A. Choose a product or service in Vietnam or Denmark and analyze its economic characteristics. You do not need to make any calculations but you will need to draw graphs. Write a report of 1500 to 2000 words. Be sure to include the following parts in your report. 1. Introduction (200 300 words) What is this report all about? Why have you chosen this product or service? 2. Product Service Characteristics (500 to 800 words) a. You do not need to make any calculations but you will need to draw graphs. Write a report of 1500 to 2000 words. Be sure to include the following parts in your report service? Explain your analysis. b. How elastic is the demand for the product service? Support your answers with primary survey, articles or other evidence.
Business Report by Nguyên Nguyên Submission date: 08-Sep-2017 03:13PM (UT C+0800) Submission ID: 837334892 File name: Business_Report.docx (723.84K) Word count: 2419 Character count: 12027 Business Report ORIGINALITY REPORT % SIMILARIT Y INDEX 2% 0% 1% INT ERNET SOURCES PUBLICAT IONS ST UDENT PAPERS PRIMARY SOURCES Submitted to Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 1% St udent Paper