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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1) Life _____ easier thanks to technology. A. is getting B. gets C. get D. are getting 2) Michael is generally a ____ A. woman's name B. surname C. man's name D. family name 3) I have a friend called Fabrice. He______from France. A. came B. come C. comes D. has come 4) He's her closest friend. He _____her since they were children. A. knew B. knows C. has known D. known 5) I've looked for my book everywhere, but I still_________it. A. haven't found B. have found C. find D. didn't found 6) Where_______you yesterday at 3p.m.? A. did B. were C. was D. are 7) Mr. Brown is ________ A. a child B. married C. not married D. a girl 8) My favourite book when I was a child _______ Robinson Crusoe. A. is B. are C. was D. were 9) She _______ nineteen when she married. A. is B. was C. isn't D. did 10) I bought the car from Professor Jones,_____lives just across the road. A. Who B. who C. which D. whose 11) He shouted at us,_______was very rude. A. whom B. who C. where D. which 12) ________ he was late he stopped to buy a sandwich. A. Despite B. Although C. In spite of D. When 13) He went to work yesterday_____he was very ill. A. even though B. because C. but D. in spite of 14) They put up a very large notice_______everybody would see it. A. to B. in order to C. so as to D. so that 15) He likes chocolate. I like it ______ A. either B. so C. too D. neither 17) Russian is a _____ A. place B. country C. nationality D. job 18) His shirt is new, and _______ is his tie. A. too B. so C. neither D. either 19) Henry is ______ sweet person. A. so B. such C. so a D. such a 20) Helen______Japanese from a book. A. taught B. taught herself C. teach D. teach herself 22) The bathroom is _____ the top of the house. A. by B. in C. on D. at 24) The Sherlock Holmes detective stories were written by Connan Doyle. A. wrote B. were written C. was written D. are written 25) I’m afraid I sing very ______. A. bad B. badly C. good D. beautiful 26) My parents have been in Dublin _____ two weeks. A. during B. for C. about D. at 27) A period of thousand years is called a _________. A. era B. century C. millennium D. None of the bove 28) He earns _______ money. A. lot of B. a lot C. lots D. a lot of 29) VAT stands for ________ A. Value Adding Tax B. Value Added Tax C. Value Added Taxes D. None of the bove 30) EU stands for ________ A. Europe Union B. Europe Unity C. European Union D. European Unity 32) I’d like to _______ the job you advertised. A. apply B. apply for C. applying D. applying for 35) Which of the sentences below is incorrect? A. She helps me to choose a shirt. B. Your explaination helped me to understand the proble C. Thank for help me cleaning the car D. Let me help you 36) You know Bill, ________? A. do you ? B. aren't you? C. don't you? D. are you? 37) They didn’t finish on time, ______? A. did they B. didn't they C. do they D. don't they 39) It is ______ long book that I couldn’t finish it. A. so B. such C. so a D. such a 40) It’s the _____ film I’ve ever seen. A. good B. better C. best D. bestest 42) I’ve lost my key, ______ is very annoying. A. who B. which C. whom D. that 43) She lay in bed, ________ the rain falling. A. listen B. listening C. listen to D. listening to 44) We haven’t seen them since January, _______ we were on holiday together. A. when B. where C. which D. that 45) I spoke very slowly ______ he didn’t understand English very well. A. so that B. because C. to D. because of 46) You were wrong ________ criticize them for something they didn’t do. A. to B. when C. so as to D. if 47) Which of the sentences below is incorrect? A. Take out the money and hand it over. B. Put down your gun and put up your hands. C. Look it up in the dictionary. D. There’s a policeman coming. Watch! 48) If you are kind and generous, people say ‘You have a heart of ________’. A. silver B. diamonds C. gold D. sunshine 49) I didn’t get the job! B: ' ________________' A. Good heavens! B. That's brilliant! C. Same to you ! D. Never mind, better luck next time ! 50) When I looked around the door, the baby __________ quietly. A. is sleeping B. slept C. was sleeping D. were sleeping 52) In England most children go ____________ at the age of five. A. school B. to school C. to some school D. to the school 53) The house was ______________ building. A. a nice old stone B. a nice stone old C. a stone old nice D. an old nice stone 55) What is the polite response to the following? “Thank you very much!” A. "Me too!" B. "Yours truly!" C. "Of course!" D. "you're welcome !" 57) The accident was seen by some people ________________ at a bus stop. A. waited B. waiting C. were waiting D. who waiting 58) If _________________ my passport, I’ll be in trouble. A. I lose B. I'll lose C. I lost D. I would lose 59) Which of the following would you not see at a tennis match? A. racket B. net C. goal D. court 60) How can you describe someone who smokes a lot? A. a heavy smoker B. a dark smoker C. a strong smoker D. a brown smoker 62) When we're feeling very hungry, we say 'I could eat a ______!' A. dog B. elephant C. horse D. whale 64) I’m busy at the moment. __________ on the computer. A. I work B. I'm work C. I'm working D. I working 65) I’ll tell Anna all the news when ______________ her. A. I'll see B. I'm going to see C. I see D. I shall see 66) If you have the initials BA after your name, what does it mean? A. You are in the army. B. You are a doctor. C. You have a university degree. D. You are married. 67) Which of the following nouns of measurement is not correct? A. Length (adjective:long) B. Breadth(adjective:broad) C. Highth(adjective:high) D. Width(adjective:wide) 69) We can’t go along here because the road is _____ A. been repaired B. being repaired C. repair D. repaired 71) What is the best question for this answer? 'Not very well, I've got a cough that I just cannot get rid of'. A. What are you like ? B. How are you ? C. What do you like ? D. What do you like ? 72) Some film stars _____be difficult to work with. A. are said B. are said to C. say D. say to 73) Did you congratulate Tessa _____________ her exam? A. of passing B. on passing C. passing D. to pass 75) When Martin ____________ the car, he took it out for a drive. A. had repaired B. has repaired C. repaired D. was repairing 78) If you cook something in oil, you ________ it. A. boil B. steam C. fry D. grill 79) What did you leave the meeting early ___________ ? - I didn’t like it very much. A. away B. because C. for D. like 80) I can remember _____________ voices in the middle of the night. A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear 82) Which of the following uses of the word ‘’course" is wrong? A. I had chicken for the main course B. My English course lasts 12 weeks. C. Of course you can come to the party. D. I was late course my alarm clock is broken. 83) When she said to me: "Could you give me a hand?" What did she want me to do? A. hand her something B. help her C. hold her hand D. bring her something 85) The professor gave an interesting ________ on international politics. A. speak B. tell C. talk D. say 86) If something is washable, it can be washed. If something is edible, it can be… A. carried B. drunk C. thrown away D. eaten 88) Colleen will return to this country _____. A. two year from now B. from two years C. two years D. two years since 90) Fortunately no one died in the accident but 20 people were ________.’ A. damaged B. injured C. spoiled D. broken 92) This detailed map is ______________ the atlas. A. more useful as B. more useful than C. usefuller as D. usefuller than 93) Yes, I have got the report. ____________________ it. A. I just am reading B. I'm just reading C. I'm reading just D. just I'm reading 94) The village is ____________ Sheffield. It’s only six miles away. A. along B. by C. near D. next 95) I prefer dogs ____________ cats. I hate cats. A. from B. over C. than D. to 96) Don’t go too fast. I can’t keep ____________ you. A. on to B. on with C. up to D. up with 97) Someone ________________ the tickets are free. A. said me B. said me that C. told me D. told to me 98) What’s the name of the man ________________ gave us a lift? A. he B. what C. which D. who 99) What was that notice _________________ ? A. at that were looking B. you were looking at C. you were looking at it D. which you were looking 100) I haven’t got a ticket. If ________________ one, I could get in. A. I'd have B. I had C. I have D. I've got

Ngày đăng: 03/08/2013, 01:27

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