Ô tô Camry 3.5Q - Phần 1 Phần 1 (Tài liệu bằng tiếng anh) gồm: - Kết cấu thân xe - Kết cấu phần điện - CHASSIS - Kích thước xe - Động cơ xe
BODY ELECTRICAL – PRE-CRASH SAFETY SYSTEM02KBE200TEkm/h (mph)50 (31)40 (25)30 (20)20 (13)10 (6)VehicleSpeedA A and BB10(6)20(13)30(20)40(25)50(31)60(37)km/h(mph)Oncoming Vehicle Relative SpeedBE-212JSYSTEM OPERATION1. GeneralThe pre-crash safety system consists of the following three operations: a pre-crash safety (unavoidablecollision) operation, front or rear wheel skid tendency operation and sudden braking operation. The impactdampening components consists of the operation ranges indicated below.RangeOperation Operation Condition Impact Dampening ComponentAFront or RearWheel SkidTendencyOperationD Power source is IG-ON.D Seat belt is buckled.D Vehicle speed is approx. 15 km/hD Seat Belt Retracting OperationSudden BrakingOperationppp(10 mph) or above.BPre-crash safetyOperationD Power source is IG-ON.D Seat belt is buckled.D Vehicle Speed is approx. 0 km/h(0 mph) or above.D Oncoming vehicle relative speedis approx. 30 km/h (20 mph) orabove.D Seat Belt Retracting OperationD Brake Assist Standby Condition BEBODY ELECTRICAL – PRE-CRASH SAFETY SYSTEM02KBE59YSteering AngleSensorCAN(CAN No.1 Bus)Yaw Rate &Deceleration SensorSpeedSensor (4)1)Skid ControlECU1)1)1)2)3)Front Seat Inner BeltBuckle Switch(Driver)Buckle Switch(Front Passenger)CAN Gateway ECUCAN (CAN No.2 Bus)2), 3)Seat BeltControl ECU3) 3)Seat Belt Motor(Driver)Seat Belt Motor(Front Passenger)Front Seat Outer BeltBE-2132. Front or Rear Wheel Skid Tendency Operation1) While the vehicle is traveling at approx. 15 km/h (10 mph) or above, the skid control ECU determinesthe front or rear wheel skid tendency condition based on the signals from the steering angle sensor, yawrate & deceleration sensor and speed sensors.2) The skid control ECU outputs a seat belt operation request signal to the seat belt control ECU.3) The seat belt control ECU determines the seat belt motor operation conditions based on this signal and theseat belt buckle switch signal. Then, it retracts slack in the seat belts by operating the seat belt motors.4) The seat belts return to a normal state when the relevant conditions of the vehicle have stabilized. BODY ELECTRICAL – PRE-CRASH SAFETY SYSTEM02KBE60YStop Light SwitchSpeed Sensor (4)Master CylinderPressure SensorPump MotorBrake Actuator1)1)1)3)Skid ControlECUCAN(CAN No.1 Bus)4)Front Seat Inner BeltBuckle Switch(Driver)Buckle Switch(Front Passenger)CAN GatewayECUCAN (CAN No.2 Bus)2)Seat BeltControl ECU4) 4)Seat BeltMotor (Driver)Seat Belt Motor(Front Passenger)Front Seat Outer BeltBE-2143. Sudden Braking Operation1) While the vehicle is traveling at approx. 15 km/h (10 mph) or above, the skid control ECU can determinea sudden braking condition based on the signals from the master cylinder pressure sensor, stop light switchand speed sensors.2) At this time, the skid control ECU outputs a seat belt operation request signal to the seat belt control ECU.3) Brake assist control enters standby mode according to the determination of the skid control ECU.4) The seat belt control ECU determines the seat belt motor operation conditions based on this signal and theseat belt buckle switch signal. Then, it retracts slack in the seat belts by operating the seat belt motors.5) The seat belts return to a normal state when the brake pedal is released. BEBODY ELECTRICAL – PRE-CRASH SAFETY SYSTEM02KBE61YMillimeter WaveRadar SensorSerial Communication1)DistanceControlECU1)2)1)CAN(CAN No.2 Bus)2), 3)SeatBeltControlECU3)3)Front Seat Outer BeltSeat Belt Motor(Driver)Seat Belt Motor(Front Passenger)CAN Gateway ECUYaw Rate &Deceleration Sensor1)1)Steering AngleSensorStop Light SwitchSpeed Sensor (4)Master CylinderPressure SensorPump MotorBrake Actuator5)1)5)5)SkidControlECU2), 4)CAN(CAN No.1 Bus)3)Front Seat Inner BeltBuckle Switch(Driver)Buckle Switch(Front Passenger)BE-2154. Pre-crash safety Operation1) The distance control ECU determines that an unavoidable collision condition exists based on the signalsreceived from the millimeter wave radar sensor, speed sensor, steering angle sensor, and yaw rate &deceleration sensor.2) At this time, the distance control ECU outputs a seat belt operation request signal to the seat belt controlECU, a brake assist standby request signal to the skid control ECU.3) The seat belt control ECU determines the seat belt motor operation condition based on this signal and theseat belt buckle switch signal, and retracts the slack in the seat belts by operating the seat belt motors.4) Upon receiving this signal, the skid control ECU switches the brake assist to the standby mode.5) When the brake assist is in the standby mode and the stop light switch ON signal is input into the skidcontrol ECU, this ECU operates the brake assist based on the master cylinder pressure sensor signal.6) If no collision occurs, the seat belts and the brake assist will return to their normal states. . ELECTRICAL – PRE-CRASH SAFETY SYSTEM02KBE200TEkm/h (mph)50 ( 31 )40 (25 )30 (20)20 ( 13 ) 10 (6)VehicleSpeedA A and BB10(6)20( 13 ) 30(20)40(25)50 ( 31 )60 (37 )km/h(mph)Oncoming. PRE-CRASH SAFETY SYSTEM02KBE61YMillimeter WaveRadar SensorSerial Communication1)DistanceControlECU1)2 )1) CAN(CAN No.2 Bus)2), 3) SeatBeltControlECU3 )3) Front