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Gao Giong junior high school __________________________________, 200___ Class:___________________ Test on English Name:__________________ Time: 45 minutes. -------------- ----------------------------------------- Marks: Teacher’s comments : ----------------- oOo ----------------- I/ Write the words for the numbers: (1 mark) 1: one 7:_________ 20:_____________ 46:_____________ 83:____________ II/ Write the numbers for the words: (1 mark) ten: 10 four:______ eight:______ thirty five:__________ ninety seven:_________ III/ Write the Vietnamese meanings for the words: (1 mark) table: cái bàn chair:__________ pen:_________ ruler:_________ teacher:__________ IV/ Write the English meanings for the words: (1 mark) quyển sách: book viết chì:________ bác só:_______ cái đèn:________ học sinh:______ V/ Match the words in column A with the words in column B: (1 mark) A B 1/ What is your name? 2/ How old is Tuấn? 3/ Where do you live? 4/ What is that? 5/ What does Chi do? a. I live in a house b. She is a student c. It is a book d. My name is Minh e. He is twelve years old VI/ Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verb “ to be ” (am, is, are): (1,5 marks) 1/ She is a nurse. 2/ I _________ Phong. This _________ my teacher. 3/ He __________ a doctor. 4/ There __________ 45 students in my class. 5/ It ________ an eraser. VII/ Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (1,5 marks) live eleven Nga in student Hi. My name is __________. I am ___________ years old. I am a ___________. I __________ in Dong Thap. There are five people _____________ my family. VIII/ Read the passage and answer the questions: (2 marks) This is Nam. He is twelve years old. There are three people in his family. His father is Mr. Hai. He is forty-five. He is a doctor. His mother is Mrs. Dung. She is forty. She is a teacher. Questions: 1/ How old is Nam? _______________________________________________________________________ 2/ How many people are there in his family? _______________________________________________________________________ 3/ How old is his father? _______________________________________________________________________ 4/ What does Mrs. Dung do? _______________________________________________________________________ Gao Giong junior high school ___________________________________, 200___ Class:___________________ Test on English Name:__________________ Time: 45 minutes. ----------------- ------------------------------------------ I/ Match the words in column A with the words in column B: (1,5 marks) A B get go have do listen watch to music homework up to school television breakfast II/ Choose the correct word to compete the sentences: (2 marks) 1/ How old _________ he? (am, is, are) 2/ Lan _________ television every day. (watch, watches) 3/ There __________ four people in my family. (am, is, are) 4/ They __________ soccer after school. (play, plays) 5/ I live ________ a house. (in, on, at) 6/ Ba gets up __________ six o’clock. (in, on, at) 7/ He ___________ breakfast every morning. (has, have) 8/ _________ you brush your teeth? (do, does) III/ Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (1,5 marks) English 6:30 play What Tuesday time Ba: What ________ do you go to school? Lan: I go to school at ___________ . Ba: __________ do you have today? Lan: It’s Monday. I have Math, Literature and History. Ba: When do you have _____________? Lan: I have it on __________ and Friday. Ba: What do you do after school? Lan: I ___________ volleyball. IV/ Read the passage and answer the questions: My name is Mai. I’m eleven years old. I’m a student. I live in a small house in the city. My house is next to a park. I get up at half past five. I get dressed and brush my teeth. I have breakfast go to school at six thirty. The school is near my house. Classes start at seven and end at eleven. I go home at twelve o’clock. I play games after school. In the evening, I do my homework. * Write True (T) or False (F): (1,5 marks) ______1/ Mai is 11 years old. ______2/ Her house is next to a school. ______3/ She goes home at eleven o’clock. * Answer the questions: (2 marks) 1/ How old is Mai? __________________________________________________ 2/ Where does she live? ___________________________________________________ 3/ What time does she go to school? ___________________________________________________ 4/ What does she do in the evening?___________________________________________________ V/ Write the answers about you: (1,5 marks) 1/ Which grade are you in? _____________________________________________________ 2/ What time do you get up? _____________________________________________________ 3/ What do you do after school? _____________________________________________________ Gao Giong junior high school _______________________________, 200___ Class:___________________ Test on English Name:__________________ Time: 45 minutes. I/ Choose the correct opposite to complete the sentences: (2 marks) light full tall short strong thin white cold 1. He isn’t short. He is ……………. 2. He isn’t fat. He is ……………. 3. He isn’t heavy. He is ……………. 4. He isn’t weak. He is ……………. 5. He isn’t hungry. He is ……………. 6. He isn’t hot. He is ……………. 7. His teeth aren’t black. They are ……………. 8. His hair isn’t long. It is ……………. II/ Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: (2 marks) 1/ How _________ is a cake? - It’s 500 dong. a. much b. many c. any 2/ Do you like vegetables? a. Yes, you do b. Yes, I do c. No, I do 3/ She __________ an apple now. a. eat b. eats c. is eating 4/ __________ does Minh feel? a. What b. How c. Where 5/ How many ________ does he want? a. oranges b. beef c. meat 6/ What would you like __________ breakfast? a. on b. of c. for 7/ Do you have ___________ bananas? a. some b. any c. a 8/ Yes. There are ___________ bananas in the kitchen. a. some b. any c. a III/ Write the words from the box in the correct categories: (3 marks) milk banana meat tomato onion chicken water carrot fish orange tea apple Food Drinks Fruit Vegetables IV/ Read the dialogue and answer the questions: (2 marks) Nam: How do you feel, Lan? Lan: I’m hot and I am thirsty. Nam: What would you like? Lan: I’d like some orange juice. What about you? Nam: I’m hungry. I’d like some noodles. Would you like noodles, Ba? Ba: No, I wouldn’t. I’m tired. I’d like to sit down. * Questions: 1/ How does Lan feel? ________________________________________ 2/ What would she like? _________________________________________ 3/ What would Nam like? _________________________________________ 4/ How does Ba feel? _________________________________________ V/ Which picture? (1 mark) a) He has short hair, an oval face, a big nose and thin lips. b) She has long hair, a round face, a small nose and full lips. c) He has short hair, a round face, a small nose and full lips. d) She has long hair, an oval face, a big nose and thin lips. Gao Giong junior high school ________________________________ , 200___ Class:___________________ Test on English Name:__________________ Time: 45 minutes. ------------------- --------------------------------------- Marks: Teacher’s comments : --------------------- oOo---------------------- I/ Match the words in column A with the words in column B: (1 mark) A B spring summer fall winter cool warm hot cold II/ Choose the correct word to compete the sentences: (3 marks) 1/ _________ you like sports? a. Do b. Does c. Are 2/ When you go camping, you must have a ___________. a. stove b. tent c. camera 3/ How often does Ly go jogging? __________ a week. a. one b. once c. two 4/ I am going ___________ Ha Noi. a. visiting b. visit c. to visit 5/ We can see Ngoc Son Temple in __________. a. Ha Noi b. Hue c. HCM city 6/ They play sports three times a week. They __________ play sports. a. always b. often c. never III/ Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (1,5 marks) visit hotel week vacation How long where Ba: What are you going to do in the _____________? Lan: I am going to ___________ Hue. Ba: __________ are you going to stay? Lan: I am going to stay in a ______________. Ba: __________ are you going to stay? Lan: I am going to stay for a _______________. IV/ Read the passage and answer the questions: (2 marks) Nam likes sports. On the weekend, he often plays badminton in the yard. He usually plays with three friends. They always take water and beautiful rackets. Nam sometimes plays tennis, but he never plays soccer. * Questions: 1/ What does Nam like? ___________________________________________________ 2/ When does he play badminton? ___________________________________________________ 3/ Does Nam play tennis? ___________________________________________________ 4/ Does Nam play soccer? ___________________________________________________ V/ Give the correct tense of the verbs: (1 mark) 1/ She usually (play) ______________ badminton in the fall. 2/ They (watch) ______________ TV sports show now. VI/ Write the answers about you: (1,5 marks) 1/ What do you do in your free time? _______________________________________________________ 2/ What weather do you like? _______________________________________________________ 3/ What are you going to do this summer vacation? _______________________________________________________ . Write the words for the numbers: (1 mark) 1: one 7:_________ 20:_____________ 46: _____________ 83:____________ II/ Write the numbers for the words: (1 mark). soccer after school. (play, plays) 5/ I live ________ a house. (in, on, at) 6/ Ba gets up __________ six o’clock. (in, on, at) 7/ He ___________ breakfast

Ngày đăng: 02/09/2013, 01:10

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