key words and main ideas in the recording Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Play the recording for the first time and ask students to pay attention to the key words and main ideas - Call on one students to report the key words they can hear or the main ideas they can remember - Call on other students to add more information - Ask students to reconstruct their notes for the first time - Listen and start taking note for the first time, try to get the main content of the recording - share the key words or ideas they can recall after the first time listening - add their friends’ ideas to individual’ note Page | 64 Activity 3: Reconstruction 15’ Aim: To help students used the collected information to build up each single sentence Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents - Play the recording and ask students to take note - Listen and take note individually for the second time - Show one note to the whole class - Call on one student to show his/her note via the - Add information document camera - Reconstruct individual’s note for the - Call on other students to add the information second time until no idea left - Ask students to reconstruct their notes using the information shared by their classmates Activity 4: Analysis and correction 10’ Aim: To help students to keep on adding information until they can reconstruct the whole text Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents - Play the recording and ask students to take note - Listen and take note individually for the third time - Show one note to the whole class - Call on one student to show his/her note via the - Add information document camera - Reconstruct individual’s note for the last - Call on other students to add the information time until no idea left - Ask students to reconstruct their notes using the information shared by their classmates V References Text for dictation shown in the appendix VI Remark Page | 65 Text for dictogloss task (1) Topic: Music A Korean band got to number one in the U.S album charts for the first time The band BTS debuted at No with their new album They released it on May 18 It sold 135,000 copies in a week It is the second top-10 hit for K-pop The first was also by BTS The group thanked fans by tweeting: "We will keep doing our best." BTS started in 2013 They became a big success in Korea, Japan and the USA They won many new artist awards They have many followers on social media They broke the record for the most re-tweeted artist and the world's most tweeted about celebrities BTS' new album is in Korean, but they sold out tours in the USA Retrieved from: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1805/180530-k-pop-bts-a.html Text for dictogloss task (2) Topic: For A Better Community Children worldwide are going on strike They are unhappy Their countries are not fighting climate change Students are not going to class They are protesting in the streets and outside governments The strikes began in August 2018 A Swedish student protested and photos of her went viral on social media Students are now copying her In 2019, there have been strikes in Europe, America and Australia Students held banners reading, "Why learn without a future?" There is a worldwide strike on March 15 Not everyone supports the students Australia's leader called for "more learning in schools and less activism" A journalist told students to strike at the weekend Retrieved from: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1902/190226-school-strike-for- climate-a.html Text for dictogloss task (3) Topic: Inventions Page | 66 A device for smartphones can test our eyes It can tell us how bad our eyes are, and then order glasses online It is from a company called EyeQue The company says the eye test is as good as the test from an optician It already tested the eyes of 50,000 people The device costs $30 EyeQue said the device was helpful It said the optician can be in a hurry and will only one test EyeQue takes many tests and averages them This gives a better result The device will not replace the optician An optician checks for eye problems The device cannot this Retrieved from: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1901/190109-eye-test-a.html Appendix 5: Teachers’ notes Teachers’ notes Topic 1: Music Content words/phrases the teacher expected students to hear The first Korean band, number one, U.S time album charts, band BTS debuted, listening No 1, new album, released, May 18, 135,000 copies, week, second top-10 The second hit, K-pop, group, thanked, fans, time tweeting, keep, best, started, 2013, listening became, big success, Korea, Japan, USA, won, artist awards, followers, The third social media, broke, record, retime tweeted artist, world's most tweeted, listening celebrities, Korean, sold out, tours Students’ performance Content Function words/phrases words/phrases 21% of the 16% of the students can students can hear hear 37% of the students can hear 25% of the students can hear 58% of the students can hear 33% of the students can hear Topic 2: For a better community Students’ performance Content words/phrases the teacher Content Function expected students to hear words/phrases words/phrases Children, worldwide, strike, 26% of the The first 19% of the unhappy, countries, fighting, climate students can time students can hear change, Students, going, class, hear listening protesting, streets, governments, 46% of the The second 25% of the August 2018, Swedish student, students can time students can hear photos, viral, social media Copying, hear listening 2019, Europe, America, Australia, 62% of the The third banners reading, learn, future, March 36% of the students can time 15, supports, Australia's leader, students can hear hear listening schools, activism, journalist, Page | 67 weekend Topic 3: Inventions Content words/phrases the teacher expected students to hear Device, smartphones, test, eyes, tell, bad our eyes, glasses online, company, EyeQue, optician, 50,000 people, costs, $30, helpful, hurry, takes, averages, better result, replace the optician, checks, eye problems The first time listening The second time listening The third time listening Students’ performance Content Function words/phrases words/phrases 36% of the 19% of the students can students can hear hear 57% of the 28% of the students can students can hear hear 77% of the 41% of the students can students can hear hear Page | 68 ... understanding and gradually improve their listening skills All of the above reasons urge the teachers to conduct a study on the topic: ? ?Using Dictogloss to imrpove students’ listening skills” In this paper,... offer some solutions to address them Apart from using in listening skill, it can be implemented in others skills (reading, listening, and speaking dictogloss) In applying dictogloss, teacher should... have to control the time spent on dictogloss For students, dictogloss makes them more enjoyable in learning listening skill; therefore, it motivates students to learn more actively Through dictogloss,

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2020, 22:10



