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US $9.95 GBP £5.95 “A Stitch i Time ” The Cmpete Gie t Eectrica Isati Isati Testig Testig W W W M E G G E R C O M A STITCH IN TIME “A Stitch I Time” The Cmpete Gie t Eectrica Isati Testig Copright 2006 W W W M E G G E R C O M A STITCH IN TIME A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E ConTEnTS PAGE WHAT IS “GOOd” In SUlATIOn? WHAT MAkES InSUlATIOn GO BAd? HOW InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE IS MEASUREd HOW TO InTERPRET RESISTAnCE REAdInGS FACTORS AFFECTInG InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE REAdInGS TyPES OF InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE TESTS .10 TEST VOlTAGE VS EqUIPMEnT RATInG 16 AC TESTInG VS dC 17 USE OF dC dIElECTRIC TEST SET 18 TESTS dURInG dRyInG OU T OF EqUIPMEnT 18 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE On InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE EFFECTS OF HU MIdITy 23 PREPARATIOn PREPARA TIOn OF APPARATUS TO TEST SAFETy PRECAUTIOnS COnnECTIOnS FOR TESTInG InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE OF ElECTRICAl EqUIPMEnT 27 WHAT IS “Good” InSulATIon? Ever eectric wire i our pat – whether it’s i a motor motor,, geerator, cabe, switch, trasormer, trasormer, etc – is careu covere with some orm o eectrica isuatio The wire itse is usua copper or aumium, which is ow to be a goo couctor o the eectric curret that powers our euipmet The isuatio must be just the opposite rom a couctor: it shou resist curret a eep the curret i its path aog the couctor couctor To uersta uersta isuatio testig ou rea o’t ee to go ito the mathematics o eectricit, but oe simpe euatio – Ohm’s aw – ca be ver hepu i appreciatig ma aspects Eve i ou’ve bee expose to this aw beore, it ma be a goo iea to review it i the ight o isuatio testig The purpose o isuatio arou a couctor is much ie that o a pipe carrig water, a Ohm’s aw o eectricit ca be more easi uerstoo b a compariso with water ow I Fig we show this compariso Pressure Pressure o water rom a pump causes ow aog the pipe (Fig 1a) I the pipe were to sprig a ea, ou’ waste water a ose some water pressure With eectricit, votage is ie the pump pressure, causig eectricit to ow aog the copper wire (Fig 1b) As i a water pipe, there is some resistace to ow, but it is much ess aog the wire tha it is through the isuatio AddITIOnAl nOTES ABOUT USInG A MEGGER InSUlATIOn TESTER 33 InTERPRETATIOn-MInIMUM InTERPRETA TIOn-MInIMUM VAlUES 36 MInIMUM VAlUES FOR InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE 38 TESTS USInG MUlTI-VOlT MUlTI-VOlTAGE AGE MEGGER InSUlATIOn TESTERS 42 STEP-VOlTAGE STEP-VOlT AGE METHOd 48 USE OF A GUARd TERMInAl 50 BUSHInGS, POTHEAdS And InSUlATORS 54 Figre 1–Cmparis water w (a) with eectric crret (b) OUTdOOR OIl CIRCUIT BREAkERS 57 BREAkERS 57 SETTInG UP A MAInTEnAnCE PROGRAM 60 HOW OFTEn SHOUld yOU TEST? MEGGER And 10 kV InSUlATIOn TESTERS MEGGER kV InSUlATIOn TESTERS TESTERS A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E A STITCH IN TIME ConTEnTS PAGE WHAT IS “GOOd” In SUlATIOn? WHAT MAkES InSUlATIOn GO BAd? HOW InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE IS MEASUREd HOW TO InTERPRET RESISTAnCE REAdInGS FACTORS AFFECTInG InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE REAdInGS TyPES OF InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE TESTS .10 TEST VOlTAGE VS EqUIPMEnT RATInG 16 AC TESTInG VS dC 17 USE OF dC dIElECTRIC TEST SET 18 TESTS dURInG dRyInG OU T OF EqUIPMEnT 18 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE On InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE EFFECTS OF HU MIdITy 23 PREPARATIOn PREPARA TIOn OF APPARATUS TO TEST SAFETy PRECAUTIOnS COnnECTIOnS FOR TESTInG InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE OF ElECTRICAl EqUIPMEnT 27 WHAT IS “Good” InSulATIon? Ever eectric wire i our pat – whether it’s i a motor motor,, geerator, cabe, switch, trasormer, trasormer, etc – is careu covere with some orm o eectrica isuatio The wire itse is usua copper or aumium, which is ow to be a goo couctor o the eectric curret that powers our euipmet The isuatio must be just the opposite rom a couctor: it shou resist curret a eep the curret i its path aog the couctor couctor To uersta uersta isuatio testig ou rea o’t ee to go ito the mathematics o eectricit, but oe simpe euatio – Ohm’s aw – ca be ver hepu i appreciatig ma aspects Eve i ou’ve bee expose to this aw beore, it ma be a goo iea to review it i the ight o isuatio testig The purpose o isuatio arou a couctor is much ie that o a pipe carrig water, a Ohm’s aw o eectricit ca be more easi uerstoo b a compariso with water ow I Fig we show this compariso Pressure Pressure o water rom a pump causes ow aog the pipe (Fig 1a) I the pipe were to sprig a ea, ou’ waste water a ose some water pressure With eectricit, votage is ie the pump pressure, causig eectricit to ow aog the copper wire (Fig 1b) As i a water pipe, there is some resistace to ow, but it is much ess aog the wire tha it is through the isuatio AddITIOnAl nOTES ABOUT USInG A MEGGER InSUlATIOn TESTER 33 InTERPRETATIOn-MInIMUM InTERPRETA TIOn-MInIMUM VAlUES 36 MInIMUM VAlUES FOR InSUlATIOn RESISTAnCE 38 TESTS USInG MUlTI-VOlT MUlTI-VOlTAGE AGE MEGGER InSUlATIOn TESTERS 42 STEP-VOlTAGE STEP-VOlT AGE METHOd 48 USE OF A GUARd TERMInAl 50 BUSHInGS, POTHEAdS And InSUlATORS 54 Figre 1–Cmparis water w (a) with eectric crret (b) OUTdOOR OIl CIRCUIT BREAkERS 57 BREAkERS 57 SETTInG UP A MAInTEnAnCE PROGRAM 60 HOW OFTEn SHOUld yOU TEST? MEGGER And 10 kV InSUlATIOn TESTERS MEGGER kV InSUlATIOn TESTERS TESTERS A STITCH IN TIME A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E Commo sese tes us that the more votage we have, the more curret there’ be Aso, the ower the resistace o the wire, the more curret or the same votage Actua, this is Ohm’s aw, which is expresse this wa i euatio orm: where, E=IxR E = votage i vots I = curret i amperes R = resistace i ohms note, however, that o isuatio is perect (that is, has ifite resistace) so some eectricit oes ow aog the isuatio or through it to grou Such a curret ma o be a miioth o a ampere (oe microampere) but it is the basis o isuatio testig euipmet note aso that a higher votage tes to cause more curret through the isuatio This sma amout o curret wou ot, o course, harm goo isuatio but wou be a probem i the isuatio has eteriorate now, to sum up our aswer to the uestio “what is ‘goo’ isuatio?” We have see that, essetia essetia,, “goo” meas a reative high resistace to curret Use to escribe a isuatio materia, “goo” wou aso mea “the abiit to eep a high resistace.” So, a suitabe wa o measurig resistace ca te ou how “goo” the isuatio is Aso, i ou tae measuremets at reguar perios, ou ca chec tres towar its eterioratio (more o this ater) WHAT WHA T MAkES InSulATIon Go BAd? Whe our pat eectrica sstem a euipmet are ew, the eectrica isuatio shou be i top otch shape Furthermore, mauacturers o o wire, cabe, motors, a so o have cotiua improve their isuatios or services i iustr iustr nevertheess, eve toa, isuatio isuatio is subject to ma eects which ca cause it to ai – mechaica amage, vibratio, excessive heat or co, irt, oi, corrosive vapors, moisture rom processes, or or just the humiit o a mugg a I various egrees, these eemies o isuatio are at wor as time goes o – combie with the eectrica stresses that exist As pi hoes or cracs eveop, moisture a oreig matter peetrate the suraces o the isuatio, proviig a ow resistace path or eaage curret A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E Oce starte, the ieret eemies te to ai each other other,, permittig excessive curret through the isuatio Sometimes the rop i isuatio resistace is sue, as whe euipmet is ooe Usua, however, however, it rops graua graua,, givig pet o warig, i chece perioica Such checs permit pae recoitioig beore service aiure I there are o checs, a motor with poor isuatio, or exampe, ma ot o be agerous to touch whe votage is appie, but aso be subject to bur out What was goo isuatio has become a partia couctor HoW InSulATIon RESISTAnCE IS MEASuREd you have see that goo isuatio has high resistace; poor isuatio, reative ow resistace The actua resistace vaues ca be higher or ower, epeig upo such actors as the temperature or moisture cotet o the isuatio (resistace ecreases i temperature or moisture) With a itte recor-eepig a commo sese, however, however, ou ca get a goo picture o the isuatio coitio rom vaues that are o reative The Megger isuatio tester is a sma, portabe istrumet that gives ou a irect reaig o isuatio resistace i ohms or megohms For goo isuatio, the resistace usua reas i the megohm rage The Megger isuatio tester is essetia a high-rage resistace meter (ohmmeter) with a buit-i irect-curret geerator This meter is o specia costructio with both curret a votage cois, eabig true ohms to be rea irect, iepeet o the actua votage appie This metho is oestructive; that is, it oes ot cause eterioratio o the isuatio Figre 2–Typica Megger test istrmet h-p t measre isati resistace A STITCH IN TIME Commo sese tes us that the more votage we have, the more curret there’ be Aso, the ower the resistace o the wire, the more curret or the same votage Actua, this is Ohm’s aw, which is expresse this wa i euatio orm: where, E=IxR E = votage i vots I = curret i amperes R = resistace i ohms note, however, that o isuatio is perect (that is, has ifite resistace) so some eectricit oes ow aog the isuatio or through it to grou Such a curret ma o be a miioth o a ampere (oe microampere) but it is the basis o isuatio testig euipmet note aso that a higher votage tes to cause more curret through the isuatio This sma amout o curret wou ot, o course, harm goo isuatio but wou be a probem i the isuatio has eteriorate now, to sum up our aswer to the uestio “what is ‘goo’ isuatio?” We have see that, essetia essetia,, “goo” meas a reative high resistace to curret Use to escribe a isuatio materia, “goo” wou aso mea “the abiit to eep a high resistace.” So, a suitabe wa o measurig resistace ca te ou how “goo” the isuatio is Aso, i ou tae measuremets at reguar perios, ou ca chec tres towar its eterioratio (more o this ater) WHAT WHA T MAkES InSulATIon Go BAd? Whe our pat eectrica sstem a euipmet are ew, the eectrica isuatio shou be i top otch shape Furthermore, mauacturers o o wire, cabe, motors, a so o have cotiua improve their isuatios or services i iustr iustr nevertheess, eve toa, isuatio isuatio is subject to ma eects which ca cause it to ai – mechaica amage, vibratio, excessive heat or co, irt, oi, corrosive vapors, moisture rom processes, or or just the humiit o a mugg a I various egrees, these eemies o isuatio are at wor as time goes o – combie with the eectrica stresses that exist As pi hoes or cracs eveop, moisture a oreig matter peetrate the suraces o the isuatio, proviig a ow resistace path or eaage curret Sometimes the rop i isuatio resistace is sue, as whe euipmet is ooe Usua, however, however, it rops graua graua,, givig pet o warig, i chece perioica Such checs permit pae recoitioig beore service aiure I there are o checs, a motor with poor isuatio, or exampe, ma ot o be agerous to touch whe votage is appie, but aso be subject to bur out What was goo isuatio has become a partia couctor HoW InSulATIon RESISTAnCE IS MEASuREd you have see that goo isuatio has high resistace; poor isuatio, reative ow resistace The actua resistace vaues ca be higher or ower, epeig upo such actors as the temperature or moisture cotet o the isuatio (resistace ecreases i temperature or moisture) With a itte recor-eepig a commo sese, however, however, ou ca get a goo picture o the isuatio coitio rom vaues that are o reative The Megger isuatio tester is a sma, portabe istrumet that gives ou a irect reaig o isuatio resistace i ohms or megohms For goo isuatio, the resistace usua reas i the megohm rage The Megger isuatio tester is essetia a high-rage resistace meter (ohmmeter) with a buit-i irect-curret geerator This meter is o specia costructio with both curret a votage cois, eabig true ohms to be rea irect, iepeet o the actua votage appie This metho is oestructive; that is, it oes ot cause eterioratio o the isuatio Figre 2–Typica Megger test istrmet h-p t measre isati resistace A STITCH IN TIME A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E The geerator ca be ha-crae or ie-operate to eveop a high dC votage which causes a sma curret through a over suraces o the isuatio beig teste (Fig 2) This curret (usua at a appie votage o 500 vots or more) is measure b the ohmmeter, ohmmeter, which has a iicatig scae Fig shows a tpica scae, which reas icreasig resistace vaues rom et up to ifit, or a resistace too high to be measure Figre 3–Typica scae the Megger isati tester HoW To InTERPRET RESISTAnCE REAdInGS As previous metioe, isuatio resistace reaigs shou be cosiere reative The ca be uite ieret or oe motor or machie teste three as i a row, et ot mea ba isuatio What rea matters is the tre i reaigs over a time perio, showig esseig resistace a warig o comig probems Perioic testig is, thereore, our best approach to prevetive maiteace o eectrica euipmet, usig recor cars as show i Fig Figre 4–Typica 4–Typica recr isati resistace a mi mtr mtr Cre A shws test aes as measre; Cre B shws same aes crrecte t 20°C (see page 22), giig a efite wwar tre twar a sae citi Reerse sie car (at right) is se t recr the test ata Oce starte, the ieret eemies te to ai each other other,, permittig excessive curret through the isuatio A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E Whether ou test moth, twice a ear, or oce a ear epes upo the tpe, ocatio, a importace o the euipmet For exampe, a sma pump motor or a short cotro cabe ma be vita to a process i our pat Experiece is the best teacher i settig up the scheue perios or our euipmet you shou mae these perioic tests i the same wa each time That is, with the same test coectios a with the same test votage appie or the same egth o time Aso ou shou mae tests at about the same temperature, or correct them to the same temperature A recor o the reative humiit ear the euipmet at the time o the test is aso hepu i evauatig the reaig a tre later sectios cover temperature correctio a humiit eects I summar, here are some geera observatios about how ou ca iterpret iterpret perioic isuatio resistace tests, a what ou shou o with the resut: Citi What T d (a) Fair t high aes a we maitaie n case r ccer (b) Fair t high aes, bt shwig a cstat teecy twars wer aes lcate a remey the case a chec the wwar tre (c) lw bt we maitaie Citi is prbaby a right, bt case w aes sh be chece () S w as t be sae Cea, ry t, r therwise raise the aes bere pacig eipmet i serice (Test wet eipmet whie ryig t.) (e) Fair r high aes, preisy we maitaie bt shwig se werig Mae tests at reet iteras ti the case w aes is cate a remeie; r ti the aes hae becme steay at a wer ee bt sae r perati; perati; r ti aes becme s w that it is sae t eep the eipmet i perati A STITCH IN TIME The geerator ca be ha-crae or ie-operate to eveop a high dC votage which causes a sma curret through a over suraces o the isuatio beig teste (Fig 2) This curret (usua at a appie votage o 500 vots or more) is measure b the ohmmeter, ohmmeter, which has a iicatig scae Fig shows a tpica scae, which reas icreasig resistace vaues rom et up to ifit, or a resistace too high to be measure Figre 3–Typica scae the Megger isati tester HoW To InTERPRET RESISTAnCE REAdInGS As previous metioe, isuatio resistace reaigs shou be cosiere reative The ca be uite ieret or oe motor or machie teste three as i a row, et ot mea ba isuatio What rea matters is the tre i reaigs over a time perio, showig esseig resistace a warig o comig probems Perioic testig is, thereore, our best approach to prevetive maiteace o eectrica euipmet, usig recor cars as show i Fig Figre 4–Typica 4–Typica recr isati resistace a mi mtr mtr Cre A shws test aes as measre; Cre B shws same aes crrecte t 20°C (see page 22), giig a efite wwar tre twar a sae citi Reerse sie car (at right) is se t recr the test ata A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E Whether ou test moth, twice a ear, or oce a ear epes upo the tpe, ocatio, a importace o the euipmet For exampe, a sma pump motor or a short cotro cabe ma be vita to a process i our pat Experiece is the best teacher i settig up the scheue perios or our euipmet you shou mae these perioic tests i the same wa each time That is, with the same test coectios a with the same test votage appie or the same egth o time Aso ou shou mae tests at about the same temperature, or correct them to the same temperature A recor o the reative humiit ear the euipmet at the time o the test is aso hepu i evauatig the reaig a tre later sectios cover temperature correctio a humiit eects I summar, here are some geera observatios about how ou ca iterpret iterpret perioic isuatio resistace tests, a what ou shou o with the resut: Citi What T d (a) Fair t high aes a we maitaie n case r ccer (b) Fair t high aes, bt shwig a cstat teecy twars wer aes lcate a remey the case a chec the wwar tre (c) lw bt we maitaie Citi is prbaby a right, bt case w aes sh be chece () S w as t be sae Cea, ry t, r therwise raise the aes bere pacig eipmet i serice (Test wet eipmet whie ryig t.) (e) Fair r high aes, preisy we maitaie bt shwig se werig Mae tests at reet iteras ti the case w aes is cate a remeie; r ti the aes hae becme steay at a wer ee bt sae r perati; perati; r ti aes becme s w that it is sae t eep the eipmet i perati A STITCH IN TIME FACToRS AFFECTInG InSulATIon RESISTAnCE RESISTAnCE REAdInGS Remember that the measure resistace (o the isuatio) wi be etermie b the votage appie a the resutat curret (R = E/I) There are a umber o thigs that aect curret, icuig temperature o the isuatio a humiit humiit,, as metioe i the previous sectio Right ow, et’s just cosier the ature o curret through isuatio a the eect o how og votage is appie Curret through a aog isuatio is mae up part o a reative stea curret i eaage paths over the isuatio surace Eectricit aso ows through the voume o the isuatio Actua, as show i Fig 5, our tota curret comprises three compoets: Capacitace Chargig Crret Curret that starts out high a rops ater the isuatio has bee charge to u votage (much ie water ow i a gare hose whe ou frst tur o the spigot) Absrpti Crret Aso a iitia high curret which the rops (or reasos iscusse uer the sectio Time-Resistace Metho) Ccti r leaage Crret A sma essetia stea curret both through a over the isuatio As show i Fig 5, the tota curret is the sum o the three compoets a it is this curret that ca be measure irect b a microammeter, or i terms o megohms at a particuar votage b meas o a Megger istrumet (ohmmeter) Because the tota curret epes upo the time that the votage is appie, ou c a see ow wh Ohm’s law R = E/I o hos, theoretica, at a ifite time (that is, ou’ have to wait orever beore taig a reaig) I practice, as ou wi see i the test methos escribe beow,ou rea a vaue that is the apparet resistace – a useu vaue to iagose troubes, which is what ou wat to o A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E Figre 5–Cres shwig cmpets crret measre rig dC testig isati note aso i Fig that the chargig curret isappears reative reative rapi as the euipmet uer test becomes charge larger uits with more capacitace wi tae oger to be charge This curret aso is the store eerg iitia ischarge ater our test, b short-circuitig a grouig the isuatio AlWAYS TAkE THIS SAFETY MEASuRE you ca see urther rom Fig that the absorptio curret ecreases at a reative sow rate, epeig upo the exact ature o the isuatio This store eerg, eerg, too, must be reease at the e o a test, a reuires a oger time tha the capacitace chargig curret – about our times as og as the votage was appie With goo isuatio, the couctio or eaage curret shou bui up to a stea vaue that is costat or the appie votage, as show i Fig A icrease o eaage curret with time is a warig o troube, as iscusse i the tests escribe i the oowig sectio A STITCH IN TIME FACToRS AFFECTInG InSulATIon RESISTAnCE RESISTAnCE REAdInGS Remember that the measure resistace (o the isuatio) wi be etermie b the votage appie a the resutat curret (R = E/I) There are a umber o thigs that aect curret, icuig temperature o the isuatio a humiit humiit,, as metioe i the previous sectio Right ow, et’s just cosier the ature o curret through isuatio a the eect o how og votage is appie Curret through a aog isuatio is mae up part o a reative stea curret i eaage paths over the isuatio surace Eectricit aso ows through the voume o the isuatio Actua, as show i Fig 5, our tota curret comprises three compoets: Capacitace Chargig Crret Curret that starts out high a rops ater the isuatio has bee charge to u votage (much ie water ow i a gare hose whe ou frst tur o the spigot) Absrpti Crret Aso a iitia high curret which the rops (or reasos iscusse uer the sectio Time-Resistace Metho) Ccti r leaage Crret A sma essetia stea curret both through a over the isuatio As show i Fig 5, the tota curret is the sum o the three compoets a it is this curret that ca be measure irect b a microammeter, or i terms o megohms at a particuar votage b meas o a Megger istrumet (ohmmeter) Because the tota curret epes upo the time that the votage is appie, ou c a see ow wh Ohm’s law R = E/I o hos, theoretica, at a ifite time (that is, ou’ have to wait orever beore taig a reaig) I practice, as ou wi see i the test methos escribe beow,ou rea a vaue that is the apparet resistace – a useu vaue to iagose troubes, which is what ou wat to o A S S TI TI TC TC H H IN IN T T IM IM E With a bacgrou ow o how time aects the meaig o istrumet reaigs, et’s cosier three c ommo test methos: (1) (1) short-time or spot reaig; (2) time-resistace time-resistace;; a (3) step or muti-votage muti-votage tests TYPES oF InSulATIon RESISTAnCE RESISTAnCE TESTS Shrt-Time r Spt-Reaig Test I this metho, ou simp coect the Megger istrumet across the isuatio to be teste a operate it or a short, short, specifc time perio (60 secos is usua recommee) As show schematica i Fig 6, ou’ve simp pice a poit o a curve o icreasig resistace vaues; uite ote the vaue wou be ess or 30 secos, more or 60 secos Bear i mi aso that temperature a humiit, as we as coitio o our isuatio aect our reaig Figre 5–Cres shwig cmpets crret measre rig dC testig isati note aso i Fig that the chargig curret isappears reative reative rapi as the euipmet uer test becomes charge larger uits with more capacitace wi tae oger to be charge This curret aso is the store eerg iitia ischarge ater our test, b short-circuitig a grouig the isuatio AlWAYS TAkE THIS SAFETY MEASuRE you ca see urther rom Fig that the absorptio curret ecreases at a reative sow rate, epeig upo the exact ature o the isuatio This store eerg, eerg, too, must be reease at the e o a test, a reuires a oger time tha the capacitace chargig curret – about our times as og as the votage was appie With goo isuatio, the couctio or eaage curret shou bui up to a stea vaue that is costat or the appie votage, as show i Fig A icrease o eaage curret with time is a warig o troube, as iscusse i the tests escribe i the oowig sectio A STITCH IN TIME I the apparatus ou are testig has ver sma capacitace, such as a short ru o house wirig, the spot reaig test is a that is ecessar However,, most euipmet is capacitive a so our ver frst spot reaig However o euipmet i our pat, with o prior tests, ca be o a rough guie as to how goo or ba the isuatio is For ma ears, maiteace proessioas have use the oe-megohm rue to estabish the aowabe ower imit or isuatio resistace The rue ma be state: Insulation resistance should be approximately one megohm for each 1,000 volts of operating voltage, with a minimum value of one megohm For exampe, a motor rate at 2,400 vots shou have a miimum isuatio resistace o 2.4 megohms I practice, megohm reaigs orma are cosierab above this miimum vaue i ew euipmet or whe isuatio is i goo coitio B taig reaigs perioica a recorig them, ou have a better basis o jugig the actua isuatio coitio A persistet owwar tre is usua air warig o troube ahea, eve though the reaigs ma be higher tha the suggeste miimum sae vaues Eua true, as og as our perioic reaigs are cosistet, the ma be o, eve though ower tha the recommee miimum vaues The curves o Fig show tpica behavior o isuatio resistace uer varig pat operatig coitios The curves were potte rom spot reaigs tae with a M egger istrumet over a perio o moths Figre 6–Typica cre isati resistace (i meghms) with time r the “shrt time” r “spt-reaig” test meth 0 ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME With a bacgrou ow o how time aects the meaig o istrumet reaigs, et’s cosier three c ommo test methos: (1) (1) short-time or spot reaig; (2) time-resistace time-resistace;; a (3) step or muti-votage muti-votage tests TYPES oF InSulATIon RESISTAnCE RESISTAnCE TESTS Shrt-Time r Spt-Reaig Test I this metho, ou simp coect the Megger istrumet across the isuatio to be teste a operate it or a short, short, specifc time perio (60 secos is usua recommee) As show schematica i Fig 6, ou’ve simp pice a poit o a curve o icreasig resistace vaues; uite ote the vaue wou be ess or 30 secos, more or 60 secos Bear i mi aso that temperature a humiit, as we as coitio o our isuatio aect our reaig I the apparatus ou are testig has ver sma capacitace, such as a short ru o house wirig, the spot reaig test is a that is ecessar However,, most euipmet is capacitive a so our ver frst spot reaig However o euipmet i our pat, with o prior tests, ca be o a rough guie as to how goo or ba the isuatio is For ma ears, maiteace proessioas have use the oe-megohm rue to estabish the aowabe ower imit or isuatio resistace The rue ma be state: Insulation resistance should be approximately one megohm for each 1,000 volts of operating voltage, with a minimum value of one megohm For exampe, a motor rate at 2,400 vots shou have a miimum isuatio resistace o 2.4 megohms I practice, megohm reaigs orma are cosierab above this miimum vaue i ew euipmet or whe isuatio is i goo coitio B taig reaigs perioica a recorig them, ou have a better basis o jugig the actua isuatio coitio A persistet owwar tre is usua air warig o troube ahea, eve though the reaigs ma be higher tha the suggeste miimum sae vaues Eua true, as og as our perioic reaigs are cosistet, the ma be o, eve though ower tha the recommee miimum vaues The curves o Fig show tpica behavior o isuatio resistace uer varig pat operatig coitios The curves were potte rom spot reaigs tae with a M egger istrumet over a perio o moths Figre 6–Typica cre isati resistace (i meghms) with time r the “shrt time” r “spt-reaig” test meth 0 A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Time-Resistace Meth This metho is air iepeet o temperature a ote ca give ou cocusive iormatio without recors o past tests It is base o the absorptio eect o goo isuatio compare to that o moist or cotamiate isuatio you you simp tae successive reaigs at specifc times a ote the iereces i reaigs (see curves, Fig 8) Tests b this metho are sometimes reerre to as absorptio tests note that goo isuatio shows a cotiua icrease i resistace (ess curret – see curve A) over a perio o time (i the orer o to 10 miutes) This is cause b the absorptio curret we spoe o earier; goo isuatio shows this charge eect over a time perio much oger tha the time reuire to charge the capacitace o the isuatio I the isuatio cotais much moisture or cotamiats, the absorptio absorptio eect is mase b a high eaage curret which stas at a air costat vaue, eepig the resistace reaig ow (remember: R = E/I) Figre 8–Typica cres shwig ieectric absrpti eect i a “time-resistace” test, mae capacitie eipmet sch as a arge mtr wiig Figre 7–Typica behair isati resistace er a peri mths er aryig peratig citis, (cres ptte rm spt reaigs with a Megger istrmet) ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME The time-resistace time-resistace test is o vaue aso because it is iepeet o euipmet size The icrease i resistace or cea a r isuatio occurs i the same maer whether a motor is arge or sma you ca, thereore, compare severa motors a estabish staars or ew oes, regaress o their horsepower ratigs A STITCH IN TIME Time-Resistace Meth This metho is air iepeet o temperature a ote ca give ou cocusive iormatio without recors o past tests It is base o the absorptio eect o goo isuatio compare to that o moist or cotamiate isuatio you you simp tae successive reaigs at specifc times a ote the iereces i reaigs (see curves, Fig 8) Tests b this metho are sometimes reerre to as absorptio tests note that goo isuatio shows a cotiua icrease i resistace (ess curret – see curve A) over a perio o time (i the orer o to 10 miutes) This is cause b the absorptio curret we spoe o earier; goo isuatio shows this charge eect over a time perio much oger tha the time reuire to charge the capacitace o the isuatio I the isuatio cotais much moisture or cotamiats, the absorptio absorptio eect is mase b a high eaage curret which stas at a air costat vaue, eepig the resistace reaig ow (remember: R = E/I) Figre 8–Typica cres shwig ieectric absrpti eect i a “time-resistace” test, mae capacitie eipmet sch as a arge mtr wiig Figre 7–Typica behair isati resistace er a peri mths er aryig peratig citis, (cres ptte rm spt reaigs with a Megger istrmet) The time-resistace time-resistace test is o vaue aso because it is iepeet o euipmet size The icrease i resistace or cea a r isuatio occurs i the same maer whether a motor is arge or sma you ca, thereore, compare severa motors a estabish staars or ew oes, regaress o their horsepower ratigs A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Fig shows how a 60-seco test wou appear or goo a perhaps ba isuatio Whe the isuatio is i goo shape, the 60-seco reaig is higher tha the 30-seco reaig dieectric Absrpti Rati The ratio o two time-resistace reaigs (such as a 60-seco reaig ivie b a 30-seco reaig) is cae a ieectric absorptio ratio It is useu i recorig iormatio about isuatio I the ratio is a 10-miute 10-miute reaig ivie b a 1-miute reaig, the vaue is cae the poarizatio iex With ha-crae Megger istrumets, it’s a ot easier or ou to ru the test or o 60 secos, taig our frst reaig at 30 secos I ou have a ie-operate Megger istrumet, ou’ get best resuts b ruig the test 10 miutes, taig reaigs at 1- a at 10-miutes, 10-miutes, to get the poarizatio iex Tabe I gives vaues o the ratios a correspoig correspoig reative coitios o the isuatio that the iicate TABLE I—Condition of Insulation Indicated by Dielectric Absorption Ratios* InSUlATIOn COndITIOn 60/30-SECOnd RATIO 10/1-MInUTE RATIO (POlARIZATIOn IndEX) (POlARIZATIOn Figre 9–Typica car pt a time-resistace r be-reaig test A urther avatage o this oube-reaig test, as it is sometimes cae, is that it gives ou a cearer picture, eve whe a spot reaig sas the isuatio oos fe For exampe, et’s sa the spot reaig o a schroous motor was 10 megohms now, et’s assume that the oube-reaig chec shows that the isuatio resistace hos stea at 10 megohms whie ou ho votage up to 60 secos This meas there ma be irt or moisture i the wiigs that bears watchig O the other ha, i the poiter shows a graua icrease betwee the 30-seco a the 60-seco checs, the ou’re reasoab sure the wiigs are i goo shape Time-resistace tests o arge rotatig eectrica machier – especia with Time-resistace high operatig votage – reuire high isuatio resistace rages a a ver costat test votage A heav-ut Megger test set, ie-operate, serves this ee Simiar, such a istrumet is better aapte or arge cabes, bushigs, trasormers a switchgear switchgear ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME dagerous — less tha questioabe 1.0 to 1.25 1.0 to 2*** Goo 1.4 to 1.6 to Exceet Above 1.6** Above 4** *These vaues must be cosiere tetative a reative— subject to experiece with the time-resistace metho over a perio o time **I some cases, with motors, vaues approximate 20% higher tha show here iicate a r britte wiig which wi ai uer shoc coitios or urig starts For prevetive maiteace, the motor wiig shou be ceae,treate, a rie to restore wiig exibiit ***These resuts wou be satisactor or euipmet with ver ow capacitace such as short rus o house wirig A STITCH IN TIME Fig shows how a 60-seco test wou appear or goo a perhaps ba isuatio Whe the isuatio is i goo shape, the 60-seco reaig is higher tha the 30-seco reaig dieectric Absrpti Rati The ratio o two time-resistace reaigs (such as a 60-seco reaig ivie b a 30-seco reaig) is cae a ieectric absorptio ratio It is useu i recorig iormatio about isuatio I the ratio is a 10-miute 10-miute reaig ivie b a 1-miute reaig, the vaue is cae the poarizatio iex With ha-crae Megger istrumets, it’s a ot easier or ou to ru the test or o 60 secos, taig our frst reaig at 30 secos I ou have a ie-operate Megger istrumet, ou’ get best resuts b ruig the test 10 miutes, taig reaigs at 1- a at 10-miutes, 10-miutes, to get the poarizatio iex Tabe I gives vaues o the ratios a correspoig correspoig reative coitios o the isuatio that the iicate TABLE I—Condition of Insulation Indicated by Dielectric Absorption Ratios* InSUlATIOn COndITIOn 60/30-SECOnd RATIO 10/1-MInUTE RATIO (POlARIZATIOn IndEX) (POlARIZATIOn Figre 9–Typica car pt a time-resistace r be-reaig test A urther avatage o this oube-reaig test, as it is sometimes cae, is that it gives ou a cearer picture, eve whe a spot reaig sas the isuatio oos fe For exampe, et’s sa the spot reaig o a schroous motor was 10 megohms now, et’s assume that the oube-reaig chec shows that the isuatio resistace hos stea at 10 megohms whie ou ho votage up to 60 secos This meas there ma be irt or moisture i the wiigs that bears watchig O the other ha, i the poiter shows a graua icrease betwee the 30-seco a the 60-seco checs, the ou’re reasoab sure the wiigs are i goo shape Time-resistace tests o arge rotatig eectrica machier – especia with Time-resistace high operatig votage – reuire high isuatio resistace rages a a ver costat test votage A heav-ut Megger test set, ie-operate, serves this ee Simiar, such a istrumet is better aapte or arge cabes, bushigs, trasormers a switchgear switchgear dagerous — less tha questioabe 1.0 to 1.25 1.0 to 2*** Goo 1.4 to 1.6 to Exceet Above 1.6** Above 4** *These vaues must be cosiere tetative a reative— subject to experiece with the time-resistace metho over a perio o time **I some cases, with motors, vaues approximate 20% higher tha show here iicate a r britte wiig which wi ai uer shoc coitios or urig starts For prevetive maiteace, the motor wiig shou be ceae,treate, a rie to restore wiig exibiit ***These resuts wou be satisactor or euipmet with ver ow capacitace such as short rus o house wirig A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME TEST volTAGE vS EquIPMEnT RATInG AC TESTInG vS dC Commo use dC test votages or routie maiteace are as oows: Up to ow, we’ve tae about testig with dC votage, but ou wi hear o AC testig a ee to ow the ierece Remember that we spoe o the is o curret prouce i isuatio b dC? (The iitia surge o chargig curret, the rop with time to absorptio curret, a the, ater ater more time, the stea couctio curret.) We saw that i isuatio testig, the couctio or eaage curret is the oe that gives us the iormatio we ee Eipmet AC Ratig dC Test vtage up to 100 vots 100 a 250 vots 440 to 550 vots 500 a 1,000 vots 2,400 vots 1,000 to 2,500 vots or higher 4,160 vots a above 1,000 to 5,000 vots, or higher Test votages use or proo testig o euipmet are cosierab higher tha those use or routie maiteace Athough there are o pubishe iustr staars or dC maximum proo test votages to be use with rotatig euipmet, the scheue give beow is customari use For specifc recommeatios o our euipmet, ou shou cosut the mauacturer o the euipmet Pr Test vtages r Rtatig Eipmet: Factor AC Test = x n amepate Ratig + 1000 vots dC Proo Test o Istaatio = 0.8 x Factor AC Test x 1.6 dC Proo Test Ater Service = 0.6 x Factor AC Test x 1.6 Exampe: Motor with 2,400 VAC amepate ratig– Factor AC Test = 2(2,400) +1,000 = 5,800 VAC Max dC Test o Istaatio = 0.8(5,800)1.6 = 7,424 VdC Max dC Test Ater Service = 0.6(5,800)1.6 = 5,568 VdC ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME I cotrast, testig with AC gives a chargig curret that is extreme arge compare to the other is; eaage curret is reative mior AC reuet is use or high-potetia testig; votage is icrease to some specife poit to see i the isuatio ca sta that particuar votage It is a GO/nO-GO tpe o test a ca cause eterioratio o the isuatio, i cotrast to the dC test which is basica o-estructive I a AC test votage has bee use a ou wat to use dC tests as a aterative, ou wi ee to icrease the maximum dC test votage somewhat to obtai euivaet resuts I some cases, AC testig ma be more suitabe or proo testig o euipmet (that is, seeig that the euipmet meets prescribe staars) you ru the votage up to the seecte vaue a the euipmet either passes or oes’t pass the test With With the dC test, ou get a more uaitative picture; ou ca meter the the eaage curret as ou icrease the votage a obtai specifc vaues o isuatio resistace As the size o our euipmet icreases, there are aso mare ecoomic avatages i dC over AC testig As the test votage icreases, both the cost a weight o AC euipmet go up much aster tha with comparabe dC test euipmet This is because the AC test set must supp the chargig curret which becomes a remais ver high i the arger machies As expaie previous, i dC testig, this curret rops rapi ater the iitia chargig perio A STITCH IN TIME TEST volTAGE vS EquIPMEnT RATInG AC TESTInG vS dC Commo use dC test votages or routie maiteace are as oows: Up to ow, we’ve tae about testig with dC votage, but ou wi hear o AC testig a ee to ow the ierece Remember that we spoe o the is o curret prouce i isuatio b dC? (The iitia surge o chargig curret, the rop with time to absorptio curret, a the, ater ater more time, the stea couctio curret.) We saw that i isuatio testig, the couctio or eaage curret is the oe that gives us the iormatio we ee Eipmet AC Ratig dC Test vtage up to 100 vots 100 a 250 vots 440 to 550 vots 500 a 1,000 vots 2,400 vots 1,000 to 2,500 vots or higher 4,160 vots a above 1,000 to 5,000 vots, or higher Test votages use or proo testig o euipmet are cosierab higher tha those use or routie maiteace Athough there are o pubishe iustr staars or dC maximum proo test votages to be use with rotatig euipmet, the scheue give beow is customari use For specifc recommeatios o our euipmet, ou shou cosut the mauacturer o the euipmet Pr Test vtages r Rtatig Eipmet: Factor AC Test = x n amepate Ratig + 1000 vots dC Proo Test o Istaatio = 0.8 x Factor AC Test x 1.6 dC Proo Test Ater Service = 0.6 x Factor AC Test x 1.6 Exampe: Motor with 2,400 VAC amepate ratig– Factor AC Test = 2(2,400) +1,000 = 5,800 VAC Max dC Test o Istaatio = 0.8(5,800)1.6 = 7,424 VdC Max dC Test Ater Service = 0.6(5,800)1.6 = 5,568 VdC ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME I summar, dC test sets are empoe amost excusive or high-votage maiteace a fe testig or the oowig reasos: lower cost lighter weight Smaer size no-estructive Better iormatio, iormatio, both i uait a uatit uatit uSE oF dC dIElECTRIC TEST SET The Megger istrumet, reaig irect i ohms a megohms o isuatio resistace, is our best bet or routie i-pat maiteace However,, some pats, particuar with higher votage ratigs i euipmet, However use aother Megger prouct – the ieectric test set So, ou shou be aware o this istrumet a its use i isuatio resistace measuremets The ieectric test set ca be use to etermie isuatio isuatio resistace b the same test methos as outie or the Megger istrumet; that is, the shorttime, time-resistace a step-votage tests It is esige or other uses, too, but or isuatio testig it provies: (1) a ajustabe output votage a (2) a moitorig o the resutat curret i micro-amperes The Megger dC dieectric Test Sets are avaiabe with votage outputs ragig rom V up to 160 V The curves o Fig are potte as curret versus time, as are curves or isuatio measuremets o tpica euipmet give ear the e o this maua Megger suppies graph paper which maes it eas to pot megohms o isuatio resistace rom our votage a curret reaigs TESTS duRInG dRYInG ouT oF EquIPMEnT Wet eectrica euipmet is a commo hazar ace b a maiteace egieers I the euipmet is wet rom resh water, ou go right ahea rig it out However, i ou’ve got sat water, ou must frst wash awa the sat with resh water Otherwise, ou’ eave ver corrosive eposits o sat o meta a isuatig suraces as we as i crevices o the isuatio With moisture, such eposits orm a ver goo couctor o eectricit Aso, ou shou remove oi or grease rom the isuatio, usig a suitabe sovet ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME I cotrast, testig with AC gives a chargig curret that is extreme arge compare to the other is; eaage curret is reative mior AC reuet is use or high-potetia testig; votage is icrease to some specife poit to see i the isuatio ca sta that particuar votage It is a GO/nO-GO tpe o test a ca cause eterioratio o the isuatio, i cotrast to the dC test which is basica o-estructive I a AC test votage has bee use a ou wat to use dC tests as a aterative, ou wi ee to icrease the maximum dC test votage somewhat to obtai euivaet resuts I some cases, AC testig ma be more suitabe or proo testig o euipmet (that is, seeig that the euipmet meets prescribe staars) you ru the votage up to the seecte vaue a the euipmet either passes or oes’t pass the test With With the dC test, ou get a more uaitative picture; ou ca meter the the eaage curret as ou icrease the votage a obtai specifc vaues o isuatio resistace As the size o our euipmet icreases, there are aso mare ecoomic avatages i dC over AC testig As the test votage icreases, both the cost a weight o AC euipmet go up much aster tha with comparabe dC test euipmet This is because the AC test set must supp the chargig curret which becomes a remais ver high i the arger machies As expaie previous, i dC testig, this curret rops rapi ater the iitia chargig perio A STITCH IN TIME There are various was to r out eectrica euipmet, epeig upo its size a portabiit portabiit you ca use a bast o hot air, a ove, circuatio o curret through couctors, or a combiatio o techiues loca pat coitios a aciities, together with iormatio rom the euipmet mauacturers, ca serve as a guie to the best metho or our particuar euipmet I some cases, or with certai euipmet, rig out ma ot be ecessar you ca chec this b isuatio resistace tests, i ou have recors o previous tests o the apparatus Whe rig out is reuire, such recors are aso hepu to etermie whe the isuatio is ree o moisture noTE: Wet eipmet is ssceptibe t tage breaw Therere, y sh se a w-tage Megger tester (100 r 250 vdC), at east i the eary stages a ryig-t r I a w-tage istrmet is t reaiy aaiabe, sw craig a 500-t tester may be sbstitte May testers hae a aitia test rage measrig i ihms (W) This measremet is typicay mae at y a ew ts, a is the iea iitia measremet t be mae e eipmet This rage measres bew the Meghm rage, a ca, therere, prie a acta measremet t se as a bechmar i mitrig the ryig prcess I a ihm measremet is btaie, isati has bee thrghy satrate, bt may be recaimabe Ateratey test a ry, watchig the reaigs rise ti they reach the Meghm rage, at which time higher tage tests ca be saey empye As a exampe o how importat past reaigs are, et’s oo at a 100-hp motor that’s that’s bee ooe Ater a cea-up, a spot reaig with the Megger tester shows 1.5 megohms Oha, ou’ probab probab sa this is o What’s more, i past recors showe the isuatio resistace to ru betwee a megohms, ou’ be sure O the other ha, i past recors showe the orma resistace vaues to ru 10 or 20 megohms, the ou wou ow that water was sti i the motor wiigs A STITCH IN TIME MInIMuM vAluES FoR InSulA InSulATIon TIon RESISTAnCE Rtatig Machiery The IEEE guie, “Recommee Practices or Testig Isuatio Isuatio Resistace Resistace o Rotatig Machier”, eas with the probem o maig a iterpretig isuatio resistace measuremets or rotatig machier It reviews the actors which aect or chage isuatio resistace characteristics, outies a recommes uiorm methos or maig tests, a presets ormuas or the cacuatio o approximate miimum isuatio resistace vaues or various tpes o AC a dC rotatig machier machier The guie states: “The recommee miimum isuatio resistace R m or ateratig-curre ateratig-currett a irect-curret machie armature wiigs a or fe wiigs o ateratig-curret a irect-curret machies ca be etermie b: Rm = V + where: Rm = V = recommee miimum isuatio resistace i megohms megohms at 40°C o the etire machie wiig rate machie termia to termia potetia, i iovots I appicatios where the machie is vita, it has bee cosiere goo practice to iitiate recoitioig shou the isuatio resistace, havig bee we above the miimum vaue give b E 2, rop appreciab to ear that eve.” It is recmmee that thse wh perate a maitai rtatig machiery btai cpies the IEEE pbicati, “Recmmee Practices r Testig Isati Resistace Rtatig Machiery”, which ca be btaie by writig the IEEE at 345 East 47th St., new Yr, nY, nY, 10017 Bshigs I the case o outoor oi circuit breaer bushigs, experiece has show that a bushig, with its assembe associate isuatig members, shou, or reiabe operatio, have a isuatio resistace vaue above 10,000 megohms at 20°C This assumes that the oi withi the ta is i goo coitio, that the breaer is separate rom its extera coectios to other euipmet, a that the porceai weather shie is guare This meas that each compoet such as the strippe bushig itse, cross-member,, it ro, ower arcig shie, etc., shou have a isuatio cross-member resistace i excess o that vaue A compoets which are superfcia cea a r a have vaues ess tha 10,000 megohms are usua eteriorate itera, b the presece o moisture or carboize paths, to such a extet that the are ot reiabe or goo service uess recoitioe This is particuar so whe operatig uer surge coitios such as urig ightig isturbaces I the case o the strippe bushig itse, the ower stem a upper weather shie must be either perect cea or guare beore it is coeme as ureiabe because o a isuatio resistace vaue ess tha 10,000 megohms What has bee sai or strippe oi circuit breaer bushigs aso appies to bushigs or other euipmet, such as trasormers Sice bushigs a other associate members have ver high isuatio resistace vaues orma,, a Megger isuatio tester havig a rage o at east 10,000 orma megohms is ecessar to test such euipmet Megger istrumets havig rages up to 50,000 megohms wi permit observatio o eterioratig tres i bushigs beore the reach the uestioabe vaue o 10,000 megohms Cabe a Cctrs Cabe a couctor istaatios preset a wie variatio o coitios rom the poit o view o the resistace o the isuatio These coitios resut rom the ma is o isuatig materias use, the votage ratig or isuatio thicess, a the egth o the circuit ivove i the measuremet Furthermore, such circuits usua exte over great istaces, a ma be subjecte to wie variatios i temperature, which wi have a eect o the isuatio resistace vaues obtaie The termias o cabes a couctors wi aso have a eect o the test vaues uess the are cea a r, or guare The Isuate Cabe Egieers Associatio (ICEA) gives miimum vaues o isuatio resistace i its specifcatios or various tpes o cabes a couctors These miimum vaues are or ew, sige-couctor wire a cabe ater beig subjecte to a AC high votage test a base o a dC test potetia o 500 vots appie or oe miute at a temperature o 60°F A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME These staar miimum vaues (or sige-couctor cabe) are base o the oowig ormua: The isuatio resistace o oe couctor o a muticouctor cabe to a others a sheath is: R = k og 10 d / R = k og 10 d / where: where: R = megohms per 1000 eet o cabe k = costat or isuatig materia d = outsie iameter o couctor isuatio = iameter o couctor d = iameter over isuatio isuatio o euivaet sige-couctor sige-couctor cabe = + 2c + 2b = iameter o couctor (or sector cabes euas iameter rou couctor o same cross-sectio) c = thicess o couctor isuatio b = thicess o jacet isuatio o Miimm vaes k at 60° F (a imesis mst be expresse i same its) Isuatio Tpe Impregate Paper 2,640 Varishe Cambric 2,460 Thermopastic-Poethee above 50,000 Composite Poethee 30,000 Thermopastic-Povi: Povi Chorie 60°C 500 Povi Chorie 75°C 2,000 Grae natura Rubber Sthetic Rubber Trasrmers Acceptabe isuatio resistace vaues or r a compou-fe trasormers shou be comparabe to those or Cass A rotatig machier, athough o staar miimum vaues are avaiabe Oi-fe trasormers or votage reguators preset a specia probem i that the coitio o the oi has a mare iuece o the isuatio resistace o the wiigs I the absece o more reiabe ata the oowig ormua is suggeste: Coe .950 R = CE √VA Perormace 10,560 2,000 Heat Resistat 10,560 2,000 R = miimum 1-miute 500-vot dC isuatio resistace i megohms rom wiig to grou, with other wiig or wiigs guare, or rom wiig to wiig with core guare C = a costat or 20°C measuremets E = votage ratig o wiig uer test VA = rate capacit o wiig uer test Ozoe Resistat 10,000 (But) 2,000 kerite 4,000 See pages 44 a 45 or Tabes o log 10 d / For tests o wiig to grou with the other wiig or wiigs groue, the vaues wi be much ess tha that give b the ormua R i this ormua is base o r, aci-ree, suge-ree suge-ree oi, a bushigs a termia boars that are i goo coitio 0 ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME These staar miimum vaues (or sige-couctor cabe) are base o the oowig ormua: The isuatio resistace o oe couctor o a muticouctor cabe to a others a sheath is: R = k og 10 d / R = k og 10 d / where: where: R = megohms per 1000 eet o cabe k = costat or isuatig materia d = outsie iameter o couctor isuatio = iameter o couctor d = iameter over isuatio isuatio o euivaet sige-couctor sige-couctor cabe = + 2c + 2b = iameter o couctor (or sector cabes euas iameter rou couctor o same cross-sectio) c = thicess o couctor isuatio b = thicess o jacet isuatio o Miimm vaes k at 60° F (a imesis mst be expresse i same its) Isuatio Tpe Impregate Paper 2,640 Varishe Cambric 2,460 Thermopastic-Poethee above 50,000 Composite Poethee 30,000 Thermopastic-Povi: Povi Chorie 60°C 500 Povi Chorie 75°C 2,000 Grae natura Rubber Sthetic Rubber Trasrmers Acceptabe isuatio resistace vaues or r a compou-fe trasormers shou be comparabe to those or Cass A rotatig machier, athough o staar miimum vaues are avaiabe Oi-fe trasormers or votage reguators preset a specia probem i that the coitio o the oi has a mare iuece o the isuatio resistace o the wiigs I the absece o more reiabe ata the oowig ormua is suggeste: Coe .950 R = CE √VA Perormace 10,560 2,000 Heat Resistat 10,560 2,000 R = miimum 1-miute 500-vot dC isuatio resistace i megohms rom wiig to grou, with other wiig or wiigs guare, or rom wiig to wiig with core guare C = a costat or 20°C measuremets E = votage ratig o wiig uer test VA = rate capacit o wiig uer test Ozoe Resistat 10,000 (But) 2,000 kerite 4,000 See pages 44 a 45 or Tabes o log 10 d / For tests o wiig to grou with the other wiig or wiigs groue, the vaues wi be much ess tha that give b the ormua R i this ormua is base o r, aci-ree, suge-ree suge-ree oi, a bushigs a termia boars that are i goo coitio 0 A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME vaes C at 20°C 60-Hertz Tae oi-fe tpe Utae oi-fe tpe dr or compou-fe tpe 1.5 30.0 30.0 25-Hertz 1.0 20.0 20.0 This ormua is itee or sige-phase trasormers trasormers I the trasormer uer test is o the three-phase tpe, a the three iiviua wiigs are beig teste as oe, the: E = VA = votage ratig o oe o the sige-phase wiigs (phase to phase or eta coecte uits a phase to eutra or star coecte uits) rate capacit o the compete three-phase wiig uer test o the ohmmeter ca be expaie b reerrig to Fig 21 I this fgure, the chage which ma occur i eaage curret ater the absorptio curret has isappeare is show potte i terms o isuatio resistace agaist three ieret votages note that there there is o chage i resistace show i the fgure betwee 500 a 1000 vots, iicatig o chage i the isuatio as a resut o appig these two votages This is a assumptio, but is a coitio which is ot ucommo i practice I the isuatio cotiues to be stabe at 2500 vots, there wi be o chage i the isuatio resistace vaue obtaie, which is show b the otte extesio o the horizota ie i the fgure Whe o-iear coitios appear at a higher votage, the the votage resistace curve reveas this ver ver cear b a ower resistace vaue, iicate b the owwar curve i the fgure The fgure, thereore, reveas the simpicit o etermiig the chage i isuatio stabiit b usig three fxe votages which are easi reproucibe whe maig three-votage tests o a routie basis TESTS uSInG MulTI-volTAGE MulTI-volTAGE MEGGER InSulATIon TESTE RS Maiteace practice tres iicate the vaue o testig isuatio with dC votages at eves somewhat higher tha the pea vaue o the rate AC votage o the euipmet beig teste Such dC tests have i some cases bee show to revea o-estructive icipiet weaesses i isuatio isuatio which cou ot otherwise be ou, except possib b partia ischarge etectio at o-estructive AC test votage eves The techiue ivoves the appicatio o two or more dC votages, a critica observig a reuctio o isuatio resistace at the higher votage A mare or uusua reuctio i isuatio resistace or a prescribe icrease i appie votage is a iicatio o icipiet weaess It is importat to metio that the merits o this techiue arise rom more recet ivestigatios which iicate that rather high dC votage ca be use to etect weaesses without amagig the isuatio The maximum vaue o votage which shou be use wi epe arge o the ceaiess a ress o the isuatio to be teste I maig tests o isuatio at such dC votages, the ohmmeter metho has at east two avatages First, prescribe fxe votages are switche ito use, a oe istrumet measuremet mae with the irect reaig ohmmeter This is a simpe a reproucibe metho compare to oe i ohmmeter which ma choices o votage are avaiabe Aother importat avatage ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Figre 21 We wish to emphasize that the curve i Fig 21 iicates the resistace chage ue to eaage curret o, a ot the absorptio curret which ma appear or a perio o time with each chage i votage It ma be ecessar to wait a appreciabe amout o time ater each votage chage or the absorptio curret to isappear beore taig a reaig A STITCH IN TIME vaes C at 20°C 60-Hertz Tae oi-fe tpe Utae oi-fe tpe dr or compou-fe tpe 1.5 30.0 30.0 25-Hertz 1.0 20.0 20.0 This ormua is itee or sige-phase trasormers trasormers I the trasormer uer test is o the three-phase tpe, a the three iiviua wiigs are beig teste as oe, the: E = VA = votage ratig o oe o the sige-phase wiigs (phase to phase or eta coecte uits a phase to eutra or star coecte uits) rate capacit o the compete three-phase wiig uer test o the ohmmeter ca be expaie b reerrig to Fig 21 I this fgure, the chage which ma occur i eaage curret ater the absorptio curret has isappeare is show potte i terms o isuatio resistace agaist three ieret votages note that there there is o chage i resistace show i the fgure betwee 500 a 1000 vots, iicatig o chage i the isuatio as a resut o appig these two votages This is a assumptio, but is a coitio which is ot ucommo i practice I the isuatio cotiues to be stabe at 2500 vots, there wi be o chage i the isuatio resistace vaue obtaie, which is show b the otte extesio o the horizota ie i the fgure Whe o-iear coitios appear at a higher votage, the the votage resistace curve reveas this ver ver cear b a ower resistace vaue, iicate b the owwar curve i the fgure The fgure, thereore, reveas the simpicit o etermiig the chage i isuatio stabiit b usig three fxe votages which are easi reproucibe whe maig three-votage tests o a routie basis TESTS uSInG MulTI-volTAGE MulTI-volTAGE MEGGER InSulATIon TESTE RS Maiteace practice tres iicate the vaue o testig isuatio with dC votages at eves somewhat higher tha the pea vaue o the rate AC votage o the euipmet beig teste Such dC tests have i some cases bee show to revea o-estructive icipiet weaesses i isuatio isuatio which cou ot otherwise be ou, except possib b partia ischarge etectio at o-estructive AC test votage eves The techiue ivoves the appicatio o two or more dC votages, a critica observig a reuctio o isuatio resistace at the higher votage A mare or uusua reuctio i isuatio resistace or a prescribe icrease i appie votage is a iicatio o icipiet weaess It is importat to metio that the merits o this techiue arise rom more recet ivestigatios which iicate that rather high dC votage ca be use to etect weaesses without amagig the isuatio The maximum vaue o votage which shou be use wi epe arge o the ceaiess a ress o the isuatio to be teste I maig tests o isuatio at such dC votages, the ohmmeter metho has at east two avatages First, prescribe fxe votages are switche ito use, a oe istrumet measuremet mae with the irect reaig ohmmeter This is a simpe a reproucibe metho compare to oe i ohmmeter which ma choices o votage are avaiabe Aother importat avatage ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Figre 21 We wish to emphasize that the curve i Fig 21 iicates the resistace chage ue to eaage curret o, a ot the absorptio curret which ma appear or a perio o time with each chage i votage It ma be ecessar to wait a appreciabe amout o time ater each votage chage or the absorptio curret to isappear beore taig a reaig A STITCH IN TIME To better uersta the techiue o maig isuatio resistace tests at two or more votages, the oowig steps are suggeste, usig a iustria or tractio motor casse i the 300- to 1000-vot rage as a exampe: Mae a oe-miute Megger istrumet test at 500 vots to serve as a basis o compariso or subseuet steps Ater a careu ceaig operatio mae a seco 500-vot test to etermie the eectiveess o the ceaig I the oe-miute isuatio resistace vaue is suborma, or i the 60 seco/30 seco isuatio resistace ratio is o greater tha oe at this poit the a rig operatio ma be esirabe beore usig a higher test votage However, maig aother test at 1000 vots a comparig these reaigs with those rom the 500-vot test wi hep i etermiig the ee or rig I the 1000-vot test vaue is appreciab ess tha that at 500 vots, the a rig operatio shou be perorme O the other ha, i the 1000-vot a 500-vot test vaues are approximate the same, it is reasoabe to assume that the ecisio to perorm a rig operatio ca be eerre uti ater the ext step presece o moisture I the isuatio resistace is frst teste o the shorttime reaig basis (frst at oe votage eve a the at a higher potetia), a ower vaue o isuatio resistace atthe higher dC test votage usua iicates the presece o moisture The appie votages shou preerab be i the ratio o to Experiece has iicate that a chage o 25% i the isuatio resistace vaue, with a to ratio i test votages, is usua ue to the presece o a excessive amout o moisture This metho is ot base base o a ieectric absorptio pheomea, but it oes reate to the Evershe Eect As with time-resistace measuremets, the muti-votage metho o testig isuatio resistace has icrease vaue whe mae o a perioic or scheue basis Mae a Megger istrumet test at 2500 vots I there is o appreciabe ierece i the 500- a 2500-vot test vaues, goo eviece exists that the motor i uestio is i reiabe coitio as ar as its isuatio is cocere O the other ha, i there is a appreciabe ierece i the two, there is goo eviece that more thorough recoitioig is cae or I the isuatio ais uer the 2500-vot test, ater oowig steps 1, or a 3, we beieve there is a ieihoo that the motor i uestio wou ai i service eve though a attempt were mae to recoitio it o the basis o ow-votage tests o The muti-votage metho ca aso be hepu i etermiig the presece o excessive moisture i the isuatio o euipmet rate at votages euivaet to or greater tha the highest votage avaiabe rom the mutivotage Megger istrumet beig use I other wors, eve though the highest Megger istrumet votage avaiabe oes ot stress the isuatio beo its ratig, a two-votage test ca, evertheess, ote revea the ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Figre 22-Time Resistace Test Frms A STITCH IN TIME To better uersta the techiue o maig isuatio resistace tests at two or more votages, the oowig steps are suggeste, usig a iustria or tractio motor casse i the 300- to 1000-vot rage as a exampe: Mae a oe-miute Megger istrumet test at 500 vots to serve as a basis o compariso or subseuet steps Ater a careu ceaig operatio mae a seco 500-vot test to etermie the eectiveess o the ceaig I the oe-miute isuatio resistace vaue is suborma, or i the 60 seco/30 seco isuatio resistace ratio is o greater tha oe at this poit the a rig operatio ma be esirabe beore usig a higher test votage However, maig aother test at 1000 vots a comparig these reaigs with those rom the 500-vot test wi hep i etermiig the ee or rig I the 1000-vot test vaue is appreciab ess tha that at 500 vots, the a rig operatio shou be perorme O the other ha, i the 1000-vot a 500-vot test vaues are approximate the same, it is reasoabe to assume that the ecisio to perorm a rig operatio ca be eerre uti ater the ext step presece o moisture I the isuatio resistace is frst teste o the shorttime reaig basis (frst at oe votage eve a the at a higher potetia), a ower vaue o isuatio resistace atthe higher dC test votage usua iicates the presece o moisture The appie votages shou preerab be i the ratio o to Experiece has iicate that a chage o 25% i the isuatio resistace vaue, with a to ratio i test votages, is usua ue to the presece o a excessive amout o moisture This metho is ot base base o a ieectric absorptio pheomea, but it oes reate to the Evershe Eect As with time-resistace measuremets, the muti-votage metho o testig isuatio resistace has icrease vaue whe mae o a perioic or scheue basis Mae a Megger istrumet test at 2500 vots I there is o appreciabe ierece i the 500- a 2500-vot test vaues, goo eviece exists that the motor i uestio is i reiabe coitio as ar as its isuatio is cocere O the other ha, i there is a appreciabe ierece i the two, there is goo eviece that more thorough recoitioig is cae or I the isuatio ais uer the 2500-vot test, ater oowig steps 1, or a 3, we beieve there is a ieihoo that the motor i uestio wou ai i service eve though a attempt were mae to recoitio it o the basis o ow-votage tests o The muti-votage metho ca aso be hepu i etermiig the presece o excessive moisture i the isuatio o euipmet rate at votages euivaet to or greater tha the highest votage avaiabe rom the mutivotage Megger istrumet beig use I other wors, eve though the highest Megger istrumet votage avaiabe oes ot stress the isuatio beo its ratig, a two-votage test ca, evertheess, ote revea the ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME STEP-volTAGE METHod I this metho, ou ee a muti-votage Megger istrumet to app two or more votages i steps, ie 500 vots a the 1000 vots you oo or a reuctio o isuatio resistace at the higher votage I the resistace is ower, it’s it’s a sig o a isuatio weaess that shows up o at the higher votage Fig 23 shows a exampe i which, istea o progressive icreasig the votage, ou frst test at a ow votage (such as 500 vots) a the, ater ischargig the sampe, ou test agai at a higher votage (such as 2500 vots) A ierece i the two tests i terms o megohms wi show sigs o weaess at the higher votage – a warig to ivestigate urther urther As the coitios withi the sampe eteriorate, the higher-votage pot, as show i Fig 23, wi reuce i megohms compare to the ower-votage oe, a its upwar sope wi be ess Figre 22-Time Resistace Test Frms A STITCH IN TIME now, whe the votage is icrease i steps to prouce eectrica stresses which approach or excee those ecoutere i service, the oca wea spots iuece the overa isuatio resistace more a more The resistace o such oca auts geera ecreases rapi as the eectrica stress i them icreases beo a certai imit The pot o cosecutive Megger istrumet reaigs cear shows the sharp rop whe this occurs (see Fig 24) Figre 23-Typica cres with the “step-tage” test The theor behi the step-votage techiue is a bit compex, but we’ tr to eep it simpe Moisture a irt i isuatio are usua reveae b tests at votages ar beow those expecte i service H owever owever,, eects o agig or mechaica amage i air cea a r isuatio ma ot be reveae at such ow stress ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Figre 24-Test cres by the step-tage meth, cmparig rests with g a ba isati Cre (wer pt) shws efite rp i resistace with icreasig tage, iicatig a prbem Cre (pper pt) shws citis i the same mtr wiig ater ceaig, baig a impregatig perati A STITCH IN TIME STEP-volTAGE METHod I this metho, ou ee a muti-votage Megger istrumet to app two or more votages i steps, ie 500 vots a the 1000 vots you oo or a reuctio o isuatio resistace at the higher votage I the resistace is ower, it’s it’s a sig o a isuatio weaess that shows up o at the higher votage Fig 23 shows a exampe i which, istea o progressive icreasig the votage, ou frst test at a ow votage (such as 500 vots) a the, ater ischargig the sampe, ou test agai at a higher votage (such as 2500 vots) A ierece i the two tests i terms o megohms wi show sigs o weaess at the higher votage – a warig to ivestigate urther urther As the coitios withi the sampe eteriorate, the higher-votage pot, as show i Fig 23, wi reuce i megohms compare to the ower-votage oe, a its upwar sope wi be ess now, whe the votage is icrease i steps to prouce eectrica stresses which approach or excee those ecoutere i service, the oca wea spots iuece the overa isuatio resistace more a more The resistace o such oca auts geera ecreases rapi as the eectrica stress i them icreases beo a certai imit The pot o cosecutive Megger istrumet reaigs cear shows the sharp rop whe this occurs (see Fig 24) Figre 23-Typica cres with the “step-tage” test The theor behi the step-votage techiue is a bit compex, but we’ tr to eep it simpe Moisture a irt i isuatio are usua reveae b tests at votages ar beow those expecte i service H owever owever,, eects o agig or mechaica amage i air cea a r isuatio ma ot be reveae at such ow stress Figre 24-Test cres by the step-tage meth, cmparig rests with g a ba isati Cre (wer pt) shws efite rp i resistace with icreasig tage, iicatig a prbem Cre (pper pt) shws citis i the same mtr wiig ater ceaig, baig a impregatig perati A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME you o ee to eep the test votage costat betwee steps or about 60 secos This short perio wi ot aect the tre i resistace chage The time perio, however, shou awas be the same or a give piece o euipmet A the absorptio curret ma ot have isappeare i this time, but our resistace measuremets wi be mae o the same basis a thereore wi be meaigu your resuts are iepeet o the isuatio materia a its temperature because ou’re ooig at the chage i resistace – ot the absoute resistace vaues The isuatio o a eectrica apparatus has two couctig or eaage paths – oe through the isuatig materia a the other over its suraces B proviig a thir test termia i the path o the surace eaage, eaage, it is separate ito two parts, ormig a three-termia etwor as show i Fig 25a I practice, this thir termia ma be provie as show i Figures 26 to 38 As is true with the spot-reaig a time-resistace measuremets, the step-votage metho is more vauabe to ou whe repeate o a perioic, scheue basis The step-votage metho is particuar useu i etermiig the presece o excessive moisture or other cotamiats i the isuatio o euipmet that is rate at votages euivaet to or greater tha the highest votage avaiabe i our muti-votage Megger istrumet I other wors, eve though our highest votage oes ot stress the isuatio beo its ratig, a two-votage test ca, evertheess, ote revea the presece o such cotamiats Figre 25a For exampe, assume that ou frst test isuatio resistace o a short-time reaig basis – at a votage o 500 V dC, a the at a higher potetia o, sa, 2500 VdC Eve though the atter votage ma be omia i reatio to the votage ratig o our euipmet, a ower vaue o isuatio resistace at the higher test votage usua iicates the presece o c otamiate ractures or other eaage paths through the isuatio to grou Figre 25b The appie votages shou preerab be i the ratio o to or greater (500 a 2500, or exampe) Resuts to ate show that a chage o 25% i the isuatio resistace vaue, with a to ratio i test votages, is usua ue to the presece o a excessive amout o moisture or other cotamiat uSE oF A GuARd TERMInAl A Megger isuatio testers havig rages o 1000 megohms a higher are euippe with Guar termias The purpose o this termia is to provie aciities or maig a three-termia etwor measuremet, so that the resistace o oe o two possibe paths ca be etermie irect irect It has the urther or secoar purpose o proviig a source o dC votage o goo reguatio a o imite curret capacit 0 ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Figre 26-Shwig hw t se the Gar termia t eimiate the eects srace eaage acrss expse isati at e e a cabe See as Figres 28, 30 a 31 A STITCH IN TIME you o ee to eep the test votage costat betwee steps or about 60 secos This short perio wi ot aect the tre i resistace chage The time perio, however, shou awas be the same or a give piece o euipmet A the absorptio curret ma ot have isappeare i this time, but our resistace measuremets wi be mae o the same basis a thereore wi be meaigu your resuts are iepeet o the isuatio materia a its temperature because ou’re ooig at the chage i resistace – ot the absoute resistace vaues The isuatio o a eectrica apparatus has two couctig or eaage paths – oe through the isuatig materia a the other over its suraces B proviig a thir test termia i the path o the surace eaage, eaage, it is separate ito two parts, ormig a three-termia etwor as show i Fig 25a I practice, this thir termia ma be provie as show i Figures 26 to 38 As is true with the spot-reaig a time-resistace measuremets, the step-votage metho is more vauabe to ou whe repeate o a perioic, scheue basis The step-votage metho is particuar useu i etermiig the presece o excessive moisture or other cotamiats i the isuatio o euipmet that is rate at votages euivaet to or greater tha the highest votage avaiabe i our muti-votage Megger istrumet I other wors, eve though our highest votage oes ot stress the isuatio beo its ratig, a two-votage test ca, evertheess, ote revea the presece o such cotamiats Figre 25a For exampe, assume that ou frst test isuatio resistace o a short-time reaig basis – at a votage o 500 V dC, a the at a higher potetia o, sa, 2500 VdC Eve though the atter votage ma be omia i reatio to the votage ratig o our euipmet, a ower vaue o isuatio resistace at the higher test votage usua iicates the presece o c otamiate ractures or other eaage paths through the isuatio to grou Figre 25b The appie votages shou preerab be i the ratio o to or greater (500 a 2500, or exampe) Resuts to ate show that a chage o 25% i the isuatio resistace vaue, with a to ratio i test votages, is usua ue to the presece o a excessive amout o moisture or other cotamiat uSE oF A GuARd TERMInAl A Megger isuatio testers havig rages o 1000 megohms a higher are euippe with Guar termias The purpose o this termia is to provie aciities or maig a three-termia etwor measuremet, so that the resistace o oe o two possibe paths ca be etermie irect irect It has the urther or secoar purpose o proviig a source o dC votage o goo reguatio a o imite curret capacit 0 ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Figre 26-Shwig hw t se the Gar termia t eimiate the eects srace eaage acrss expse isati at e e a cabe See as Figres 28, 30 a 31 A STITCH IN TIME There are aso cases, such as ou i two wiig trasormers or muticouctor cabes, where a three-termia etwor is orme as show i Fig 25b Figures 30 a 33 a others show practica appicatios o this orm o three-termia etwor I maig a three-termia test ivovig o oe measuremet, the lie termia o the Megger istrumet is coecte to Termia 1, Fig 25a, the Guar termia to Termia 3, a the Earth termia to Termia This wi give the true vaue o r 12, provie r 23 a r13 are ot too ow i vaue The eg r23, which is coecte across the Megger istrumet geerator, geerator, shou be about megohm or higher to prevet excessive oa o the geerator, a maitai satisactor geerator votage I usig the Guar termia, particuar i the case o motor-rive or rectifer-operate Megger istrumets,aso mae certai that there is o chace o a arc-over betwee the guare termia o the sampe a grou Such a arc-over ma cause uesirabe arcig at the commutator o the istrumet geerator Figre 28-Shwig se the Gar cecti t eimiate the eect eaage t gr, as i Figre 26, a as the eect eaage t ajacet cctrs nte that the Gar wire is wrappe ar the expse isati a as is cecte t the ajacet cctrs d t cse this iagram with Figre 26, where the Gar wire ges y t the expse isati, a the ajacet cctrs are gre The eg r 13, which shuts the Megger eectig coi, shou be at east 100 megohms or a measurig accurac o approximate 1% The 1% accurac fgure is base o the R' baast resistor beig megohm, which is tpica For more precise etermiatios o accurac, obtai the exact vaue o R' b writig to Megger a givig the seria umber o the istrumet i use Figre 29-T eimiate the eect srace eaage i measrig the tre resistace a isatig member, sch as a it r i a circit breaer Figre 27-Shwig hw t se the Gar cecti t eimiate the eects srace eaage acrss expse isati at bth es a cabe whe a spare cctr i the cabe is aaiabe r cmpetig the Gar cecti ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME There are aso cases, such as ou i two wiig trasormers or muticouctor cabes, where a three-termia etwor is orme as show i Fig 25b Figures 30 a 33 a others show practica appicatios o this orm o three-termia etwor I maig a three-termia test ivovig o oe measuremet, the lie termia o the Megger istrumet is coecte to Termia 1, Fig 25a, the Guar termia to Termia 3, a the Earth termia to Termia This wi give the true vaue o r 12, provie r 23 a r13 are ot too ow i vaue The eg r23, which is coecte across the Megger istrumet geerator, geerator, shou be about megohm or higher to prevet excessive oa o the geerator, a maitai satisactor geerator votage I usig the Guar termia, particuar i the case o motor-rive or rectifer-operate Megger istrumets,aso mae certai that there is o chace o a arc-over betwee the guare termia o the sampe a grou Such a arc-over ma cause uesirabe arcig at the commutator o the istrumet geerator Figre 28-Shwig se the Gar cecti t eimiate the eect eaage t gr, as i Figre 26, a as the eect eaage t ajacet cctrs nte that the Gar wire is wrappe ar the expse isati a as is cecte t the ajacet cctrs d t cse this iagram with Figre 26, where the Gar wire ges y t the expse isati, a the ajacet cctrs are gre The eg r 13, which shuts the Megger eectig coi, shou be at east 100 megohms or a measurig accurac o approximate 1% The 1% accurac fgure is base o the R' baast resistor beig megohm, which is tpica For more precise etermiatios o accurac, obtai the exact vaue o R' b writig to Megger a givig the seria umber o the istrumet i use Figre 29-T eimiate the eect srace eaage i measrig the tre resistace a isatig member, sch as a it r i a circit breaer Figre 27-Shwig hw t se the Gar cecti t eimiate the eects srace eaage acrss expse isati at bth es a cabe whe a spare cctr i the cabe is aaiabe r cmpetig the Gar cecti A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME The highest accurac is esire i cases as show i Fig 25a, or where the true resistace o each eg is wate as i the case o Fig 25b, three measuremets are reuire a the oowig euatios are use: r12 = R12 R13 – (R')2 R13 + R' r23 = R12 R23 – (R')2 R12 + R' r13 = R12 R13 – (R')2 R12 + R' where R12, R23 a R13 are the actua reaigs i megohms measure across the termias o the etwor which are coecte to the lie a Earth termias o the Megger istrumet with Termias 3, a respective coecte to the istrumet Guar termia R' is the vaue o the baast resistace i megohms o the istrumet i use I maig these three measuremets, o o coect the lie termia o the istrumet to the groue termia o the etwor, as a eaage over the istrumet case betwee the Earth termia a grou wi shut the resistace beig measure Figre 31-Cectis r testig isati resistace betwee e wire a a ther wires cecte, witht beig aecte by eaage t gr BuSHInGS, PoTHEAdS And InSulAToR InSulAToRS S Figre 32-Shwig se sprig car as a Gar cecti t eimiate the eects srace eaage The eice er test mst be iscecte rm a ther eipmet Figre 30-Cectis r testig isati resistace betwee e wire a gr, witht beig aecte by eaage t ther wires nte se Gar cecti ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME The highest accurac is esire i cases as show i Fig 25a, or where the true resistace o each eg is wate as i the case o Fig 25b, three measuremets are reuire a the oowig euatios are use: r12 = R12 R13 – (R')2 R13 + R' r23 = R12 R23 – (R')2 R12 + R' r13 = R12 R13 – (R')2 R12 + R' where R12, R23 a R13 are the actua reaigs i megohms measure across the termias o the etwor which are coecte to the lie a Earth termias o the Megger istrumet with Termias 3, a respective coecte to the istrumet Guar termia R' is the vaue o the baast resistace i megohms o the istrumet i use I maig these three measuremets, o o coect the lie termia o the istrumet to the groue termia o the etwor, as a eaage over the istrumet case betwee the Earth termia a grou wi shut the resistace beig measure Figre 31-Cectis r testig isati resistace betwee e wire a a ther wires cecte, witht beig aecte by eaage t gr BuSHInGS, PoTHEAdS And InSulAToR InSulAToRS S Figre 32-Shwig se sprig car as a Gar cecti t eimiate the eects srace eaage The eice er test mst be iscecte rm a ther eipmet Figre 30-Cectis r testig isati resistace betwee e wire a gr, witht beig aecte by eaage t ther wires nte se Gar cecti A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME ouTdooR oIl CIRCuIT BREAkERS The our iustratios (Fig 35 through 38) show the usua methos o testig bushigs a associate parts o a outoor oi circuit breaer, a the accompaig tabe iicates the test proceure b steps I the test vaues are beow 10,000 megohms i a o the our steps, the ta shou be owere or raie so that the exc essive osses ca be isoate b urther tests a ivestigatios I the test vaues are beow 50,000 megohms i test #1, the tre o the coitio o the particuar bushig ivove shou be watche b maig more reuet tests Test Breaer Bushig Bushig Bushig Positio Eergize Guare Groue Figre 33-Cectis r testig isati resistace a trasrmer high tage wiig a bshigs, a the high tesi iscect switch i parae with reerece t gr bt witht beig aecte by eaage betwee the high a w tage wiigs thrgh se the Gar cecti Part Measure ope (2 to guar) …… ope 1 ope 1&2 1&2 …… Bushig i parae with cross member Bushig & i parae cose 1&2 1&2 …… Bushig & i parae with it ro Bushig Figre 34-Cectis r testig isati resistace betwee high a w tage wiigs witht beig aecte by eaage t gr ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME ouTdooR oIl CIRCuIT BREAkERS The our iustratios (Fig 35 through 38) show the usua methos o testig bushigs a associate parts o a outoor oi circuit breaer, a the accompaig tabe iicates the test proceure b steps I the test vaues are beow 10,000 megohms i a o the our steps, the ta shou be owere or raie so that the exc essive osses ca be isoate b urther tests a ivestigatios I the test vaues are beow 50,000 megohms i test #1, the tre o the coitio o the particuar bushig ivove shou be watche b maig more reuet tests Test Breaer Bushig Bushig Bushig Positio Eergize Guare Groue Figre 33-Cectis r testig isati resistace a trasrmer high tage wiig a bshigs, a the high tesi iscect switch i parae with reerece t gr bt witht beig aecte by eaage betwee the high a w tage wiigs thrgh se the Gar cecti Part Measure ope (2 to guar) …… ope 1 ope 1&2 1&2 …… Bushig i parae with cross member Bushig & i parae cose 1&2 1&2 …… Bushig & i parae with it ro Bushig Figre 34-Cectis r testig isati resistace betwee high a w tage wiigs witht beig aecte by eaage t gr ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Figre 35-Step Figre 37-Step Figre 36-Step Figre 38-Step ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME A STITCH IN TIME Figre 35-Step Figre 37-Step Figre 36-Step Figre 38-Step A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME SETTInG uP A MAInTEnAnCE PRoGRAM HoW oFTEn SHould You TEST? To start isuatio testig testig there is oe geera rue: Put frst thigs frst That is, review a the eectrica euipmet a cassi it as to reative importace For exampe, i that AC motor aie i epartmet A, how wou it aect overa pat prouctio? your prouctio peope ca certai hep i this a shou be vita itereste i the iea That epes upo the size a compexit o our pat Eve ietica uits ca ier i the reuire chec perios; experiece is our best guie I geera, however, worig apparatus – motors, geerators etc – are more ie to eveop isuatio weaesses, as compare to wirig, isuators a the ie A test scheue or worig euipmet shou be estabishe, varig rom ever to 12 moths, epeig o the size o euipmet a severit o the surrouig atmospheric coitios For wirig a the ie, tests oce a ear are geera sufciet, uess the pat coitios are uusua severe I time permits at the start, test ever piece o eectrica euipmet a mae out a recor car Possib at frst ou wi have to combie severa uits but it wi pa i the og ru to have test recors or each iiviua uit The, i isuatio weaesses o show up, our job o tracig ow the oeig part wi be easier easier Show i Fig 40 is oe orm o test recor car, which is avaiabe rom Megger Foowig is the tpe o iormatio, which becomes more vauabe Megger to ou as tests are repeate at itervas: name a ocatio o the euipmet dates a vaues o test resuts (recor actua reaig at the time o test) Rage, votage, a seria umber o the Megger istrumet use Temperature Temperature o the apparatus (aso, particuar or arge uits, wet a r bub temperatures – or humiit a ew-poit etermiatios) Isuatio resistace measuremet correcte or temperature A pot o cosecutive reaigs to show tre a eabe ou to aticipate aiures Figre 40 0 ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME SETTInG uP A MAInTEnAnCE PRoGRAM HoW oFTEn SHould You TEST? To start isuatio testig testig there is oe geera rue: Put frst thigs frst That is, review a the eectrica euipmet a cassi it as to reative importace For exampe, i that AC motor aie i epartmet A, how wou it aect overa pat prouctio? your prouctio peope ca certai hep i this a shou be vita itereste i the iea That epes upo the size a compexit o our pat Eve ietica uits ca ier i the reuire chec perios; experiece is our best guie I geera, however, worig apparatus – motors, geerators etc – are more ie to eveop isuatio weaesses, as compare to wirig, isuators a the ie A test scheue or worig euipmet shou be estabishe, varig rom ever to 12 moths, epeig o the size o euipmet a severit o the surrouig atmospheric coitios For wirig a the ie, tests oce a ear are geera sufciet, uess the pat coitios are uusua severe I time permits at the start, test ever piece o eectrica euipmet a mae out a recor car Possib at frst ou wi have to combie severa uits but it wi pa i the og ru to have test recors or each iiviua uit The, i isuatio weaesses o show up, our job o tracig ow the oeig part wi be easier easier Show i Fig 40 is oe orm o test recor car, which is avaiabe rom Megger Foowig is the tpe o iormatio, which becomes more vauabe Megger to ou as tests are repeate at itervas: name a ocatio o the euipmet dates a vaues o test resuts (recor actua reaig at the time o test) Rage, votage, a seria umber o the Megger istrumet use Temperature Temperature o the apparatus (aso, particuar or arge uits, wet a r bub temperatures – or humiit a ew-poit etermiatios) Isuatio resistace measuremet correcte or temperature A pot o cosecutive reaigs to show tre a eabe ou to aticipate aiures Figre 40 0 A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME MEGGER v & 10 v InSulATIon TESTERS Where critica, high-capita euipmet is ivove, the itrouctio o ew a improve isuatig materias is re-writig the boo o isuatio testig Euipmet with operatig votages above V reuires commesurate higher test votages Moer materias, whe ew or ear i their ie cces, ca have isuatio vaues ito rages that were previous umeasure your o isuatio tester ma ot be u aeuate to meet the emas o a rigorous a thorough program o prevetive/ preictive maiteace o moer euipmet To be u i coormace with the most moer testig reuiremets, Megger oers a ami o the highest uait isuatio testers at votages above V At the core o high-votage testig V the MIT510 a MIT520 aor the highest eve o uait testig aog with prime saet, coveiece a portabiit MIT510 oers seectabe test votages at 250, 500, 1000, 2500, a 5000 V, thereb maig the tester suitabe or appicatios otherwise perorme with a staar hahe moe, i aitio to the more emaig high-votage appicatios The MIT520 icreases the uctioait b permittig test votage to be set i a 10 V icremet rom 50 V to V, the i 25 V steps a the wa to V The testers measure to 15 Tera-o Tera-ohms, hms, thereb maig them u suitabe or critica istaatio tests a estabishmet o reiabe base ata or ew high-capita euipmet Test resuts are ispae o Megger’s patete eectroic igita/aaog arc, thereb aorig the precisio a assurace o a igita reaig combie with the te-tae poiter trave orma reserve or mechaica movemets The ew V isuatio resistace testers rom Megger are esige specifca to assist ou with the testig a maiteace o high votage eectrica euipmet Mais or batter powere n digita/Aaog bacit ispa n Seectabe test votage rom 250 to 5000V n Automatic IR test n Measures to 15 T W n Compete with caibratio certifcate n Megger MIT510 The ew 10 V isuatio resistace testers rom Megger are aso esige specifca to assist ou with the testig a maiteace o high votage eectrica euipmet A cases are rugge a eas to carr, beig mae o tough popropee a achievig a igress protectio ratig o IP65 Mais or batter powere n digita/aaog bacit ispa Megger MIT1020 n Variabe test votage rom 50 V to 10 V Automatic IR, PI, dAR, SV a dd tests n Measures to 15 T W (5 V) a 35 T W (10 V) n n ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME MEGGER v & 10 v InSulATIon TESTERS Where critica, high-capita euipmet is ivove, the itrouctio o ew a improve isuatig materias is re-writig the boo o isuatio testig Euipmet with operatig votages above V reuires commesurate higher test votages Moer materias, whe ew or ear i their ie cces, ca have isuatio vaues ito rages that were previous umeasure your o isuatio tester ma ot be u aeuate to meet the emas o a rigorous a thorough program o prevetive/ preictive maiteace o moer euipmet To be u i coormace with the most moer testig reuiremets, Megger oers a ami o the highest uait isuatio testers at votages above V At the core o high-votage testig V the MIT510 a MIT520 aor the highest eve o uait testig aog with prime saet, coveiece a portabiit MIT510 oers seectabe test votages at 250, 500, 1000, 2500, a 5000 V, thereb maig the tester suitabe or appicatios otherwise perorme with a staar hahe moe, i aitio to the more emaig high-votage appicatios The MIT520 icreases the uctioait b permittig test votage to be set i a 10 V icremet rom 50 V to V, the i 25 V steps a the wa to V The testers measure to 15 Tera-o Tera-ohms, hms, thereb maig them u suitabe or critica istaatio tests a estabishmet o reiabe base ata or ew high-capita euipmet Test resuts are ispae o Megger’s patete eectroic igita/aaog arc, thereb aorig the precisio a assurace o a igita reaig combie with the te-tae poiter trave orma reserve or mechaica movemets The ew V isuatio resistace testers rom Megger are esige specifca to assist ou with the testig a maiteace o high votage eectrica euipmet Mais or batter powere digita/Aaog bacit ispa n Seectabe test votage rom 250 to 5000V n Automatic IR test n n n n Measures to 15 T W Compete with caibratio certifcate Megger MIT510 The ew 10 V isuatio resistace testers rom Megger are aso esige specifca to assist ou with the testig a maiteace o high votage eectrica euipmet A cases are rugge a eas to carr, beig mae o tough popropee a achievig a igress protectio ratig o IP65 Mais or batter powere n digita/aaog bacit ispa Megger MIT1020 n Variabe test votage rom 50 V to 10 V Automatic IR, PI, dAR, SV a dd tests n Measures to 15 T W (5 V) a 35 T W (10 V) n n A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME MEGGER MIT400 SERIES A ew ie o high perormace testers rate to CAT IV 600 V provies greater saet whe testig at higher votage eves The MIT400 Series oer test votages rom 10 to 1000V, a icues a specia user-seectabe 10 V to 100 V i V icremets tester or ow votage isuatio testig reuiremets The uits icue a exceptioa isuatio resistace measuremet rage that extes rom 20 Gigohms to 200 Gigohms, with the optio to ispa the isuatio test votage or eaage curret o the secoar ispa Megger MIT410 Time isuatio testig or PI a dAR testig is avaiabe o certai moes A 200 mA cotiuit measuremet is avaiabe with a 0.01-ohm resoutio or ast accurate cabe resistace measuremet This ca be set to 20 mA where coormit to eectrica testig reguatios is ot reuire, exteig batter ie For those who preer the traitioa mechaica aaog tpe o istrumet, the MIT310A oers everthig i the MIT310, but with a movig coi ispa The aaog ispa is ehace b bac ecas o a white bacgrou, to give high cotrast a improve visibiit The ami is compete b the u-eature MIT320 a MIT330 The ormer as a iohm rage or measuremets betwee the extremes o cotiuit a high votage With this eature, measuremets ca be mae cotiuous rom 0.01 W to 999 M W A bacit ispa is urther ehace b bacit seectios, to mae both the setup a resuts visibe i poor ight The MIT320 aso oers auibe aarms o both the c otiuit a megohm rages, ajustabe across the etire rage Fia, the MIT330 oers everthig escribe i the MIT320, pus storage o up to 1000 resuts, owoaig through a USB port via icue sotware, a a ispa iicatio o remaiig memor MEGGER MIT200 SERIES nee o basic V isuatio a cotiuit testig, with ecoom a paramout cosieratio? no ee to sacrifce! Megger oers the o top uait ie o iexpesive testers o the maret the MIT200 Series Though esige with ecoom i mi, these testers oer o oss o the uait a reiabiit that the ame Megger impies Furthermore, there has bee o sacrifce o saet, which is a serious probem with iexpesive testers that have cut cost at the ris o arc ash a operator error MEGGER MIT300 SERIES The MIT300 Series is esige aog Megger’s amiiar pricipe o asceig eatures with o oss o basic uait Five moes comprise the ami, each buit o a basic esig esurig the uait a reiabiit that are Megger’s traemars MIT300 is the simpest moe, oerig core uctios o highest uait but o aitioa eatures that ma prove reuat i basic appicatios For appicatios where a V test must be avoie, the MIT300 oers a 250 a 500 V test o Combie with cotiuit a votage warig, pus a the coveiece a saet eatures that istiguish the ami, this is the moe o choice or the simpest appicatios I basic uctio is sti the goa but a V test reuire, the MIT310 is the perect ft With the possibiit o worig at higher votages, sae operatio has bee urther ehace b the icusio o a eaut votmeter Megger MIT230 Four moes are avaiabe, ierig o i the test votages oere: MIT200 is a 500 V moe or staar appicatios; MIT210 is a V moe where higher test votage is i orer; MIT220 oers two votages, 250 a 500, or more sesitive appicatios where a V test is to be avoie; or u-spectrum appicatios, MIT230 oers a three votages, 250, 500 a V Megger MIT300 Series ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME A STITCH IN TIME For those who preer the traitioa mechaica aaog tpe o istrumet, the MIT310A oers everthig i the MIT310, but with a movig coi ispa The aaog ispa is ehace b bac ecas o a white bacgrou, to give high cotrast a improve visibiit MEGGER MIT400 SERIES A ew ie o high perormace testers rate to CAT IV 600 V provies greater saet whe testig at higher votage eves The ami is compete b the u-eature MIT320 a MIT330 The ormer as a iohm rage or measuremets betwee the extremes o cotiuit a high votage With this eature, measuremets ca be mae cotiuous rom 0.01 W to 999 M W A bacit ispa is urther ehace b bacit seectios, to mae both the setup a resuts visibe i poor ight The MIT320 aso oers auibe aarms o both the c otiuit a megohm rages, ajustabe across the etire rage The MIT400 Series oer test votages rom 10 to 1000V, a icues a specia user-seectabe 10 V to 100 V i V icremets tester or ow votage isuatio testig reuiremets The uits icue a exceptioa isuatio resistace measuremet rage that extes rom 20 Gigohms to 200 Gigohms, with the optio to ispa the isuatio test votage or eaage curret o the secoar ispa Fia, the MIT330 oers everthig escribe i the MIT320, pus storage o up to 1000 resuts, owoaig through a USB port via icue sotware, a a ispa iicatio o remaiig memor Megger MIT410 Time isuatio testig or PI a dAR testig is avaiabe o certai moes A 200 mA cotiuit measuremet is avaiabe with a 0.01-ohm resoutio or ast accurate cabe resistace measuremet This ca be set to 20 mA where coormit to eectrica testig reguatios is ot reuire, exteig batter ie MEGGER MIT200 SERIES nee o basic V isuatio a cotiuit testig, with ecoom a paramout cosieratio? no ee to sacrifce! Megger oers the o top uait ie o iexpesive testers o the maret the MIT200 Series Though esige with ecoom i mi, these testers oer o oss o the uait a reiabiit that the ame Megger impies Furthermore, there has bee o sacrifce o saet, which is a serious probem with iexpesive testers that have cut cost at the ris o arc ash a operator error MEGGER MIT300 SERIES The MIT300 Series is esige aog Megger’s amiiar pricipe o asceig eatures with o oss o basic uait Five moes comprise the ami, each buit o a basic esig esurig the uait a reiabiit that are Megger’s traemars MIT300 is the simpest moe, oerig core uctios o highest uait but o aitioa eatures that ma prove reuat i basic appicatios For appicatios where a V test must be avoie, the MIT300 oers a 250 a 500 V test o Combie with cotiuit a votage warig, pus a the coveiece a saet eatures that istiguish the ami, this is the moe o choice or the simpest appicatios Megger MIT230 I basic uctio is sti the goa but a V test reuire, the MIT310 is the perect ft With the possibiit o worig at higher votages, sae operatio has bee urther ehace b the icusio o a eaut votmeter Four moes are avaiabe, ierig o i the test votages oere: MIT200 is a 500 V moe or staar appicatios; MIT210 is a V moe where higher test votage is i orer; MIT220 oers two votages, 250 a 500, or more sesitive appicatios where a V test is to be avoie; or u-spectrum appicatios, MIT230 oers a three votages, 250, 500 a V Megger MIT300 Series A STITCH IN TIME ASTITCH AST ITCHIN INTIME TIME Megger makes more than just insulation resistance testers Megger also makes high quality instruments for the following electrical testing applications: n Earth/Ground Testing n Battery Testing Megger makes more than just insulation resistance testers Megger also makes high quality instruments for the following electrical testing applications: n n n n n n Earth/Ground Testing Relay Testing Oil Testing Circuit Breaker Testing Power Quality Analysis Low Resistance Testing n n n n n n Battery Testing Watthour Meter Testing Transforme ransformerr Testing Cable Fault Testing Power Factor Testing Hi Pot Testing Megger manufactures electrical test and maintenance instruments for electric power, process manufacturing, building wiring, engineering services and communicatio communications ns Visit our website for local assistance worldwide at www.megger.com Megger 4271BronzeWay Dallas,TX75237 The word “Megger” is a registered trademark 66 6 6 A AST STIT ITCH CHI IN NTI TIME ME M E G -4 8 6 / M I L / 4 M / R e v F / 9 / 2 0 0 6