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Financial Crises 180 209 244 270 PART Regional Issues in the Global Economy 299 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter The United States in the World Economy The European Union: Many Markets into One Trade and Policy Reform in Latin America Export-Oriented Growth in East Asia The BRIC Countries in the World Economy 300 326 357 384 412 Glossary Index 437 449 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Suggested Readings are available on the Companion Website at vii This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Preface xix PART Introduction and Institutions Chapter The United States in a Global Economy Introduction: International Economic Integration Elements of International Economic Integration The Growth of World Trade Capital and Labor Mobility Features of Contemporary International Economic Relations Trade and Economic Growth Twelve Themes in International Economics The Gains from Trade and New Trade Theory (Chapters 3, 4, and 5) Wages, Jobs, and Protection (Chapters 3, 6, 7, and 8) Trade Deficits (Chapters 9, 11, and 12) Regional Trade Agreements (Chapters 2, 13, and 14) The Resolution of Trade Conflicts (Chapters 2, 7, and 8) The Role of International Institutions (Chapters 2, 8, and 12) Exchange Rates and the Macroeconomy (Chapters 10 and 11) Financial Crises and Global Contagion (Chapter 12) Capital Flows and the Debt of Developing Countries (Chapters 2, 9, and 12) Latin America and the World Economy (Chapter 15) Export-Led Growth in East Asia (Chapter 16) The Integration of the BRICs into the World Economy (Chapter 17) 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 Vocabulary 15 • Study Questions 16 Chapter International Economic Institutions Since World War II Introduction: International Institutions and Issues Since World War II International Institutions A Taxonomy of International Economic Institutions The IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO The IMF and World Bank The GATT, the Uruguay Round, and the WTO CASE STUDY: The GATT Rounds 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 22 ix Index Infant industry argument, 145 Inflation, Latin America, 373–375 Informal economy, 164 Informal institutions, 18 Inputs availability of, 64 Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) trade model, 65 intermediate, 245–246 Institutions See also International economic institutions defined, 17–18 exchange rate, 212 formal, 18 informal, 18 as “rules of the game,” 36 Intellectual property rights, 131–132 Intellectual property, traditional knowledge and, 147–148 Interest parity, 219 Interest rate arbitrage, 211 Interest rates fiscal policy and, 257 foreign currency supply and, 256 home, effects of increase in, 221 Interindustry trade, 93 Intermediate inputs, 245–246 Intermediation, 271 Internal economies of scale defined, 94 geography and, 99–100, 101–102 market implications, 94 monopolistic competition, 95–96 presence of, 95 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) See World Bank International debt See Debt International economic institutions Bretton Woods (case study), 31–32 criticism of, 33–36 GATT, 20–22 GATT rounds case study, 22–23 governments versus, 28–29 ideology, 34–35 IMF and World Bank, 19–20 implementation and adjustment costs, 35–36 importance of, 17 order maintenance function, 29–31 overview of, 17–18 regional trade agreements, 23–28 role of, 28–31 sovereignty and transparency, 33–34 study questions, 38 summary, 36–37 taxonomy of, 18 459 uncertainty reduction function, 29–31 Uruguay Round, 20–22 vocabulary, 37 WTO, 20–22 International economic integration, 94, 206–207 benefits, 2–3 capital and labor mobility, 6–8 capital flows, 14 debt of developing countries, 14 deep, defined, East Asian environment, 391–399 elements of, 3–11 exchange rates and macroeconomy, 13 export-led growth in East Asia, 15 features of contemporary relations, 8–10 financial crises and global contagion, 14 integration of BRICs into world economy, 15 introduction to, 2–3 Latin American and world economy, 14 measures for degree of, multilateral organizations, regional trade agreements, 9–10, 12 resolution of trade conflicts, 13 role of international institutions, 13 shallow, trade and economic growth, 10–11 world trade growth, 4–6 International economic issues gains from trade, 11 New Trade Theory, 11 trade deficits, 12 wages, jobs, and projection, 12 International finance See Balance of payments International financial architecture conditionality and, 289–290 lender of last resort and, 288–289 reform of, 271, 287–291 reform urgency, 291 International financial crises Asian Crisis of 1997–1998, 282–286 avoidance, domestic issues, 279–286 balance of payments and, 190–192 banking, 271–272 capital controls and, 281–282 caused by economic imbalances, 273–274 contagion effects, 271 debt, 272–273 definition of, 271 destruction of, 271 domestic policies for crisis management, 286–287 euro and, 347–350 exchange rate, 272 exchange rate policy and, 280 460 Index International financial crises (Contd.) frequency of, 287 global crisis of 2007 (case study), 291–295 as international economic issue, 14 introduction to, 270–271 from macroeconomic imbalances, 287 moral hazard and financial sector regulation, 279–280 reform of international financial architecture, 287–291 sources of, 273–278 study questions, 297–298 summary, 295–297 vocabulary, 297 from volatile capital flows, 274–276 International Financial Statistics (IFS), 208 International investment position defined, 203 example of, 203–204 measuring, 207 overview of, 203–204 International Labour Organization (ILO) basic rights, 318 case study, 166–167 child labor standards, 162–163 complaints handled by, 167 core labor standards, 166 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 317 defined, 161 goals, 166 in labor policy assessment, 173 reluctance to use power, 167 standards, 161 tools, 166 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 17 Asian Crisis of 1997–1998, 285–286 creation of, 9, 19 criticisms of, 33–36 lender of last resort, 288–289 policies, 19 as privatization proponent, 35 quotas, 19 resources, 20 special drawing rights (SDRs), 19 voting structure, 34 withdrawal of credit, 29 International Monetary Fund (IMF) conditionality, 20, 289–290 International Trade Association (ITA), 151 International Trade Organization (ITO), 20–21 Intrafirm trades, 79 Intraindustry trade, 93–98 benefits of, 97 characteristics of, 93–96 defined, 93–98 empirical measures, 93 gains from, 96–97 Investment income components, 181 flows, 182 Investor-state disputes, 312 Investor-state relations, 319–320 iPhone 3G case study, 86–88 Ireland, as-euro-crisis country, 347 ISI See Import substitution industrialization ITA (International Trade Association), 151 Italy, as-euro-crisis country, 347 Japan deliberation councils, 394–395 gains from trade (nineteenth century), 44–45 industrial policies, 108 Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), 394–395 opportunity costs, 52 targeted industrial policy, 399 trade-to-GDP ratio, yen exchange rate, 211 J-curve, 263–264 Jobs gains/losses due to NAFTA, 320 as international economic issue, 12 lost due to trade, 320–322 trade impact on, 85–88 Korea comparative advantage, 53–54 HCI (case study), 402–403 industrial policies, 108 targeted industrial policy, 399–400 Kuznets’s curve, 389 Labeling, 172 Labor advantages of external economies of scale, 102 China’s endowment of, 78 conditions for adopting single currencies, 238 income distribution effects of trade on, 72 migration of, 83–85 NAFTA and, 317–319 policy assessment, 173 Labor argument, 144–145 Labor productivity, 42 Index Labor standards See also Standards child, 162–163 core, 166 daily work hours, 161 defining, 161 effectiveness, 163–164 health and safety issues, 161 ILO, 161 lack of agreement on, 165 low, as predatory practice, 165–166 minimum wage, 161 protectionism and, 164 specific content of, 165 summary, 177 trade and, 163–165 United States in world economy, 317–319 Large country case tariffs, 123–124 Latin America, 357–382 Chilean model (case study), 379–380 conditional cash transfers (CCT), 379 debt crisis (1980s), 2, 369–372 Economic Commission on, 361 economic growth, 358–360 economy definition, 357–358 export pessimism, 361 GDP, 359 heterodox model, 374 import substitution industrialization (ISI), 358, 360–364 imports/exports as share of GDP, 398 income, 358–360 inflation rates (1982–1992), 374 Lost Decade, 14, 359 macroeconomic instability, 366–369 map, 362 neoliberal policy reform, 373–380 next generation of reforms, 378–379 orthodox model, 374 population, 358–360 price decline of exports, 370 regional trade blocs (case study), 376–377 stabilization policies to control inflation, 373–375 structural reform and open trade, 375–376 study questions, 382–383 summary, 381–382 tariff rates, 376 trade and policy reform, 357–382 unequal distribution of income, 378 vocabulary, 382 Washington Consensus, 373, 378 world economy and, 14 Lender of last resort defined, 288 Great Depression and, 30–31 461 IMF, 288–289 need for, 271 Less-developed countries (LDCs), 86 Long run effects of fiscal and monetary policy, 260 exchange rates in, 215–218 purchasing power parity, 216 Lost Decade, 311, 359 Lower-middle-income countries, 159 Low-income countries, 159 Maastricht Treaty, 342 Macroeconomics, 244–269 aggregate demand and aggregate supply, 245–249 Argentina and the limits of macroeconomic policy (case study), 260–262 current account and, 192–200, 256–260 for current account balances, 262–266 economic agents in, 245 fiscal policy, 250–251 in global setting, 244–245 instability, Latin America, 366–369 as international economic issue, 13 monetary policy, 251–253 overview of, 13 policy coordination in developed countries, 266–267 stable, HPAE, 391 study questions, 268–269 summary, 267–268 vocabulary, 268 Magnification effect, 70 Malaysia, targeted industrial policy, 400 Manmohan Singh, 419 Manufacturing BRICs, 429–430 China, 429–430 HPAE exports, 390–391 transportation costs, 99 U.S (case study), 303–304 Maquiladora industry, 100 Market failure defined, 104 externalities, 104, 105 import substitution industrialization (ISI) and, 363 industrial policies and, 104–106 rules for analyzing, 105 Medium run effects of fiscal and monetary policy, 259 exchange rates in, 218–222 gold standard and, 229 growth abroad and, 219 strength of economic growth and, 218 462 Index Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR), 10, 377 Mercantilism, 40 METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry), 394–395 Mexican Peso Crisis of 1994–1995, 2, 31 austerity measures, 278 case study, 276–278 defined, 276 devaluation, 277 lessons, 278 pesos per dollar, 278 Tequila effect, 198 world capital market and, 277 Mexico agriculture, 314–316 debt crisis, 311 drug violence issue, 313, 314 economic reforms, 310–311 ejidos, 314–316 flexible exchange rate, 234 foreign investment limit, 365 GDP per capita growth, 365–366 import substitution industrialization (ISI), 310–311, 364–366 ISI debt crisis relationship, 366 Lost Decade, 311 NAFTA in, 314–316 pegging peso to dollar, 234 poverty, 366 MFN (most favored nation) status, 21 Middle East, regional trade blocs, 25 Migration factors, 84 policies, 352–353 trade and, 83–85 Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), 394–395 Monetary policy contractionary, 252, 258 current account and, 258–259 for current account imbalance elimination, 262–263 defined, 250 exchange rates and, 257 expansionary, 252, 258 functioning of, 251 Great Depression, 253–256 impact on income, 259 long-run effects, 260 main effects of, 259 medium-run effects, 259 open market operations, 251 short-run effects, 259 summary, 267–268 Monetary union convergence criteria, 343–344 costs and benefits of, 344–345 euro and, 343 Monetary unions, 235–236 Money increase in demand for, 257 supply and demand, 252 Monopolistic competition defined, 95 illustrated, 96 Moral hazards, 279 Most favored nation (MFN) status, 21 Multi-Fiber Arrangement, 126 Multilateral agreements, 23 Multilateral organizations, Multilateral transfers, 181 Multiplier effect, 249 Mutual recognition of standards, 157–158 NAFTA bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and, 320 Canada-U.S trade relations, 308–310 demographic and economic characteristics, 307–308 dispute resolution, 312 drug violence issue, 313 environmental side agreement, 318–319 free trade qualification, 312 immigration issues, 313 implementation of, 12, 377 importance of, 307 investor-state disputes, 312 jobs gains/losses due to, 320 labor side, 318, 319 Mexican economic reforms, 310–311 model, 307–316 in multilateral system push, 305 as optimal currency area, 239 partner importance, 302 purchasing power parity (PPP), 307 ratification, 311 region population and GDP, 307 as regional trade agreement, 10 tariffs, 312 trade barriers and, 311–312 trade growth, 321–322 National income and product accounts (NIPA) defined, 193 gross domestic product (GDP), 193 gross national product (GNP), 193 variable definitions, 194 National savings, 195–196, 197 National treatment, 21 Index Negotiations, 173–174 Neoliberal model, 373 Net foreign investment, 196 Net national welfare loss, 139 Netherlands, New Trade Theory defined, 11, 94 economies of scale, 94 Newly industrializing economies (NIEs), 384–386 NIPA See National income and product accounts Nominal exchange rate, 225, 226 Nominal rate of protection, 124–125 Nondiminishable, 29 Nondiscrimination, 21 Nonexcludable, 29 Nontariff barriers (NTBs), 130 Nontariff measures defined, 130 formats and activities, 130–131 Nontransparent trade barriers, 114 North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, 312 North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, 312 North American Free Trade Agreement See NAFTA Norway, EU membership and, 330 NTBs (nontariff barriers), 130 OAS (Organization of American States), 377 Odious debt, 202–203 Official reserve assets, 186 Off-shoring debate focus, 82 defined, 81 effects and extent of, 81 by U.S multinational corporations, 82–83 OLI (ownership-location-internalization) theory, 80 Oligopolies, 94 Olson, Mancur, 141 Open economies, 11 Open market operations, 251 Opportunity costs absolute productivity advantage and, 43 and slope of PPC, 67 Optimal currency areas defined, 237 NAFTA region as, 239 Order, maintenance of, 29–31 Organization of American States (OAS), 377 Orthodox model, 374 Outsourcing, 81 Partial equilibrium analysis, 115 Partial trade agreements, 26 Pegged exchange rate systems, 226–227 crawling pegs, 230–231 defined, 230 pegging to group of currencies, 230 problem sources, 230 Pegs crawling, 230, 280 hard, 226 maintaining, 280 popularity, 234 soft, 226 People’s Bank of China, 431 Peru de Soto experiment, 392 economic populism in, 368–369 Plaza Accord, 266 Plurilateral trade agreements, 305 Pollution havens, 168 Population BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), 413 East Asia, 386–388 EU forecast, 354 EU membership, 329 HPAE, 387 income and, 159 Latin America, 358–360 NAFTA region, 307 Portugal, as-euro-crisis country, 347 PPC See Production possibilities curve (PPC) PPP See Purchasing power parity Predatory practice, low labor standards as, 165–166 Preferential agreements, 316 Private returns defined, 104 divergence, 105–106 reasons for difference, 106 Producer surplus, 116 Product cycle model Chinese export to U.S and, 78–79 defined, 76 in high-income countries, 77 in low-income countries, 77 overview of, 76–77 Product differentiation, 95 Production possibilities curve (PPC) defined, 46 illustrated, 46 with increasing costs, 66 opportunity costs and, 67 slope, 46–47 463 464 Index Productivity differences availability of inputs and, 64 labor argument and, 144 Profits, effects on foreign producers, 128–130 Protection arguments for, 136–137 effective rate of, 124–125 hidden forms of, 130–131 intellectual property, lack of, 131–132 as international economic issue, 12 nominal rate of, 124–125 in U.S., 149–153 Protectionism antidumping duties, 150–151 benefits of, 141 costs of, 139–141 cultural protection argument, 146 economic sanctions (case stud), 152–153 escape clause relief, 151 infant industry argument, 145 labor argument, 144–145 labor standards and, 164 logic of collective action and, 140–141 national security argument, 146 policies in the U.S., 149–153 retaliation argument, 146–147 revenue and, 143–144 Section 301 and Special 301, 152 use of, 143–148 Public goods characteristics of, 29 defined, 29 examples of, 30 free riding, 29 as nondiminishable, 29 as nonexcludable, 29 Public procurement, as SEA implementation problem, 340–341 Purchasing power parity (PPP) adjustments, 308 assumption, 218 currency values and, 217 defined, 216, 307 as percentage of EC-12 average, 338 Qualified majority, 332 Quota rents, 128 Quotas analysis of, 127–132 costs, in high-income countries, 140 defined, effects on profits of foreign producers, 128–130 hidden forms of protection, 130–131 IMF, 19 import licensing requirement, 128 intellectual property rights and trade (case study), 131–132 tariffs versus, 128–130 types of, 127 voluntary export restraint (VER), 128 R&D See Research and development Race to the bottom, 158 Real exchange rate, 224–226 defined, 225 formula, 225, 349 nominal rate equal to, 226 Reforms (BRICs), 417–423 Brazil, 418, 421–422 China, 417, 418–419 India, 417, 419–420 next step for, 422–423 Russia, 417, 420–421 Reforms (international financial architecture) conditionality, 289–290 data dissemination standards, 290 ideas, 288 lender of last resort, 288–289 need for, 287–288 urgency, 291 Reforms (Latin America) goals, 375–376 neoliberal, 373–380 next generation of, 378–379 structural, 375–376 trade, 357–382 Reforms (Mexican), 310–311 Regional trade agreements (RTAs), 23–28 for/against, 27–28 common market, 26 controversy, 10 creation of, 9–10 customs union, 26 defined, 10, 23 economic unions, 26 examples of, 10 free-trade area, 26 as international economic issue, 12 membership in, 24 multilateral, 23 partially filled arrays, 26 prominent, 24–25 trade diversion, 27 types of, 23–26 WTO and, 26–27 Index Regional trade blocs See Trade blocs Relative prices, 47–48 Renminbi, 431 Rent seeking defined, 108 HPAE avoidance, 396–397 import substitution industrialization (ISI) and, 363 tariffs and, 122 Research and development (R&D), industrial policy problems, 108 Resource allocation, effect of tariffs on, 118–120 Resource curse, 74 Resources, Chinese, 430 Restructuring effects, 341 Retaliation argument, 146–147 Revenue EU membership, 332 tariff, 143–144 Reverse engineering, 110 Ricardian trade model after opening of trade, 56 assumptions, 42 defined, 42 nation gain from trade, 68 RTAs See Regional trade agreements Rule of 72, 387 Russia See also BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) aging of, 416 economic reforms, 417, 420–421 industrialization, 414 integration into world economy, 15 population, 415 trade patterns, 427–428 tragic economic outcome, 421 transition economies, 420–421 USSR collapse and China success (case study), 423–425 Russian Crisis of 1998–1999, Savings global imbalances, 293–295 HPAE, 389–390, 391 national, 195–196, 197 U.S., 197 Schengen Agreement (case study), 335–336 SCM (Subsidies and Countervailing Measures), 109, 110 SDRs (special drawing rights), 19 SEA See Single European Act (SEA) Section 301, 152 Securitization, 292 Separate standards, 158 Services BRICs, 428–429 goods and, 181 SEZ (Special Economic Zones), 419 Shallow integration, Short run capital flows, 219 currency values and, 219 effects of fiscal and monetary policy, 259 exchange rates in, 218–222 gold standard and, 229 interest rates role in, 219–220 Single currency areas conditions, 237–238 costs of, 237 gains versus costs conditions, 237–238 optimal, 237–239 overview of, 236–237 reasons for, 236–237 Single European Act (SEA) defined, 337 four freedoms, 337 gains forecast, 337–339 harmonization of technical standards, 339–340 implementation of, 337 implementation problems, 339–341 predictions for impacts, 338 public procurement, 341 restructuring effects, 339 signing of, 326 value-added taxes, 340–341 Single Market Program (SMP), 327, 337 Smith, Adam, 40–41 Smithsonian Agreement, 232 SMP (Single Market Program), 327, 337 Social networks, 84 Social returns defined, 104 divergence, 105–106 reasons for difference, 106 SOE (state-owned enterprises), 432 Soft pegs, 226 Sovereign default, 274, 349 Sovereign wealth funds, 294 Sovereignty defined, 33 international economic institutions, 33–34 Spain EU membership, 352 as-euro-crisis country, 347 465 466 Index Spain (Contd.) housing market, 292–293 switch from emigration to immigration (case study), 351–353 Special 301, 152 Special drawing rights (SDRs), 19 Special Economic Zones (SEZ), 419 Specific factors model defined, 71 determinants of comparative advantage with, 72 illustrated, 72 Speculators, 211 Spending-production-income-spending cycle, 249 Spot markets, 213 Spot rates expectations and, 221 foreign exchange rate difference, 220 Stabilization policies, 373–375 Standards, 156–178 development levels, 158 environmental, 167–171 harmonization of, 157, 158 home country, 172–173 income, environment, and society (case study), 159–160 income and, 156–157 labor, 160–167 mutual recognition of, 157–158 overview of, 156–157 separate, 158 setting, 157–158 study questions, 177–178 summary, 176–177 trade measure alternatives, 171–176 vocabulary, 177 Standstills, 290 State capitalism, 423 State-owned enterprises (SOE), 432 Statistical discrepancy, 186 Sterilization, 431–432 Stolper-Samuelson theorem defined, 69 illustrated, 70 magnification effect, 70 opening of trade prediction, 318 scarce supply prediction, 86 Structural reform policies, 375 Study questions, 241–242 Subprime mortgage crisis, 2, 31, 291–292 See also Global crisis of 2007 defined, 291 spread of, 292 Subsidiarity, 331 Subsidies agricultural, 141–143 countervailing duties (CVD) and, 149 direct, 141 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM), 109, 110 Sudden stops, 189 Supply and demand aggregate, 245–249 British pounds, 215 domestic, for imported goods, 117 for foreign exchange, 213–224 money, 252 Supply-push factors, 84 Switzerland, EU membership and, 330 TAA (trade adjustment assistance), 57 Tariff rates agricultural, 137 average, 121, 138 comparison of (case study), 120–121 Latin America, 376 patterns, 137–138 products with highest average, 138 in world’s major traders, 137–138 Tariffs, 114–135 analysis of, 114–115 common external, 26 consumer and producer surplus and, 115–116 costs in high-income countries, 140 countervailing duties (CVD), 149 cuts, diminishing marginal returns, 138 decline of, 304–305 defined, Doha Round, 125–127 economic effects of, 120 effective rate of protection, 124–125 effects on prices, output, and consumption, 116–118 effects on resource allocation and income distribution, 118–120 innovation and, 122 large country case, 123–124 NAFTA, 312 nominal rate of protection, 124–125 other potential costs, 122 quotas versus, 128–130 rent seeking and, 122 retaliation and, 122 revenue, 143–144 study questions, 134–135 Index summary, 133 Uruguay Round, 125–127 vocabulary, 133 zero, 143 Technology transfer, 204 TEDs (turtle excluder devices), 170 Terms of trade (TOT), 360 Thailand currency loss, 198 pegged exchange rates, 230 Tokyo Round, 22–23 Total factor productivity (TFP), 408 TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), 316 Trade absence of, 47 after World War II, 5–6 balance of payments and, 180–207 benefits of, 10 capital flows and, 10 change and, 57 economic growth and, 10–11 environmental impacts that not cross borders and, 168–169 external economies and, 102–103 foreign, 79–81 gains see gains from trade GATT rounds, 21 geography and, 99–103 impact on wages and jobs, 85–88 income distribution and, 68–74 intellectual property rights and, 131–132 interindustry, 93 intrafirm, 79 intraindustry, 93–98 labor standards and, 163–165 migration and, 83–85 policy reform in Latin America, 357–383 reasons for, 92–93 transboundary environmental problems and, 169 world, growth of, 4–6 Trade adjustment assistance (TAA), 57 Trade balance decomposition, 181 defined, 181 overview, 180–181 U.S (1980–1988), 265 Trade barriers cultural protection argument, 146 economic sanctions (case study), 152–153 effectiveness, 163–164 endangered species and, 169–171 infant industry argument, 145 467 labor argument, 144–145 NAFTA and, 311–312 national security argument, 146 nontransparent, 114 retaliation argument, 146–147 transparent, 114 Trade blocs See also Regional trade agreements (RTAs) Africa, 25 East Asia, 406–407 Europe, 25 Latin America, 376–377 Middle East, 25 Western Hemisphere, 25 Trade conflict resolution, 13 Trade creation, 27 Trade deficits, 12 Trade diversion, 27 Trade measure alternatives, 171–176 efficient policies and, 171 home country standards, 172–173 international negotiations increase, 173–174 labels for exports, 172 Trade prices, 50–51 Trade relations Canada-U.S., 308–310 shifting focus of, 304–307 Trade rounds, 21, 22–23 Trade wars, 165 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) defined, 110 fundamental economic rationale for, 132 Uruguay Round, 126 Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) defined, 109 prohibitions, 109–110 Uruguay Round, 126 Trade-to-GDP ratio country examples, defined, United States, Traditional knowledge, 147–148 Tranches, 289 Transaction costs, Transboundary and non-transboundary environmental impacts, 168–169 Transition economies, 420–421 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 316 Transparency, international economic institution, 33–34 Transparent trade barriers, 114 468 Index Transportation costs geography and, 99–100 manufacturing, 99 Treaty of Rome, 330–331 Treaty on European Union, 327 TRIMs See Trade-Related Investment Measures TRIPS See Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Turtle excluder devices (TEDs), 170 Uncertainty reduction, 29–31 Unilateral transfers, 181 United Kingdom Bretton Woods founding principles, 32 housing market, 292–293 increase in demand for pounds, 215 increase in supply of pounds, 216 leaving gold standard, 255 recessions, 334 trade-to-GDP ratio, United Nations (UN), United States, in global economy, 1–16, 300–325 background and context, 301–307 capital and labor mobility, 6–8 free trade agreements, 306 globalization in perspective, international economic integration, 2–3 international economic issues, 11–15 international economic relations, 8–10 investor-state relations, 319–320 job loss due to trade, 320–322 key trade initiatives, 317 labor and environmental standards, 317–319 leading trade partners, 302 manufacturing (case study), 303–304 multilateral organizations, NAFTA model, 307–316 new and old agreements, 316–323 new world economy, 300–301 preferential agreements, 316 regional trade agreements, 9–10 shifting focus of trade relations, 304–307 size and, 300–301 size and rank, 301 study questions, 16, 325 summary, 323–324 trade and economic growth, 10–11 trade-to-GDP ratio, 5, 8, 302 vocabulary, 15, 324 world trade growth, 4–6 United States International Trade Commission (USITC), 151 United States Trade Representative (USTR), 152 Unsustainable debt, 201 Upper-middle-income countries, 159 Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), 126 agriculture, 141–142 case study, 125–127 defining prohibitive subsidies, 106–107 HPAE export promotion policies and, 405 new agreements, 109 results, 126 WTO creation, 21 USITC (United States International Trade Commission), 151 USTR (United States Trade Representative), 152 Value-added Apple iPhone 3G and, 87 defined, 82 taxes, 340–341 Volatile capital flows, 274–276 Voluntary export restraint (VER), 128 WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union), 235, 236 Wages as international economic issue, 12 minimum, 161 trade impact on, 85–88 Washington Consensus, 373, 378 West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), 235, 236 Western Hemisphere, regional trade blocs, 25 Widening the European Union, 350–351 World Bank creation of, criticisms of, 33–36 defined, 17 income and population categories, 159 membership, 20 as privatization proponent, 35 targeted industrial policies and, 400–401 voting structure, 34 World economy China in, 415 country isolation from, 10–11 India in, 415 integration of BRICs into, 15 Latin America in, 14 trends shaping, U.S in, 300–301 Index World Trade Organization (WTO) creation of, 9, 13, 19 criticisms of, 33–36 Dispute Settlement Body, 170 dumping, 150 environment agreements, 174 governing structure, 34 member treatment, 165 national treatment and nondiscrimination, 21 regional trade agreements and, 26–27 rules against industrial policies, 109–111 sanctions, 29 sea turtle dispute resolution, 170–171 trade agreement challenges and, 22 in trade conflict resolution, 13 Uruguay Round rules, 106–107 World War II international institutions since, 17–18 international trade after, 5–6 Zero sum, 40 469 This page intentionally left blank ® MyEconLab Provides the Power of Practice Optimize your study time with MyEconLab, the online 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Countries xv 25 8 26 0 26 0 26 2 26 3 26 4 26 6 Summary 26 7 • Vocabulary 26 8 • Study Questions 26 8 Chapter 12 International Financial Crises 27 0 Introduction: The Challenge to Financial Integration 27 0 Definition... 418 419 420 421 422 423 425 426 428 428 429 430 430 433 PREFACE International Economics is designed for a one-semester course covering both the micro and macro components of international economics. .. Area? 23 1 23 3 23 5 23 6 23 7 23 9 Summary 24 0 • Vocabulary 24 1 • Study Questions 24 1 APPENDIX: The Interest Rate Parity Condition Chapter 11 An Introduction to Open Economy Macroeconomics 24 2 24 4 Introduction: