INFORMATION ON MASTER’THESIS Full name: VO THI MINH ANH Sex: Female Date of birth: April 1st, 1976 Place of birth: Ha Noi Admission decision number: Dated Changes in academic process: adjust staff master's thesis (Decision No 1823/QD-SDH 05/10/2012 and Decision 3212/QD-SDH date 08/24/2012) Official thesis title: “Technology assessment of wastewater treatment systems in a number of hospitals in Hanoi and solutions to improve treatment efficiency” Major: Environmental Science Code:60 85 02 10 Supervisors: Assoc.Prof Tran Thi Hong, The Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 11 Summary of the finding of the thesis: file attached 12 Practical applicability: - The basis of conformity assessment of technology wastewater treatment systems in hospital - Hospitals can apply one of the measures proposed to improve the performance of wastewater treatment system of each hospital 13 Further research directions: no 14 Thesis-related publications: no Date: Signature: Full name: Vo Thi Minh Anh TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS IN A NUMBER OF HOSPITALS IN HANOI AND SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE TREATMENT EFFICIENCY INTRODUCTION Hospital wastewater arising from many different sources during the operation of the hospital, such as: blood, body fluids, patient clothes, towels, blankets for the beds, washing the medical supplies, laboratory, surgical, obstetric, hygiene, cleaning, cleaning the prevention…Characteristics of the wastewater is more impurities, organic matter, nutrients and especially the germs Most types of wastewater must be treated and disinfected before being discharged into the environment The country now has about 44% of hospital medical wastewater treatment system (76.5% of the central hospitals; 53% of provincial hospitals and 37% of district hospitals) However, wastewater treatment systems in many hospitals are designed for a long time ago, treatment technology not meet environmental standards and need to be repaired, upgraded to suit scale development, health care needs of the people and meet the standards, national technical standards on environment Besides, the number of patients and the number of hospital beds increasing due to population growth or a number of hospitals, health care facilities improve service capacity to meet the health care needs resulting in a wastewater treatment discharge increased, wastewater at a number of hospitals has exceeded the design capacity of the treatment system This caused remarkable impact on the quality of wastewater after treatment Thus, the conduct of research, performance evaluation process, wastewater treatment technology suitable hospital work is essential Therefore, we have chosen the theme: "Technology assessment of wastewater treatment systems in a number of hospitals in Hanoi and solutions to improve treatment efficiency” The object is evaluate the effectiveness of medical waste water treatment system of wastewater treatment in a hospital in Hanoi as a basis for proposing solutions to increase the performance of the system CONTENT Review of the literature on hospital wastewater treatment, environmental technology assessment Survey of the current situations of wastewater treatment systems in 10 hospitals in Hanoi Technology assessment of wastewater treatment system at Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital and Viet Duc Hospital To propose solutions improve operational efficiency for wastewater treatment systems and apply the proposed test at Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital Evaluate the proposed test METHODS Overview of data collection methods Field survey methods and sampling Empirical research methods and analysis Data processing Methods of analysis and evaluation technology RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The study was conducted to survey current situations of wastewater treatment systems in 10 hospitals and to assess the suitability of technologies applied in two systems in Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital and Viet Duc hospital, which formed the basis for proposing solutions to improve the performance of these systems The results are as follows: Of the 10 regional hospitals in Hanoi, had wastewater treatment systems and all of the systems were operating 8/10 hospitals had wastewater collection systems which collected medical wastewater only Wastewater treatment systems under modules were mainly applied in these hospitals (6/10) Results of the assessment of the appropriateness of technologies applied in wastewater treatment systems in Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital and Viet Duc hospital showed that: - Wastewater treatment system in Viet Duc hospital relatively well treated chemical, physical and microbiological parameters: COD removal efficiency was 67.4%, BOD 60.4%, SS 71.2%, ammonium 54%, coliform 99.99% Except for BOD (58.5 mg/L), all parameters met National Discharge Standards (QCVN 28:2010/MONRE), column B Meanwhile, some indicators in the discharge from wastewater treatment system of Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital did not meet national discharge standards which were COD, BOD and ammonium, with the removal efficiency of 52.9%, 55%, and 4.78%, respectively - The cost for treating 1m3 of wastewater (including chemicals, electricity and labor cost) was 3,872 VND/m3 and 3,953 VND/m3 in Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital and Viet Duc Hospital, respectively - Two systems were underground, tight systems which had less secondary impacts on the environment and occupational safety - These systems were suitable the urban area situation, did not affect communities and they were not influenced by regional weather conditions Solutions were proposed based on above data to improve the operational efficiency of wastewater treatment systems in hospitals in general and in Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital and Viet Duc Hospital in particular with regard to management and operation These solutions were tested in Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital The result illustrated that removal efficiency of COD, BOD and SS increased (from 52.9 to 76.1%, from 55 to 72.4% andfrom to 73.3%, respectively) COD in the discharge met QCVN 28:2010/MONRE, column B for medical wastewater The treatment cost for 1m3 water was 4,289 VND Currently, Viet Duc Hospital is certified as completing radically environmental pollution treatment and is out of the list of seriously environmental polluting sources under Decision 64/2003/QD-TTg April 22, 2003 on approving “Plan thoroughly treating the basis cause serious environmental pollution” promulgated by Prime Minister Keywords: technology assessment, treatment system, hospital wastewater ... technology assessment Survey of the current situations of wastewater treatment systems in 10 hospitals in Hanoi Technology assessment of wastewater treatment system at Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology... Results of the assessment of the appropriateness of technologies applied in wastewater treatment systems in Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital and Viet Duc hospital showed that: - Wastewater... waste water treatment system of wastewater treatment in a hospital in Hanoi as a basis for proposing solutions to increase the performance of the system CONTENT Review of the literature on hospital