Unit 7. My neighborhood tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh...
English Period 42 Unit MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson - Write Hangman n o t Notice (n) Thông báo i c e Hangman n o t Notice (n) Thông báo i c e New words a ’hardware store: cửa hàng kim khí to ’contact: liên lạc to hold: tổ chức an e’ffect: ảnh hưởng Matching a hardward store to contact a to communicate with somebody b place we can buy household like nails, metal equipment and stools things… to hold c a change produced by an action or a an effect d to organize 1–b ; 2–a ; 3–d ; -c cause Read a notice then answer the questions below Tran Phu Street Residents and Store Owners MEETING TO DISCUSS EFFECTS OF THE NEW MALL Date: May 20 Time: 8.00 pm Place: Binh’ Hardward Store, 12 Hang Da Street Please contact Pham Van Tai at the above address for more information a Who hold the meeting? b What is the purpose of the meeting? c What is the date of the meeting? d What is the time of the meeting? e What is the place of the meeting f a The residents and store Owners b To discuss the effects of mall c May 20 d 8.00 pm e Binh’s hardward store, Who is the person to contact? the mew Hang Da street f Pham Van Tai 12 FORMAT Topic: (In capital letters)…… Date:…………………………………… Time: ……………………………….… Place: …………………………….…… Participants:……………………….… Read the passage then complete the notice below The school English Speaking Club is going to hold a speaking contest to celebrate the Teachers’ Day The contest will be at Hall 204, Building G, from 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm on November 15 The person to contact is Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H The school English Speaking Club HOLDING A ……………………………………… ……… THE TEACHERS’DAY Date: ………………………………………………….… …… Time: ……………………………………………… ………… Place:…………………………………………………….…… Please to contact: ………………………………… ……… Read the text, then write a notice about your Sports Club meeting The school Sports Club is going to organize a competition to celebrate the Founderation of Vietnamese People Army’s Day The meeting will be at the classroom 8A,Tan Quang school, from 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm on December 17 The person to contact is the monitor of class 8A Thanks for downloading this PowerPoint presentation lesson Please visit my website to refer to some my e-books http://nguyenxuanthien.violet.vn ... competition to celebrate the Founderation of Vietnamese People Army’s Day The meeting will be at the classroom 8A,Tan Quang school, from 7.0 0 pm to 9.30 pm on December 17 The person to contact is the... class 8A Thanks for downloading this PowerPoint presentation lesson Please visit my website to refer to some my e-books http://nguyenxuanthien.violet.vn ... speaking contest to celebrate the Teachers’ Day The contest will be at Hall 204, Building G, from 7.3 0 pm to 10.00 pm on November 15 The person to contact is Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H The school