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English 8(Ki 2)

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--------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- Teaching date: Class 8A: . Jan 2008. Class 8B: . Jan 2008. Class 8C: . Jan 2008. Class 8D: . Jan 2008. Period 55 Unit 9: a first - aid course getting started - listen and read I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get acquainted with a new topic: The first-aid. To help Ss to know more about the real situations which require first -aid. And how to do the first -aid. 1. Language focus: + Structure: To review the present perfect tense + Vocabulary: nose bleed, bee sting, emergency, ambulance, counscious . 2. Language skills: - Ss train communicative skill by practicing the dialogue II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, III. Procedures. 1. Organization: (1 m) Class 8A 8B 8C 8D Total 31 29 31 23 Out 2. Checking up: (0) No question 3. New lesson: - Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 80, and introduce some words about first-aid. EX: Bandage: b¨ng Cotton balls: cuén b«ng Tiger balm: dÇu con hæ . - Ask Ss to work in pairs to match the situation with the pictures - Ss look at the picture, listen to the T, and predict topic of the new lesson. - Work in pairs to match the situation with the pictures 1 * Presentation (15) ms * Warm-up : (4 ms) Teacher's activities Ss' activities --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - Ask Ss to give the answers. + A girl has a burn on her arm: Ointment: thuốc mỡ + A boy has a bad cut on his leg : + A girl has a nose bleed: Absorbent cotton: bông thấm nớc + A boy has a bee sting: Sting: nốt đốt - Make some questions: + Who are talking in the conversation ? + Where are they ? + What happened ? Why ? + Where is the school ? - Introduce the situation of the dialogue, that is about the girl, who fell of the bike, have a bad cut on her head. - Play the tape on page 80 (once) - Present some new words: Emergency: ca cấp cứu. Ambulance: xe cấp cứu Conscious: tỉnh táo >< Uncoscious : bất tỉnh. Bleed: chảy máu Wound: vết thơng Keep awake = Conscious - Play the tape again (twice) - Let Ss practice the dialogue - Conduct Ss to practice exercise 2 (P.81) - Ask some Ss to give their answers in front of the class. Ss' answers maybe: + Ease the burn with ice,or cold water pack, and cover with some ointment and cover with a sterile bandage. + Wash the cut with alcohol to sterilize it, then cover it with a bandage. + Let her stand straight and raise her head behind, use some absorbent cotton. + Wash the sting with alcohol, then rub some ointment on it . - Answer the Qs: + Lan and a nurse - Listen to the T - Look at the dialogue and listen to the tape. - Read the new words (in chorus, individually, and copy - Listen to the tape again - Practice the dialogue in pairs. - Some pairs practice in front of the class. - Select the topic covered in the dialogue. - Give answers: Ss' answers may be: a. discribing the condition of the injured person. b. asking for the address. 2 * Practice: (15 ms) --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss again about the situations in the “Getting started. “ c. asking the condition of the injured person. e. giving first-aid instructions f. arranging for an ambulance. - Work in pairs to discuss 4. Drill: (2 ms) - Ask the Ss to retell the main content of the lesson : “ How to do the first- aids”, and how to protect yourself by the first- aids. 5. Homework: (1 m) - Ask Ss to learn by heart the dialogue. Teaching date: Class 8A: . Jan 2008. Class 8B: . Jan 2008. Class 8C: . Jan 2008. Class 8D: . Jan 2008. Period 56 Unit 9: a first - aid course speak I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice speaking about more about the first aid by using the simple future to make request , offers and promises 1. Language focus: - Structure: Review requests, offers, promises, responses - Vocabulary: Review vocabulaty, that are about the first-aid 2. Language skills: - Ss train speaking skill. II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, picture . 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, 3 * Production: (7 ms) --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- III. Procedures. 1. Organization: (1 m ) Class 8A 8B 8C 8D Total 31 29 31 24 Out 2. Checking up: (4 ms) - Ask some Ss to practice the dialogue of the last lesson 3. New lesson: - Hold the class to play "Networks" - Introduce: (In Unit 6, we learned about the requests, reponses to requests. Today we will use those structures in first-aid situations). - Ask Ss to look at book, and read the structures. Requests (§Ò nghÞ ®îc gióp ®ì) Offers (§a ra ®Ò nghÞ gióp ®ì) Promises (Lêi høa) Can / could you .? Will / would you ? Would you like .? What can I get for you ? Shall I .? Will / would you have .? Can I get you .? I will ., I promise. I promise, I will . I promise I wo’nt I promise to - Ask the Ss to work in pairs to practice the requests, and responses to the requests. - Play "Networks" Cover the woond - Listen to the T, and revise. - Read and copy into note-book. - Work in groups to make examples EX: Can you get me some bandage ? - Work in pairs to practice the requests, and responses to the requests. (exercise 2 - P.82) 4 * Pre-speaking: (8 ms) * While-speaking: (19 ms) * Warm up: (3 ms) Ss' activitiesT' s activities First-aid situations --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - Help Ss some difficult situations - Ask some Ss to practice in front of the class. - Give out some situations: + It s very hot here .’ ( Request ) + You look tired and hungry. ( offer ) + Look at the grade for this month. I think you should do better next month. (promise) + Want to buy a watch for my sister. (offer) . Note: Ss study the pictures and discuss what the people in the pictures need. Eg: picture a) Girl: Could you give me a bandage, please ? Boy: Sure. Here you are. Ss' answers may be: b) Sister: Shall I get you some medicine ? Boy: Yes, please / That would be nice. No, I' m fine. c) A: Can you get me some bandage? B: Sure. d) A: Would you like me to get you some medicine? B: That would be nice. e) Boy: I promise I won't play soccer in the house again. Mother: I hope so / Don' t forget. - Ss practice in pairs. Use the T' s cues A: Could you open the windows, please ? B: All right. 4. Drill: (2 ms) - Ask Ss to retell the phrases to express the requests , offers . and promises. 5. Home work: (1 m) - Ask Ss to do the exercise 2, 3 (page : 55 - 56) in the work book Teaching date: Class 8A: . Jan 2008. 5 * Post-speaking: (7 ms) --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- Class 8B: . Jan 2008. Class 8C: . Jan 2008. Class 8D: . Jan 2008. Period 57 Unit 9: a first - aid course listen I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the first aid by using the simple future to make request , offers and promises 1. Language focus: + Structure: (Review) + Vocabulary: Stretcher, Crutches, wheelchair, scale, eye chart, paramedic, check one' s eyesight, lean against . 2. Language skills: - Ss train listening skill. II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, tape and cassette player, 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, III. Procedures. 1. Organization: (1 m) Class 8A 8B 8C 8D Total 31 29 31 23 Out 2. Checking up: (4 ms) - T gives exercise. Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets : a) Would you mind (lend) me some money ? (lending) b) I promise I (not do ) that again. (won't do) c) Would you mind if I (close) the door ? (closed) d) Can I (get) you some water ? (get) 3. New lesson: - Hold the class to play "Jumbled words" - - Do "Jumbled words" mabluacne ohspiatl octdor urnse Ambulance Hospital Doctor Nurse 6 Teacher's activities Ss' activities * Warm up: (5 ms) --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - Ask Ss to look at the picture P.82. - Give in English: Stretcher: c¸i c¸ng Crutches: c¸i n¹ng Wheelchair: xe l¨n Scale: c¸i c©n Eye chart: b¶ng ®o thÞ lùc - Introduce the content of the listening, and listening’s order. - Play the tape (twice) - Let Ss discuss - Play the tape again (once) - Ask Ss to give their answers - Give the right answers: A. Ambulance B. Wheelchair C. Crutches. D. Eye chart E. Scale F. Stretcher. + Correct order: F - B - A - D - E - C - Play the tape again (once) - Give the extra exercise and ask the Ss to work in pairs to complete. Headache, heart, leg , nose, scale, revive, stretcher, toothache, Wheelchair, Aids, ambulance, arm, bleed, cold, crutches, ounwd meregenyc ptiaten Wound Emergency Patient - Look at the picture and name the things in Vietnamese. - Read and copy voca - Look at the picture, listen and match the letters A, B, C, D, E or F to the correct words in the box, then put them in the correect order. - Listen to the tape - Check answers with partners. - Listen to the tape agian - Give answers in front of the class. - Check and copy the answers - Listen to the tape again, check the answers. - Work in pairs to put the words in the box into four groups + Necessary for patients: . + Part of the body : 7 * Pre-listening: (8 ms) * While-listening: (15 ms) * Post-listening: (8 ms) --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- ease, elevate, fall, flu, head . - Ask Ss to read the words aloud in front of the class. + Illness or diseases : . + Verbs: . 4. Drill: (3 ms) - Aks the Ss to retell the main content of the listening and some main words used in the hospital. 5. Home work: (1 m) - T asks Ss to do Ex 4 (P.56) in workbook, and prepare for the next lesson. Teaching date: Class 8A: . Jan 2008. Class 8B: . Jan 2008. Class 8C: . Jan 2008. Class 8D: . Jan 2008. Period 58 Unit 9: a first - aid course reading I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the way to do the first - aids in other cases such as fainting, shock, burns . 1. Language focus: + Structure: + Force SB to do ST + Let SB do ST + Vocabulary: Faint, lying flat, elevate , lower, victim , revive, ease the pain 2. Language skills: - Ss train reading comprehension skill. II. Teaching aids. 1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player . 2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, III. Procedures. 1. Organization: (1 m) Class 8A 8B 8C 8D Total 31 29 31 23 Out 2. Checking up: (4) 8 --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - T asks Ss to write and read the newwords of the last lesson. 3. New lesson: - Hold the class to do "Matching" (Hang the extra- board) - Introduce 3 emergency situations that Ss will study in this lesson: fainting, shock and burns. - Present some new words: Faint : ngÊt Lying flat: n»m th¼ng Elevate > < lower: n©ng > < h¹. Victim : n¹n nh©n. Revive : TØnh l¹i Cool the burns: lµm m¸t vÕt báng Ease the pain : gi¶m vÕt ®au Minimize tissue damage : gi¶m tèi ®a sù h háng c¸c m«. - Let Ss scan the text - Play the tape (twice) - Ask Ss to read the text - Call Ss to give answers - Work in groups to do matching. A Match B 1. to send 2. to fall 3. to have 4. to come 5. to drink 6. to ease 7.to keep 1 + . 2 + . 3 + . 4 + . 5 + . a. a cup of tea. b. off the bike . c. the window open. d. out of the hospital. e. a bad cut on the head. f. an ambulance to the hospital g. the pain with drugs. - Work in groups to discuss what we should do in those situations. - Copy and read the new words. - Work in pairs, scan the text and choose the case for the treatments mentioned in the book. - Listen to the tape - Read the text and choose the correct case for the treatments mentioned in the book. A. Fainting: B. Shock: . 9 Teacher's activities Ss' activities * Warm up: (4 ms) * While-reading: (20 ms) * Pre-reading: (6 ms) --------------------- Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - Correct Ss' answers, and give the right answers: A. (fainting). a. The victim should not sit or stand . c.The victim s head should be below the’ level of your head. e. The victim should drink a cup of tea when reviving. B. (Shock) b. Victim can not drink wine or beer . C. (Burn) d. You should ease the pain with ice or cold water packs. - Explain structures: + Force SB to do ST + Let SB do ST - Hold the class to practice C. Burns: . - Check and copy the right answers. - Work in groups to discuss: + If someone is shock. We should + If someone is fainting , we should . + If someone is having burn , we should . + If someone is having a bad hurt on her arm, First we should 4. Drill: (2 ms) - T reminds Ss to remember emergency situations: fainting, shock and burns. 5. Home work: (1 m) - Translate the text into Vietnamese. Teaching date: Class 8A: . Jan 2008. 10 * Post-reading: (8 ms) [...]... the words aloud in front of the class * Pre-speaking: (7 ms) 16 - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and name - Work in pairs to look at the pictures the things in the picture in English and name the things in the picture in English - Explain different words if the Ss need a Ss' answers may be: help Can, old newspaper, clothes, shoes,... - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 d) T e) T f) F (not only rice and corn but also sugar canes are grown aroud Hanoi) * Production: (7 ms) - Work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions - Ss' answers may be: 1) Where does Hoa meet Tim ? 1) Hoa meet Tim at the airport 2) Who does Tim come to Vietnam with ? 2) Tim come to Vietnam with his parents 3) How... Ask Ss to give their As - Check and copy the right As - Give the right As: (1) use (2) mix (3) Place (4) press (5) Wrap (6) Wait (7) dry - Learn the words - Present new words: Soak : làm thấm , ngâm, ớt Dry: phơi khô Press: ấn ,đè Bucket: thùng, xô Over night: qua đêm 24 - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 Wooden spoon; thìa gỗ Mash: bóp nghiền nát Wire mesh: lới sắt... Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 - Ask Ss to give ways of asking for - Work in groups to ask for directions and directions and the ways of replying them the ways of replying them - Write on the BB EX: - Turn left, turn right, go ahead - Go straight a head, take the first street on the left/ right * Pre-listening: (10 ms) - Look at the picture (Listen P.1 02), and answer the T' s questions... work book, school things, III Procedures 1 Organization: (1 ms) Class 8A 8B 8C 8D Total 31 29 31 23 Out 2 Checking up: (0) No question 3 New lesson: 13 - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 Teacher's activities Ss' activities * Warm-up: (3 ms) - Make questions: - Discuss about the T' s questions + Do you often participate in protecting the environment? + What do you often... small groups - Work in groups to answer the questions - Give answers: Ss' answers may be: a Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 b we can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags c Recycle means not just throwing things away Try to find another use for them d We can look for information... phrases about recycling 5 Homework: (1 m) - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 + 2 ( P 59 ) ( work book) Teaching date: Class 8A: Jan 2008 Class 8B: Jan 2008 15 - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 Class 8C: Jan 2008 Class 8D: Jan 2008 Period 61 recycling Unit 10: speak I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to distinguish which group of the material belongs... - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 Class 8B: Jan 2008 Class 8C: Jan 2008 Class 8D: Jan 2008 Period 59 Unit 9: a first - aid course writing I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a thank-you... Metal: Tins, drinking cans Vegetable matter: Vegetables, fruit Fabric: Old clothes, pieces of materals Leather: Shoes, sandals * Post-speaking: (7 ms) 17 - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 - Ask Ss to work in pairs to find more - Work in pairs to find more items items - Ask some pairs to read aloud the words - Give finding words they found 4 Drill: (2 ms) - Ask Ss to... Procedures 1 Organization: (1 m) Class 8A 8B 8C 8D Total 31 29 31 23 Out 2 Checking up: (4 ms) - T ask Ss to write and read the words of above lesson 18 - Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 3 New lesson: Ss' activities Teacher's activities * Warm up: (5 ms) - Ask Ss to list the items relate to the - Work in groups to list the items relate to following things : the things . Teaching Plan of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - Ask Ss to look at the picture P.82. - Give in English: Stretcher: c¸i c¸ng Crutches:. of The Second Semester - English 8 --------------------- - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and name the things in the picture in English. - Explain different

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2013, 01:26

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