L-KEY WRENCHES 0443 L-Key Wrenches (TORX®), short type – Key Wrenches, for inside TORX® screws, short type – Material: Chrome Vanadium – Surface: Black phosphated Art Code 0443 l mm l1 mm g 0443 0060 T6 42 16 10 0443 0080 T8 48 16 10 0443 0090 T9 48 16 10 0443 0100 T10 51 17 10 0443 0150 T15 54 18 10 0443 0200 T20 57 19 10 0443 0250 T25 60 20 10 10 0443 0300 T30 70 24 20 10 0443 0400 T40 76 26 25 10 L-Key Wrenches set (TORX®), Minis – Key Wrenches, for inside TORX® screws, short type – Attractive Mini sets with the most important sizes – Material: Chrome Vanadium – Surface: Black phosphated – With plastic hanger and EAN label – Fully hardened Art Code 0443 g 0443 9030 0443 T6 - T8 - T9 mm 22 0443 9031 0443 T10 - T15 - T20 mm 30 0443 9032 0443 T25 - T30 - T40 mm 75 Key Wrenches (TORX®), in metal holder – Key Wrenches, for inside TORX® screws, short type – Set in practical metal holder – Material: Chrome Vanadium – Surface: Black phosphated – With plastic hanger and EAN label – Fully hardened Art Code 0443 9080 222 www.matador.de g 0443 T9 - T10 - T15 - T20 - T25 - T27 - T30 - T40 mm 265 High quality tools and more since 1900 L-KEY WRENCHES For special requirements Hard, blue turning zone made of special plastic for quick working with low friction Powerful tightening with the MATADOR 2C T-Handle Go-through blade made of special Chrome Vanadium alloy With hanging hole Soft and anti-slip black grip zone made of TPE plastic for secure hold with maximum pressure ¬ Asymmetric wings for high torque transmission 0445 ¬ Especially ergonomic design ¬ Comfortable hold thanks to exactly formed grips 2C-T-grip-L-Key Wrenches (Hexagon) – T-grip-L-Key Wrenches for inside hexagon screws, long type – With ball point head on the long end, use in awkward areas, swivel angle up to 25° – Material: Chrome Vanadium – Surface: Matt chrome finish – Fully hardened – With component handle with hard turning zone and soft grip zoneWith hanging hole 224 www.matador.de Art Code mm l mm l1 mm l2 mm l3 mm g 0445 0020 2.0 138 100 65 18 10 0445 0030 3.0 138 100 65 24 10 0445 0040 4.0 196 150 10 78 48 10 0445 0050 5.0 196 150 10 78 63 10 0445 0060 6.0 256 200 15 97 91 10 0445 0080 8.0 256 200 15 97 170 10 0445 0100 10.0 256 200 15 97 242 10 High quality tools and more since 1900