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Paul McFedries Microsoft ® Windows Vista ® ™ UNLEASHED 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 USA Acquisitions Editor Loretta Yates Microsoft® Windows® Vista™ Unleashed Copyright © 2007 by Sams Publishing All rights reserved No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein International Standard Book Number: 0-672-328941 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data McFedries, Paul Microsoft Windows Vista unleashed / Paul McFedries p cm ISBN 0-672-32894-1 Microsoft Windows (Computer file) Operating systems (Computers) I Title QA76.76.O63M398175 2006 005.4’46—dc22 2006038141 Printed in the United States of America First Printing: December 2006 09 08 07 06 Trademarks All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized Sams Publishing cannot attest to the accuracy of this information Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark Warning and Disclaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied The information provided is on an “as is” basis The author and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book Bulk Sales Sams Publishing offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales For more information, please contact U.S Corporate and Government Sales 1-800-382-3419 corpsales@pearsontechgroup.com For sales outside of the U.S., please contact International Sales international@pearsoned.com Development Editor Todd Brakke Managing Editor Gina Kanouse Project Editor Andy Beaster Copy Editor Mike Henry Indexer Cheryl Lenser Proofreader Linda Seifert Technical Editor Terri Stratton Team Coordinator Cindy Teeters Book Designer Gary Adair Page Layout Bronkella Publishing Contents at a Glance Introduction Part I Unleashing Day-to-Day Windows Vista An Overview of Windows Vista Customizing and Troubleshooting the Windows Vista Startup 43 Exploring Expert File and Folder Techniques 71 Mastering File Types Installing and Running Applications 131 Getting the Most Out of User Accounts 157 Working with Digital Media 189 Vista’s Tools for Business: Contacts, Calendar, and Faxing 217 Mobile Computing in Windows Vista 255 Part II 111 Unleashing Essential Windows Vista Power Tools 10 Using Control Panel and Group Policies 283 11 Getting to Know the Windows Vista Registry 299 12 Programming the Windows Scripting Host 321 Part III Unleashing Windows Vista Customization and Optimization 359 13 Customizing the Windows Vista Interface 14 Tuning Windows Vista’s Performance 15 Maintaining Your Windows Vista System 16 Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems 443 17 Getting the Most Out of Device Manager 463 Part IV 381 411 Unleashing Windows Vista for the Internet 18 Exploring the Web with Internet Explorer 487 19 Communicating with Windows Mail 527 20 Participating in Internet Newsgroups 559 21 Implementing Windows Vista’s Internet Security and Privacy Features 581 Part V Unleashing Windows Vista Networking 22 Setting Up a Small Network 631 23 Accessing and Using Your Network 649 24 Making Remote Network Connections 679 Part VI Appendixes 701 A Windows Vista Keyboard Shortcuts B Using the Windows Vista Command Prompt 709 C Automating Windows Vista with Batch Files 745 Index 773 Table of Contents Introduction Who Should Read This Book How This Book Is Organized Part I: Unleashing Day-to-Day Windows Vista Part II: Unleashing Essential Windows Vista Power Tools Part III: Unleashing Windows Vista Customization and Optimization Part IV: Unleashing Windows Vista for the Internet Part V: Unleashing Windows Vista Networking Part VI: Appendixes Conventions Used in This Book Part I Unleashing Day-to-Day Windows Vista An Overview of Windows Vista The Development of Windows Vista “Vista” Unveiled What’s Not in Windows Vista 10 Windows Vista System Requirements 11 Processor Requirements 11 Memory Requirements 12 Storage Requirements 13 Graphics Requirements 14 Hardware Requirements for Various Vista Features 15 Windows Vista Editions 16 Windows Anytime Upgrade 18 New Interface Features 20 What’s New Under the Hood 24 Support for Document Metadata 24 Performance Improvements 25 Stability Improvements 26 Security Enhancements 27 Windows Presentation Foundation 28 Desktop Window Manager 29 Improved Graphics 29 vi Microsoft® Windows® Vista™ Unleashed Transactional NTFS 29 XML Paper Specification 29 New and Improved Programs and Tools 29 Welcome Center 30 Control Panel 30 Internet Explorer 32 Windows Mail 34 Windows Calendar 34 Media Player 35 Media Center 37 Windows Photo Gallery 37 DVD Burning and Authoring 37 Per-Application Volume Control 38 Sound Recorder 38 Windows Easy Transfer 38 Windows Backup 38 The Game Explorer 39 Mobility Center 39 Network Center 39 Network Map 40 Windows Collaboration 41 From Here 41 Customizing and Troubleshooting the Windows Vista Startup 43 The Boot Process, from Power Up to Startup 43 Custom Startups Using the Boot Configuration Data 45 Using Startup and Recovery to Modify the BCD 47 Using the System Configuration Utility to Modify the BCD 48 Using BCDEDIT to Customize the Startup Options 51 Custom Startups with the Advanced Options Menu 56 Useful Windows Vista Logon Strategies 59 Requiring Ctrl+Alt+Delete at Startup 60 Logging On to a Domain 61 Accessing the Administrator Account 61 Setting Up an Automatic Logon 62 Disabling Automatic Logon Override 63 Troubleshooting Windows Vista Startup 63 When to Use the Various Advanced Startup Options 63 What to Do If Windows Vista Won’t Start in Safe Mode 65 Recovering Using the System Recovery Options 65 Contents vii Troubleshooting Startup Using the System Configuration Utility 66 What to Do If Windows Vista Still Won’t Start 69 From Here 70 Exploring Expert File and Folder Techniques 71 Navigating Vista’s New Folder Windows 72 Folder Navigation 72 Instant Search 75 The Task Pane 76 The Details Pane 76 The Preview Pane 77 The Navigation Pane 77 Live Folder Icons 78 Basic File and Folder Chores: The Techniques Used by the Pros 79 Selecting Files with Check Boxes 79 Resolving File Transfer Conflicts 81 Expert Drag-and-Drop Techniques 82 Taking Advantage of the Send To Command 83 The Recycle Bin: Deleting and Recovering Files and Folders 84 File Maintenance Using the Open and Save As Dialog Boxes 87 Metadata and the Windows Explorer Property System 88 Desktop Searching with the Windows Search Engine 90 As-You-Type Searches with Instant Search 92 Advanced Searches 93 Saving Searches 96 Grouping, Stacking, and Filtering with Metadata 96 Grouping Files 96 Stacking Files 97 Filtering Files 97 Shadow Copies and Transactional NTFS 98 Reverting to a Previous Version of a Volume, Folder, or File 99 Customizing Windows Explorer 101 Changing the View 101 Viewing More Properties 102 Running Explorer in Full-Screen Mode 103 Exploring the View Options 103 Moving User Folders 109 From Here 110 viii Microsoft® Windows® Vista™ Unleashed Mastering File Types 111 Understanding File Types 111 File Types and File Extensions 112 File Types and the Registry 114 Working with Existing File Types 116 Setting the Default Action 116 Creating a New File Type Action 117 Example: Opening the Command Prompt in the Current Folder 119 Hiding a File Type’s Extension 119 Associating an Extension with a Different Application 120 Associating an Application with Multiple File Types 122 Creating a New File Type 123 Associating Two or More Extensions with a Single File Type 124 Customizing the New Menu 124 Adding File Types to the New Menu 125 Deleting File Types from the New Menu 126 Customizing Windows Vista’s Open with List 126 Opening a Document with an Unassociated Application 126 How the Open with Feature Works 127 Removing an Application from a File Type’s Open with Menu 128 Removing a Program from the Open with List 129 Adding a Program to the Open with List 129 Disabling the Open with Check Box 129 From Here 130 Installing and Running Applications 131 Practicing Safe Setups 131 User Account Control and Installing Programs 132 Running Through a Pre-Installation Checklist 132 Installing the Application 138 Applications and the Registry 139 Program Settings 140 User Settings 140 File Types 140 Application-Specific Paths 140 Launching Applications 141 Controlling AutoRun Behavior for Programs 142 Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup 143 Running a Program with the Administrator Account 147 Contents ix Creating Application-Specific Paths 148 Controlling Startup Programs with Windows Defender 149 Understanding Application Compatibility 151 Determining Whether a Program Is Compatible with Windows Vista 152 Understanding Compatibility Mode 153 Scripting Compatibility Layers 154 From Here 156 Getting the Most Out of User Accounts 157 Understanding Security Groups 157 User Account Control: Smarter User Privileges 159 Elevating Privileges 161 File and Registry Virtualization 162 User Account Control Policies 163 Creating and Managing User Accounts 164 Working with the User Accounts Dialog Box 166 Adding a New User 166 Performing Other User Tasks 167 Working with the Local Users and Groups Snap-In 168 Setting Account Policies 169 Setting Account Security Policies 169 Setting User Rights Policies 170 Setting Account Lockout Policies 171 Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line 172 The NET USER Command 172 The NET LOCALGROUP Command 174 Creating and Enforcing Bulletproof Passwords 174 Creating a Strong Password 174 User Account Password Options 176 Taking Advantage of Windows Vista’s Password Policies 176 Recovering from a Forgotten Password 178 Sharing Files with Other Users 179 Using Parental Controls to Restrict Computer Usage 180 Activating Parental Controls and Activity Reporting 180 Example: Setting Up Parental Controls for Games 182 Sharing Your Computer Securely 186 From Here 187 Sync Center icon starting applications 821 with System Configuration Utility, 66-69 optimizing, 400 with System Recovery Options, 65-66 WshShell objects, 343-344 with System Restore, 69 Command Prompt, 172, 709 applications, 725-727 CMD.EXE switches, 710-713 Windows Fax and Scan, 241-242 Windows Meeting Space, 673, 676-677 Startup and Recovery dialog box, 447 customizing BCD options, 47-48 Startup folder, 143-144 startup process See also logon process BIOS settings, adjusting, 460 customizing with Advanced Boot Options menu, 56-59 with BCD (Boot Configuration Data), 45-56 from CD, 65 disabling application launch at, 144, 149-151 email, sending/receiving, 534 launching applications and scripts, 143-147 new features, 25 Secure Startup, new features, 28 speed of, 382-383 steps in, 43-45 system failures during, 448 troubleshooting advanced startup options, when to use, 63-65 with CompletePC Restore, 69 Safe mode won’t start, 65 Startup Repair Tool (SRT), 26, 66, 415, 461 stationary applying to email messages, 542 saving email messages as, 535 stop errors See system failures stopping See quitting applications storage requirements of Windows Vista, 13-14 storing Registry settings, 347 string values in Registry, editing, 313 strings, QueryString, 501 strong passwords, creating, 174-176 subscribing calendars, 239-240 newsgroups, 562, 567-569 RSS feeds, 506-507 SuperFetch, 385-386 configuring, 400 new features, 25 suspending See overriding automatic logon switches for BCDEDIT, 52-53 CMD.EXE, 710-713 Command Prompt, adding, 715-716 Sync Center, 664 offline files enabling, 665-667 modifying disk space, 670-671 synchronizing, 667-670 Sync Center icon (Control Panel), 289 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com 822 sync center setting sync center setting (Windows Mobility Center), 258 system restore points, setting, 133 synchronizing system state, defined, 309 messages, 569 System Stability Chart, 414 SYSTEM.INI file, 300 offline files, 667-669 troubleshooting, 670 Windows Media Player 11 with media devices, 36, 206-207 T System Configuration icon (Control Panel), 286 tab numbering in dialog boxes, 291 System Configuration Utility tabbed browsing (Internet Explorer), new features, 33 customizing BCD options, 48-52 troubleshooting startup process, 66-69 system failures configuring handling of, 446-449 during startup, 448 Tablet PC Input Panel toolbar, 369 Tablet PC Settings icon (Control Panel), 289 Tablet PCs, 268-269 See also notebook computers System icon (Control Panel), 289, 293 handwriting recognition, personalizing, 276-279 system images, creating, 434 Input Panel, 270-273 System Information utility, determining causes of problems, 445-446 options, setting, 270-271 System Properties dialog box, 633, 680 pointer options, setting, 276 opening, 47 System Recovery Options, 460-461 troubleshooting startup process, 65-66 system requirements for Windows Vista, 11 graphics, 14-15 pen flicks, 273-275 screen orientation, changing, 269-270 Snipping Tool, 279-280 tabs, applying, 493-496 tags hardware, 15-16 applying to images (Windows Photo Gallery), 197-198 memory, 12 defined, 88 processors, 11-12 job, 325 storage, 13-14 Windows Media Player 11, 203-205 System Restore, 68, 458-461 Task Manager configuring, 428-430 force quitting applications, 449 Registry security, 309 performance monitoring, 391-394 troubleshooting startup process, 69 priority, configuring, 402 tools Task pane, 76 scripts Task Scheduler, launching applications, 142, 147 applying CScript, 325 Task Scheduler icon (Control Panel), 286 customizing properties, 326-327 taskbar executing, 323 applying WScript, 324-325 customizing running, 323 creating toolbars, 370 customizing toolbars, 370 with group policies, 376-377 viewing, 333 sharpening with ClearType, 377 text files See also documents grouping taskbar buttons, 375-376 comparing, 136-137 setting options, 370-373 saving directory listings as, 136-137 viewing multiple time zones, 373-374 Text to Speech icon (Control Panel), 289 viewing toolbars, 369-370 theoretical bandwidth of memory, 13 unlocking, 369, 375 Taskbar and Start Menu icon (Control Panel), 289, 293 Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, 370 taskbar thumbnails, new features, 22 tasks See also Windows Calendar deleting, 236 maintenance, scheduling, 440-441 tracking, 229-236 technical support See online resources threads, newsgroups, 562 managing, 571 thumbnails, new features, 21-22 time slices, 742-743 time zones, viewing multiple time zones on taskbar, 373-374 timeouts, optimizing, 398-399 toolbars resizing, 369 taskbar toolbars creating, 370 testing customizing, 370 parameters, 762 viewing, 369-370 POST, 398 tools text Command Prompt copying, 727-728 pasting, 728-729 fields, adding, 248 keyboard shortcuts, 703 REM command, 748-749 823 contact management, 217-220 communicating with, 223-224 creating groups, 222 importing, 220-222 modifying, 224-226 Device Manager, 463-464 hardware, 471-476 installing devices, 464 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com 824 tools legacy devices, 468-469 Plug and Play devices, 464-468 Transactional NTFS (TxF), 99 new features, 29 security policies, 477 transactions, defined, 98 signing options, 469-471 Transmitting Subscriber Identification See TSID troubleshooting, 478-483 diagnostic tools, 452 Trojan horse, 584 disk diagnostics, 452 Troubleshooters, defined, 451 Memory Diagnostics Tool, 453-454 troubleshooting See also diagnostics; problems Problem Reports and Solutions, 454-456 RADAR (Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution), 453 backups, 431 automating, 432-433 creating system images, 434 Disk Cleanup, 423 booting from DVD, 460 Disk Defragmenter, 425-427 causes of problems, 131, 443 Event Viewer, 437-440 Microsoft Backup, 431 determining, 444-450 Device Manager, 478-483 automating, 432-433 Disk Defragmenter, 425-427 creating system images, 434 Event Viewer, 437-440 Repair, troubleshooting networks, 651-652 Signature Verification, 480 hard disks checking for errors, 415-418 running Check Disk, 418-420 Startup Repair Tool, 415 IP address conflicts, 633 in System Recovery Options, 461 networks, 651-652 System Restore, 428-430 newsgroups, 576 tracking appointments, 229-236 See also Windows Calendar environment variables, 348-350 Favorites folders, 502 offline file synchronization, 670 online resources, 456-457 scheduling maintenance, 440-441 security adding shortcuts, 502 configuring Windows Defender, 590-591 managing shortcuts, 504 scanning spyware, 589-590 opening shortcuts, 503 spyware, 588-589 sharing shortcuts, 505 stability improvements, 411 hard disk free space, 420-422 I/O cancellation, 412 Reliability Monitor, 413-414 Reliability Monitor, 413-414 upgrading service recovery, 414 825 U Startup Repair Tool, 415 startup process advanced startup options, when to use, 63-65 UI (user interface) See interface unassociated applications defined, 127 with CompletePC Restore, 69 opening documents with, 126-127 Safe mode will not start, 65 UNC (universal naming convention), 653 with System Configuration Utility, 66-69 undoing commands, 87 with System Recovery Options, 65-66 with System Restore, 69 System Restore, 428-430 tips for, 451 updates, 434-436 checking for security vulnerabilities, 436-437 Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure, 452 disk diagnostics, 452 Memory Diagnostics Tool, 453-454 Problem Reports and Solutions, 454-456 RADAR (Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution), 453 XCOPY command, 765-767 Uniform Resource Locators See URLs uninstalling See also installing applications, 134-135, 423-425 devices, 476 universal naming convention (UNC), 653 unlocking taskbar, 369, 375 unnecessary files, deleting, 423-425 unscrambling ROT13 messages, 571 unsigned drivers, disabling, 480 unsubscribing from newsgroups, 569 updates, 434-436 causes of problems, determining, 450-451 drivers, 473-476 rebooting with Restart Manager, 387-388 Truscott, Tom, 560 RSS feeds, 510 TSID (Transmitting Subscriber Identification), 244 security, checking for vulnerabilities, 436-437 turning off See disabling; hiding Windows Mail, 550 turning on See enabling; viewing Windows Media Player, disabling, 210 TxF (Transactional NTFS), 99 new features, 29 Upgrade Advisor tool, 153 upgrading device drivers, 399-400, 480 Windows Vista with Windows Anytime Upgrade feature, 18-20 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com 826 URGE store URGE store (Windows Media Player 11), new features, 36 URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 487-488 Favorites folders, 502 command prompt NET LOCALGROUP command, 174 NET USER command, 172-174 starting session, 172 adding shortcuts, 502 creating, 164 managing shortcuts, 504 defined, 157 opening shortcuts, 503 editing, 164-166 sharing shortcuts, 505 least privileged user, defined, 160 phishing filters, 596-599, 618 limited user accounts, defined, 160 ScriptURL, 501 Local Users and Groups snap-in, 168-169 shortcuts, creating, 492-493 Usenet accounts, configuring, 565-566 passwords customizing, 575-579 forgotten passwords, recovering, 178-179 etiquette rules, 563-565 options, 176 messages password policies, 176-178 downloading, 569-571 filtering, 573-574 strong passwords, creating, 174-176 privileges, 159-160 managing, 571 elevating, 161-162 posting, 572 file and Registry virtualization, 162 rating posts, 574 security groups, 157-159 replying to, 572 security policies, setting, 169-170 navigating, 562 User Accounts dialog box, 166-167 overview of, 560-562 user rights policies, setting, 170-171 subscribing, 567-569 User Account Control, 160 User Accounts dialog box, 166-167 User Accounts icon (Control Panel), 289 elevating privileges, 161-162 user folders, moving, 109 file and Registry virtualization, 162 user interface See interface group policies, 163-164 user profiles, 159 installing applications, 132 user rights policies, setting, 170-171 new features, 27 user settings (Registry), 140 user accounts account lockout policies, setting, 171-172 users See also user accounts adding with User Accounts dialog box, 166-167 groups, adding, 169 Users group, 158 vulnerabilities V 827 notification area (taskbar) icons, 373 performance rating, 388-390 values Registry, WshShell objects, 346-348 properties shortcuts, 344-346 configuring, 328 taskbar toolbars, 369-370 returning, 329 text, scripts, 333 Registry, WshShell objects, 346-348 variables user information (WshShell object), 339-342 delayed environment expansions, 759 web pages, 353 environment, WshShell objects, 348-350 workgroups, 652 objects, assigning, 330-331 views Windows Calendar, modifying, 229 VBScript objects, exposing, 337 Windows Explorer, customizing, 101 WSH, 321-323 Windows Media Player 11, 202-204 version numbers (Windows), Views button (folders), 76 video See digital media virtual memory view options (Windows Explorer), customizing, 103-109 viewing optimizing, 406 RADAR (Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution), 453 classic menus, 76 virtual private networks See VPNs Control Panel, 283-285 virus checks, pre-installation checklist, 133-134 Device Manager, 471-472 devices, networks, 650 drive letters, 107 environment variables, 348-350 Event Viewer, 437-440 file extensions, 106, 113 Folders list, 78 hard disk free space, 420-422 hard drive specifications, 403 hidden files, 106 History lists, 497-498, 515 Internet Explorer See Internet Explorer multiple time zones on taskbar, 373-374 viruses, email, 611-613 See also security Vista See Windows Vista volume, per-application volume control, 38, 192-194 volume setting (Windows Mobility Center), 257 volumes, reverting to previous versions, 99-101 VPNs (virtual private networks), 693-694, 697-698 clients, configuring, 696-697 gateways, configuring, 694-695 vulnerabilities (security), checking for, 436-437 network map, 644-645 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com 828 WAV format W deleting browser history, 602-604 encoding addresses, 600-601 WAV format, 214 managing add-ons, 602 WCF (Windows Communications Foundation), 10 modifying zone sites, 594 WDDM (Windows Vista Display Driver Model), 14 phishing filters, 596-599 web bugs, 619-620 web pages See also Internet Explorer; online resources for troubleshooting optimizing privacy, 603-606, 618-620 reducing privileges, 595 viewing, 353 Welcome Center addresses, 487-488 disabling, 289 Favorites folders including Administrator account in, 61-62 adding shortcuts, 502 new features, 30 formatting, 502 Welcome Center icon (Control Panel), 289 managing shortcuts, 504 well-known identifiers, 55 opening shortcuts, 503 WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 636 sharing shortcuts, 505 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 636 navigating WIN.INI file, 300 accessing Address bars, 490-492 window thumbnails, new features, 21 applying tabs, 493-496 Windows creating URL shortcuts, 492-493 optimizing, 488-490 viewing History lists, 497-498, 515 RSS feeds, 505-509 subscribing, 506-507 updating, 510 searching, 498-499 adding search engines, 499 configuring search engines, 499-502 security adding/removing zone sites, 593-594 applying add-ons, 595 blocking pop-ups, 606-607 configuring, 591-592 customizing, 608-610 configuring, determining causes of problems, 446 history of releases, 7-8 version numbers, windows See folders Windows Anytime Upgrade feature, 18-20 Windows Backup, new features, 38-39 Windows Boot Manager (BOOTMGR), 44 displaying manually, 57 Windows Calendar new features, 34-35 scheduling, 226-227 configuring multiple calendars, 236-237 importing files, 237-238 Windows Mail modifying views, 229 Windows Error Reporting service, 412 navigating dates, 228 Windows Explorer, customizing See also files; folders sharing, 238-240 tracking appointments, 229-236 changing views, 101 Windows CardSpace icon (Control Panel), 289 Details view, 102-103 Windows Collaboration, new features, 41 moving user folders, 109 Windows Communications Foundation (WCF), 10 view options, list of, 103-109 Windows Contacts, 217 829 full-screen mode, 103 Windows Fax and Scan See also faxes accounts, creating, 242-243 communicating with, 223-224 cover pages, formatting, 243, 246-249 groups, creating, 222 starting, 241-242 importing, 220-222 Windows Firewall managing, 219-220 configuring, 584-587 modifying, 224-226 new features, 27 Windows Defender Windows Firewall icon (Control Panel), 290 application launches at startup, disabling, 149-151 Windows Firewall with Advanced Security icon (Control Panel), 286 new features, 27 Windows Future Storage (WinFS), 10 spyware, 588-589 Windows Mail configuring Windows Defender, 590-591 scanning, 589-590 in Windows XP, 10 Windows Defender icon (Control Panel), 289 Windows Diagnostic Console, 27 Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure defined, 452 disk diagnostics, 452 Memory Diagnostics Tool, 453-454 Problem Reports and Solutions, 454-456 RADAR (Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution), 453 accounts, configuring, 528-532 filtering, 551-554 incoming, 532-534 customizing columns, 537 processing messages, 535-536 reading, 538-540 managing, 549-551 new features, 34 newsgroups customizing, 575-579 subscribing, 567-569 searching, 554-556 Windows Easy Transfer, new features, 38 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com 830 Windows Mail sending, 540-543 applying recipient shortcuts, 544 creating signatures, 543 customizing, 545-548 signing in, 672 starting, 673, 676-677 Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool, 27, 66, 461 Windows Marketplace, hardware compatibility, 464 Windows Mobile Device Center icon (Control Panel), 290 Windows Media Audio (WMA), 213 Windows Mobility Center, 256-258 Windows Media Audio Pro (WMA Pro), 214 Windows Media Player 11, 200-201 album art, 201-203 copying music from CDs, 212-215 copying music to CDs, 216 associating file types, 208 keyboard shortcuts, 706 Library navigation, 200-202 Media Sharing, 207-208 metadata, 203-205 new features, 35-36 playback options, 210-212 playing files, 208-209 new features, 39-40 Windows Mobility Center icon (Control Panel), 290 Windows Photo Gallery, 196-200 applying tags, 197-198 editing images, 199-200 grouping images, 197-198 new features, 37 searching images, 199 Windows PowerShell, 10 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 10 new features, 28 Windows Registry See Registry searching, 204-205 Windows Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution (RADAR), 27, 453 security, 625-626 Windows Script Host See WSH shortcut keys, 209 Windows Search Engine, 90-91 syncing with media devices, 206-207 views, 202-204 in Windows XP, 10 new features, 23 Windows Service Hardening, 627 new features, 28 Windows Media Player toolbar, 369 Windows Sidebar, new features, 24 Windows Meeting Space, 672 Windows Sidebar icon (Control Panel), 290 ending, 678 Windows SideShow, 266-268 inviting, 674-675 Windows SideShow icon (Control Panel), 290 joining, 673 Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT), 389 managing, 677 sharing handouts, 675 Windows Update icon (Control Panel), 290, 293 Windows Vista Windows Update website, 457 Windows Vista applications adding memory, 400 configuring priority, 402 831 maintenance checking hard disks for errors, 415-418 running Check Disk, 418-420 new features installing fast hard drives, 400 burning DVDs, 37 optimizing, 400-402 Control Panel, 30-32 starting, 400 Desktop Window Manager (DWM), 29 upgrading device drivers, 400 Game Explorer, 39 backups, 431 graphics, 29 automating, 432-433 interface features, 20-24 creating system images, 434 Internet Explorer 7, 32-34 dropped features, 10-11 Media Center, 37 editions of, 16-18 metadata support, 24-25 upgrading with Windows Anytime Upgrade feature, 18-20 Mobility Center, 39-40 Network Center, 39 Event Viewer, 437-440 Network Map, 40 files, deleting, 423-425 per-application volume control, 38 free disk space, checking, 420-422 performance, 25-26 hard disks, defragmenting, 425-427 security, 27-28 hard drives Sound Recorder, 38 closing Indexers, 403-404 stability, 26-27 configuring Last Access Time, 406 Transactional NTFS (TxF), 29 converting partitions to NTFS, 404-405 Welcome Center, 30 disabling compression/ encryption, 403 Windows Calendar, 34-35 enabling write caching, 404 implementing maintenance, 403 optimizing, 403 turning off 8.3 filename creation, 405-406 viewing specifications, 403 history of, 8-9 logon process See logon process Windows Backup, 38-39 Windows Collaboration, 41 Windows Easy Transfer, 38 Windows Mail, 34 Windows Media Player 11, 35-36 Windows Photo Gallery, 37 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 28 XML Paper Specification (XPS), 29 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com 832 Windows Vista performance improvements, 382 virtual memory Restart Manager, 387-388 customizing page files, 407-408 Sleep mode, 383-384 modifying page files, 408-410 startup speed, 382-383 monitoring page files, 408 SuperFetch with ReadyBoost, 385-386 optimizing, 406 performance monitoring, 388 saving page files, 406-407 with Reliability and Performance Monitor, 394-397 Windows Vista Business edition, 17 with Task Manager, 391-394 Windows Vista compatibility viewing performance rating, 388-390 splitting page files, 407 compatibility layers redirecting, 767-769 defined, 153-154 scheduling maintenance, 440-441 scripting, 154-156 stability improvements, 411 described, 151-152 I/O cancellation, 412 determining, 152-153 Reliability Monitor, 413-414 pre-installation checklist, 133 service recovery, 414 Startup Repair Tool, 415 startup Windows Vista Display Driver Model (WDDM), 14 Windows Vista Enterprise edition, 17 closing splash screens, 399 Windows Vista Home Basic edition, 16 configuring prefetchers, 399-400 Windows Vista Home Premium edition, 17 logging on automatically, 399 Windows Vista Starter edition, 18 optimizing, 397-398 Windows Vista Ultimate edition, 17 reducing BIOS checks, 398 Windows XP speeding up, 398-399 backports, 10 upgrading device drivers, 399 down-level tools, 10 system requirements, 11 graphics, 14-15 editions of, 16 history of Windows Vista, hardware, 15-16 WINFILE.INI file, 300 memory, 12 WinFS (Windows Future Storage), 10, 71 processors, 11-12 WinSAT (Windows System Assessment Tool), 389 storage, 13-14 System Restore, configuring, 428-430 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 636 updates, 434-436 wired networks, setup, 631-633 checking for security vulnerabilities, 436-437 wireheads, 43 wireless hotspots, defined, 635 zones wireless network setting (Windows Mobility Center), 257 wireless networks ad hoc wireless networks, connecting to, 638-639 connecting to, 634-637 managing, 645-646 nonbroadcasting wireless networks, connecting to, 637-638 security settings, changing, 646 833 scripts applying CScript, 325 applying WScript, 324-325 customizing properties, 326-327 executing, 323 running, 323 WScript objects, 332-339 WshNetwork objects, 350-352 WshShell objects, 339-350 WMA (Windows Media Audio), 213 WshNetwork objects, programming, 350-352 WMA Pro (Windows Media Audio Pro), 214 WshShell objects, programming, 339-350 WMP See Windows Media Player 11 word processors, document comparison in, 137 X–Z workgroup names, changing, 633-634 XCOPY command, 753-754, 765-767 workgroups remote connections, 679-688 configuring, 680-681 XPS (XML Paper Specification), new features, 29 disconnecting, 688 zombie computers, 584 Internet, 689-692 zones, security viewing, 652 adding/removing sites, 593-594 WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 636 configuring, 591-592 WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 10 modifying sites, 594 new features, 28 WPG See Windows Photo Gallery write caching, enabling, 404 WScript applying, 324-325 objects, 332 automating, 333-339 WSE See Windows Search Engine WSH (Windows Script Host), 321-323 Internet Explorer, 352-356 programming objects, 327-332 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com Check out these great resources on Office 2007 and Windows® Vista™! 078973642x 0789734729 0789735970 0789735873 560 pages 448 pages 1440 pages 1504 pages 448 pages Want to become an Office 2007 power user? 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