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LV thạc sỹ_Improve the efficiency of short term credit at VPBank dong do branch

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  • The quantitative indicators

  • Figure 2.1: Structure of VPB Dong Do branch

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NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ***************************** BACHELOR’S THESIS IN FINANCE IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF SHORT – TERM CREDIT AT VP BANK – DONG DO BRANCH HANOI 09 – NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ***************************** BACHELOR’S THESIS IN FINANCE IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF SHORT – TERM CREDIT AT VP BANK – DONG DO BRANCH HANOI 09 – ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to thank Professor … Finally, I offer my regards to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of the thesis TABLE OF CONTENTS NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY .1 ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY .2 ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM THE QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS 12 FIGURE 2.1: STRUCTURE OF VPB DONG DO BRANCH .22 ABBREVIATIONS ATM Automatic Teller Machine CIC Credit Information Center GDP Gross Domestic Product SBV State Bank of Vietnam SMES Small and Medium Enterprises VPB Vietnam Prosperity Joint-stock Commercial Bank CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.Rationale In open market economy, the banks have to cope with strong competition from foreign banks in term of human capital, quality of service or the added value from banking services Especially in this time, adopting measures to ensure the quality of credit activity of banks cannot really be placed on top, making the banks not have high competitiveness, market share of their increasingly shrinking to dominate the market today To better manage the lending process in terms of social economy becomes a important mission to have adequate information about socioeconomic activities, capture customer needs and tastes to improve credit quality Improving the quality of lending is becoming increasingly necessary and requires banks to implement measures to ensure the quality of credit In market economies, there is always the positive aspect and limitation, pose challenges to banks that want to survive and develop, there must be a business plan with economic efficiency, to ensure that costs and profits But the prerequisite set out with the banks now operating credit quality has to meet the needs and tastes of consumers not have appropriate development strategy and create trust with customers to survive, sustainable development And during time practicing at VPBANK – Dong Do Branch , with the help of the staff of the company and the help of MA Nguyen Thu Thuy, I decided on the theme: "Enhancing the efficiency of short – term credit at VPBank-Dong Do branch " Research Objective The thesis focuses on the following main issues at VP Bank: •Analysis of theoretical basis of effective credit and short-term credits of commercial banks •Efficient situation analysis of short-term credit of VPB - Dong Do branch from 2007 to now •Proposing solutions to improve the efficiency of short - term credit at VPBank Scope of study This thesis focuses on the result of consumer credit activities in VPB Dong Do in 2007-2010 period Researh Methodology The type of instrumentation and data collection procedures used is the analyses of secondary sources such as: • Statistical records: the bank’s annual reports, financial statements, etc • Textbooks: Commercial bank management, Bank credit… • Other documents 5.Structure of the research The thesis includes three chapters: - Chapter 1: The effect of credit and short-term credits of commercial banks - Chapter 2: The effect of short-term credit in VPBank - Dong Do branch - Chapter 3: Solutions for improving the efficiency of short - term credit in VPBank - Dong Do Branch CHAPTER 1: THE EFFECT OF CREDIT AND SHORT – TERM CREDITS OF COMMERCIAL BANK 1.1 Overview of credit activity of commercial banks 1.1.1 Definition of credit activity Credit is the most profitable activities, but the most risky for commercial banks This risk can cause damages, reduce the income of the bank There are many grants that losses could account for the majority of the capital, forcing banks to bankruptcy Therefore, banks must require close management to consider carefully, estimate risks and profitability when deciding to give loan According to common sense, credit is the relationship of credit loans, including lending and borrowing Otherwise, credit is a temporary assignment of a value in the form of objects or money from the owner to the user, after a certain time to return with a larger The expression is reflected in three basic characteristics: - Have the right to use a transfer of value from one person to another - The transfer is temporary in nature - When the return value of the property transferred must be accompanied by an excess of value added is called profit * Principles of Bank Credit: Credit activities of commercial banks based on a certain number of principles to ensure the safety and profitability These principles are embodied in the provisions of state banks and commercial banks Customers must commit to repayment (principal) and interest for the specified time: the bank's credit mainly derived mainly from customer deposits and bank loans Banks should be responsible for repayment of both principal and interest as promised So always ask the bank credits to comply with this commitment These conditions exist for banking and development Customers must commit to use for the purposes of credit agreement with banks, not contrary to the provisions of law and other regulations of the bank level The law prescribes the scope of work for the bank Besides, each bank can have purpose and scope of individual operations Funding purposes stated in the credit agreement to ensure banks not finance illegal activities and the funding that is consistent with the bank's platform Bank financing is based on the plan (or project) to be effective Implementing this principle as a condition to make the first rule Operational plan effectively demonstrates the borrower's ability to recover investment capital and profits to repay the bank The bank's funding must be associated with the formation of a borrower's assets In the case of unsafe banks require borrowers to have collateral to borrow 1.1.2 Classification of credit activities of commercial banks Our classify credit activities depends on customer requirements and objectives of bank management However, bank credit is mainly classified as follows: * Based on credit terms: -Short-term Credit: A type of credit for less than a year and be used to offset the shortage of working capital and other corporate short-term spending needs of the individual - Medium Term Credit: A type of credit with a term of one year to five years Type of credit are primarily used for investment purchases of fixed assets, improvement or renewal of equipment, technology, business expansion, new construction projects are small and time rapid capital recovery - Providing long-term credit is a term of over five years Long-term credit mainly for long-term needs such as housing, equipment, vehicles and large-scale, building new factories * Based on purpose of credit capital: - Credit production and circulation of goods: the type of credit for economic actors to carry out production and circulation of goods - Consumer Credit: Credit is granted for individuals to meet consumer needs such as buying a house, car, speakers of other consumer goods * Based on the guaranteed loan: - Unsecured credit (mortgage) is a type of credit without collateral, pledge or guarantee by a third person, which the loan based on the prestige of the individual customer - Credit security properties: the type of credit that the lender requires the borrower to have collateral, pledge or guarantee from the third person * Based on form credit value: - Credit money is those loans that form the value of credit granted in cash - Bank assets are those that form the credit value of credit granted by property-for banks, credit forms mainly in the form of hire purchase * Based on loan method: - Direct Credit: A form of credit which bank financing directly to customers demand for loans, and borrowers repay the loan directly to banks - Credit indirect form of credit is made through the acquisition of documents which have arisen and also in the billing period * Based on the method of repayment: - Credit payment: A type of credit that the customer must repay principal and interest periodically Type of credit is applied to the loan value and length of time - Non-installment Credit: A type of credit that borrowers can pay a regular basis as agreed Type of credit is applicable to the loans of small value and the short term First, it can be said with the direct guidance of the VP Bank in the past year, VP Bank - Dong Do branch has implemented strict regulations of the SBV, regulations, procedures and lending regulations in VP Not just trying to expand lending, VP Dong Do branch tried to improve the quality and efficiency performance of lending in all copies, full and more serious conditions, control of loans Regarding the performance of short-term loans, one can see the results of VP Bank Dong Do branch has made in recent years: First, the scale of short-term lending Short-term lending activities are accounted for a high density throughout the lending activities of banks Scale short-term lending is constantly expanding with high speed in 2008 This proves Dong Do VP Bank branch made the policies to attract customers, thereby growing loan balance Secondly, on indicators reflecting safety: After three years in operation, the number of overdue liabilities, VP Bank's bad debts decreased to very high speeds The rates are achieved even below the Dong Do by VP Bank and State Bank branch in place This shows that VP Dong Do branch has done good job as a leader in the northern region of Vietnam Bank for Prosperity Thirdly, on the norms of profitability=: Short-term lending activity is brought high income to the bank Therefore, the sustainable growth target for profitability is always a top priority In the past three years due to the size of short-term lending activity is constantly expanding and the rate of overdue debts, bad debts are minimized have created huge profits for banks Limitations and Causes a Limitations 33 Overall, short-term lending activities at branch have achieved quite satisfactory results But there are still some limitations, if the remedy is effective for short-term loans will be even higher Specifically: On the banks + First: There exists some gaps in the lending process Time pressures of project appraisal, contracting and disbursement from both sides, leaders of banks and borrowers have to make loan officers encountered difficulties Shorter time loan officers can not check the full information, which does not accurately assess the capacity of borrowers, evaluation results are not good In addition, time pressures can lead to deficiencies in the lending process, such as: Client records, the authors state, monitoring after testing to reduce funding for effective bank loans + Secondly, in practice, the rate of overdue debt is in the limits, but in terms of competition between credit institutions in the economy, which direct the credit institutions in the area more stiff, so the problem of overdue debts is always the potential risk factors have permanent, reduce the competitiveness of banks + Thirdly, outstanding loan did grow but containing high risk Short-term lending rate assets of the bank guarantee remains low Bank customer requirements must be fully secured assets should proceed with the disbursement of limiting expansion in lending + Lastly interest rate volatility is not really consistent with the fluctuation of supply and demand in capital markets That has not provided customer satisfaction for the loan at the bank - On the client side + Entrepreneurship, the Bank uses a number of enterprises is still restricted In case the business does not work, no profit or a profit but at too low, not enough to repay the bank, the bank faces the risk of delayed recovery of principal and interest or the worst possible loss of capital 34 + Customers are not good repayment behavior Still some businesses not have a good sense of the repayment, here comes the situation of enterprises with good business, a profit but not want to pay your bills on time for banks, aimed at accounting for credit of banks, they institute more reason to not pay your bills on time, was fire and renew a dishonest way This will make the bank a capital recovery difficult, and affect plans to use the bank's capital, causing losses for banks b The main reason - On the banks + Loan process is not completed and not closed VP Bank has established a Credit Manual aims to standardize the concepts, the steps required in the credit process uniform throughout the system Credit Manual shall be prepared based on a scientific basis to ensure loan quality as well However, the full application of the lending process sometimes only in theory In the implementation process, many officials still have not complied fully close, or by time pressures, can not abide a thorough process in the Credit Manual, many steps are based entirely on economic experience A number of evaluation steps are sometimes overlooked as a great influence on the quality assessment, thereby reducing the efficiency of bank lending + Restriction on professional competence and ethics of the credit officers Employees of the subsidiary credit mostly young workers and qualified, enthusiastic passion for work, but lack of experience should not even be adapted to the market mechanism, the improvement of training professional and updated information was small, integrated analysis capabilities are limited, especially the lack of qualified staff general, said the general operations of the bank + The ability to identify and forecast the volatility of capital markets less, leading to interest rate applied is not really flexible, consistent with market fluctuations + Lack of information or inaccurate information 35 In economic development, the information problem becomes one of the main factors in the competition Investors who understand as much accurate information and timely will have the more chance of success Commercial Bank operating in the financial and monetary field - a field of information services that are mainly competitive factors, it determines the success or failure of the bank To make good business, banks must seek information about customers from all possible sources But now, banks not have a mechanism, an optimal way to find information The main information provided by the customer, and banks can not find a way to determine whether such information is true or false Due to lack of information issues should the evaluation of customers experiencing difficulties, does not guarantee the correctness and accuracy + The inspection, supervision and customer support after the loan was not good Responsible for a loan not only belong to a credit his staff, but also in parts management and credit monitoring The inspection, control and customer support after the loan is very important, it guarantees loans have been effective When performing this work, will be quickly detected and remedial measures early mistakes and shortcomings of the credit officers and clients or can provide solutions to customer support, ensuring effectiveness of the loan Recently showed that the test is not well controlled, has to happen the funded status for improper purposes, overdue debts, bad debts, no errors detected 36 - On the client sent + The financial capability of the poor customer The small and medium enterprises now account for a significant proportion of enterprises These companies have too little equity, collateral small value, so can not afford the large capital loans to meet the demand for their capital Together with the project when considered highly effective, though limited by the collateral should not be lending needs of customers, the quality of this loan can not be considered as well Even in cases where the lender if the value of collateral is not enough will also pose a risk to the bank Whether in any case, when the financial situation of enterprises is not good, the effectiveness of the loan will not be high + Ability to use business loans of less In the course of their activities, by many objective factors and subjective, but the venture is not favorable Businesses are not performing well, not to take advantage of loans from banks These subjective factors may be due to the management level, the leadership of entrepreneur, not adapt to market changes Objective reasons may come from business customers, the business partners, and competitors, from adverse changes in the market The reason whatsoever as the result is still business as inefficient, unprofitable business, unable to repay the bank, creating bad debts for banks + Conduct client A problem can affect the efficiency of the bank loan repayment is the will of the customer When the customer has won money from the bank, the use of which depends entirely on the customer, the bank is unlikely to intervene When customers not use capital purposes, loans can not be of high quality When customers are not delaying repayment, with the deceptive practices of credit officers are also affected by the credit quality objectives were not achieved loan - Other causes 37 + The general volatility of the economy: inflation rates in double digits, so that banks implement monetary policy tightening, causing many difficulties for the operation of commercial banks + Fiercely competitive environment in the system of commercial banks in Vietnam The number of joint-stock commercial banks increasingly good quality, with clear mechanisms for lending has created pressure for VP + Environment, there are legal obstacles to the operation of bank One of the difficulties for banks to carry out their activities is the contradiction between the legal documents The system of legal documents and general documents relating to banking activities in particular, inadequate, lack of consistency In legal documents, and many regulations are not consistent with reality, and conflict with each other cause problems when implemented Typically regulations on maximum interest rates on base rate announced by the SBV and the provisions of the Civil Code 2005 The adjudication of violations of economic contracts is not convenient and fast for the parties concerned, beyond the measures and tools are not effective legislation, the parties not follow the referee's decision economic or court without being processed Ordinance on economic contracts are not respected, the contracts signed and made no serious, sometimes contract indicative form of legalization procedures for bank loans Businesses are not honest in providing information to the bank The coordination between the concerned parties not regularly and effectively Information Center is not really much help for the bank to collect information and support for the bank Audit activities not really make much sense and is not associated with the bank The state administrative agencies, police agencies, courts did not have the close cooperation with banks in the handling of the case beyond the bank's handling The reality requires the agency to have close relationships with banks 38 In summary, in recent years, among the results achieved, VP Dong Do branch still has certain limitations that affect performance for short-term loans In the near future, Dong Do VPBank branch should take steps to improve the efficiency of short-term loans, thereby contributing to the overall development of the VP 39 CHAPTER III: SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF SHORT – TERM CREDIT IN VPBANK – DONG DO BRANCH 3.1.The direction of the VP Bank branch branch Dong Do On the basis of development strategies closely VP Bank, VP Dong Do branch out its development strategy In the "innovation" for developing countries, the role of financial intermediaries in particular, commercial banks are generally more important Therefore, the task posed to the commercial bank that particular bank branch Dong Do VPBank branch, is to strengthen and mobilize capital for development investment, allocating increasingly scarce resources of this an effective way To implement this goal, Dong Do branch branch-oriented set specific lending operations Specifically, under the direction of the central bank, VP Bank, VP Bank branch Dong Do forwards the development lending activities towards: - Loans made to grasp the principle of the market, guaranteed to meet capital needs properly to customers - Perform credit growth target on the basis of safety and profitability for banks - To promote rationalization of the structure under the term loan in line with the needs of economic development in safe condition, liquidity, consistent with the structure of VP Bank's sources of Dong Do branch - To diversify the loan portfolio towards diverse industries and economic sectors 3.2 Solutions improve the efficiency of VP Bank's lending branch by branch Dong 3.2.1 Complete and implement the lending process Lending process has been defined and specific guidance in the hands of the VP Bank credit It is a process from when the bank receiving the loan application client to the recovery of all debts, mortgaged collateral and liquidation of the 40 contract This is a process closely, including several steps Credit officers must follow procedures, especially in the important processes such as appraisal, including appraisal of collateral However, the loan officers must also be very flexible in applying this process to each specific case For customers who have long-term credit relationships with banks, the wizard records and procedures are not necessary, steps to collect and survey information can be reduced by the inheritance of information available officials need to focus more on the borrowing project In contrast, for first-time customer credit relationship, loan officers need to implement fully and carefully the steps in the process, to ensure that customers understand and implement the requirements bank In the short-term loan, the time and opportunity are important factors for both corporate and bank borrowing Therefore, applying a flexible process, while ensuring the regulations, both mitigation procedures, reducing the time needed To well implement the lending process requiring bank officials to immediately implement each step of the process, because the next steps are the first step Therefore, strict compliance processes that flexibility is very important to get the right lending decisions and facilitate best customers, while ensuring safe and profitable for banks goods Thereby lending efficiency is improved 3.2.2 To raise the moral and credit officers People are always an important factor in any business activities of banks in general and short-term lending operations in particular The effect of short-term lending activity very much depends on the ability to analyze and judge the situation as well as the experience of credit officers Especially in the current condition of the individual loan officers usually have a major role in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the loan application and order must be made to control the operation of the project as well as the recovery and debt settlement In the next period with the strong competition between commercial banks, the rapidly changing economic and outstanding innovation in banking technology will require the commercial banks must have a team staff are well trained, energetic, able to capture the market, good health and high pressure capabilities, while not losing the qualities of a basic bank officials are careful and secondary real The requirements 41 on the quality of banking staff, especially loan officers is very high, which proved to be the good bank officials is not a simple task The loan officers must be trained to obtain the necessary skills, such as: communication skills - This is an important skill in the exposure, understanding customers, loan officers are Good communication skills will be able to collect more information, more precisely from our customers as well as to attract, entice more customers to its products and services of the Bank; Facilitation Skills investigation - this skill requires loan officers to collect and exploit that information from multiple sources, multiple channels for the appraisal, the loan is worth; Negotiation Skills - Require staff Credit must be negotiated with the client that issues related to compliance with the terms specified in the regulations, lending practices before signing the contract, as well as to persuade customers to follow the requirements of banks will benefit both parties; analysis skills - skills required loan officers to know that, assess the situation there a scientific basis, combined with the practical situation is place from which to draw experience to find better methods to continuously improve operational efficiency lending writing skills - Require loan officers must be able to synthesize information to write reports, papers the persuasive, logical when presented to management approval From the high requirements for loan officers, for his VP to build a strategy for human resource development such as recruitment policy, organize professional training courses for capacity building of personnel working sets, encourage teamwork and promote creative, active, positive staff of each 3.2.3 Improving the predictability of market volatility in the short term and long term The fluctuations of the macro economy or the financial markets in the country can directly impact the performance of the bank These effects can be in two directions, positive and negative Banks need to predict such fluctuations to be able to take advantage of these opportunities or to actively cope with the difficulties and challenges due to the changes it brings 3.2.4 Improving data collection and information processing of bank In addition to information provided by customers, the sources of information are 42 also important, assistance for banking staff in the process of evaluation and assessment for the loan Currently the State Bank has a credit information center (CIC), but information is still limited, the extent updated information is not high For the evaluation, assessment is more accurate, VP Dong Do branch to branch established consulted credit information and the department may lie in the evaluation room Major tasks of this department are: -Collect and maintain information about borrowers: the production and business situation, financial situation, existing assets, the banking relationships, the profile of business owners - Collect and analyze the macro factors and micro impacts of production and business activities of the unit - Legal advice, technology, engineering division credit Employees of this department are the competent, qualified professional, capable of analyzing the fluctuations of the market The information provided by this department, combined with the loan officer information gathered will help improve the accuracy of the appraisal process, contributes to improve the operational efficiency of bank lending 3.2.5 Implement inspection, monitoring, customer support after the loan After bank financing for customers, customers are the most important factor in effective decision of the loan However, it will be more secure when clients get the inspection and surveillance from the bank During the inspection, monitoring clients, if it detects any errors that banks need to take remedial measures promptly and accurately At the same time if we are experiencing business difficulties, but still able to repay both principal and interest to the bank if businesses get timely help from the bank, the bank should have reasonable solution to customer support as debt rescheduling, debt restructuring 43 3.3 Recommendations 3.3.1 For VPBank - On the lending process VP Bank has issued its own manual of bank credit But this is the first version, has some gaps and not specific to the business In the future, VP and research should continue to issue guidance documents in more detail to help process loans are convenient and more accurate, the credit industry to help staff understand and comply with the ensuring the quality of work - On loan security In Handbook of credit issued, VP Bank has issued additional guidance for ensuring that loan, which, with specified contents should be taken However, there should be more specific guidance, especially the expertise to support the establishment of collateral assessment, support for employees in branch and credit the PGD - Personnel VP also needs to make better personnel policies: recruitment, training, reward activities Banks should continue to have regular staff training policy through training systems, to send officers to specialized training, research and new professional, modern banking technology in the world to find applying at the bank Recruitment of personnel is becoming increasingly important, banks must have selected the right policies to gradually improve their team, to reach new heights of bank's operations and professional services, perfect This is a program which the Bank has actively carried out actively in the project's development bank, has brought certain consequences In the future, the Bank should continue to deploy more robust, rapid application of advanced technologies in their operations, while always positive update and learn new technologies and create conditions apply rapid technology in banking - Development of international cooperation Banks should further promote international cooperation for the exploitation and efficient use of external resources, expanding business activities on 44 international currency markets, gradually moving closer to international standards activities The links with strategic partners is essential in the present time - On the image and corporate culture Bank was very active, active in building their brands The consolidation, which honors more brands not only in national but also at the international level, has important implications for the development of banks in general and branch system in particular Together with the association with the famous brand names of the VP will become familiar with its partners, customers 3.3.3 For the State - The government should create a legal environment fully synchronized closely to the borrower and lender to fulfill its rights and obligations - The government needs a stable macro economy, as this is the general environment of all economic activity, the banks themselves as well as borrowers - Government should continue to improve the Accounting Law, the Law on State Audit to achieve standards in the accounting and auditing For commercial banks, this is an important factor affecting the quality of credit information, which affects the efficiency of the loan - Governments should take measures to definitively settle outstanding debts, speed up debt restructuring process in a reasonable manner for a healthy financial situation Currently, commercial banks have not achieved the safety ratio COOK is because there is too little equity Therefore, the Government should continue to study and encourage additional proposals of the charter capital of commercial banks in terms of market opening Bank - Finance forthcoming - State Bank and Treasury should continue to study changes in the rate of capital contributed by foreign strategic shareholders in the joint-stock commercial banks in Vietnam This will enable commercial banks to attract strategic shareholder has power, organization and management experience to help banks to carry out modernization of banking success, helping the Vietnamese commercial banks Nam qualified to compete in the domestic market and internationally 45 CHAPTER4: CONCLUSION Before the requirements of the development of the country, with the motto to maximize internal resources, bank credit is an important solution for funds The birth of the stock market created a channel to mobilize medium and long term for the economy, is a good addition to the system of commercial bank However, short-term lending by banks to customers has always kept a very important position In the process of competition and development, the Bank found that raising the efficiency of loan is also equally important to expand lending So, improve short-term lending is always important content first in the development strategy of the bank To improve the efficiency of lending, the role of commercial banks is the most important, but is inseparable from the stakeholders such as customers, State Bank and the macroeconomic environment After three years in operation, Bank Vietnam Dong Do Maritime Branch has achieved very positive result, contribute to higher business performance for enterprises, the bank itself and for economy Besides the great success achieved in the short-term lending activities are still some limitations to the Count But the strategy, long-term oriented, reasonable in credit activities of Dong Do VPBank branch will solve problems and constantly enhance the performance of his shortterm lending I hope that these studies give significant result to branches Dong Do VPBank branch as well as commercial banks in general I believe that, if conditions studied in depth a couple of solutions, the practicality of the topics will be much greater I sincerely thank to …, and the teacher, as well as her VP Bank branch staff in the Dong Do branch has dedicated guide to help me complete this thesis 46 REFERENCE Book of the Commercial Bank, University of National Economy Dr Phan Thi Thu Ha editor Book of the Corporate Finance, University of National Economics editor Dr Luu Thu Huong Currency and banking financial market, Frederic Mishkin Hand State banks law and credit institutions law Number of professional publications and websites 47 ... IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF SHORT – TERM CREDIT IN VPBANK – DONG DO BRANCH 3.1 .The direction of the VP Bank branch branch Dong Do On the basis of development strategies closely VP Bank, VP Dong Do branch. .. at VPBANK – Dong Do Branch , with the help of the staff of the company and the help of MA Nguyen Thu Thuy, I decided on the theme: "Enhancing the efficiency of short – term credit at VPBank- Dong. .. effectiveness of the loan 18 CHAPTER II: THE CURRENT SITUATION EFFICIENCY OF SHORT – TERM CREDIT IN VPBANK – DONG DO BRANCH 2.1 Overview of the business situation of the VP Bank – Dong Do branch 2.1.1

Ngày đăng: 12/07/2020, 22:54



