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Some useful ways of improving listening skill in listening lesson in class 7,9 at ban cong secondary school

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DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THANH HOA OFFICE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING BA THUOC EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE SOME USEFUL WAYS OF IMPROVING LISTENING SKILL IN LISTENING LESSON IN CLASS 7,9 AT BAN CONG SECONDARY SCHOOL Completed name: Nguyễn Thị Là Occupation: English teacher School: Ban Cong Secondary School Experience initiative in subject: English THANH HOA YEAR 2018 CATELORY Order Contents Pages 10 INTRODUCTION 1 Reasons for choosing theme Research purposes Research subjects Research methods CONTENT OF EXPERIENCED SUBJECT Theoretical basis of the experimenced subject 2 Status of the problem before applying experienced subject The solutions to solve Effectiveness of experience for educational activity, to ourselves, colleagues and schools 1 2 2 13 11 12 13 14 Lessons learned CONCLUSION AND PROPOSALS Conclusion Proposals 13 15 15 16 INTRODUCTION The goal of the English language is to establish and develop in students the basic knowledge and skills in English and intellectual qualities needed to further study or go on working life So the new secondary school English textbooks from grades to were prepared according to the same point of the construction program, which is the point of all points (Thematic Approach) and enhance the learning methods of actively students All four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are concerned and are coordinated exercises and classroom activities One of the four skills of English learners in general, general secondary students in particular, often encounter certain difficulties in the learning process that is listening In fact to have been listening skills in English, the language learning process must be practiced regularly heard, long with the form and content of different listening The teaching and learning of English listening, though not new, but difficult for all teachers and secondary school students Under the program, the old textbook lessons have not heard The teaching of English listening only be included in the program, textbooks from the academic year 2002- 2003 With the study of the subject, I would like to be helped teachers gradually overcome the difficulties in teaching listening to conduct effective English language better, active students, active in the acquisition, perceived knowledge of the lesson That is why I chose this topic 1 Reasons for choosing theme To good research, the implementation of this subject must perform the following tasks Look at the documentation in English, the techniques taught to listen Remove the faculty, teaching experiment The time colleagues, exchange, learn from experience Checking and evaluating results to hold all of the students so that adjustments, additional reasonable Research purposes With the successful research topics and initiatives of experience will help teachers get the following experience: How to organize a lesson listen effectively Steps to hear a more effective teaching Guide students to practice, practice to have the skills and listening skills in English Research subjects The theme revolves around the subject of teaching research and learning English listening teachers and secondary school students in grades 6, 7, 8, Ban Cong secondary School But the case study subjects that have boldly applied this subject are two of 7th and 9th grades Research methods Method of observation: The implementation of threads to look for new research projects conducted hours of classroom visits colleagues The method of exchange and discussion: After the hour of peers, colleagues take the time to implement the project, colleagues and implement the project to conduct exchanges and discussions to draw from that experience experience for lessons Experimental Method: Teachers conduct teaching experience required for each specific purpose some lessons listening Methods of investigation: Teachers ask questions to check understanding evaluate the content of the lesson students CONTENT OF EXPERIENCED SUBJECT Theoretical basis of the experimenced subject 1 The purpose of teaching: The purpose of foreign language teaching is not to provide students with the knowledge of the language, but the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching in general, in particular English is taught students the ability to communicate in English Communication ability of students expressed through skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing English listening skills of students is formed through a process of learning environment to train in English In addition to learning in the classroom, students have to learn ear training through forms and different methods Listening is the ability to use knowledge in language comprehension purposes in English 2 The basic elements directly affect the effectiveness of the lesson listen a The teacher: - With the new teaching methods, the teacher plays a positive role in directing, controlling activities of students during school hours - To conduct a lesson listen effectively, the teacher should make good the following basic elements: + Choose and flexible use of vocational-technical content appropriate to each lesson + Organizations and control classes, distribution reasonable time + Fluency means, the teaching materials to teach listening service + Create the appropriate teaching materials for lessons in service + Communications sense, charismatic, attractive students b Method - Technical Vocational (Listening Techniques) Methods of teaching listening (Listening techniques) is defined by the content taught to listen, in other words, the content of teaching listening to govern the selection, use combination of methods, techniques taught to listen Each instructional strategies appropriate to a particular form of lessons (teaching grammar, teaching speaking, teaching writing ) c The vehicle equipment and teaching aids for teaching listening service: - The use of pictorial devices to support the teaching of foreign languages in general and English in particular is regarded as a means of expressing the content of textbooks In all units of the new textbook lesson program content of the transcripts of cassettes longer textbooks only in the listening exercises Want to make good the exercises, the students listen to hear the lesson content in the ice Moreover, teaching equipment is also active in media innovation of teaching methods, motivate and inspire learning * The equipment required for the course: - Transceivers cassettes - Voice recorder readings and listen to Textbooks - Pictures illustrating the lesson content in textbooks - The pictures utensils teachers create d Students: In the relationship between teaching and learning: teachers are organized, self-control students with the knowledge to dominate the actions, the actions of their own intellectual role under the control of religious organizations members To hear good lesson, the students should have the necessary skills in listening comprehension in English 2 Status of the problem before applying experienced subject 2 Advantages Although there are objective conditions and subjective influence directly in the teaching process, but we have to know ahead overcome the difficulties ahead, gradually improve the quality of English teaching hours listening to meet the purpose of the program, new textbooks a About the teacher: - Initially approach uses relatively good teaching techniques characteristic - teaching techniques hear - Already familiar with how the initiative and held a listening lesson - Coordinate quite flexible teaching techniques - Creative many teaching materials appropriate to the content of the lesson, so many lessons to listen to life, charismatic and highly effective - Using the operating equipment of modern teaching better serve the teaching hear: video tape-recorders, video recorders, lights b About the students: - Students are familiar with the subject heard - Many students have heard and recognize the voice, the voice of native speakers - Most students hear all sounds simple content, just to make the request, the teacher assignments after hearing 3rd - Some students have formed skills, academic skills 2 Existence: a The teacher: There are still some teachers who encounter difficulty in performing the operations and techniques of teaching and listioning in choosing the appropriate technique for each period of the lesson Still hesitate to use or use inemsive teaching aids for listening lessons (radio cassett, illustrations ) b Students: - Engines for listening comprehension in English is limited - Many children have fewer opportunities to listen, little access to the mass media through which can be heard in English - Some children are afraid to listen and speak in English, and fear of making mistakes - Mon listening is new to them, especially students in grades 6, - Students who are new to reading speed, said the British band c Means of teaching aids: - Supplies of teaching service of teaching is too little, some missing: paintings, photos, videos, radio casstte - Not good quality recordings, voice remains unclear, much noise d Specific investigations: In the process of teaching myself to take on blocks and The mass consciousness research has characterized the situation of academic disciplines student has done, learn from experience Right from the beginning of the school year I've orient yourself a plan and specific methods to actively investigate the situation of student learning by their respective class Through investigation, I realized that most of them are not sure grasp of vocabulary, listening and communication skills in English is limited Results of the survey as follows: Total Class of Students Excellently done Amoun % t Well done Normally done Amount % Amoun t % Poorly done Amoun t Badly done % Amoun t % 44 01 2,27% 10 22,72 % 28 63,63 % 05 11,38 % 0% 39 0% 10 25,64 % 26 66,67 % 7,69 % 0% The solutions to solve Planning for a lesson hear: a For teachers To hear a good lesson, the teacher should perform the following steps: Look at the record content from a textbook lesson, teacher book: Textbooks, teacher books is an important basis to teachers planning to teach their lessons The study textbooks, teacher books will help teachers organize, control hear right lessons with focal points; distribution of time steps, the scientific activities - Research purposes requires the lesson: The purpose and requirements of the target lesson is that both teachers and students must achieve the following lessons learned For listening lessons, common purpose and requirements of the lesson is to help students to practice and develop skills: Listening (listening), Speaking (say), Reading (reading), Writing (writing) (in it is primarily listening skills), after the end of the listening students understand the content of the listening and made some request or exercise any language - Selection and coordination techniques taught heard (Listening Techniques) a flexible and consistent: The selection techniques should be taught to listen determined on the basis of the lesson content, features and capabilities of the classroom and the stages in the process of teaching listening consists of three stages: Stage before listening ( Pre-Listening), stage while listening (While-listening), the period of training, "Post- listening" In each stage there are specific techniques taught to listen to suit each stage there Good use of the media, teaching materials for lessons serve hear: * Use a cassette: + Before performing machine learning to prepare good, clear tape and battery backup when power + Must ensure safe operation + Absolutely not arbitrarily students to use without instructions + Consider the need, bring effective, specific time for each stage * Use the illustration: + Soup photo in textbooks: One of the strengths of the textbooks compiled under the new program is controversial figure The advantage to the fullest extent of competition in the form of textbooks to help students understand the lesson is the need to focus in all lessons + Painting illustrations: (homemade or purchased) to introduce and practice new post is required Do not ask illustrations to ensure aesthetic, but must be real close contact with the lesson content If there are no conditions, the purchase can zoom illustrations in textbooks - It should be a lesson to rational science Teachers should plan his activities specified, the operation of the game, time for the operation, the requirements of each exercise, the possible answers of students - Exchange, discuss plans for teaching The effect of listening lessons will be improved if the plan is to teach discussed with colleagues before teaching job not only bring positive results for lessons listening skills but also results so b For students The teacher asks students to prepare for the next lesson by: - Out system provoking questions about all they are going to be learning so that students have time to think, learn the material - Ask students to perform some exercises related content to hear that lesson to teach more skills also have the same result - To encourage and motivate students self-confidence, initiative, creativity outlined the issues, questions related to the content of Unit Make good progress teach listening For a detailed grammar or vocabulary, often in the course of the lesson is that there are stages: Presentation - Practie - Production The process of listening to a lesson has to go through three stages: Pre - Listening, While Listening, and Post - Listening The process of teaching to help students understand not only understanding but also help them to use their listening skills in communication practice But the problem is prerequisite teachers need to clearly define the purpose of each article requested can listen to from that particular orientation for the students perform the tasks in the next stage a Pre - Listening: (about 10 - minutes) (True/ Frediction, Open Prediction, Ordering, Pre- Questions) Stage is to help students with orientation, thoughts on the subject or situation before students listen - Teachers should create a center that makes listening to prepare students by leading questions on the topic suggests listening, ask students to observe painting, reading from and guess what they are prepared to hear what topics, one going to tell anyone - Teachers can ask students to work in groups preliminary guess about what they are going through painting or listening situations May be they say not exactly what they're hearing but the question they are interested before hear it - Teachers help students anticipate the difficulties may be encountered in pronunciation or the new structure, the knowledge base - Finally made it clear to their teachers know their students will be heard many times and instructions required tasks while listening to (choose right, wrong, answering questions ) b While - Listening: (about 20 - minutes) (Selecting, deliberate Mistakes, Grids, Listen and Draw, Comprehension Questions) This is the stage in which students have the opportunity to practice At this stage the teachers give homework forms, ask students to perform Students can make a mistake at this stage so teachers should pay attention to the students and debugging options give the right answer Teachers read or hear pop band to times (if the content can hardly hear them times) First time Help students become familiar with all the content comprehension how quoat listening (pendown) The second time listening accurate information to complete assignments The third time to listen and check the homework was done The main objective of listening is listening to students taking the content or get detailed information at the same time understand the attitude of the author Therefore teachers for all students to listen to them all as well as comprehend the general layout of the article and homework, then can listen to each segment to understand or hear the results difficult to confirm the meeting place project Should be limited to students listen to each sentence, or word for word, as this will make the learning habit must understand the meaning of each word of each sentence to hear c Post - Listening (at Least 15 minutes) (Roleplay, Recall the story, Write- it- up, Further practice ) - This is the period after listening practice At this stage students use the knowledge, language skills were practiced in phase "While - Listening" to the actual social situations, makes sense After hearing students need to some homework as reported before class or in groups on the results of the exercise, the other students listen to comments or cure all for you Teachers need to incorporate other skills to develop extended listening as recall, write-it-up, discussion * Use innovative teaching methods to listen to a specific lesson Planing: Teaching: UNIT 3: ATRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Period 17 LESSON 3: LISTEN (P 25) Aims: - Practice Listening for specific information about Ba and his family's trip To ask for their home village in the countryside Ojectives: - By the end of the lesson Students Will Be Able to write a short paragraph about the trip Teaching skills: - Listening, writing Teaching aids: - Text books, pictures, word cards, maps, posters, cassette, tape Stages: Teacher A- WARM- UP * Matching Students Airport Store Board taking notes Cây đa Sân bay (Use a poster) Pond store Trạm xăng dầu - Divide the class in to Bamboo forest Bãi đỗ xe 10 two groups? Match the Dragon bridge English words with their Parking lot Đường quốc lộ Cửa hàng meaning in Vietnamese Higway No1 Luỹ tre - Evaluate Gas station Hồ B- NEW LESSON: Banyantree Cầu rồng I- Pre-listening: - One by one of two 1- Pre-teach: groups a- Elicit vocab - situation - translation -Guess the words I-Vocabulary: - picture - (to) pick S.O up - translation - (to) continue - example ( gas, oil ) - (to) cross *-Checkstress & pronun- - westwards (adv) ciation - fuel (n) ? Copy -Listen and repeat b- Check vocab: R.O.R 2-Picture ordering predic -Copy down tion -Rewrite the words *-set the scene: Ba and his family took a bus from their house in the city to their home Village in the country-side ?Guess the order of the pictures about their route II- Picture ordering - Divide the class in to two groups ( pictures ) ( prepare pictures for two groups - Five students of two 11 II- While listening: groups use the pictures *- Matching to make the order -Hang the map 4- P25 on prediction the board III- Matching ( map 4- P25 ) - Prepare nine wordcards A- Banyantree about the names of the B- Airport places ? Listen,match the C- Highway No1 words -cards with the D- Dragon correct places on the map bridge E- Gas - Turn on the cassette station F- Store -First time G- Pond ? check your prediction H- Bamboo forest - Second time I- Parking lot ? Listen and match - Listen check their pre - - Feed back diction ( pendown) Third time ? Listen and correct your -Taking note - compare answer with their partners - Feed back - Give the answers - Correct they hear -Evaluate the two -Match the names with the groups’ places (one by one go to Prediction the board match the (Call one student to wordcards with the places) replace the wrong order if necessary) III-Post- Listening: -Divide the class in to groups of ? Use the correct order of the IV- Further exercise: 12 pictures to rewrite In groups of Ex: about Ba and his students write own on At 6.30 in the morning family’s trip Feed back their posters Ba and his family took a Have 3- groups’ - Compare with others bus to their home village posters in the coutryside The bus Hung on the board ran on the highway No1 Correct- evaluate to the north - C- HOMEWORK: Exchange corretio - Rewrite the paragraph - Do exercise B2 P2021 in the exercise book - Prepare lesson 4: Read (P25- 26) Effectiveness of experience for educational activity, to ourselves, colleagues and schools The initiative to apply this experience I myself have achieved some very positive results First of all these experiences are consistent with the program, new textbooks Students interested in learning more proactive creativity to expand their repertoire, but also very flexible in performing tasks perceived knowledge and skill development Academic atmosphere gently simmering Students have the opportunity to assert themselves, no longer confused, worried when entering the school This is the reason to go to the relatively positive results of the survey last semester I, namely: Class Total of Students Excellently done Amou % nt Well done Normally done Poorly done Badly done Amou nt % Amo unt % Amo unt % Amount % 7A 44 05 11,36% 15 34,09% 20 45,45% 0% 0% 9A 39 03 7,7% 16 41,02% 20 51,28% 0% 0% After the successful application of this subject myself has achieved significant results and valuable experience for yourself the following: Teachers must always create an environment in school foreign language and to use English as the main language for communication 13 Depending on the grade and subject the student, the teacher can use the English sentences short, simple, easy to understand, easy to remember - Teachers have always known encouraging students to use their knowledge to use in communication - Teachers should not be paying attention to the fault of the students while speaking Let them hear and speak naturally Never force the students to stop talking while the student is trying to express their meaning in English, doing so would make them feel fear making mistakes when speaking and listening - Teachers should integrate the activities of listening and speaking English with a form of "playing - learning" - During the episode guide their English listening via radio, television, listen to songs in English By creating such a language environment, the students can practice good listening skills and other communication skills Teachers should appeal to attract students to the content in the form of listening activities, teaching techniques appropriate to listen to each stage of a lesson listen Creation of suitable utensils listen to the content of the test are: pictures, models, ice (Specifically, I myself have to collect a plate to hear English from to times that are convenient in operation and save time in class) Teachers should select, use and flexible combination of methods, techniques taught heard in the process of teaching hours in the period after listening exercise, in addition to textbook exercises, teachers need to make the appropriate exercises, which features highly practical communication In a nutshell: To implement an effective lesson to hear the teacher should note the following issues: - The context must be clearly introduced - Should increase the use of teaching aids, tape recorder to help students hear the voices of native speakers 14 - If all heard by the teacher read, must be read accurately, clearly not an average speed too fast not too slow - Need to create opportunities for students to practice the skills needed to hear as guessing, guessing content in context, listen transplant information with pictures, listen to fill out the table - For some listening with more complex content, the teacher tried to apply good steps to facilitate comprehension promoting ability to understand and use the language of the students - The skills required to coordinate flexibility in the process of teaching listening CONCLUSION AND PROPOSALS Conclusion At the secondary school level to take lessons in English heard on the program is in good condition so that students can develop a full range of language skills Song learning and teaching English listening and "new" for both students and teachers, so in the first year of implementation, both teachers and students can not avoid these difficulties, the initial surprise With this innovative experience, I hope to make a small contribution to help teachers and students to our school in particular, colleagues and students of the school in general you gradually overcome difficulties and implement training listen and learn English is to achieve better efficiency Toward yourself, I promise you will continue to inherit and promote the results achieved by the implementation of the subject, while constantly learning experiences were overcome difficulties in teaching to meet innovation program requirements, methods of teaching English Training Department of Education Proposals Starting from a theoretical basis, practical, teaching purposes as well as the successes and limitations in the implementation of the subject, to contribute to the teaching of English in general, in particular teaching quality listening more improve myself with the following practical recommendations: * On the basis of: - The environment for foreign language skills should be practiced according to the characteristics of teaching methods, so our departments need to avoid making noise for the next class and not affected by noise from the outside (Can be combined with room for other subjects) - Electrical system should be amended to ensure the milk useful and safe to use - Need to provide more stations, cassett tapes (tapes can not be teachers themselves from the CD receiver so the sound quality is not guaranteed) * To the leaders on: Need enabling teachers have the opportunity to interact and learn from experience learning through seminars Thank you very much ! CONFIRMATION OF THE PRINCIPAL Thanh Hoa, March 20th 2018 I hereby declare that this is my writing and It does not copy other people’s content Written by Nguyen Thi La 16 MATERIALS USED FOR REFERENCE New textbooks and teacherbook in grades 6, 7, and of the Minitry of Education and Training English language Teachimg Methodology of the Minitry of Education and Training in 2003 The ELTTP Methodology course General education book of Ha Noi Publishing House, 1995 Evaluation in education of the Minitry of Education and Training The book “Some of the problems of teaching methodology in secondayry school English of the Minitry of Education and Training Training materials on innovation methods in English in grades 6, 7, and DANH MỤC SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM NGÀNH GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN, TỈNH VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Là Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên trường THCS Ban Công TT Tên đề tài SKKN Nâng cao hiệu Tiếng Anh thông qua phương pháp gây hứng Cấp đánh giá xếp loại (Ngành GD cấp huyện/tỉnh; Tỉnh ) Kết đánh giá xếp loại (A, B, C) Năm học đánh giá xếp loại Cấp huyện C 2012-2013 thú cho học sinh Giúp học sinh lớp thực hành tốt hội thoại Cấp huyện B 2013-2014 Experiece of to trash the qualified students in grade at Ban Cong Cấp huyện B 2015- 2016 secondary school effectively ... Evaluation in education of the Minitry of Education and Training The book ? ?Some of the problems of teaching methodology in secondayry school English of the Minitry of Education and Training Training... requirements of the lesson is to help students to practice and develop skills: Listening (listening) , Speaking (say), Reading (reading), Writing (writing) (in it is primarily listening skills), after... skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing English listening skills of students is formed through a process of learning environment to train in English In addition to learning in the classroom,

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2020, 07:07

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