The present study has been conducted to check the possible existence of an optimal capital structure in the Indian corporate sector.
International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020, pp 193–207, Article ID: IJM_11_03_021 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed A GOAL PROGRAMMING APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF OPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTURE IN THE CONTEXT OF INDIAN CORPORATE FIRMS Uma Charan Pati Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha, India & Ph.D Scholar in Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India Sudhanshu Sekhar Rath Former Vice Chancellor, Gangadhar Meher University, AmrutaVihar, Sambalpur, Odisha, India ABSTRACT The capital structure controversy debate is still to die down even after five decades of its birth from the seminal work by Modigliani and Miller in 1958 The irrelevance theorem was proved wrong by many later day theorists/empiricists but many postulated it otherwise The existence of an optimal capital structure in the corporate sector has been debated extensively and non-conclusively too The present study has been conducted to check the possible existence of an optimal capital structure in the Indian corporate sector Besides other descriptive statistical techniques, the linear goal programming technique has been used to study whether the optimality objective is achieved by the thirty companies selected from private, public and IT sectors The goal programming results show the non-existence of something called an optimal capital structure and instead corporate firms are inclined towards achieving multiple objectives/goals at a time and hence not optimizing rather satisfying level of achievement at multiple ends is the goal in the present globalised era of fierce competitions Keywords: Corporate Finance, Goal Programming, Satisfying Behavior, Multiobjective goal setting Cite this Article: Uma Charan Pati and Sudhanshu Sekhar Rath, A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate Firms, International Journal of Management (IJM), 11 (3), 2020, pp 193–207 193 A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate Firms INTRODUCTION The entire financial management literature is dominated by the capital structure controversy debate being initiated with the irrelevance theorem of Modigliani and Miller A broad theoretical review brings forth the idea that the debate has not yet got settled Movement from the MM hypothesis of capital structure irrelevance to the relevant MM hypothesis of 1963 followed by the trade-off theory and finally the pecking order theory reveals that the debate is still going on Based on the whole analysis of the capital structure debate, in this study effort has been made to explore the possibility of the existence of an optimal capital structure in the Indian corporate sector The whole study and analysis in this particular study has come down to the point that there is no specific or targeted capital structure that firms follow across different sectors However, there have been studies conducted to ascertain the possible impact of capital structure on the performance of the corporate firms Taking cues from those theories and studies we have tried to explore the possible impacts of the capital structure of a company on its performance by using different inferential statistical analysis including the technique of Goal programming followed by the ANOVA and the F test If we move deep into the theoretical premises on capital structure principles we find that almost all the theories have come to the conclusion that there is no concrete inference that can be drawn as regards the existence of something called an optimal capital structure It has been proved by Nassar, S., (2016) , Marmara University, Institute of Social Science, Accounting and Finance Department, Istanbul/Turkey in his research work titled “The impact of capital structure on Financial Performance of the firms: Evidence From Borsa Istanbul” By taking 136 Industries as a sample, and by using multivariate regression analysis including ” Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Earning per Share (EPS) as well as DebtEquity Ratio (DR) as capital structure variables, he has derived the conclusion that there is a negative significant relationship between capital structure and firm performance.” Some other studies have also confirmed the existence of this particular relationship 1.1 Relationship between the Capital Structure and Firm’s Financial Performance: A Theoretical Analysis As has already been referred earlier, there is a great debate started with the MM Hypothesis on the relevance of a capital structure and its impact on the financial performance of corporate firms Right from the Modigliani and Miller Theory of 1958 and then 1963, followed by the traditional theory, the trade-off theory and the Pecking Order theory upto the Managerial Entrenchment theory, we find that there is no general rule or formula of an optimal capital structure and for that matter there is no significant impact found in the relationship between the capital structure and the firms‟ financial performance By basing our study on all the above mentioned theories and our own results where we have found that most of the firms are more flexible towards equity instead of debt in their capital structure and there is no target debt-equity ratio set out by any firm for that matter, we have made use of different statistical techniques such as Goal programming, F statistics and ANOVA to test a few hypotheses as regards the existence of such relationships 1.2 Data Analysis & Interpretation This section of the research deals with the data analysis and the interpretation of these data with the help of various statistical methods In this analysis section a total of eight hypotheses have been tested To test the hypotheses, we have collected financial information and these 194 Uma Charan Pati and Sudhanshu Sekhar Rath were categorized under different heads with the aim to test them The data collected were all from financial reports available in public domain In this section the basic information gathered were secondary in nature and their authenticity lies with the sources from where they were collected The data collected for the research are from audited balance sheets makes it more reliable and authentic source of information on which our research is rested upon BACKGROUND TO STATISTICAL AND ECONOMETRIC METHODS USED In this research work three different methods of data analysis have been used First one is Ftest, second one is OLS regression method and the third one is the Goal Programming technique The Goal Programming technique is an advanced method to prioritize the goals that corporate firms aim at It is a technique which ranks goals as per the priorities of the firm and therefore it is a multi-objective goal determination technique based on satisfying behavior of managers of corporate firms in the modern world In this regard the Goal programming is an extension of linear programming in which targets are specified for a set of constraints In goal programming technique there are two basic models such as the Pre-emptive model (lexicographic) and the Archimedean model In the case of the pre-emptive model, goals are ordered according to their priorities The goals at a certain priority level are considered to be indefinitely more important than the goals at the next level In the pre-emptive case we try to meet as many goals as possible taking them in priority order In our study, we have used the pre-emptive Goal programming method in which the goals are ranked from most to least important At the beginning, we found the optimal value of the first goal Once we have found this value, we turn this objective functions into a constraints such that its value does not differ from its optimal value by more than certain amount THE USEFULNESS OF F-TEST In this research study the simple F-test has been used when we want to test the equality of variances of two nominal populations In such a situation, the null hypothesis happens to be H0:σ2p1= σ2p2, σ2p1 and σ2p2 represents the variances of two normal populations This hypothesis is tested on the basis of sample data and the test statistic F is found, using σ2s2 and σ2s1 The F value can be obtained in the following way; The objective of F-test is to test the hypothesis whether the two samples are from the same normal population with equal variance or from two normal populations with equal variances The F-test was initially used to verify the hypothesis of equality between two variances, but is now mostly used in the context of analysis of variance 195 A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate Firms ADOPTING THE GOAL PROGRAMMING METHOD The Linear goal programming is one of many techniques for dealing with the modeling, solution, and analysis of multiple and conflicting objectives linear problems This type of multi objective linear problems requiring a goal programming solution have been expanded and defined considerably since Charnes and Cooper [1961] introduced the concept of „Goal programming‟ specially used for solving multiple objective decision making problems (MODMP) It has been studied by many researchers and successfully applied to many diverse, real life problems Now it has been accepted as a basic mathematical programming method for solving multiple objective decision making problems (MODMP) Pre-emptive goal programming is a special case of goal programming, in which the most important (upper level) goals are optimized with before least important goals In non-pre-emptive models, the goals are assigned weights and considered simultaneously Decision makers sometimes set achievable goals even within the limits of available resources These problems are solved using objective programming methodology, where the objective function is established in such a way that all of the objectives are to be achieved There are some other methods adopted in searching for multiple objectives like the constraint method, weighted method, goal programming, and interactive methods In the -constraint method, the decision maker specifies acceptable levels of all but one objective function The restrictive approach in goal programming method specifies acceptable levels in all useful activities except the decision maker; these values are used as constraints and the problem is solved as a single criterion optimization problem In the weighted method, the decision maker specifies the relative weight for each of the objectives, and the problem is solved as a single criterion problem When developing targeted programming, decision-makers specify the priority of objective tasks The problem is first addressed to the highest priority, and then this value is never eroded The problem will be resolved for the next priority until it is resolved In an interactive way, the decision maker is not prioritized for one or more solutions at the same time and asks him to choose one If the decision maker is satisfied with the solution, the process stops; otherwise, the decision maker specifies the desired changes in the value or address of the objective functions and the problem is resolved The decision maker does not find any acceptable solution until the process continues and acceptable solution is reached The goal programming approach allows a simultaneous solution of a system of complex objectives rather than a single objective In other words, goal programming is a technique that is capable of handling decision problems that deals with a single goal, with multiple sub goals In this research work the primary function is to find the result of the following assumptions; Companies failed to become successful in minimizing the level of fixed cost over the years Companies failed to become successful in Maximizing the level of Earning After Tax (EAT) over the years Companies failed to become successful in minimizing the level of long term debt over the years 4.1 Usefulness of Weighted Goal Programming Model A research Goal programming models were improved to more accurately reflect the decision environment they were designed to model, complications inevitably arose One complication concerned the weighting of goals in the objective function Ignizio [1976], the problem that arose was finding a valid mean by which one calculates representative weightings One approach to avoid this difficulty is to eliminate the mathematical weighting from the model 196 Uma Charan Pati and Sudhanshu Sekhar Rath With this approach, a goal programming problem becomes a lexicographic problem The goals in the lexicographic problem are not differentiated by a weighting system, but instead are ordinals ranked in order of preference To solve the lexicographic goal programming problem, decision makers have a choice of two approaches: (1) The multi-phase simplex methods, or (2) The sequential linear goal programming methods The two most common versions of the multi-phase simplex method are by Lee [1972] and Ignizio [1976, 1982] The sequential linear goal programming method's major feature is that it allows goal programming problems to be run on conventional linear programming computer programs Kornbluth [1973] originally described the sequential linear goal programming algorithm, while Arthur and Ravindran [1978] improved its efficacy, and Kwak and Schniederjans [1985] gives an alternative solution 4.2 Generic Weighted Goal Programming Model The weighted goal programme variant allows for direct trade-offs between all unwanted deviational variables by placing them in a weighted, normalized single achievement function Weighted goal programming is sometimes termed non pre-emptive goal programming in the literature If we assume linearity of the achievement function then we can represent the linear weighted goal programme by the following formulation: 197 A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate Firms 4.3 Usefulness of Pre-emptive Goal Programming Model A large number of real world decision-making and optimization problems are actually multiobjective Even so, many important optimization models, such as linear programming models, require that the decision maker express his/her wishes as one aggregate objective function that is usually subjected to some constraints Goal programming (GP), generally applied to linear problems, deals with the achievement of prescribed goals or targets Both academicians and practitioners have embraced this technique The basic purpose of goal programming is to simultaneously satisfy several goals relevant to the decision-making situation To this end, a set of attributes to be considered in the problem situation is established Steps for the Pre-emptive Goal Programming algorithm are provided in Table and Figure followed by the above table depicts the flow chart of the overall algorithm 4.4 Hypotheses Testing Hypothesis: -1 Null Hypothesis (H0): EBIT not have direct impact on EPS of the companies Since this hypothesis discusses the relationship between two variables in which one variable is dependent and the other is independent, it was observed that the EPS is the dependent variable and the EBIT is the independent variable To test this hypothesis, the following equation was prepared Y=β+αxi+εi (Eq.-1) Table Impact of EBIT on EPS Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations Source: Secondary Compiled Data 0.320956827 0.103013285 0.069791555 27.43920345 29 198 Uma Charan Pati and Sudhanshu Sekhar Rath Table The above table provides the information on the multiple R, which is the correlation coefficient between two variables i.e EBIT and EPS It is observed from the above table that there is the positive linear relationship exists but the relationship is very weak i.e 32% The R squared value says that only 10% of the value falls on the regression line In other words, 10% of the values fit the model Steps Action Embed the relevant data set Set the first goal set as the current goal set Obtain a Linear Programming (LP) solution defining the current goal set as the objective function If the current goal set is the final goal set, then set it equal to the LP objective function value obtained in Step 2, and STOP Otherwise, go to Step If the current goal set is achieved or overachieved a set it equal to its aspiration level and add the constraint to the constraint set, Go to Step b Otherwise, if the value of the current goal set is underachieved, set the aspiration level of the current goal equal to the LP objective function value obtained in Step Add this equation to the constraint set Go to Step Set the next goal set of importance as the current goal set Go to Step From the ANOVA table it can be interpreted that the F value is more than the F critical value (i.e.3.101>0.090).Thus it can be concluded that the alternate hypothesis can be accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected i.e EBIT not have direct impact on EPS of the companies is rejected Thus it is to state that EBIT have direct impact on EPS of the companies In this research thesis it is to suggest that the combination weights method and preemptive method have been used to construct the model These two methods or algorithms convert multiple goals into a single objective function This technique is known as the goal programming technique (Taha, 2003) A goal programming model was developed in this research to obtain the optimal solution of goals Goal programming was to test the hypothesis 2, and and for this the goals and constraints must be involved to formulate the model 199 A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate Firms Table The objective function of the weight goal programming model is a single objective function of the weighted sum of the functions representing the goals of the problems The model is given as: Minimize Z = ∑ ( ) (Eq.-2) Where, gi ∑ Here, X k, (Eq.-3) ≥0 Here the xk is the decision variable for k=1,2,3,4…m, αik represents the parameter of the decision variable, w +¦i and w -¦i are weights for i=1,2,3, -n, the deviational variables are represented by d +¦i while d -¦i and gi are the self-improving or aspirational value Kwak et al in 1991 proved that the weighted lexicographic goal programming model is a combination of weighted goal programming and pre-emptive goal programming methods, cited in Ekezie and Onuohac, (2013) and the model is given as: Minimize Z = ∑ Pi∑ Here, Pi is the preference 200 Uma Charan Pati and Sudhanshu Sekhar Rath Table Summarised table for different financial parameters (in 1000 crore) ITEMS year Average of Average of Average of TOTAL fixed cost Long term debt EAT 2004 1.17501 2.33097 1.30068 4.80666 2005 1.27837 2.48011 1.86045 5.61893 2006 1.50136 3.26631 1.16574 5.93341 2007 1.73873 4.22307 2.15585 8.11765 2008 2.04598 4.86209 2.37583 9.2839 2009 2.51333 4.40505 2.11337 9.03175 2010 2.97686 5.03901 2.68101 10.69688 2011 3.58847 8.00286 2.94792 14.53925 2012 3.97386 10.26757 3.08058 17.32201 2013 4.57059 11.36983 3.41727 19.35769 2014 5.35666 13.94381 3.54186 22.84233 2015 6.10339 14.94521 3.42497 24.47357 2016 6.76886 16.18484 3.01317 25.96687 2017 7.60411 15.44639 4.46642 27.51692 2018 8.56562 16.91827 4.99898 30.48287 TOTAL 59.7612 133.6854 42.5441 235.9907 Source: Secondary Compiled Data The decision variables are: X1= the amount of financial statement in year 2004 X2= the amount of financial statement in year 2005 X3= the amount of financial statement in year 2006 X4= the amount of financial statement in year 2007 X5= the amount of financial statement in year 2008 X6= the amount of financial statement in year 2009 X7= the amount of financial statement in year 2010 X8= the amount of financial statement in year 2011 X9= the amount of financial statement in year 2012 X10= the amount of financial statement in year 2013 X11= the amount of financial statement in year 2014 X12= the amount of financial statement in year 2015 X13= the amount of financial statement in year 2016 X14= the amount of financial statement in year 2017 X15= the amount of financial statement in year 2018 The Goal constraints: 1.17501X1+1.27837 X2+1.50136 X3+1.73873 X4+ +8.56562 X15 ≤ 59.7612 (Fixed cost Constraint) 2.33097 X1+2.48011 X2+3.26631 X3+4.22307 X4+ +16.91827X15 ≤ 133.6854 (Long term Debt Constraint) 1.30068 X1+1.86045 X2+1.16574 X3+2.15585 X4+ +42.5441X15 ≥42.5441 (EAT Constraint) 201 A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate Firms X1,X2,X3,X4, X15, d +¦1,d +¦2,d +¦3,d +¦4, d +¦15,d -¦1,d -¦2,d -¦3,d -¦4 d -¦15 (non-negativity constraint) Objective function: Minimum:P1(d -¦1):maximize the EAT+P2(d +¦2): Minimize the Long term Debt + P3 (d +¦3): Minimize the fixed cost In all the below three cases, the LINGO Software version 12 was used to obtain the optimal solutions The findings of goal achievements are illustrated in the Table below Table Goals achievement Goals priority Output value P1 P2 P3 Source: Compiled data from goal programming results Goals Achievement Goals fully achieved Goals fully achieved Goals fully achieved Hypothesis: -2 Null Hypothesis (H0): Companies failed to become successful in minimizing the level of fixed cost over the years In this case we have taken the average of fixed cost of all the 30 companies even if they are operating in different sectors to make the research more feasible and result oriented Since P3 =0 it can be interpreted that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected It is in conformity of the results that we have derived for all the firms across sectors that companies are more oriented towards equity funding than debt funding Hypothesis: -3 Null Hypothesis (H0): Companies failed to become successful in maximizing the level of EAT over the years In this case we have taken the average of total liability of all 30 companies even if they are operating in different sectors to make the research more feasible and result oriented Since P1 =0 it can be interpreted that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected It implies that companies have succeeded in maximizing the level of EAT over the years Hypothesis: -4 Null Hypothesis (H0): Companies failed to become successful in minimizing the level of long term debt over the years In this case we have taken the average of long term debt of all 30 companies even if they are operating in different sectors to make the research more feasible and result oriented Since P2 =0 it can be interpreted that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected Thus, it is clear that companies have succeeded in minimizing the level of long term debt over the years Hence, the modern day firms have multiple goals to aspire for due to the presence of bounded rationality and imperfections of various kinds in association with asymmetric information Hypothesis: -5 Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship exists between average Net sales and EAT It was observed that the EAT is the dependent variable and the average Net sales is the independent variable To test this hypothesis, the following equation was prepared Y=β+αxi+εi (Eq.-2) 202 Uma Charan Pati and Sudhanshu Sekhar Rath Table Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations Source:Compiled data 0.470131335 0.221023472 0.192172489 3462.865727 29 Table The above table provides the information of multiple R, which is the correlation coefficient between two variables i.e EAT and Net Sales It is observed from the above table that there is the positive linear relationship exists but the relationship is relatively weak i.e 47% The R squared value says that only 22% of the value falls on the regression line In other words, 22% of the values fit the model From the ANOVA table it can be interpreted that the F value is more than the F critical value (i.e 7.661>0.010).Thus it can be concluded that the alternate hypothesis can be accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected i.e there is no significant relationship exists between average Net sales and EAT Thus it is to state that there is significant relationship exists between average Net sales and EAT Hypothesis: -6 Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship exists between EPS and ROE Table Mean Variance Observations Df F P(F0.000).Thus it can be concluded that the alternate hypothesis can be accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected i.e EAT not have significant impact on the retained earnings is rejected Thus it can be concluded that the EAT have significant impact on the retained earnings of the firm CONCLUSION There were total three different methods used to test all the Eight (08) hypotheses The use of hypothesis testing methods is based on the nature of research and the requirements Taking this into account two statistical methods and one quantitative method were used Table 12 SL No Hypothesis Hypothesis-1 Hypothesis-2 Hypothesis-3 Hypothesis-4 Hypothesis-5 Hypothesis-6 Hypothesis-7 Hypothesis-8 Source: Compiled data Null Hypothesis Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Accepted Rejected Rejected Alternate Hypothesis Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Rejected Accepted Accepted To test the hypothesis and statistical F test was used To test hypothesis 2, and quantitative analysis with the use of goal programming was adopted and to test the hypothesis 1, and regression analysis was used The summary of hypothesis testing was expressed in the tabular form as provided in the above table 205 A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate Firms 5.1 Bounded Rationality and Satisfying Behavior on the part of Finance Managers There is no denying the fact that the standard model of rationality in the neo-classical tradition of economics is essentially a decision-making model which claims to be both descriptive and normative The term „rationality‟ in Economics has a different meaning in contrast to the meaning of the term in some other disciplines When we refer to people acting rationally in the everyday sense we usually mean that they are using reason but not by emotional factors or by unconscious instinct There may be many reasons why we fail to judge what is in our „self-interest‟ We may have incomplete knowledge, or we may have cognitive failures in terms of the processing of information within given time constraints These failures are often ascribed to „bounded rationality‟, and behavior that fails to achieve self-interest because of bounded rationality is therefore not irrational according to this criterion What we have derived in this chapter is the fact that firms or financial managers are subjected not to economic rationality rather to bounded rationality due to constraints of multiple types As a result of this managers not look for optimization of capital structure rather they believe in the satisfying behavior Satisfying behavior based on bounded rationality exposes modern day managers to go for multiple goal setting and achievement at the same given time Our results from the application of the goal programming technique have proved that modern firms believe in satisfactory achievements of multiple goals at the same time In our study firms have achieved three objectives at the same time instead of just one objective of achieving a single objective of optimal capital structure The three objectives are being- (1) Minimization of fixed cost components over time, (2) Maximization of the EAT over time and (3) Minimization of the long term debt component over time Thus, it is proved that modern firms across sectors are subjected to bounded rationality and they have satisfying tendency but not optimization objective REFERENCES [1] Dasgupta, R., Iyer, V., Paul, A., & Doshi A 2012, Debt sustainability analysis: A subnational context Qris Analytics Research, July [2] Domar, Evsey D 1944), The “burden of the debt” and the national income American Economic Review, 34(4), 798–827 [3] Enrique G Mendoza and P Marcelo Oviedo 2003, Public Debt, Fiscal Solvency, and Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Emerging Markets, First Draft, Preliminary Version [4] Kaur Balbir, et Al 2018 Debt sustainability of states in India: An assessment, Indian Economic Review, December 2018, Volume 53, Issue 1–2, pp 93–129 [5] Nayak, S K., & Rath, S S 2009, A study on debt problem of the special category states Study Conducted for the 13th Finance Commission, Government of India, Rajiv Gandhi University Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh, accessed from http:// 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in the above table 205 A Goal Programming Approach to the Study of Optimal Capital Structure in the Context of Indian Corporate