Vsebina / Contents L SENŒIŒ: Intensity of wing pigmentation and identification of pigments in wings of owl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) Intenziteta pigmentiranosti kril in identifikacija pigmentov v krilih metuljœnice Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) G SELJAK: An overview of the current knowledge of jumping plant-lice of Slovenia (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) Pregled trenutnega poznavanja boløic Slovenije (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) B KOFLER: Anophthalmus miroslavae sp n iz Slovenije (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) Anophthalmus miroslavae sp n from Slovenia (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) T LESAR, M J: Prispevek k poznavanju razøirjenosti metuljev (Macrolepidoptera) subpanonskega dela slovenske Øtajerske Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of butterflies and moths (Macrolepidoptera) in the subpannonian part of the Slovene Øtajerska I ỈIVIÅ, Z MARKOVIÅ, M BRAJKOVIÅ: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia Prispevek k favnistiœnemu seznamu mladoletnic (Trichoptera, Insecta) Srbije LJ PROTIÅ: Nabidae (Heteroptera) from former Yugoslavia in the collection of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade Nabidae (Heteroptera) iz nekdanje Jugoslavije v zbirkah Prirodoslovnega muzeja v Beogradu M AYDOGDU, A BEYARSLAN: First records of Aleiodes Wesmael, 1838 species in East Marmara region of Turkey (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Rogadinae) Prvi podatki o vrstah rodu Aleiodes Wesmael, 1838, v Vzhodni marmarski regiji Turœije (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Rogadinae) E DEMIR: Preliminary report on the Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) fauna of Kazdaπi National Park with two new records for Turkey Predhodno poroœilo o favni økræatkov (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) v Narodnem parku Kazdaπi z dvema novima najdbama za Turœijo ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JULIJ 2006 Vol 14, øt./No 11 35 43 55 69 81 89 Favnistiœni zapiski / Faunistical notes A HASBENLI, F BAYRAKDAR, N ALPAY: First record of Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 (Diptera: Asilidae) from Turkey Prva najdba vrste Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 (Diptera: Asilidae) v Turœiji 103 PRIRODOSLOVNI MUZEJ SLOVENIJE SLOVENSKO ENTOMOLÒKO DRÙTVO ØTEFANA MICHIELIJA ISSN 1318-1998 CODEN: AESLFM ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2006 Vol 14, øt./No PRIRODOSLOVNI MUZEJ SLOVENIJE SLOVENSKO ENTOMOLÒKO DRÙTVO ØTEFANA MICHIELIJA ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA Revija Slovenskega entomolòkega drùtva Øtefana Michielija in Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije Izhaja dvakrat letno / Issued twice a year ISSN 1318-1998 CODEN: AESLFM UDC (UDK) 595.7(051) © Acta entomologica slovenica Izdajatelja / Publishers Slovensko entomolòko drùtvo Øtefana Michielija ZRC SAZU, Novi trg SI-1000 Ljubljana Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije Preøernova 20, p.p 290 SI-1001 Ljubljana Uredniøki odbor / Editorial Board dr Martin Baehr (München), dr Jan Carnelutti (Ljubljana), dr Boæidar Drovenik (Ljubljana), dr Werner Holzinger (Graz), dr Mladen Kuœiniå (Zagreb), prof dr Joæe Maœek (Ljubljana), prof dr Lea Milevoj (Ljubljana), dr Carlo Morandini (Udine), dr Ignac Sivec (Ljubljana), dr Tomi Trilar (Ljubljana), Ỉarko Vrezec (tehn urednik/Techn Editor) Urednik / Editor dr Andrej Gogala Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije Preøernova 20, p.p 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: agogala@pms-lj.si letnik/Vol 14, øt./No 1, 2006 Tisk / Printed by: Trajanus, d.o.o., Kranj Izølo v 500 izvodih Ljubljana, julij 2006 http://www2.pms-lj.si/biblioteka/acta_entomologica.html Povzeto v / To be abstracted in: The Zoological Record, Entomology Abstracts, CAB Abstracts Revijo dobivajo œlani Slovenskega entomolòkega drùtva Øtefana Michielija (œlanarina 4500 SIT) Cena posamezne øtevilke je 2000 SIT Zamenjava je zaæeljena / Exchanges appreciated Publikacija je natisnjena s pomoœjo Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost R Slovenije Uredniøko delo podpira Ministrstvo za kulturo R Slovenije Vsebina / Contents L SENŒIŒ: Intensity of wing pigmentation and identification of pigments in wings of owl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) Intenziteta pigmentiranosti kril in identifikacija pigmentov v krilih metuljœnice Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) .5 G SELJAK: An overview of the current knowledge of jumping plant-lice of Slovenia (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) Pregled trenutnega poznavanja boløic Slovenije (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) .11 B KOFLER: Anophthalmus miroslavae sp n iz Slovenije (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) Anophthalmus miroslavae sp n from Slovenia (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) 35 T LESAR, M J: Prispevek k poznavanju razøirjenosti metuljev (Macrolepidoptera) subpanonskega dela slovenske Øtajerske Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of butterflies and moths (Macrolepidoptera) in the subpannonian part of the Slovene Øtajerska .43 I ỈIVIÅ, Z MARKOVIÅ, M BRAJKOVIÅ: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia Prispevek k favnistiœnemu seznamu mladoletnic (Trichoptera, Insecta) Srbije 55 LJ PROTIÅ: Nabidae (Heteroptera) from former Yugoslavia in the collection of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade Nabidae (Heteroptera) iz nekdanje Jugoslavije v zbirkah Prirodoslovnega muzeja v Beogradu 69 M AYDOGDU, A BEYARSLAN: First records of Aleiodes Wesmael, 1838 species in East Marmara region of Turkey (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Rogadinae) Prvi podatki o vrstah rodu Aleiodes Wesmael, 1838, v Vzhodni marmarski regiji Turœije (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Rogadinae) .81 E DEMIR: Preliminary report on the Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) fauna of Kazdaπi National Park with two new records for Turkey Predhodno poroœilo o favni økræatkov (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) v Narodnem parku Kazdaπi z dvema novima najdbama za Turœijo 89 Favnistiœni zapiski / Faunistical notes A HASBENLI, F BAYRAKDAR, N ALPAY: First record of Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 (Diptera: Asilidae) from Turkey Prva najdba vrste Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 (Diptera: Asilidae) v Turœiji 103 Navodila avtorjem Acta entomologica slovenica je glasilo Slovenskega entomolòkega drùtva Øtefana Michielija in Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije Objavlja izvirna znanstvena dela, pregledne œlanke in ocene knjig s podroœja entomologije Œlanki lahko obravnavajo favnistiko, sistematiko, ekologijo, etologijo, fiziologijo ali zoogeografijo ỉelk Pisani naj bodo v slovenskem ali anglèkem jeziku, z obveznim angleøkim in slovenskim izvleœkom Œlanki so strokovno recenzirani Letno izideta dve øtevilki Avtorje prosimo, da se pri oblikovanju œlankov zgledujejo po zadnji øtevilki revije Œe je le mogoœe, svoj tekst oddajte tudi na raœunalniøki disketi ali poøljite po elektronski poøti Izpis œlanka na papirju naj ima dvojne presledke med vrsticami, da je moæno popravljanje Risbe naj bodo kontrastne, pri debelini œrt pa upoøtevajte tudi morebitno pomanjøanje na format revije Slike in tabele naj bodo na posebnem listu in v drugi datoteki, œe jih oddajate v elektronski obliki Citirana literatura naj se navede na koncu œlanka in naj bo razvrøœena po abecedi glede na priimke avtorjev Primera za citiranje sta sledeœa: Benoist, R., 1940: Remarques sur quelques espèces de Mégachiles principalement de la Faune Francaise Ann Soc ent France, 109: 41-88 Friese, H., 1899: Die Bienen Europas (Apidae europaeae) Bd 5: Genera Lithurgus, Megachile 228 pp Lampe, Innsbruck Avtorji œlankov dobijo brezplaœno 20 posebnih odtisov in œlanek v elektronski obliki Instructions to authors Acta entomologica slovenica is the Journal of the Slovenian Entomological Society Øtefan Michieli and the Slovene Museum of Natural History It publishes original scientific works, overview articles, and book reviews in the field of Entomology Articles may deal with faunistics, systematics, ecology, etology, physiology, or zoogeography of insects They may be written in Slovene or English, with abstracts in English and Slovene (the editors will ensure translations into Slovene) All articles are reviewed Two issues are published a year We ask all authors to model the layout of their manuscripts on a previous issue of the Journal If possible, send the text on a floppy disk or by e-mail, as well as on paper with double spacing between lines Drawings must have high contrast Please, consider that all line widths may be reduced during layout of the issue Pictures and tables should be printed on separate sheets and in separate files if prepared in digital form References should be listed at the end of the article in the alphabetical order of the authors’ names The samples are as follows: Benoist, R., 1940: Remarques sur quelques espèces de Mégachiles principalement de la Faune Francaise Ann Soc ent France, 109: 41-88 Friese, H., 1899: Die Bienen Europas (Apidae europaeae) Bd 5: Genera Lithurgus, Megachile 228 pp Lampe, Innsbruck 20 reprints and electronic version will be sent to the Authors free of charge ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JULIJ 2006 Vol 14, øt 1: 5–10 INTENSITY OF WING PIGMENTATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF PIGMENTS IN WINGS OF OWL-FLY LIBELLOIDES MACARONIUS (SCOPOLI, 1763) (NEUROPTERA: ASCALAPHIDAE) Leon SENŒIŒ University of Maribor, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Biology, Koroøka cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia Abstract – Coloration intensity of wings from owl-fly (Libelloides macaronius) was checked with absorption of the light; at 425 nm of the yellow parts of the wings and at 650 nm of the black parts The difference between males and females was not statistically significant In black parts of wings the black pigment melanin was identified In both parts (yellow and black) the yellow pigment sepiapterin and one unidentified yellow pigment were present They were extracted with 0.4% sucrose and analysed on paper and thin–layer chromatography on Silica gel KEY WORDS: Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae, Libelloides macaronius, wings, coloration, pigments, sepiapterin, melanin Izvleœek – INTENZITETA PIGMENTIRANOSTI KRIL IN IDENTIFIKACIJA PIGMENTOV V KRILIH METULJŒNICE LIBELLOIDES MACARONIUS (SCOPOLI, 1763) (NEUROPTERA: ASCALAPHIDAE) Intenziteto obarvanosti kril metuljœnice (Libelloides macaronius) smo doloœali z absorpcijo svetlobe pri valovni dolæini 425 nm za rumene dele kril in pri valovni dolæini 650 nm za œrne dele kril Razlike med samci in samicami niso bile statistiœno pomembne V œrnih delih kril smo dokazali œrni pigment melanin V obeh delih (rumenih in œrnih) je bil prisoten rumen pigment sepiapterin in øe en neidentificiran rumen pigment Ekstrahirali smo ju z 0.4% saharozo in analizirali s papirno in tankoplastno kromatografijo na silikagelu KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae, Libelloides macaronius, krila, obarvanost, pigmenti, sepiapterin, melanin Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Introduction Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli) inhabits Central, Eastern and South Europe and Palaearctic part of Asia (Aspöck et al., 2001) In Slovenia the species is widely distributed near the Adriatic coast in the SW, but occurs also in certain warmer places all over the country (Devetak et al., 2002) Its yellow wings with black spots have a warning coloration The differences in colour intensities between males and females are not substantial when we observe them with naked eye A similar coloration with yellow pteridine (sepiapterin) and black melanin was reported in the integument of scorpion fly Panorpa japonica (Nakagoshi et al., 1984) Yellow pigments of insect origin could also be ommochromes and porfirines or from food accepted carotenoides and flavones (Peters, 1999) Our aim was to asses a potential difference in intensity of coloration of the male and female wings, and extraction and identification of the pigments Material and methods Specimens of Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli) were collected in grasslands near the village Nerezine (44o 40’ N, 14o 24’ E) on the island Loøinj in Croatia and stored at –25oC before use Intensity of coloration of the wings was measured with absorption of the light in situ after slightly modified method of Stark (1974) Each right rear wing (from 30 males and 30 females) was cut off, clumped between two plates with a 1.9 mm aperture and this holder was inserted on the front of the sample chamber in spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer, Lamda Bio) Absorption was measured in parts with intensive and homogenous pigmentation (Fig 1) The yellow parts were measured at the wavelength 425 nm (at the absorption maximum of pteridines (Nakagoshi et al., 1984; Stark, 1974)) and black spots at the wavelength 650 nm (recommended for quantification of melanin (Virador et al., 1999)) Student’s “t” test was used to calculate the statistical significance between results for males and females Melanin was identified by soaking the black part of wing in the solution of the methylene blue (7 mg/L) in KCl – buffer (0.2 mol/L) pH (Lilie, 1954) Identification of yellow pigments was performed from rear wings The wings were separated in yellow parts (2.8 mg) and black parts (3.5 mg) into two mortals After grinding with 42 mg of quartz sand for min, the extraction was performed with 300 mL of 0.4% sucrose in a dim light After 10 of centrifugation at 1000 g, the extraction was repeated The absorption spectra of pooled supernatants were scanned at 350 – 700 nm The freeze-dried supernatants were dissolved in 10 mL of deaerated water and applied (3 x µL) on aluminium sheet with Silica gel 60 F254 (7.5 x 20cm; Merck, Germany) for thin-layer chromatography On last starting point Fig 1: Rear wing of Libelloides macaronius Arrows indicate the points where absorption was measured Leon Senœiœ: Intensity of wing pigmentation and identification of pigments in wings of owl-fly Libelloides macaronius the 1mL of solution containing 0.1 mg of pure sepiapterin (Schircks, Switzerland) was applied The solvent was n-propanol – 1% ammonium hydroxyde (2:1, V/V) (Hama et al., 1965) Developing was performed in dark The chromatogram was dried with warm air and checked at day light and under fluorescence at excitation wavelength 365 nm in fluorescence analysis cabinet (Spectroline CM-10, USA) The paper chromatography (with paper MN214, Macherey-Düren, Germany) was performed at the same conditions Results The yellow and black parts of wings absorb light of specific wavelengths quite differently, but differences between males and females at equal parts of wings were not statistically significant (Table 1) Table 1: Absorption of yellow and black parts of the wings of Libelloides macaronius at wavelengths 425 and 650 nm, respectively Values are mean ± S D., N = 30, * = p< 0.05 Absorption of the yellow parts of wings at 425 nm Absorption of the black parts of wings at 650 nm Males 2.860 ± 0.182 1.426 ± 0.176 Females 2.830 ± 0.192 1.450 ± 0.135 The presence of melanin was confirmed with methylene blue at pH as a dark green coloured margins at the dark spots of the cut wings Extraction of the yellow and black parts of wings resulted as yellow extracts with the absorption maximum at 420 – 425 nm, characteristic for the presence of pteridines The first extract from yellow parts had at 425 nm absorption 0.958 and from the black parts 0.426 Absorption of the second extracts were 0.631 and 0.230, respectively The thin-layer chromatography revealed the presence of two yellow spots (at least two yellow pigments) in both extracts The first spot with Rf 0.33 was not identified, while the second with Rf 0.56 the length of migration corresponded to the migration of pure sepiapterin (Figure 2) Paper chromatography (Figure 3) confirmed these results The yellow spot with Rf 0.27 was not identified and yellow spot with Rf 0.44 was at the same position as pure sepiapterin Discussion Sexual dimorphism of Libelloides macaronius is not marked, although the wings of females were found to be slightly, but statistically significant larger than in the males (Devetak et al., 2002) After our absorption data the differences in intensity of coloration of wings were not statistically significant Moderate low absorption of the black spots is consequence of distribution of the black pigments only near the veins Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Fig 2: Thin-layer chromatography of extracts from wings of Libelloides macaronius Samples: – from yellow parts, – from black parts, – pure sepiapterin Yellow spots, visible at daily light, are indicated with Y in the centre of spot On right side is indicated the colour of fluorescence at 365 nm: B – blue, LB – light blue, V – violet, Y – yellow Fig 3: Paper chromatography of extracts from wings of Libelloides macaronius Samples: – from yellow parts, – from black parts, – pure sepiapterin Yellow spots, visible at daily light, are indicated with Y in the centre of spot On the right side is indicated the colour of fluorescence at 365 nm: LB – light blue, V – violet, Y – yellow and fields between them are yellow in the middle (personal observation) The absorption of the yellow pigments in black spots was lower than in yellow spots (data not shown) An alternative method for determination of the colour intensity of wings with potentially lower scattering interference on structures requires a colour camera, which is connected to personal computer (Windig, 1999) The presence of black pigment melanin in black parts of the wings was identified only with the histochemical method (Lilie, 1954), because the extraction after the Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Aphrodes makarovi Zachvatkin, 1948 Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 700 m, 06.06.2005, 3∆ Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara (Ba∂pınar & Uygun, 1991; Demir, 2006) Alebra albostriella (Fallén, 1826) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 800 m, 29.08.2004, 1∆1≈ On Quercus Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Artvin, Bolu, Çorum, Hatay, √zmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Ordu (Linnavuori, 1965; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1983b; Demir, 2006) Micantulina (Mulsantina) stigmatipennis (Mulsant et Rey, 1855) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 1000 m, 04.06.2005, 1∆2≈ On Verbascum Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Burdur, Isparta, √stanbul, √zmir, Manisa (Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1983b; Demir, 2006) Eupteryx gyaurdagicus Dlabola, 1957 Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 1000 m, 04.06.2005, 16∆14≈ On grass with Mentha Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Bolu, Isparta, √zmir, Manisa, Nev∂ehir, Sinop (Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1984b; Kartal, 1983; Demir, 2006) Eupteryx melissae Curtis, 1837 Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park , Zeytinli stream, 150 m, 28.08.2004, 4∆ On grass with Mentha Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Kastamonu, Sinop (Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1984b) Grypotes puncticollis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1834) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park , Top of Kazdaπı, 1700 m, 28.08.2004, 1∆; Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park , Camp field, 800 m, 29.08.2004, 1≈ On Pinus nigra Distribution in Turkey: Amasya, Ankara, Çankırı, Ordu, Samsun, Sinop (Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1985; Zeybekoπlu, 1994; Zeybekoπlu, 1998) Balclutha rhenana Wagner, 1939 Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park , Zeytinli, 150 m, 06.06.2005, 2∆1≈ Distribution in Turkey: Erzurum (Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1985b) Platymetopius henribauti Dlabola, 1961 Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Zeytinli, 150 m, 06.06.2005, 1∆; Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Zeytinli stream, 150 m, 28.08.2004, 1≈ Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Konya (Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1986b; Demir, 2006) 94 Emine Demir: Preliminary report on the Auchenorryncha (Hemiptera) fauna of Kazdaπi national park with two new records Anoplotettix fuscovenosus (Ferrari, 1882) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park , Camp field, 1000 m, 04.06.2005, 1∆ Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Bursa, Çorum, Edirne, √zmir, Kırklareli, Manisa, Rize, Sakarya, Samsun, Sinop, Tokat (Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1986b; Kartal & Zeybekoπlu, 1991; Zeybekoπlu, 1998; Demir, 2006) Selenocephalus pallidus Kirschbaum, 1868 Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park , Zeytinli stream, 150 m, 28.08.2004, 1≈ On Cistus creticus Distribution in Turkey: Adana Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Bolu, Burdur, Bursa, Çanakkale, Çankırı, Çorum, Denizli, Isparta, √zmir, Kayseri, Kır∂ehir, Konya, Manisa, Samsun, Sinop, Tokat, Yozgat, (Linnavuori, 1965; Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1986c; Kartal & Zeybekoπlu, 1991; Demir, 2006) Hardya anatolica Zachvatkin, 1946 Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 1000 m, 04.06.2005, 1≈ Distribution in Turkey: Adıyaman, Ankara, Antalya, Bolu, Elazıπ, Erzincan, Isparta, √zmir, Karaman, Kayseri, Kır∂ehir, Nev∂ehir, Ordu (Zachvatkin, 1946; Linnavuori, 1965; Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1987; Demir, 2004b, 2006) Cicadula (Henriana) lineatopunctata (Matsumura, 1908) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 1000 m, 04.06.2005, 3∆ Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Aydın, Bolu, Bursa, Çankırı, Diyarbakır, Düzce, Erzincan, √zmir, Mardin, Sakarya, Sinop, Urfa (Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1987) Handianus procerus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park , Top of Kazdaπı, 1700 m, 28.08.2004, 1∆3≈ Distribution in Turkey: Afyon, Aπrı, Ankara, Antalya, Bitlis, Erzurum, Isparta, √zmir, Kırıkkale, Konya, Malatya, Nev∂ehir, Niπde, Urfa, Van, Zonguldak (Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1987b; Demir, 2006) Euscelis incisus (Kirschbaum, 1868) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 800 m, 29.08.2004, 1∆ Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Burdur, Isparta, Eski∂ehir, Kayseri, Kır∂ehir (Kalkandelen, 1974; Demir, 2004b, 2006) Artianus manderstjernii (Kirschbaum, 1868) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 800 m, 29.08.2004, 1∆ Distribution in Turkey: Aπrı, Ankara, Balıkesir, Çankırı, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, √zmir, Kırklareli, Urfa, Van, Zonguldak (Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1987b; Demir,2004b, 2006) 95 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Arocephalus (s.str.) longiceps (Kirschbaum, 1968) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 700 m, 06.06.2005, 5∆5≈; Camp field, 800 m, 05.06.2005,, 2∆4≈; Camp field, 1000 m, 04.06.2005, 1∆5≈ Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Bolu, Erzincan, Hakkari, √zmir, Konya (Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1987c; Kartal & Zeybekoπlu et al., 2001; Demir, 2006) Psammotettix alienus (Dahlbom, 1850) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Zeytinli, 150 m, 06.06.2005, 1∆ Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Amasya, Ankara, Balıkesir, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Hakkari, Iπdır, Kastamonu, Konya, Mardin, Mu∂, Nev∂ehir, Sakarya, Samsun, Siirt, Sinop, U∂ak, Van, Yozgat (Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1987c; Kartal ve Zeybekoπlu, 1991; Kartal & Zeybekoπlu et al., 2001; Demir, 2004b, 2006) Psammotettix confinis (Dahlbom, 1850) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Camp field, 1000 m, 04.06.2005, 5∆3≈ Distribution in Turkey: Aπrı, Ankara, Balıkesir, Erzincan, Erzurum, Giresun, Hakkari, Iπdır, Isparta, Ordu, Samsun, Sivas, Van (Kalkandelen, 1974; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1987c; Kartal ve Zeybekoπlu, 1991; Kartal & Zeybekoπlu et al., 2001) Jassargus (Aurkius) repletus (Fieber, 1869) Material examined: Balıkesir, Kazdaπı National Park, Top of Kazdaπı, 1700 m, 28.08.2004, 4∆1≈ Distribution in Turkey: Amasya, Ordu, Samsun, Sinop, Tokat (Kartal & Zeybekoπlu, 1992) Discussion Our study is first contribution to the knowledge of the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of the Kazdaπı National Park Until now, twenty six species have been known from the Balıkesir province including the National Park Thirty one of forty determined species are new to the Balıkesir province and the number of species known from the research area increased to fifty seven Bubastia (s.str.) ludviki Dlabola, 1979 and Iassus mirabilis Orosz, 1979 are first records for the Turkish fauna Before this study, Conomelus odryssius Dlabola, 1965 has been known only from Konya and Balclutha rhenana Wagner, 1939 only from Erzurum Up to now, Neophilaenus minor (Kirschbaum, 1868) has been known only from Central Anatolia We determined its presence also in the Marmara region Acknowledgements I thank Prof Dr Ali Demirsoy as administrator of project and Msc Yusuf Durmu∂ for their help during different phases of this research 96 Emine Demir: Preliminary report on the Auchenorryncha (Hemiptera) fauna of Kazdaπi national park with two new records References Asche M., 1982: Beiträge zur Delphaciden-Fauna der Türkei (Anatolien) (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae) Marburger Entomologische Pubikation, 1(7): 71-98 Bapnar H., Uygun U., 1991a-1992b: Dou Akdeniz Bửlgesi turunỗgil bahỗelerindeki Cicadellidae tỹrleri ỹzerinde faunistik ve sistematik ỗalmalar Tỹrkiye entomoloji dergisi, 15(2-4): 89-106, 157-172, 203-222; 16(1-2): 47-64, 99-114 Boulard M., 1979: Cigales du genre Cicada Linne, originaires de Turquie (Hom Cicadidae) Türkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi, 3(2): 67-74 Boulard M., 1993: Pagiphora yanni, Cigale anatolienne inédite Description et premieres informations biologiques (cartes d’identite et d’ethologie sonores) (Homoptera, Cicadoidea, Tibicinidae) Türkiye entomoloji dergisi, 17(1): 1-9 Demir E., 1998: Tỹrkiye Homoptera Faunas ỗin Yeni Kayıtlar (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Tropiduchidae) Centr ent Studt., Miscellenaus Papers, 55/56: 1-3 Demir E., 2004: Goniagnathus guttulinervis (Kirschbaum, 1868) new to Turkey, with data on ditribution of the Genus in Antalya (Homoptera: Auchenorryncha: Cicadellidae) Acta entomologica Slovenica, 12 (2): 255-257 Demir E., 2005a: Review of Paradorydium Kirkaldy (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae) from Turkey, with the description of a new species Entomological News, 116(2): 75-82 Demir E., 2005b: Two new records of Cicadellidae fauna in Turkey (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Zoology in 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aus Anatolien, Iran und aus südeuropäischen Ländern (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 25(3-4): 235-257 97 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Dlabola J., 1981: Ergebnisse der Tschechoslowakisch-Iranischen Entomologischen Expeditionen nach dem Iran (1970 und 1973) Acta entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 40: 127-311 Dlabola J., 1982: Fortsetzung der Ergänzungen zur Issiden-Taxonomie von Anatolien, Iran und Griechenland (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Sbornik Narodniho Muzea V Praze, 38(3): 113-169 Dlabola J., 1983: Neue mediterrane, meistens anatolische Issiden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 80:114-136 Dlabola J., 1985a: Neue Cixiide vom Iran, Nachbarländern und anderen Mediterrangebieten (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 82(2): 95-128 Dlabola J., 1985b: Zwei neue Fieberiella-Arten aus der Türkei und Spanien (Homoptera,Cicadellidae) Türkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi, 9: 75-78 Dlabola J., 1986: Neue Arten der Fulgoromorphen Zikaden-Familien vom Mittelmeergebiet und nahen Osten Sbornik Narodniho Muzea V Praze, 42(34): 169-196 Dworakowska I., 1970: On the Genus Arboridia Zachv (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae) Bulletin de L’Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 18(10): 607-615 Dworakowska I., 1972: On some species of the Genus Eupteryx Curt (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae) Bulletin de L’Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 20(10): 727-734 Dworakowska I., 1982: Typhlocybini of Asia Entomologische Abhandlungen, 45(6): 99-181 Emeljanov A F., 2003: New taxa and new data on distribution of the subfamily Orgeriinae in the Mediterranean (Homoptera: Dictyopharidae) Zoosystematica Rossica, 11 (2): 311-319 Fahringer J., 1922: Eine Rhynchotenausbeute aus der Türkei, Kleinasien und den benachbarten Gebieten Konowia, 1: 296-307 Gadeau de Kerville H., 1939: Recit Sommaire du Voyage en Liste Methodique des Invertebres et des Vertebres Recoltes en Asie-Mineure 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Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrifft: 207-208 98 Emine Demir: Preliminary report on the Auchenorryncha (Hemiptera) fauna of Kazdaπi national park with two new records Hoch H., Remane R., 1985: Evolution und Speziation der Zikaden-Gattung Hyalesthes Signoret, 1865 (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoroidea, Cixiidae) Marburger Entomologische Publikation, 2(2): 1-427 Kalkandelen A., 1974: Orta Anadolu’da Homoptera: Cicadellidae familyası türlerinin taksonomileri üzerinde ara∂tırmalar Zirai Mücadele ve Karantina Genel Müdürlüπü, Ankara, 1-220 Kalkandelen A., 1980: Contributions to the families Delphacidae and Cicadellidae (Homoptera) from Turkey Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 4(3): 147-154 Kalkandelen A., 1985: Four new species of genus Zyginidia (Zyginidia) Haupt (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and with notes on the taxonomy and distributions of the species of this genus in Turkey Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 9: 13-25 Kalkandelen A., 1987-2000: Türkiye Cixiidae (Homoptera) türleri üzerine taksonomik ỗalmalar Bitki Koruma Bỹlteni, 27(3-4): 119-146; 28(3-4), 113140; 29(1-4): 1-17, 117-132; 30(1-4): 3-27; 33(3-4): 65-82; 34(1-2): 1-21; 40(34): 91-123 Kartal V., 1980: Neue und wenig bekannte Arten der Gattungen Cicadetta und Cicadatra aus dem Irak und der Türkei (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadidae) Entomologische Zeitschrifft, 17: 185-192 Kartal V., 1981: Neue Homopteren aus der Türkei-I Priamus, 1(1): 24-30 Kartal V., 1983: Neue Homopteren aus der Türkei II (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha) Marburger Entomologische Publikation, 1(8): 235-248 Kartal V., 1985: Neue und wenig bekannte Tshurtshurnella-Arten (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Issidae) aus der Türkei Marburger Entomologische Publikation, 1(10): 191-218 Kartal V., 1985: Türkiye Yukarı Kızılırmak Havzasındaki Issidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Familyası Türlerinin Taksonomik Yönden √ncelenmesi Doπa, A2: 64-77 Kartal V., 1986: Wenig bekannte und für die Türkei neue Nymphorgerius-Arten (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Dictyopharidae) Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 10(2): 99-103 Kartal V., 1987: Eine neue und wenig bekannte Arten der Gattung Ranissus aus der Türkei (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Dictyopharidae) Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 11(3): 145-150 Kartal V., 1988: Tỹrkiye Cicadellid Faunas ỗin Yeni Bir Cins Kazachtanicus Dlab.,1961 (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae Doπa Zooloji, D : 68-69 Kartal V., Zeybekoπlu Ü., 1992: Türkiye Cicadellidae (Hom., Auchenorrhyncha) Faunas ỗin Yeni Tỹrler Turkish Journal of Zoology, 16: 349-352 Kartal V., Zeybekoπlu Ü., 1994: A New Species Allygidius nihati n sp (Hom., Auch., Cicadellidae) from Turkey Turkish Journal of Zoology, 18: 259-261 Kartal V., Zeybekoπlu Ü., 1994: Tỹrkiye Cicadellidae (Hom., Auchenorrhyncha) Faunas ỗin Yeni Bir Tỹr Kayd Turkish Journal of Zoology, 18: 37-39 99 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Kartal V., Zeybekoπlu Ü., 1997: Türkiye Faunası ỗin Yeni ĩỗ Diplocolenus Rib (Hom., Auch., Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) Tỹrỹ Üzerine Taksonomik Bir Ara∂tırma Turkish Journal of Zoology, 21: 291-294 Kartal V., Zeybekoπlu, Ü., Dursun A., 2001: A faunistic study on Deltocephalinae (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae) in Yüksekova (Hakkari) Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 25(2): 83-92 Linnavuori R., 1965: Studies on the South and East-Mediterranean Hemipterous fauna Acta Entomologica Fennica, Helsinki, 21: 1-70 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1980a: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey I Family Cixiidae Spinola Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 4(1): 15-27 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1980b: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey II Family Delpacidae Leach Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 4(2): 103-117 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1980c: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey III Families Meenoplidae, Derbidae, Achilidae, Dictyopharidae and Tettigometridae Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 4(3): 161-178 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1981a: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey IV Family Issidae Spinola Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 5(1): 5-21 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1981b: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey V Families Flatidae, Ricaniidae and Cicadidae Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 5(2): 67-82 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1981c: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey VI Families Cercopidae and Membracidae Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 5(3): 133-149 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1981d: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey VII Family Cicadellidae: Ulopinae, Megophthalminae, Ledrinae, Macropsinae and Agallinae Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 5(4): 215-230 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1982a: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey VIII Family Cicadellidae: Idiocerinae Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 6(1): 15-28 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1982b: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey IX Family Cicadellidae: Iassinae, Penthiminae, Dorycephalinae, Hecalinae and Aphrodinae Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 6: 147-159 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1983a: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey X Family Cicadellidae: Xestocephalinae, Stegelytrinae and Cicadellinae Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 7: 23-28 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1983b: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XI Family Cicadellidae, 100 Emine Demir: Preliminary report on the Auchenorryncha (Hemiptera) fauna of Kazdaπi national park with two new records Typhlocybinae: Alebrini and Dikraneurini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 7: 107-115 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1983c: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XII Family Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae: Empoascini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 7: 153-165 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1984a-b: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XIII Family Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae: Typhlocybini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 8: 33-44, 87-97 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1984c-d: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XV Family Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae: Erythroneurini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 8: 159-168, 201-210 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1985a: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XVII Family Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae: Grypotini, Goniagnathini and Opsiini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 9: 79-90 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1985b: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XVIII Family Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae: Macrostelini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 9(3): 147-161 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1985c:Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XIX Family Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae: Deltocephalini, Scaphytopiini, Doraturini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 9: 207-215 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1986a: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XX Family Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae: Fieberiellini, Stirellini and Tetartostylini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 10(1): 25-32 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1986b-87b: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XXI Family Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae: Athysanini Türkiye Bitki koruma Dergisi, 10(34): 131-139, 203-211; 11(1-2): 29-40, 97-109 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1987c-d: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey XXV Family Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae: Paralimnini Distans Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 11(3-4): 151-162, 195-202 Lodos N., Kalkandelen A., 1988a: Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of Turkey XXVII (Addenda and Corrigenda) Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 12(1): 11-22 Meyer-Arndt S., 1988: Vier neue Arten der Gattung Fieberiella Signoret, 1879 aus Griechenland und der Türkei (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Cicadellidae) Marburger Entomologische Publikation, 2(4): 179-208 101 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Meyer-Arndt S., 1991: A new species of Fieberiella Signoret, 1879 (Hem., Cicadellidae) from western Turkey and the Aegean Islands with new locality records for the genus Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 127: 61-72 Zachvatkin A A., 1937: Deux Zyginidia nouvelles des Turquie (Homoptera, Eupterygidae) Soc Nat Moscou (Sect Biol.) Bull., 46: 317-322 Zachvatkin A A., 1946: Studies on the Homoptera of Turkey Trans R Ent Soc London, 97(6): 149-176 Zeybekoπlu Ü., Bulut N., 2000: Tỹrkiye Cicadellidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Faunas ỗin Yeni √ki Tür Kaydı ve Taksonomik Özellikleri OMÜ Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 11(1): 85-90 Zeybekoπlu Ü., 1996: Türkiye’de saptanan Ebarrius Ribaut, 1946 (Homoptera, Auchenorryncha, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) cinsine baπlı türler üzerine sistematik bir ara∂tırma Turkish Journal of Zoology, 20: 187-189 Zeybekoπlu Ü., 1998: The species of Deltocephalinae (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae) found in the Middle and East Black Sea Regions Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 22(1): 37-45 Received / Prejeto: 22 2006 102 Favnistiœni zapiski / Faunistical notes FIRST RECORD OF ERAX NIGROSETOSUS THEODOR, 1980 (DIPTERA: ASILIDAE) FROM TURKEY Abdullah HASBENLI, Fatma BAYRAKDAR & Neslihan ALPAY Gazi University, Faculty of Art and Science, Department of Biology, 06500, Teknikokullar, Ankara, Turkey, email: hasbenli@gazi.edu.tr Abstract - The specimens of robber flies, collected in Turkey between 1992 and 2005, were studied Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 is recorded for the first time in the Turkish robber flies fauna KEY WORDS: Diptera, Asilidae, fauna, Turkey Izvleœek – PRVA NAJDBA VRSTE ERAX NIGROSETOSUS THEODOR, 1980 (DIPTERA: ASILIDAE) V TURŒIJI Preuœili smo primerke muh grabeænic, zbranih v Turœiji med letoma 1992 in 2005 Vrsto Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980, smo prviœ zabeleæili v turøki favni grabeænic KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Diptera, Asilidae, favna, Turœija Introduction The genus Erax was established by Scopoli, 1763 Protophanes Loew, 1860 is its synonym 26 species of this genus is known worldwide 22 of them are Palaearctic, Afrotropical and one Australasian (Lehr, 1988, Geller-Grimm, 2006) Erax barbatus Scopoli, 1763, Erax nubeculus (Loew, 1848), Erax tenuicornis (Loew, 1848), Erax hayati Tomasovic, 2002 and Erax punctipennis (Meigen, 1820) were recorded from Turkey (Engel, 1926; Giray, 1987; Lehr, 1988; Tomasovic, 2002) Erax nubeculus (Loew, 1848) and Erax hayati Tomasovic, 2002 are endemic to Turkey Material and methods Specimens were collected during field trips between 1992 and 2005 by A Hasbenli Following references were used in identification and for the geographical distribution of species: Engel, 1927; Tsacas, 1960; Richter, 1968; Theodor, 1980; Lehr, 1988, 1992; Geller-Grimm, 2006; Tomasovic, 2002a, b Specimens are preserved in the Zoological Museum of Gazi University (ZMGU), Ankara, Turkey 103 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Results and discussion Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 Material examined: female, Antalya, Akseki, Cevizli village, 1250 m, 9.05.1992; males, females, Antalya, Alanya, Ku∂kayası, 1050 m, 21.04.2001; males, females, Antalya, Ka, Gửmbe, Sinekỗibeli pass, 1435 m, 23.04.2001; males, females, Burdur, Bucak, Çamlık, Hacıbaπ village, 1215 m, 22.04.2001; males, female, Isparta, Yalvaỗ, Bakonak, 1250 m, 24.04.2001; male, Isparta, Sarkikaraaaỗ, 1200 m, 26.06.2001; Kayseri, Yahyal, Eelik village, 1250 m, female, 20.05.1993; female, Kayseri, Yahyalı, Dereköy, 1600 m, 12.06.1993; female, Konya, Hadim, 1738 m, 25.05.2001; male, Manisa, Turgutlu, Çaldaπı, 600 m, 24.04.2005; males, Mersin, Mut, Ermenek, 712 m, 21.05.2005 E nigrosetosus was known only from Israel until now The species is a representative of the East Mediterranean fauna Most species of the genus are distributed in the Mediterranean subregion of the Palaearctic Region Therefore we could conclude that this genus originates from the Mediterranean E nigrosetosus is recorded from Turkey for the first time With this, the number of Erax species in the fauna of Turkey reached six Fig 1: Dorsal view of the male genitalia of Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 104 Abdullah Hasbenli, Fatma Bayrakdar, Neslihan Alpay: First record of Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 (Diptera: Asilidae) Fig 2: Lateral view of the male genitalia of Erax nigrosetosus Theodor, 1980 References Engel, E O., 1927: 24 Asilidae In: Lidner, E (ed.): Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region, Stuttgart, (2): 88-92 Geller-Grimm, F., 14.02.2006: http://www.geller-grimm.de/catalog/species.htm Giray, H., 1981: Türkiye Asilidae (Diptera) faunasina ait ilk liste Türkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi, (3): 177-183 Lehr, P A., 1988: Family Asilidae In: Soós, A & Papp, L (Eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, Budapest, Elsevier, 5: 294-295 Lehr, P A., 1992: Small Genera of Robber Flies of the Subfamily Asilinae (Diptera, Asilidae) Taxonomy and Ecology Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 5: 91-105 Richter, V A., 1968: [The predacious robber flies (Diptera, Asilidae) of the Caucasus] Opreditel po faune SSSR, 97: 205-210 (In Russian) Theodor, O., 1980: Fauna Palaestina, Insecta II, Diptera: Asilidae The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 326-330 105 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Tsacas, L., 1960: Contribution a la Connaissance des Diptéres de Gréce, Noté, Asilidae de Macédoine Revue Francaise d`Entomologie 27(3): 219-230 Tomasovic, G., 2002a: Etude sur matériaux typiques du complexe génital mâle de sept espèces du genre Erax Scopoli, 1763 (Diptera, Asilidae) avec la description de trois espèces nouvelles Notes fauniques Gembloux, 46: 27-37 Tomasovic, G., 2002b: Etude sur types d’Erax Scopoli, 1763 de Macquart et description de nouvelles espèces (Diptera: Asilidae), Notes fauniques Gembloux, 49: 51-83 Received / Prejeto: 21 2006 106 Vabilo na Prvi slovenski entomoloøki simpozij in novembra 2006 V Sloveniji in sosednjih deæelah je aktivnih veliko entomologov, ki vsako leto odkrijejo marsikaj novega Vabimo vas, da svoja odkritja in delo predstavite na Prvem slovenskem entomoloøkem simpoziju in novembra 2006 Namen simpozija je predstaviti napredek v entomologiji v Sloveniji in sosednjih deæelah Tako amaterski kot profesionalni entomologi ste vabljeni, da predstavite svoje delo Predstavite lahko teme z razliœnih podroœij, kot so genetika, bioloøki nadzor økodljivcev, ekologija, fiziologija, biogeografija, favnistika, itd Prispevki s simpozija bodo lahko objavljeni v reviji Acta entomologica slovenica Pristojbina za simpozij bo pribliổno 4.600 SIT ali 20 Ô Rok za prijavo je september 2006 Simpozij bo potekal na Oddelku za biologijo Biotehniøke fakultete, Veœna pot 111, Ljubljana Za dodatne informacije obiøœite spletno stran http://www2.pms-lj.si/sek/ ali se obrnite na organizacijski odbor (m.degroot@rocketmail.com) Upamo, da se sreœamo na simpoziju! V imenu organizacijskega odbora: Dr Tomi Trilar in Maarten de Groot Invitation to the 1st Slovene Entomological Symposium on the 4th and 5th of November 2006 Many entomologists are active in and around Slovenia and therefore every year many new entomological discoveries are made During the first Slovene Entomological Symposium on the 4th and 5th of November 2006 we will give you the possibility to present your work and yourself The aim of the symposium will be to present the scientific progress in entomology in Slovenia and surrounding countries Both amateurs and professional entomologists are invited to show their work A large variety of subjects can be presented, including genetics, bio control, ecology, physiology, biogeography, faunistics etc The people who are interested have the opportunity to publish an article in Acta Entomologica Slovenica 107 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 The fee for the symposium will be approximately 4.600 SIT or 20 euro per person The application deadline is the 9th of September 2006 The symposium will be held in the Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology at Veœna pot 111, Ljubljana, Slovenia For more information please refer to http://www2.pms-lj.si/sek/ or contact the organising committee (m.degroot@rocketmail.com) Hope to see you all! From the organising committee: Dr Tomi Trilar and Maarten de Groot 108 ... ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2006 Vol 14, øt./No PRIRODOSLOVNI MUZEJ SLOVENIJE SLOVENSKO ENTOMOLÒKO DRÙTVO ØTEFANA MICHIELIJA ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA Revija... posebnih odtisov in œlanek v elektronski obliki Instructions to authors Acta entomologica slovenica is the Journal of the Slovenian Entomological Society Øtefan Michieli and the Slovene Museum of Natural... reprints and electronic version will be sent to the Authors free of charge ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JULIJ 2006 Vol 14, øt 1: 5–10 INTENSITY OF WING PIGMENTATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF