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Unit 1. A visit from a pen pal

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  • 1. Because it is the birthplace of the conical hat in Hue

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Period: 06 Date of teaching: September 20 th , 2006 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 6 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives : _ Practice in past simple and past simple with wish _ By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use past simple, and past simple with wish II. Language contents: 1. Grammar : 2. Vocabulary : III. Techniques : Eliciting questions, asks and answers IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures. V. Procedure : Steps Contents and techniques Students’activities 1/ Warm up Activity 1 Activity 2 + Have students find the sentences with wish in the unit1 + Introduce the new lesson The past simple + Set the scene : This is the conversation between Tan and Phong. They are talking about Ba did on the weekend. + Give the model Form : VERB + ED or PAST FORM OF IRREGULAR VERB ( V2 ) +Ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about what Ba, Nga, Lan, Nam and Hoa did on the weekend ( exercis1/ P 11) +Tell them that the activities happened in definite in the past. + Let students practice in groups + Ask students to use the words and the pictures in exercises 2 on page 12 to write the things did Lan and her friends did to prepare for the party. The past simple with wish + Give example and explain the way to use Ex : a. You are a student ( I wish I Try to find in the unit1 Listen Work in pairs Work in groups Individual 1 Period: 06 Date of teaching: September 20 th , 2006 Activity 3 were a teacher ) b. You live in a bike. ( I wish I lived in a car ) Form : I wish + S + Past subjunctive + Ask students to look at the real situations and make wishes • Sample answers : a) I wish I were in the swimming pool now . b) I wish I had a computer now . c) I wish I lived close to school. d) I wish I drew well. + Let students make three wishes of their own. Practice Individual Homework - Do exercises 3 / P 12 - Learn by heart the structures Remarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ 2 Similarities: conical hat, string Differences: Picture A: light green, pictures betwwen layers, blue string, look lighter Picture B : white, no decoration, pink string, look heavier Because it is the birthplace of the conical hat in Hue Because it is the birthplace of the conical hat in Hue It’s going to the forest to collect leaves They are very thin It has poems and paintings of Hue between the two layers • Everybody can, young or old • B 2.C B 4.C 5.C 6.B • Other benefits: creating national/ regional pride, helping develop tourism, helping improve local infrastructure ( co so tang) and services, creating cohesion ( su dinh ket)between craft families and communities • Other challenges : limited designs, natural resources, running out, competition from other countries Period : 2 Date of teaching : September 13 th , 2007 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 1 : GETTING STARTED & LISTEN AND READ LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 I. Objectives : _ To introduce the topic and new material _ By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about places Lan went to with her foreign friends and activities they took part in. II. Language contents : 1. Grammar : + The past simple + The past simple with wish 2. Vocabulary : Verbs Nouns Correspond mosque Impress friendliness pray III. Techniques : Eliciting questions, asks and answers IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures V. Procedures : Steps Contents and techniques Students’activities Warm up Presentation Practice + Teacher’s questions • Do you have any pen pal ? • Where does she / he live ? • What activities would you do during the visit ? + Possible answers : I’ll take him / her to …… + Introduce the new words and explain - to correspond - a mosque - to be impressed by - to pray - friendliness + Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember + Call some students go to the board and write down. + Lan’s Malaysian pen pal came to visit her in Hanoi . Can you guess where she went and what she did during her stay ? + Ask students to read the text to check Try to answer the questions Listen and practice before the class Notice and copy Play the game Go to the board and write down Listen and guess Read and check Period : 2 Date of teaching : September 13 th , 2007 Production: Presentation: Practice: Homework : their prediction and add some more information. + Ask them to choose the correct option to complete the sentences. + Call some students practice before the class. + Give the correct answers : • 1/ C • 2/ B • 3 / D • 4 / B + Ask students to recommend places of interest in the city they’ve visited. * Cues : - Lang Biang Mountain / blimbing - Xuan Huong Lake / walk around - Valley of Love / sightseeing A : I think I’ll take my friends to ………….We can …… B : Good ideas ! I believe they will be interested in it. The past simple with wish + Give example and explain the way to use Ex : a. You are a student ( I wish I were a teacher ) b. You live in a bike. ( I wish I lived in a car ) Form : I wish + S + Past subjunctive + Ask students to look at the real situations and make wishes • Sample answers : a) I wish I were in the swimming pool now . b) I wish I had a computer now . c) I wish I lived close to school. d) I wish I drew well. + Let students make three wishes of their own. - Lern by heart the new words - Do exercises prediction Work in pairs Individual Work in pairs Individual Practice Individual Copy __________________________________________________________________________ 2 Period : 2 Date of teaching : September 13 th , 2007 3 Period 2 UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read I. Aims of the lesson: By the end of the lesson, sis will be able to know about some places LAN went to with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together Practice with the structures: : S + wish +S + Past simple Be - were II. Teaching aids: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder. III. Training skills: Listening, spreaking, reading, writting. IV. Teaching steps: Teacher’s tasks Students’ tasks Display on the board 1. Warm up: *Chatting: Asks some questions ?Do you have any pen pals? ?Where does s/he live? ?Have s/ he ever visited Answer teacher's questions individually. Yes/ No, I have (not) your city? What activities would you do during the visit? 2 . Presentation *Present vocabulary - Gives vocal and teaches them -to correspond: (explanation): trao đổi thu từ -a mosque: (picture): nhà thờ hồi giáo -to be impressed: (explanation): có ấn tuợng -to pray: ( mine): cầu nguyện - Guides to check R. O. R * Gap fill: -Asks Ss to read the text again to choose the correct S/He lives Yes/ No. I have (not) Listen to the text to find some new words Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting Repeat in chorus individually Copy the new words Check by play the game: R.O.R Read the text again to choose the correct 1-New words: - to correspond: (v) trao đổi thư từ - a mosque: (n) nhà thờ hồi giáo - to be impressed: (v) có ấn tượng - to pray: (v) cầu nguyện 2. Reading: *Gap fill: 1. Lan and Maryam usually write to one another every two weeks 2. Maryam was impressed option to complete the sentences on page ? Work in pairs 1. Lan and Maryam usually write to one another every two weeks 2. Maryam was impressed because Hanoi people were friendly 3. The girls went to see famous places in Hanoi 4. Maryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur. *Model sentence: Asks ss to translations sentence “Tôi ươc gì bạn có kỳ nghĩ dài hơn” ? Give form ? How do you use it? option to complete the sentences in pairs. Key C. two weeks B. Hanoi people were friendly A. famous places in HN B. invite Lan to Kuada Lampur I wish you had a longer vacation Key: a. He wishes he were because Hanoi people were friendly 3. The girls went to see famous places in Hanoi 4. Maryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur * Modal sentences: I wish you had a longer vacation Form: S + wish + S + Past simple Be - were Use: Câu mong uớc: mong uớc ở hiện tại và khó thực hiện được ở hiện tại * Word cue drill: a. He /wish/ he/ be Hue 3. Practice: * Work cue drill: ? Practice by steps a. He /wish/ he/ be Hue now b. Lan/ wish/ she speak English quickly c. Nga/ wish/ she/ have/ a lot of money d. Lai / wish/ she/ go to beach 4. Further practice: *Discussion -Asks Ss to recommend places of interest in their city. -Asks them to discuss where they should take their friends to and what activities they should go Cues: + Lang Co Beach- in Hue b. Lan wishes she spoke English quickly c. Nga wishes she had a lot of money d. Lai wishes she went to beach Answer: places of interest in their city. Discussion in groups of 5 students Write the short paragraph about what you have just discussed with your friends now b. Lan/ wish/ she speak English quickly c. Nga/ wish/ she/ have/ a lot of money d. Lai / wish/ she/ go to beach *Discussion + Lang Co Beach- swimming/beach in Hue + Bach Ma national park - mountain climbing ecological tour + Linh Mu pagoda. Tu Duc Tomb - sightseeing beautiful sight 3. Home work swimming/beach in Hue + Bach Ma national park - mountain climbing ecological tour + Linh Mu pagoda. Tu Duc Tomb- sightseeing beautiful sight. Gives feed back by calling leader to report in frond of the class 5. Consolidation Period 4 UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 3: Reading I. Aims of the lesson : By the end of the lesson ss will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of ASEAN. II. Teaching aids: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder. III. Training skills: Listening, spreaking, reading, writting. IV. Teaching steps: Teacher’s tasks Students’ tasks Board I. Warm up: Hangman Draws strokes on the board. Each stroke stand for a letter of the word student’s take turn to Do the tasks Play the game guess the letters of the word. The word has - - - - - - - Letters. It’s Malaysia II. New lesson 1. Pre - reading: *New words - Comprise (explanation):bao gồm - Currency: (example) tiền tệ - Tamil: (example) Tiế ng Latin - Compulsory: (Explanation) bắt buộc Checks R.O.R Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting Repeat in chorus and individually Check by play the game: R.O.R 1. New words: - to Comprise :(v) bao gồm - Currency: (n)tiền tệ - Tamil: (n) Tiếng La tinh - Compulsory: (a) bắt buộc 2. Reading *Answer given * Pre questions Gives some questions and asks ss to guess answering ? Where is it? ? What is the capital of Malaysia ? What is its population? ? How big is Malaysia? ? What language is spoken in this country? ? Work in 2 groups 2. While - reading: - Asks ss to read the text to find out the answers to their questions. - Gives feedback to the class. - Asks ss to read the text the second time to fill in the chart in exercises (a) Work in 2 groups Guess and answer then write on the board Read the text to find out the answers to their questions. Read the text the second time to fill in the chart in exercises (a) on page 10. - Read the text to do T/F *True/False statements. 1.T 2.F(there are more than two religions) 3.F( English,Chinese,and Tamil are also widely spoken) 4.F( One of the three: Malay, Chinese,Tamil) 5. F(English is a compulsory second language, not primary language) *Interview: A: Visitor: Hi, Maryam. I am going to visit Malaysia next on page 10. * True / False statements. ? Read the text to do the “True or False statements” P 10 . If it is T or F Why is it? How can you correct? ? Work in pairs then work in 2 groups to write on the board. Feed back 3. Post - reading: * Interview: -Asks Ss to work in - Work in pairs then work in 2 groups to write on the board. - Answer individually - Work in pairs He interviews : may start like this A. Hi, Maryam. I am going to visit Malaysia next summer holiday, I'd like to know some information summer holiday, I'd like to know some information about your country, can you help me? B: Maryam: Yes, certainly A:…… B:……. A:……. B:…… Home work ? Write some information about your country Ex: 2(6) pair -Gives Ss their task. A: You are going to visit Malaysia. Prepare some questions to ask Maryam about her country (use the chart to ask) B. You are Maryam from Malaysia. You have to answer A’s questions about your country. III. Consolidation. Some information about Malaysia, one of the countries of ASEAN. IV. Home work ? Write some information about your country Ex: 2(6) about your country, can you help me? B. Yes, certainly Write some information about your country to make ask and answer the question. Ex: 2(6) Period 5 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 4: Write I. Aims of the lesson : Write a peosonal letter. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a personal letter. II. Teaching aids: Textbook, board. III. Teaching steps: Teachers’ tasks Students’ tasks Board I. Warm up * Chatting ? Have you ever visited any famous places in Vietnam? ? When did you go? ? How did you get there? ? Did you visit any places of interest? ? Did you buy any thing? ? When you are away from Answer T’squestions individually home do you keep in touch ? How ? II. New lesson 1. Pre- writing * Answer given Sets the sence: “Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Vietnam or different country”. ? Answer the following questions. ? Where are you now? ? How did you get there? ? Who did you meet? ? What have you done? ? What places have you visited? - Who have you met? - What kinds of food have you tried? - Listen - Answer the questions + I am + I got there by bus/ car + I met my + I have + I visited some places + I have met + I have tried + I bought for +I fell happy + I am + I got there by bus/ car + I met my + I have + I visited some places + I have met + I have tried + I bought for +I fell happy +I think - What souvenirs have you bought? ? How do you fell now ? What do you think interest you bought. ? When will you return home. ? Work in pairs to talk to each other about their visit. - Reminds Ss about the format of a personal letter by asking the question: What are the parts of a personal letter . 2. While- writing: *Write it up ? write a letter to their family, telling them about their visit. ? look at the outline on page 11 +I think Work in pairs to talk to each other about their visit. Answer the question A. Heading B. Opening C. Body of the letter D. Closing Write a letter to their family. Look at the outline to answer Swap their letters compare with their partners 1. Format of a personal letter A. Heading B. Opening C. Body of the letter D. Closing 2. Writing * Answer given -Write it up First paragraph: Say when you arrived and who met you at the bus/train station/airport. Second part: - Talk about -What you’ve done -Places you’ve visited - people you’ve met ? What parts of the letter are they going to write (body of the letter). ? follow the outline to write their own letter. - Asks them to swap their letters compare with their partners correct if they can. 3. Post- writing: * Correction Chooses some letters to correct III. Consolidation To write a personal letter. IV. Home work. ? write a letter after correction Look and correct write a letter after correction. ? write a letter after correction - food you’ve fried - things you’ve bought Third Para - tell how you feel (happy/disappointed… ) -Say what interests you most - Mention when you return home. * Correction 4. Home work. Suggested ideals: I arrived at Da Nang airport/train station/bus station at 2 pm/8 am/late in the afternoon/at midnight, on Tuesday/Wednesday…. Hoa/Nam/Uncle Tan/Aunt Huong met me at the airport………… I’ve visited/been to many places like the beaches,the Cham Museum, Marble Mountaints, supermarkets……. I’ve tried different foods : sea food, Da Nang specialties……… I’ll visite Hoi An and My Son tomorrow/ on Sunday… I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much, The people here are so nice and friendly, the food are so delicious,and the sights are so beautiful. I’ll leave Da Nang at 2pm/7pm… next Thursday/ Sunday….and will arrive home at 11 pm/ 5am… Please pick me up at the airport/ bus station/… ... Because it is the birthplace of the conical hat in Hue Because it is the birthplace of the conical hat in Hue It’s going to the forest to collect leaves They are very thin It has poems and paintings... layers • Everybody can, young or old • B 2.C B 4.C 5.C 6.B • Other benefits: creating national/ regional pride, helping develop tourism, helping improve local infrastructure ( co so tang) and... tang) and services, creating cohesion ( su dinh ket)between craft families and communities • Other challenges : limited designs, natural resources, running out, competition from other countries

Ngày đăng: 06/10/2017, 13:20



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