©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Ann Naturhist Mus Wien 109 B 207 - 318 Wien, März 2008 An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of the Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago (NE-Adriatic Sea, Croatia) B Wallnöfer* Abstract An annotated checklist o f the vascular plants native to and naturalized on the islands o f Cres (Italian: Cherso) and Losinj (Lussino), compiled from the widely scattered literature, is here presented 1403 taxa (species, subspecies and some hybrids) have been reported from the archipelago: 1130 taxa occur on Cres, and 1150 taxa on Losinj (including the surrounding smaller islands, among them Unije [Unie] and Susak [Sansego]); 253 taxa are reported only from Cres, while there are 273 taxa that only occur on Losinj; 877 taxa can be found on both islands Although included in this count, the presence in the area o f ca 160 taxa needs to be confirmed Excluded are, however, 50 taxa from Cres and 36 taxa from Losinj, the occurrence o f which is here regarded as doubtful The largest plant families in the area are the Compositae with 275, the Gramineae with 136 and the Leguminosae with 135 taxa Some interesting or important own collections and observations, made during May and June 2007, are listed in the appendix 13 plates with 70 photographs o f some interesting taxa and some habitats are placed at the end o f the checklist Key words: flora, checklist, vascular plants, plant distribution, Croatia, Dalmatia, islands o f Cres, Cherso, Losinj, Lussino, Unije, Unie, Susak, Sansego, Kvarner Bay, Carnaro, Quarnero Zusamm enfassung Eine annotierte Liste der in der Literatur für die Inseln Cres (italienisch: Cherso) und Losinj (Lussino) verzeichneten einheim ischen und eingebürgerten G efäßpflanzen wird präsentiert 1403 Taxa (A rten, Unterarten und einige Hybriden) wurden bisher gemeldet: demnach kommen 1130 Taxa au f Cres vor und 1150 Taxa au f Losinj (inklusive der kleineren Inseln, darunter Unije [Unie] und Susak [Sansego]); 253 Taxa wurden bisher nur von Cres und 273 nur von Losinj gemeldet; 877 Taxa kommen au f beiden Inseln vor In dieser Zählung inkludiert sind ca 160 Taxa, deren Vorkommen einer Bestätigung bedarf Ausge nommen sind 50 Taxa für Cres und 36 für Losinj, deren Präsenz zweifelhaft erscheint Die grưßten Familien sind die Compositae mit 275, die Gramineae mit 136 und die Leguminosae mit 135 Taxa Einige in Mai und Juni 2007 gemachte, interessante Aufsammlungen und Beobachtungen werden im Anhang aufgelistet Am Ende der Checklist befinden sich 13 Tafeln mit 70 Fotos interessanter Taxa und Habitate Introduction The islands of Cres (italian: Cherso) and Losinj (italian: Lussino) are located in the northern Adriatic Sea, forming a ca 80 km long, nearly north-south oriented, narrow chain in the Kvarner Bay (italian: Carnaro, Quarnero), east of Istra (italian: Istria) Traditionally, they are treated as two different islands, although, geomorphologically, they represent one unit which has been divided into three parts by two artificial channels The channel west o f the city of Osor (italian: Ossero) separates Cres from Losinj The other Dr Bruno W allnöfer, Botanische Abteilung, N aturhistorisches Museum W ien, Burgring 7, A-1010 W ien, Austria - bruno.wallnoefer@ nhm-wien.ac.at 208 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Natiirhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 ß channel, north of Mali Losinj (italian: Lussin Piccolo), did not lead to a renaming of the two resulting parts The archipelago was part o f the Austrian-Hungarian Empire until the end of World War I, when it was annexed by Italy After the end of World War II it was incorporated into Yugoslavia, and is now part of Croatia Not included in the pre sent checklist is the island o f Plavnik (near the eastern coast o f Cres), the Vegetation and floristic composition of which has been dealt with in detail by H orvatic (1927) T h e is la n d s b e d ro c k is lim e sto n e In th e n o rth o f C re s , as w e ll as in th e u p p e r re g io n o f th e O s o rs c ic a (ita lia n : M o n te O sse ro ) in th e n o r th e rn p a r t o f L o sin j, th e V eg etatio n is o f th e s u b m e d ite rra n e a n ty p e w ith d e c id u o u s fo re sts M a n y o f th e p la n ts w h ic h o c c u r there, a re a lso c h a r a c te r is tic e le m e n ts o f th e C e n tr a l E u ro p e a n flo T h e V e g e ta tio n o f the S o u th ern p a r t o f C re s, as w e ll as th a t o f m o s t o f L o sin j is o f th e m e d ite rra n e a n ty p e w ith e v e rg re e n fo re sts O n C re s , th e re a re la rg e a re a s w h e re th e tw o ty p e s in te rm in g le For m o re d e ta ils , se e th e f o llo w in g p u b lic a tio n s : B a u m g a r t n e r (1916), H a r a c ic (1905), H orvatic (1957, 1963), L u s in a (1933, 1934, 1940, 1956), M o r to n (1929, 1930, 1932 1934), T r in a js t ic (1965, 1987), H orvat et al (1974) T h e V eg e tatio n o f th e b rac k ish w a te r c o a sta l sw a m p s s o u th o f O s o r (O s s e ro ) h a s b e e n stu d ie d in d e ta il b y M artinoli (1948) In th e p a s t, fo re sts h a v e b e e n s u b je c t to v e ry se v e re a n th ro p o g e n ic d eg d a tio n , tra n s f o r m in g la rg e a re a s o f th e a r c h ip e la g o in a s o rt o f " s to n e -la n d " o r "sto n e -d e se rt" ( fo r th is , se e M o r to n 1928 - 1929, a n d h is o th e r p u b lic a tio n s ) D u e to th e so m e w h a t r e d u c e d d e g re e o f e x p lo ita tio n , th e w o o d s a re n o w s lo w ly re c o v e rin g The b o ta n ic a l e x p lo tio n o f C re s a n d L o sin j s ta rte d ea rly ; it w a s d e a lt w ith in d e ta il by H ir c (1913) a n d M a r c h e s e t t i & B e g u in o t (1930) fo r C re s, a n d b y H a r a c ic (1905) for L o sin j a n d th e s m a lle r isla n d s (in c lu d in g S u s a k a n d U n ije ) su rro u n d in g it The flo o f U n ije h a s b e e n s tu d ie d a n d c a ta lo g u e d b y L u s in a (1956), a n d th a t o f S u s a k b y H irc (1914a, b) A ll th e a f o re m e n tio n e d a u th o rs a lso c o m p ile d a n d r e -e v a lu a te d th e flo ristic re c o rd s g iv e n in o ld e r p u b lic a tio n s C itin g th e s e o ld e r p u b lic a tio n s h a s , th e re fo re , b een o m itte d here! The p u b lic a tio n o f H r u b y (1912) is o f little u s e , as h e m in g le d w ith o u t d is tin c tio n h is o w n re c o rd s w ith th o s e g iv e n in H a r a c ic (1905, 1910)! In fa c t, h e ev en s e e m s to h a v e m e re ly ta k e n o v e r m o s t o f th e r e c o rd s fro m th e la tte r a u th o r H e also lis te d s o m e p la n t n a m e s th a t a re c le a rly n o n e x iste n t V ery im p o rta n t a re th e c o n trib u tio n s b y L u s in a b e tw e e n 1920 a n d 1956 c o n c e rn in g L o sin j a n d th e s u r ro u n d in g islan d s, as w e ll as th o s e o f M o r to n (1929, 1930, 1932 - 1934) o n C res D u e to th e la rg e n u m b e r o f p la n t- s o c io lo g ic a l ta b le s (c a 160) p u b lis h e d b y th e la tte r a u th o r, o n ly th e r a r e r or m o re in te re s tin g p la n ts h a v e b e e n c ite d h e re , w ith in d ic a tio n o f th e p a g e s w h e re th e y are lis te d B e tw e e n 1956 a n d ca 1990, o n ly little h a s b e e n p u b lis h e d o n th e f lo o f th e a rc h ip e la g o F o rtu n a te ly , th is tim e o f S tag n a tio n e n d e d d u rin g th e la s t y e a rs O u ts ta n d in g a re th e c o n trib u tio n s b y S t a r m ü h l e r (1998 - 2007), w h o c o m p ile d n e w flo ris tic re c o rd s a n d a n e x te n s iv e o v e rv ie w o f re fe re n c e s P ro fe s s o r W a itz b a u e r fro m th e Z o o lo g ic a l D e p a rtm e n t o f th e U n iv e r s ity o f V ie n n a , in c lu d in g c o lla b o to rs a n d stu d e n ts , s tu d ie d fo r m a n y y e a rs th e fa u n a a n d flo o f C re s A v o lu m in o u s c o m p ila tio n o f re su lts w a s p r o d u c e d e a c h y e a r ( P r o je k ts tu d ie ), b u t, w ith th e e x c e p tio n o f o n ly tw o (W a it z b a u e r e t al 1999 a n d Z o l d a et al 2002), n e ith e r o f th e m h a s b e e n p u b lis h e d I h a v e se e n so m e o f th e s e " P ro je k ts tu d ie n " w h ic h a lso c o n ta in lists o f p la n t sp e c ie s U n fo rtu n a te ly , th e s e lis tin g s, c o m p ile d b y stu d e n ts , a re re p le te w ith e rro rs a n d e n u m e te m a n y ta x a w h ic h h a v e , so far, n o t b e e n r e c o rd e d o th e rw is e fro m C res an d a re , th e re fo re , m o s t lik e ly m is id e n tific a tio n s F o r th e se re a s o n s , I so o n a b a n d o n e d in c lu d in g th e s e flo ris tic re s u lts in to th e c h e c k list W alln fer: ©Naturhistorisches Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 209 The flo a n d V eg e tatio n o f th e s m a lle r isla n d s (th e Ita lia n n a m e s a re g iv e n in b c k e ts) is d e a lt w ith m o re in d e ta il in th e f o llo w in g p u b lic a tio n s : Ilo v ik [A s in e llo ] n e a r th e S ou th ern e n d o f L o sin j: L u s in a (1 ) K a r b a r u s [Carbarus] near the W-coast of Losinj, E of Vele Srakane: L u s in a (1940a) K o lu d a rc [Coludarz] NW Mali Losinj: L u s in a (1934) K o z ja k [Caprone] SW Male Orjule: L u s in a (1933) Male Orjule [Oriule Piccola] near the Southern end o f Losinj: L u s in a (1932, 1933) Mali Osir [Osiri Piccolo] near the E-coast o f Losinj, NE Cunski: L u s in a (1940a) Misnjak [Misgnac] near the NE-coast of Unije: L u s in a (1940a) Murtar [Morter] NW Mali L o sin j: L u s in a (1934, 1938) Oruda [Oruda] SE o f the Southern end of Cres: L u s in a (1933) Palacol [Palazziol] SE o f the Southern end o f Cres: L u s in a (1933) S a m u n c e l [Samuncir] near the NW-coast o f Unije: L u sin a (1940a) Skoljic between Oruda and Palacol [Scoglietto Palazziol]: L u s in a (1940a) Skoljic near the SW-coast of Male Orjule [Scoglietto Oriule]: L u s in a (1933) Skoljic W o f the village of Unije [Nart]: L u sin a (1940a) Susak [Sansego]: H irc (1914a, 1914b), L u s in a (1932, 1933, 1934, 1938) Sv Petar [S Pietro dei Nembi] N of Ilovik: L u s in a (1938) Trasorka [Tasorta] SW of Vele Orjule: L u s in a (1933) Unije [Unie]: H ir c (1914a, 1914b), L u s in a (1938, 1941, 1956), T r in a js t ic (1988) Vele Orjule [Oriule Grande] near Southern end of Losinj: L u sin a (1933) Vele Srakane [Canidole Grande] NW Mali Losinj: L u s in a (1934) Zabodaski [Zabodaschi] NW Mali Losinj: L u s in a (1934) Zeca [Levrera] and Pregaznig [Pregasnig] W Cres: especially H irc (1917a) Most o f the publications cited in this checklist are in Italian, German or Croatian Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the Croatian language, and the interpretation and evaluation o f some important publications (especially those o f H ir c ) caused some problems I have been able to get translations only in a few cases, where interesting or new records seemingly necessitated this In cases where particular records may appear questionable, the respective Croatian publications have to be re-evaluated linguistically It w a s a ls o n o t p o s s ib le to c h e c k th e c o r r e c tn e s s o f id e n tif ic a tio n o f q u e s tio n a b le o r u n iq u e re c o rd s fo u n d in th e lite tu re In h e rb a ria a n d re c o rd s o f s o m e o f th e o ld e r co lle c to rs a n d a u th o rs , e s p e c ia lly N o e , b u t a lso C irillo , H o s t an d V isia n i, th e re o b v io u s ly w a s s o m e c o n fu s io n : th e ir re c o rd s, as fa r as th e y w e re e rro n e o u s o r o b v io u s m is id e n tific a tio n s , w e re th e n p e rp e tu a te d in th e s u b s e q u e n t lite tu re It h a s to b e ta k e n as a ru le , th e re fo re , th a t ta x a w h ic h h a v e b e e n re c o rd e d b y o n ly o n e a u th o r, re q u ire c o n firm a tio n in th e fie ld o r on h e rb a riu m sp e c im e n s T h e h e rb a riu m s p e c im e n s o f th e m o s t im p o rta n t c o lle c to rs a re d e p o s ite d in th e fo llo w in g h e rb a ria ( a c ro n y m s a c c o rd in g to H o l m g r e n & H olm gren 1998 0 ) : F I ( M a r c h e s e tti) , L I ( M o r to n ) , P A D ( B e g u in o t, B o lz o n , V isia n i), R O (L u s in a ), T S M (T o m m a s in i), W U ( J a n c h e n ), Z A (H a c ic [see M a r k o v ic ], H irc ) Some species have been listed in literature under different names (often also in other ranks), making comparisons often difficult and questionable All plant names have been checked for current validity and updated, where necessary, using the following floras, checklists and databases: T u tin et al (1964- 1980, 1993), G r e u t e r et al (1984 - 1989), 210 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Natiirhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B IP N I (2 0 - 0 ), C o n t i e t al (2 0 ), W il h a l m e t al ( 0 ), K e r g u e l e n (1 9 )? P o l d in i e t al ( 0 ) , W is s k ir c h e n & H a e u p l e r ( 9 ) , N ik o l ic ( 9 2000)! G ov a ert s e t al ( 0 a ) h a s b e e n u s e d fo r th e M o n o c o ty le d o n s ( e x c e p t G m in e ae ) C lay ton & H a r m a n (2 0 - 0 ) fo r th e G m in e a e , G ovaerts e t al (2 0 b ) fo r seve l s e le c te d fa m ilie s o f D ic o ty le d o n s ( E u p h o rb ia c e a e , F a g a c e a e , L a b ia ta e , R u b iaceae, V e rb e n a c e a e ), G r e u t e r e t al (2 0 ) fo r th e C o m p o s ita e , IL D IS (2 0 ) fo r th e L egum in o s a e , H a s s l e r & S w a le (2 0 ) fo r th e P te r id o p h y ta , a n d th e fa m ily -c h e c k lis ts p u b lis h e d in S t a r m ü h l e r (1 9 - 0 ) In so m e in tric a te c a se s, F r it s c h (1 2 ), P ignatti ( ), a n d F is c h e r (2 0 ) h a v e b e e n u se d as w e ll T h e a u th o rs o f p la n t n a m e s (except fo r th e p s e u d o n y m " A r n o l d " f o r Pinus nigra; L a u ria , p e rs o n a l c o m m u n ic a tio n ) have b e e n a d o p te d o r a b b re v ia te d a c c o rd in g to IP N I (2 0 - 0 ) In this checklist, only the native and naturalized species, as well as those only sometimes escaping from cultivation, are catalogued All taxa are here arranged in strictly alphabetical order: first by family, then by genera and finally by species Only the ferns and their allies (Equisetaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Ophioglossaceae, Selaginellaceae) are, for convenience, here treated under Pteridophyta and not separated into the corresponding families As the time seems to be still quite premature, changes at family and genus level, as seemingly supported or apparently even required by recent molecular studies, have not always been followed here The distribution of the taxa is given in brackets immediately after their names, and in parentheses following the corresponding references: C stands for Cres, including the island of Zeca (italian: Levrera) and L stands for Losinj, including all the smaller islands surrounding it Only very few of the species catalogued here occur only on some of the smaller islands Own observations made during a short visit between the 28th May and 3rd June 2007 are indicated as C+ and L+ C: Cres (C+: own observation) L: Losinj (L+: own observation) The occurrence in the area of a particular taxon is here considered as doubtful whenever a question mark precedes its name or follows the geographical abbreviation Taxa which have erroneously been reported from the archipelago, or are only known to be cultivated there, are given in brackets or parentheses, respectively, e.g.: ? Allium flavum L., - [L?], [Aristolochiapallida W il l d ], - [-], (Cichorium endivia L.), - [L ], To save space, authors having published large compilations or series of floristic reports, have been abbreviated in the references following the taxa, and are always listed in the following sequence: MB: M a r c h e s e t t i & B e g u in o t (1930): if not stated otherwise, always applying to Cres only H: H a r a c ic (1 and 91 [where the year is not indicated in the checklist, the record applies to !]): if not stated otherwise, both publications deal exclusively with the flora of Losinj and the surrounding islands As he was a resident of the island, he found and collected nearly all taxa catalogued in his publications Only few o f them escaped his attention ("non la trovai") HI: H ir c : Cres or Losinj W a lln ö fer: LU : IVl: S: Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the©Naturhistorisches vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 211 L u s in a : always applying to Losinj and the surrounding islands only M o r t o n : if not stated otherwise, always applying to Cres only S t a r m ü h l e r : Cres and/or Losinj F o llo w in g th e lis tin g o f th e a b o v e w o rk e rs , n a m e s o f a u th o rs o f o th e r p u b lic a tio n s a re listed in c h ro n o lo g ic a l o rd e r a n d b y th e ir fu ll n a m e s In c a se s w h e re a n a u th o r in d ic a te s the p re s e n c e o f a ta x o n b y o n ly re fe rrin g to lite tu re a n d n o t fro m o w n o b s e rv a tio n , th is is stre s se d w ith "lit o n ly " M o s t b o ta n is ts a re q u ite o b s tin a te d is r e g a r d in g th e a d v a n tages o f lis tin g s p e c ie s in a lp h a b e tic a l ord er D e s p ite th is , m a n y o f th e p u b lic a tio n s c o n su lted h e re a re n o t in d e x e d , m a k in g th e s e a rc h fo r p a r tic u la r ta x a a tim e c o n s u m in g v e n ture To fa c ilita te th is , th e r e s p e c tiv e p a g e s a re h e re in d ic a te d fo r th e la rg e r p u b lic a tio n s : e.g., "H I: 1913: 80" (= p a g e 80 in H irc 1913); "M B : 137" (= p a g e 137 in M a r c h e s e t t i & B e g u in o t 1930), etc This checklist is, thus, also an index to these publications! This checklist does not pretend to be complete, as some publications may have escaped my notice Also, for scarcity of time, it was not possible to check all existing monographs and revisions for specimens reported from Cres and Losinj Some very obscure Yugoslavian journals (e.g., "Fragmenta herbologica Jugoslavica", "Fragm enta phytomedica et herbologica", "Fragmenta herbologica Croatica", etc.) have been unavailable Users o f this checklist are, in any case, encouraged to bring any omissions and errors to my attention Addenda and corrections are planned to be published in the near future The checklist Acanthaceae Acanthus hlingaricus (BORBÄS) BAEN., - [L], - ref.: H: 264 (as A longifolius), S: 2003: 580 (L, map 1, as A balcanicus) Acanthus mollis L., - [C, L], - ref.: S: 2003: 580 (C, L, map 2), 2004: 638 (C), 2005: 570 (L) Aceraceae: see Sapindaceae Adoxaceae (including Sambucaceae) Sambucus ebulus L , - [C +, L ] ,- r e f : MB: 54, H: 267, H I: 1913: 80 (C), 1917a: 102 (C), LU: 1956: 226, S: 2005: 568 (L), B o l z o n 1925: 60 (C) Sambucus nigra L., - [C, L], 1934,9: 159, S: 2005: 568 (C) Vibumum tinus L., - [C+, L], ref.: MB: 54, H: 267, H I: 1913: 80 (C), 1914b: - (L), M : 1932 - flg 1, - ref.: M B: 54, H: 267, H I: 1913: 80 (C), 1914a: 48 (L), 1917c (L), LU: 1920: 91, 1934: 60, 1935: 25, 1956: 226, S: 2003: 653 (L), 2005: 569 (C, L), G e c z y 1908 (L), H o r v a t ic 1963 (L) Agavaceae Agave americana L., — [L], - ref.: H: 171, S: 2007: 413 (L, map 7, as ssp americana); sometimes on abandoned sites ( Yucca aloifolia L ), — [C ], - ref.: S: 2007: 430 (C), cultivated only! 212 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Natiirhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Y u cca g lo r io s a L , — [C ], - ref.: S: 2006: 534 (C), 2007: 413 (C, map 8); sometimes on abandoned sites Alismataceae A li s m a la n c e o la tu m W lT H , - [C ], - ref.: M B: 145, H I: 1913: 47 (C), B o lz o n 1925: 59 (C, as var stenophyllum) A li s m a p l a n t a g o - a q u a t i c a L , - [ C ] , - ref.: M a r tin o li 1948: 283 (C); - remark: all records of Alisma in the area may apply to one taxon only Alliaceae A lliu m a m p e lo p r a s u m L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 143, H: 167, H I: 1914a: 34 (L), (MB, H and HI as A porrum, cultivated), LU: 1932: 544, 1934: 57, D egen 1911 (L); - remark: see also under A commutatum A lliu m a n g u lo s u m L , — [L ], - ref.: LU: 1956: 234, N ik o lic & Topic 2005: 274 (no dot on the map for the Kvarner Bay!), confirmation required! A lliu m c a r in a tu m L , — [L ], - ref.: H : 166; - remark: this record probably belongs to the following taxon A ll iu m c a r i n a tu m L s s p p u l c h e l l u m ( G D o n ) B o n n i e r & L a y e n s , - [C , L ] , - ref.: M : 1930: 222, 1932 - 1934, : 327, S u g a r 1970 (L) A lliu m c h a m a e m o ly L , - [C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 144, H: 169, LU: 1941:6, 1949: 107, 1956:234 A lliu m c o m m u ta tu m G u s s , - [L ], - ref.: M B: 143 (L!), H: 167, LU: 1932: 544, 1933: 181, 210, 1935: 26, 1940a: 77, 1943: 51 - 53, 1956: 234, S: 2005: 517 (L); (as A ampeloprasum var lussinense); - remark: see also D egen (1911), B othmer (1974), M artini & P oldini (1990: 161) ? A lliu m f l a v u m L , — [L ? ], - ref.: H : 169, - remark: according to L usina (1935), this was probably confused with A globosum var petraeum (= A saxatile); confirmation thus required! A lliu m lu s ita n ic u m LAM , - [C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 144, H : 1910: 8, H I: 1913: 49 (C), LU : 1938: 339, M : 1932 - 1934, 10: 88 , B o lz o n 1925: 56, 58 (C); (asA montanum or A fallax) A lliu m m o s c h a tu m L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 144 (lit only), H : 170, H I: 1917c (L), LU: 1932: 544, 1938: 339, 1949: 107, 1956: 234, B o lz o n 1925: 56, 58 (C), V itek & W b e r 2000: 71 (C) A lliu m n e a p o lita n u m ClRILLO, - [C , L ], - ref.: H : 169, Pejcinovic 1995 (C, L) A lliu m o le r a c e u m L , - [C ], - ref.: M B: 144 A lliu m p a l l e n s L , — [L ], - ref.: H: 169, LU: 1956: 234; (as A coppoleri) A lliu m p a n ic u la tu m L , - [ C , L ] , - r e f : H : 169, LU: 1940a: 77, 1956: 234, M : 1930: 219, 220 ; (also indicated as A fuscum or A longispathum) A lliu m r o s e u m L , - [ C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 144, H: 169, H I: 1913: 49 (C), LU: 1956: 234, M : 1929: 177 A lliu m ro tu n d u m L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 143, H: 167, LU: 1956: 235 A lliu m s a tiv u m L , — [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 143, H: 167; escaped from cultivation A lliu m s a x a t il e M B lE B , — [L ], - ref.: LU: 1935 (as A globosum var petraeum) A ll iu m s p h a e r o c e p h a l o n L , - [ C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 143, H : 167, H I: 1914a: 34 (L, lit only), LU: 1933: 210, 1934: 57, 1956: 235 A lliu m s u b h ir s u tu m L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 144, H: 169, LU: 1934: 57, W o l f e r t 1903: 138 (L), Pejcinovic 1993 (C, L) ? A lliu m te n u iflo r u m T E N , - [ C ? , L ? ] , - r e f : M B: 144, H: 169, LU: 1934:57, 1956: ;-rem a rk : According to the checklist in S ta r m ü h le r (2005: 517), this taxon is doubtful, and the corresponding records may belong to A paniculatum A lliu m v in e a le L , - [ L ] , - r e f : H: 166, LU: 1934: 57, 1938: 339 , 1956: 235 W allnưfer: ©Naturhistorisches Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 213 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus L , - [L ] ,- r e f : LU: 1932: 545, 1938: 339 Amaranthus cruentlis L , — [C ], - ref.: M B: 133 (as A patulus), confirmation required Amaranthus deflexus L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B : 133, H : 186 (as A prostratus), LU : 1956: 191, S: 2000: 401 (L), 2003: 648 (C ), 2007: 449 (L), B o l z o n 1925: 54 (C ) , C a r n i & J o g a n 1998 (C ) Amaranthus graecizans L ssp sylvestris (V lL L ) B r e n a n , - [C, L], - ref.: M B: 133, H: 186, LU: 1933: 210, 1956: 191 (as "A angustifolius silvester") Amaranthus hybridus L , - [L ], - ref.: S: 2000 : 401 (L) Amaranthus powellii S W a t s o n , — [C], - ref.: M B: 133 (as A retroflexus var chlorostachys), con firmation required Amaranthus retroflexus L., - [C, L], - ref.: M B: 133, H: 186, H I: 1913: 53 (C), LU: 1934: 57, 1956: 191, S: 2000: 402 (L), B o l z o n 1925: 57 (C) (Polycnemum majus A B r a u n : see under Chenopodiaceae) Amaryllidaceae Galanthus nivalis L , - [C , L ] ,- r e f : H : Narcissus xmedioluteus M ILL., - [L ], - 171, LU: 1941:5, M : 1932- 1934 ,9 :6 , etc ref.: H : 1910: (as N bißorus, = N poeticus * N tazetta), escaped from cultivation Narcissus tazetta L , — [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 142, H: 171 (also under TV neglectus), H I: 1914a: 35 and 1914b (L), LU: 1940a: 78, 1956: 236, M : 1932 - 1934, 9: 252, K u g l e r 1977: 43 (L) Sternbergia lutea (L ) K e r G a w l ex SPRENG., - [C, L ] ,- r e f : M B: 142, H: 171 Anacardiaceae Cotinus COggygria SCOP., - [C+, L ] , - r e f : M B: 42, H : 233, H I: 1913: 67 (C), 1917a: 96 (C), 1917b: (C), S: 2002: 547 (C, L, map 2), H o f m a n n 1955: 106 (C), B e r n h a r d t 2004: 139 (C); (also as Rhus cotinus) Pistacia lentiscus L , - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B: 42, H : 232, H I: 1913: 67 (C), 1914b: 11, 13 (L), 1917a: 96 (C), 1917c (L), LU: 1920: 91, 1933: 184, 212, 1934: 59, 1935: 25, 1940a: 78, 1956: 201, S: 2002: 548 (C, L, map 3), 2003: 627 - 628 (C, L), 2006: 541 (C), G e c z y 1908 (L), B o l z o n 1925: 56 (C), Rossi 1942 (L), H o r v a t ic 1963 (L), T r i n a j s t i c 1987 (L), K o c h & D o b e s 2004: 122, 125 (C) L , - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B: 42, H : 232, H I: 1913: 66 (C), 1914a: 43 (L), 1917c (L), LU: 1935: 25 - 26, 1938: 344, 1956: 201 (lit only), S: 2002: 548 (C, L, map 4), 2003: 628 (C, L), Pistacia terebinthus G e c z y 1908 (L), B o l z o n 1925: 55, 58, 61 (C, L), M a r t i n o l i 1948: 283 (C), T r in a j s t ic 1965 (C); remark: D e l f o r g e (2006: 176) reported Rhus coriaria from Cres, but this record may belong to this species (Schinus molle L.), —[L], - ref.: S: 2002 : 550 (L, map 7, but no localities listed), cultivated only? Anthericaceae Anthericum liliago L , — [C?], - ref.: M B: 144 (only eite the following), M : 1929: 147, 150 - 151, confirmation required Anthericum ramosum L , - [C ], - ref.: M B: 144, B e r n h a r d t 2004: 142 (C), B e r n h a r d t & K r o p f ? 2006 (C) ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen 214 Museums in Wien 109 B Apocynaceae Asclepias syriaca L , — [L ], - ref.: H: 1910: 16 (as A cornuti), escaped from cultivation Vinca major L , — [L ], - ref.: H: 247, escaped from cultivation Vinca minor - ref.: H: 247, escaped from cultivation Vincetoxicum fuscatum (HORNEM ) RCH B., - [C , L ], - re f.: MB: 122, H : 247, LU: 1920: 91, 1933: 182, 211, 1934: 58, 1940a: 78, 1956: 224, W o l f e r t 1903: 133 (L); (as Cynanchum minus or C fuscatum ) Vincetoxicum hirundinaria M e d i k ssp adriaticum ( B e c k ) M a r k g r , - [C, L ? ], - ref.: M B: 122 (lit only), H I: 1914a: 45 (L?), 1914b: 13 (L), M : 1929: 146, etc., 1930: 220, etc., A n ic 1953: 350 (C); (as Cynanchum adriaticum) ? Vincetoxicum hirundinaria M e d i k ssp contiguum (W D.J.Koch) M a r k g r , - [C?, L ? ], - ref.: M B: 122 (only eite the following), H I: 1913: 73 (C), 1917c: 22 (L); (as Cynanchum con tiguum]), confirmation required! Aquifoliaceae Ilex aquifolium L , — [C ], - ref.: M B: 41, H I: 1913: 67 (C), N ik o l ic & T o p ic 2005: 455 (C) Araceae Arisarum vulgare O TARG.TOZZ., - [C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 145, H: 164, LU: 1933: 181,210, 1934:57, 1940a: 77, B e d a l o v et al in S t a c e 2002: 19 (L) A nim cylindraceum G ASP., - [C , L ], - ref.: H : 164, B e d a l o v et al in S t a c e 2002: 19 (C, L); remark: H a r a c ic (1905) reports A m aculatum from the area Osorscica, but it is most probably this species H ir c (1914a: 34) does not report it, but he only compares A maculatum with A italicum Arum italicum M i l l , - [C +, L ] ,- r e f : M B: 145, H : 164, H I: 1913: 49 (C), 1914a: 34 (L), 1914b: 3, 13 (L), 1917a: 89 (C), 1917c (L), LU: 1920: 91, 1934: 57, 1941: , 1956: 247, M : 1929: 139, S: 2001: 420 (C, L), 2006: 548 (C, L), W o l f e r t 1903: 138 (L), A n ic 1953: 350 (C), T r in a j s t ic 1965 (C); M a r t in i 1990 (C), B e d a l o v et al in S t a c e 2002: 19 (C, L, as ssp italicum), B e r n h a r d t 2004: 134 (C), K o c h & D o b e s 2004: 122 (C) Araliaceae Hedera helix L , - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B: 54, H : 239, H I: 1913: 70 (C), 1914a: 44 (L), 1914b: 13 (L), LU: 1920: 92, 1934: 58, 1941: , 1956: 212, M : 1914: 285 - 286 (L), B o l z o n 1925: 55, 58 (C), A n ic 1953: 350 (C), T r in a j s t i c 1965 (C) Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia clematitis L , - [C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 135, H: 182, H I: 1913:53 (C), 1914a: 36 (L), 1917c (L), LU: 1933: 181, 1934: 57, 1941: , 1956: 194, S: 2005: 520 (C, L, map 1), 564 (L) Aristolochia lutea DESF., - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 135, H I: 1917c: 22 (L), M: 1929: 146, etc., 1932 1934, 9: 240, S: 2005: 520 (C, map 2), T r i n a j s t i c 1965 (C), B e r n h a r d t 2004: 134 (C); (erroneously cited as "A pallida"), confirmation required for Losinj [Aristolochiapallida W lL L D ], — [-], - remark: not present in the area, see under the former Aristolochia rotunda L , - [ C , L ], —ref.: M B: 135, H : 182, LU: 1933: 181, 1956: 194, S: 2005: 521 (C, L, map 3, as ssp rotunda), 565 (C, L), 2006: 604 (L), W o l f e r t 1903: 132 (L) W allnö fer: Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the©Naturhistorisches vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 215 Asclepiadaceae: see Apocynaceae A sparagaceae Asparagus acutifolius L , - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B: 143, H : 170, H I: 1913: 50 (C), 1914a: 34 (L), 1914b: 13 (L), 1917a: 90 (C), 1917c (L), LU: 1920: 91, 1933: 181, 210, 1934: 57, 1935: 25, 1940a: 77, 1956: 235, B olzon 1925: 54, 61 (C, L), M artinoli 1948: 283 (C), H orvatic 1963 (L), T rinajstic 1965 (C), 1987 (L), M artini 1989 (L), B ernhardt 2004: 134 (C) M lL L , - [C, L], - ref.: M B: 142, H: 170, H I: 1917a: 90 (C), 1917b: (C), LU: 1940a: 77, M a r tin o li 1948: 283 (C); (also asA scctber) Asparagus maritimus (L.) Asparagus officinalis L , - [C ], - ref.: M B: 142 A sphodelaceae (Xanthorrhoeaceae s.lat.) Asphodeline liburnica (SCO P.) R CH B , - [ C ] , - ref.: M B : 144 (lit only), H I: 1913: 49 (C); - rem ark: H irc (1913) reports a large population from "Stijene od fontane" next to O sor on Cres M a r c h e s e tti & B eg u in o t (1930), however, erroneously believed that H irc collected it on the Monte Ossero (O sorscica) and assumed that he may have confounded it with A lutea - confirmation thus required! A s p h o d e lin e lu te a ( L ) RCHB., - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B: 144, H: 166, LU: 1935: 26; (also as Asphodelus luteus) A s p h o d e l u s ß s t u l o s u s L., — [L+], flg 2, - ref.: H: 166, B W allnöfer (L, see appendix) A s p h o d e lu s r a m o s u s L., - [C+, L+], - ref.: M B: 144, H: 165, H I: 1914a: 34 (L), 1914b: 11,13 (L), 1917a: 89 (C), 1917b: (C), 1917c (L), LU: 1920: 91, 1933: 181, 210, 1956: 234, M : 1932 - 1934, 9: 262, etc., K u g le r 1977: 47 (L); (also as A microcarpits) B erberidaceae B e r b e r is v u lg a r is L , - [C ], - ref.: MB: 32, H I: 1917a: 92 (C), M : 1932 - 1934, 9: 73, etc Betulaceae (including Corylaceae) C a r p in u s b e tu lu s L , — [C ], - ref.: Anic 1953: 348 (C: near Poljana), confirmation required! C a r p in u s o r i e n ta lis M i l l , - [C +], flg , - ref.: M B: 139, H I: 1913: 51 (C), M : 1932 - 1934, 9: 156, 10: 129, S: 2007: 463 (C), Anic 1953: 348 - 349 (C), T rin a js tic 1965 (C); (also as C duinensis) C o r y lu s a v e ll a n a L , - [C ], - ref.: M: 1932 - 1934, 9: 83 - 85, 10: 296, A nic 1953: 348 (C) O s tr y a c a r p i n if o l ia SCOP., - [C +, L], - ref.: M B: 139, H : 176, H I: 1913: 51 (C), 1914a: 35 (L), 1914b: 4, 13 (L), LU: 1956: 186 (lit only), S: 2000: 388 (C), 2007: 463 (C), Anic 1953: 348 (C), T ri n a js tic 1965 (C), B e r n h a r d t 2004: 136 (C) Boraginaceae A n c h u s a a z u r e a M i l l , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 124, H: 249, H I: 1914a: 46 (L, lit only), LU: 1956: 216, S: 2003: 632 (L), 2005: 625 (C, L, map 211); (also as A italica) A n c h u s a c r e t ic a M i l l , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 124, H: 249, H I: 1913: 74 (C), M : 1929: 133, S: 2003: 632 (C, L), 2005: 577 (C), 625 (C, L, map 212), W o lf e r t 1903: 138 (L), Bigazzi et al 1997: 259 (C, L); - remark: erroneously cited by some earlier authors as "Lycopsis variegata"; recently also named Anchusella cretica (M ill.) Bigazzi, E N ardi & Selvi 16 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 ß A s p e n i g o p r o c u m b e n s L , - [C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 123, H: 249, M: 1932 - 1934, 9: 246, etc., S: 2005: 627 (C, L, map 216) B o r a g o o ff ic in a lis L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 124, H: 249, H I: 1913: 74 (C), S: 2003: 633 (L), 2005: 584 (L), 628 (C, L, map 217) B ll g lo s s o id e s a r v e n s is (L ) I.M JO H N ST., — [L ], - ref.: H: 250 (as Lithospermum), S: 2005: 628 (L, map 218); - remark: Buglossoides incrassata (G uss.) I.M Johnst could also be present in the area B ll g lo s s o id e s p u r p i tr o c a e r n le a ( L ) I.M JO H N ST., - [C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 124, H : 250, H I: 1913: 74 (C), LU: 1938: 353, 1941: 7, 1956: 216, M : 1929: 153, 1932 - 1934, 9: 149, 253, etc., S: 2005: 629 (C, L, map 219); (also as Lithospermum) C y n o g lo s s u m c h e ir ifo lilim L , — [C , L ], - ref.: S: 2005: 630 (C, L, map 222, but no localities listed), confirmation required! C y n o g lo s s u m c o lu m n a e T e n , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 123, H : 249, H I: 1913: 74 (C), 1914a: 46 (L), 1914b: 12 (L), LU: 1938: 346, 1956: 216 (lit only), S: 2003: 634 (L), 2005: 594 (C), 631 (C, L, map 223), 2006: 543 (C) C y n o g lo s s u m cre tic u rn M i l l , - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B: 123, H : 249, H I: 1913: 74 (C), 1914a: 46 (L), 1914b: 12 (L), 1917a: 100 (C), LU: 1934: 58, 1940a: 78, 1956: 216, S: 2003: 634 (L), 2005: 594 (C, L), 631 (C, L, map 224), B o lzo n 1925: 55, 58 (C), K och & Dobes 2004: 124 (C); (also as C pictum) E c h iu m ita lic u m L , - [C +, L ], flg , - ref.: M B: 124, H : 250, H I: 1913: 75 (C), 1914a: 46 (L), 1914b: 4, 13 (L), 1917a: 100 (C), LU: 1933: 182, 211, 1956: 216, S: 2003: 634 (C), 2005: 595 (C, L), 633 (C, L, map 227, as s.str.), B o lzo n 1925: 55 (C), K och & Dobes 2004: 124, 126 (C); (also indicated as E altissimum or E pyramidatum) E c h iu m p a r v i f lo r u m MOENCH, - [C ? , L ] , - ref.: M B: 125 (lit only), LU: 1938: 347, S: 2005: 633 (C, L, map 228, but no localities listed), confirmation required! E c h iu m p la n t a g in e u m L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B : 125, H: 251, H I: 1913: 75 (C), 1917a: 100 (C), S: 2003: 634 (L?), 2005: 595 (C), 634 (C, L, map 229), W o lf e r t 1903: 133 (L); (also as E violaceum) E c h iu m v u lg a r e L , - [C , L ], - ref.: H: 251, M a r tin i 1989 (L), K och & Dobes 2004: 124 (C); remark: these records probably belong to the following taxon E c h iu m v u lg a r e L ssp p u s tu la tu m ( S i b t h & S m ) E d S c h m i d & G a m s , - [C +, L ] ,-r e f : M B: 125, H: 250, LU: 1934: 58, 1956: 216, S: 2003: 634 - 635 (L), 2005: 596 (C, L), 634 - 635 (C, L, map 231), B o lzo n 1925: 55 (C) H e lio tr o p iu m e u r o p a e u m L , - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 123, H : 248, H I: 1913: 74 (C), LU: 1933: 211, 214, 1934: 58, 1940a: 78, 1956: 215, S: 2003: 636 (L), 2005: 636 (C, L, map 234), B o lzo n 1925: 55, 61 (C, L), M a r tin o li 1948: 283 (C) L a p p u la s q u a r r o s a (R E TZ ) DUMORT., - [C , L ] , - ref.: M B: 123, H: 249, LU: 1938: 353, 1956: 216, S: 2005: 637 (C, L, map 236), B o lz o n 1925: 55, 60 (C); (also indicated as L echinata or L myosotis) L ith o s p e r m u m o ff ic in a le L , - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B: 124, LU: 1938: 353, 1956: 216, M : 1929: 162, S: 2005: 605 (C), 638 (C, L, map 237) M y o s o tis a r v e n s is (L ) H lL L , - [C +, L ], - ref.: M B : 124, H: 250, H I: 1914a: 46 (L, lit only), LU: 1933: 184, 1956: 216, S: 2003: 640 (C), 2005: 606 (C), 638 (C, L, map 238), 2006: 545 (C), K och & Dobes 2004: 124 (C); (also as M intermedia)', - remark: S ta r m ü h le r (2005: 606 - 607) reports also M xpseudohispida M u r r (= M arvensis x M ramosissima) from Cres M y o s o tis r a m o s is s im a ROCHEL, - [C , L ], - ref.: M B: 124, H : 250, H I: 1913: 74 (C), 1914a: 46 (L), 1914b: 12 (L), LU: 1934: 59, 1956: 216, M : 1929: 140, 1932 - 1934, 8: 339, etc., 9: 60, S: 2005: 607 (L), 640 (C, L, map 242), K och & Dobes 2004: 123 (C); (as M collina and M hispida) M y o s o tis S tr ic ta L i n k e x ROEM & S c h u l t , - [L ] , - ref.: LU: 1949: 112 (as M micrantha), S: 2005: 641 (L, map 244) 304 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Natiirhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Speta F., 1990: Ornithogalum gussonei Ten., O collinum Guss, und O exscapum Ten., drei häufig verkannte, aus Italien beschriebene Arten (Hyacinthaceae) - Phyton 30: 97-171 S tace C.A (ed.), 2002: IOPB chromosome data 18 - Int Org Pl Biosyst., Newslett 34: 18-24, (downloaded from: http://www.iopb.org/newsletter34.pdf) S tarmühler W., 1998: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil I —Carinthia II 188/108: 535-576 S tarmühler W., 1999: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil II - Carinthia II 189/109: 431-466 S tarmühler W., 2000: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil III - Carinthia II 190/110: 381-422 S tarmühler W., 2001: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil IV - Carinthia II 191/111: 409-457 S tarmühler W., 2002: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil V - Carinthia II 192/112: 545-601 S tarmühler W., 2003: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil VI —Carinthia II 193/113: 579-658 S tarmühler W., 2004: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil VII - Carinthia II 194/114: 591-651 S tarmühler W., 2005: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil VIII - Carinthia II 195/115: 515-653 S tarmühler W., 2006: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil IX - Carinthia II 196/116: 519-610 S tarmühler W., 2007: Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil X - Carinthia II 197/117: 407-496 S ugar I., 1970: Prilog flori otoka Losinja - Acta Bot Croat 29: 221-223 T rinajstic I., 1965: Istrazivanja zimzelene sumske vegetacije sjevernog Cresa - Acta Bot Croat 24: 137-142 Trinajstic I., 1987: Fitocenolosko-tipoloska analiza sastojina makije somine Juniperiis phoenicea L u Hrvatskom primorju - Acta Bot Croat 46: 115-121 T rinajstic I., 1988: Prilog flori otoka Unija - Acta Bot Croat 47: 167-170 Trinajstic I., 1993: Bidens subalternans DC u neofitskoj flori Hrvatske - Acta Bot Croat 52: 107-112 Trinajstic I., 1997: Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm (Brassicaceae) - "species rediviva" of the Croa- tian flora - Nat Croat 6: 447-450 Trinajstic I., Papes D & Ladika D., 1979: Morfoloska i karioloska analiza vrsta roda Ficaria D ill (Ranunculaceae) u flori Jugoslavije - Acta Biologica Jugoslavica, Biosistematika, SerijaG, 5: 23-31 Trinajstic I & P a v letic Z., 1989: Staehelina dubia L., Asteraceae u flori Hrvatske i Jugoslav ije - Acta Bot Croat 48: 195-199 Trinajstic I & P a v letic Z., 1999: Centaurea dalmatica A.Kerner subsp lubenicensis Trina jstic et Zi.P a v le tic subsp nov from island of Cres (Croatia) - Nat Croat 8: 55-59 T utin T.G et al (eds.), 1964-1980: Flora Europaea Vol 1-5 - Cambridge: Cambridge Univer sity Press, [searchable at: http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/FE/fe.html] Tutin T.G et al (eds.), 1993: Flora Europaea Vol 1, 2nd ed - Cambridge: Cambridge Univer sity Press, [searchable at: http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/FE/fe.html] ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at W allnöfer: Checklist o f the vascular plants o f the Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 305 Uhlemann I., 2007: New species of the genus Taraxacum (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) from Croa tia - Willdenowia 37: 115-121 V itek E & W raber T., 2000: Carlina frigida subsp fiumensis, neu für Istrien - Annales Anali za istrske in mediteranske studije 19 [= Annales Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, 19, Köper] Series historia naturalis 10: 69-76 V öth W & Löschl E., 1978: Zur Verbreitung der Orchideen an der östlichen Adria - Linzer Biol Beitr 10: 369-430 W aitzbauer W., O rtel J., S chuster A., Z olda P & S ehnal P., (eds.) 1999: Die W eide landschaft bei Srem (Cres, Kroatien) Projektstudie 1998 - Wien: Institut für Zoologie der Universität Wien [ISBN 3-9500170-3-8], W ilhalm T., N iklfeld H & Gutermann W., 2006: Katalog der Gefäßpflanzen Südtirols Wien, Bozen: Folio Verlag [= Veröffentlichungen des Naturmuseums Südtirol, Nr 3], W isskirchen R & H aeupler H., 1998: Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutsch lands - Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer Wittmann H., 1985: Beitrag zur Systematik der Ornithogalum-Arten mit verlängert-traubiger Infloreszenz - Stapfia 13: 1-117 Wolfert A., 1903: Bericht über botanische Exkursionen in Südistrien und auf Lussin von Mitte März bis Mitte Juni 1902 - Verh Zool.-Bot Ges Wien 53: 131-140 W raber T., 1981: Vicia loiseleuri (M.B.) D Litvinov, a hitherto neglected species from the V hirsuta group - Biol Vestn 29: 181-191 Z olda P., Ortel J & Waitzbauer W., 2002: Ecological characterization of a Mediterranean fresh water pool on the Merag Peninsula, Cres (Croatia) - Annales Anali za istrske in mediteranske studije [= Annales Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, Köper], Series historia naturalis 12(1): 73-82 306 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Figs - 4: 1) Viburnum tinus (Adoxaceae), Cres, Kovacine, WNW city of Cres, 44°57'40" N, 14°23'56" E, 2.6.2007; 2) Asphodelus fistulosus (Asphodelaceae), Mali Losinj (see appendix), 29.5.2007; 3) Carpinus orientalis (Betulaceae), Cres, NW Beli, ca 45°06'51" N, 14o21'04" E, 31.5.2007; 4) Echium italicum (Boraginaceae), Cres, Kovacine, WNW city of Cres, 44°57'40" N, 14°23'56" E, 31.5.2007 - © B Wallnưfer W a lln fe r : ©Naturhistorisches Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 30 Figs - 8: 5) Onosma dalmatica (Boraginaceae), Cres, W Merag, 44°58'36" N, 14°25‘38" E, 2.6.2007; 6) Onosma visianii (Boraginaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14130, 30.5.2007; - ) Campanula fenestrellata ssp istriaca (Campanulaceae), Cres, rocks near harbor of Merag, 2.6.2007 © B Wallnưfer 308 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Figs - 15: 9) Edraianthus tenuifolius (Campanulaceae), Cres, near Lubenice, 44°53'57" N, 14°19'42" E, 30.5.2007; 10) Polycarpon tetraphyllum s.str (Caryophyllaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14144, 31.5.2007; 11) Carthamus lanatus (Compositae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14238, 3.6.2007; 12) Cistus creticus ssp eriocephalus (Cistaceae), Cres (see appendix), 28.5.2007; 13) Carduus pycnocephalus (Compositae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14236, 31.5.2007; 14) Rhagadiolus stellatus (Compositae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14201, 2.6.2007; 15) Filago pyramidata (Compositae), Cres, Wallnưfer 14145, 31.5.2007.-© B Wallnöfer W a lln ö fe r : Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the©Naturhistorisches vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 309 Figs 16 - 20: 16) Convolvulus cantabrica (Convolvulaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14191, 28.5.2007; 17) Convolvulus elegantissimus (Convolvulaceae), Cres, Kovacine NNW city of Cres, 44°57'49" N, 14°23'35" E, 28.5.2007; 18^Urospermum dalechampii (Compositae), Cres, Kovacine NNW city of Cres, 44°57'49" N, 14°23'35" E, 28.5.2007; 19) Alyssoides sinuata (Cruciferae), Cres, Lubenice, ca 44°53'13" N, 14°19'55" E, 30.5.2007; 20) Carex extensa (Cyperaceae), Cres, Wall nưfer 14237, 2.6.2007 - © B Wallnưfer 310 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Figs 21 - 25: 21) Euphorbiafragifera (Euphorbiaceae), Losinj, Wallnöfer 14077, 29.5.2007; 22 23) Euphorbia nicaeensis (Euphorbiaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14152, 1.6.2007; 24) Aegilops geniculata (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14063, 28.5.2007; 25) Blackstonia perfoliata s.str (Gentianaceae), Cres, Wallnưfer 14192, 2.6.2007 - © B Wallnưfer W a lln fe r : ©Naturhistorisches Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 311 Figs 26 - 31: 26) Brachypodium distachyon (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14064, 28.5.2007; 27) Brachypodium pinnatum (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14219, 2.6.2007; 28) Brachypodium retusum (Gramineae), Losinj, Wallnöfer 14088, 29.5.2007; 29) Catapodium rigidum (Grami neae), Cres, Osor, 29.5.2007; 30) Cynosurus echinatus (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14095, 29.5.2007; 31) Dasypyrum villosum (Gramineae), Losinj, Wallnöfer 14073, 29.5.2007 —O B Wallnöfer 312 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B W a lln ö fe r : ©Naturhistorisches Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 313 Figs 39 - 44: 39) Ornithogalum brevistylum (Hyacinthaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14221, 2.6.2007; 40) Ornithogalum pyrenaicum ssp sphaerocarpum (Hyacinthaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14194, 28.5.2007; 41) Ballota acetabulosa (Labiatae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14103, 30.5.2007; 42) Ajuga chamaepitys (Labiatae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14193, 2.6.2007; 43) Clinopodium nepeta ssp glandulosum (Labiatae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14254, 3.6.2007; 44) Marrubium incanum (Labiatae), Cres, Wallnưfer 14102, 30.5.2007 - © B Wallnưfer Figs 32 - 38: 32) Gastridium ventricosum (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14182, 1.6.2007; 33) Parapholis incurva (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14094, 29.5.2007; 34) Phleum subulatum (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14066, 28.5.2007; 35) Lolium rigidum (Gramineae), Cres, Wall nöfer 14230, 2.6.2007; 36) Sesleria autumnalis (Gramineae), Losinj, Wallnöfer 14079, 29.5.2007; 37) Rostraria cristata (Gramineae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14227, 2.6.2007; 38) Oryzopsis miliacea (Gramineae), Losinj, Wallnöfer 14074, 29.5.2007 - © B Wallnöfer 314 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Natiirhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Figs 45 - 49: 45) Argyrolobium zanonii (Leguminosae), Cres (see appendix), 28.5.2007; 46) Astra galus monspessulamts ssp wulfenii (Leguminosae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14157, 1.6.2007; 47) Dorycnium hirsutum (Leguminosae), Losinj, Wallnöfer 14091, 29.5.2007; 48 ) Astragahis hamosus (Leguminosae), Cres, Lubenice, ca 44°53'13" N, 14°19'55" E, 30.5.2007; 49) Genista sylve stris ssp dalmatica (Leguminosae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14113, 30.5.2007 - © B Wallnưfer W a lln ö fe r : ©Naturhistorisches Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 315 Figs 50 - 54: 50) Medicago orbicularis (Leguminosae), Cres, km W city of Cres, 44°57'40" N, 14°23'56" E, 30.5.2007; 51) Medicago rigidula (Leguminosae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14107, 30.5.2007; 52) Linum strictum s.str.(Linaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14178, 1.6.2007; 53) Ononis reclinata (Leguminosae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14179, 1.6.2007; 54) Scorpiurus muricatus (Legumi nosae), Cres, Wallnưfer 14232, 2.6.2007 - © B Wallnưfer 316 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Natiirhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Figs 55 - 60: 55) Plantago bellardii (Plantaginaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14180, 1.6.2007; 56) Nige/la damascena (Ranunculaceae), Cres, Kovacine, WNW city of Cres, near 44°57'40" N, 14°23'56" E, 28.5.2007; 57) Ranunculuspeltatus ssp.fucoides (Ranunculaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14116, 30.5.2007; 58) Paliurus spina-christi (Rhamnaceae), Cres, near Lubenice, 44°54'09" N, 14°19'34" E, 30.5.2007; 59) Ruta divaricata (Rutaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14183, 1.6.2007; 60) Rhamnus intermedia (Rhamnaceae), Cres, Wallnưfer 14117, 30.5.2007 - © B Wallnöfer W a lln ö fe r : Museum unter www.biologiezentrum.at Checklist o f the©Naturhistorisches vascular plants o fWien, the download Cres-Losinj (Cherso-Lussino) archipelago 317 Figs 61 - 65: 61) Osyris alba (Santalaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14148, 31.5.2007; 62) Scrophularia canina ssp bicolor (Scrophulariaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14129, 30.5.2007; 63) Orlaya daucorlaya (Umbelliferae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14218, 2.6.2007; 64) Torilis nodosa (Umbelliferae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14138, 31.5.2007; 65) Kickxia commutata (Veronicaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14186, 1.6.2007 - © B Wallnưfer 318 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Natiirhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 B Figs 66 - 70: 66) Arceuthobium oxycedri (Viscaceae), Cres, Wallnöfer 14118, 30.5.2007; 67) Cres, sheep pasture 3.5 km SSE Belej, 44°44'56" N, 14°25'58" E, 1.6.2007; 68) Cres, open, stony macchie ca - km N Lubenice, with Euphorbia nicaeensis (yellow) and Teucriumpolium ssp capitatum (gray) in the foreground, 44°54'19" N, 14°19'28" E, 1.6.2007; 69) Cres, macchie - km N Lubenice, 44°54’19" N, 14°19'28" E, 30.5.2007; 70) Cres, stony, olive orchards NNW of the city of Cres, ca 44°58’35" N, 14023'16” E, 28.5.2007 - © B Wallnưfer ... remark: also named Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) M osyakin & C lem an ts ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien ,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen 222 Museums in Wien 109... (M ill.) Bigazzi, E N ardi & Selvi 2 16 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien ,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109 ß A s p e n i g o p r o c u m b e... 1956: 226, K och & Dobes 2004: 124 (C) ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien ,Annalen download unter deswww.biologiezentrum.at Naturhistorischen 218 Museums in Wien 109 B C a m p a m d a tr a c h e