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719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 Week : 01 Date of preparing: August 24th, 2008. Period: 01 Date of teaching : August 26th, 2008. INTRODUCTION. I. OBJECTS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Feel interesting to learn English; know the importance of English and some ways to learn English. + Prepare some school things; say “Good morning and Goodbye” to the teacher. II. CONTENTS OF LANGUAGE : 1. Vocabulary: + Good morning, teacher, Goodbye, May I come in?, May I go out? 2. Grammar: III. METHODS: Explanation, elicit IV. TEACHING AIDS: + Textbook, pictures, chalks. V. STEPS OF TEACHING: Stages &time Teacher ‘ s activities Students’ activities A. Class- Org aniz atio n 5ms - Greets: Hello everybody - Greets B. New lesson Warm up 3ms 1.Presentation 8 ms -Greet SS. Introduce in English. +Hello everyone. +I am Dao. My name is Nguyen Cong Dao. +I am an English teacher. +I will teach you English. - Have you ever learnt English before? -Who can speak English now? -Greet some SS and have them introduce themselves. -Remark and make them interesting. +Do you like learning English? +Why should you learn English? -Guide the importance of English… +Do you want to speak English well? *Teacher should explain some sentences in Vietnamese again. -Have SS should prepare some school things. -Introduce SS how and what have to learn. -Teach SS how to greet T, say goodbye… T: Good morning class. *T: Goodbye class. Sts: goodbye teacher. -Guide SS to give their request *St: May I come in? / May we come in? May I go out? / May we go out? (I’m) sorry sir? -Guide SS to answer some questions *T: Who absents today? / Nobody/ one … -Listen to the teacher. -Answer the questions. -Listen to -Take notes. -Repeat after the teacher in chorus. -Take notes. -Practice School year: 2008 – 2009 - 1 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 -Do you understand? / Do you know? => Yes/ No. -Who is the monitor/ duty monitor? -How many SS are there in our class? -Who absent today? => No/ Yes. One/ two… -Do you like playing games? => Yes. -Guide SS how to learn English well C. Homework -Give the homework and guide SS to prepare +Learn new words by heart +Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1 -Say goodbye -Take notes. -Say goodbye Week : 01 Date of preparing: August 24th, 2008. Period: 02 Date of teaching : August 26th, 2008. UNIT 1: GREETINGS. School year: 2008 – 2009 - 2 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 LESSON 1: HELLO (A1 => A4). I. OBJECTS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: +Practice how to greet people, to identify oneself, to ask how people are and to say thank you. II. CONTENTS OF LANGUAGE: 1. Vocabulary. + Hello, Hi, I, you, how, fine, thanks, am, are. 2. Grammar: + My name is …; I’m ….; How are you? ; I’m fine. III. METHODS: - Communication, asking and answering, matching / guessing game… IV. TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, pictures, color chalks, cassette… V. STEPS OF TEACHING: Time & stages Teacher ‘ s activities Students’ activities A. Warm- up 5ms - Greetings - Call some SS to write sentences or words in English on the board - Greetings - Write sentences or words in English on the board B. New lesson 1. Presentation 5 ms 2. practice 5 ms 3. production 5 ms 1. pre-listening 5 ms 2. While- listening 7 ms 3. Post- listening 8 ms Unit 1: GREETINGS Lesson 1: A. Hello (A1,2,3,4) A1. Listen and repeat: -Say hello to SS; identify it’s self. -Have some good SS do too. -Give new words on the board : + Hello. + Hi -Have SS read new words -Play the tape and let SS listen and repeat. -Let SS play roles of people in the pictures. -Control and correct the pronunciation. A2. Practice: -Let SS go around the class and say “Hello”, “Hi” to their friends. -Control and correct the mistakes. A3. Listen and repeat: -Introduce teacher’s self: Hello. I am Dao. My name is Dao. -Ask SS tell what they said. -Have SS listen to the tape. -Have SS say what they heard -Correct the mistakes. -Pick up new words on the board: + I + Name + My + Is + Am -Have SS read new words -Have SS Listen again and repeat. -Call some SS play the roles to introduce -Have good SS introduce themselves. -Correct the Mistakes and pronunciation A4. Practice with a group: -Guide SS to practice with a group -Have SS practice to introduce themselves Unit 1: GREETINGS Lesson 1: A. Hello (A1,2,3,4) A1. Listen and repeat: -Listen to. -Say hello and identify them. -Copy new words. -Read new words in chorus and individuals. -Play roles and practice in pairs. - Go around the class and say “Hello”, “Hi” to their friends. -Listen to. -Answer the question. -Copy the new words. -Read the new words in chorus and individuals. -Practice greeting and introducing - Introduce themselves -Practice greeting and asking -Play game School year: 2008 – 2009 - 3 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 -Have SS play game: Guessing game -Call a S to go on and face to the board. Others greet and ask him. After that he guess the S greet him. He will come back to his seat if he calls the S rightly. C. Consolidation 3ms A8. Remember: -Say again the contents of unit and have SS read and write part remember -Listen to. D. Homework 2 ms -Give homework: +Learn new words by heart. Practice greeting and identifying yourselves with your friends. +Do exercise in the workbook. +Prepare the next lesson. -Say goodbye. - Listen and take notes. -Say goodbye. Week : 01 Date of preparing: August 26th, 2008. Period: 03 Date of teaching : August 29th, 2008. UNIT 1: GREETINGS. LESSON 2: HELLO (A5 => A8). II. OBJECTS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: +Practice how to greet people, to identify oneself, to ask how people are and to say thank you. II. CONTENTS OF LANGUAGE: 1. Vocabulary. + Hello, Hi, I, you, how, fine, thanks, am, are. 2. Grammar: + My name is …; I’m ….; How are you? ; I’m fine. III. METHODS: - Communication, asking and answering, Jumble / guessing game… IV. TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, pictures, color chalks, cassette… V. STEPS OF TEACHING: Time & stages Teacher ‘ s activities Students’ activities School year: 2008 – 2009 - 4 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 A. Check - up 10 ms - Greetings -Check up the number of SS - Call some SS to write sentences or words in English on the board - Greetings -Answer - Write sentences or words in English on the board B. New lesson 10 ms 7 ms 10 ms Unit 1: GREETINGS Lesson 2: A. Hello (A5,6,7,8) A5. Listen and repeat. -Give pictures of Ba and Lan to introduce -Have SS Listen to the dialogue -Have SS tell what they heard -Pick up new words and have SS copy + Fine + Thank you = Thanks. + And you? I am …… = I’m…… How are you? -Have SS read the new words -Ask SS to listen the tape again and repeat - Correct the pronunciation. -Have SS play roles of people in the dialogue. A6. Practice with a partner: -Introduce the people in the picture. Mr. Nam, Mrs Hoan, Miss Dung… -Have SS play the role of these people to practice -Have SS play game: Guessing game -Call a S to go on and face to the board. Others greet and ask him. After that he guess the S greet him. He will come back to his seat if he calls the S rightly. A7. Write in your exercise book -Give chart of open dialogue and have SS complete -Have SS complete the dialogue and read it -Give a short dialogue (not in order) I’m fine, thanks. Fine. Thank you. And how are you? Hi, Hung. Hello, Ngoc. How are you? -Have SS arrange it in order. -Correct the mistakes and explain if necessary. -Have SS practice the dialogue. -Give some jumble words and have SS play game: Jumble words Eg: owh => how 1. lleho 2. nief 3. ktsanh 4. tanhk ouy 5. dan Unit 1: GREETINGS Lesson 2: A. Hello (A5, 6,7,8) -Listen to. -Answer the question. -Copy the new words. -Read the new words in chorus and individuals. -Listen and repeat -Listen to the teacher -Play the roles to practice the dialogue -Listen to the teacher -Play the roles to practice making the dialogue - Introduce themselves -Play the game -Complete the dialogue -Give the answer and practice -Look at the words given -Arrange the dialogue -Correct the mistakes -Practice the dialogue -Play the game Key answers 1. Hello 2. fine 3. thanks School year: 2008 – 2009 - 5 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 -Have SS correct the mistakes -Correct the mistakes if necessary -Have SS read the words and tell their meaning 4. thank you 5. and -Correct the mistakes -Read the words they found C. Consolidation 5ms A8. Remember: -Say again the contents of unit and have SS read and write part remember -Have SS copy down -Listen to. -Copy down D. Homework 2 ms -Give homework: +Learn new words by heart. Practice greeting and identifying yourselves with your friends. +Do exercise in the workbook. +Prepare the next lesson. -Say goodbye. - Listen and take notes. -Say goodbye. Week : 3 Date of preparing: August 29th, 2008. Period:4 Date of teaching : September 9th, 2008. UNIT 1 : GREETINGS. LESSON 3 : GOOD MORNING (B1,2,3,4,5,6). I. OBJECTS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Greet people in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and say Goodbye, Good night. II. CONTENTS OF LANGUAGE: 1. Vocabulary. + Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Goodbye, Good night . 2. Grammar: +Greet people, say “Goodbye, Good night ”. III. METHODS: - Communication, asking and answering ,real situation IV. TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, pictures, color chalks, cassette… V. STEPS OF TEACHING: Time & stages Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities A. Check up (10’) - Greet SS and ask them “How are they?” - Have them write some words and introduce their names -Correct the mistakes and the pronunciation. -Have SS play games: Lucky numbers 1. LN; 2. Greet your friends; 3. Ask your friend’s health; 4. LN; 5; LN; 6; Greet your teacher; 7. Count number from 1 to 10; 8. LN; 9. Count number from 11 to 20; 10. LN -Remark and cheer the winner team - Greet and answer. - Write some words on the board, introduce their names -Play games -Cheer the winner team C. New lesson 1.Presentation (8’) UNIT 1 : GREETINGS. LESSON 3 : GOOD MORNING (B). B1. Listen and read: UNIT 1 : GREETINGS. LESSON 3 : GOOD MORNING (B). B1. Listen and read: -Look at the pictures. School year: 2008 – 2009 - 6 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 2.Practice (10’) 3.Production ( 5’) - Give 4 pictures (page 15) on the board -Have SS talk about the time of each picture. -Play the tape -Have SS listen to and repeat -Introduce new lesson with 4 new words. + Good morning ( picture) + Good afternoon ( picture) + Good evening ( picture) + Good night ( picture) + Goodbye/ bye (situation) - Read new words. - Have SS read new words. - Correct the pronunciation. -Have SS listen to the tape and play the tape. -Have SS listen and read after the tape again -Have SS play roles of people in the situations. -Control and correct the pronunciation. B2. Practice with a partner: -Have SS practice by themselves with the situation in the pictures -Have SS play the game: word snake. -Give 3 pictures of snakes with jumble words in each snake. * Snake 1:moyhellogugoodmorningsw. Snake 2: egohisohoegoodafternoonju. Snake 3:hwosocmhelloguasxbyetoma. -Correct the mistakes. B3. Listen and read: -Give and introduce pictures (page 15) on the board. -Have SS guess what they speak -Play the tape and have SS listen -Have SS tell what they heard -Pick up some words on the board. + Children + Mom + We + We are = We’re -Have SS copy new words. -Have SS read new words. -Correct the pronunciation. -Have SS listen to the tape and play the tape. -Have SS listen and repeat after the tape. -Have SS play roles of people in the situations. -Control and correct the pronunciation B4. Write: -Give a chart of open dialogue on the board -Have SS write and complete the dialogue -Have SS give the answer -Correct the mistakes -Have SS practice reading the dialogue -Correct the pronunciation B5. Play with words: - Listen to teacher’s requests -Listen to the tape -Listen and repeat - Copy down new words + Good morning + Good afternoon + Good evening + Good night + Goodbye/ bye (situation) - Read the new words in chorus and individuals. -Listen to the tape -Listen and repeat. -Play roles.(practice in pairs) B2. Practice with a partner: -Practice more -Play the game. =>hello, good morning =>hi, good afternoon. =>hello, bye. B3. Listen and read: - Look at the pictures. -Guess - Listen to the dialogues - Tell what they heard -Look and copy the words + Children + Mom + We + We are = We’re -Read the new words in chorus and individuals. -Listen to the tape -Listen to and repeat. -Play roles. -Complete the dialogue (page 16) School year: 2008 – 2009 - 7 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 -Have SS sing a song: Good morning song. Good morning, teacher. Good morning, teacher. How are you? How are you? I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine thank you. And you? We are fine , thanks…. -Give exercise Odd one out: 1. hi; fine; night; this 2. six; night; is; miss 3. ten; we; evening; eleven 4. and; name; thanks; am -Have SS find out one of four which has underlined letter is different from the others -Correct the mistakes and explain -Have SS read the words -Learn to sing a song. Good morning song. Good morning, teacher. Good morning, teacher. How are you? How are you? I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine thank you. And you? We are fine , thanks…. -Do exercise -Correct the mistakes -Read the words D. Consolidation (4’) -Say again the contents of unit . -Remark the period. -Listen to. E. Homework (1’) -Give homework: +Learn by heart new words, structures. +Practice greeting and identifying yourselves with your friends +Do exercises in the workbook. +Prepare the next lesson. -Say goodbye -Take notes . -Say goodbye. School year: 2008 – 2009 - 8 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 Week : 3 Date of preparing: September 7 th , 2008. Period: 5 Date of teaching : September 9 th ,2008. UNIT 1: GREETINGS. LESSON 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU? (C1, 2). I. OBJECTS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Count numbers from 1 to 20. II. CONTENTS OF LANGUAGE: 1. Vocabulary. + Numbers from 1 to 20. 2. Grammar: III. METHODS: - Communication, asking and answering ,real situation IV. TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, pictures, color chalks, cassette… V. STEPS OF TEACHING: Time & stages Teacher ‘ s activities Students’ activities School year: 2008 – 2009 - 9 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao 719 High School English lesson planning- Grade 6 A. Check up (5’) -Greet and ask : Who absent today? -Have some SS greet each others in the morning, in the after noon, in the evening, before going to bed. -Have them write greetings on the board. -Correct the mistakes. -Greet and answer -Greet each others. -Write greetings on the board. - Reread correctly B. New lesson Warm up 5’ 1.Presentation (12’) 2.Practice (10’) 3. Production (8’) UNIT 1: GREETINGS LESSON 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU? -Have SS play game: Hellene’s path -Give handouts and have SS find the path out by finding the words that has pronunciation /ai/ hi fine old how name is i nine my are you we two night five this four ten am bye C1. Listen and repeat: -Have SS read and write the number from 1 to 20 if they can -Give number flash cards on the board to correct the mistakes of writing -Have SS listen to the tape and find out the number they read wrongly C2. Practice: -Have SS listen, repeat after the tape. -Read the numbers and have SS repeat. -Have the class read the numbers. -Have some SS read the numbers. -Control and correct the pronunciation. -Have SS copy the new words. -Have SS play the game: rub out and remember. -Have SS play the game: first to say twenty or bingo -Control and correct the mistakes. -Have SS write some numbers 3; 5; 8;12; 13; 15; 20 UNIT 1: GREETINGS LESSON 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU? -Play game -Look at the number flash cards. -Some read it. -Listen to the tape and find out the number they read wrongly -Listen and repeat after the tape. -Listen and repeat after teacher. -Read the numbers in chorus. -Read the numbers individually. -Copy new words. -Play the game -Write some numbers C. Consolidation (2’) -Say again the contents of lesson. -Remark the period. -Listen D. Homework (1’) -Give homework: +Learn by heart new words + Practice counting from 1 to 20 +Do exercises in the workbook. +Prepare the next lesson. -Say goodbye -Take notes. -Say goodbye. Week : 3 Date of preparing: September 8 th , 2008. Period:6 Date of teaching : September 12 th , 2008. School year: 2008 – 2009 - 10 Teacher: Nguyen Cong Đao

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2013, 15:10


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