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Review 3 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế, kinh doanh...

C# Review Answers: 1. 4 2. 2 3. 4 4. 4 5. 2 6. 3 7. 4 8. 3 9. 3 10. 2 11. 1 12. 4 13. 3 14. 2 15. 1 16. 1 17. 1 18. 1 19. 2 20. 5 21. 4 22. 1 23. 1 24. 1 25. 1 26. 1 27. 1 28. 1 29. 1 30. 1 31. 1 32. 3 33. 4 34. 1 35. 4 36. 4 37. 3 38. 1 39. 1 40. 4 41. 2 42. 4 43. 4 44. 1 45. 2 46. 2 47. 2 48. 3 49. 2 50. 3 51. 2 52. 2 53. 3 54. 5 55. 3 56. 2 57. 2 58. 1 59. 2 60. 1 61. 3 62. 1 63. 2 64. 4 65. 3 66. 2 67. 2 68. 3 69. 3 70. 3 71. 4 72. 4 73. 4 74. 1 75. 4 76. 2 77. 2 78. 2 79. 1 80. 3 81. 3 82. 3 83. 2 84. 4 85. 2 86. 4 87. 4 88. 1 89. 2 90. 3 91. 2 92. 1 93. 5 94. 3 95. 5 96. 2 97. 3 98. 1 99. 4 100. 5 101. 3 102. 1 103. 1 104. 4 105. 3 106. 2 107. 1 108. 4 109. 1 110. 2 111. 2 112. 1 113. 5 114. 2 115. 2 116. 3 117. 2 118. 2 119. 3 120. 2 121. 3 122. 3 123. 2 124. 4 125. 2 126. 2 127. 3 128. 3 129. 1 130. 3 131. 5 132. 2 133. 4 134. 4 135. 2 Grade Team a LUCKY NUMBERS Team b 1.Listen and tick : Read and complete room Quan school playground This is my (1) It’s big I’m in class 3B.My classroom is big too.Now it is break time.Many of my friends are in the(2) I’m in the computer (3) with my friend( 4) Read and match 1.Is your school big? 2.Are those your books? 3.What colour is your school bag? 4.May I come in? 5.What you at break time? a It’s brown b Yes, you can c Yes, they are d I play basketball e Yes, it is 5 Look and say 6.What you at break time? I play table tennis 1.What you at break time ? I play basketball badminton 3/ I play………… Put the words in order 4.do / play / at / you / what / breaktime /? What you at breaktime ? 8.My friends and I play…………… football C# Review Questions Question 1 : How can you overload a method? Select Answer : 1. Different parameter data types 2. Different number of parameters 3. Different order of parameters 4. All of the above Question 2 : What is the accessibility modifier for methods inside the interface? Select Answer : 1. Private by default 2. Public by default 3. protected 4. Friend Question 3: What’s the top .NET class that everything is derived from ? Select Answer: 1. System.Net.All 2. System.IO 3. System.Collections 4. System.Object Question 4 : What does the keyword virtual mean in the method definition? Select Answer : 1. Overload 2. Virtual 3. Imaginary 4. over – ridden Question 5 : C# provides a default constructor for me. I write a constructor that takes a string as a parameter, but want to keep the no parameter one . How many constructors should I write? Select Answer : 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. None of the above Question 6: Does C# support multiple inheritance? Select Answer : 1. Yes 2. Partially 3. No 4. None of the above Question 7 : How do you inherit from a class on C#? Select Answer: 1. Place a semicolon and then the name of the base class 2. Place a dot and then the name of the base class 3. Place a scope resolution and then the name of the base class 4. Place a colon and then the name of the base class Question 8: What’s the implicit name of the parameter that gets passed in to the class’ set method? Select Answer : 1. value 2. Datatype 3. value and its datatype 4. none of the above Question 9 : How can you sort the elements of the array in descending order? Select Answer : 1. Desc() 2. ASCReverse() 3. By calling Sort() and then Reverse() methods 4. By calling ascen() and then Reverse() methods Question 10 : Can you override private virtual methods?(no private virtual) Select Answer 1. Yes 2. No 3. Either 1 or 2 4. None Question 11 : What is a delegate? Select Answer : 1. A Strongly typed function pointer 2. A light weight thread or process that can call a single method 3. A reference to an object in a different process 4. An inter – process message channel Question 12 : What is boxing in .net ? Select Answer : 1. Encapsulating an object in a value type. 2. Encapsulating a copy of an object in a value type 3. Encapsulating a value type in an object 4. Encapsulating a copy of a value type in an object Question 13 : Which of these string definitions will prevent escaping on backslashes in C#? Select Answer : 1. string s = #”n Test string”; 2. string s = “n Test string” 3. string s = @”n Test string” 4. string s = “n Test string”; Question 14 : The C# keyword ‘int’ maps to which .NET type ? Select Answer : 1. System.Int16 2. System.Int32 3. System.Int64 4. System.Int128 Question 15 : Loading of .Net Assembly in Windows 98/ME is different than execution in Windows XP. Select Answer : 1. Yes 2. No 3. Cant say Question 16 : Which program control statements aways executes the internal statements at least once? Select Answer : 1. do{Statements}j=j+1; 2. if(j!=1){Statements} j = j+1; 3. while(j!=1){Statements} j=j+1; Question 17 : Which is the default interface for any COM component? Select Answer : 1. IUnknown 2. IEnumerable 3. Enumerator 4. Idisposable Question 18 : Which interface allows a collection to be navigated using the foraech statement? Select Answer : 1. IEnumerable 2. IUnknown 3. IEnumerator 4. Idisposable Question 19 : Term for the process by which the Runtime uses to find an assembly? Select Answer : 1. Searching 2. Probing 3. Sorting 4. Caching 5. Bubbling Question 20 : Difference between the C# statements “catch(Exception ex){}” and “catch{}”? 1. A try statement can only have one catch{} statement(general catch clause) 2. general clause; if one is present it must be the last catch clause 3. general clause ; may also catch exceptions from other languages 4. “catch(Exception HarvardBusinessReviewHBR033chfm 1/16/02 3:01 PM Page i     The series is designed to bring today’s managers and professionals thefundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has definedan entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we thinkabout business, here are the leading minds and landmark ideas thathave established the Harvard Business Review as required reading forambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe.Other books in the series:Harvard Business Review Interviews with CEOsHarvard Business Review on Advances in StrategyHarvard Business Review on Brand ManagementHarvard Business Review on Breakthrough LeadershipHarvard Business Review on Breakthrough ThinkingHarvard Business Review on Business and the EnvironmentHarvard Business Review on the Business Value of ITHarvard Business Review on ChangeHarvard Business Review on CompensationHarvard Business Review on Corporate GovernanceHarvard Business Review on Corporate StrategyHarvard Business Review on Crisis ManagementHarvard Business Review on Culture and ChangeHarvard Business Review on Customer Relationship ManagementHarvard Business Review on Decision MakingHarvard Business Review on Effective CommunicationHarvard Business Review on EntrepreneurshipHarvard Business Review on Finding and Keeping the Best PeopleHarvard Business Review on InnovationHarvard Business Review on Knowledge ManagementHBR033chfm 1/16/02 3:01 PM Page ii Other books in the series (continued):Harvard Business Review on LeadershipHarvard Business Review on Managing High-Tech IndustriesHarvard Business Review on Managing PeopleHarvard Business Review on Managing DiversityHarvard Business Review on Managing UncertaintyHarvard Business Review on Managing the Value ChainHarvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate PerformanceHarvard Business Review on Mergers and AcquisitionsHarvard Business Review on Negotiation and Conflict ResolutionHarvard Business Review on NonprofitsHarvard Business Review on Organizational LearningHarvard Business Review on Strategies for GrowthHarvard Business Review on TurnaroundsHarvard Business Review on Work and Life BalanceHBR033chfm 1/16/02 3:01 PM Page iii HBR033chfm 1/16/02 3:01 PM Page ivThis Page Intentionally Left Blank HarvardBusinessReview    HBR033chfm 1/16/02 3:01 PM Page v Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001Harvard Business School Publishing CorporationAll rights 1ABSTRACT The Mckinnon-Shaw Hypothesis: Thirty Years on: A Review of Recent Developments in Financial Liberalization Theory by Dr Firdu Gemech and Professor John Struthers University of Paisley The Mckinnon-Shaw Hypothesis, in its’ various forms, is now thirty years old. Over that period literally hundreds of empirical studies have been completed examining the hypothesis in many different contexts. Initially, the hypothesis focused on the effects of so-called “Financial Repression” (low or negative real interest rates) on savings and investment levels in developing countries. In more recent times, researchers have extended the debate to consider other effects of financial repression on: economic growth; financial crises and poverty (for example the effects of overvalued exchange rates). Currently, significant research is being conducted on the potentially destabilizing effects of financial liberalization (the converse of financial repression) on global financial markets. This paper attempts to survey the literature on the Mckinnon-Shaw Hypothesis and tries to draw out some of the recurrent themes of this literature. The paper also highlights the continuing relevance of the original hypothesis to on-going debates concerned with the effects of financial liberalization. CONTACT Dr Firdu Gemech 00 44 141 848 3393;firdu.gemech@paisley.ac.uk Professor John Struthers 00 44 141 848 3364; john.struthers@paisley.ac.uk Division of Economics and Enterprise Paisley Business School University of Paisley Paisley PA1 2 BE Scotland * Paper presented at Development Studies Association (DSA) Annual Conference on “Globalisation and Development”, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2003 2 An Overview of Recent Developments in Financial Liberalization Theory The literature on Financial Liberalization policies in developing countries has a long pedigree. This literature commenced with the seminal work of Mckinnon and Shaw in 1973 which focused on Financial Repression (see below) and the need for developing economies to allow real interests rates (along with other financial indicators) to be determined by market forces. Though originally focusing on interest rates, the Financial Repression approach also incorporated the adverse affects of high reserve ratios and government directed credit programmes, which together contributed to low savings, credit rationing and low investment. In later years, the literature can be classified into: First Generation approaches (represented by the work of Krugman (1979); Second Generation approaches (Obstfeld, 1996) ; and Third Generation approaches again represented by the work of Krugman (1998;1999) In this evolving literature, it is possible to detect a clear lineage stemming from the original Mckinnon-Shaw contribution, albeit one which represents an increasingly sophisticated theoretical and empirical development of the original hypothesis. This paper will trace the development of this body of thought as well as highlight possible further theoretical developments. It will also highlight some of the future directions that this research might take and the potential policy implications therein. I. Theoretical Underpinnings 1. Liberalization as a catalyst for higher saving, (McKinnon-Shaw) McKinnon ... class 3B.My classroom is big too.Now it is break time.Many of my friends are in the(2) I’m in the computer (3) with my friend( 4) Read and match 1.Is your school big? 2.Are those your books? 3. What... you at break time? I play table tennis 1.What you at break time ? I play basketball badminton 3/ I play………… Put the words in order 4.do / play / at / you / what / breaktime /? What you at breaktime

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2017, 08:13

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