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UNIT 2-E8(J)

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Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 Lesson Plan English unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 08 Getting started &Listen and read I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will be able to: -use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements -read for details about a conversation on the phone II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar:+be going to(talk about intention), adverbs of place - Vocabulary :moble phone, public telephone,downstairs,hold on, a bit far from, outside III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, brainstorming,repetition IV.TEACHING AIDS: extraboard,pictures,tape V.PROCEDURES : STAGES CONTENTS NOTES *Chatting: 1.Warm up : -Do you have a telephone / a mobile phone? T:ask Ss some questions -What you you often use for it?(Do you use it for Ss:answer the questions one by one phoning your friends ?) 2.Presentation: I.Getting started: *Match each object with its name: T:stick pictures on boarb and guide Ss to the task Ss:work in groups:match each object to the right picture @.Answer keys: a) an answering machine d) a telephone directory b) a mobile phone e) a public telephone c) a fax machine f) an address book @.Definition: 1.To send fax 2.To find someone’s telephone number 3.To write addresses and telephone numbers 4.To make a phone call in a street telephone box 5.To leave and receive message 6.To make phone call anywhere you need @.Match the object with it’s definition: a-5 b-6 c-1 d-2 e-4 f-3 II.Listen and read: 1.Set a scene: Hoa and Nga are talking on the phone.They are talking about going to see a movie 2.Vocabulary: - Can I speak to ….,please? +Can I speak to Lan,please? -downstairs ≠ upstairs : - a bit far from … Ss:take notes and read them T:give the definitions of these objects on a poster and ask Ss to match the object with it’s definition T:introduce the lesson T:introduce some new words on board -translation -antonym -translation -antonym -outside ≠inside: Nguyen Huu nhut T:give definitions of the above objects P8/E8 School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School 3.Open-prediction: 3.Practice: Lesson Plan English a.Who make the call? b.Who introduced herself? c.Who invited the other to the movies? d.Who arranged a meeting place? e.Who arranged the time? f.Who agreed to the time? 1.Practice the dialogue with a partner: 4.Production: 5.Homework : Nguyen Huu nhut T:share Ss sheets of paper of openprediction and guide them to the task Ss:read the questions and guess the answers Ss:work in pairs:roleplay the dialogue with their partners 2.Read the doalogue again Decide who did and said each of the following things.Then ask a partner these questions to check your answer *Answer keys: a Nga made the phone b Nga introduced herself c nga invited Hoa to go to the move d Nga arranged a meeting place e Hoa arranged the time f Nga agreed to the time 3.Comprehension questions: a.What is Hoa’s telephone number? →Her telephone number is 847 329 b.Which movie are they going to see? Where? →They are going to see”Dream City” at Sao Mai Movie Theater c.How is Hoa going to see the movies? →Hoa is going by bike d.Where are they going to meet? What time? →They are going to meet ouside the theater at 6:30 *Make your own conversation: *Suggested dialogue: Lan:854146 Mai:Can I speak to Lan,please? Lan:Yes,Lan speaking Mai:Hello,Lan.This is Mai.I’m going to see a movie at 7:30this evening.Would you like to come with me? Lan:Sure.Where is it on? Mai:At Tran Hung Dao Movie Theater Lan:OK.Let’s meet outside the theater Mai:Is 7:00 ok? Lan:All right.See you at 7:00.Bye Mai:bye,Lan -Learn the new words by heart -Practice the dialogue with your partners -Prepare:”SPEAK” +Put the sentences below in the correct order to make complete conversation +Complete the conversation betwen Ba ands Bao P8/E8 Ss:answer the questions and check the prediction T:get some pairs of Ss to ask and answer the questions T:ask Ss some questions about the dialogue Ss:work in pairs:play the roles of two students who are talking on the phone making arrangements T:feedback and correct the mistakes T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 Lesson Plan English unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 09 SPEAK I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk on the telephone about intentions with:Be going to … II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar:+be going to(talk about intention) - Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, brainstorming IV.TEACHING AIDS: extraboard,pictures,tape V.PROCEDURES : STAGES CONTENTS NOTES *Chatting: 1.Warm up : -Do you have a telephone / a mobile phone? T:ask Ss some questions -Who you often talk to on the phone? Ss:answer the questions one by one -What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it? *Pre-speaking: *Make a phone call: -Hello, ………… T:What would you say if you are the caller / receiver? -This is …… -May / can I speak to …… ? -If you want to make an arrangement what would you say? *Make an arrangement: -Can you …… tonight ? -Would you like … ? 1.Put the sentences below in the correct order to make a complete conversation -This is a dialogue but the sentences are not in good orders.Put the sentences below in the correct order to make a complete conversation *Answer keys: 1.b 2.f 3.j 4.a 5.i 6.c 7.e 8.k 9.g 10.h 11.d *Questions about the conversation: -Are they talking on the phone? (Yes) -What they intend to ?( They intend to the Pop concert) -What time are they going to meet?Where? (They are going to meet inside the center at 7:15) -What form of the verb you use to to talk about intention?( Be going to) *Whilespeaking: 2.Complete the dialogue Ba and Bao are making arrangements to play chess Practice the dialogue with a partner *Complete the dialogue: Ba:Hello.8 257 012 Bao: May I speak to Ba,please.This is Bao Ba:Hello,Bao.How are you? Bao: I’m fine.Thanks.And you? Ba:Great.Me too Nguyen Huu nhut T:guide Ss to the task Ss:work in pairs: Put the sentences below in the correct order to make a complete conversation T:ask Ss some questions to check student’s understanding and focus on the structure T:Ba and Bao are making an arrangement on the phone about playing chess.Now,read and complete it with suitable words Ss:work in pairs:read and complete the P8/E8 School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English Bao: Can you play chess tonight? Ba:I’m sorry.I can’t play chess tonight.I’m going to my homework Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon? Ba:Yes.Tomorrow afternoon is fine Bao: I’ll meet you at the Center Chess Club Ba: At the Center Chess Club?Ok.Let’s meet at the front door Bao: Is 2:00 0’clock OK? Ba:Great.See you tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o’clock *Practice the dialogue: *Post-speaking: *Make similar arrangements such as: -see a movie -play soccer -do homework -go fishing -Learn the new words by heart -Practice the dialogue with your partners -Prepare:”LISTEN” +Guess and complete the table Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 T:feedback and correct the mistakes Ss:work in pairs:have roles of two students who are talking on the phone making arrangements Ss:work in pairs: continue making a new dialogue based on these samples *Make your own conversation: *Suggested dialogue: Lan:854146 Mai:Can I speak to Lan,please? Lan:Yes,Lan speaking Mai:Hello,Lan.This is Mai.I’m going to see a movie at 7:30this evening.Would you like to come with me? Lan:Sure.Where is it on? Mai:At Tran Hung Dao Movie Theater Lan:OK.Let’s meet outside the theater Mai:Is 7:00 ok? Lan:All right.See you at 7:00.Bye Mai:bye,Lan 2.Homework : dialogue Ss:work in pairs:play the roles of two students who are talking on the phone making arrangements T:feedback and correct the mistakes T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 10 Listen I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will be able to listen for details to complete a telephone massage II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar: simple present tense - Vocabulary: take / leave a message, make an appointment, principal, available III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, brainstorming IV.TEACHING AIDS: extraboard,tape V.PROCEDURES : STAGES CONTENTS NOTES Nguyen Huu nhut P8/E8 School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School 1.Warm up : *Chatting: -Do you have a telephone at home ? -How often you make phone call ? - What would you say if you are the caller / receiver? *Pre-listening: *Vocabulary: - take / leave a message: - make an appointment: - principal(n): - available(a): *Notes : If the person you want to speak to is out You can leave the message: - Can I leave a message for ……… ? - Can you take a message ………… ? *Set a scene: A woman phoned the principal of Kingston Junior high school,but he was out.Now listen Lesson Plan English T:ask Ss some questions Ss:answer the questions one by one T:introduce new words on board -translation -translation -give an example:Mr Hiep is the principal of our school Ss:take notes and memorize T:introduce the lesson and complete the form *Whilelistening: *Answer keys: KINGSTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Ss:listen and complete the form -compare with their partners Date : 21st of September Time : in the afternoon For : the principal Message : Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning on Tuesday Tel number 64683720942 *Questions: 1.What is the woman’s name? 2.What is her telephone number? 3.Who does the woman want to see? 4.When does she meet the principal? *Post-listening: T:call Ss to give correct answers Ss:listen to the tape again and check the answers T:ask Ss some questions to check student’s understanding Ss:listen and answer the teacher’s questions *Make your own conversation: *Suggested dialogue: Lan:854146 Mai:Coud I speak to Hung,please? Lan:I’m afraid He is out at the moment.would you like to leave a message? Mai:Uhm,no.But I’d like to make an appointment to see him Lan:I think he will be available on Wednesday Mai:Wednesday is Ok.Can I see him in the morning? Lan:Sure,You can.What time would you like to come? Mai:Is 7:30 ok? Lan: 7:30? Let’s me see.Yes,that’s alright Mai: What’s your name,please? Lan:My name is Lan Mai:What is your address? Nguyen Huu nhut T:get Ss to listen to the tape twice and fill in the message P8/E8 Ss:work in pairs:play the roles of two students who are talking on the phone leaving and taking a message T:feedback and correct the mistakes School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School 2.Homework : Lesson Plan English Lan:12 Leloi street.My telephone is 854146 Mai:Thank you,Lan Lan:Thanks a lot.Bye Mai:Goodbye -Learn the new words by heart -Practice the dialogue with your partners -Prepare:”READ” +Find out new words +read and exercise 1,2 in textbook.(page 22) T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed *Tape transcript: Secretary:Kingston Junior High School.Good afternoon Woman: Good afternoon.Could I talk to the principal,please? Secretary:I’m afraid Mr.Kelvin is out at the moment.Would you like to leave a message? Woman:Uhm,no.But I’d like to make an appointment to see him Secretary:I think he will be available on Tuesday Woman: Tuesday is Ok.Can I see him in the morning? Secretary: Sure,You can.What time would you like to come? Woman: Is 10:30 ok? Secretary:I’m sorry.The principal will have a school visit at 10:30.What about 9:45? Woman: 9:45?Let me see.Yes,it’s alright Secretary:What’s your name,please? Woman:My name’s Mary Nguyen Secretary:Is that N-G-U-Y-E-N? Woman:Yes,that’s right.Mrs Nguyen Secretary:And your address,please? Woman:Number 23,51st Street.My telephone number is 64683720942 Secretary:Thank you.Mrs Nguyen Woman:Thank you very much.Goodbye Secretary: Goodbye Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 11 Read I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will be able to read for details to know about Alexander Graham Bell,the person who invented the telephone II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar: simple past tense - Vocabulary: emigrate, transmit, deaf-mute,conduct,device, demonstrate,exhibition III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, brainstorming IV.TEACHING AIDS: extraboard,tape,Bell’s photograph V.PROCEDURES : STAGES CONTENTS NOTES to chat with friends 1.Warm up : *Networks: T:divide class into groups and guide them to the task What is the telephone used for? Ss:work in groups: go to the board and write the use of telephone for: *Possible answers: -to communicate -to call someone Nguyen Huu nhut -to have a massage -to make P8/E8 T:feedback and correct the mistakes School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School *Pre-reading: Lesson Plan English arrangements -to talk to a person who lives far from -to get information at the airport or railway station quickly *Lead-in: -Do you have a telephone at home? -Is the telephone useful for you? -So you know who invented telephone? Can you guess? *Guiding questions: a.Do you know this man? What is his name? b.What did he invent?-When? c.Where was he born?-When? *True / false prediction: a.Alexander Graham Bell was born in the USA b.He work with deaf-mute patients in a hospital in Boston c.Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant d.Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1877 e.Bell experimented with ways of transmitting speech deaf-mutes over a long time f.Bell demonstrated invention at a lot of exhibition *Whilereading: *Vocabulary: -to emigrate:to go to another country to live -a deaf-mute(n):a person who is unable to hear and speak -transmit: -to conduct: to carry out -device(n): -to demonstrate: 1.Read the text: *Postreading: Nguyen Huu nhut 2.Do true / false exercises: a) F.He was born in Edinburgh b) F.He work with deaf-mutes at boston University c) T d) F.Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876 e) F.Bell experimented with way of transmitting speech over a long distance f) T 3.Put the events in the correct order : Alexander Graham Bell ………… d) was born in Scotland e) went to live in Canada a) went to live in the United States g) worked with the people neither speak nor hear c) work with Thomas Watson b) successfully demonstrated his inventions f) invented the telephone P8/E8 T: ask Ss some questions to introduce the lesson Ss: answer the questions one by one T:stick Bell’s photograph and ask Ss some questions to introduce the lesson T: share Ss handouts and guide them to the task Ss:work in groups:read and predict which statements are true / false T:introduce vocabulary on board -explanation -explanation -translation -synonym -translation - translation Ss:read the text in silence and answer the guiding questions T:feedback and correct the mistakes Ss:do true / false exercises and compare them with their prediction Ss:work in groups:put the events in the correct order with information about Alexander Graham Bell T:feedback and correct the mistakes Ss:summary the Bell’s biography School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English *Keys: d-e-a-g-c-b-f *Speaking: 2.Homework : before class Alexander Graham Bell is an English T:feedback and correct the mistakes inventor He was born on March 3rd ,1847 in Scotland.He went to Canada.Then he went to live in the United States where he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University and T:guide Ss to learn at home Thomas Watson,his assistant.He started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance and he invented Ss:do as directed the telephone -Learn the new words by heart -Finish all exercises into your exercisebooks -Prepare:”WRITE” +Find out new words +read and exercise 1,2 in textbook.(page 23) Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 12 write I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write a telephone message II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar: simple past tense - Vocabulary: customer, delivery, take / leave a message III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, brainstorming IV.TEACHING AIDS: extraboard, colored chalk V.PROCEDURES : STAGES CONTENTS NOTES Ss:choose the numbers and answer the 1.Warm up : *Cross puzzle: teacher’s questions 1.complete this sentence:There are 12 ……… in a year.From January to M O N T H December T I M E 2.complete this sentence:What …is it? S -It is o’clock C U S T O M E R 3.a person who comes to buy s.thing D A T E at a shop.Who’s he / she? G 4.complete this sentence: what’s the T E L E P H O N E today?-It’s June 2nd 5.What did Alexander Graham Bell *Key word: MESSAGE invent? T:feedback and correct the mistakes *Pre-writing: Nguyen Huu nhut *Vocabulary: - customer(n): a person who comes to buy s.thing at a shop P8/E8 -explanation -translation School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School -delivery service(n): -to take / leave a message: *Taking a telephone message: Lesson Plan English -translation -Date: ………………… - Time: ……… -Who sent: ………………………………… -To whom: ………………………………… -Content: …………………………………… …………………………………… -taken by: ………………………………… T:ask Ss some questions: -Do you ever take a telephone message ? -When you take a message -What should be mentioned in the message ? Ss:read and fill in the passage with 1.Read the message Then fill in the gaps in the information in the message passage that follows with the information *Keys:1.called / phoned 2.May 12 3.speak/ talk 4.took 5.name 6.delivery 7.him(Mr Ha) 8.at *Questions: a.Who sent the message? b.To whom did he send? c.When? d.What is the content of the message? *Whilewriting: Ss:answer the questions about the message T:feedback and correct the mistakes 2.Now read the passage below.Write the telephone message in your exercise book Thanh cong Delivery Service Date: June 16 Time: after midday For: Mrs Van Message: Mr Nam called about his stationery order.He wanted you to call him at 634 082 Taken by: Mr Toan Ss:work in groups: read the passage and write the message T: feedback and correct the mistakes 3.Read the message form on page 23 again.Then help Lisa write a message for Nancy.Use information from the dialouge: Date: Time: For: Nancy Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon.He will come over to pick you up at 1:30 Taken by: Lisa *Postwriting: Nguyen Huu nhut *Speaking: Mr nam, a customer telephoned the Thanh cong P8/E8 Ss:write the message,using information in the dialogue T:feedback and correct the mistakes Ss:retell the content of the message before class School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School 2.Homework : Delivery Service on June16 just after midday.He wanted to talk to Mrs van but she was in meeting.So he leaved her a message, Mr Toan took a message: Mr Nam called about his stationery order.He wanted Mrs Van to call him at 634 082 Lesson Plan English T:feedback and correct the mistakes T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed -Learn the new words by heart -Finish all exercises into your exercisebooks -Prepare:”Language focus” +Find out new words +simple future tense talking about intention with: Be going to + infinitive +adverbs of place Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 Unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 13 LANGUAGE FOCUS I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about intentions with be going to II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar: +be going to +inf +adverbs of place - Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, brainstorming IV.TEACHING AIDS: extraboard, colored chalk V.PROCEDURES : STAGES CONTENTS NOTES 1.Warm up : 2.Practice : *Activity 1: *Write actions you are going to this weekend -see a movie -play sports -meet my friends -do my homework -watch TV -help my parents - ……………… A.simple future tense with intention: *Note Be going to + infinitive ⇒express future with an action.( tonight / next … tomorrow ) *Example: We are going to play soccer this afternoon 1.Work with a partner.Say what the people are going to do.Follow the example sentence: *Answer keys: a) They are going to go fishing b) She is going to read a new novel Nguyen Huu nhut P8/E8 Ss:work in groups: go to the board and write actions they are going to this weekend T:feedback and correct the mistakes T:present struture and usage of simple future tense with intention Ss:take notes and memorize T:explain example and guide Ss to the task School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English c) She is going to her homework Ss:work in pairs:say what the people are d) He is going to watch an action movie on TV tonight going to e) She is goimg to give him a birthday present 2.a)Copy the quesionnaire in your exercise book Add three more activitis to the list then complete the ‘you’ column with check (v) and crosses(x) What are you going to on the weekend? YOU YOUR PARTNER Are you going to see a movie ? play sports ? meet your friends? help your parents? your homework? watch TV? b) Now ask your partner what he or she is going to do.Complete the ‘your partner’column of the questionnare *Activity 2: B.Averbs of place: *Net works: *T:ask Ss some questions: -What are you going to tomorrow ?/ tonight? / next week? Ss:work in pairs:ask and answer as above ⇒T:these are the questions about things you are going to this weekend Check (v) if you are going to and crosses (x) if you are not Ss:ask the partner what he/she is going to and complete the ‘your partner ‘ column: -Are you going to see a movie? -Are you going to play sports ? -Are you going to watch TV ? Ss:work in groups:go to the board and write adverbs of place adverbs of place *Possible answer: outside,inside,upstair,downstair, there,here 3.Complete the speech buddles.Use each adverb in the box once a.Where is Tuan?-I think he’s upstairs bNo,he isn’t here c.He isn’t downstairs and he isn’t upstairs d.Perhaps he’s outside e.No.He isn’t there f.I’m not outside.I’m inside,Ba 3.Consolidation 4.Homework : Nguyen Huu nhut *Make a conversation: A:I’m going to see a movie theater this weekend Would you like to come ? B:Great.Which movie theater? A:Sao mai movie theater B:Ok.Let’s meet out side the theater at 6:30 A:That’s fine.see you at 6:30.Bye B:Bye - Do all these exercises in exercise book P8/E8 T:feedback and correct the mistakes Ss:work in pairs: Complete the speech buddles.Use each adverb in the box once T:feedback and correct the mistakes Ss:work in pairs T: feedback and correct the mistakes T:guide Ss to learn at home School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School - Write sentences to talk about intentions tomorrow -Prepare Unit Getting started Listen and read Nguyen Huu nhut P8/E8 Lesson Plan English Ss:do as directed School year: 2007-2008 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Nguyen Huu nhut Lesson Plan English P8/E8 School year: 2007-2008 ... Junior High School Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 Lesson Plan English unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 09 SPEAK I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will... arrangements T:feedback and correct the mistakes T:guide Ss to learn at home Ss:do as directed unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 10 Listen I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students... very much.Goodbye Secretary: Goodbye Date of preparation: 16-01-2008 Date of teaching:18-01-2008 unit :02 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 11 Read I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson , students will

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2013, 22:10

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