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Movements toward administrative decentralization and the future of local government in vietnam

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N agoya University G raduate school o f law LL M Spécial Program For International Student Thesis on M O V EM EN TS TO W ARD ADMINISTRATIVE DECENTRALIZATION AND T H E F U T U R E O F L O C A L G O V E R N M E N T IN V I E T N A M Acadcmic Advisor: Professor Ichihashi Katsuya THUVIÊN TRL/ÔNG DAl H0C,LH6Ti j V j P PHÔNG DOC Student 's naine: Phan Thi Lan ïluong l.D N um ber-.230103553 CONTENTS ABSTRACT IN T R O D U C T IO N C H A P T E R O N E- C O N C EPT O F D E C E N T R A L IZ A T IO N FO RM S OF D E C E N T R A L IZ A T IO N 1.1 Déconcentration 1.2 Délégation 12 1.3 Dévolution 13 1.4 Transfer o f the public fonctions to the NG Os 15 i i Local Autonomy or self-government 18 RATIONAL AD M IN ISTRATIVE DECENTRALIZATIO N 21 WHAT IS AD M IN ISTRATIVE DECENTRALIZATION IN V IE T N A M ? 25 C H A P T E R TWO- T H E A D M IN IS T R A T IV E SY ST EM O F V IE T N A M 29 AD M IN ISTRATIVE SYSTEM UNDER THE CENTRAL-PLANNING PERIO D 29 I The French and American w ar period (1945-1975) 29 1.2 Central-planning period (1975-1986) 35 CONTEMPORARY AD M IN ISTRA TIVE SYSTEM UNDER THE PERIOD OF A MARKET- ECONOMY 39 2.1 Organisation o f administrative system 41 2.2 Duties and powers o f local administrative organs .43 C H A P T E R T IIR E E - P R O B L E M S OF T H E A D M IN IS T R A T IV E SY ST EM INV IE T N A M 48 ISSUES OF THE AD M INISTRATIVE SYSTEM IN V IET N A M 48 1.1 Dépendent local administrative organs 48 1.2 Overlapping o f functions 53 1.3 Grassroots level’s limitations 59 REASONS OF IN EFFEC TIVE AD M IN ISTRA TIV E SYSTEM IN V IET N A M 63 C H A P T E R R O U R - P E R S P E C T IV E O F T H E A D M IN IS T R A T IV E S Y S T E M IN V IE T N A M 72 C REA TE AN EFFEC TIV E LEG A L M EC H A N ISM .73 EM PO W ER M EN T THE LOCAL AD M IN ISTRA TIV E ORGANS ESPEC IA LLY AT THE GRASSROOTS L E V E L 78 IMPROV1NG PARTICIPATION OF T IIE NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION ENI1ANCE DELEGATION OF DUTIES AND PO W ERS IN THE IMPORTANT F IELD S 84 REC EN TRA LIZA TIO N 86 C O N C L U S IO N 89 B i B L I O G R A P H Y i ABSTRACT Vietnam has followed a centrally planned regime for over forty years; therefore, the , central governments always played dominant rôle in state management The local governments depended on the central government and they could not take initiatives in carrying ont their functions Though Vietnam introduced decentralization many years ago, the process o f implementing such a policy has not been completed The Administrative system still confronts many problems such as an overlapping o f functions, ineffective local government, red tape, and corruption These problems hold back the economic development o f Vietnam and also prevent the nation from inlegrating into the process of globalization The question remains as to what l necds to be donc lo strengthen the ability o f governments to perform efficiently, effectively, and responsivcly Vietnam needs to improve administrative decentralization by using ail forms o f decentralization; such as, déconcentration, délégation, and dévolution as the other developing countries have been doing The central government must transfer more functions, duties, and authorities to the local governments, and then the central governments exercise its power through only supervisions and régulations Moreover, state has to determine concretely the relationship between central and local by law Furthermore, creating a favorable condition for citizens to participate in the process o f ststem in Vietnam still has many remuants of central-planned economy The central government somehow still keeps a lot o f functions, which should be delegated or transferred to local go', emments Functional overlapping is the common phenomenon not only between central goverr.ments but also between central and local governments Administrative system is considered ".effective because of many issues and problems; such as, red tape, corruption, and bureaucr^i JI- N N IE L IT V A C ’k ar.: L > SICA SB D D O N editors, contributors, JU N A ID A H M A D supra note 12, page 90 Many administrative reforms have been impiemented; however, the most important point of administrative reform is decentralization which attention has not yet been paid to respectably Under onc-party policy and démocratie centralism principle, Vietnam has carried out administrative decentralization freely and inappropriately Consequently, local governments still dépend on central governments The relation between central and local is not distinguished Administrative system is fragmentary and cumbersome Line-up of civil servants is overstaffed and also understaffed To overcome these situations and build up an efficient, effective, and responsive administrative system is the main task of Vietnam in the process o f implementing administrative reform First of ail, government must reconsider and improve administrative decentralization Only by improving decentralization the burden of workload will be reduced for central governments And State will promulgate a new law on local government, which clarifies the central-local relation and reduces the dependence ol' the local government Local governments w ill play active rôle in doing their duties and powers The central government only focuses on formulation of policy in order to enhance national development and ensure the unity characler of development Moreover, citizen’s participation in the process of State management can be promoted Local government especially grassroots level is more responsive to the wishes of the citizens and reflects the needs of the local much better than the central Transferring more functions, duties and powers from central government to local governments in order to creat'e strong local governments is very important Therefore, local government can perfortn their functions more independently and effectively In addition, responding to real problems of over centralized dccision-making, overzealous régulation, 91 inappropriate incentive for public sector enterprises, and distorted markets that remain under central-planned economy can be improved by decentralization in conclusion, building up a strong administrative system is not only the target o f Vietnam but also the aim of the other countries in région and in the world towards the trend of intégration and globalization It is evident that a strong administration must dérivé from strong government 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY Prim ary rcsources Chinh Phu, Nghi dinh quy dinh ve chuc nang, nhiem vu, quyen han va to chuc bo may cua cac Bo, co quan ngang bo , 5/11/2002 [Degree of Government on stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of the ministries and ministerial-level agencies/November/5/2002-translated by author] Chinh phu, Nghi dinh so 19/CP, 1969, [Government, Degree No 19/CP-translated by author] Chinh Phu, Nghi dinh so 38/CP 4/7/1993 cua Chinh Phu ve chuc nang, nhiem vu va to chuc bo may cua Bo Tu Phap [Degree No 38/CP dated June, 1993 o f the Government 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class, the toiling people, and the. .. central government, and also raises the sense of initiative o f the local organs In général, the duties and power of the People’s Council and People’s Committee are the same The authorities of the

Ngày đăng: 15/08/2020, 15:13

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