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Đề thi học sinh giỏi tiếng anh 6 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...

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He (be) in the bathroom 12your children (go) to school by bus everyday? 13 There (be) many flowers in our garden 14 Every day Mr Hung (not drive) to work 15 What is Mai (do) now? 16 We are tired and we’d like (sit) down IV.Mỗi câu sau có lỗi sai, sửa lại cho (1,5đ) 17 How much rice and how many beef you want? 18 She’d like a dozen eggs and any vegetables 19 Can you to go to the supermarket for me ,Hoa? 20 We need eight hundred gram of beef 21 What would you like buying at the canteen? 22.There is a apple on the table V Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau (3 đ) Lien: Hello, Mai (23) everyday? Mai: I get up at a quarter to six Lien: (24) morning? Mai: I play badminton Lien: (25) half past six? Mai: No, I don’t I go to school at six thirty Lien: (26) today? Mai: No, we don’t We have history on Tuesday and Saturday Lien: So (27) ? Mai: We have English, geography and math Lien: (28) go jogging? Mai: I always go jogging VI Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi bên (l,5đ) Hello, I’m Trung This is my school It is small and old but it is beautiful Behind the school, there is a large yard After school in the afternoon we often play soccer there The yard is clean and there are many trees and flowers My friends and I sit under these trees every morning to review our lessons My school has two floors and fifteen classrooms My classroom is on the first floor There are forty - three teachers in my school They are good teachers I love them and I love my school very much Questions: 29 Is Trung’s school big? 30 What is there behind Trung’s school? 31 What Trung and his friends often play after school? 32 Where Trung and his friends sit every morning to review their lessons 33 Does his school have two floors? 34 How many teachers are there in his school? VII Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống (3 đ) Today is Sunday (35) is fine and warm Mr Kien’s family are (36) at home They are working in the house now Mr Kien is cleaning the doors and windows Nam is helping (37) Mrs Oanh and Hoa (38) in the kitchen Mrs Oanh is (39) the dishes Hoa is cleaning the vegetables They are cooking the lunch They are going to (40) a good lunch together VIII Sắp xếp từ sau thành câu có nghĩa (2đ) 41 small / thin / sister / white / and / his / lips / teeth / has 42 Brown’s / round / Mrs / or / is / oval / face? 43 coffee / aren’t./ some / but / there / is / any / apples / there / iced 44 like /I / wouldn’t / because / bread / not / I’m / hungry 45 your / drink / brother’s / what / favorite / is? 46 a / is / Lan’s house / garden / there / big / behind 47 Ho Chi Minh City / Mrs Oanh / / family / to / how / and / travel / her? 48 walking / then / mountain / go / the / they / house / often / in / near IX Dùng từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh (2,5 đ) 49 Mrs Hue / children / eating / breakfast / foodstall 50 your / brother / play / volleyball / yard / now? 51 Mr / Mrs Thu / travel / work / car / everyday 52 Nam / friends / go / school / now 53 Every / afternoon / school / Ba / housework / and / listen / music X Dùng từ gợi ý đầu câu thứ hai viết lại câu thứ cho nghĩa không thay đỗi (2,5 đ) 54 The garden is behind Nam’s classroom Nam’s classroom 55 Tom drives to work every morning Tom travels 56 There are four people in her family Her family 57 He goes to work at seven fifteen He goes to work at a 58 This box has twelve packets of tea There  ANSWER KEY Câu + điểm Ý I (1đ) (Mỗi ý 0,25đ) II (1đ)(mỗi ý 0,25 đ) 10 11 III 12 (2 đ) (mỗi ý 0,25đ) ... §Ò thi häc sinh giái CÊp huyÖn n¨m häc 2006 - 2007 m«n TIÕng ANH líp 9 ( Thêi gian : 120 phót ) I.Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently with the rest 1. a.city b.my c.sky d.cry 2. a.throw b.thought c.through d.though 3. a.kind b.site c.kit d.bite 4. a.great b.bread c.break d.steak 5. a.lane b.man c.can d.fan Question 2. Choose the best answer . 1. I have fogotten . . . . . this machine. Can you show me how ? A. how to operate B. to operate C. operating D. how operates 2. We saw the girl . . . . . football as we drove past the field . A. play B. to playing C. to play D. playing 3. I . . . . . to see Michael after so many years . A. glad was really B. was really glad C. was glad really D. really grad was 4. . . . . . . can come to the club . You don ’ t need to be a member . A. Someone B. Every C. few D. A few 5. There is . . . . . . food left but not enough for everyone . A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 6. I went to Spain on holiday . . . . . . , but I made a lot of friends there . A. single B. lonely C. alone D. free 7. I will be on holiday . . . . . you receive this letter. A. just B. while C. by the time D. since 8. I bought these magazines . . . . . . have something to read on the trip. A. so as to B. so that C. in order D. for 9. Could you hepl me with my Maths ? I ’ m having alot of difficulty . . . . solving these problems . A. at B. on C. for D. in 10. If she talked less , people . . . . . her more . A. will like B. like C. liked D. would like 11.I wish this exam………… easier. a.is b.will be c.would d.were 12.This is the most intelligent boy……………I’ve erer met. a.that b.which c.who d.when 13.He made the soup by mixing ………… meat with some rice. a.a little b.many c.a few d.b and c 14.He felt sleepy because of the……………performance. a.bore b.bored c.boring d.interested 15.He asked her………… a.what day was it b.what was the day c.what day it was d.what day it is 16.Let’s go out today, …………? a.shall we b.shan’t we c.will we d.won’t you 17.When I was small, my mother always made me …………….to bed early. a.to go b.going c.gone d.go 18.We are going to China………… short holiday in June. a.for b.of c.to d.about 19.I didn’t know you were studying. I’m sorry………….interrupting you. a.to b.of c.about d.for 20.A……………. is the place for worship. a.museum b.park c.mosque d.clinic Question3. Combine these pairs of sentences into one . 1. Polly didn , t do her homework . She forgot. 2. I once met Mrs Trang . I , ll always remember it . 3. The driver wanted to buy some cigarettes . So he stopped . 4. The room is painted yellow . Nobody has slept in the room for years . 5. She invited me to dinner . It was very kind of her . Question 4. Turn these sentences into passive voice. 1. You can , t wash this dress. You must dry _ clean it . 2. He will have to paint these doors tomorrow. 3. Will they post our letters when the ship arrives at the next port ? 4. We must keep our school clean and tidy. 5. What can we do to promote economic growth ? 6. Why didn’t they turn on th lights? 7. They haven’t sent us the book they published last year. 8. Everyone believes that terrorists kipnapped him. 9. They built that old house in 1822. 10. Nobody told me about that . Question 5. Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meang . 1. It doesn , t need to be finished this afternoon . => It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. They think the owner of the house is broad . => The owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Michael laughed when I told him the joke . => The joke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Jenny doesn , t play tennis as well as she used to . => Jenny used . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. The door was so heavy that the child couldn , t push it open . => The door was too . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. You can , t visit the United States unless you get a visa . => If you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sở GD&ĐT Quảng Ninh kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi CP tỉnh lớp 12 năm học 2010 - 2011 Đề thi CHNH THC ( thi ny cú 09 trang) Chữ ký của giám thị Môn: Tiếng Anh (bảng A) Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề SBD: 1: Ngày thi: 26/10/2010 Họ, tên thí sinh: Số phách Ngày sinh: chm ln 1: 2: Nơi sinh: Học sinh trng: Ban coi thi: S phỏch chm phỳc kho: im bi thi chm ln 1: Bng s: Bng ch: H tờn, ch ký ca hai ngi chm ln 1: 1: 2: Số phách chm ln 1: S phỏch chm phỳc kho: im bi thi chm phỳc kho: Bng s: . Bng ch: . H tờn, ch ký ca hai ngi chm phỳc kho: 1: 2: Ghi chú: Thí sinh trả lời ngay vào bi thi này. Nếu viết sai phải gạch bỏ rồi viết lại. I. LISTENING (3,0 points) Activity 1: When Ted comes home, he finds three recorded messages on his answerphone. Listen and complete the information in Ted's notebook. 1. From: Carol About: (1) Where: the Odeon When: (2) What time: (3) . Where to meet: (4) 2. From: Donald Ferguson About: (5) . Where: (6) . When: (7) What time: (8) . Dress: not formal 3. From: Jason About: (9) . Where: (10) . When: (11) What time: (12) . Address: (13) Activity 2: Listen to two people, Sophie and Sally, arraging a party. Read the questions, then listen and circle the letter A, B or C next to the right answer. 1. Who is leaving? A. Thomas B. Trevor C. Terry 2 2. Who is going to book the restaurant? A. Sally B. Sophie C. Susie 3. Which restaurant is ®Ò thi chän ®éi tuyÓn anh 9 ( Thêi gian : 150 phót - kh«ng kÓ giao ®Ò) A. phonetics - grammar - Vocabulary: Question I: Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others (5p): 1. A. photo B. below C. wonder D. lotus 2. A. forest B. resort C. reason D. visit 3. A. health B. speak C. each D. seat 4. A. thirsty B. guitar C. dirty D. listen 5. A. sundeck B. garden C. weekend D. event Question II. Choose the words that has different stress pattern from the others (5p): 1. A. accomplish B. examine C. imagine D. chemistry 2. A. desire B. mountain C. plateau D. constant 3. A. industry B. interest C. suburb D. equality 4. A. medicine B. decide C. distance D. patient 5.A arrangement B. relationship C. scientist D. improve Question III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence (10p): 1. . he comes in half an hour, we shall go alone A. Because B. If C. Unless D. When 2. I don’t believe a word she says , I think she . . A. lied B. I laying C. is telling lie D. is lying 3. , a bat sends out a series of signals, which bounce off any object in its path. A. When in flying B. While it is flying C.When they are flying D. Once flying 4. Mr John does not know . the lawn mover after they had finished using it . A. where did they put B. where they did put C. where they put D. where to put 5. The noise startled the woman . A. frightened B. frighten C. frightening D. fright 6. Jack’s shoes are very dirty . They need A. cleaning B. cleaner C. to clean D. clean 7. His pronunciation causes me a lot of . A. difficulties B. difficult C. difficulty D. difficultly 8. We lived in that on the corner. A. old house brick small . C. small old brick house B. brick small old house. D. house brick small old 9. . around us gives us vital information about our environment A. The sounds are heard. C. Hearing the sounds . B. That the hearing of sound. D. What ever the sounds are heard . 10. He took his seat quietly , . A. in order that not to disturb their conversation. C. in order not disturb their conversation . B. so as to disturb their conversation D. so as not to disturb their conversation . QuestionIV: Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting(10p). 1. I suggested that you taking his advice to treat your cough. A B C D 2.Even though studying hard, he failed his exam last year. A B C D 3.The pollution of the sea can be the result of careless or dumping of waste. A B C D 4. If today is Sunday, we would have a lot of fun at the camping. A B C D 5. She apologized for being many rude to me. A B C D 6.The children were playing lastnight outdoor when it began to rain hard. A B C D 7.The bridge was hitting by a large ship during a sudden storm last week. A B C D 8.Eventhough she looks very young, she is twice older than my twenty - year - old sister. A B C D 9.One of the most urgent problem, facing us now is the need to control population growth. A B C D 10.Tom has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t, neither. A B C D Question V. Provide the correct form of the words given (10p): The environment - our responsibility These days it is (0). impossible . to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being (1) . and the future -1- SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TIỀN GIANG KỲ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI ĐỒNG BẰNG SÔNG CỬU LONG LẦN THỨ 16 TẠI TỈNH TIỀN GIANG ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 04 tháng 01 năm 2009 (Đề thi có 08 trang) Chú ý: Mỗi câu hỏi thí sinh làm trên 01 tờ giấy riêng biệt Câu 1:LISTENING ( 3.0 điểm ) PART 1: Listen to a talk and circle A,B,C or D to indicate the correct answer. 1. What is the main topic of the talk? A. How to become young entrepreneurs. B. How to meet rich, famous people. C. How to become wealthy people. D. How to have qualities of rich people. 2. Who is the audience? A. Young entrepreneurs. B. University students. C. Rich businesspeople. D. Famous millionaires. 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the talk? A. The rich have qualities that make them different. B. Not all the qualities that rich people have are good. C. Meanness is one quality people should have to get rich. D. Rich people’s appearance is very different from ours. 4. What did Matthew Freud do to get money when young? A. He helped his friends with their homework. B. He sold mice to his friends at school. C. He showed rich schoolfriends how to learn. D. He made friends with millionaires’children. 5. Which of the following is NOT a quality of the rich? A. Extravagance B. Confidence C. Hard work D. Ambition 6. Which of these people is mentioned as an example of a hard-working person? A. John Paul Getty B. Bill Gates C. Rupert Murdoch D. Anita Roddick PART 2: Listen to a conversation and fill in the numbered gaps in the table. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. TIM JANE Day of arrival Sunday (1)………………………… Subject (2) ………………………… (3) ………………………… ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC -2- Number of books to read (4) ………………… . (5) ………………………… Day of the first lecture (6) …………………………. (7) ………………………… First essay’s topic / title (8) …………………………. (9) ………………………… Câu 2:VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR ( 7.0 điểm) A. Multiple choice : (3.0 điểm) 1. He promised to mend the broken wheel soon without ___________ . A. fail B. failure C. trouble D. mistake 2. People who are unemployed can receive the ____________ . A. pension B. dole C. scholarship D. allowance 3. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have ________ . any solutions. A. looked into B. thought over C. got round to D. come up with 4. I have never seen _____________ before . A. such good film B. so good film C. so good a film D. such good a film 5. We've got a very good ____ in the local newspaper this morning. They must have liked the play. A. critic B. article C. write-up D. praise 6. The accused man was proved innocent and was ______________ . A. liberated B. excused C. interned D. acquitted 7. As we were driving along a car suddenly ______________ in front of us. A. set out B. put up C. pulled out D. stepped in 8. I know for _________ that he was at the scene yesterday. . A. exact B. certain. C. true D. correct 9. She's certainly a _________ writer; she has written quite a few books this year. A. fruitful B. fertile C. prolific D. successful 10. I’ll _________ the idea with the other members in the family and let you know. . A. discuss B. argue C. explain D. talk 11. The car burst into ________ but the driver managed to escape . A. fire B. burning C. heat D. flames 12. I was just ___________ to go out when you telephoned . A. around B. about C. thinking D. planned 13. They live in a very _____________ populated area of Italy . A. sparsely B. scarcely C. hardly D. barely 14. The _________ exam in January prepared pupils for the real thing in June . A. false B. unreal C. untrue D. imaginary 15. Automobile production in the United States _________ A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years B. has been rather erratic recently C. has ... family are ( 36) at home They are working in the house now Mr Kien is cleaning the doors and windows Nam is helping (37) Mrs Oanh and Hoa (38) in the kitchen Mrs Oanh is (39) ... favorite / is? 46 a / is / Lan’s house / garden / there / big / behind 47 Ho Chi Minh City / Mrs Oanh / / family / to / how / and / travel /... 56 There are four people in her family Her family 57 He goes to work at seven fifteen He goes to work at a 58 This box

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2017, 00:34

