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Cacchude HÙNG BIỆN TIẾNG ANH 2015-16

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  • What are you going to do when you leave middle school/ “Scuola Media”? I’m going to go to a professional/technical school in… What are you going to study next year? I’m going to study languages, Latin and Greek, science subjects ( Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Accountancy, Tourism, etc… When are you going to leave school? Are you going to go to university? What are you going to study? Law, Medicine, Business, Economics, Languages…; Are you going to get a job? What are you going to do in the future? What do you want to be? I want to be a/an… Why? (v. scheda jobs); Do you have any plans for the future? Is there anything you don’t want to do? What? Are you going to get married? When are you going to get married? Where are you going to live? I’m going to live in another country/ in the countryside,/ at the seaside/in the mountains; What type of house are you going to live in? ( v. types of houses sulla scheda house and home). Are you going to live in another country? Where? Why?; How many children are you going to have? What type of car are you going to drive? I’m going to drive a BMW because I like fast cars, sports cars etc…;






Nội dung

CÁC CHỦ ĐỀ HÙNG BIỆN TIẾNG ANH THCS FAMILY Parents/brothers/sisters’ physical description (v.scheda Physical appearance): My Mum is tall and , she’s got… brown hair and…, I look like/I take after my mother, we’ve got the same eyes/hair etc…; parents’ job: my father is a…, my mother is a… Personality: sweet, generous, friendly, reliable, bossy, good-tempered, bad-tempered, confident, My brother is very friendly Everybody likes him My sister is very bossy, she always touches my things….She/he gets on my nerves.; Would you like to have a big family/children?, Would you like to get married? Family relations: Do you get on well with in your family? I get on well with… because we like the same things (football team, clothes, etc.)/, because he/she is very… Who you argue with? I argue with… What you argue about? I argue about… TV programmes (v scheda entertainment and media): I want to watch…, my brother wants to watch…, about school, about parties, about the time to come back home on Saturday night; about housework: my mother wants me to the washing up but HOMETOWN/PLACE YOU LIVE IN What town you come from? What you think of your hometown? Geographical features; historic places; What is there in your village? (facilities) When is the best time to visit it? Does your village have a saint’s day? When is it? How you celebrate it? Do you have special celebrations for your village? (festivals) What’s your favourite place in you village? Why? Do you like living in your village? Why/Why not? Villages vs cities/towns: making comparisons using comparatives: I like/prefer living in a small village because it is… less polluted, greener, safer, less dangerous than a big city and , people are friendlier etc…., because all my friends live here), I don’t like living in a small village because there aren’t many things to do/ because life is sometimes boring in a small village I have been living in my village for… / since…/ since I was born SCHOOL Describe your school: Do you like your school? Is it big or small, old or new? How many classes are there? How many students? Are there any special rooms/laboratories? There is an Art room , a computer room/lab, a music room, a video room… ; Do you like going to school? Why/Why not?, What subjects you take?? What is/are your favourite subject/s? (revise the school subjects) I’m good/quite good at… I like Science best, because……, I don’t like… Which subjects are the most difficult?; What subjects are you good/bad at?, How many hours of school you have every day?, Do you sometimes get low marks?, What you think of homework? Do you have much homework?, Are the teachers friendly?, How you get to school? I go to school by bus… /on foot / I walk to school How long does it take you? It takes me about… MY AMBITIONS/MY PLANS What are you going to when you leave middle school/ “Scuola Media”? I’m going to go to a professional/technical school in… What are you going to study next year? I’m going to study languages, Latin and Greek, science subjects ( Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Accountancy, Tourism, etc… When are you going to leave school? Are you going to go to university? What are you going to study? Law, Medicine, Business, Economics, Languages…; Are you going to get a job? What are you going to in the future? What you want to be? I want to be a/an… Why? (v scheda jobs); Do you have any plans for the future? Is there anything you don’t want to do? What? Are you going to get married? When are you going to get married? Where are you going to live? I’m going to live in another country/ in the countryside,/ at the seaside/in the mountains; What type of house are you going to live in? ( v types of houses sulla scheda house and home) Are you going to live in another country? Where? Why?; How many children are you going to have? What type of car are you going to drive? I’m going to drive a BMW because I like fast cars, sports cars etc…; COMPUTERS/ THE INTERNET Do you have a computer? Where you use it? (at home, at school); What you use it for? ( to study, to my homework, to practise languages, to play games ( types of games: race games, adventure games, educational games, sports games; vr games); What’s your favourite computer game? Why you like it? Because it’s ( fast, exciting, challenging, realistic, addictive); What’s the aim of the game? Do you have computers at school? What you use them for? How many hours a week you spend on a computer? How often you go on the Internet? What you use the Internet for? (to look for information, to chat with my friends, to download games/software/music/videos, to send e-mails, to visit sites, to listen to foreign radio stations, to get sports results, , to learn English….) What is your favourite website? Do you use social networks? What for? Have you got an e-mail address? What is it? Do you often send e-mails? BEST FRIEND My best friend’s name is… I met him/her when I was at nursery/ primary school/ three years ago; I have known him for /since… Physical description: My best friend is tall and… Personality: my best friend is very kind He/She always helps me if I have a problem When I’m sad he/she makes me laugh He/She listens to me when I have a problem, He/She never talks behind my back He/She keeps my secrets He/she is my best friend because we like the same things….(football team, clothes, etc.) What kind of activities you usually together? How you keep in touch? FOOD AND HEALTH What is your favourite food? My favourite food is….I like… I don’t like….I hate… because it’s /they’re……, it tastes…/they taste…/it smells/they smell ( delicious, good, disgusting, horrible) Do you like fruit and vegetables? I like… , I don’t like… I hate… ,Are there any fruit or vegetables that you really hate? I hate it/them because I don’t like the colour/the smell/the taste My mum makes me eat it/them because she says it’s/they’re good for my health What you usually have for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner? I usually have…… Is your diet healthy? Why? Why not? My diet is very healthy/quite healthy/unhealthy because I eat a lot of, too many…./too much….; I shouldn’t eat so much junk food/fatty food/ I shouldn’t drink so many fizzy drinks because they contain a lot of sugar which causes tooth-decay I should eat/drink more…….; less…… ; fewer French fries; (v scheda food) ENVIRONMENT Do you care about the environment? Do you enough to protect it? How green are you? I recycle… , switch off lights, save/waste water/electricity, recharge batteries, pick up litter, plant trees, clean rivers etc I should /shouldn’t…pick up wild flowers, leave the TV on stand-by, leave the water running, leave the light on when I go into another room, use disposable goods, pollute the air, etc SHOPPING/CLOTHES Do like shopping? I like clothes shopping/ I don’t like food shopping; Where you usually shop? What are your favourite shops? What you usually buy? What are your favourite clothes? (v scheda Clothes) What’s your favourite item of clothing? Why? Do you buy designer clothes? Why/Why not? Do you buy your own clothes? Does your mother buy them for you? Where you go to get the latest fashions? Do you follow the fashion? Are you a fashion victim? Do you think fashion is important? Why/Why not? What you like wearing to school/at the weekend? When did you last go shopping? What did you buy? How much pocket money you get every week? I usually get € a week Do you save money or you spend it all? I spend it on… ; I save it because I want to… FREE TIME/SPORTS/HOBBIES What you usually in your free time? (v scheda Leisure activities); What’s your favourite sport? (v scheda Sports ), type of sport ( individual/team sport, winter/summer sport, all year sport), Do you need any special equipment to practise it? I need a pair of football boots/ kneepads/ ; How often you practise it? I practise it once/twice/three times a week…; Why you practise it (challenging, exciting, interesting, great fun); Who you practise it with?, When you have a match?, Do you often win or lose? Who is your favourite sportsperson? Are you fit enough? What you to keep fit? How often you exercise? I have played football/ volleyball for/since… What’s your favourite hobby? FILMS/BOOKS/TV PROGRAMMES/MUSIC What type of films/books/TV programmes/music you like best? Why? (v scheda Entertainment and media) How often you go to the cinema? What is your favourite film? When did you see it? Who are the main actors? What is the story about? Who is your favourite character? Why did you like the film? What is your favourite TV programme? When is it on? Do you watch sport on TV? How many hours of TV you watch every day? When and where you usually listen to music? Who is your favourite singer/band? Do you often buy CDs? Why / Why not? Do you download music from the Internet? Have you got an MP3 player? What does it look like? YOUR HOUSE Describe your home Do you live in a flat or in a house? What type of house you live in? I live in a detached/ semi-detached/terraced house, in a block of flats What does it look like? Is it big or small? How many rooms/floors are there? There is a…, there are two…… Upstairs/downstairs/on the ground/on the first floor/in the basement there is/are… What room you like best? What does your bedroom look like? What colour is it? Do you share it? Do you have your own bedroom? Describe it using in, on , under.(v scheda house and home and 2) Do you help your mother with the housework? What you to help in the house? Who does what jobs in the house? My mum makes the beds… COLLECTING Do you collect anything? What you collect? Phone cards, stamps, old postcards, model cars, cuddly toys, animal/glass ornaments, foreign coins, fizzy drink cans, carrier bags When did you start your collection? I started it when I was….; How many have you collected? Where you keep them? I keep them in a box/ a cabinet/an album/ a drawer/ a cupboard; on a shelf/ on the bed Do you exchange or buy them? What’s your aim? My aim is to get…

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2017, 22:34


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