Unit 2. At school tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế, k...
Wednesday, August 15 Wednesday, August 15 th th , 2007 , 2007 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 Teacher : Döông Thò Thu Trang Teacher : Döông Thò Thu Trang Unit 2: Unit 2: At School At School C2, C3 C2, C3 Structure: Structure: *What is this? *What is this? - It’s a (an)… - It’s a (an)… *What is that? *What is that? - It’s a (an)… - It’s a (an)… door What is this? It’s a door. window window What is that? What is that? It’s a window. It’s a window. board board What is that? What is that? It’s a board It’s a board clock What is that? It’s a clock Waste basket What is that? It’s a waste basket. School bag What is that? It’s a school bag pencil pencil What is that? What is that? It’s a pencil It’s a pencil pen pen What is that? What is that? It’s a pen. It’s a pen. [...]...ruler What is that? It’s a ruler eraser -What is this? -It’s an eraser Free practice Pair work: Students use real objects to ask each other about things in class, using the structure : What is this? -It’s a/an … What is that? -It’s a/an … Remember • What is this? • What is that? - It’s a/an … - It’s a/an … Homework Make questions and answer from the words given below: Example: this/pen What is this?... -It’s a/an … Remember • What is this? • What is that? - It’s a/an … - It’s a/an … Homework Make questions and answer from the words given below: Example: this/pen What is this? 1 that/pencil 2 This/ruler 3 This /school bag 4 That/board 5 This/eraser -It’s a pen Thuyết trình 1 Mục tiêu: Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh sẽ hỏi đáp được các đồ vật trong lớp 2 Phương pháp: dùng các đồ vật trong lớp hoặc... đồ vật trong lớp hoặc tranh ảnh , máy cát sét để giúp học sinh dễ nhớ từ vựng -Giáo viên kiểm tra lại các từ vừa mới học bằng cách ghi chú tranh -Giáo viên dạy cấu trúc câu hỏi đồ vật thì phải dùng What … , câu trả lời là It’s … -Giáo viên chú ý ngữ điệu của câu hỏi Wh là ngữ điệu xuống Giáo viên dùng vật thật cho học sinh luện tập theo cặp các câu hỏi đồ vật Giáo viên sửa sai WELCOME TO OUR CLASS CLASS 6A8 TEACHER : KIM THOA 50 10 WHEEL OF FORTUNE 10 S x2 C M Y H O O L 20 ÷ 40 15 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z UNIT : AT SCHOOL PERIOD 10 – LESSON : C1 – MY SCHOOL I VOCABULARY student (n) : học sinh teacher (n) : giáo viên classroom (n) : desk (n) : lớp học bàn học Matching 1.student a 2.desk b classroom c teacher d Edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * Listen: Ba : I’m a student This is my school That's my class This is my classroom Nam: Is that your teacher ? Ba : Yes That's my teacher Nam: Is this your desk ? Ba : No That’s my desk II Model sentences That This Indicate a thing/person close to the Indicate a thing/person far from the speaker speaker This is + (a/an) + N That Is this + (a/an) + N? that Yes, it is No, it isn’t This is = This’s That is = That’s * Listen and repeat: Ba : I’m a student This is my school That's my class This is my classroom Nam: Is that your teacher ? Ba : Yes That's my teacher Nam: Is this your desk ? Ba : No That’s my desk 1/ What is this? This is Ba’s school 2/ Is that Hoa’s class? No, it isn’t III.Practice See the picture and make sentence This is a dog III.Practice See the picture and make sentence That is a car See the picture and make question Is that a policeman? See the picture and make question Is this a book? Let’s speak LUCKY NUMBER Make a sentence This/a/baby Make a sentence That/a/doll Make a question and answer this/a/bag? Make a question and answer that/a/boy? SUMMARY This is + (a/an) + N That Is this + (a/an) + N? that Yes, it is No, it isn’t HOMEWORK •Learn by heart new words • Write sentences, using “This is… /That is… /Is this… ?/ Is that…… ?” •Practice C1 •Prepare new words C2,3,4,5 THANK YOU ! GOODBYE! UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL Period 7 Lesson 1 A1 - 4 p.20 - 22 AIM : By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to understand and use some language classroom (Imperatives). VISUAL AIDS : Crossword puzzle for Revision numbers. 1 - Warmer : Crossword (0 - 12) N/C : Ss gives answers only (STB) 9 – 5 20 - 7 10 + 2 17 + 1 6 + 5 8 : 2 3 - 3 6 x 3 5 + 3 2 - Pre - teach (Revision) (to) come in STB : Vietnamese on bb. (to) sit down (to stand up) T reads the E. (to) open / (to) close your book. 3 - Presentation (presentation text) T W E L E V E N T E N L I V N F I V E Z E R O U S I X T H R E E W V O N E E I G H T N Ss listen to theT.,looking at the pictures on page 29 T ' s mimes. 4 - Practice : Matching A 2 - p.21 Ss match the words and the pictures, then write the correct imperatives underneath the pictures. 5 - Mime drill : T mimes - Ss say. Eg : (open your book) Open your book. 6 - Simon says : A3 - p.22 7 - F - P : Mapped dialogue : Miss Hoa Children morning ! How ? Fine sit And morning, Miss Hoa We 're How ? Yes, Miss ! 4 - HOMEWORK : Play "Simon says" with your friends. UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL Period 8 Lesson 2 B1 - 2 AIM : By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to talk about the places they live. VISUAL AIDS : Word - cue - cards. 1 - Warmer (5'): Mime game : 1 S goes to the front, miming the others say the Imperatives. 2 - Pre - teach (10') Matching (to) live (in) a house (on) a street Danang (in) a city Song 3 - Presentation (10') a) Set the scene : Nam and Mai are talking about Age and where they live. b) Presentation Dialogue : Ss listen and repeat the dialogue, find out the name of the street, Nam's age. Model sentences : A : Where do you live ? B : I live on TP Street in a house a city VietNam. Concept check : Meaning : How do you say the question in Vietnamese ? Use : Do we use it for the place we live ? (Yes) Form : How do you form the question? Pay attention to the prep : Match on Danang in Yen Bai st. a house 4 - Practice (10'): word - cue - drill . Exchange (as model sents). T runs through the vocab : T writes the cues on bb. Ss add the correct prep. Before each cue. Word cue : a city, HCMC, a house, Hanoi, Le Loi st, Tran Phu, Hung Vuong st. T - WC, half class - half class, Pairwork. Delayed correction. 5 - Production : Survey (10') Ss copy the table off the board T. elicits the questions T models. Ss work in groups of 4, each S asks and fills information about 3 others. Name Street City/ Tel. No Ss report back to the whole class. Eg : Hoa lives on Phan Chau Trinh str. In Danang. 6 - HOMEWORK : Learn by heart the model sentences. UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL Period 9 Lesson 3 B3 - 4 p.24-25 AIM : By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to talk about their names. VISUAL AIDS : None. 1 - Revision : N/C Where do you live ? I live on/ in /at 2 - Pre – teach: The ABC : Shark attack: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n house, street, open, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z . close, goodbye. Bingo : Ss fill in any 9 litters from the alphabet. Ss write T reads : a, e, i, o, u, x, z, b, g, w, l, q, s, t,y,m,c, r, x, f, d, j, n, k, h, p, v 3 - Presentation : R.O.R Dialogue : B4 - p.25 T writes the dialogue B4 on bb. Model sentences A house Hanoi Le Loi Str A street Danang A city Hue Hang Bong str Vietnam R.O.R Concept check : What do you want to know when you use the question : What 's your name ? (name) How do you spell it ? (Spelling, how to write one's name correctly) 4 - Practice : word - cue - drill . Ss write their own names on a piece of paper to make cues for the drill. Example exchange : Tuan S1 : What's your name ? Khanh S2 : (Gives real name) Thao S1 : How do you spell it ? S2 : (Give real spelling) 4 - HOMEWORK : Ask your family members' name and practise spelling them. What's your name ? How do you spell it ? UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL Period 10 Lesson 4 B5 - 6 p.25 AIM : By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to talk about personal information, alphabet and numbers. VISUAL AIDS : None. 1 - Alphabet revision : Slap the boad Dictation lists : Ss write T reads a b f i o q r a b c d e y, z h c l y u j d m w a i y g h z j e u k e n g s p x t z v T corrects on bb. Hangman : Every time Ss make a wrong spelling, T draws a line (morning, sit down, stand up, eight, zero, night, twenty). 2 - Personal Information revision Written exercise B5 - p.25 Ss write their real answers to B5 into their notebooks. FB orally. Lucky numbers : 1. How old are you ? 6 - How do you spell your name ? 2 – LN 7 - What' s the name of your city ? 3 - Where do you live ? - How do you spell ? Your city ? 4 - What's your name ? 8 - LN 5 – LN 9 - What's your street 's name ? Spell it. 10 - How are you ? X/O : Lan 12 Le Loi st H-O-A-I fine, thanks 13 Danang Huong Vietnam 3 - HOMEWORK : Practise the ABC. 4 - MORE EXERCISE : Match the sounds : a y e m i q u g f j s k h u c f w v Experince drawing : - Dictation ABC list : T hangs the poster of ABC on bb. Ss find out the similarities of /i: / column, the T writes them on bb. /i :/ b c d e p t v T dictates. FB sound columns. - Hangman : T draws a part of the body on bb/ the frame of Ss say a wrong letter. 1 3 2 4 - Ss can make 4 wrong letters in maxium. UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL Period 11 Lesson 5 C1 p.26-27 AIM : By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to use THIS/THAT to talk about people and things at school. VISUAL AIDS : Cards for Jumbled words 1 - Revision : Jumbled words : veeingn Evening lleho Hello ndsta pu Standup mnae Sterte Street yict City teethirn Thirteen Name 2 - Pre - teach : Matching a student a student truong hoc a teacher a teacher cai ban hoc a school a school hoc sinh a class a class thay / co giao a desk a desk lop hoc 3 - Set the scene : Ba introduces us to his school, class, classroom, teacher + desk. 4 - Presentation : Ss listen and repeat the text (C1) Model Sentences : This is That 's my a school desk Is this that your class Yes,it is teacher ? No, it isn't . Concept check : - Say the sentences in Vietnamese. - Do you use THAT for sth / sb near or further away ? (No) - Do you use THIS / THAT for sing. N or plural N ? (Singular) - Pron : Linking sound : This is . 5 - Practice : a) Picture drill : Pictures from p.26 - 27 Example exchange : S1 : Is this your school ? S2 : No, it isn't. T - WC, half class - half class, pairwork. b) Realia drill : Real things in and around the classroom. Example exchange : S1 : Is this your (desk)? S2 : No, it is. T - WC, half class - half class, pairwork. Delayed correction. 6 - More exercise : a) Put in WHERE, WHAT or HOW - ___________ do you live ? - ___________ old are you ? - ___________ are you ? - ___________ 's your name ? - ___________ do you spell it ? b) Write the questions : - I live in HCMC. - I'm 20 years old. - My name's David. - L - A - N 7- HOMEWORK : Use "This / That" to write 4 sentences about people and things at your home. UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL Period 12 Lesson 6 C2 - 4 AIM : By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to talk about things in the classroom for practice. VISUAL AIDS : Wordsquare for practice. 1 - Warmer + check up : Shark attack : desk, class, teacher. Ps make yes/ no questions + answer them Exchange : Is this your (desk) ? Yes, it is / No, it isn't. 2 - Pre - teach : Use real things in the classroom to teach new words : a door, a window, a board, a clock, a waste basket, a school bag, a pencil, a pen, a ruler, an eraser. Guessing game. 3 - Presentation : Dialogue build : - What 's this ? - It' s a ( ) - How do you spell it ? - (D - O - O - R) Concept check : What' s this / that ? Its ' a / an + N a n + (a vowel - N) - Say the questions in Vietnamese ? - Do you want to know the name of sth with the question "what's this ?" - Do you want to know how the word is written with the question "How do you spell it ? " - Notice : How do you spell it ? D - O - O - R Double O. 4 - Practice : Word square (6 x 8) Example exchange : As the model sentences 5 - Further practice; Lucky Numbers : 1 . How do you spell DESK ? 6 . RULER ? 2 . CLASSROM ? 7 . LN 3 . Lucky number ! 8 . ERASER ? 4 . CLOCK ? 9 . LN 5 . PENCIL ? 10. WINDOW ? W P E N S C E X O E D D C L R D D N E O H O A R N C S O O C S A I I K R O K E O W L R U L E R B 6 - HOMEWORK : None Họ và tên : Lý Tố Loan Trường :Đặng Trần Côn Unit 2: AT SCHOOL B. Where do you live? New words: House (n) City (n) → HoCHiMinh City Street (n): → Truong Chinh Street live (v): → I live in HoCHiMinh City House City Street I live on TruongChinh Street I live in Viet Nam Remember: Where do you live? 1. CMT8 Street → Where do you live? I live in CMT8 Street 2. Tran Van On Street 3. Le Duan Street 4. Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street 5. Pasteur Street → Where do you live? I live in Tran Van On Street → Where do you live? I live in Le Duan Street → Where do you live? I live in Ng.Thi Minh Khai Street → Where do you live? I live in Pasteur Street Ask and answer with a partner and complete the table Name Age Where you live 1 2 3 4 5 Homework Write the sentences with: live, city, street. Prepare B 3 , B 4 , B 5 Thuyết trình Mục tiêu: sau khi hoàn tát tiết học, học sinh sẽ hỏi đáp được nơi sống. Phương pháp: giáo viên dạy học sinh từ kết hợp với tranh, tiếng Anh đon giản máy cát-sét. Sau khi day từ giáo viên nên kiểm tra từ của học sinh lại bằng cách dùng các tranh để học sing ghi chú nhằm kiểm tra lại từ mới vừa học kể cả cách đọc lẫn cách viết. Giáo viên dạy cấu trúc câu hỏi WH nên chú ý ngữ điệu của câu hỏi WH là ngữ điệu xuống. “Where” dùng hỏi nơi chốn và trả lời là một nơi nào đó. Chú ý giới từ “in”, “on” Phần luyện tập: giáo viên cho 6 câu, giáo viên nên làm mẫu 1 câu và cho hoc sinh làm theo cặp các câu còn lại. Sau đó, giáo viên cho 1 học sinh hỏi, 1 học sinh trả lời từng câu 1. Giáo viên sửa lỗi cho học sinh Bài tập điền thông tin, giáo viên yêu cầu học sinh làm việc theo cặp, nhóm để hoàn tất bảng thông tin này. Lớp sẽ ồn do đo’ giáo viên phải đi vòng quanh lớp để khống chế sự ồn ào ... my school That's my class This is my classroom Nam: Is that your teacher ? Ba : Yes That's my teacher Nam: Is this your desk ? Ba : No That’s my desk II Model sentences That This Indicate... is my school That's my class This is my classroom Nam: Is that your teacher ? Ba : Yes That's my teacher Nam: Is this your desk ? Ba : No That’s my desk 1/ What is this? This is Ba’s school. .. Indicate a thing/person far from the speaker speaker This is + (a/an) + N That Is this + (a/an) + N? that Yes, it is No, it isn’t This is = This’s That is = That’s * Listen and repeat: Ba