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If y o u scored: to 8: You m a n a g e y o u r p e r s o n a l finances well to 3: You're on t h e r o a d to financial security But t h e r e are still i m p r o v e m e n t s y o u could m a k e -1 to - : You need to w a t c h out T h i n g s m a y be OK n o w , b u t if they start going w r o n g , y o u could find yourself in deep trouble - t o - : I t looks a s i f y o u d o n ' t really care w h a t h a p p e n s to you Fair e n o u g h , b u t w h a t a b o u t y o u r family? U N I T Writing L E S S O N Telling a story O n e evening Colin Blake rang his wife in north t o n d o n He said he was just leaving work, but that he was going to the pub before he went home O n e hour later he was waiting for a train in King's Cross underground station Suddenly two policemen hurried along the platform 'Everyone must leave the station immediately,' said one 'There is a fire!' Going up the escalator, Colin smelt smoke As he got to the top, a ball of fire rushed towards him with a deafening roar He could hardly breathe and his hair and clothes were on fire He threw himself desperately back down the escalator At the bottom someone turned a fire extinguisher on his flaming clothes By this time the emergency services were dealing with the situation Colin was helped out of the station and into an ambulance He was in hospital for 35 days It was over a year before he recovered the full use of his burnt hands But he was one of the lucky ones Thirty-one people died in that fire U N I T Reading L E S S O N What makes young people commit crimes? More and more people under the age of sixteen are involved in crime There are many possible reasons for this Firstly, lack of discipline at home and at school could be the cause Young people often grow up without any firm idea about the difference between right and wrong, because parents are too busy working to guide their children At school also, teachers cannot control large classes Secondly, social conditions such as poverty and drug addiction are important In some cities, London for example, there are groups of homeless teenagers who steal in order to eat In other cities, such as New York, young drug addicts commit crimes so as to be able to buy drugs Finally, the police may also be to blame They often ignore minor crimes Consequently, many young people feel they can get away with things like theft In conclusion, there are many factors which have caused an increase in crime among young people It is difficult to know which of them is the most responsible, or how the increase can be stopped You could invite everyone to your house at the weekend Then you won't miss the fun U N I T 10 L E S S O N Writing Looking at both sides What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the same house as your grandmother? I cannot speak about all grandmothers but just about my o w n She is 78 and she has lived with us for five years The main problem with living with my grandmother is the generation gap She criticises my choice in clothes, music and television programmes I often feel embarrassed when she makes comments in front of my friends Also, because she is old, she has some disgusting habits She sniffs, and when she eats she often makes a mess like a child On the other hand, in spite of her annoying habits, she is a wonderful person to live with Although she often criticises my behaviour, she always stands up for me in family arguments She sews on my buttons and irons my shirts; when I am ill she brings me hot drinks and magazines Although she cannot remember what happened yesterday, she tells fascinating stories about life 50 years ago In conclusion, I cannot imagine life without my grandmother Although the disadvantages of living with an old woman sometimes seem unbearable, the advantages are really far more important U N I T L E S S O N Speaking Asking politely Role card B - Interviewer You a r e i n t e r v i e w i n g s o m e o n e for a job w h e r e it is i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e applicant s h o u l d speak good English Ask t h e applicant politely to: - i n t r o d u c e h i m or herself - explain w h y he or s h e h a s applied for t h e job say w h y he or she t h i n k s t h e y could t h e job well Say s o m e t h i n g a b o u t t h e job After this, invite t h e applicant to ask a n y q u e s t i o n s he or s h e likes Y o u c a n a n s w e r t h e s e as y o u like Prepare your questions now U N I T Listening 12 L E S S O N Logic problems T h e r e are t w o w o m e n i n t h e R o b i n s o n family: t h e m o t h e r a n d h e r o n e d a u g h t e r , w h o is t h e sister to e a c h of h e r brothers U N I T Speaking 10 L E S S O N Conversation skills (1) Student B U N I T Speaking L E S S O N Advice Student B S t u d e n t A needs some advice Listen to his or h e r problem Y o u a r e a very optimistic person, so m a k e lots of s u g g e s t i o n s w h i c h look on the bright side: As y o u discuss e a c h question, try to practise a different c o n v e r s a t i o n skill: Question Keeping talking Question Inviting o t h e r s to speak; s h o w i n g y o u ' r e interested in w h a t t h e speaker is saying Question T a k i n g y o u r t u r n to speak at t h e right moment e.g Why don't you phone all your friends? I'm sure they'll want to help you A P P E N D I X 797 U N I T Speaking L E S S O N U N I T Advice 10 Speaking L E S S O N Conversation skills (1 ) Student C Student C Student A needs some advice Listen to his or her problem Y o u are a very pessimistic person, so y o u c a n only see trouble in A ' s situation Advise h i m or her h o w to keep out of trouble: As y o u discuss e a c h question, try to practise a different conversation skill: Question T a k i n g y o u r t u r n to speak at the right moment Question Keeping talking e.g If I were you, I wouldn't have a shower You might fall over You'd better stay at home You might break the other leg if you try and go out U N I T 13 L E S S O N Writing Making a complaint This is one w a y the letter on page 156 c o u l d be completed Question U N I T Inviting others to speak; s h o w i n g you're interested in w h a t the speaker is saying 15 Exam skill L E S S O N Practical matters Y o u answer multiple choice or m a t c h i n g questions (Paper 1, Paper Part 1, P a p e r Parts a n d 3) on an answer sheet likp this: Y o u answer other types of questions (Paper Parts , , a n d Paper Parts a n d і on an answer sheet like this: