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I/ LISTENING: (2,5ms) Listen and complete Linh’s registration form. II/ GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: (2,5ms) Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences . 1/ … is that ? That’s Ba. a/ where b/ who c/ when 2/ ……is it from your house to school ? It’s about one kilometer. a/ How far b/ How much c/ How many 3/ What ……awful day ! a/ a b/ an c/ the 4/ There … some chairs in the kitchen. a/ am b/ is c/ are 5/ Lan does homework…….half past six…….Wednesday morning. a/ in/to b/ at/on c/ from/to 6/ Minh will……Nam a new hat for his birthday. a/ give b/ to give c/ giving 7/ Nam…….goes to school on Sunday. a/ usually b/ always c/ never 8/ Ho Chi Minh city is …….than Da Nang. a/ big b/ bigger c/ the biggest 9/ Where is the book ? It’s……the bookshelf. a/ on b/ in c/ at 10/ Hue is the……student in my class. a/ good b/ better c/ best III/ READING: (2,5ms) Read the text and answer the questions. Hoa’s family lives in the city. Her father is a doctor. He takes care of sick people. He works in a hospital. Her mother is a teacher. She teaches Math in a secondary. Hoa has an older sister and a younger brother. Her older sister is a doctor, too. She works in a general hospital. She looks after sick people. Her younger brother is a pupil. He goes to Li Tu Trong secondary school everyday. • Questions: 1/ Where does Hoa’s family live ? …………………………………. Name:…………………………………… Date of birth:…………………………… Job:…………………………………… Address:……………………………… Telephone number:…………………. 2/ What does her father do ? …………………………………. 3/ Where does he work ? …………………………………. 4/ How many sisters and brothers does Hoa have ? ………………………………… 5/ Is her younger brother a pupil ? …………………………………… IV/ WRITE: (2,5ms) You will have a party for your birthday and you want to invite some of your friends to your party. Complete the invitation card. Dear…… , I am having a birthday party on…………. The party will be at my house at………… From…………….to…………………… I hope you will come and join the fun. Love, Tel:…………… …… ……… The end………… KEY I/ LISTEN: (2,5ms) Listen and complete Linh’s registration form. II/ GRAMMMAR AND VOCABULARY: (2,5ms) Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences. 1/ b (0,25m) 2/ a (0,25m) 3/ b (0,25m) 4/ c (0,25m) 5/ b (0,25m) 6/ a (0,25m) 7/ c (0,25m) 8/ b (0,25m) 9/ a (0,25m) 10/ c (o,25m) III/ READING : (2,5ms) Read the text and answer the questions. 1/ Hoa’s family lives in the city. (0,5m) 2/ Her father is a doctor. (0,5m) 3/ He works in a hospital.(0,5m) 4/ Hoa has an older sister and a younger brother.(0,5) 5/ Yes, she is.(0,5) IV/ WRITE: (2,5ms) You will have a party for your birthday and you want to invite some of your friends to your party. Complete the invitation card. Student’s answer TAPE TRANSCRIPT Mr. Nam: hello! Mr.Nam: Where do you live ? Linh: Hi ! Linh: 12 Pham Thai Buong street Mr.Nam: What’s your name ? Mr.Nam: What’s your telephone Linh: Pham Gia Linh. number ? Mr. Nam: What’s your date of birth ? Linh: 0985771641 Linh: May six. Mr.Nam: Thank you. Bye. Mr. Nam: What’s your job ? Linh: Bye. Linh: I am a teacher. Name: Pham Gia Linh (0,5m) Date of birth: May six (0,5m) Job: Teacher (0,5m) Address: 12 Pham Thai Buong street (0,5m) Telephone number: 0985771641 (0,5m) I/ LISTENING (2,5ms) Listen and choose the best option to complete each sentence 1/Lan ’ farther, Mr Tuan is a…………… a/ doctor b/ teacher c/ farmer 2/ He starts work at ……………in the morning a/ five b/ six c/ seven 3/ Mr Tuan works in the ………… a/ farm b/ hospital c/school 4/At half past eleven. He eats ………with his family a/ breakfast b/lunch c/ dinner 5/ He usually finishes his works at …… o ’ clock a/ four b/ five c/ six II/GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (2,5ms) Choose the best option to complete each sentence 1/ I am a new student. So……………. a/ do I b/ I am c/ am I 2/ ……….do you live ? I live in Da Lat. a/ where b/ what c/ when 3/ Jane lives ……… a farm with his parents a/ in b/ on c/ at 4/ Lan loves ……… to music a/ listens b/ listen c/ listening 5/ what ……… awful day ! a/ an b/ a c/ the 6/ They go to the …………. to have a snack. a/ library b/ cafeteria c/ art club 7/ Mai is ………… a magazine in the library at the moment. a/ reading b/ reads c/ read 8/ Nam never ………… video games . a/ play b/ plays c/ playing 9/ The red hat is ………. than the yellow hat. a/ cheap b/ cheaper c/ cheapest 10/ Let ’ s ………… a game of volleyball. a/ play b/ playing c/ to play III/ READING (2,5ms) Read the passage . Then answer the questions We are in Junior high school. We are in grade 7. School starts at seven in the morning and ends at a quarter past eleven. We have four or five classes each morning .Each class lasts for forty- five minutes. After the first two classes, there is a twenty- minute recess, during which we go to the canteen for a mid- morning snack or a soft drink. The recess ends with a set of 5 minute exercises. we go to school every day except Sunday. We have to wear uniform. We think school uniform makes all the children feel equal. We enjoy school a lot. We like all school subjects 1/ What time does school end ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 2/ How long does each class last ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 3/ Do they have to wear uniform at school ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 4/ What do they think about school uniform ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 5/ Do they like some school subjects ? ……………………………………………………………………………… IV/ WRITING (2,5ms) Rewrite the following words into the complete sentences. 1/ You / meet / to / nice . ……………………………………………………………………………… 2/ Is / time / it / what ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 3/ have / math / we / on / Friday . ……………………………………………………………………………… 4/ Subject / your / what ‘ s / favorite ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 5/ get / usually / you / do / what time / up ? ……………………………………………………………………………… THE END ANSWER KEY I / LISTENING: (2,5ms) 1/a (0,5 m) 2/ c (0,5m ) 3/ b (0,5 m) 4/ b (0,5m) 5/b (0,5m) II/ GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY:(2,5ms ) 1/ c (0,25m) 2/ a (0,25m) 3/ b (0,25m) 4/ c (0,25m) 5/ a(0,25m) 6/ b (0,25m) 7/ a (0,25m) 8/b (0,25m) 9/ b (0,25m) 10/ a(0,25m) III/ READING: (2,5 ms) 1/ School ends at a quarter past eleven. (0,5m) 2/ Each class lasts for forty – five minutes .(0,5m) 3/ Yes, they do. (0,5m) 4/ They think school uniform makes all the children feel equal. (0,5m) 5/ No, They don ’ t. (0,5m) IV/ WRITING:(2,5ms) 1/ Nice to meet you. (0,5m) 2/ What time is it? (0,5m) 3/ We have math on Friday. (0,5m) 4/ What ’ s your favorite subject? (0,5m) 5/ What time do you usually get up ? (0,5m) TAPE TRANSCRIPT : Hoa ’ s father, Mr Phong is a farmer. He usually starts work at six in the morning. But Lan ’ s father, Mr Tuan is a doctor. He starts work at seven in the morning. From nice in the morning to four in the afternoon, Mr Phong works in the fields with his brother. At one o ’ clock, Mr Phong rests and eats lunch. And he comes back home at half past four. Then Mr Tuan works in the hospital. At half past eleven, he eats lunch with his family. He usually finishes his work at five o ’ clock. . exercises. we go to school every day except Sunday. We have to wear uniform. We think school uniform makes all the children feel equal. We enjoy school a lot to wear uniform at school ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 4/ What do they think about school uniform ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 5/ Do they like

Ngày đăng: 25/09/2013, 12:10

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