153°0'E Hus CPZ01 sey Cre 153°30'E Tripcony Bight Long Island ek This zoning plan came into effect on March 2009 Caloundra Long Island (NP) Bray Rock Kings Beach Golden Beach IMPORTANT NOTE: C han nel 153°15'E B el s k o h r t MNP02 N P um icestone ee Cr Tripcony Bight CPZ01 chin Co o Thooloora Island (NP) This map is not to be used for navigation For navigation, refer to official nautical charts published by maritime agencies Hamilton Patches l e Cre MNP01 k North Banks Hutchison Shoal BRIBIE MNP02 Thooloora Island (NP) MNP03 ISLAND (NP) CPZ03 'Booabee' Donnybrook Pu m Toorbul gi C re d Go Cab o o B ea Bongaree Sandstone Point ach u So CPZ02 th Po Skirmish Point MORETON ISLAND (NP) er Cowan Cowan Point 'Moorgumpin' "Place of sandhills" Tangalooma Wrecks wC nn el Bay Tangalooma 'Doogalooma' Freshwater National Park CPZ05 w at Osbourne Point Kippa-Ring er C k Tangalooma Point MO RE T O N B AY Scarborough Drury Point Rothwell lt Sa MNP11 Nor t he rn Twe nt y -N ine s 'Quandamooka/Boogoorah' Redcliffe Redcliffe Point Clontarf Wanga Wallen Bank MNP12 CPZ06 R iver Kounungai Brighton r Pine R iv e r th No Kilometres Scotts Point Clontarf Point Inlet Pi ne Woody Point So ut he rn Twe nt y -N ine s Bramble Bay MNP13 Sandgate Peel Island Blue Hole Shorncliffe Cab bag e Tr e eC k Nu d MNP14 "Plenty mud" ac Crab Island h Mirapool Islands MNP15 da h Cr Boondall Mud Island 'Bungumba' ge eB e Toulkerrie un MNP16 r Wynnum BRISBANE Manly Manly Boat Harbour Bay nnel Wellington Point e re Wellington Point Hilliards Creek Raby Bay Alexandra Hills Cox Bank Cassim Island Oyster Point MNP24 Horseshoe Bay South West Rocks Ormiston Cleveland Zoning General use zone Conservation park zone Marine national park zone text Marine park boundary Coastline National Park Blaksley Anchorage ap um M g oo Redland Bay Price Anchorage MNP27 Karragarra Island St Clair Island Pannikin Russell Island Willes Island (NP) Island MNP28 MNP29 Tuleenderly Long Island Lagoon Island Rocky Point ga Lo R iv e MNP30 Little Rocky Point r Swan Bay 'Wiji-wiji-pa' Cobby Cobby Island (NP) Mosquito Islands Cabbage Tree Point MNP31 Short Island Tabby Tabby Is Steiglitz Jumpinpin Woongoolba Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product the Environmental Protection Agency makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose The Environmental Protection Agency disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason Behm C re e k Shelter Island Kangaroo Island (NP) Tipplers Island Jacobs Well Pim p am a CPZ10 Crusoe Island Eden Island Norwell Tuleen Island Ri ver Woogoompah Island (NP) C re ys Co Mc ek Couran k Oa Produced by the Marine and Terrestrial Branch, Strategy and Policy Division, Queensland Environmental Protection Agency 11 December 2008 © Copyright Queensland Environmental Protection Agency 2008 y ISLAND 'Currigee' C ree k Hope Island Sa C re ek MNP34 C oo m b ab a Helensvale Kilometres Coombabah Lake All data integrated into this product has been projected to the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) in accordance with the Geocentric Datum of Australia Technical Manual and the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency Swan Bay r h C Hollywell MNP31 Runaway Bay B r o a d w a te r ee k e Rat Island e 20 m lt w ater Coomera Island (NP) Th o Co R ive r MNP32 SOUTH STRADBROKE MNP33 Coomera Porpoise Point Labrador 153°15'E CPZ10 Jumpinpin Kalinga Bank Crusoe Island Gold Coast Seaway Nerang Head HPZ02 Wave Break Island 153°0'E Swan Bay Never Never Creek Pimpama Includes material © CNES 2008, Distribution Spot Image S.A., France, all rights reserved Place names enclosed within single quotations have been provided by Traditional Owner groups 15 MNP25 Snipe Island Point Talburpin Mount Cotton n 10 Macleay Island Garden Island MNP26 The purpose of this map is to help interpret the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Zone boundaries are indicative only While every care has been taken to illustrate zone boundaries as accurately as possible, users must refer to Schedule of the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 for precise boundary descriptions Canalpin Ck rr u Potts Point Victoria Point C E pra p ah DISCLAIMER 27°45'S Coochiemudlo Island Point Halloran Kilometres Blue Lake National Park Wallen Wallen Lamb Island Victoria Point "Green Point" Cassim Island Oyster Point Thornlands Coochiemudlo Island Point Halloran Habitat protection zone Bird Island 'Moopan-Billa' Goat Island 'Goa-Wermeewar' CPZ09 MNP24 HPZ02 Eprapah Creek 'Minjerribah' Dunwich 'Goompee' k Map - Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Cleveland Point Myora 'Moongalba' "Place of mosquitos" Polka Point "Place of many shells" Point Lookout Mooloomba NORTH STRADBROKE ISLAND MNP22 'Turka-Roor' MNP23 Boat Rock "Place of many rocks" Myora Reef Teerk Roo Ra National Park ree Ti ng al p a C 27°30'S Kilometres Shag Rock Point Lookout 'Terrangee' Ba nk s CPZ08 Peel Island Thorneside Rocky Point MNP20 King Island 'Yerra-bin' Waterloo Lota k South West Rocks Amit y MNP21 Darling Point a ch 27°45'S ve Maroom Bank Flat Rock ch Ri ne Be ow sba Maroom Hole Rainb Bri Wy n C k n um CPZ09 Green Island 'Tangaree' Oyster Point MNP19 CPZ07 Amity Rous Fort Lytton National Park Horseshoe Bay HPZ02 Ch el rs Teerk Roo Ra National Park MNP17 South Point n an B ea re K gy Passage Amity Point e nd ed ro n g Bo South MNP18 "Place of the flying fox" Fli Peel Island C Bank s St Helena Island (NP) 'Noogun' ek e Luggage Point Blu e ay Br oo w od Cha CPZ08 kF lo MNP23 Reeders Point More to n Fisherman Islands Lak N Juno Point Nudgee 27°30'S HPZ02 Hays 27°15'S Margate MNP20 eek 27°15'S Ra in bo Castlereagh Point North Stradbroke Island MNP10 r C re e k Te mpes t Henderson Rock Eage Deception Burpengary Dee p Cowan Cowan 'Warrajamba' r R iv MNP08 Sh allo w Te mp es t in t Burpengary CPZ07 MNP07 MNP09 Beachmere e Roberts Shoal Bulwer 'Boolweer' l tu Wallum Pool MNP18 Be win Brennan Shoal MNP05 Cape Moreton Cape Cliff Comboyuro Point Woorim Kilometres Amity 'Gunemba' Bellara ek Toorbul Point Heath Island MNP06 Ningi North Point CPZ04 Banksia Beach l 2 Spitfire Banks e nn N in Moreton Island (north) White Patch ice s to ne n ck C r ee k ydo h MN P0 on B ba a Ch Bra yd m Smith Rock h eac h Eli l lo re ek Bu MNP06 MNP04 Little Goat Island ch ek re Bra in C un ta Gla s s M o Beac MNP05 Heath Island C CPZ04 Flinders Reef East Bank Wild Banks Mission Point 27°0'S Tripcony Bight Kilometres Long Island (NP) l n e a n C h 27°0'S ek t e Cr s ey e CPZ02 s Hu s W Mission Point 153°30'E Kilometres