Unit 5. Technology and you tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực k...
GAME: HANGMAN This word has letters It is a modern invention C O M P U T E R What is a computer used for? Period 26, 27 : Reading Match each number item with one of the words or phrases in the box A central processing unit (CPU) C keyboard E Mouse G printer B.CD ROMs D Visual display unit F floppy disks H speakers A Central processing unit (CPU): Thiết bị xử lý trung tâm B CD ROMS: Đĩa CD C Keyboard: Bàn phím D Visual display unit (VDU) or computer screen:Màn hình E Mouse: Chuột vi tính F Floppy disks: Đĩa mềm G Printer: Máy in H Speakers: Loa Match the words/ phrases with the correct picture 1 places of scenic beauty calculation hardware interact software Give the English words of the following meanings meanings kì diệu, thần kì (a) máy tính (n phr) ghi nhớ (n) tốc độ ánh sáng (N.phr) words magic miraculous al calculating machine memo lightning speed I NEW WORDS miraculous (adj) / / mi’rỉkjuləs/ kì diệu, thần kì magical places of scenic beauty (n):/ ’pleisis əv ‘si:nik ‘bju:ti/: thắng cảnh software /’softweə/ : phần mềm hardware / /’ha:dweə/ : phần cứng calculating machine ’kælkjuleitiŋ məζin/ : máy tính calculation /,kỉlkju'lei∫n / : phép tính interact (v) / intər’ækt/: tác động qua lại : lightning speed (n) /’laitiŋspi:d/ memo (n/) /’memə/ : tốc độ ánh sáng : ghi nhớ Listen to the passage and underline new words Computer has become part of our daily lives We visit shops, offices, and places of beauty with the help of computers We play bills and prepared by computers We read newspapers and magazines which have been produced on computers We receive letters from and send letters to almost every part of the world with the help of computers And we can even learn foreign languages on computers What makes a computer such a miraculous device? Each time you turn it on, with appropriate hardware and software, it is capable of doing almost anything you ask it to It is a calculating machine which speeds up calculations: it can add, subtract, multiple, and divide with lightning speed and perfect accuracy It is an electronic storage device which manages large collections of data It is a magical typewriter which allows you to type and print and kind of documentletters, memos or requests for leave It is a personal communicator which helps you to interact with other computers and with people around the world And if you like entertainment, you can relax by playing computer games or listening to computer-played music II PRACTICE: read the passage silently and the task that follow Matching The words in A appear in the reading passage Match them with their definition in B A magical places of scenic beauty interact software hardware B a link or act on each other b programmes performed by the computer c in a strange or mysterious way d the physical part of the computer sytem e places where the scenes are interesting and beautiful II PRACTICE T visit OR shops, offices and places scenic 2.We TRUE FALSE: Read and of decide beauty with the help of computers whether the statements are True or We receive letters from or send letters to almost False every part of the world with the help of computers We can’t learn foreign languages on computers Computer is incapable of doing almost anything you ask it Computer helps us to interact with other computers and people around the world F √ √ √ √ √ THANK FOR YOUR ATTENTION! KEY T E L E P H O N E T A P L A N E R S C F T E L E V I S I O N H C J R A D I O O P F A N K W L B N K O S R C O M P U T E R Crossword puzzle - Find out meaningful words that fit these pictures: (across and down) T E L E P H O N E T A P L A N E R S C F T E L E V I S I O N H C J R A D I O O P F A N K W L B N K O S R C O M P U T E R ... and divide with lightning speed and perfect accuracy It is an electronic storage device which manages large collections of data It is a magical typewriter which allows you to type and print and. .. leave It is a personal communicator which helps you to interact with other computers and with people around the world And if you like entertainment, you can relax by playing computer games or listening... We read newspapers and magazines which have been produced on computers We receive letters from and send letters to almost every part of the world with the help of computers And we can even learn