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Toward a well functioning securities market in vietnam

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BOCÌGRÂL DIB SRTATĨON ỉr - - — Y a _ Ậ -Si /*v';r T7 -— ' -— •'■*' v/ k' Ỵ' ” ' *V y \ ỳ ^ *-~ M Ia T* '~ í r ••/• L ỊM áV E E â _ _ _ ::ĩ DOCTORAL IÌISSERTATION Nguyen Thi Anh Van SUBMITTED IN FULFILLMENT 01- THE REQUIREMENTS FOR TI 1E DEGREE F DOCTOR F LAWS AT THE NAGOYA UNIVERSITY GRADUATESCHOOL0FLAW April 0 - M a r c h 2003 ACAOEMIC ADVISKR: PROKKSSOR 11AMADA ìMICIIYO s l ỈB-ACADEMI C A I) VI s E KS: ASS OC IAT E PR OP ESS OR NAKA HIG ASH I MASAPU1V1I & ASSOCIA E PROPESSOR FRANK BENNETT THƯ VIỆN TRƯỜNG ĐẠi HỌC LÙẬTHÀNỎI PHỎNG ĐỌC g r a d u a i t ; SCiIOOL OF LAW NACỈOYA UNIVliRSlTY IAPAN D ec e n ìb cr 25, 2002 DOCTORAL niSSERTATION TOWARD A WELL FUNCTIONING SECURITIES MARKET IN VIETNAM Nguycn Thi Anh Van SUBMITTED IN KULPILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR Tỉ 1E DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS AT THE NAGOYA UMVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LAW April 2000 - March 2003 ACADEMIC ADVISKR: PROPESSOR HA MA DA MICHYO SUB-ACADEMIC ADVISERS: ASSOCIATE PROPESSOR NAKAHIGASIII MASAPUMI & ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRANK 1ĨENNETT , THƯ VIÊN TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC LUẬTHÀNƠ! I "ilONGDỌC A ị h í \ G R A D U A T K SC IIO O L OF L A W N A G O Y A U N IV LÌR SITY I A P A N D c e e m b c r 25 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I vvould like to express my deep gratitude to Proíessor Hamada Michyo for her research guidance \\ hicli enables me to develop the theses o f the đissertation, for her time reading its earlier versions, and for her discussions and comments I am also indebted to Professor Nakahigashi Masaíumi for his comments on the earlier drafts of the paper, and his classes on Corporale Law where I acquired knowledge of the Japanese and American law of corporations, which vvas very much helpful for my rcsearch I am gratetul to Professor Prank Bcnnett for his guidance, which enabled me to shape the thesis statement and lay dovvn its basic plan at the time ỉ was altcnding his class on Law and ỉts Social Context, and also for his comments on the earlier drafts of the dissertation I am ihankíul to Professor Morigiwa Yasutomo and Professor Mastuura Yoshiharu for their classes from which my paper vvas benefited I would also like to thank Mr John Francis Drennan for his assistance with the linguistic aspects of the paper All errors and omissions remain those of mine I would like to extend my gratitude to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture (Monbukagakiisho) for their sponsorship of my research I YVOuld a l s o l ike to I h a n k t he V i e t n a m c s e lustice M i n i s t r y a n d Ma noi L a w U n i v e r s i t y íor iheir support, which enabled me to complctc my research I am greatly indebted to the Poreign Student Advisor, Ms Okuda Saori, ỉbr the advice and Help received from her írom time to lime, so lliat I could overcome diíTiculties during my stay in Japan I am a l s o g r a t e í u l to t h e l.n\Y L i b r a r y S l a l T l b r i h c i r k i n d n c s s a n d p a t i e n c e in g u i d i n g m e a s to how to makc use of reíerence malerials and olher library íầcilities when I fist came to the Građuate School ol Lavv Abovc all, I vvould 1ike to thank my parents, my husband, daughter, and sisters, \viihout vvhose continued lovc and support this thesis would never have been vvritten Ngu ven Thi Anh Van Nagoya University Graduate School oi’ l.a\v -lapan Dccember 25, 2002 II TABLE OF CONTENTS AcknowIedgcment List of A b b rev iatio n s ii ix INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: The Economic System and the Nccd for a Sccuritics Markct in Victnam I An Overvievv of the Historical Devclopmcnt of the Economic System in V ie tn a m The Economic System before the Open Door P o licy The Economic System aíler the Open Door P olicy 6 10 II The Nced for a Securities Market in Victnam A Securities Market and Long Term Pinance for Businesses A Securities Market and the Promotion of the Equitization Process A Securities Market and the Mobilization of Funds from Domestic and Poreign Savings 15 15 17 III The Devclopment of Sccuritics Regulation in Victnam The Introduction ofSecurities Regulation An Overall Appraisal of the Corner Slone of the Securities Rcgulation; Dưcree 48/1998 20 20 23 CHAPTER II: VVhcther llie Disclosure Rcquircmcnts Promotc Cood lnformation FIow 28 I Public OlTcring and Listing Proccss Iindcr tlic Currcnt Securitics Rcguíation Public OtTering Listing P rocess 19 29 29 33 II VVhcther the Currcnt Disclosure Requircmcnts cnsurc the Availability, Timclincss, and Adcquacy of Inĩormation 35 Iníịrmation Disclosure Requirements under the Existing Regulation 35 a Disclosure bv IssuiníỊ Com punies 36 a ì Public ()/ferinq Disclosiire 36 (1.2 P e r i t ì d i c D i s c l o s u r e 39 U.3 Timcly D isclosiire U.4 Discỉosure ul the Request tìf Eilhcr the s s c or u Securilies TrculiniỊ C en ter 40 42 b T n i d i n I n /o r m c ilio n D i s c l o s i t r c R qitirem en l.s xvith R e s p e c l lo S e c u r i í i e s TraclinịỊ C n i c r s 43 c ỉn /o n n a lio n D iscỉosure in Tciulcr O Ịỳ c r s 44 111 Whether the Accounting and Auditing Regulation Well Supports the Information Disclosure R eg im e 47 How Has the Existing Disclosure Regulation W o rk ed ? CI Whether or noi the Existing ỉnỊormaúon Disclosure Requirements have been adequately en/orced b What are the Altitudes o f the 'Trading-Fỉoor-Ready Companies ’ Towards the Current Information Disclosure R eg im e? 57 How Does the s s c R ea c t? 64 57 61 III Whether the Scopc of the ỉnformation Disclosure Regime is Ađequatcly Adopted The Narrovv Scope of the Current Iníbrmation Disclosure Regime 66 66 What Might be the Consequences of the Narrow-Scope-Disclosure R egim e? 67 IV What should bc donc to Achievc bettcr Outcomes 1’roni the Inibrmation Disclosurc Regulation? A Call for Improvement of the Disclosure Requirements applying to those Who Make a Public OiTcring and lo Listed C om panies 70 70 The Necd for Disclosure Requirements Applying to Companies Whose Securities OiTerings not Fall Inlo the Purvievv ofthc “Public Olĩering”, and to Non-lisled Companies 74 The Need to adopt Comparable Accounlinu Rules and Independent Auditing 75 Possible Answers to the Practical Problems 77 CHAPTER III: VVhethcr tlic Anti-lVaud Kcgulation can Fostcr a Hcalthy Markct I The Currcnt Auti-iVaud Rcgulation and the Prcvention ()f Manipulativc and Dcceptive Practices Insider Trading Regulation and the Prevention of Short-swing T radin g Market Manipulalion Regulation and Slabilization I ransactions 79 80 so 85 Misinibrmation Regulation and the Prohibilion o f O m is s io n of I n lb r m a tio n 89 iv II The Existing Anti-fraud Regulation and the Promotion of a Liquid and Healthy Markcl Should Short Sales be Totally Prohibited? 91 91 Should Extension of Credit and Lending Securities (Margin Trading) be Entirely B anned? 97 III The Lack of Lcgal Bases for Investors’ Rights of Aetion and for Meaningfully Dctcrrent Sanction against Violations No Concrete Legal Bases for Rights of Action against Wrongful Conduct Only Administrative Sanctions against Violations IV The Future of the Anti-fraud Regulation Strengthening the Antiữaud Regulation and Enhancing the Eníbrcement M echanism a Short-swing Trading should be Put under C o n tro l b Stabilizing Activiíies should be L eg a liied c Omissions o f Moterial InỊormalion should be P rohibited d Concrete Rights o/Aclion and Meaningfully Deterrent Sanctions for Violations should have Legal Bases in the Securities Regulalion 99 99 102 103 103 103 104 105 105 Providing the Market with more Supporting Instruments (I, Shorl sale shtìiild nol he totally prohibited b MaríỊÌn Tracliní' shouỉd be cilltìxvetl within a cerlain ihreshơld 107 107 107 Eliminating Technical Deiìciencies 108 a C r ea lin iỊ D e fin itio n s un a N u n ib e r ()fSiỵniJìccm l T e r m s 108 b Eliminalinq Inconsistencies in DìỊịcrenl Legal T e x ls 108 CHAPTER IV: \Vhethcr Securitics ProfcssionaIs arc Adcquately Regulated 110 I Regulation of Conllicts of Interest and the Safc(y of Pubic Invcstors Securities Firms in General Brokerage and Dealing Activities can be combined into One Securities Firm in the Absence oTNecessary Regulalion of Contlicls oi' I n t e r e s t II Regulation of the Involvcmcnt of Banks in the Securities Markct The Involvement of Banks in Securities Markcts: Overseas Experience - Lessons for V ietnam a The u s Experience b The Eỉiropean Expcriencc c T h e Jci/)cin E x p e r i e n c e 110 110 114 121 121 121 127 128 V Whether an Entire Prohibition of Direct Involvement o f Banks into the Vietnamese Securities Market will Result in Good O utcom es III Future Regulation of Securitics Professionals The Need for Concrete Provisions Regulating Conílicts of Interest betwcen Securitics Firms and Their C ustom ers 130 132 132 No Need for Indirect Involvement of Banks in a Number of Securities Business Activities 133 The Need for More Concrete Provisions Regulating Banks and Securities Subsidiaries 134 CHAPTER V: Whethcr the Exchange Markets arc Well Organizcd 135 I Stock Exchanges and the Securitics Industry: Past and Present Mutual Form oíStock Exchange Corporate Forin of Stock Exchange Reasons for Demutualization Matters of Concern about the Consequences of DemutuaIization 135 135 137 138 142 II The Lcgal Structurc of thc Victnamcse Exchange Markets in Rclation to an Effcctivc Market 145 S c c u r i t i e s T r a d i n g C e n t e r s a s N o n - p r o l l t O r g a n i z a t i o n s t h a t B e l o n g t o the s s c 145 The Uncertain Legal Structure oi'the Planned Slock Exchanges 150 III A Dcsirable Motlcl for Futurc Cxchangc Mark cts 154 CHAPTER VI: Whcther the Markct Rcgulatory System can Ensure that thc Sccuritics Regulation vvill bc Wcll Enĩorced 157 I Sccuritics Rcgulatory Systems: A Tlicorctical Analysis Securities regulatory system in general 157 157 P u b lic r e g u l a t i o n 159 Selí-regulatory System 160 II Employing an Appropriate Rcgulatory System: the Experience of the u s and Japan ; The u s Securities Regulatory S y stem T h e J a p a n 's S e e u r i t i e s R e g u la t o r y S y s t e m : Past and P r e s e n l I I I T Ỉ 1C C u r r e n t V i e t n a m e s e U c ị Ị u l a t o r v S y s t e m : 11 D c p e i u i c n t 164 164 168 Public VI Regulator acting in the Abscnce of an Important Sclf-regulatory System The Absence of an Important Self-regulatory S y stem The SSC: Lack of Independence, and Being Inadequately empowered a The s s c Structure and Personnel b The s s c P o w ers b.l Rules-making P o w ers b.2 Administrative P o w ers IV The Future Rcgulatory System over the Vietnamese Securities M ark et A Single Public Regulator or a Self-regưlatory System or a Combination of the Two: Which Model should be Chosen for the Future Regulatory S y stem ? What Should Constilute a Self-Regulatory System over the Vietnam Securities M arket? CI Stock Exchanges as Self-Regulatơry O rganizatiom b Other Self-Regulotory Organizations Necessary fo r a Healthy M a rket A n id e a lS S C a IVhat Funn o fS S C is besl fo r Vie í n a m ? b The s s c Roỉe.s in Enfoixing Sccurities Ỉ M W CHAPTER VII: Suggcstions for a Bcttcr Opcrntional Sccuritics Market in Victnam I Pcasiblc Schcdulc for Law Rcform II Enhaneing the Effcctiveness ofa Future Information Disclosurc Rcgimc Future Disclosure Requirements Applying to those Who Make a Public OlTering and to Li Steel Com panies 171 171 172 172 173 174 174 182 182 184 184 185 186 186 187 189 189 190 190 New Iníbrmation Disclosure Regime Governing Those Whose Securilies OíTcriims not fall into the Purview oi'the “ Public OỉTering” and Non-listed Com panies 191 The Neeci for Comparable Accounting Slanciards and Adequate Auditing ỉlegulation 191 Ansvvcrs to the Practical Problems ol'Non-Compliance vvilh Ihe Current Disclosure Retĩim e 192 vii III Strengthcning the Anti-frau(J Regulation Puture Antiíraud Regulation and Entbrcement M echanism a New Regulcition o/Short-sw ing T r a d in g b New Legcil Basis fo r Stabilizing A cíivilies c Prohìbition o f Omissions o f Matcrial Information d New Legaì Bases for Righls o f Actkm cmd for Sonctions against Violations 193 193 193 194 194 194 New Supporting Instruments for a Future M a rk e t a Margin Trading should be allo\ved wiihỉn a Certain Threshold b Short Sale shouỉd not be totally p ro h ib ited 196 196 196 Eliminaỉing Technical Deíiciencies 196 IV Completing Future Regulation of Sccurities Profcssionals Conílicts of Interest Issu es Banks and the Securities M ark et Banks and their Securities Subsidiaries 196 196 197 197 V Institutional Rcĩorni A Desirable Model for Puture Exchanue M arkets 198 198 An Ideal s s c a The Fonn tíf CI Fulure s s c 199 199 b The s s c 's Powers in the Fulurc The Need for a Selí-regulatory System 199 200 Bibliography 201 VIII - D ecree 44/1998/N D -C p Jun 29, 1998 D ecree 64/2002/N D -C P Jun 29, 2002 D ecree 59/CP Oct 3, 1996 D ecree 27/1999/N D -C P Apr 20, 1999 D ecision 211-Q D /N H l Sep 22, 1994 D ecìsion 212-QD/NH1 Sep 22, 1994 C ircular ] -T C /K B N N N o v L 1994 D ecree 24/2000/N D -C P Jul 31, 2000 C ircular 13/2001/TT.TBC Mar 8, 2001 e Securiíies and Securiíìes Markets - D ecree 361-TTg Jun 20, 1995 - D ecree 75-CP N o v , 28, 1996 - D ecree 48/1998/N D -C P Jul 11, 1998 - D ecislon 127/1998/Q D -TT Jul.l l, 1998 - D ecision 78/2000/Q D -U BC K Dec 29, 2000 - D ecision 79/2000/Q D /Ư BC K Dec 29, 2000 - D ecision 04/1998/Q D -Ư BCK3 Oct 13, 1998 - D ecision 04/1999/Q D -U B C K l Mar 27, 1999 - D ecision 42/2000/Q D -U BC K Jun 12, 2000 - D ecision Ị 45/1999/Q D -TTg Jun 28, 1999 - D ecision ỉ39/1999/Q d-T T g Jun 10, 1999 - D ecree 72/CP Jul 26, 1994 - D ecree l/2 0 /N D -C P Jan 13, 2000 - Decree 22/2000 Jul 10, 2000 - C ircular 01/1998/TT-Ư BC K Oct 13, 1998 - C ircular 02/200Ỉ/T T -U B C K Sep 28, 2001 - 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Ngày đăng: 15/08/2020, 15:16

