Risk foreign direct investment

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Risk foreign direct investment

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Risk and Foreign Direct Investment Colin White and Miao Fan Risk and Foreign Direct Investment Also by Colin White RUSSIA AND AMERICA: THE ROOTS OF ECONOMIC DIVERGENCE MASTERING RISK: ENVIRONMENTS, MARKETS AND POLITICS IN AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC HISTORY COMING FULL CIRCLE: AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC RIM (with E L Jones and L Frost) STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Risk and Foreign Direct Investment By Colin White and Miao Fan © Colin White and Miao Fan 2006 All rights reserved No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 First published 2006 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N Y 10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world PALGRAVE MACMILLAN is the global academic imprint of the Palgrave Macmillan division of St Martin’s Press, LLC and of Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Macmillan® is a registered trademark in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries Palgrave is a registered trademark in the European Union and other countries ISBN-13: 978–1–4039–4564–8 hardback ISBN-10: 1–4039–4564–0 hardback This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data White, Colin (Colin M.) Risk and foreign direct investment / by Colin White and Miao Fan p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1–4039–4564–0 (cloth) Investments, Foreign Country risk Risk I Fan, Miao, 1976– II Title HG4538.W4145 2006 332.67′3–dc22 10 15 14 13 12 11 2005052283 10 09 08 07 06 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham and Eastbourne To our families This page intentionally left blank Contents List of Tables x List of Figures xi Preface xii Introduction Part I Risk and Home Country Bias A Review of Theory Concerning Risk and the Foreign Investment Decision Different approaches to risk The ‘hard’ approach to risk How is risk measured Problems with the conventional approach The peculiarities of foreign direct investment (FDI) 10 13 15 21 Risk and Risk-generating Events Integrating the treatment of risk A definition of risk Incidence, impact and response: the universality of risk Types and levels of risk The risk appetite The risk/return trade-off Home Country Bias in Foreign Direct Investment The nature of FDI What is the problem? The definition and measurement of home country bias Home country bias and the immobility of capital The causes of home country bias Home country bias and country risk Part II Different Perspectives on Investment Appraisal The Investment Process and Decision Making: the Financial Perspective The possibility and cost of mistakes vii 23 24 26 29 31 34 39 41 42 45 47 49 56 58 61 63 64 viii Contents Investment appraisal The inputs into the estimation of present value Implications of the analysis Incorporating uncertainty The real options approach 66 67 73 75 81 The Investment Process and Decision Making: the Strategic Perspective 84 Strategy and the nature of the enterprise The full range of investment options Strategic risk Strategy and the individual investment project Control of risk and an appropriate information strategy Direct investment as the preferred mode of entry 85 87 90 92 96 101 The Investment Process and Decision Making: the Organisational Perspective A coalition of stakeholders The structure of the enterprise Value and risk distribution Ownership and control Capital structure and risk: creditors and owners The decision-making process Part III The Different Types of Risk The Context of Risk The sources of generic risk The nature of global risk The perception of global risk The incorporation of global risk The nature and classification of industry risk The components of industry risk Country Risk The nature of country risk The sub-components of country risk The components of country risk The conceptual framework of country risk Assessment: weighting and the use of quantitative proxies The country risk exposure of international investment projects 104 105 109 114 117 120 122 125 127 128 131 136 137 139 141 146 147 151 155 163 163 165 Contents ix 10 Enterprise and Project Risk The nature of enterprise and project risk A conceptual framework of enterprise risk The conceptual framework of all risk The risk filter Different patterns of risk How to quantify enterprise and project risk Part IV Responses to Risk and the Determinants of FDI 11 Responses to Risk The quantification of risk and valuation of an investment project How to incorporate risk into an investment valuation Alternative approaches and a solution The strategic context The decision-making process, stakeholders and risk The adjusted present value approach 12 The Behaviour of FDI Micro investment decisions and their macro consequences The rating agencies The level and fluctuations in FDI The distribution of FDI The role of risk 168 169 171 174 175 177 183 187 189 190 191 196 203 204 206 209 210 214 221 223 235 13 Conclusion 236 Appendix 240 Appendix 242 Notes 245 Bibliography 250 Index 262 Bibliography 251 Boddewyn, J and Cracco, E F The Political Game in World Business, Management Review, vol 61, no 4, 1972a: 244–8 Boddewyn, J and Cracco, E F The Political Game in World Business, Columbia Journal of World Business, vol 7, no 1, 1972b: 45–57 Bodie, Z and Merton, R C 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model 11, 15, 95, 195–6, 236 Capital budgeting 2, 66, 87 Capital structure 120–2 Cash flows 69–70 free 119–20 Catastrophe bonds 137 Chernobyl disaster 140 China beer industry 181 Clusters 182 Commitment 179 Competencies 86–7 Competitive advantage 203 Contagion effects 17, 112, 134 Contingency 15 Convenience yield 83 Corporate culture 37 Corruption 162 Creditworthiness 150, 161 Culture enterprise 37 national 57–8 Default spread 193 Delphi method 79, 163, 216 Developing countries 181 Diminishing marginal utility 35 Discount rate 70–1, 191–3, 202–3 Diversification 12, 55, 193, 196, 211 difficulties of 129 Dunning theory of FDI flows 223–4 Economist Intelligence Unit 214 Empowerment 205–6 Enterprise as a coalition of stakeholders 105–9, 129, 195 nature of 85–7 structure of 109 Equilibrium analysis 236–7, 246 Errors, see mistakes Euro-money 163, 181, 194, 214, 216–21 Events, Risk-generating 17, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 129–30, 136, 238 Exporting 102 Expropriation 148 Externalities 17 Extreme events 13 Exxon Valdes 143 Familiarity 182 Financial theory 7, 118 262 Index 263 Floating exchange rates 215 Foreign direct investment 21–2, 31, 101 clustering of 233–4 distribution of 223–4 fluctuations in 222–3 growth of 222 influence of country risk on 213–14, 225–33, 235 level of 221–2 nature of 42–5 Framing 19, 37–8 Game theory 44 GDP (Gross domestic product) 158, 180, 223 Gearing ratio 36, 71, 120, 194 Globalization 45, 147, 149, 181 Golden straitjacket 149 Hedge ratio 200–1 Hedging 211 natural 177 Herd effects, see contagion effects Home country bias 3, 5, 46, 47–9, 239 Hutchison 144 Indeterminateness 32 Information strategy 18, 77, 80, 96–101 Infrastructural power 148 Innovations disruptive 66 Insolvency 111–13 Insurance 130, 211 Integration of markets 46 Interdependencies 22, 89, 170, 202, 204 Intermediation 42–3, 51 International Country Risk Guide 216–21 Internal rate of return 73 International production importance of Investment discontinuities in 21 national 50–4 nature of 76–7 Investment appraisal 2, 66–73, 114, 190–6, 235–7 Investment decision 13, 204–5, 207 Iteration 204 Law of one price 46, 49–50 Learning 87, 88, 167, 204, 238 Leverage ratio, see gearing ratio Licensing 102 Liquidity 173 Limited liability 111 Market efficiency 11, 15–16 Market risk premium 20, 191–2 Market security line 13 Mistake types of 64 Mode of entry 101, 235 Monte Carlo method 79, 202 Moral hazard 18, 113, 137 Morgan Stanley Capital International 192 Nationhood 56 Negotiation 123–4, 148, 162, 205, 211 Network 55 effects 17 Opportunity costs 115 Optimization 207 Options 203 call 81, 82 nature of 88–90 shadow 99 Organizational slack 115–16 Overlapping 170, 176–7 Ownership and control 117 Parity 240 Path dependency 25, 32, 66, 180 Payback period 73, 78 Performance indicators 31, 33, 133 Pharmaceutical industry 241–3 Portfolio approach 9, 12, 21–2, 42, 45, 54 Present value 3, 67–74, 94–5, 190–1, 204, 236–7 amended 92–4, 206–8 Prisoner’s dilemma 112 264 Index Probabilities distribution of 28, 79 risk-free 201–2, 249 Prospect theory 37–8, 39 Purchasing power parity 50 Rationality 122 bounded 122 Rating agencies 131, 151, 214–21 Reading the environment 98–9 Real options 2, 80–3, 99, 102–3, 198–9, 236 difficulties of 100–1 Reinsurance 136–7 Rent seeking 162 Resources 86–7 tangible 178 Risk business 8–10, 27, 39 classification of 31–2 core 10 country 12, 24, 33, 58–9, 77, 192 nature of 147–62 typology of 163–5 cultural 162–3 default 111 definition of 26–7, 31 distribution of 114–17 economic 149–50, 158–61, 181 enterprise 169–74 definition of 169 how to quantify 183–6 typology of 172 financial 8–10, 27, 150, 161 generic 128, 170, 183–5 global 131–9, 215 impact of 135, 136 mitigation of 136–7 perception of 136–7 typology of 135 impact of 29, 134, 136–7 incidence of 8, 29, 131, 134 incidental 10 industry 25, 33, 128 components of 141 definition of 139 mitigation of 143 typology of 142 interest in 245 levels of 31, 33 liquidity 32 non-systematic 8, 11–12, 54–5, 195 political 147–9, 155–8, 181 project 169–74 definition of 169 how to quantify 183–6 response to 30, 210–14 sovereign 150 specific 170, 183–5 strategic 32, 90–1, 203 systematic 8, 11–12, 33, 54–5 unsystematic, see non-systematic Risk assessment 31, 96, 129, 179 Risk appetite 34–9 Risk avoidance 31, 211 Risk context 166 Risk control 13, 24, 96–101, 205–6, 238 Risk exposure 34, 132–3 Risk filter 128, 175–7 Risk framework 175 Risk identification 96, 131 Risk management 9, 31, 211, 215 Risk matrix 33 Risk mitigation 9, 20, 31, 211, 215 Risk monitoring 97, 215 Risk premium 12, 35, 78, 120 Risk retention 211 Risk/return trade-off 34, 38–9, 101 Risk spreads 130 SARS 133, 134 Satisficing 123 Salvage value 72 Savings national 50–4 Savings decision 42–3 Scenario building 199, 204, 238 Second best 206 Sensitivity analysis 78–9, 202, 238 Separation principle 11, 26, 71 Shadow prices 73 Shareholders 10–11 Sharpe ratio 13, 94 Stakeholders 13–14, 16, 75, 105–9, 114–17, 123, 177, 204–6 characteristics of 107–8 definition of 105 international 106–7 Index 265 Strategic alliances 211 Strategy 44 emergent 88 perspective of 25, 85–7, 204 Suppliers relations with 115 Termination value, see salvage value Theory of the firm 44 Transaction costs 13, 58, 85 Time perspective 21, 98 Triad clustering of FDI in 233–4 Trust 58 Uncertainty 8, 25, 27–9, 75–6, 246 aleatory (stochastic) 28 cone of 80, 93, 200 epistemic 28 Value at risk 2, 15 Value distribution 114–17 Valuation innovation 86 Variance 11, 13 Vulnerability index 166 Washington consensus, see golden straitjacket ... the foreign direct investment decision • Section five considers the distinguishing characteristics of foreign direct investment and how they influence the treatment of risk Risk and Foreign Direct. .. peculiarities of foreign direct investment (FDI) 10 13 15 21 Risk and Risk- generating Events Integrating the treatment of risk A definition of risk Incidence, impact and response: the universality of risk. .. (Colin M.) Risk and foreign direct investment / by Colin White and Miao Fan p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1–4039–4564–0 (cloth) Investments, Foreign Country risk Risk I

Ngày đăng: 31/03/2017, 14:02

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Mục lục

  • Cover

  • Contents

  • List of Tables

  • List of Figures

  • Preface

  • 1 Introduction

  • Part I: Risk and Home Country Bias

    • 2 A Review of Theory Concerning Risk and the Foreign Investment Decision

      • Different approaches to risk

      • The ‘hard’ approach to risk

      • How is risk measured

      • Problems with the conventional approach

      • The peculiarities of foreign direct investment (FDI)

      • 3 Risk and Risk-generating Events

        • Integrating the treatment of risk

        • A definition of risk

        • Incidence, impact and response: the universality of risk

        • Types and levels of risk

        • The risk appetite

        • The risk/return trade-off

        • 4 Home Country Bias in Foreign Direct Investment

          • The nature of FDI

          • What is the problem?

          • The definition and measurement of home country bias

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