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Unit 5. Higher education

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Unit 5. Higher education tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kin...

By group 1 1.Pham Thi Ngoc Dung ( THPT HQV) 2.Trinh Thi Hang ( THPT HQV) 3.Doan Thi Hong Anh ( THPT Ha Long) 4.Bui Hanh ( THPT Hon Gai Unit 5. Speaking B. speaking Work in pairs. Below are some well-known university in England. Match the names to the pictures. a. University, Oxford, England” b. University, Nottingham c. Edinburgh_University d. Cambridge University a. University, Oxford, England” b. University, Nottingham d. Edinburgh_University c. Cambridge University Unit 5. Speaking What do you need when you are admitted to a university ? Unit 5. Speaking Referent letter Original certificate Entrance examination Birth certificate Tertiary institutions Before you speak Unit 15: Cities Games What and where Original certificate Birth certificate Entrance examination Tertiary institutions Referent letter Unit 5. Speaking Task 1. Tick (v) requirements which are obligatory for you to be admitted to a university. ( work in group) A B 1. an application form 2. an identity card 3. a reference letter 4. a copy of the originals of your school certificate 5. A birth certificate - V -V . - V - V Task 2: (work in pair ). Ask and Answer the questions using the cues.  Model :  Fill in the application form  S 1 : When do you fill in and send the application form?  S 2 : In March . A. What do you have to do when you are admitted to a university? B. I have to get the GCSE result. C. When do you have the GCST result? B. In June A. . Lucky numbers 7 7 8 8 4 4 5 5 6 6 3 3 2 2 1 1 [...]...Send the application form - In March Take the GCSE examination - In May Get the GCSE result - In June Take the entrance examination - In June #21 Slide 21Get a letter of acceptance from the university - Late August – early September Post- speaking  Activity 1 Playing chain game A B C D I need to have an identity card I need to RULES OF THE GAME: The class will be devided into two groups Each group will choose two students to go to the board, try to find out and write as much as right words ( in minutes) Each right word you will get mark The group with more right word will be the winner excit ing disap pointed dent stu lone py dent ly univer daun coll sity ging indepen ud challeng challen inter ing ege knowl ting fr hap ee edge pro Student College University Exciting Happy Independent Free Lonely Disappointed Daunting Proud Challenging Knowledge Cambridge University ẹH Myừ Thuaọt Haứ Noọi Cambridge University Hanoi University of Natural Science Hanoi University of Architecture Hue University * NEW WORDS: Campus (n) ['kổmps] the buildings of a university or college and the land around them mate(s) (n) = friend(s) (n) * Vocabulary + Campus (n) ['kổmps] + Mate (n) [meit] + Scary (adj) ['skeri] + Daunt (v) [d:nt] daunting (a) + Graduate from (v) ['grổdueit] + Blame (v) [bleim] + Challenge (v) ['tổlind] -> Challenging (adj) ['tổlindi] + Chance (n) [t:ns] + Creativity (n) [,kri:ei'tiviti] + Celsius ['selsis] Ellen Brenden Sarah The first yearleft atI went college roommate the window On My the first weekend out was with probably the time, best and around most my new walking campus It open allfriends, the even whenchallenging it was 10 year of my life Academically, enjoyed was exciting, thinking wasI at degrees Celsius out,how andI went tocollege, bed atit thoroughly Taking in the meeting whopart could become 10 everypeople night When she got Advanced sick good after Engineering project meexciting atyping chance to friends of mine Thegave most thing midterms, she blamed my and use my creativity and totohelp was that I didnt haveknowledge to explain my having a light on while she was trying to society parents where I was going, who with, or sleep Socially, I made lots of new friend what time Id be home! At engineering first, college was a atlittle both through and living St On Saturday night, I followed my daunting I graduated from a small Johns College on campus The social roommate to a party The people at the school After same people calendar of busy the seeing colleges provides plenty of party were playingthe some game, and over and overto for manynon-engineering years, it wasI opportunities no one seemed to meet notice my existence amazing, but little scary, to be many in a students wella other engineers, suddenly asfelt soas lonely Fighting back place where itbecome seemed sawI of whom haveback mylike bestI never mates tears, I ran to my room, thinking the same person would never feel attwice home at college Task : Complete the following sentences, using the right forms of the words below campus blame scary challenge amazing The new library was built in the centre of the blamed the rise in oil prices for the They big increase in inflation scariest story Ive ever heard 3.Thats the Intelligent boys something if it really challenges them The new car goes at an speed Task Find out who: Sarah attended the party on the first a _ weekend at college b _ Ellen didnt get on very well with the roommate Ellen was not used to meeting different c _ people every day at college Brenden liked having a chance to be d creative Sarah was very excited about going to e college Brenden enjoyed the first year at college f TASK ANSWER THE QUESTIONS What did Sarah on the first week? Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party? What problems did Ellen have with her roommate ? What did Brenden think about his first year at college? What does the social calendar of the colleges provide Brenden? Prepare Unit Speaking lesson What did Sarah on the first week? => She went out with her new friends, walking around campus Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party? => Because at the party everyone was busy with some games and no one seemed to notice her X Lucky number! What problems did Ellen have with her roommate ? Her roommate left the window open when it was cold outside She went to bed early She blamed Ellen for making her sick What did Brenden think about his first year at college? => He thought the first year at college was the best and most challenging of his life :2 Youve just lost half of your points! You are unlucky! What does the social calendar of the colleges provide Brenden? => It provides him with plenty of opportunities to meet new students and many of them become his best friends UNIT 5 HIGHER EDUCATION Game: Scrambled words T H I S O Y R 2.N F H C E R 3.P I S S H Y C 4.S M C I U 5.H E S G N L I 6.Y M T R H C E I S 1 H _ _ _ _ _ y 2. F _ _ _ _ H 3.P _ _ _ _ _ S 4. M _ _ _ C 5. E _ _ _ _ _ H 6. C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y I S T O R R E N C H Y S I C U S I N G L I S H E M I S T R HA NOI UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY IN HO CHI MINH CITY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LESSON 1 : READING Vocabulary Campus (n) mate (s ) = friend (s ) scary (a) = frightening [...]... opportunities to meet non- engineering students as well as other engineers, many of whom have become my best mates 4 What did Brenden think about his first year at college? To Brenden, his first year at college was probly the best and most challenges year of his life 5 What does the social calendar of the college provide him? The social calender of the colleges provides him with plenty of opportunities Welcome to CLASS 12A Welcome to CLASS 12A  Unit 5. Higher Education Unit 5. Higher Education  Lesson 1: Reading Lesson 1: Reading HA NOI UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY IN HO CHI MINH CITY HA NOI UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY 1. Warm up 1. Warm up Answer the questions Answer the questions  1.What are you going to do after you 1.What are you going to do after you finish upper secondary school? finish upper secondary school?  2. Which university would you like to 2. Which university would you like to attend? attend?  3. Where will you live if you choose a 3. Where will you live if you choose a university far from your home town? university far from your home town? 2. Pre-reading 2. Pre-reading  Look at the pictures in your books : Look at the pictures in your books :  How do you say in English? How do you say in English?  Hue university Hue university  Hanoi university of Architecture Hanoi university of Architecture  Hanoi university of Natural Science Hanoi university of Natural Science 2. While-reading 2. While-reading  Vocabulary Vocabulary  - Apply (v) - Apply (v)  - campus (n) - campus (n)  - challenge (v) - challenge (v)  - blame (v) - blame (v)  - daunting (a) - daunting (a)  -Scary (a) -Scary (a)  - mate (n) - mate (n)  challenge(v) challenge(v) : test somebody’s ability and : test somebody’s ability and skills, especially in an interesting way . skills, especially in an interesting way . ( thách thức ) ( thách thức )  blame ( v ) blame ( v ) / bleim/ : to think or to say that / bleim/ : to think or to say that someone is responsible for something bad. someone is responsible for something bad. ( khiển trách ) ( khiển trách )  daunting (a) daunting (a) : something that is daunting : something that is daunting makes you feel slightly afraid or worried makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it. about dealing with it. ( làm nản lòng, làm lo lắng, khó khăn ) ( làm nản lòng, làm lo lắng, khó khăn ) Match the words in A with their Match the words in A with their definitions in B definitions in B 1. 1. Daunting Daunting 2. 2. Campus Campus 3. 3. Scary Scary 4. 4. To blame To blame 5. 5. Social Social calendar calendar a. A calendar of all scheduled a. A calendar of all scheduled social events (meetings, social events (meetings, conference,. conference,. b. Causing fear. b. Causing fear. c. To consider or say that c. To consider or say that somebody is responsible for somebody is responsible for something done (badly or something done (badly or wrongly or not done. wrongly or not done. d. Discouraging d. Discouraging e. Grounds and building of a e. Grounds and building of a university/ college. university/ college. [...]...Answers: 1.d ;2.e ;3.b ;4c; 5. a a Task 1 Complete the following sentences, using the right form of the words  1 The new library was built in the centre of campus the…… blamed  2.They……….the rise in oil price for the big increase in inflation scariest  3.That’s the…………story I’ve heard  4 Intelligent boys do something if it really… challenges ……….them amazing  5. The new car goes at an…………… speed... questions     4 what did Brenden think about her first year at college? She thought the first year at college was the best and the most challenging of her life 5 what does the social calendar of the college provide him? It provides him of opportunities to meet non – engineering students as well as other engineers and many of them have become his best friends 3.Post- reading         Discuss the... are needed than engineers in the present situation of our country - young couple can help their family out with money at home when they go to work - they can attend in-service schools to A. Aims: To help students to practice:  Guessing words' meanings in contexts  Reading for details of information about application process for universities in the UK  Reading for gist and answer comprehension questions.  Using vocab and structures about a letter of request and expresss their hope to study in England. B. Aids: textbooks, pictres, board, chalks C. Methods : Communicative approach and leaner- centered approach. T-T; T-Ss; S - S Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up: - Give Ss some questions: 1. What are you going to do after you finish high school? 2. Which university would you like to attend? 3. Where will you live if you study at a university far from your house? - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer. - Call some pairs to act out in front of the class. - Get feedback - Lead Ss to the new lesson: higher education II. PRE-READING: * Questions: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the following questions: 1. Name the universities. 2. What university would you like to apply for and why? - Get feedback. - Give Ss suggested answers. Names of universities/ colleges - Work in pairs, discuss and answer the questions. - Some pairs act out in front of the class. The answers may vary. - Listen and take notes. Hue University Hanoi University of Architecture Hanoi University of Natural Science Polytechnical college : Bach khoa School of Law: Luat Agricultural College / Academy of Agricultural Sciences Military Academy / Military College State University The National University in Ha noi/HCM City Teachers' College Consolidated University Civil Engineering College: DH Xay dung Medical Un : DH Y Duoc Academy of Sciences Banking Acadamy Academy of Arts : HV nghe thuat Introduce new vocabulary - Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage • applicant (n): người xin học • application from (n): đơn xin học • blame (v): đổ lỗi • daunt (v): làm nản long • mate (n): bạn bè • scary (v): sợ hãi • undergraduate course: khóa học đại học III. WHILE-READING: - Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence - Help students read the passage Task 1 : - Introduce the task: Complete the following sentences, using the right forms of the words in the box. - Ask Ss to complete the following sentences, using the right forms of the words in the box. - Go around class and help Ss if they need. - Call on Ss to give their answers. - Correct mistakes. Task 2: - Introduce the task: Find out who: a. attended a party on the first weekend at college. b. didn't get on very well with the roommate. c. was not used to meeting different people every day at college. d. liked having a chance to be creative. e. was very excited about going to college. f. enjoyed the first year at college. - Go around and help Ss if they need. - Call on Ss to give their answers. - Correct mistakes. Institute of Technology Artillary Institute Institute of forein languages Institute of OCEANOGRAPHY Institute of Science and Technology 4. I would like to apply for Hanoi University of Natural Science. - Read the text in silence. - Find out new words. - Understand the aim of the text. - Do the tasks that follow. - Study the task carefully. - Choose the right word to fill in the blanks. - Exchange their answers for peer correction. - Tell the class the answers. 1. campus 2. blamed 3. scariest 4. challenges 5. amazing. - Look at the task, read the text again to give the answers. Sarah: 1- a. attended a party on the first weekend at college. 2- e. was very excited about going to college. Ellen: 3- b. didn't get on very well with the roommate. 4. c. was not used to meeting different people every day at college. Brenden: 5- d. liked having a chance to be creative. - Give the right answers. Task 3: - Introduce the task: Answer the following questions. 1. What did Sarah do on the first weekend? 2. Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party? 3. What problems did Ellen have with her Unit 5: HIGHER EDUCATION JOHN: Now, David, can I get this right: You’ve just completed a Msc course on which a large proportion of the students were international students? Is that right? DAVID: That’s it. Yes, I was in AERD – that’s the department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development. JOHN: And how do you think the students from the other countries got along on that course? DAVID: Pretty well. JOHN: What advice would you give to students, particularly international students, based on your experience as a student here? DAVID: I think the most basic thing is to make use, full use, of the tutors and lecturers. Maybe some of the overseas students are a bit shy to take questions or problems to tutors. JOHN: What do you think they should do? DAVID: I think they should find out at the beginning of the course the times at which the tutor is going to be available for tutorial appointments, and then make full use of them. JOHN: So, any problems, they should tell the tutor as soon as possible? Let’s move on, what about the amount of reading that you have to do as a university student? DAVID: Yes! It looks pretty daunting at first, with those long reading lists. Don’t think that students have to read everything that’s listed. Try to find out which are the most important items on the list – ask the lecturer or tutor if necessary, and then, if your time is limited, spend it reading those books thoroughly. JOHN: OK, that’s very helpful, David. Thank you very much. DAVID: No, not at all. ... (v) ['tổlind]: thach thc, th thach -> Challenging (adj) ['tổlindi] + Chance (n) [t:ns] = opportunity (n) + Creativity (n) [,kri:ei'tiviti]: s sang to = creativeness (n) -> Creative (adj) * Vocabulary... party were playingthe some game, and over and overto for manynon-engineering years, it wasI opportunities no one seemed to meet notice my existence amazing, but little scary, to be many in a students... first year at college? What does the social calendar of the colleges provide Brenden? Prepare Unit Speaking lesson What did Sarah on the first week? => She went out with her new friends, walking

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