It is believed that people should have the right to have free university education While this idea is worthy aim, I think it is impractical for government to apply this policy On the one hand, I suppose that people from poor financial background should be able to study at university free It is clear that people cannot go to university if they not afford tuition fee This also means that they can be excluded from higher education and well-pay jobs, which results in not utilizing all the potential of human resources For example, the poor black communities in the US in the past did not get good jobs because they did not fulfill necessary criteria, which caused by being lack of education On the other hand, free higher education is not expects to give to everyone People from rich families are expected to pay for their studies as they afford to it Attendance at university is privilege, and if students are able to pay tuition fee, they should so Moreover, government cannot support for everyone as infinity budget and there are practical problems that need governmental funds Government are under pressure of others important areas, such as health care, environment and so on, therefore, they need to allocate the budget to maintain all the issues of society in suitable way In summary, I disagree with the view that free university education can be a right for everyone as funding should be limited for one who cannot afford tuition fee