Unit 9. Deserts tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế, kin...
Presented by Vu Lan Huong The second Kim Thanh high school RabbitCactusCamelRosesDogButterflyHorsesBearDeerCrocodile 605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231 30 29 282726252423222120191817161514131211109 8 76 5 432 1 0 Rabbit Butterfly Cactus Horses Camel Bear Roses Deer Dog Crocodile Unit 9: deserts Period 56: Lesson 2: Speaking Vocabulary camel (n) cactus (n): lizard (n): /’lizəd/ date palm (n) Con lạc đà Cây xương rồng Cây chà là Con thằn lằn eucalyptus: (n) Cây bạch đàn/ju:kə’liptəs/ /’kæktəs/ /deit pa:m/ /’kæməl/ can can’t need don’t need T a s k 1 live in deserts, a lot of water can can’t stand the weather there. I think, ___ because they and they 605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231 30 29 282726252423222120191817161514131211109 8 76 5 432 1 0 Check the trees and animals might exist in a desert. Explain your choice. Natural features of a desert Task 2 A: What s the weather like in a desert?’ B: I think, it’s very hot in daytime but cold at night. A: Does it often rain there? B: No, it doesn’t. It rarely rains. A. Please tell me the soil? Is it good? B. No, it’s sandy. Do you know which animal or tree can live there? A.I think ______can live there, because they don t need a lot of water. (or they can stand ’ the weather there .) Using what you have done to make conversations Task 2 605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231 30 29 282726252423222120191817161514131211109 8 76 5 432 sh 10 unit 2 speaking task 4'>Task 2 605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231 30 29 282726252423222120191817161514131211109 8 76 5 432 1 0 605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231 30 29 282726252423222120191817161514131211109 8 76 5 4321 0 cactu s You are going on an expedition across a desert with some of your friends, you choose the five most important things you should bring a long with you. 1. Food/ water: difficult to find in a desert => bring as much as possible. 2. A knife: help eat easily/ protect from the attack of animals. 3. A camel: can stand the weather there. 4. A box of match: make fire to keep warm at night/cook food. 5. A car: not drive in sand/no petrol station. 6. A cell phone: no telephone waves to use. 7. A walkman: use to relax … If I’m going on an expedition across a desert with some friends, I should bring . because . 605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231 30 29 282726252423222120191817161514131211109 8 76 5 4321 0 Task 3 1. Base on the task 3-write a short paragraph (about 80 words). Using suggestions: “If I’m going on an expedition across a desert with some of my friends, I should bring… because…” 2. Prepare lesson 3: listening Tran phu high SCHOOL CLASS 2A6 English lesson Part D : Writing Designed by : Pre- Writing The Sahara Desert The Sahara Desert What you know more about the Sahara Desert ? What is this ? It is a desert in Africa It is the largest desert in the world Sahara (tiếng Ả Rập: sahra - nghĩa là sa mạc) là sa mạc lớn giới với diện tích 9.000.000 km², xấp xỉ diện tích của Hoa Kỳ và Trung Quốc Sahara phía bắc châu Phi và có tới 2,5 triệu năm tuổi Được bao bọc bởi Đại Tây Dương ở phía Tây, dãy núi Atlas và Địa Trung Hải ở phía Bắc,Biển Đỏ (Hồng Hải) và Ai Cập ở phía Đông; Sudan và thung lũng sông Niger ở phía Nam Điểm cao sa mạc đỉnh núi Emi Koussi với độ cao 3415 m so với mực nước biển, thuộc dãy núi Tibesti phía Bắc nước Chad Trong suốt kỷ nguyên băng hà, vùng Sahara ẩm ướt ngày nhiều Và có nhiều loài động, thực vật sinh sống nơi Tuy nhiên ngày nay,ngoại trừ vùng thung lũng sông Nin là trồng nhiều rau số nơi khác vùng cao nguyên phía Bắc, gần Địa Trung Hải trồng cây ôliu còn phần lớn vùng canh tác Với diện tích tương đương Hoa Kỳ có 2,5 triệu người sinh sống vùng Chủ yếu tập trung ở Ai Cập, Mauritania,Morocco (Ma Rốc) và Algeria Các dân tộc bao gồm chủng Tuareg, Ả Rập, nhóm người da đen Tubu, Nubians, Zaghawa, Kanuri, Peul hay Fulani, Hausa Songhai Thành phố lớn vùng là Cairo, thủ đô của Ai Cập nằm thung lũng sông Nin Một số thành phố quan trọng khác bao gồmNouakchott, thủ đô của Mauritania; Tamanrasset, Algeria; Timbuktu, Mali; Agadez, Niger; Ghat, Lib ya; và Faya, Chad Sa mạc lớn giới nằm Bắc Phi, kéo dài từ bờ Đại Tây Dương theo hướng đông đến bờ biển Hồng Hải Sahara kéo dài 5.600 km từ đông sang tây, rộng 1.600 km từ nam sang bắc, qua Ai Cập, Sudan, Lybia, Chad, Angeria, Niger, Tunisia, Marốc, Mali, Mauritania Tây Sahara, với tổng diện tích 8.600.000 km2, chiếm 30% lục địa châu Phi Theo thói quen, người ta hay gọi sa mạc, phải gọi hoang mạc xác Sahara không sa mạc điển hình với nhiều đồi cát lớn mà có diện tích lớn nham thạch lộ thiên có lớp mỏng nham thạch vụn (hoang mạc đá) với bãi cuội sỏi (sa mạc) Sa mạc Sahara nằm gần đường bắc hồi quy, cách đường xích đạo trái đất 23°27' phía bắc 23°17' phía nam Nơi năm chịu khống chế vùng khí hậu áp nhiệt đới cao vùng gió mùa đông bắc Gió đông bắc làm giảm khí lưu gió từ lục địa đến, nước ngưng tụ nên khí hậu khô hạn Lượng mưa trung bình hàng năm khu vực 100 mm, có nơi chí giọt mưa nhiều năm Diện tích khu vực khô hạn đứng hàng thứ toàn cầu Do lượng mưa ít, lại thêm việc chăn thả khai khẩn độ, sa mạc Sahara không ngừng mở rộng phía nam Khoảng nửa kỷ trở lại đây, Sahara mở rộng gần với diện tích Afghanistan (652.000 km2) Khu vực sa mạc khô hạn, mây, ánh sáng mặt trời chói chang, quanh năm sóng nhiệt cuồn cuộn, nóng khô người Nhiệt độ trung bình hàng năm 25°C trở lên, nhiệt độ bình quân tháng cao năm (tháng 7) 35-37°C thời gian trì mức nhiệt độ dài Ngày 13/8/1922, vùng Ajijiye cách thủ đô Tripoli Lybia 45 km phía nam, nhiệt độ đạt 58°C, trở thành nơi cực nóng giới Ở sa mạc, ban ngày mặt trời đỏ rực thiêu đốt Nếu để trứng cát, chẳng chốc chín Nhưng đến đêm, gió lạnh cắt da cắt thịt, ngủ không đắp chân không chịu Sự chênh lệch nhiệt độ ban đêm ban ngày 15-35°C, cao lên tới 38,2°C Dưới thay đổi nhiệt độ thế, nham thạch thường bị phân giải bào mòn nghiêm trọng giãn nở nóng co lại lạnh Trong sa mạc có bão cát gió bụi dội, thường làm cát bay đá lở, tối tăm trời đất Một lượng lớn cát bụi đem đến khu vực phía nam Sahara, chí đến Đại Tây Dương Ở khu vực thủ đô Novakchott Mauritania thường xảy tượng mưa cát Sahara nơi tập trung nhiều tài nguyên khoáng sản châu Phi, quan trọng dầu mỏ khí đốt thiên nhiên Ngoài có khoáng sản khác uranium, sắt, mangan, đồng… Vocabulary - extend (v) / iks'tend / tr¶i dµi - arid (adj) / 'ærid / kh« c»n - moisture (n) / 'mɔist∫ə / h¬i Èm Africa / 'æfrikə/ The Atlantic ocean / ət'læntik 'əʊ∫n / Iraq / i'rɑ:k / Morocco / mə'rɔkəu / Algeria/ æl'dʒiəriə / Tunisia / tju:'niziə / Libya / 'libiə/ Egypt / i'dʒipt/ Mauritania/ mɔri’teiniə / Mali / 'ma:li / Mali Niger /'ni:ʒeə/ Sudan /su 'da:n/ WhileWriting Unit 9: Deserts – Writing – task 1: Studying the table General information Largest desertdesert in the world It is the largest … InisNorthern of Africa It situated/ located in ……… - Extends from the Atlantic and Location extends/ Ocean eastward the Red stretches past from … Sea to Iraq to …… -Lies in Morocco, -It lieslargely largely in ……… (10% of Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Africa) Mauritania, Niger and Sudan Area -Total area: … more than 9,065,000 - It covers sq km - Its total area is … - 1,610 km wide and about 5,150 -km …long has from a total area of … east to west Unit 9: Deserts – Writing – task 1: Studying the table General information arid land, dry climate (moisture is The moisture is almost totally Natural almost totally hot in ,so itabsent).very is … features absent and very cold in winter -summer It is …… with …… - Few oases exist There areand … large dunes of sand Sandyis/ land Tableland witha an averagewith elevation Sahara is on ... Fill in each blank with one suitable word from the box. 1. The desert was named …………… a famous writer. 2. A ……… is a low hill of sand formed by a wind in a desert. 3. you can see hummock grasses on the ……… of dunes in the Simpson Desert. 4. Spenifex grows in the ……………… between dunes and on the more stable slopes. 5. The great Victoria Desert ………… to the North of Nullabor. crest dune desert stretches after corridors Lesson 2: Listening Listening Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. 1. What is a desert? 2. How is a desert formed? 3. Can human beings make a desert? Why/ Why not? * Vocabulary: 1. cool (a) cool (v) 2. canal (n) [kə'næl] kênh, sông đào 3. needle (n) ['ni:dl] kim,l¸ kim 4. colony (n) ['k ləni]ɔ thuéc ®Þa 5. firewood (n) ['faiəwud] cñi 6. edge (n) [ed ]ʒ riµ, c¹nh 7. petroleum (n) [pə'trouliəm] Iraq is very rich in petroleum. lµm cho m¸t, nguéi dÇu canal needle colony firewood edge kênh, sông đào kim, l¸ kim thuéc ®Þa cñi riµ, c¹nh dÇu petroleum frightening speed Australia Sahara firewood petroleum Mauritania Task1. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? T F 1. In a desert, everything is hard. 2. Only trees with hard needles can grow in desert. 3. Space seems to have no limit in the desert. 4.Nature causes the change in the size and location of the world’s desert. 5.Rabbits are one of the agents that help make deserts in Australia. Task 2. Answer the following questions C EB D A F [...]... What is desert? What causes the growth of a desert? What should humans do to prevent the growth of deserts? Name some things which appears in the pictures? - trees - canal - water - grass - tower - building - brick - cloud - fence - Question 1 1 What central theme does the talk examine? A A It examines deserts, what they are and how they are formed B It examines plants and animals C It examines Welcome you to our Welcome you to our lesson! lesson! Welcome you to our Welcome you to our lesson! lesson! 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh Do the crossword puzzle to complete this sentence. Do you know any … in the world? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 d r u g i s e n d s t o rh e n d e a d s s r t o p a s y 1.It is illegal for Tango’s islanders to make and use ….2. He went to the post office to …. some letters. 3. My sister is good at …4. I’ll come to see you at the … of this month.5. He often … newspapers while he is having breakfast.6. You’d better . Smoking.7. My brother isn’t so tall … you. 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh ( Reading ) ( Reading ) 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh * Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. 1. What do you know about deserts? 2. What kinds of plants and animals live in a desert? 3. Name some of the countries which have deserts? 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh ** Vocabulary: 1. stretch (r, n) [stret∫] Kéo dài, dải 2. aerial (n) ['eəriəl] ở trên không 3. camel (n) ['kæməl] 4. dune (n) [dju:n] đụn, cồn cát 5. network (n) ['netwə:k] mạng lưới 6. hummock (n) ['hʌmək] gò, đống 7. crest (n) [krest] đỉnh nóc, chỏm, ngọn 8. spinifex (n) ['spainəfeks ] cỏ lá nhọn 9. slope (n) [sləup] dốc thoai thoải 10. Steep slope (n) Dốc đứng 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh Match the words in A with their Vietnamese equivalents in B. A B 1. dune 2. crest 3. Australian Aborigine 4. expendition 5.Royal Geographical Society 6. aerial a. cuộc thăm dò, thám hiểm b. Hội Địa lý Hoàng gia Úc c.ở trên không d. đỉnh, nóc, chỏm e. thổ dân Úc f. đụn, cồn cát 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh Task 1. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? T F 1. According to the passage, there are three great deserts in Australia. 2.The Simpson Desert is the largest one in Australia. 3. The desert was named after Simpson in 1929. 4. Colson and Madigan travelled across the Simpson Desert in 1936. 5. There are more dunes in the western part of the desert. 6. Dry salt lakes are in the northern part of the desert. a c d f g h Team work Game: Lucky stars 2 5 4 6 3 b e 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh Task2. Answer the following questions. 1. What are the names of the three great stretches of sandy desert which circle the center of Australia? 2.Where is the Simpson Desert? 3. When did the first European enter the desert? 4. Who was Simpson? They are Great Victoria Deserts, Gibbon, Great Sandy and Tanami Deserts and Simpson Desert. It lies between Lake Eyre in the south, the Macdonnel Ranges in the north, the Mulligan and the Diamantina Rivers in the east, and the Macumba and Finke Rivers in the west. In 1845. He was the president of the South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australia. 16 Jun 2013 Hoàng Linh 5. How did E. A. Colson and an Australian Aborigine travel across the desert? 6. What are the dunes like in the western and northern part of the desert? 7. How many kinds of grass grow in the Simpson Desert? What are they? Task2. Answer the following questions. They took camels across the desert. In the western part, they are short, mostly less than 10 metres high, and in the northern part, they are parallel and are up to 20 metres high. Two. They are hummock grass and spinifex. TRƯỜNG VĂN HÓA 3 – BỘ CÔNG AN BỘ MÔN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI GVTH: TrÇn ThÞ TuyÕt Nhung UNIT 9: PART D: WRITING School: VAN HOA 3 Teacher: Tran Thi Tuyet Nhung Guessing Game : Rule: Students work in groups. There are three suggestions. After the first suggestion, during 5 seconds, which group can give correct answer get 10 mark. At the second suggestion, the winner get 8 mark and get 6 mark at the third suggestion. WARM - UP WHAT I AM? WHAT I AM? A A B B C C I am located in northern Africa I am located in northern Africa I’m the largest desert in the world I’m the largest desert in the world Look at my image Look at my image WHAT I AM? WHAT I AM? Sah a r a De s er t I am UNIT 9: PART D: Writing (English 12 – Page 102) Unit 9: Deserts - PART D : WRITING SAHARA DESERT: General Information Location Area Natural features Trees and animals - Largest desert in the world - In northern Africa - Extends from the Atlantic Ocean eastward past to Red Sea to Iraq - Lies largely in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Sudan - Total area: more than 9,065,000 sq km - 1,610 km wide and about 5,150 km long from east to west - Arid land, dry climate (moisture is almost totally absent), very hot in summer and very cold in winter - Few oases exist - Sandy and large dunes of sand - Tableland with an average elevation from 400 to 500 m - Few forms of animal and vegetable life - Main trees: cactus, the date palm, and a form of acacia - main animals: gazelle, antelope, fox, jackal, camel Unit 9: Deserts - PART D : WRITING VOCABULARY Elevation / eli´vei~n/(n) Cactus / ´k`kt6s/ (n) Date palm /deit ´pa:m/ (n) Arid / ´`rid/ (adj) Acacia / 6´kei~6/(n) Gazelle / g6´zel/ (n) Antelope / ´`ntil6$p/ (n) Độ cao Cây chà là Khô cằn Cây xiêm gai Linh dương (Ga – zen) Sơn dương Cây xương rồng BEFORE Y OU WRITE Unit 9: Deserts - PART D : WRITING TASK 1: Using the information from the table and answer the following questions 1. Where is the Sahara Desert located? 2. What are its special features? 3. What is its total area?/ How big is it? 4. What do you know about the natural features? 5. And how are trees and animals? [...].. .Unit 9: Deserts - PART D : WRITING TASK 1: Use the information from the table and answer the following questions 1 What are the 1 Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the World Sahara Desert’s special features?... of animal and vegetable life The main trees you can find are cactus, the date palm, and a form of acacia Besides, the main animals you are likely to see are gazelle, antelope, fox, jackal, camel Unit 9: Deserts - PART D : WRITING WHILE YOU TASK 2: Use the information from task 1 as well as information in the table below and write a composition about the Sahara Desert WRITE SAHARA DESERT: Location... oases exist - Sandy and large dunes of sand - Tableland with an average elevation from 400 to 500 m - Few forms of animal and vegetable life - Main trees: cactus, the date palm, and a form of acacia Unit 9: Deserts WRITING 17 Le Duan St, BMT City - PART D : November 30, 2008 Dear An, I’m glad to receive your letter which you tell me about your holiday in New York City in I’m writing to you for the Sahara... haven’t known so please discuss with me on your next letter Write me soon Love, AFTER YOU WRITE FEEDBACK ON WRITING Example Writing: Thien Anh date of teaching Class Absent student January 4 th 2011 12C2 January 4 th 2011 12C3 January 4 th 2011 12C4 The 54 th period UNIT 9: deserts lesson A: Reading A. Objectives: 1.Aims: -Life of plants, animals in deserts. - Common knowledge of the life of plants and animals in the deserts 2. Knowledge: -Vocabulary: Words related to the lives of plants and animals in deserts. - Grammar: + The tenses. 3. Skills: - main skill: reading - sub – skills: writing,listening,speaking B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. C. Teaching aids:- Teacher:hand-outs, dictionary,pictures,… D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Checking the sts whole lesson Warm-up: (5 minutes) Aims: to introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest. - Introduce the new lesson to the students. Before you read : (7 minutes) - Ask students to look at the picture ask and answer the questions. While you read : (23 minutes) - Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence - Help students read the passage - Explain pronunciation and meaning of - Listen to teacher. - Look at the picture, listen to the teacher then ask and answer the questions in the book. - Work in pairs. - Listen to the teacher then read the passages - Ask some new words if necessary - Work individually to read the text then new words which appear in the passage Task 1 : (3 minutes) - Ask students to read through the text once to find out some new words, guess the main idea. - Explain new words (give the Vietnamese equivalents), guide the sts to get the main contents of the reading text. - Ask students to work individually in 3 minutes to do this task. - Guide students to read through the passage , then focus on only the sentences surrounding the suggested words to do the task effectively. - Give students some more words that may be new/ unfamiliar to them. - Guide the students to read the word in chorus and individually. Task 2: (4 minutes) - Ask students to read the passage again then work in pairs to choose the statements are true or false. - Walk round the class to give help if necessary. - Give suggested words, phrases or useful suggestions. - Correct the students work. Task 3: (6 minutes) - Ask students to read the questions carefully. - Ask students to read through the passage again. - Ask the class to do . - Call some students to give the answers. - Ask others students to correct. - Give the true answers choose the the words and phrases in the passage: - Share the key with other students: Keys: 1. Kéo dài, căng ra 2. Có cát, 3. Trắc lợng trên không 4. Hội địa lý hoàng gia Austra 5. Thổ dân Australia 6. Cồn cát, đụn cát 7. độ dốc, dốc thoai thoải 8. Dốc đứng, dốc ngợc 9. Gò, đống 10. Đỉnh (gò/đống) 11. Cỏ lá nhỏ mọc trên xa mạc - Listen to the teacher then do the task. - Works in pais: Keys: 1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. F, 5. F, 6. T. - Work individually to read the text then answer the questions: - Share the key with other students: Keys: 1. They are Great Victoria Deserts, Gibbon. 2. It lies between Lake Eyre in the south, the. 3. In 1845. 4. He was the President of the South. 5. They took camels across the desert. 6. In thwe western part, they are short, mostly . 7. Two. They are hummock grasses and spinifex After you read : (8 minutes) (available for class 12C2) - Ask student to read the story. Ask them for the humour of the story. Explain. Home work: (2 minutes) - Review the reading and prepare the speaking at home. - Read the story then answer. - Work in groups - Listen to the teacher - Write down the homework to do at home. date of teaching Class Absent student January 7 th 2011 12C2 January 7 th 2011 12C3 January 5 th 2011 12C4 The 55 th period UNIT 9: deserts lesson B: Speaking A. Objectives: 1.Aims: - Explaining why some kind of trees and animals can exit in the deserts. - The way to make the life better in the deserts. 2. Knowledge: -Vocabulary: Words about The lives of trees and animals in ... Mauritania/ mɔri’teiniə / Mali / 'ma:li / Mali Niger /'ni:ʒeə/ Sudan /su 'da:n/ WhileWriting Unit 9: Deserts – Writing – task 1: Studying the table General information Largest desertdesert in the... area is … - 1,610 km wide and about 5,150 -km …long has from a total area of … east to west Unit 9: Deserts – Writing – task 1: Studying the table General information arid land, dry climate (moisture... Thesmain animals - Main animals: gazelle, antelope, fox, are …… jackal, camel PostWriting Unit 9: Deserts – Writing – task 2: Studying the table General information : The Gobi Desert Location