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UNIT 9 : DESERTS Period 55 A. READING Teaching date //2009 A. Aims : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - understand the passage about deserts and scan for specific information. - use vocabulary related to the topic of the lesson through exercises. B. Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, pictures. C. Teaching method: Communicative approach . D. Procedure: Teachers Activities Students Activities I. Warm up ( 5 Min.) Game : Animal in hiding - Get Ss to work in group ; Deliver handouts with the following sentences and ask them to find the animals hiding in the sentences. Ex: Close the door at once ! -> rat 1. That will be a real help. 2. She came late every day. 3. He came to America today. 4. Eric owes me ten cents. 5. Do good workers succeed? 6. If Roger comes, well begin. 7. In April I only came once. 8. Ill sing; you hum on key. 9. She clothes naked baby. 10. At last, I, Gerald, had won. Lead in : Which kind of these animal can live in deserts ? II. Presentation ( 35 Min.) 1, Pre reading a, Pair work :Discuss the questions in textbooks Ask Ss to work in pair. Call some pairs to give the answers. Give comments. b, Vocabulary : - desert (n) ['dezt] : large area of land without water and trees often covered with sand. - northerly (adv/ adj) in or toward the north. - eastward (adv. adj) toward the east - corridor (n):[ 'krid:]long narrow passage of land running through territory of another state. - stable (adj.) ['steibl] firmly fixed, not easy to change 2, While - reading : a. Task1: Give the Vietnamese equivalents Expected answers: 1. That will be a real help. -> bear 2. She came late every day. -> camel 3. He came to America today. -> cat 4. Eric owes me ten cents. -> cow 5. Do good workers succeed? -> dog 6. If Roger comes, well begin. -> frog 7. In April I only came once. -> lion 8. Ill sing; you hum on key. -> monkey 9. She clothes naked baby. -> snake 10. At last, I, Gerald, had won. -> tiger Expected answers: 1. They are dry, hot. Dunes are around deserts. 2. Camels, scorpions, cactus. 3. Australia, China, Egypt . Poster Matching A (English) B (Vietnamese) 1. stretch a. thổ dân úc 2. sandy b.kho sỏt trên không 3. 'aerial survey c. kéo dài, căng ra 4. Royal Geographical d.đỉnh , nóc Society of Australia e.đụn cát. cồn cát 5.Australian Aborigine f.cỏ lá nhọn 6. dune g. dốc 7. slope h. gò , đống to the following words or phrases - Ask students to read through the text once to find out some new words, guess the main idea. - Ask Ss to read the passage silently, stop when they meet a new word or a phrase and find words or phrases in the passage which have the following meaning given in the Task 1. - Hang a poster , ask Ss to match. - Gives feedback. b. Task 2: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F): - Guides Ss the way to do Task 2 and ask them to work in pairs - Gets Ss to check theirs answers and explain their choices. - T calls some Ss to read theirs answers and explain their choices. - T comments and gives feedbacks. c. Task 3: Answer the following questions - Asks Ss to read the passage silently and answer the questions individually - Asks Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers. - Calls on some Ss to write the answers on the board. - Checks with the class. - Gives feedback. 3. Post – reading : Discuss the question “ Which method should people use to stop desert expansion ? ) - Ask Ss to discuss in groups. - Call some Ss to present their ideas. - Give comments. III. Consolidation and Homework ( 5 Min.) - Learn by heart all the new words. - Do the task 3 again. - Prepare part B 8. stable i. Hội địa lí Hoàng Gia Úc 9. hummock j. cát 10. crest k. dốc 11. spinifex m. ngược đứng(dốc) Feedback 1- c; 2 – j ; 3 – b ;4 – i ; 5 – a; 6 – e ; 7 – k ; 8 – m ; 9 – h ; 10 – d ; 11 – f Feedback(Task 2) 1. F ( .three great stretches of sandy deserts ) 2. F (Simpson is not the largest one. The largest is the Gibbon, Great Sandy and the Tanami Deserts) 3. T (Until Madigan made an aerial survey in 1929, he .) 4. F (Colson and Australia Aborigine) 5. F ( northern ) 6. T (In the northern dry salt lakes ) Feedback(Task 3) 1. There are Great Victoria Deserts, Gibbon, Great Sandy, Tanami deserts and Simpson Deserts. 2. It lies between Lake Eyre in the south, the MacDonnell Ranges in the north, the Mulligan and the Diamantia Rivers in the east and the Macumba and Finke Rivers in the west. 3. In 1845 4. He was the president of the South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australia. 5. They took camels across the desert. 6. In the west part, they are short, mostly less than 10 meters high, and in the northern part, they are parallel and are up to 20 meters high. 7. two. They are hummock grasses and spinifex. Suggested ideas : - ban people from cutting down trees for fuel and farmland ( because when they cut down trees, the climate and soil are affected and forests are turned into deserts. - plant a wall of trees across the edge of a desert to stop desert sand from spreading. -build long canals or pipelines to carry water to desert area. Goodbye! Period 56 B. SPEAKING Teaching date… /……/2009 A. Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - list some kinds of trees and animals living in deserts and talk about natural features of deserts - express their ideas about trees and animals living, natural features of deserts B. Methods: Communicative approach C. Teaching aids : Textbook, posters, pictures, …. D. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm – up ( 5min.) : Network - Ask Ss to find out as many words as possible and point out what animals and plants might live in deserts. Cactus → Introduces the new lesson: In today’s speaking lesson, you’ll practice talking about the natural features of a desert. II. Presentation ( 35Min.) 1. Pre – speaking Task 1 : Check the trees and animals . Activity 1 :Vocabulary - eucalyptus (n) [,ju:kə'liptəs] (pl) : eucalyptuses, eucalypti cây khuynh diệp, cây bạch đàn - lizard (n) ['lizəd] con thằn lằn - cactus (n) [ 'kæktəs]; (pl) cacti['kæktai] cây xương rồng Activity 2 : Pair work - Ask Ss to choose the trees and animals and give the reasons why they can live in a desert. Expected answers: - camel - banana - horse - buffalo - dog - grass - spinifex - hummock grass - date palm . * Animals and plants can live in deserts: camels, lizards, desert fox, some kinds of birds cactus , date palm Sample conversation: A: What animals can live in a desert? B: I think they are camels. A: Why can they live in a desert? B: Because they can exist without food and water if they need to. When they eat, they store fat in their humps. They can drink as much as water and store in a small flash – shaped bags Plants and animals 2. While – speaking Task 2 : Finding out the natural features of a desert. - Have Ss to work in pairs to find out as many natural features of a desert as possible . - Tell Ss to compare their results with other pairs. - Call on some Ss to present their ideas. - Give feedback. 3. Post – speaking Task 3 : Some important things : - Put Ss into groups. - Tell Ss they are going to travel across the desert. - Ask them to suggest some important things they should bring along with them in the journey and explain the reason of their choice. - Call on some groups to present their choices. - Give feedback and make comments. III. Consolidation & Homework ( 5 Min.) -Write a short paragraph about the natural features of a desert. ( What and how is it formed ? ) that line inside of their stomach. A: What kind of trees can live in a desert? B: I think it is cactus A: Why can cactus live in a desert? B: Because when it rains, water is stored in its stem and it never loses its leaves. feedback. - There is no water in a desert. - It’s a hot , dry and sandy place. - There are few animals and plants living in a desert. - It has arid climate. - Little rain falls in deserts. - Some deserts can be cold for most of the year. Generally, the seasons are dry. Feedback - I thing we should bring a lot of food and water. They can help us to survive in the desert if we get lost. - In my opinion, I think we should bring a large hat and sun block to protect ourselves from the heat and sunlight. - A box of match is very necessary for us to make a fire at night. Goodbye! Period 57 C. LISTENING Teaching date… /……/2009 A. Aims : By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: - To practice students’ speaking and listening skills. - To help students to guess the meaning of some words and do the task given in order to understand the listening about deserts B. Methods: Integrate, Communicative approach C. Teaching aids : Textbook, posters…. D. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm – up ( 5 Min.) Jumble words - Ask Ss to put the words in the correct order. TEREDS *Lead – in : Our lesson will focus on some features of desserts and how they are formed . II. Presentation ( 35 min.) 1. Pre-listening: a. Pair work : Discuss the questions - Ask Ss to work in pair . - Call some Ss to answer in front of the class. - Correct and give feed back b. Vocabulary - Explains unfamiliar words to students * frightening speed : tốc độ nhanh đến khủng khiếp * canal [kə'næl] kênh, sông đào * needle ['ni:dl] lá kim (lá thông, lá tùng) * agent (n) ['eidʒənt] tác nhân; chất 2. While – listening: A, Task 1 : T/ F statements: - Ask students to spend 2 mins to read all the statements, underline the important words and guess which sentence is true and which is false. - Play the record once again and ask students to do the task . - Ask students to work in pairs to exchange their answers - Ask some students to read aloud their answers - Listen and give remarks. T can play the record again if students cannot give correct answers B. Task 2 : Answer the questions : - Have Ss work in pairs. - Ask the Ss to try to answer the questions. Expect word DESERT - Desert is a dry, hot and sandy place. - It is formed by nature and the act of humans. - Human can make deserts. They destroy the soil and environment , step by step, the soil becomes desert. - Read through the statements and underline key words - Listen to the tape - Do the task individually and compare the answers Feedback: 1. T ( Nothing is soft.) 2. F ( Some kinds of plants can grow in deserts.) 3. T (Time and space seem endless in a desert.) 4. F ( Nature and humans cause the change .) 5. T ( They eat every plant they can find.) - Play the tape again. - Call some pairs to ask and answer. - Give feedback * Task3: Fill in the missing word(s) - Let Ss read the passage and find the right words to fill in. - Play the tape once more . - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners. - Check the answers with the whole class. - Give feedback 3. Post – listening: Group works - Have Ss work in group to fill in the missing words / phrases in the boxes . d - Go around and offer to help if necessary. - Call some Ss to present in front of the class. - Correct and give comment III. Consolidation & Homework ( 5Min.) - Write a short paragraph about desert Expected answers 1. It examines deserts, what they are and how they formed. 2. It is a hot, dry, sandy place. It is also a beautiful land of silence and space. The sun shines, the wind blows, and time and space seem endless 3. Nature and humans. 4. They contribute by eating every plant they can find. This makes the land becomes desert. Feedback: 1. 90 percent (%) 2. smaller 3. prevent 4. spreading 5. capital 6. canals - Ss do in groups - Present in front of class Feedback: 1. Causes 2. prevent 3.nature 4. humans 5.plant trees 6. build canals Goodbye! Period 58 D. WRITING Teaching date… /……/2009 A. Aims : By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - describe the main features of a desert DESERT Measures to (2 .)the growth of desserts (1 ) of the growth of deserts (6 . ) (5 ) (4 .)(3 . ) - write full paragraph about the Sahara desert. B. Methods : Communicative C. Teaching aids : Pictures, textbooks, handouts D. Teaching procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm – up ( 5 Min.) WHAT IS IT? The Cues: 1. It is located in Africa 2 It is the largest desert in the world. Introduction: Write a composition about THE SAHARA DESERT. II. Presentation ( 35 Min.) 1. Pre – writing : * Vocabulary : - extend (v) /iks'tend/ kéo dài (không gian hoặc thời gian); mở rộng - oasis (n) [ou'eisis] ; oases (pl) :ốc đảo - tableland (n) ['teibllænd] :khu vực đất rộng ở bình độ cao; vùng cao nguyên; bình nguyên - gazelle (n) [gə'zel]: linh dương gazen - antelope (n) ['æntiloup] nai sừng tấm - moisture (n)['mɔist∫ə] hơi ẩm; nước ẩm đọng lại; nước ẩm rịn ra * Elicit structures: + Tenses: Simple present ∗General information: - Ask student to read the request of task one and translate. - Explain them how to do the task - Give students the structures and some new words. * Outline : - Ask Ss to give outline. Check in front of the Expected answer IT is the SAHARA desert Expected outline * Location: - It is the largest desert … - It is located in .and extends/stretches from …to - It lies largely in ……… (10% of Africa) * Area: - It covers …. - Its total area is … class. 2, While – writing : -Ask the Ss to write a composition about the Sahara Desert based on the outline they have written. 3, Post – writing :Peer correction - Choose one writing and ask a student to write on the board. - Ask the rest of the class to correct the mistakes and give comments. - Give comments and feedback. IV. Consolidation & Homework(5 Min ) - Prepare lesson : Language focus - … has a total area of …. * Natural features: - The moisture is almost totally absent so it is … - It is ……. with …… - There is/ are … - Sahara is on a tableland with … * Trees and animals: - We can find …… - The main trees are……. - The main animals can be seen are …… Sample Writing : The Sahara Desert is the world’s largest hot desert. Located in northern Africa , the Sahara Desert extends from the Atlantic Ocean eastward past the Red Sea to Iraq. The entire desert is about 1,610 kilometers wide and about 5,150 kilometers long from east to west .With the total area more than 9,0650,000 square kilometers the Sahara Desert lies largely in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia , Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, and Sudan. The Sahara Dessert is known as an arid area where moisture is almost totally absent and few oases exist. It is usually very hot in summer but extremely cold in winter. The desert is characterized by sandy land and large dunes of sand. In the Sahara Desert , there is also a tableland with an average elevation ranging from 400 to 500 meters. Due to the dry climate , few forms of animals and plants can exist in the Desert . Cacti, date palms , and acacias are some main trees which can be found there. Popular animals living there include gazelles, antelopes, foxes , jackals, and camels. Goodbye! Period 59 E. LANGUAGE FOCUS Teaching date… /……/2009 A. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - to pronounce full and contracted forms of auxiliaries correctly (cont.) - revise the use of so, but, however and therefore - Words related to the exercises B. Methods : Communicative approach and leaner- centered approach. C. Teaching aids : Pictures, textbooks, handouts D. Teaching procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm – up :( 5 min.) 1. They are always phoning me at home. 2. He is reading a book in his room. 3. They say they will go to the cinema tonight. 4. I am a teacher and you are a student. 5. Lan will be 17 next week. ? What are "am, is, are, shall, will"? → Lead in: Today we study "Weak and strong forms of some auxiliaries"(Cont.) II. Presentation ( 35 min.) A. PRONUNCIATION * Listen and repeat - Read the model some words and ask Ss to repeat. - Get some Ss to pronounce these words - Correct pronunciation (if any) - Correct and give feedback Remarks: * Full form is often used in common. * Contracted form is often used in abbreviation. * Practice reading the sentences - Plays the tape, Ask Ss to read after the tapes. (Reads aloud the sentences) - Calls some Ss to read and correct mistakes. B. GRAMMAR : Hang on a poster and ask Ss to pay attention to the underlined words and give remarks  BUT, HOWEVER, and YET: 1. My brother still had a dollar , but he didn’t Excepted answers : * They are auxiliaries. ♣ Repetition: full forms contracted forms Full forms contracted forms I am [ai æm] You are [ju:a:(r)] He is [hi: iz] She is [∫i: iz] It is [it iz] We are [wi: a: (r)] They are [đei a: (r)] I'm [aim] You're [juə] He's [hi:'z] She's [∫i: 'z] It's [it 'z] We're [wiə] They're [đeə] I shall/will [ai ∫æl, ∫əl] You will [ju: wil] He will [hi: wil] She will [∫i: wil] It will [it wil] We shall/will [wi ∫æl/wil] They will [đei wil] I'll [ail] You'll [ju:l] He'll [hi:l] She'll [∫i:l] It'll [itl] We'll [wil] They'll [đeil] - Listen and repeat. - Read Suggested answers: : But / yet / However / Although: co-ordinate conjunctions. They are used to express contrast / want to spend it . 2. She was a bit tired . However she stayed up late to finish the report . 3. She was a bit tired ; however , she stayed up late to finish the report . 4. He is very rich , yet he is not contented .  ALTHOUGH / HOWEVER : 5. Although she was a bit tired, she stayed up late to finish the report. 6. However tired she was, she stayed up late to finish the report.  SO : 7. It was late , so the workers stopped work and left the factory . 8. He is very popular , so everybody likes him .  THEREFORE : 9. It was late .Therefore the workers stopped work and left the factory . * Practice : - Ask Ss to do exercises provided in the books. - Have them do individually, and then compare the answers with the partners. - Call Ss to give the answers. - Correct and give feedback. III. Consolidation & Homework ( 5 Min.) - Concessive Clauses. - Practise reading the words and the sentences - Do all the exercises - Prepare Unit 10, Part A – Reading concession. - But : often follow a comma and begin the second clause . - However: common in formal speech or writing. It can go at the beginning , middle or end of a sentence and always ha a punctuation before and after.  So; Therefore : To express result . So : follows a comma and introduces the second clause. Therefore: : normally only in fairly formal sentence. It can begin the second clause / sentence or follow the first auxiliary. Feedback Exercise 1 : 1. so 2. but 3. so 4. but 5. so 6. but 7. but 8. So Exercise 2: 1. but 2. however 3. yet 4. so 5. but 6. However 7. however 8. but . Exercise 3: 1. therefore 2. so 3. so 4. therefore 5. However 6. Therefore 7. So 8. How Goodbye! . UNIT 9 : DESERTS Period 55 A. READING Teaching date //20 09 A. Aims : By the end of the lesson Ss will be. Gia Úc 9. hummock j. cát 10. crest k. dốc 11. spinifex m. ngược đứng(dốc) Feedback 1- c; 2 – j ; 3 – b ;4 – i ; 5 – a; 6 – e ; 7 – k ; 8 – m ; 9 – h ;

Ngày đăng: 15/09/2013, 13:10

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