Bài giảng Bệnh của vú giới thiệu tới các bạn một số bệnh ở vú. Với những hình ảnh minh họa, bài giảng sẽ giúp cho các bạn hiểu được những căn bệnh này một cách tốt hơn. Với các bạn chuyên ngành Y học và những bạn quan tâm tới lĩnh vực này thì đây là tài liệu hữu ích.
Terminal duct–lobular unit (TDLU) A, Diagrammatic representation of this structure ETD = Extralobular terminal duct; ITD = intralobular terminal duct Mammary gland Mammary gland Terminal duct–lobular unit (TDLU) B, Photomicrograph of this unit as seen in a normal adult female Mammary gland Mammary gland Immunocytochemical markers of mammary lobule A, Lactalbumin, showing positivity in secretory epithelium and intraglandular lumina Immunocytochemical markers of mammary lobule B, Actin, showing positivity in the outer myoepithelial cell component Smooth muscle cells present in adjacent vessel walls serve as built-in controls Lactational changes in mammary lobule There is marked cytoplasmic vacuolization Gross appearance of fibromatosis involving breast The mass is solid and ill defined Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia Thin channels lined by spindle cells are seen scattered within a hyalinized stroma Bizarre multinucleated cells in mammary stroma This neoplastic change is analogous to that more often seen in the stroma of the upper aerodigestive tract and in the genital tract So-called “virginal hypertrophy of breast,” showing proliferative changes in epithelium and stroma Juvenile papillomatosis (Swiss cheese disease) The gross appearance is that of clustered cystic formations Juvenile papillomatosis (Swiss cheese disease) Wholemount view showing variously sized cystic formations, alternating with solid epithelial proliferations Epithelial proliferation surrounded by a hypocellular myxoid halo in gynecomastia Myofibroblastoma of male breast The microscopic appearance is very reminiscent of solitary fibrous tumor Carcinoma of the male breast composed of welldifferentiated tumor cells with abundant granular cytoplasm having oncocytic features Grading of the immunohistochemical staining for HER2/neu overexpression