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Acta entomologica Slovenica Vol 8-0147-0189

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©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2000 Vol 8, No 2: 147-189 S I P H O N A P T E R A O F S Q U I R R E L S A N D D O R M I C E (R O D E N T IA : S C I U R I ­ D A E , G L IR ID A E ) F R O M T H E W E S T E R N A N D C E N T R A L B A L K A N S Savo B R E L IH and Tom i T R IL A R Slovenian M useum of N atural History, Prešernova 20, P.O.Box 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: ttrilar@ pms-lj.si - W e presen t data on 22 species and subspecies of Siphonaptera of Sciurus vulgaris, S perm oph ilu s citellus, G lis glis, D iyo m ys nileclula, E lio m y s quercinus, and M uscardinus avellanarius from the W estern and C entral Balkans A new subspecies is described: Ctenophthalm us orientalis jaku picae ssp n T he distribution of species and A b str a ct subspecies of fleas typical for the m entioned hosts is shown on maps A survey of hosts is p resen ted as well as the S ip h o n ap tera on them Postglacial m igrations of S citellus are suggested on the basis of their variability as well as the distribution of the Siphonaptera K e y w o r d s : S iphonaptera, Sciurus vulgaris, Sperm ophilus citellus, G lis glis, D iyom ys nitedula, E liom ys quercinus, M uscardinus avellanarius, Balkans - B O L H E V E V E R IC IN P O L H O V (R O D E N T IA : S C IU R ID A E , G L IR I­ D A E ) Z A H O D N E G A IN O S R E D N JE G A B A LK A N SK EG A P O L O T O K A N av e d e n ih je 22 vrst in p o d v rst bolh z v everice (Sciurus vulgaris ), te k u n ic e (Sperm ophilus citellus), navadnega polha (G lis glis), drevesnega polha (D iyom ys nitedula), vrtnega polha (Eliom ys quercinus) in podleska (M uscardinus avellanarius) iz zah o d ­ nega in osrednjega B alkanskega polotoka O pisana je nova podvrsta, C tenophthalm us orientalis jaku picae ssp n R azširjenost ene vrste in podvrst bolh značilnih za nave­ dene gostitelje je prikazana na geografskih kartah Podan je tudi pregled gostiteljev in na njih ugotovljenih bolh Na osnovi razširjenosti bolh in variabilnosti tekunic je predlagana shem a postglacialnih selitev tekunice I z v le č e k K l j u č n e b e s e d e : bolhe, veverica, tekunica, navadni polh, drevesni polh, vrtni polh, podlesek, Balkanski polotok 147 A c t a e n t o m o l o g i c a s lov eni ca, (2), 2000 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at I n t r o d u c t io n This contribution continues the series »E ctoparasitical entom ofauna of Yugoslav m am m als« (Brelih & Petrov, 1987; Brelih, 1986; Brelih & Trilar, 2000) T he changes in form er Yugoslavia in the last few years resulted in the establishm ent of five new coun­ tries and thus the title of the series is now inapp ro p riate (Fig 1) W e will call this area as the W estern and C entral Balkans T he p resent p ap er provides the data on siphonapterofauna of squirrels (Sciuridae) and dorm ice (G liridae) from this territory W agner (1928-1929, 1934, 1936, 1939), Rosicky & C arnelutti (1959), Rosicky & Todorovič (1964), H opkins & R othschild (1962, 1966, 1971), Brelih (1986) and T rilar (1995, 1997) published data on fleas of squirrels (Sciuridae) and dorm ice (G liridae) from the territory of the W estern and C entral Balkans D ata concerning hosts are sum m arized from B ulič & M irič (1967), Ružič (1978), Petrov (1992), Krystufek (1991, 1993, 1996), K rystufek & H rabe (1996) and Tvrtkovič et al (1995) W e used the m am m alian nom enclature according to M itchell-Jones et al (1999) M a t e r ia l a n d m e th o d s M ost of the m aterial was collected in the last 30 years along with the m am m alian field collecting T here w ere no field trips purely for ectoparasite collection T he only exception was the system atic study of G lis glis nests in nestboxes at the M t Snežnik and Mt G oteniška G ora (Trilar, 1995, 1997) D orm ice w ere mainly collected in m icro­ m am m alian faunistic studies, w here betw een 100 and 200 snap-traps w ere placed per night D ead anim als w ere rem oved from the traps early in the m orning as num erous ectoparasites later leave them Each single species of host was stored into a separate linen or plastic bag until the exam ination a tten d ed to im m ediately after collection E ctoparasites w ere stored in 70% alcohol, separately with respect to host, survey site, a ltitu d e , and d a te In m o st cases eco lo g ical e x a m in atio n s w ere n o t p e rfo rm e d U nfortunately, we very rarely possessed inform ation on the num ber of host specim ens exam ined E uropean sousliks (Spennophilus citellus) were collected in all distribution areas, but in lim ited num bers R ed squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) w ere mainly collected by shooting and also recovered as traffic casualties W e exam ined m aterial provided by hunters, w here anim als had been dead for a longer time and som e fleas had already left them A small num ber of S vulgaris were inspected from Slovenia, but only single specim ens from all o th er areas U ntil today we have not examined a single specim en of the A lpine m arm ot (M arm ota m arm ota) C ollected flea specim ens w ere used to p re ­ pare microscopic slides in C anada balsam , with the exception of some large sam ples of Ceratophyllus sciurorum sciurorum from nests of Glis glis, which w ere preserved in 70% alcohol All the m aterial w ithout a literature citation is kept in the Slovenian M useum of N atural History (coll S Brelih, coll T Trilar) Species identification was according to H opkins & R othschild (1953, 1956, 1962, 1966, 1971) and Rosicky (1957) Som e of the m ore recent contributions of authors (Cyprich, 1989) w ere also utilized 148 Entomological S Brel ih, T T ri la r: S i p h o n a p t e©Slovenian r a o f sq uir rel s a n d d oSociety, r m i c e download unter www.biologiezentrum.at L ist of the hosts: Parus major Linnaeus, 1758; Talpa europaea Linnaeus, 1758; H om o sapiens Linnaeus, 1758; Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758; M armota marmota (Linnaeus, 1758); Sperm ophilus citellus (L innaeus, 1766); Sperm ophilus suslicus (G ü ld en staed t, 1770); S perm ophilus pygm aeus (P allas, 1779); Cricetus cricetus (L in n ae u s, 1758); C lethrionom ys glareolus (S c h re b e r, 1780); D inarom ys bogdanovi (M a rtin o , 1922); M icrotus aivalis (Pallas, 1778); N annospalax leucodon (N ordm ann, 1840); M icromys m inutus (Pallas, 1771); A podem us flavicollis (M elchior, 1834); A podem us m ystacinus ep im ela s (N e h rin g , 1902); A p o d e m u s sylvaticus (L in n a e u s, 1758); R a ttu s rattus (L innaeu s, 1758); M us m usculus s lat L innaeus, 1758; Glis glis (L innaeus, 1766); M uscard in u s avellanarius (L in n a e u s, 1758); E liom ys quercinus (L in n a e u s, 1766); D iyo m ys n ite d u la (P a lla s , 1778); V ulpes vu lp es (L in n a e u s, 1758); M artes fo in a (Erxleben, 1777); Martes martes (Linnaeus, 1758); Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758); Felis silvestris Schreber, 1775 Fig 1: W estern and C entral B alkans with indicated states, borders, and U T M (100 x 100 km grid) 149 A c t a c n t o m o l o g i c a s lov cni ca, (2), 2000 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at F ig 2: M ap of the W estern and C entral Balkans N um bers indicate survey sites (locali­ ties) SLOVENIJA (SLOVENIA): L V L07 K om en, Kobjeglava VL08 Trnovski gozd: Čaven VL38 H otedršica, Novi Svet; H otedršica, Ravnik V L54 Snežnik; Snežnik: Sviščaki V L58 Borovnica, Pako V L68 Turjak VL75 G oteniška gora: Draga V L85 K očevje, environs V M 02 Bohinj: Ukanc 10 V M 04 Trenta: Julijana 11 VM 05 R ateče, Zelenci 12 VM21 Cerkno 13 V M 30 Poljanska dolina 14 VM 32 Jelovica: G oška ravan; Rudno; R udno, Hujska '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 150 V M 42 Kranj, Sveti Jošt VM 43 Tržič V M 44 Podljubelj, Čižovnik VM 50 Ljubljana: Vrhovci VM51 M edvode; Sorško polje: Žabnica V M 52 Cerklje, Štefanja gora; Kranj; Kranj, Milje; Šenčur, V oglje VM 53 Lom , Grahovše, G aberčev rovt V M 60 Črnuče; Ljubljana and environs; G am eljne VM 61 Kamnik, environs VM 63 Kamniška Bistrica V M 64 Zgornje Jezersko V M 80 Litija WL08 Mirna na D olenjskem W L27 K ostanjevica, Šentjernej S Brel ih, T Tr il ar : S i p h o n a p t ©Slovenian e r a o f sq uEntomological ir r el s a n d d oSociety, r m i c e download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 29 W M 05 Slovenj Gradec 30 W M 34 Pohorje: Lobnica 31 W M 40 Kozje, Lesično, Gruska jama 32 W M 43 Poljčane, Studenice, Jama v kam nolom u 33 W M 65 Dvorjane, Vurberg, Grmada 34 W M 95 Srednja Bistrica HRVATSKA (CROATIA): 35 V K 78 Krk Island: V eli vrh 36 V K 95 V elebit: Mirevo 37 VK 96 Velebit: Zavižan; Zavižan, M odriča dolac (Botanički vrt); Vučjak 38 VL73 Gorski Kotar: Risnjak 39 W K01 Pag Island: Pag, environs 40 W K 02 Pag Island: Metajna 41 W K13 V elebit: Baške Oštarije; Papratnjak 42 W K20 Ražanac, Vrankoviči 43 W K41 Velebit: Bunjevac 44 W K50 V elebit: Tulove grede 45 W K60 Velebit: Predzid 46 WLcS4 V ukom eričke gorice: Prkovec 47 W L95 Turopolje: Peščenica, near the river Odra 48 W L97 Zagreb, D ugo Selo 49 X H 28 Hvar Island: Brusje 50 X H 38 Brač Island: Dol 51 XJ11 Split 52 X J60 Biokovo: Sveti Jura 53 B N 62 D ubrovnik BO SNA I HERCEGOVINA (BOSNIA AND H ERZEGOVINA): 54 XJ29 Šator planina: Satorsko jezero; Babina greda 55 X.T93 Svinjača, Blidinje jezero 56 Y.T31 V elež, Rujište 57 BN 88 Bjelašnica (G acko) 58 BP84 Igman 59 C N 19 M aglič 60 CP00 Zelengora: O rlovačko jezero 61 CP26 G azivoda JUGOSLAVIJA: CRNA GORA (YUGOSLAVIA: M O N TENEG RO ): 62 BN 90 H ercegnovi 63 CM 29 Cetinje, environs 64 C N 02 Orjen 65 C N 94 Bjelasica: planina Jelovica; Z ekova Glava JUGOSLAVIJA: SRBIJA: VOJVODINA (YUGOSLAVIA: SERBIA: VOJVODINA): 66 CQ 79 Srem: Erdevik 67 C R 84 Bačka: Savino Selo 68 D Q Srem: Fruška Gora: Irig; Jazak 69 D Q 78 Pančevo, Crepaja 70 D R 00 Srem: Fruška Gora: Zm ajevac 71 D R 20 Srem: Fruška Gora: Čortanovci 72 D R 30 Bačka: Titel, Lok 73 D R 44 Banat: M elenci 74 D R 61 Banat: Zrenjanin, Orlovat, reka Tam iš 75 D R 80 Deliblatska Peščara: Sam oš 76 E Q 06 Deliblatska Peščara: D eliblato; D olin a 77 E Q 08 Deliblatska Peščara: Čoka 78 E Q 16 Deliblatska Peščara: Šumarak 79 E Q 17 Deliblatska Peščara: Kremenjak; Šušara 80 E Q 26 Banat: Banatska Palanka JUGOSLAVIJA: SRBIJA (YUGOSLAVIA: SERBIA): 81 CP66 Tara Planina: Kremiči; Predov Krst 82 D P50 Golija: Biser V od a 83 D Q 60 A randelovac 84 EN 89 Niš: Sičevo 85 EN 98 Suva Planina 86 EP30 V eliki Jastrebac, R avnište 87 E Q 82 D onji M ilanovac 88 FN 00 Besna Kobila 89 FN 02 Vlasinska Tresava 90 FN03 VI asi na 91 FN 08 Suva Planina: Tri lokve 92 FN 38 Vidlič: Basara: Planinica 93 FN 48 Stara Planina: Dojkinci; D ojkinci, Bašta; Ponor 94 FN 49 Stara Planina; Stara Planina: Kopren JUGOSLAVIJA: SRBIJA: KOSOVO (YUGOSLAVIA: SERBIA: KOSOVO): 95 D N 22 R ugovo, Bjeluha; Kučište 96 D N 33 Žljeb: Kula 97 D N 53 Istok M AKEDONIJA (MACEDONIA): 98 D M 60 Šar Planina: Lukovo Pole 99 D M 62 Korab: Guri Velpnis 100 D M 70 Bistra 101 D M 72 Ničpurska Planina: Ničpur 102 D M 90 Kičevo, D olenci 103 D M 95 Šar Planina: Jelak 104 EL47 Prilep 105 EM 22 Karadžica 106 EM3 I Jakupica: G orno B egovo, Begovo Pole; Solunsko Pole 107 FL06 K ožuf 108 FL25 Gevgelija 109 FL46 Dojransko jezero, Ačikot T he U T M coordinates are follow ed by the major localities (province, m ountain, etc.), then the exact sur­ vey site If separated by a com m a, the exact locality is situated close to the major on e (e.g K ičevo, D o len ci) Tf separated by a colon, the survey site is situated at the major locality or represents its com p o­ nent (e.g Šar Planina: Jelak) 151 A c ta e n t o m o l o g i e s s lov cni ca, (2), 2000 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at L is t o f th e s p e c ie s a n d s u b s p e c ie s PULICIDAE Ecliidnophaga murina (Tiraboschi, 1903) H rvatsk a : H var Island: Brusje, 340 m, 10 1975, from Eliom ys quercinus, leg N Tvrtkovič T he m ajor host of E murina are rats, especially R rattus Only rarely is found to infect o th er species of small ground rodents This uncom m on flea species (H opkins & R o th sch ild , 1953) is d istrib u te d in th e M e d ite rra n e a n area (Italy, G re ec e, Egypt, M aroco, Turkey, Asia M inor) but was also found in G ruzia ( = G eorgia) and eastern A sia (H ong Kong, Japan) T he island of H var is the only known survey site for this area Eliom ys quercinus is the first know n dorm ice host of this species Pulex irritans Linnaeus, 1758 SI o v e n ij a : H otedršica, Ravnik, 550 m, 9 1966, from Glis glis, leg S Brelih & R Jelinčič T he passage of th e hum an flea to G glis is presum ably a coincidental W agner (1939) also found P irritans on G glis, but the exact locality was n ot given HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Hystrichopsylla (Hystrichopsylla) orientalis orientalis Smit, 1956 Bosna i Hercegovina: lCf Gazivoda, 26 10 1988, from Glis glis, leg B Kryštufek H ystrichopsylla o orientalis occurs in the fur and in the nests of sm all terrestrial m am m als (T alpidae, Soricidae, A rvicolidae and M uridae) T he passage to G glis is probably very rare Neopsylla setosa spinea Rothschild, 1915 Jugoslavija: Srbija: Vojvodina: Srem: Fruška G ora: Jazak, 180 m, 12 1989, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Kryštufek & T T rilar 1Ö" Čertanovci, Srem (correct Srem: Fruška G ora: Čortanovci), from Citellus citellus ( = Sperm ophilus citellus), leg J W agner (»Neopsylla setosa«) (W agner, 1939) l D eliblatska Peščara: D eliblato, 100 m, 1947, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg A Ružič idem, 1949, leg B Petrov l D eliblatska peščara: Čoka, 1947, from Citellus citellus ( = Sperm ophilus citellus), leg A Ružič (» Neopsylla setosa«) (Rosicky & Todorovič, 1964) Neopsylla setosa mainly lives in the nests of Spermophilus (H opkins & R othschild, 1962) W hile we exam ined only the fur of collected sousliks and n o t the nests, the find­ ings in the C entral B alkans w ere quite rare T h e species is probably m ore com m on than thought and probably occurs thro u g h o u t the range of the host 152 S Brel ih, T T ri la r: S ip h o n a p l©Slovenian e r a o f s quEntomological irr el s a n d dSociety, o r m i c edownload unter www.biologiezentrum.at Fig 3: D istribution of Spermophilus citellus (Linnaeus) (adapted from Petrov, 1992), and survey sites of Neopsylla setosa spineci Rothschild A c ta e n t o m o l o g i c a s lov eni ca, (2), 2000 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Doratopsylla dasycnema dasycnema (R othschild, 1897) »All over the territory of the W estern and C entral Balkans«, from Sorex and Talpa, and also from Sylvaem us flavicollis {= A podem u s flavicollis) and Glis glis (» D oratopsylla dasycn em u s «) (W agner, 1939) Ctenophthalmus (Spalacoctenophtlialmus) monticola (K ohaut, 1904) Jugoslavija: Srbija: l9 T ara Planina: Kremiči, 950 m, 20 1949, from Glis glis, leg B Petrov 1C? Stara Planina, O ctober 1947, from Glis glis, leg B Petrov & A Ružič T he passages of fleas, typical for N leucodon (H opkins & R othschild, 1962), to G glis are presum ably very rare Ctenophthalmus (Ctenophthalmus) agyrtes wagnerianus Peus, 1950 S l o v e n i j a: l9 H otedršica (^ H o te d ršic a , Novi svet), 700 m, 26 1956, from G lis glis, leg R & N Jelinčič (» C tenophthalm us ag)>rtes carnicus «) (Rosicky & C arnelutti, 1959) l9 H otedršica, Ravnik, 580 m, 13 1971, from G lis glis, leg R Jelinčič 5C? lQ Snežnik, Sviščaki, 1250 m, 1995, from nests of Glis glis, leg T Trilar 1C? ibidem, 22 1997, from nest of Glis glis l9 ibidem, 1999, from nest of G lis glis l9 T renta: Julijana, 720 m, 13 1968, from Glis glis, leg S Brelih & J Dovič Ctenophthalmus (Ctenophthalmus) agyrtes graecus Jordan, 1926 Makedonija: l9 Prilep, 700 m, 21 1969, from D iyom ys nitedula, leg B Petrov 1C? Jakupica: G orno Begovo, Begovo Pole, 1950-2000 m, 11 1989, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Krystufek Ctenophthalmus (Ctenophthalmus) agyrtes ohridanus W agner, 1939 o d in a r u s Rostigayev, 1959 H rva tsk a : 4C? 69 B rač Island: Dol, 600 m, 1975, from Glis glis, leg N Tvrtkovič C tenophthalm us agyrtes is one of the m ost com m on flea species on small terrestrial m am m als (Talpidae, Soricidae, A rvicolinae, and M uridae) The passage to dorm ice is com m on; to sousliks is quite rare 10 Ctenophthalmus (Medioctenophthalmus) nifetodes brelihi Rosicky & C arnelutti, 1959 Slovenija: 3C? 39 H otedrščica (= H o te d ršic a , Novi svet), 700 m (not 1264 m), 26 1956, from G lis glis, leg R & N Jelinčič (H olotype and paratypes) (Rosicky & C arnelutti, 1959) (included 1C? and l9 paratype from Rothschild collection in the British M useum (H opkins & R othschild, 1966)) l ibidem, 1967, from G lis glis, leg S Brelih & R Jelinčič (Brelih, 1986) T he single known host of this flea subspecies is G glis The flea type locality is Novi 154 S Bre li h, T T ri la r : S i p h o n a p t ©Slovenian e r a o f sq uEntomological ir r el s a n d d Society, o r m i c e download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Svet n ea r H o ted ršica in Slovenia and, according to cu rren t know ledge, is the only known site In Slovenia there are no known recent survey sites of D bogdanovi, which is the m ajor host of the rem aining subspecies of Ct nifetodes Pleistocene fragm ents (D cf bogdan ovi ) are en co u n tered in the environs of Ilirska Bistrica and the fossil D inarom ys dalm atinus has been found near T rieste in Italy (Bartolom ei, 1970) D bog­ d an ovi is m ost probably extinct in Slovenia and its specific fleas presum ably passed from the prim ary host to the new one, which is G glis 11 Ctenophthalmus (Medioctenophthalmus) nifetodes tvrtkovici Brelih, 1986 H rvatska : l Velebit: Zavižan, M odriča dolac, 1460 m, 1979, from Glis glis, leg N Tvrtkovič (Brelih, 1986) 12 Ctenophthalmus (Medioctenophthalmus) nifetodes nifetodes W agner, 1933 Bosna i Hercegovina: Bjelašnica (G acko), 1600 m, 1970, from G lis glis, leg B Petrov (Brelih, 1986) J u g o s l a v i j a : C r na Go r a : l Cetinje, environs, from Glis glis, leg V M artino (» C tenophthalm us nivalis n ifetodes « - holotype) (W agner, 1928-29, 1933) As many G glis nest in rocky cracks and cavities (Polak, 1997), they come in con­ tact with D bogdanovi Fleas are quite com monly pass from one host to another 13 Ctenophthalmus (Euctenophthalmus) congener congener Rothschild, 1907 Slovenija: lCf Trnovski gozd: Čaven, 1240 m, 23 1971, from Glis glis, leg S Brelih & R Jelinčič 14 Ctenophthalmus (Euctenophthalmus) congener troilus Peus,1954 Makedonija: 1C? Gevgelija, 75 m, 26 1971, from D iyom ys nitedula, leg B Petrov Both subspecies of Ct congener live on many species of small terrestrial m am m als and periodically infect dormice 15 Ctenophthalmus (Euctenophthalmus) orientcilis orientalis (W agner, 1898) Jugoslavija: Srbija: Voj vodi na: 1C? Torža, Bačka (correct Bačka: Savino Selo), from Crocidura sp., leg J W agner (»C tenophthalm us orientalis«) (W agner, 1939) Irig, Srem (Srem: Fruška G ora: Irig), from Citellus citellus ( =Spenn oph ilu s citellus), leg V M artino (»Ctenophthalm us orientalis«) (W agner, 1928-29) l Trig, B anat (correct Srem: Fruška G ora: Irig), 27 1933, from Citellus c citellus ( = Sperm oph ilu s citellus), leg T Kasapski (H opkins & R othschild, 1966) 3C? Si'em: Fruška G ora: Jazak, 180 m, 12 1989, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Kryštufek & T T rilar 1C? C repaja, B anat (= P ančevo, C repaja), 80 m, 17 1928, from Citellus citellus 155 A c ta e n l o m o l o g i c a slove ni ca, (2), 2000 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at ( = Sperm oph iliis citellus), leg V M artino (H opkins & R othschild, 1966) 3C? Banat: B anatska Palanka, 85 m, 29 1988, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Krystufek 3 idem , 30 1988 2C?Banat: Z renjanin, Orlovat, reka Tam iš, 81 m, 13 1989, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Krystufek & T T rilar Bačka: Titel, Lok, 80 m, 14 1989, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Krystufek M ilenci, Bačka (correct Banat: M elenci), from Citellus citellus ( = Sperm ophilus citellus), leg V M artino (» Ctenophthalm us orientalis«) (W agner, 1928-29) 1C? D eliblatska Peščara: Samoš, 100 m, 14 1989, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Kryštufek l9 D eliblatska Peščara, 12 1981, from Talpa europciea, leg A Ružič l9 D eliblatska Peščara: D eliblato, 100 m, 1947, from Spermophilus citellus, leg A Ružič idem , 20 1949 1C? l idem , 21 1949 1C? D eliblatska Peščara: D olina, 130 m, 14 1948, from Talpa europaea, leg B Petrov '1C? D eliblatska peščara: Čoka, 1947, from Citellus citellus ( = Sperm ophilus citellus), leg A Ružič (» Ctenophthalm us orientalis «) (Rosicky & Todorovič, 1964) l D eliblatska Peščara: Šum arak, 110 m, 1983, from N annospalax leiicoclon, leg A Ružič idem , 29 1983 l9 D eliblatska Peščara: Šušara, 170 m, 1964, from A podem u s sylvciticus, leg D & N H eneberg J u g o s l a v i j a : Sr b i j a : 1C? Vlasinska Tresava, 1200 m, 18 1948, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Petrov 2C? Vlasina, 1250 m, A ugust 1947, from Citellus citellus ( = Sperm ophilus citellus), leg A Ružič (» C tenophthalm us orientalis«) (Rosicky & Todorovič, 1964) 2C? ib id e m , 18 1947, fr o m Talpa europaea, le g A R u ž ič (» Ctenophthalm us ori­ entalis«) ( R o s ic k y & T o d o r o v ič , 1964) 6C? ibidem , 25 1977, from Sperm ophilus citellus, leg B Petrov 1C? S tara Planina: Ponor, 17 1947, from Citellus citellus ( = Sperm ophilus citelus), leg A Ružič (» Ctenophthalm us orientalis «) (Rosicky & Todorovič, 1964) C tenophthalm us o orientalis is a typical flea of souslik nests, but is frequently found also in th e fur of collected anim als U sually occurs in spring and aut umn, but in Yugoslavia was found also from June to A ugust In Yugoslavia and M acedonia it was found only within the range of its m ajor host S citellus O ther hosts from this area are T europaea, Crocidura sp., N leucodon, and A sylvciticus 16 Ctenophthalmus (Euctenophthalmus) orientalisjcikupicae ssp n (Figs 4, 5, 7, 9) Makedonija: som e K aradica (= K arad žica), from Citellus citellus ( = Sperm ophilus citellus), 156 S Br el ih, T Tl ilar: S i p h o n a p l ©Slovenian e r a o f sq uEntomological ir r el s a n d d Society, o r m i c e download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Fig 17: D istribution of Ceratophyllus sciurorum sciurorum (Schrank) in the W estern and C entral Balkans Ceratophyllus s sciuronun is the m ost com m on flea species of our red squirrels and dorm ice, especially G glis It often passes to oth er hosts, which com e in contact with squirrels and dorm ice as predators or during nesting It is a w idespread sylvatic flea in the W estern and C entral Balkans found on th e following hosts: S vulgaris, G glis, D nitedula, E quercinus, M avellanarius, M martes, M foina, V vulpes, F silvestris, A flavicollis, A sylvaticus, M m usculus s lat., M m inutus, R rattus, C glareolus, M aivalis, D bogdanovi, in the nest of P major, and also on hum ans, on floors, the soil, and even in carstic caves in traps with beetle bait 25 SI 19 20 20 Ceratophyllus (Monopsyllus) sp o v e n ij a: Snežnik: Sviščaki, 1250 m, 22 1997, from nest of Glis glis, leg T T rilar ibidem , 1999 ibidem , 30 10 1999, from nests of Glis glis 175 A c ta e n t o m o l o g i c a slove ni ca, (2), 2000 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at D uring the determ ination of a great am ount of m aterial from the nests of G glis from Sviščaki, Mt Snežnik (Slovenia) (Tab 1) we found m ales and fem ale, which are clearly distinguishable from the all known species from the genus Ceratophyllus T he m ales differ in the shape of sternum V III and fem ales in the shape of sternum VII and in th e shape of sperm atheca T hese m ost likely represent an undescribed species 26 Ceratophyllus (Ceratophyllus) gallinae (Schrank, 1803) Slovenija: lQ Snežnik: Sviščaki, 1250 m, 24 10 1997, from nest of Glis glis, leg T T rilar lQ ibidem , 16 1999, from nest of Glis glis 1C? Podljubelj, Čižovnik, 950 m, 11 1999, from nest of Glis glis, leg T T rilar Ceratophyllus gallinae ecologically belongs to the group of fleas of small passeriform birds which nest in tree canopies, holes, nest boxes, and bushes (Rosicky, 1950, 1957; Jurfk, 1975,1976,1978) Glis glis is an occasional host (Traub et al., 1983) 27 Ceratophyllus (Ceratophyllus) hirundinis (Curtis, 1826) Slovenija: 3C? sQ Snežnik: Sviščaki, 1250 m, 22 1990, from nest of Glis glis, leg T T rilar (Trilar, 1995, 1997) 28 Ceratophyllus (Ceratophyllus) rusticus W agner, 1903 S 1o v e n ij a : l9 Snežnik: Sviščaki, 1250 m, 22 1990, from nest of Glis glis, leg T T rilar (Trilar, 1995,1997) T he p resence of C hirundinis and C rusticus in G glis nests was very surprising (Trilar, 1995, 1997) Both belong to the group of swallow fleas (Rosicky, 1950, 1957; Jurfk, 1975, 1976, 1978), and G glis is an accidental host (Traub et al., 1983) W hich in term ed iate host m ediates transfer from swallows to dorm ice is unknow n, because swallows nest at great distances from rod en t dens D isc u s sio n W e have stu d ie d fleas (S ip h o n a p te ) from th e te rrito ry of th e W este rn and C entral B alkans (form er Yugoslavia) (Fig 1) w hose hosts are rodents from the family of squirrels (Sciuridae) and dorm ice (G liridae) T h ree species of squirrels live in this area: th e red squirrel (S vulgaris), the E u ro p ean souslik (S citellus), and the A lpine m arm ot (M m arm ota), and four species of dorm ice: the fat dorm ouse (G glis), the com m on dorm ouse (M avellanarius), the garden dorm ouse (E quercinus), and the for­ est dorm ouse (D nitedula) T ables trough provide results of our survey of fleas found on S vulgaris, S citellus, G glis, M avellanarius, E quercinus, and D nitedula in the W estern and C entral Balkans 176 S Br el ih , T Tr il ar : S i p h o n a p t e©Slovenian r a o f sq u Entomological ir r el s a n d d oSociety, r m i c e download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Date 1990 1990 22 1990 30 1992 1992 17.2 1993 27 1993 22 1994 10 1994 1995 1996 19 1996 22 1997 24 10 1997 10 1998 28 1999 16 1999 1999 30 10 1999 Total Nests No 12 11 10 3 16 83 22 311 221 752 614 432 34 10 562 294 122 659 86 152 122 107 166 1039 5166 226 190 649 556 249 21 417 150 88 469 81 176 129 64 110 569 3781 HR No L BH No L MTG No L VOJ No L SR B No L KOS No L CXi S No L T a b 1: Survey of Ceratophyllus sciurorum sciurorum in the nests of Glis glis fro m Sviščaki, M t Snežnik (1250 m, leg T T rilar) data from 1990 to 1993 accord­ ing to T rilar (1995, 1997) 40 L sciurobia T octodecimdentata octodecimdentata ?

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 22:59



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