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Ebook Alcamo’s fundamentals of microbiology (9/E): Part 2

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Part 2 book “Alcamo’s fundamentals of microbiology” has contents: Infection and disease, immunity and serology, antimicrobial drugs, immune disorders and AIDS, viral infections of the respiratory tract and skin, the viruses and virus-like agents,… and other contents.

PART Viruses and Eukaryotic Microorganisms CHAPTER 14 The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents CHAPTER 15 Viral Infections of the Respiratory Tract and Skin CHAPTER 16 Viral Infections of the Blood, Lymphatic, Gastrointestinal, and Nervous Systems CHAPTER 17 Eukaryotic Microorganisms: The Fungi CHAPTER 18 Eukaryotic Microorganisms: The Parasites he bacterial species we have examined in the previous chapters are but one of several groups of microbial agents interwoven with the False-color scanning transmission microscope lives of humans Other prominent groups are the viruses, fungi, and image of bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) attacking an Escherichia coli cell parasites Knowledge of these groups developed slowly during the early 1900s, partly because they were generally more difficult to isolate and cultivate than bacterial organisms Also, the established methods for research into bacterial growth were more advanced than for other microorganisms, and investigators often chose to build on established knowledge rather than pursue uncharted courses of study Moreover, the urgency to learn about the other groups was not as great because they did not appear to cause such great epidemics and pandemics This perception changed in the second half of the 1900s Many bacterial diseases came under control with the advent of vaccines and antibiotics, and the increased funding for biological research allowed attention to shift to other infectious agents The viruses finally were identified and cultivated, and microbiologists laid the foundations for their study Fungi gained prominence as tools in biological research, and scientists soon recognized their significance in ecology and industrial product manufacturing As remote parts of the world opened to trade and travel, public health microbiologists realized the global impact of parasitic diseases Moreover, as concern for the health of the world’s people increased, observers expressed revulsion at the thought that hundreds of millions of human beings were infected with these parasites In Part 4, we examine the viruses and eukaryotic microorganisms over the course of five chapters Chapter 14 is devoted to a study of the viruses and viral-like agents, while Chapters 15 and 16 outline the multiple diseases caused by these infectious particles In Chapter 17, the discussion moves to fungi, while in Chapter 18, the area of interest is the protozoa and the multicellular parasites Throughout these chapters, the emphasis is on human disease You will note some familiar diseases, such as hepatitis, chickenpox, and malaria, as well as some less familiar ones, such as dengue fever, toxoplasmosis, and schistosomiasis The spectrum of diseases continues to unfold as scientists develop new methods for the detection, isolation, and cultivation of viruses and eukaryotic microorganisms 438 T 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 438 2/3/10 3:54 PM MICROBIOLOGY PATHWAYS Virology When Ed Alcamo was in college, he was part of a group of twelve biology majors Each of them had a particular area of “expertise.” John was going to be a surgeon, Jim was interested in marine biology, Walt was a budding dentist, and Ed was the local virologist He was fascinated with viruses, the ultramicroscopic bits of matter, and at one time wrote a term paper summarizing arguments for the living or nonliving nature of viruses (At the time, neither side was persuasive, and even his professor gracefully declined to take a stand.) Ed never quite made it to being a virologist, but if your fascination with these infectious particles is as keen as his, you might like to consider a career in virology Virologists investigate dreaded diseases such as AIDS, polio, and rabies, while others (epidemiologists) investigate disease outbreaks Virologists also concern themselves with many types of cancer, and others study the chemical interactions of viruses with various tissue culture systems and animal models Virologists also are working to replace agricultural pesticides with viruses able to destroy mosquitoes and other pests Some virologists are inserting viral genes into plants and are hoping the plants will produce viral proteins to lend resistance to disease One particularly innovative group is trying to insert genes from hepatitis B viruses into bananas They hope that one day we can vaccinate ourselves against hepatitis B by having a banana for lunch If you wish to consider the study of viruses, an undergraduate major in biology would be a good choice Because the biology of viruses is related to the biology of cells, courses in biochemistry and cell biology will be required Following completion of college, most virologists study for an M.D or Ph.D degree M.D.s pursue virology research in the context of patients or disease and become investigators with an interest in infectious disease or epidemiology Most Ph.D.s pursue more basic questions with academic institutions, or in industrial or governmental organizations A great way to find out if you have the “research bug” is to work in a college or university laboratory Many colleges and universities with research programs employ undergraduate students (near minimal wage!) in the research laboratory So, here is a good way to “get your feet wet.” If you find it interesting, it also will enhance your chances to be accepted by a top-flight graduate school Not interested in the lab bench research? Virologists also can find careers in full-time teaching In addition, your knowledge can be used to pursue a career in communications, serving as a science writer or reporter They also pursue careers in business administration or law, especially involving the pharmaceutical industry or patent law But no matter what avenue chosen, you should be a curious and hardworking student with a passion for science, like Ed Alcamo and your author Do you have these interests? 439 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 439 2/3/10 3:54 PM 14 Chapter Preview and Key Concepts 14.1 Foundations of Virology Viruses were first identified with diseases in plants 14.2 What Are Viruses? Viruses are submicroscopic and have either a DNA or RNA genome Viruses can have helical, icosahedral, or complex symmetry Viruses infect specific organisms and tissues within multicellular organisms 14.3 The Classification of Viruses Viruses can be organized by their nucleic acid type 14.4 Viral Replication and Its Control Bacteriophages undergo a lytic or lysogenic cycle of infection Both naked and enveloped animal viruses share a similar series of infection and replication events Some animal viruses maintain their viral genome in the host cell nucleus 14.5 The Cultivation and Detection of Viruses Cytological analysis can provide a rapid initial diagnosis to identify an unknown viral infection 10 Viruses can be “grown” in various types of tissue culture and detected by the formation of plaques MICROINQUIRY 14: The One-Step Growth Cycle 14.6 Tumors and Viruses 11 Tumors are the result of uncontrolled cell divisions 12 A few animal viruses are agents of tumor development 13 Oncogenes represent tumor-causing genes 14.7 Emerging Viruses and Virus Evolution 14 Viral recombination and mutation can give rise to new viruses 15 Viruses may have preceded cellular life 14.8 Virus-Like Agents 16 Viroids lack a protein coat 17 Prions lack nucleic acid The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents It’s just a piece of bad news wrapped up in protein —Nobel laureate Peter Medawar (1915–1987) describing a virus Ed Alcamo remembers the spring of 1954 “I was a lad of thirteen growing up in the Bronx and looking forward to a carefree summer But I could feel the tension in my parents’ voices as they anticipated the months ahead, for summer was the dreaded polio season And sure enough, by early July the tension had turned to outright fear I was told to avoid the public pool and the lusciously cool air-conditioned movie house I had to report any cough or stiff neck promptly ‘Stick with your old friends,’ my father told me ‘You’ve already got their germs.’ Most of the time I was indoors, and the only baseball I got to play was in my imagination, as I listened to the Yankees every afternoon on my portable radio Our family was one of the lucky few to have a television, and each night we watched row upon row of iron lungs, and we saw the faces of the kids whose bodies were captured forever in their iron prisons ( FIGURE 14.1 ) Iron lungs, I was told, help you breathe when paralysis affects the respiratory muscles We heard and read about the daily toll from polio, where the victims lived, and how many kids had died But there was hope My mom and her friends were out collecting dimes to fight polio (they called it the Mothers’ March Against Polio), and the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis said it had 75 million dimes to help fund the tests of a new vaccine—Dr Salk’s vaccine Two million children would be getting shots Maybe next year would be different Boy, next year sure was different! On April 12, 1955, at a televised news conference, Dr Salk declared, ‘The vaccine works!’ The celebration 440 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 440 2/3/10 3:54 PM CHAPTER 14 The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents 441 FIGURE 14.1 Iron Lung Ward—1953 This iron lung ward in Rancho, California is filled with rows of polio patients The iron lung sealed the thoracic cavity in an air-tight chamber The chamber created a negative pressure around the thoracic cavity, thereby causing air to rush into the lungs to equalize intrapulmonary pressure »» What is the iron lung attempting to for the patient? was wild Our school closed for the day And the church bells rang, even though it was a Thursday I could tell my mother was relieved—we had steak for dinner that night By summertime, things were back to normal I was now fourteen and eager to show off my baseball skills to any girl who cared to watch Down at the neighborhood pool I was learning how to dive (when no one was watching) And for a quarter, I got to cheer for the cavalry at the Saturday afternoon movie Summer was back.” The polio virus is one of the smallest viruses, being about the same diameter as a cell ribosome ( FIGURE 14.2 ) At the upper end of the spectrum is the smallpox virus, which approximates the size of the smallest bacterial cells, such as the chlamydiae and mycoplasmas (see Chapter 10) You will note a simplicity in viruses that has led many microbiologists to question whether they are living organisms or fragments of genetic material leading an independent existence Before we begin this chapter it is worth mentioning that viruses are, as Bernard Dixon said, “our most abundant co-terrestrials.” Thus, the term virosphere has been coined to represent all the places where viruses are found or in which they 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 441 interact with their hosts, be that in the Bacteria, Archaea, or Eukarya Although we will emphasize their role in infections and disease, realize that viruses are more than a parasite and, in fact, are a key part of the living world They are found in every environment on the planet and, as such, play a critical role in the recycling of elemental carbon; they contain more genetic material than the rest of life, consisting of more than 10,000 different viral genomes in kg of ocean sediment and hundreds of thousands of genomes in the world’s open oceans; and they probably represent a class of “biological entities” that may be older than the Archaea and Bacteria A part of the human genome consists of viral genes (Chapter 9) and it is the ability of viruses to transfer genes by transduction and to spread those genes throughout the biological world that may have been an essential factor in the evolution of life on Earth The virosphere is huge, it has incredible diversity, and it produces tremendous impact beyond infection and disease In this chapter, we study the properties of viruses, especially bacterial and animal viruses, focusing on their unique structure and mechanism for replication We will see how they are classified, how they are cultured and identified, and how they may have evolved The chapter then discusses even more bizarre virus-like agents that can cause disease in plants and animals 2/3/10 3:54 PM 442 CHAPTER 14 The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents Eukaryotic cell: 10,000 nm Bacterium E coli: 2,000 nm Bacteriophage: 95 nm Cell nucleus: 2,800 nm Rabies: 150 nm Polio: 28 nm Smallpox: 250 nm Influenza: 100 nm Tobacco mosaic: 240 nm Parvovirus: 20 nm Common cold: 70 nm FIGURE 14.2 Size Relationships among Microorganisms and Viruses The sizes of various viruses relative to a eukaryotic cell, a cell nucleus, and the bacterium E coli Viruses range from the very small poliovirus to the much larger smallpox virus »» Propose a hypothesis to explain why viruses are so small 14.1 Foundations of Virology The development of the germ theory recognized disease patterns associated with a specific bacterial species (see Chapter 1) However, some diseases resisted identification and many of these would turn out to be viral diseases Tobacco mosaic disease: A viral disease causing tobacco leaves to shrivel and assume a mosaic appearance Foot-and-mouth disease: A highly contagious viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals (i.e., cattle, sheep, deer) 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 442 Many Scientists Contributed to the Early Understanding of Viruses KEY CONCEPT Viruses were first identified with diseases in plants In Chapter 1, we mentioned the work of the Russian pathologist Dimitri Ivanowsky who, in 1892, studied tobacco mosaic disease ( FIGURE 14.3 ) Ivanowsky filtered the crushed leaves of a diseased plant and found that the clear liquid passing through the filter (rather than the crushed leaves on the filter) contained the infectious agent Unable to see any microorganisms, Ivanowsky suspected that a filterable virus (virus = “a poison”) was the agent of disease Six years later, Martinus Beijerinck repeated Ivanowsky’s work and demonstrated the virus was inactivated by boiling Beijerinck concluded the disease agent was a contagious, living fluid In 1898, foot-and-mouth disease was suspected as being a filterable virus, implying that a virus could be transmitted among animals as 2/3/10 3:54 PM 14.1 Foundations of Virology (A) 443 (B) The Investigator, the Disease, and the Virus In 1892, the Russian pathologist Dimitri Ivanowsky (A) used an ultramicroscopic filter to separate the clear juice from crushed leaves of tobacco plants suffering from tobacco mosaic disease He placed the juice on healthy leaves and reproduced the disease as the leaves (B) became shriveled with a mosaic appearance »» Why was it impossible for Ivanowsky and his contemporaries to see viruses with the light microscope? FIGURE 14.3 well as plants Three years later, Walter Reed and his group in Cuba provided evidence linking yellow fever with an unfilterable virus, and with this report, viruses were associated with human disease In 1915, English bacteriologist Frederick Twort discovered viruses that infected bacterial cells Two years later, such viruses were identified by French-Canadian scientist Felix d’Herrelle He called them bacteriophages (phage = “eat”), or simply phages, for their ability to destroy the bacterial cells they infected When a drop of phages was placed in a broth culture of cells, the cells disintegrated within minutes By the early 1930s, it was generally assumed viruses were living microorganisms below the resolving power of available light microscopes However, in 1935 the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was crystallized, suggesting viruses might be nonliving agents of disease (MICROFOCUS 14.1) Additional work with TMV revealed the virus was composed exclusively of nucleic acid and protein Because viruses will not grow on a nutrient agar plate the way bacterial cells do, some other form for virus cultivation was needed In 1931, Alice M Woodruff and Ernest W Goodpasture described how fertilized chicken eggs could be 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 443 used to cultivate some viruses The shell of the egg was a natural culture dish containing nutrient medium, and viruses multiplied within the chick embryo tissues By 1941, with the invention of the electron microscope, virologists were beginning to visualize viruses, including TMV ( FIGURE 14.4 ) Another key development occurred in the 1940s as a result of the national polio epidemic Attempts at vaccine production were stymied by the inability to cultivate polioviruses outside Yellow fever: A mosquito-borne viral disease of the human liver and blood FIGURE 14.4 The Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) This false-color transmission electron micrograph of TMV shows the rod-shaped structure of the virus particles (Bar = 80 nm.) »» From this micrograph, why would virologists call viruses “crystallizable” particles? 2/3/10 3:54 PM 444 CHAPTER 14 The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents 14.1: Being Skeptical Are Viruses Living Organisms? Part Viruses are on the edge of life But on which side of the edge are they? Are they living or, being able to be crystallized, are they nonliving? If nonliving, how can they cause disease? Most biology textbooks use certain emergent properties of life to define something as a living organism These properties include an ability to: • Grow and develop • Reproduce • Establish a complex organization • Regulate its internal environment • Transform energy • Respond to the environment • Evolve by adapting to a changing environment Viruses have a complex organization, respond to the environment, and evolve As independent entities, they not grow or develop, reproduce, regulate their internal environment, or transform energy So, are they alive? Hmm Many scientists consider them living because they can reproduce when they infect a host cell, and they contain genetic information like all living organisms Other scientists would say they are not living because they not satisfy all seven emergent properties of life So, are they alive? Hmm Perhaps more important than debating whether they are living is to determine how they cause disease and how they relate to the phylogenetic tree of life On these two points, they are in the mainstream of microbiological thought and investigation These agents of disease also are part of the genomic sequence of all life Biologists and microbiologists estimate that viral gene sequences make up 8% of the human genome Most of these genetic sequences are remnants of ancient viral infections, the sequences having been passed down from generation to generation However, some make us human One ancient viral protein, for example, is critical in placental formation Are they alive or not? Take your pick, but make sure you read MicroFocus 14.2 first In any case, they certainly are intriguing agents for study the body, but John Enders, Thomas Weller, and Frederick Robbins of Children’s Hospital in Boston solved that problem Meticulously, they developed a test tube medium of nutrients, salts, and pH buffers in which living animal cells would remain alive In these living cells, polioviruses replicated to huge numbers, and by the late 1950s, Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin had adapted the technique to produce massive quantities of virus for use in polio vaccines (Chapter 22) CONCEPT AND REASONING CHECKS 14.1 Describe the major events leading to the recognition of viruses as pathogens 14.2 What Are Viruses? Today more than 5,000 viruses have been identified Amazingly, this is only a small proportion of the estimated 400,000 different viruses virologists believe may exist—their total numbers making viruses the most abundant biological entities on Earth Viruses Are Tiny Infectious Agents KEY CONCEPT 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 444 Viruses are submicroscopic and have either a DNA or RNA genome Viruses are small, obligate, intracellular particles; that is, most can be seen only with the electron microscope and they must infect and take over a host cell in order to replicate This is because they lack the chemical machinery for generating energy and synthesizing large molecules Viruses, therefore, must find an appropriate host cell in which they can replicate—and, as a result, often cause disease 2/3/10 3:54 PM 14.2 What Are Viruses? Viruses have some unique features not seen with the living microorganisms They have no organelles, no cytoplasm, and no cell nucleus or nucleoid (see Chapter 4) Instead, they are comprised of two basic components: a nucleic acid core and a surrounding coat of protein; thus, as Peter Medawar remarked (chapter opening quote), a virus is “just a piece of bad news [meaning they cause disease] wrapped up in protein.” The viral genome of almost all viruses contains either DNA or RNA, but not both, and the nucleic acid occurs in either a double-stranded or a single-stranded form Usually the nucleic acid is a linear or circular molecule, although in some instances (as in influenza viruses) it exists as separate, nonidentical segments The viral genome is folded or coiled, which allows the viruses to maintain their extremely small size The protein coat of a virus particle, called a capsid, gives shape or symmetry to the virus ( FIGURE 14.5 ) Generally, the capsid is subdivided into individual protein subunits called capso- 445 meres (the organization of capsomeres yields the viral symmetry) and the capsid with its enclosed genome is referred to as a nucleocapsid The capsid also provides a protective covering for the viral genome because the construction of its amino acids resists temperature, pH, and other environmental fluctuations In some viruses, special capsid proteins called spikes help attach the virus to the host cell and facilitate penetration of the cell Viruses composed solely of a nucleocapsid are sometimes referred to as “naked” viruses The nucleocapsids of many viruses are surrounded by a flexible membrane known as an envelope; the viruses are referred to as “enveloped” viruses (Figure 14.5B) The envelope is composed of lipids and protein, similar to the host cell membrane; in fact, it is acquired from the host cell during replication and is unique to each type of virus These viruses may lose their infectivity if the envelope is destroyed Also, when the envelope is present, the symmetry of the capsid may (a) Naked forms (A) (b) Enveloped forms (B) Capsid Spikes Spike Envelope Genome Capsomeres Capsid Genome Nucleocapsid Capsid Genome Envelope Capsomeres FIGURE 14.5 The Components of Viruses (A) Naked viruses consist of a nucleic acid genome (either DNA or RNA) and a protein capsid Capsomere units are shown on one face of the capsids Spikes may be present on the capsid (B) Enveloped viruses have an envelope that surrounds the nucleocapsid Again spikes usually are present »» What important role spikes play in the infective behavior of viruses? 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 445 2/3/10 3:54 PM 446 CHAPTER 14 The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents 14.2: Environmental Microbiology Are Viruses Living Organisms? Part The news headline states, “Virus Discovered That Is As Large As Some Bacteria!” But how can that be? Dogma says that viruses are so small you cannot see them with the light microscope So, could the news media have it wrong? In 2002, researchers at the CNRS in France were lookFibrils ing for Legionella bacteria in water samples when they Capsid stumbled upon a virus in waterborne amoebae The name DNA core mimivirus (‘microbe-mimicking’ virus) was given to the virus and a separate family, the Mimiviridae, established The mimivirus is a naked, double-stranded DNA virus about 400 nm in diameter Its genome was sequenced in 2004 and found to contain 911 protein-coding genes, which is more than three times the size of other virus genomes Like other viruses though, it cannot convert energy or replicate on its own But that’s where the simiTransmission electron micrograph of the larities end mimivirus (Bar = 400 nm.) The mimiviruses contain both DNA and RNA, something viruses by definition are not supposed to contain They also have seven genes shared between all three domains of life—Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya However, it is not yet known if the viruses use these genes If this isn’t weird enough, in 2007 some of the same scientists isolated a previously unknown, 50 nm icosahedral dsDNA virus that is a parasite of mimivirus Named Sputnik because it is like a satellite virus in that it only replicates in the presence of mimivirus replication, this new virus is an example of the first known “virophage”—a virus that causes an infection of another virus In fact, when Sputnik replicates, it interferes with mimivirus replication, causing it to form abnormal virus particles The Sputnik genome contains some genes from mimivirus and others from archaeal viruses, suggesting Sputnik can participate in horizontal gene transfer, yet another characteristic of living organisms So, are viruses living organisms? These discoveries with the mimivirus and Sputnik virus certainly blur the lines between viruses and single-celled organisms not be apparent because the envelope is generally a loose-fitting structure over the nucleocapsid Many enveloped viruses also contain spikes projecting from the envelope These proteins also function for attachment and host cell penetration A completely assembled and infectious virus outside its host cell is known as a virion MICROFOCUS 14.2 revisits the question of whether viruses are living organisms CONCEPT AND REASONING CHECKS 14.2 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 446 Identify the role of each structure found on (A) a naked and (B) an enveloped virus Viruses Are Grouped by Their Shape KEY CONCEPT Viruses can have helical, icosahedral, or complex symmetry Viruses can be separated into groups based on their nucleocapsid symmetry; that is, their threedimensional shapes Certain viruses, such as rabies and tobacco mosaic viruses, exist in the form of a helix and are said to have helical symmetry ( FIGURE 14.6A ) The helix is a tightly wound coil resembling a corkscrew or spring 2/3/10 3:54 PM 14.2 What Are Viruses? Poliovirus Smallpox virus Herpes simplex virus Tobacco mosaic virus Bacteriophages Rabies virus (A) (a) Helical viruses 447 (B) (b) Icosahedral viruses (C) (c) Complex viruses Various Viral Shapes Viruses exhibit numerous variations in symmetry The nucleocapsid may have helical symmetry (A) in the tobacco mosaic and rabies viruses or (B) icosahedral symmetry typical of the herpesviruses and polioviruses In other viruses (C) a complex symmetry exists The smallpox virus has a series of rod-like filaments embedded within the membranous envelope at its surface »» Although the bacteriophages are classified as complex, what two symmetries these viruses exhibit? FIGURE 14.6 Other viruses, such as herpes simplex and polioviruses, have the shape of an icosahedron and hence, icosahedral (icos = “twenty,” edros = “side”) symmetry ( FIGURE 14.6B ) The icosahedron then has 20 triangular faces and 12 corners A few viruses have a combination of helical and icosahedral symmetry, a construction described as complex symmetry ( FIGURE 14.6C ) Some bacteriophages, for example, have an icosahedral head with a collar and tail assembly in the shape of a helical sheath Poxviruses, by contrast, are brick shaped, with submicroscopic filaments occurring in a swirling pattern at the periphery of the virus Before we leave viral shapes, it is worth mentioning that many archaeal viruses, all of which to date have a DNA genome, are morphologically unique, often having a spindle shape Others have the typical icosahedral or helical shape, and most bind to host cells with their tail fibers CONCEPT AND REASONING CHECKS 14.3 What are the three viral shapes and what viral structure determines that shape? Viruses Have a Host Range and Tissue Specificity KEY CONCEPT Viruses infect specific organisms and tissues within multicellular organisms bacterial cells, while others infect protozoa, fungi, plants, or animals A virus’ host range refers to what organisms (hosts) the virus can infect and it is based on a virus’ capsid structure Most viruses have a very narrow host range A specific bacteriophage, for example, only infects specific bacterial species, the smallpox virus only infects humans, and the poliovirus infects only humans and primates A few viruses may have a broader host range, as the rabies viruses infect humans and most warm-blooded animals Even within its host range, many viruses only infect certain cell types or tissues within a multicellular plant or animal This limitation is called tissue tropism (tissue attraction) For example, the host range for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a human In humans, HIV primarily infects a specific group of white blood cells called T helper cells because the envelope has protein spikes for binding to receptor molecules on these cells The virus does not infect cells in other tissues or organs such as the heart or liver Rabies virus is best at infecting cells of the nervous system and brain because its envelope contains proteins recognizing receptors only on these tissues Therefore, a virus’ host range and tissue tropism are linked to infectivity If a potential host cell lacks the appropriate receptor or the virus lacks the complementary protein, the virus usually cannot bind to or infect that cell CONCEPT AND REASONING CHECKS As a group, viruses can infect almost any cellular organism There are specific viruses able to infect 62582_CH14_438_473.pdf 447 14.4 How does viral structure determine host range and tissue tropism? 2/3/10 3:54 PM I-30 INDEX Retinitis, CMV-induced, 512 Retinoids, systemic, 418 Retrovir, 785t Retroviridae (retroviruses) characteristics, 449t effects on cell growth by, 462t emerging viruses among, 466t HIV structure, 755–756 latent infections from, 455 provirus formation by, 455f replication of, 448 stimulation of a tumor by, 464f Reverdin, Jacques, 750–751 Reverse transcriptase, 448, 455, 455f, 755, 756, 756f, 758f Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 761, 784 Revertants, 254 Reye syndrome, 481, 490 Rh disease, 741–742, 744f Rhabditiform larvae, of hookworms, 599, 600f Rhabdoviridae (rhabdoviruses), 449t, 458t, 524–526, 524b Rhadinovirus, 487f Rheumatic fever, 305, 744 Rheumatic heart disease, 305 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 657, 724, 744, 749, 750, 750t Rhinitis, 307 Rhinosinusitis, 307 Rhinoviruses, 476–477, 476f, 477b, 478t Rhizobium sp., 854, 854f, 855b, 877 Rhizopus, 538, 542f Rhodamine, 718, 719f Rhodobacter sp., 847 Rhodococcus fascians, 773b Rhodoferax ferrireducens, 175b Rhodostreptomycin, 773b RhoGAM, 742 Ribavirin, 484, 513, 518, 785t Riboflavin, 863 Ribonuclease, 160 Ribonucleic acid (RNA) See RNA Ribose, 53f Ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 80, 121, 121f, 234, 235, 236f Ribosomes See Large (70S)ribosomal subunit; 70S ribosomes; Small (30S) ribosomal subunit Ribozymes, 164b, 236, 237f Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), 181, 182f Rice-water stools, 349–350 Ricketts, Howard Taylor, 21t, 99, 386 Rickettsia akari, 389 Rickettsia prowazekii, 386–387, 390t, 622 Rickettsia rickettsii, 386, 387f, 390t Rickettsia typhi, 387–388, 390t Rickettsiae (rickettsia) antimicrobial agents for, 772f, 779, 780 arthropodborne diseases caused by, 386–389, 387b, 387f, 389f, 390t cat-scratch disease, 425 on phylogenetic tree of life, 99 Rickettsialpox, 389 Rifampin extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis and, 319 interference with protein synthesis, 240 for leprosy, 426 for primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, 590 properties, 782, 783t 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 30 resistance to, 795t for tuberculosis, 318, 774 Rifaximin, 352 Riftia pachyptila, 185b Rimantadine, 784, 785t Ring-a-ring of rosies (nursery rhyme), 5b Ringworm, 554, 555, 555f Ritonavir, 785t Rivers See also Oceans; Water pollution death of, 839f microorganisms in, 572 Rivers, Thomas M, 457 Rivers’ postulates, 457 RNA See also Messenger RNAs; RNA viruses; Transfer RNAs catalytic effects of, 163, 164b characteristics, 50–51, 52–54 DNA compared to, 232t life-forms based on, 58b molecular structure of, 53f replication errors, antigenic variations and, 480–481b ribosomal, 80, 121, 121f, 234, 235, 236f synthesis, antibiotic inhibitors of, 783t, 795t transcription, 232–236 RNA interference (RNAi), 239b RNA polymerase, 124, 126, 233, 233f, 239f, 241 RNA tumor viruses, 462t RNA viruses, 448, 449t DNA evolution hypothesis and, 456b emerging or resurging diseases due to, 640 HIV as, 755 replication of, 453–454, 454f RNA interference of, 239b RNA world hypothesis, DNA world hypothesis vs., 456b Robbins, Frederick, 444 Roberts, Craig, 688b Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), 386, 387f, 390t, 718 Rocky Mountain woodtick, 387f See also Ticks Rodriguez, Russell, 541b Roll Back Malaria, 568, 585b Rolling-circle mechanism, 266–267 Root-Bernstein, Robert S., Roquefort cheese, 540, 540f Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA (Maddox), 226b Rose spots, 355 Roseola, 491–492, 494t Roseolovirus, 487f Ross, Ronald, 21t Rotarix vaccine, 522 Rotary International, 526, 527b RotaShield vaccine, 710 RotaTeq vaccine, 522, 710 Rotavirus infections, 522, 523t, 702t, 712b, 842 Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 70f, 71 Roundworms, 592 See also Helminths Rous, Peyton, 461 Roux, Émile, 19–20, 21t, 647 Rowe, Alexandra, 743b Royal Society of London, 1, 6, RS (respiratory syncytial) disease, 476f, 483–484, 487t, 724 Rubella (German measles) false-color transmission electron micrograph, 497f infections, 496–497, 504t prevalence of, 475 vaccinations and incidence, mortality from, 698–699, 699f vaccine for, 706t Rubeola, 494 See also Measles Rubrobacter, 250b Rubulavirus, 483f Rum, 869 Ruska, Ernst, 91 Russula sp., 554 Rust fungi (rusts), 547–548 S S strain pneumococci, 263–264, 264f Sabia virus, 518 Sabin, Albert, 444, 526 Sabin oral polio vaccine, 701, 702t Sabouraud dextrose agar, 540 Sac fungi See Ascomycota Saccaropolyspora erythraea, 780 Saccharomyces sp distilled spirits production and, 869 fermentation chemistry in, 178, 179, 179f, 861f genetic engineering using, 877 wine production and, 551 Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, 866 Saccharomyces cerevisiae beer production and, 866 budding, 543f characteristics of and research using, 551–552 classification of, 545 naming of, 78b sequencing genome of, 284 Saccharomyces ellipsoideus, 551, 866 SAFE strategy, for trachoma, 431 Safranin (red cationic dye), 87, 88f St Anthony’s fire, 553b St Louis encephalitis (SLE), 528, 528f, 530t, 609–610 Salem witches, ergotism and, 553b Sales, microbiology and careers in, 299 SalI, 275t, 278–279b Salk, Jonas, 440, 444, 526 Salk polio vaccine, 702t, 703 Salmon, Daniel E., 21t Salmonella sp antibacterial soaps and, 212b antibiotic resistance by, 791f antisera of, 80 as biological weapon, 634b Caesar salad, egg spoilage and, 820b conjugation between other genera and, 269 DNA adenine methylase and, 797–798 food spoilage and, 815 as foodborne disease, 629, 825 invasive gastroenteritis due to, 365t pasteurization and, 197 as proteobacteria, 99 Salmonella enterica microcompartments, 71f red wine and resveratrol effect on, 869b serotype Enteritidis, 52b, 356, 815f food spoilage and, 815 serotype Saintpaul, 357 serotype Typhimurium (Typhi) as biological weapon, 366b cultured on growth medium, 137f histidine-requiring strain of, 254, 255f invasive gastroenteritis due to, 355, 356, 365t phenol coefficients and, 207, 207t 2/10/10 10:35 AM INDEX raw milk and, 826 rod-shaped cells of, 104 views of, 357f Salmonella typhi See Salmonella enterica, serotype Typhimurium Salmonellosis, 356–357, 365t, 397f, 814 Salpingitis, 402, 405 Salt(s) in culture media, 150b extreme halophiles and, 103, 103f, 146 fermentation and, 829 formation of, 40 microbial growth and, 146 microbial life and, 132t Salting foods, 203, 823–824 Salvarsan, 26, 769, 770 Samuel, Delwen, 865b Sandfly vector, 576, 576f, 577 Sandwich technique, 721 Sanitation See also Bioremediation control of bacterial diseases with, 298 HACCP inspections for, 828 historical methods, 204–205 public health and, 190, 190f of sponges, 202b Sanitization, 191 Sanitize, definition of, 206 Saprobes, 184, 184f, 538, 547 Saquinavir, 785t SAR11, Sarcina arrangement, of cocci, 104 Sarcomas, 461 Sargasso Sea, 3–4 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) as biological weapon, 635b characteristics, 484–486, 487t DNA microarray for identification of, 287b as emerging virus, 29 outbreak of, 485b pandemic of, transmission of, 467b SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus (SARS-CoV), 484–486 SARS-associated virus, 466t Saturated fatty acids, 49, 51f Sauerkraut, 824, 829 Sausage poisoning, 814 Sausages, fermented, 830 Scalded skin syndrome, 421, 428t, 692 Scanning electron microscope (SEM), 91–92, 92f, 93b Scarlet fever, 304–305, 305f, 313t Schaudinn, Fritz, 21t Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 131 Schick test, 713 Schistosoma sp., 601t, 877 Schistosoma mansoni, 593–594, 594f Schistosomiasis, 514b, 592–594, 601t, 877 Schleiden, Matthias, 70 Schmutzdecke, 843–844 Schultz, Heide, 86b Schwann, Theodor, 70, 78b Science See also Microbiology as profession, study of, 36 Scientific inquiry, 10b Sclerotium, 552 Scolex, 591f, 592, 595 Scorpions, insecticides from toxin of, 872 Scrapie, 469, 470 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 31 Screening tests, 254, 723, 724 Scrub typhus, 388–389 Scurvy, 829 Seafood, allergic reactions to, 733 Seasonal flu See Influenza Sebaceous glands, 415, 417–418 Sebum, 415, 417–418, 652–653, 654f Secondary active TB disease, 315, 315f, 316b, 318 Secondary antibody response, 680f, 681, 721 Secondary immunodeficiencies, 754–755 Secondary infections, 616 Secondary lymphoid tissues, 650 Secondary metabolites, 862–863 Secondary sewage treatment, 845–846, 846f Secondary structure, of proteins, 55f, 56 Secondary syphilis, 406–408, 406f Secretory IgA (S-IgA, 682–683b Sedimentation, in water purification, 843, 843f Selective culture media, 149, 149t, 150b “Self/nonself ” tolerance, 671–672, 748–750, 749f Selzentry, 785t Semiconservative DNA replication, 229, 230f Semisynthetic drugs, 771, 870 Semmelweis, Ignaz chlorinated lime used by, 208 disease transmission studies by, 9, 12–13, 190, 335 on hand washing, 13f, 14b Senescence, 135b Sense codons, 235 Sensitized individuals, 732f, 733 Sensitizing dose, 731, 732f Sepsis See Septicemia Septa (septum), 538, 538f Septate fungi, 538, 538f Septic shock, 618–619b, 657 Septic tanks, 845 Septicemia (sepsis), 205–206, 353, 616, 618–619b, 841 Septicemic, use of term, 379f Septicemic plague, 244b, 380, 390t See also Plague Sequelae, 340 Serine, dipeptide synthesis and, 55f Seroconversion, 756, 760–761 Serogroups, 311 Serological reactions agglutination, 714, 715f, 716b, 717 characteristics, 711–713 complement fixation test, 717–718, 717f as disease diagnosis tool, 723b labeling methods enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 721, 722f fluorescent antibody technique, 718, 719f radioallergosorbent test, 720–721 radioimmunoassay, 718, 720, 720f for microorganism identification and classification, 80 neutralization, 713 precipitation, 713–714, 714f, 715f Serology, 711 Serotonin, 733, 734f Serotypes, 323, 355, 422 Serrati, Serafino, 813b Serratia sp., 269, 425t Serratia marcescens antibiotic resistance by, 795 flu vaccine shortage of 2004 and, 707b food spoilage and, 813, 813b, 814–815, 817 testing for, 325b Serum, blood, 648 See also Blood, human I-31 Serum hepatitis, 512 Serum sickness, 708, 743–744 70S ribosomes, 121, 121f, 779f Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) disease, 754, 755f Severe sepsis, 618–619b Sewage treatment, 836–837, 844–847, 846f Sewers, 845 Sexual reproduction See Reproduction Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) See also Contact bacterial diseases bacterial chancroid, 408–409 chlamydia, 400–402, 401f, 403b, 404b gonorrhea, 403, 405–406, 405f as public health challenge, 400 summary, 410t syphilis, 406–408 Ureaplasma urethritis, 409 fungal, vulvovaginitis, 556 protozoal, Trichomonas vaginalis, 572, 581–582 transmission of, 629 as U.S and world health problem, 397 viral genital warts, 498–499, 498f HIV, 759–760 molluscum contagiosum, 502–503 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 400 Seymour, Robert, 743b Shadow biosphere, 35–36 Shewanella, 132t Shiga, Kiyoshi, 21t, 357 Shiga toxin, 357 Shiga-toxin-producing E coli (STEC), 358 Shigella sp., 99, 269 Shigella dysenteriae, 357, 366b, 795 Shigella sonnei, 357, 365t, 791f Shigella flexneri, 622 Shigellosis, 357, 365t, 397f, 795, 825 Shingles (zoster), 490–491, 492b, 494t vaccine for, 702t, 706t, 712b Shotgun sequencing method, whole-genome, 288b Shrubbery lichens (fruticose), 546 Signs, 617, 723b See also Symptoms Silent mutations, 245, 248f Silicon, shadow biosphere and, 36 Silkworms, pébrine disease and, 17 Silver nitrate (AgNO3), 211, 216t Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), 757b Simian virus-40 (SV40), 275 Simple stain technique, 86, 87f Simplexvirus, 487f Sin Nombre (Hantavirus), 466t, 486 Single-dose vaccines, 701, 704 Singulair, 738 Sinuses, 307, 308f Sinusitis, 307–308, 313t Skin allergy tests, 738, 740f anatomy, 414–416, 416f antiseptics for, 212, 213 disease resistance and, 652, 654f indigenous microbiota of, 612, 612f Skin diseases acne, 417–418, 417f, 418f anthrax, 374, 374f CA-MRSA, 793b fungal candidiasis, 555–556 2/10/10 10:35 AM I-32 INDEX dermatophytosis, 554–555, 555f sporotrichosis, 556–557 summary of, 557t protozoal leishmaniasis, 576–577, 576f, 577b summary of, 582t viral chickenpox (varicella), 490–491, 491f common warts, 498, 499b fifth disease (erythema infectiosum), 497–498, 498f genital warts, 498–499, 498f herpes simplex virus or 2, 488–490, 488f, 489f human herpesvirus 6, 491–492 human herpesvirus 8, 493 molluscum contagiosum, 502–503 monkeypox, 503b oncogenic, 493, 493f plantar warts, 498 poxviruses, 467b roseola, 491–492 rubella (German measles), 496–497, 497f shingles (zoster), 490–491, 492b smallpox (variola), 500, 500f, 501f, 501t, 502, 502b summary of, 504t S-layer, of archaeal species, 117 Sleeping sickness, 24, 572, 585–586, 590t See also Trypanosoma sp Slide agglutination test, 714, 717 Slime layer, 106f, 111, 113 Slopek, Stefan, 452b Sludge, 845 Sludge tanks, 845 Small (30S) ribosomal subunit antibiotics and, 240, 779, 779f protein synthesis and, 121, 121f, 237f Smallpox (variola) as biological weapon, 634b complex symmetry of, 447f debate on destruction of, 502b infection allergy and, 746 infections, 500, 502, 504t Jenner’s experiments and, 14–15 lesions of, 501f stages of, 501t vaccine for, 702t, 710 viroid genome vs genome of, 468f virus, 24f, 500f Smells of food spoilage, avoidance of, 178b mate selection and, 688b Smith, Daniel, 342b Smith, Hamilton, 288b Smith, Theobald, 21t, 587 Smoking, for food preservation, 824 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 70f, 71 Smuts (smut fungi), 547 Snow, John cholera transmission studies by, 9, 13, 13f, 14b, 334, 335, 837 Koch’s confirmation of work by, 20 modern epidemiology and, 610–611 modern sanitation and, 190 Soaps, 212–213, 212b Sodium (Na), 37, 37t See also Salt(s) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 45 Sodium hypochlorite, 208, 216t Sodium penicillin G, 776f, 777f 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 32 Sodium stibogluconate, 577b Sodoku, 426 Soft chancre, 409 Softened water, 844 Soil, as disease reservoir, 627 Soil bacteria in carbon cycle, 849, 849f in nitrogen cycle, 852, 853f, 854, 854f Soilborne diseases bacterial anthrax, 373–375, 373f, 374b gas gangrene, 375–377, 376f identifying cases of, 391b leptospirosis, 377, 378b summary of, 378t tetanus, 375 parasitic ascariasis, 598–599 hookworm disease, 599, 600f Solfatara Crater, Pozzuoli, Italy, sulfurous steam vents of, 98f Solutes, 44, 44f Solvents, 44, 179f, 180 Somatic recombination, 681, 686, 690f Somatotropin, recombinant bovine, 277 Soper, George, 356b Soredia, 546, 547f Sørenson, Søren P L., 45 Sour cream, 830 Sour curd, 816 Sour flavors, 44 Sourdough bread starter, 816b Soviet Union, biological weapons of, 634b Soy sauce production, 829–830, 830f Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 8–9, 818 Spanish flu (1918-1919), 474, 475f, 479, 480–481b Sparkling wines, 868 Spawn, for mushroom farming, 873 Specialized transduction, 271, 272f, 273 Species, 78 Specific epithet, 78 Spectrophotometers, 154, 154f Spielberg, Steven, 148b Spikes of enveloped viruses, 446, 454f, 455 in HIV, 755–756, 756f viral penetration of cells and, 445, 445f, 453f Spinach, fresh bagged, E coli O157:H7 and, 358, 358f Spindle shape, of archaeal viruses, 447 Spiral shape, of bacterial cells, 105–106, 105f Spirilla (spirillum) shape, of bacterial cells, 105, 105f Spirillum sp., 854 Spirillum minus, 426, 428t Spirit (Mars rover), 132 Spirochaetes (phyla), 102 Spirochetes, 105–106, 105f, 110, 111f, 408f Spiroplasma citri, 123b Spleen, 650, 651f Spontaneous generation, 8–9, 10b, 11f See also Life, generation of Spontaneous mutations, 244 See also Mutations Sporangia (sporangium), 542, 542f Sporangiospores, 542 Spores See also Endospores; Prespores; Sporulation bacterial, microbial control of, 195, 197 fungal, microbial control of, 195 post-Hurricane Katrina distribution of, 535–536 spray drying food and, 822 in streams or lakes, 838 Sporothrix schenkii, 556–557, 557f, 557t Sporotrichosis, 556–557, 557t Sporozoites, of Plasmodium sp., 574, 575f, 583, 584f Sporulation, 137–139, 140f, 540, 542 Spray drying food, 822 Spreading factor, 623 Sputnik (virus), 446b Squids, Hawaiian bobtail, 69b Stability of chemicals, disinfection and, 206 Stabilizing proteins, in DNA replication, 229, 231, 231f Stahl, Franklin W., 229 Staining techniques, for contrast in microscopy, 84, 86–88, 87f, 88f Standard plate count procedure, of bacterial growth, 154, 154f, 821b, 848 Standard precautions, 639, 640f Stanier and van Niel, 126–127b Staphylococcal contact diseases, 419–421, 420f, 428t toxin-generated, 421, 421f, 422b Staphylococcal food poisoning, 346–347, 364t, 459, 825 Staphylococci (staphylococcus) as cell arrangement, 104–105, 105f coagulase-negative, nosocomial infections and, 639t as facultative microbes, 143 virulence factors and, 623–624 Staphylococcus sp contamination by, 116b ear infections and, 308, 313t on epithelial cells of trachea, 303f as Firmicutes, 101 food contamination from, 821–822 halotolerance of, 146 invasive burn wound infections and, 425t of male and female urinary tracts, 411 passive agglutination test of, 715f upper respiratory diseases caused by, 303 Staphylococcus aureus antibiotic resistance by, 263, 791, 794 increased, 768f on a catheter, 68f cell shape and arrangement, 104–105 coagulase and virulence of, 623 eyelid and corneal infections due to, 429–430, 432t food poisoning caused by, 346–347, 364t generation time in, 134 as grape-like cluster, 347f image of, 101f as indigenous microbiota, 303–304 influenza and, 482 lysis of, 114f methicillin-resistant (MRSA) antibiotics production and, 261 appearance of, 791f identification of, 150b phage therapy against, 452b public health and, 792–793b staphylococcal contact diseases and, 420–421 mucosal immune system and, 303 nasal infections and, 307–308 on needleless catheter connector, 847f nosocomial infections and, 639t phenol coefficients and, 207, 207t pneumonia and, 323, 329t sepsis and, 618b simplicity of, 67f of the skin, 416–417 urinary tract infections and, 415t vancomycin-resistant (VRSA), 270b, 791f, 792b 2/10/10 10:35 AM INDEX Staphylococcus epidermidis, 150b, 419 Staphylococcus epidermidis: staphylo, 78b Star, The (newspaper from USPHS leprosy center in Louisiana), 427b Starch, 48, 49f, 176 Start codons, 235 Stationary phase, 136f, 137, 862, 871 Steam canning foods using, 819 milk pasteurization using, 820 pressurized, in microbial control, 195, 197 Steel slag in water, pH level and, 46b Steeping, in beer production, 866 Stegomyia aegypti, 515, 516 Stegomyia albopicta, 516, 517b Stein, Stanley, 427b Stelluti, Francesco, Stem cells, hematopoietic, 677, 677f Sterile tissues in human body, 613 in meat and fish, 814 Sterility chlamydia and, 402, 403b gonorrhea and, 405 mumps and, 495 Sterilization See also Microbial control with autoclaves, 195, 196b, 196f, 197 chemical agents for, 213–214 food preservation and, 193b fractional, 197 for microbial control, 191, 191f nosocomial infections and, 639 Steroids, 737 See also Corticosteroids Sterols, 50, 51f Stewart, Eric, 135b Stewart, William, 767 Stibogluconate, 577 Sticky ends, 275, 276f, 278–279b Stilton blue cheese, 831 Stone crabs, avoidance of rotten food by, 178b Stop codons, 235 Stoxil, 785t Streak-plate isolation method, 152, 153f Strep throat, 304, 422, 791 Streptobacilli (streptobacillus) cell arrangement, 104, 105f Streptobacillus moniliformis, 425 Streptococcal cell arrangement, 104–105, 105f Streptococcal contact diseases, 421–423, 428t Streptococcal pharyngitis, 304–305, 313t, 422, 791 Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), 422–423, 428t Streptococci (streptococcus) as facultative microbes, 143 virulence factors and, 623–624 Streptococcus sp attachment pili of, 108 cell shape and arrangement, 105 in colostrum, 817 ear infections and, 308, 313t fermentation of, 179f, 861f as Firmicutes, 101 food spoilage and, 814, 815, 816 of male and female urinary tracts, 411 as oral microbiota, 339 passive agglutination test of, 714 pH and growth of, 144, 146 streptokinase and virulence of, 623 as transient microbiota, 612 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 33 upper respiratory diseases caused by, 303 water pollution and, 838 Streptococcus cremoris, 830 Streptococcus lactis, 178, 179–180, 820 Streptococcus mitis, 209b Streptococcus mutans conjugation and, 269 control of, ongoing research for, 342b dental cavities and, 50b, 209b, 340, 344t slime layer of, 113 Streptococcus pneumoniae acute sinusitis and, 307 antibiotic resistance by, 263, 791f increased, 768f competence in, 265 DNA studies using, 25 as encapsulated pathogen, 111 epiglottitis and, 307 gram-stain of, 323f infectious bronchitis and, 321, 329t meningitis and, 310, 311–312, 313t middle ear infections and, 309, 313t phagocytosis and, 657b pneumococcal pneumonia and, 263–264, 323, 329t sepsis and, 618b transformation in, 265 Streptococcus pyogenes airborne bacterial diseases and, 304–305, 313t blood clotting to control, 306b cell shape and arrangement, 104 cell structure and function of, 107 conjunctivitis due to, 429, 432t ␤-hemolytic, 422, 423f sepsis and, 618b Streptococcus sanguis, 328b Streptococcus sobrinus, 209b, 340, 344t Streptogramins, 781–782, 783t, 795t Streptokinase, 306b, 623, 624f, 625t, 864 Streptomyces sp for antibiotics production annual production, 870 bread made from, 781b genomic studies for, 260–261 plasmids and, 229 streptogramins and, 781–782 summary of, 783t tetracyclines, 780 cyanocobalamin production and, 863 image of, 101f Streptomyces albus restriction enzyme, 275t Streptomyces avermitilis, 788 Streptomyces cattley, 778 Streptomyces coelicolor, 227f, 260, 261f, 799 Streptomyces erythreus, 783t Streptomyces lincolnensis, 781, 783t Streptomyces mediterranei, 783t Streptomyces nodosus, 786 Streptomyces noursei, 786 Streptomyces orientalis, 778, 783t Streptomyces padanus, 773b Streptomyces venezuelae, 779, 783t Streptomycin antimicrobial spectrum of, 772f discovery of, 779 for plague, 380 protein synthesis and, 121 as protein synthesis inhibitor, 783t for tuberculosis, 318 for tularemia, 382 I-33 Stridor, 307 Stromatolites, 145b Stromectol, 788 Structural formulas, 40–41, 41f Structural genes, 240 Styes, 429 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), 494 Subclinical diseases, 620 Subculturing, 152 Substrate-level phosphorylation, 167, 168f Substrates, 80, 80f, 160, 161f Subunit vaccines, 702t, 704 Succinate, 169, 170f Sucrase, 160, 161, 173 Sucrose, 48, 161, 161f, 173 Sudden oak death, 571 Sugar See also Carbohydrates food preservation and, 203, 823–824 microbial growth and, 146 Sulfamethoxazole, 774 See also Trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole Sulfanilamide (SFA), 772, 774f, 783t Sulfate, 177 Sulfhydryl group, 47t Sulfolobus, 103f Sulfonamides (sulfa drugs) antimicrobial spectrum of, 772f competitive inhibition and, 772, 774, 783t for protozoal diseases, 787, 789t resistance to, 794, 795t Sulfur (S), 37, 37t, 142 Sulfur cycle, 852 Sulfur dioxide, 824, 866 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), 44 Summer flu, 559 Superantigens, 692 Supercoiled DNA, 228, 228f Supercoiled domain, 228 Superfund, 876b Superinfections, 795 Suppressor T lymphocytes, 737 Surface water, 838 Surfactants, 212 Svedberg units (S), 121 Swaart, Charlie, 158–159, 180 Sweat glands, 414–415 Sweet acidophilus milk, 830 Sweet curdling, of milk, 816–817 Sweet wines, 868 Swelling, inflammation and, 656 Swimmer’s ear, 308–309 Swimmer’s itch, 594 Swine flu, 4f, 29, 475, 480–481b, 640 See also H1N1 influenza virus Swiss cheese, 831 Sylvatic plague, 379 Symbiosis (symbiotic relationships) See also Endosymbiont model microbes and deep-sea hydrothermal vent giant tube worms, 185b microbiota of the human body and, 612–613, 614f, 615 nitrogen-fixing organisms and, 854, 855b parasitism as, 615 Symmetrel, 785t Symptoms, 617, 620b, 723b Synagis, 724 Syncytia (syncytium), 458, 483 Syndromes, 349, 617 2/10/10 10:35 AM I-34 INDEX Synercid, 781–782 Synthesis reactions, enzymes and, 161–162 Synthetic biology, 12b, 58b Synthetic culture media, 148, 148t, 150b Synthetic drugs, 771, 771f, 772, 772f, 774 Synthetic waste, bioremediation for, 875 Syphilis See also Treponema pallidum characteristics, 410t course of, 406–408 detection and diagnosis, 718, 719f famous people with, 396–397 incidence 1995–2007 in U.S and U.S territories, 400f salvarsan for, 26 spread of, 298 theories on origin of, 407b VDRL test for, 408, 417 Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 78 Systematic biologists (systematists), 73–75 Systematics, 73–75 Systemic anaphylaxis, 733–734 Systemic diseases, 616 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), 618–619b Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 744, 749–750, 750f, 750t, 754 Szostak, John, 58b T T lymphocytes (T cells) acquired immunity and, 648, 674 clonal selection and, 674–677 naive, maturation of, 687–689, 690f effector cells See Cytotoxic T cells; Helper T cells HIV and, 670, 670f, 763b hypersensitivities related to, 731f hypothalamus and, 689b as memory cells, 676, 763b mucosal immunity and, 682–683b origin and development of, 677–678, 677f regulatory, autoimmune disorders and, 748, 750t regulatory, miscarriages and, 751b suppressor, 737 surface receptors, 674, 674f Taenia saginata, 591f, 595, 601t Taenia solium, 595, 601t Tagamet, 363b Tai Chi, shingles immunity and, 492b Tamiflu, 483, 785t Tapeworms, 568, 591f, 592, 594–595, 601t Tattoos, toxic shock syndrome caused by, 422b Tatum, Edward, 25, 266 Taubman, Martin, 342b Taxa (taxon), 75 Taxonomy, 74–75, 448, 449t TCE (trichloroethylene), 874 Td vaccine, 375, 707b T-dependent antigens, 692 Tea drinking, interferon production and, 675b Teeth, tetracycline staining on, 780, 780f Teichoic acids, 114, 115f Temperate phages, 269, 271, 271f, 272f, 451, 451f Temperature See also Cold environments; Heat disinfection and, 206 enzyme inhibition and, 163 food spoilage and, 811 fungal growth and, 540 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 34 microbial growth and, 141–142, 142f microbial life and, 132t physical control of microorganisms and, 195f Temporal sensing, 110 Teratogens, 490 Termination, in DNA replication, 229, 230f Termination factors, 237, 238f Terminators, 233 Tertiary sewage treatment, 846–847, 846f Tertiary structure, of proteins, 55f, 56 Tertiary syphilis, 406f, 408 Tetanospasmin, 375 Tetanus characteristics, 375, 378t Clostridium tetani causing, 139 as exotoxin, 626t injecting drug users and, 376b vaccine for, 702t, 706t Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine, 707b tetR, 278–279b Tetracyclines annual global production of, 797f antimicrobial spectrum of, 772f for cholera, 350 for gastric ulcer disease, 361 interference with protein synthesis, 240, 783t in Nubian mummy bones, 781b for plague, 380 protein synthesis and, 121, 779f, 780 for protozoal diseases, 787 resistance to, 795t for Ureaplasma urethritis, 409 Tetrad arrangement, of cocci, 104, 105f Tetrahymena, 164b, 841f T-even bacteriophages, 449–451 Textile industry, microorganisms in, 863, 864t TH (helper T) cells, 686–687, 687f TH1 (helper T1) cells, 689, 690f TH2 (helper T2) cells, 689, 690f, 691–692, 693f, 752 Theory, definition of, 10b Therapeutic dose, 771, 771f Therapeutic serum, 707 Therapeutic vaccines, 762 Thermal death point, 192 Thermal death time (TDT), 192, 193b Thermococcus gammetolerans, 250b Thermoduric organisms, 820 Thermophiles, 142, 142f Thermotoga sp., 102 Thermotoga maritima, 292 Thimerosal, 211, 313, 707b Thiobacillus sp., 852 Thioglycollate broth, 144, 144f Thiomargarita namibiensis, 78b, 86b, 142 Thiothrix sp., 852 Three-domain system, 75, 75f Thrombocytopenia, 750t Thromboses, 307, 744 Thrush, 556, 557t 14C-Thymine, 59b Thymine (T), 51, 53f, 245 Thymosins, 689b Thymus, 650, 651f Ti (tumor-inducing) plasmid, 282, 282f Ticarcillin, 776f, 777 Ticks disease transmitted by arboviral encephalitis, 528–529, 528f babesiosis, 586–587 human monocytic ehrlichiosis, 389 Lyme disease, 382–384, 382f relapsing fever, 384, 385b Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 386 tularemia, 381 inflammatory response from bite of, 659b Tigecycline, 780 Time, characterizing disease using, 636b, 637f Tinactin, 555 Tinctures, 205 See also Iodine, tincture of Tinea capitis, 555 Tinea corporis, 555 Tinea cruris, 555 Tinea infections, 555, 557t Tinea pedis, 555 Tinidazole, 582, 787, 789t Tissue tropism, of viruses, 447 Tissue typing, 752, 752f Titan (moon of Saturn), 42b Titer, 711–712, 713f Titration, 711 T-mycoplasma, 409 TNT (trinitrotoluene), 875 Tobacco mosaic disease (TMD), 20, 442, 443f Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 443, 443f, 446, 447f Tobramycin (Tobi), 779 Todaro, George, 462 Togaviridae (togaviruses), 449t, 496–497, 497f, 504t, 517b Tolerance, “self/nonself,” 671–672, 748–750, 749f Toll-like receptors (TLRs), 662–663, 663f, 663t, 665b Tolnaftate, 555 Tomatoes, transgenic, 281 Tonegawa, Susumu, 681 Tonsillitis, 304 Tonsils, 650, 651f Tooth anatomy, 340f Tooth decay See Dental caries TORCH (congenital diseases), 490, 497, 511, 588 Torulopsis glabrata, 537f Total magnification, 84 Toxemia, 624 Toxic dose, 345, 771, 771f Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) changing social patterns and, 397 staphylococcal, 421, 421f, 422b, 428t streptococcal, 422–423, 428t superantigens and massive cytokine release in, 692 Toxic-waste sites, bioremediation of, 874–875 Toxigenicity, 624 Toxins See also Endotoxins; Enterotoxins; Exotoxins; Intoxications in antiseptics or disinfectants, 206 as biological weapons, 634–635b botulinum, 349, 349f, 366b, 634b Caesar salad, egg spoilage and, 52b ethylene oxide gas as, 214 genes coded on plasmids and, 229 of gram-negative vs gram-positive bacterial species, 88 oxygen as, 145b virulence and, 624–625 Toxoid vaccines, 702t, 704 Toxoids, 307, 625 Toxoplasma sp., 574 Toxoplasma gondii allergic reactions and, 739b 2/10/10 10:35 AM INDEX characteristics, 587–588, 588f, 590t lysosome fusion and, 657b transmission of, 629 Toxoplasmosis, 587–588, 590t, 759 Trachoma, 404b, 430–431, 431f, 432t Transcription antibiotics and, 782 compartmentalism of, 240–241 of genetic information in DNA, 232–234, 233f, 243f negative control and, 242b translation in E coli and, 239f translation in prokaryotes and, 124, 126, 126f in viral replication, 454f Transduction antibiotic resistance due to, 791 generalized and specialized, 272f horizontal gene transfer and, 269, 271, 273, 273f Vibrio cholerae O1 and, 351b Transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 234, 234f, 236, 236f, 243f Transformation antibiotic resistance due to, 791 of cells into cancer cells, 461 horizontal gene transfer and, 263–266, 264f, 265f, 273f in marine snow, 266b Transfusion reactions, 731f, 740–741, 741f Transgenic plants, 281–282, 282f, 877 Transient microbiota, 612, 616f Translation compartmentalism of, 240–241 of genetic information by RNA sequencing, 232, 232f, 243f protein synthesis and, 236–237, 238f transcription in E coli and, 239f transcription in prokaryotes and, 124, 126, 126f in viral replication, 454f Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), 469–470 Transmission electron microscope (TEM), 91, 92f, 93b Transplacental infections, 497 See also Infants, newborn Transplantation Carabin and acceptance of, 692b drugs to limit rejection of, 753, 753t organ, DNA sequencing for pathogens and, 286b rejection of, 731f technology for, 750–753 Transport systems for ATP production, 166, 167t bacterial flagella as, 112b cell membrane, 118 magnetotaxis, 122b Transposable genetic elements, 251–252, 252f, 795–796 Transposons, 251–252, 251b, 269 Traumatic wounds, 424, 424f Travel, international, emerging and resurging diseases and, 640, 641f, 642 Traveler’s diarrhea, 351–352, 580 Tree of life See Phylogenetic tree of life Trees, water purification and, 844b Tréfouël, Jacques and Therese, 772 Trematodes, 591–592 See also Flukes Trench mouth, 343, 344t Treponema sp., 344t Treponema denticola, 344t 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 35 Treponema pallidum See also Syphilis arsphenamine for, 769 endoflagella of, 111f generation time in, 134 image of, 101f as microaerophile, 142 on phylogenetic tree of life, 407b as spirochete, 102, 106 Treponema pertenue, 407b Trichinella spiralis, 200, 597, 598f, 601t, 629–630 Trichinellosis, 597, 601t Trichloroethylene (TCE), 874 Trichoderma, 538 Trichomonas vaginalis, 572, 581–582, 581f, 582t Trichomoniasis, 582t Trichonympha, 572, 573f Trichophyton sp., 555, 557t Trichuris suis, 593b Triclosan, 211, 216t Trifluridine, 785t Triglycerides, 49, 51f Trimethoprim-diaminopyrimidine, 787 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 308, 562, 581, 774, 783t Trinitrotoluene (TNT), 875 Tripedia, 313 Trismus, 375 Trivalent vaccines, 526 Trombicula, 388 Trophosome, 185b Trophozoites amoebal, 578–579, 578f Giardia, 580 Naegleria fowleri, 590 Pneumocystis jiroveci, 560 Toxoplasma gondii, 587 Trichomonas vaginalis, 581–582 Trypanosoma sp., 24f, 572, 573f, 585–586, 586f Trypanosoma brucei, 590t variety gambiense, 585–586 variety rhodesiense, 586 Trypanosoma cruzi, 586, 590t Trypanosomes, 572 Trypanosomiasis, 585–586, 590t Tryptophan (trp) operon, 242b TSEs (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies), 469–470 Tsetse flies, 585–586, 586f T-SPOT.TB test, 318 Tsutsugamushi fever, 388–389 Tube dilution method, for antibiotic susceptibility assay, 788–789 Tubercle, 314, 315, 316b, 317f, 318 Tuberculin reaction (skin test) as delayed hypersensitivity, 731f infection allergy and, 746–747, 746f for tuberculosis, 315, 316b, 318, 319f Tuberculoid leprosy, 426 Tuberculosis (TB) See also Mycobacterium tuberculosis as airborne bacterial disease, 314–315, 329t antibiotic resistance in, 791 chronic, 616 concept map for, 315f cow’s milk and, 826 disease detection, 318 epidemiology, 314 infection allergy and, 746 Koch’s study of, 20 I-35 pathogenesis, 314–315 persister cells of, 138b prevention of, 319 progress of, 317f pulmonary, 318f as reemerging disease, 29 reported U.S cases in 2007, 397f spread of, 298 treatment for, 318–319, 320b, 774, 775b, 779 tubercle development, 316b vaccine for, 702t Tularemia, 381–382, 382f, 390t Tumor cells, cytotoxic T cells and, 691, 691f Tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF-␣), 733 Tumors See also Cancer, human use of term, 459 Turbidity, bacterial growth and, 154, 154f Twinex, 520 Twinrix, 706t Two-gene systems, 251b Twort, Frederick, 443 Ty21a vaccine, 355, 356 Tygacil, 780 Tyndall, John, 197, 770 Tyndallization, 197 Type I diabetes, 749, 750t Type I hypersensitivity, 731, 731f, 732f Typhoid, derivation of term, 355 Typhoid fever, 354–356, 355f, 356b, 365t, 702t, 825 Typhoid Mary, 356b Typhus See Rickettsiae Typhus fever, 386–387, 388b U Ulcerative colitis, 593b Ulcers, gastric, 361, 362f, 363b, 365t Ultra-high temperature (UHT) method, of pasteurization, 197, 198b Ultra-pasteurization, 820 Ultrastructure, visualization of, 91 Ultraviolet (UV) light as carcinogen, 461 DNA damage by, 53 food preservation and, 824 herpes simplex and, 489f for mail decontamination, 215b microbial control using, 200, 200f, 203t mutagenesis using, 245, 245f Uncoating, 453, 453f, 455f Undifferentiated cells, 677 Undulant fever, 354 United Nations See also World Health Assembly; World Health Organization Millennium Declaration, 837 Unsaturated fatty acids, 49, 51f Upper respiratory tract (URT), 302–303, 302f, 476 See also Respiratory diseases, upper indigenous microbiota of, 612, 612f Uracil (U), 51, 53f Urban yellow fever, 515 Urea breath test for H pylori, 361 Ureaplasma urealyticum, 409 Ureaplasma urethritis, 409, 410t Urethritis characteristics, 412, 415t gonococcal See Gonorrhea 2/10/10 10:35 AM I-36 INDEX nongonococcal chlamydial, 401–402, 404b Ureaplasma, 409, 410t Urey, Harold, 58b 3H-Uridine, 59b Urinary tract anatomy, 410–411, 411f indigenous microbiota of, 410–411, 612, 612f infections (UTIs) biofilms and, 847 cystitis, 412–413 prostatitis, 414 pyelonephritis, 414 statistics and risk for, 411–412 summary of, 415t urethritis, 412 Urination, 410, 411 Urticaria, 735 Urushiol, 747, 747f USA 300 strain, CA-MRSA, 793b Ustilagic acid, 864–865 Ustilago zeae, 865 V Vaccinations See also Immunization; specific diseases for adults, 706t antibiotic resistance prevention and, 798–799b for artificially acquired active immunity, 700–701, 700f for children, CDC recommendations, 705f cost-benefit from, 698 herd immunity and, 708–709 incidence, mortality and, 698–699, 699f waivers for, 710b Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), 710 Vaccines See also specific diseases adjuvants for increased efficacy of, 707b currently in use, 702t development of, 712b generations of attenuated, 701 conjugate, 704–705 DNA, 705 HIV/AIDS, 706 inactivated, 701, 703 subunit, 704 toxoid, 704 genetically engineered, 281 mechanism of action, 701 Pasteur’s development of, 19–20 reduction in viral diseases and, 475 side effects from, 709–711 Vaccinia virus, 465b Vacuoles, 573, 574, 574f Valacyclovir, 512 Valdiserri, Ronald, 729 van Gogh, Vincent, 396 Vancomycin, 353, 772f, 778, 783t, 795t Vancomycin intermediary resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VISA), 791f, 792b Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, 270b Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA), 270b, 791f, 792b Vaqta, 520, 706t Variable domains, 678f, 679 Variables, in experiments, 10b 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 36 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), 470 Varicella See Chickenpox Varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIG), 490 Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), 487f, 490, 494t Varicellovirus, 487f Variola See Smallpox Variolation, 14 Varivax, 490, 706t Varmus, Harold, 462 Vasodilation, 656 VBNC (viable but not-culturable) organisms, 152, 290, 293–351 VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) test, 408, 717 Vectors of arthropodborne diseases, 379 disease transmitted by, 629f, 630 plasmids as, 120 recombinant vector vaccines and, 705 sandfly, 576 Vegetalia (kingdom), 73, 74f Vegetative cells, 137, 139, 139f, 140f Vehicle transmission of disease, 629–630, 629f Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test, 408, 717 Venereal diseases, 400 See also Sexually transmitted diseases Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), 528, 528f Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever, 518 Venipuncture, 212 Venter, J Craig bacteriophage assembly and, 12b marine microorganisms studied by, 3–4, 22 metagenomics and, 290, 294 sequencing H influenzae, 288b three-domain system and, 75 Vertical gene transfer, 262, 262f Vertical transmission of disease, 628f, 629 Vesicle bioreactors, 12f Vesicles See also Gas vesicles; Phagosomes chickenpox, 490 cold sores, 488f of Golgi apparatus, 71 magnetosomes, 122b smallpox, 500, 501f Viable but not culturable (VBNC) organisms, 152, 290, 293, 351 Vibrio sp., 99, 354 Vibrio cholerae as biological weapon, 366b cells of, 1f flagella of, 335f gastroenteritis and, 349–351, 364t glycocalyx of, 111 isolation of, 334 naming of, 78b O1 Classic, 79, 350 O1 El Tor, 79, 350, 350f O1 serotype, 351b O139, 350 pH and growth of, 144 transmission of, 630 Vibrio fischeri, 69b Vibrio parahaemolyticus, 354, 365t Vibrio shape, of bacterial cells, 105, 105f Vibrio vulnificus, 354, 365t, 841 Vibriosis, 354 ViCPS vaccine, for typhoid fever, 356 Vidarabine, 785t Videx, 785t Vincent’s infection, 343 Vinegar natural acids in, 824 production of, 829 Vira-A, 785t Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs), 514–518, 519t Viral infections See Viruses, infections due to Viral inhibition, 681, 684, 685f Viral load, drug resistance and, 762f Viral load test, 761 Viral pneumonia, 478 Viramune, 785t ViraPap test, 283 Virazole, 785t Virchow, Rudolph, 70 Viremia, 492, 616 Viroids, 468–469, 468f Virology early work in, 20 foundations of, 442–444 microbiology and, 23f preparation for careers in, 439 Virophages, 446b Viroptic, 785t Virosphere, 441 Virotherapy, 465b Virulence, defined, 615 Virulence factors defined, 108, 354, 615 enzymes as, 864 invasiveness and, 622–625, 624f, 625t Virulent phages, 269, 271f, 272f, 450, 451f Virulent viruses, 450 Viruses See also Antiviral drugs; Microbes as biological weapons, 634–635b cancer and, 459, 461–464, 461f, 462t, 463f classification of, 23, 448 components of, 444–446, 445f cultivation and detection of, 458–459, 459f detection of, 457–458, 458t, 716b emerging, 466–467, 466t, 467b host range, 447 hypotheses on origin of, 468 infections due to bacterial, parasitic, or fungal disease percentages vs., 784f blood and lymphatic system, 510–514, 514t blood types and, 743b gastrointestinal, 519–523, 523t HIV opportunistic, 760f identifying cases of, 531b inhibition by antisense molecules, 239b nervous system, 524–530, 531t respiratory, 475–488 secondary immunodeficiencies due to, 754–755 skin, 488–503, 504t known species as human pathogens, 642f as living or nonliving, 444b, 446b pest-control using, 872 radioactive labeling of, 59b replication of, 449 animal viruses, 452–455 bacteriophages, 449–451, 450f one-step growth cycle in, 460b shapes of, 446–447 size relationships among, 442f 2/10/10 10:35 AM INDEX study of, 438 tissue tropism of, 447 waterborne diseases due to, 841 Virus-like agents, 468–470, 468f, 469f VISA (vancomycin intermediary resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 791f, 792b Visceral diseases kala azar, 577 leishmaniasis, 577, 577b Vitamin B2 production, 863 Vitamin B12 production, 863 Vitamin C, for colds, 477 Vitis vinifera, 866 Voges-Proskauer test, 179f, 180 Volutin, 121 Volvox, 24f V-oncogenes, 463–464 Voriconazole, 562 VRSA (vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 270b, 791f, 792b Vulvovaginitis, 555–556 W Wagner, Rudolph, 496 Waksman, Selman A., 779 Waldor, Matthew, 351b Walking pneumonia, 324 War conditions, relapsing fever and, 386 War of the Worlds (film), 148b Warren, J Robin, 361, 363b Warts, 498, 499b See also Genital warts Wasabi, as antiseptic, 209b Washington, George, 767 Wasting disease, in elk and deer, 469 Water See also Oceans; Waterborne diseases bacteriological analysis of, 848, 848f, 850–851b balance in eukaryotic and bacterial cells, 72 boiling, for microbial control, 194–195 cell membrane and diffusion of, 118 contamination of, 345–346 disease emergence or resurgence and, 642 disease transmission and, 629f, 630 covalent bonds in, 41f dehydration synthesis reactions and, 43 as disease reservoir, 627 food spoilage and, 811 hydrogen bonding in, 42–43, 43f photosynthesis and, 180, 182f polluted fish handler’s disease and, 842b microorganisms in, 838, 839f, 840 types of, 840–841 properties of, 44, 44f purification cholera and, 836–837 defined, 842–843 steps in, 843–844, 843f quality testing, gene probe and PCR for, 283 safe, populations lacking access to, 837, 837f types of, 838 unpolluted, microorganisms in, 838 Waterborne diseases bacterial, 349–361 campylobacteriosis, 358, 360, 360f as cause for, 345–346 cholera, 349–351, 350f See also Cholera 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 37 Clostridium difficile, 352–353 E coli, 351–352, 352f See also Escherichia coli E coli O157:H7, 358 Helicobacter pylori, 361 Legionella, 324–325, 326b, 327 Listeria monocytogenes, 353–354 Salmonella Typhi, 355 shigellosis, 357 as biological weapons, 366b protozoal cryptosporidiosis, 580–581, 580f cyclosporiasis, 581 giardiasis, 579–580, 580f review of, 841–842 Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, 311 Watson, James D., 51, 224, 225, 226b, 229, 284 Waxes, 50 Weil disease, 377 Weinstock, Joel, 593b Weizmann, Chaim, 274b, 859 Welch, William, 21t Weller, Thomas, 444 Wells, H G., 148b Wescodyne, 210 West Nile encephalitis, 467b, 529 West Nile fever, 467b, 529 West Nile meningitis, 529 West Nile virus as biological weapon, 635b DNA vaccine for horses, 705 as emerging virus, 466, 466t false-color transmission electron micrograph, 529f in New York City, 609–610, 610f as reemerging virus, 29, 29f West Nile virus disease, 528–529, 528f Western blot analysis, 761 Western equine encephalitis (WEE), 528f, 530t Wheals, 735, 738, 740f Whey, 816, 831, 861 Whipworms, 593b Whiskey, 869 White wine, 869b Whiteheads, 418, 418f Whitfield’s ointment, 555 Whittaker, Robert H., 73, 572 Whole-genome shotgun sequencing method, 288b Whooping cough See Pertussis Wild type cells, 244 Wild types, 252 Wilde, Oscar, 396 Wilkins, Maurice, 51, 226b Willoughby, Rodney E., Jr., 524b Wine, 15–16, 551, 864t, 866, 868f Winogradsky, Sergius, 22 Winter diarrhea, 522 Woese, Carl, 73, 75, 97 Woodruff, Alice M., 443 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MIT’s, 64 Woolsorter’s disease, 373 World Health Assembly, 526 World Health Organization (WHO) Alliance for Global Elimination of Trachoma by 2020, 431 on bacterial meningitis, 311 on carcinogens and cancer, 461 on diphtheria, 307 Direct Observation Treatment System of, 320b on epidemics since 2002, 28 I-37 epidemiological tracking by, 14b Global Influenza Surveillance Network, 703b on global mortality from infectious diseases vs noninfectious causes, 28f malaria eradication by, 568, 585b on pneumonia in children, 322b SARS outbreak and, 484–485, 485b smallpox eradication and, 500, 502b on tuberculosis, 314 on water needs worldwide, 842 World Wildlife Fund, 467b Wort, 866, 867f Wounds acute or chronic, indigenous microbiota and, 419 botulism and, 348 hydrogen peroxide as antiseptic for, 213 Writing skills, career preparation and, 223 Wuchereria bancrofti, 599–600, 601t X X rays, 200, 200f, 203t XDR-TB (extensively drug resistant tuberculosis), 319, 791f Xenografts, 751–752 Xenopsylla, 387f Xenopsylla cheopis, 379, 379f X-linked (Bruton) agammaglobulinemia, 754 XMRV, effects on cell growth by, 462t Xylanases, 863t Y Yaws, 407b Yeast(s) See also Fungi; Saccharomyces sp in beer production, 866 budding, 543f, 546f characteristics, 551–552 cheese production and, 831 commercial uses of, 873, 873f food spoilage and, 813, 817 growth of, 538 life cycle of, 537 nitrogen fixation and, 854 Pasteur’s research on, 15–16, 16f in sourdough starter, 816b in streams or lakes, 838 vinegar production and, 829 in wine production, 866 Yeast infection, 555–556 Yellow fever, 20, 443, 514–515, 519t, 702t Yellowstone Park, Grand Prismatic Spring, 36f, 98f Yersin, Alexandre, 21t, 379, 647 Yersinia sp., 99, 841 Yersinia enterocolitica, 360–361, 365t, 821 Yersinia pestis cell structure and function of, 107 evolution of, 244b injection mechanism of, 112b plague caused by, 372, 379–381, 379f Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, 244b Yersiniosis, 360–361, 365t Yogurt, 337b, 400, 556, 830 Z Zambia, cholera epidemic in, 334 Zanamivir, 483, 784–785, 785t 2/10/10 10:35 AM I-38 INDEX Zantac, 363b Zephiran, 213, 213f Zinc (Zn), 37, 411, 477 Zinder, Norton, 269 Zinsser, Hans, 386, 388b Zithromax, 781 Zone of equivalence, 714 Zoogloea ramigera, 845 Zoonoses (zoonosis, zoonotic diseases) among known pathogens, 640 62582_CH30_IDX_I_001_I_038.pdf 38 arboviral encephalitis as, 528–529 brucellosis, 354 exotic pets and, 467b hepatitis E as, 520 Lassa fever, 518 leptospirosis, 377 pneumonia-causing, 327–328 rabies virus, 524–526 yellow fever, 515 Zostavax, 491, 706t Zoster (shingles), 490–491, 492b, 494t vaccine for, 702t, 706t, 712b Zovirax, 785t Zufall, Frank, 688b Zygomycota (zygomycetes), 543, 544f, 545, 545f Zygospores, 545, 545f Zymosan, 663, 663t Zyvox, 782 2/10/10 10:36 AM PHOTOGRAPH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS P-1 Photograph Acknowledgments Title page © Eye of Science/Photo Researchers, Inc Chapter opener images Courtesy of C S Goldsmith and A Balish/CDC TABLE OF CONTENTS Page vii © Geir Olav Lyngfjell/ShutterStock, Inc.; page viii © Aleix Ventayol Farrés/ShutterStock, Inc.; page xiii © Jaimie Duplass/ShutterStock, Inc Part Opener © Dr Gopal Murti/Photo Researchers, Inc.; Part Microbiology Pathways Courtesy of CDC CHAPTER 1.1A © Steve Gschmeissner/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 1.1B © Reuters/Eliana Aponte/Landov; MicroFocus © WilliamRobinson/Alamy Images; 1.2A © 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(continued) Microsporum racemosum mı–-kro–-spô'rum ras-e–-mo–s'um –-len'tum Morchella esculentum môr-che'lä es-kyu –'kôr Mucor mu –-bak-ti're–-um –a 've–-um Mycobacterium avium mı–-ko M bovis bo–'vis –'e– M cheloni ke–-lo M haemophilum he–-mo'fil-um M kansasii kan-sä-se– 'ı– M leprae lep'rı– M marinum mãr'in-um –-lo –'sis M tuberculosis tü-be˙r-ku – Mycoplasma genitalium mı -ko–-plaz'mä jen'i-tä-le–-um –'ne–-ı– M pneumoniae nu-mo –-kok'kus zan'thus Myxococcus xanthus micks-o Naegleria fowleri nı–-gle're–-ä fou'le˙r-e– Nannizzia nan'ne˙-ze˙-ä Necator americanus ne-ka–'tôr ä-me-ri-ka'nus Neisseria gonorrhoeae nı–-se're–-ä go-nôr-re–'ı– N meningitidis me-nin ji'ti-dis –-ros'po–r-ä Neurospora nu – Nitrobacter nı -tro–-bak'te˙r –-so–-mo –'näs Nitrosomonas nı–-tro – Nocardia asteroids no-kär'de–-a as-te˙r-oi'de–z Nostoc nos'tok Paramecium pãr-ä-me–'se–-um –'si-dä Pasteurella multocida pas-tye˙r-el'lä mul-to –-be–k Pelagibacter ubique pel-aj'e–-bak-te˙r u – Penicillium camemberti pen-i-sil'le -um kam-am-be˙r'te– P chrysogenum krı–-so'gen-um –-fül'vin P griseofulvin gris-e–-o –-tä'tum P notatum no –-ko–-fôr'te– P roqueforti ro –-strep'to–-kok'kus Peptostreptococcus pep-to Pfiesteria piscicida fes-ter'e–-ä pis-si-se–'dä –-to –-rab'dus lü-mi-nes'senz Photorhabdus luminescens fo – Phytophthora infestans fı -tof'thô-rä in-fes'tans P ramorum rä-môr'-um –'de–-um fal-sip'är-um Plasmodium falciparum plaz-mo P malariae mä-la–'re–-ı– –'va'le– P ovale o P vivax vı–'vaks –-sis'tis je˙r-o –-vek'e– Pneumocystis jiroveci nü-mo Porphyromonas gingivalis pôr'fı–-ro–-mo–-näs jin-ji-val'is –-kok'kus Prochlorococcus pro–-klôr-o –-pe–-on'e–-bak-ti-re–-um Propionibacterium acnes pro – ak'ne z –'te–-us mi-ra'bi-lis Proteus mirabilis pro 62582_CH30_CVRS_p002-005.pdf –-do–-mo–'näs ã-rü ji-no–'sä Pseudomonas aeruginosa su P cepacia se-pa–'se–-ä P marginalis mär-gin-al'is Rhizobium rı–-zo–'be–-um Rhizopus stolonifer rı–'zo-pus sto–-lon-i-fe˙r –-do–-spı–-ril'um ru –b'rum Rhodospirillum rubrum ro Rickettsia akari ri-ket'se–-ä ä-kãr'ı– R prowazekii prou-wa-ze'ke–-e– R rickettsii ri-ket'se–-e– R tsutsugamushi tsü-tsü-gäm-ü'she– R typhi tı–'fe– Saccharomyces carlsbergensis sak-ä-ro–-mı–'se–s kä-rls-be˙r-gen'sis S cerevisiae se-ri-vis'e–-ı– S ellipsoideus –e -lip-soi'de–-us Saccharopolyspora erythraea sak-kãr-o–-pol'e–-spo-rä –e -rith'rä-e– –n-el'lä en-te˙r-i'kä Salmonella enterica säl-mo S enterica serotype Enteritidis en-te˙r-i-tı–'dis S enterica serotype Typhi tı–'f –e S enterica serotype Typhimurium tı–-fi-mur'e–-um Schistosoma haematobium shis-to–-so–'mä he–-mä-to–'be–-um S japonicum ja-po–'ne–-kum –-ne– S mansoni man'-so Serratia marcescens ser-rä'te–-ä mär-ses'sens Shigella dysenteriae shi-gel'lä dis-en-te're–-ı– S sonnei son'ne–-e– Spirillum minus spı–'ril-lum mı–'nus –'thriks shen'ke–-e– Sporothrix schenkii spô-ro Staphylococcus aureus staf-i-lo–-kok'kus ô-re–-us S epidermidis e-pi-der'mi-dis S saprophyticus sa-pro–-fi'ti-kus Streptobacillus moniliformis strep-to–-bä-sil'lus mon-i-li-fôr'mis Streptococcus agalactiae strep-to–-kok'kus a-gal-ac'te–-ı– S cremoris kre-mo–r'is S lactis lak'tis –'tans S mutans mu S pneumoniae nü-mo–'ne–-ı– S pyogenes pı–-äj'en-e–z S sobrinus so–'bri-nus S thermophilus the˙r-mo'fil-us Streptomyces cattley strep-to–-mı–'se–s kat-tel'-e– –'le–-ku-le˙r S coelicolor ko S erythraeus er-i-thra–-us S griseus gri'se–-us –l-nen'sis S lincolnensis lin-ko 2/4/10 3:16 PM Pronouncing Organism Names (continued) S mediterranei me-di-te˙r-rä'ne–-e– –'sus S nodosus no–-do – S noursei ner'se -e– –r-e–-en-tal'is S orientalis o S venezuelae ve-ne-zü-e'lı– –-bus Sulfolobus acidocaldarius sul'fo–-lo – – as-i-do-käl-dãr'e -us Taenia saginata te'ne–-ä sa-ji-nä'tä T solium so–'le–-um Tetrahymena pyriformis tet-rä-hı–'me-nä pir-i-fôr'mis –-to–-gä mar-i-te–'mä Thermotoga maritima the˙r'mo – – Thiobacillus thı -o-bä-sil'lus Thiomargarita namibiensis thı–'o–-mär-gä-re–-tä na'mi-be–-n-sis Thiothrix thı–'o–-thriks –-plaz'mä gon'de–-e– Toxoplasma gondii toks-o Treponema pallidum tre-po–-ne–'mä pal'li-dum –-e– T pertenue pe˙r-ten'u Trichinella spiralis trik-in-el'lä spı–-ra'lis –-de˙r-ma ma–'jôr Trichoderma major trik'o –-mo –n'äs va-jin-al'is Trichomonas vaginalis trik-o 62582_CH30_CVRS_p002-005.pdf Trichonympha trik-o–-nimf'ä Trichophyton trik-o–-fı–'ton Trypanosoma brucei gambiense tri-pa'no–-so–-mä brüs'e– gam-be–-ens' –-de–-se–-ens' T brucei rhodesiense ro – T cruzi krüz'e –-re–-ä-plaz'mä Ureaplasma urealyticum u –-re–-ä-lit'i-kum u Vibrio cholerae vib're–-o– kol'e˙r-ı– V parahaemolyticus pa-rä-he–-mo–-li'ti-kus V vulnificus vul-ni'fi-kus –-ke˙r-ãr'e–-ä ban-krof'te– Wuchereria bancrofti vu Yersinia enterocolitica ye˙r-sin'e–-ä en'te˙r-o–-ko–l-it-ik-ä Y pestis pes'tis –-do–-tu –-be˙r-kyu-lo–'sis Y pseudotuberculosis su –-gle–-ä ram-i-ge˙r'ä Zoogloea ramigera zo–'o 2/4/10 3:16 PM ... PFUs/culture 108 106 104 1 02 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 Hours after washing A One-Step Growth Cycle 625 82_ CH14_438_473.pdf 460 2/ 3/10 3:54 PM 14.6 Tumors and Viruses cells to other tissues of the body Such a... infective behavior of viruses? 625 82_ CH14_438_473.pdf 445 2/ 3/10 3:54 PM 446 CHAPTER 14 The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents 14 .2: Environmental Microbiology Are Viruses Living Organisms? Part The news... known as a virion MICROFOCUS 14 .2 revisits the question of whether viruses are living organisms CONCEPT AND REASONING CHECKS 14 .2 625 82_ CH14_438_473.pdf 446 Identify the role of each structure found

Ngày đăng: 23/01/2020, 13:15