Unit 9. Deserts tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế, kin...
Trang 1Unit 9: DESERTS
Trang 2* Work in pairs Ask and answer the following questions.
1 What do you know about deserts?
2 What kinds of plants and animals live in a desert?
They are the large area of sand without tree and water,
but with severe climates, very hot during the day and
very cold at night There is very little rainfall there; very
few people and animals except for in oases.
Plants: cacti, date palm, grass, etc.
Before you read
Trang 3New words and phrases
1 Aerial survey ( n) ['eəriəl
2 Héi §Þa lý Hoµng gia óc
3 Thæ d©n óc
4 Cån c¸t
5 Cá l¸ nhän
Trang 4TASK 1
Match the words in A with their Vietnamese equivalents in B.
1 Stretch (n/ v) [stret∫] a Dốc thoai thoải
2 Sandy ( adj) ['sổndi] b Dốc đứng
3 Sloping ( adj) ['sloupiη] c Có cát
5 Hummock ( n) ['hʌmək] e Đỉnh ( gò, đống)
Trang 5Aerial survey
Trang 6Australian aborigines
Trang 7dunes
Trang 8Spinifex
Trang 9TASK 2 Decide whether the statements are True ( T), False ( F) or No
Information ( N.I)
1 According to the passage, there are three
great deserts in Australia.
2 The Simpson Desert is the largest one in
Trang 10Paragraph 1
Three great stretches of sandy desert almost circle the centre of Australia To the north of Nullabor Plain stretches the Great Victoria Desert In the west, the Gibbon, Great Sandy, and Tanami Deserts comprise
an enormous sandy area North of Lake Eyre lies the Simpson Desert, the last part of Australia to be explored
Trang 11Paragraph 2
The Simpson desert lies between Lake Eyre in the south, the Macdonnel Ranges in the north, the Mulligan and the Diamantina Rivers in the east, and the Macumba and Finke Rivers in the west The first European entered the Simpson Desert in 1845 But the desert remained a mystery until Madigan made an aerial survey
in 1929 He named the desert after Simpson, President of the South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australia
Trang 12Paragraph 3
In 1936, Colson and an Australian Aborigine took camels across the desert They travelled along the border of South Australia and the Northern Territory Three years later Madigan led a scientific expedition across the sand dunes on a mote northerly route Colson and Madigan both travelled eastward across the Simpson
Trang 13Paragraph 4
In the Simpson Desert there are different types of dunes In the western part of the desert, there is a network of short dunes, mostly less than 10 metres high Hummock grasses grow in loose sand on the crest and spinifex grows in the corridors between dunes and on the more stable slopes.
Trang 15TASK 3
Answer the following questions
1 What are the names of the three great stretches of sandy deserts which circle the centre of Australia?
2 Where is the Simpson Desert?
3 When did the first European enter the desert?
4 Who was Simpson?
5 How did E.A Colson and an Australian aborigine
travel across the desert?
6 What are the dunes like in the western and northern parts of the desert?
7 How many kinds of grass grow in the Simpson
Desert? What are they?
Trang 16Each group takes turns to choose a question
For each question you will have three
choices A, B or C for the answer
Whistle to have the right to answer in 12
Raise the card to get the 2 points.
The turn is passed to the other group if the
Trang 17A The Great Victoria Desert, Tanami
Deserts and the Simpson Desert.
B the Simpson Desert,The Great
Victoria Desert, the Gibbon, Great
Sandy and Tanami Deserts
C The Great Victoria Desert, the
Gibbon, and Tanami Deserts and
the Simpson Desert.
1 What are the names of the three great stretches of sandy deserts which circle the centre of Australia?
Trang 18A In the north of Lake Eyre
B In the west of the centre
C To the north of Nullabor
2 Where is the Simpson Desert?
Trang 193 When did the first European
enter the desert?
A In 1945
B In 1854
C In 1845
Trang 20A He was the president of the Royal
Geographical Society of Australia.
B He was the president of the South
Australia Branch of the Royal
Geographical Society of Australia.
C He was the president of the North
4 Who was Simpson?
Trang 21How did E.A Colson and an Australian
aborigine travel across the desert?
A.They traveled across the desert by camels B.They drove across the desert.
C They flown across the desert.
Trang 22In the western part, they are - , mostly less than 10 metres high,
and in the northern part, they are
- and are up to 20 metres
A parallel/ short
B short/ parallel
6 What are the dunes like in the western
and northern parts of the desert?
Trang 237 How many kinds of grass grow in the
Simpson Desert? What are they?
Two kinds of grass grow in the
Simpson Desert They are
A.hummock grass and spinifex
B.hummock grass and cacti
C.cacti and spinifex
Trang 24• Learn the new words and phrase
• Read the funny story in textbook page 99
• Prepare for the next lesson : Unit 9
Deserts - Speaking
Trang 25Thank you